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Canal archive

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Posts posted by Canal archive

  1. The scariest strike I have ever encountered was a lorry drivers one in France, were crawling along on a motorway travelling west and there is no traffic visible in the opposite lane until there appeared 4 lorry’s across the lanes followed by four more and so on for some time travelling extremely slowly. Those lorry’s were just a little scary. 
    Most countries strike but the French do seem to be quite good at it their farmers are also striking at the moment.

  2. What - my beautiful Du Cheveux was my car of choice for many years a cream & maroon Dolly aka Rhubarb & Custard. Eventually my DH (after I’d picked him up from Heathrow one day) decided it was definitely not safe driving and bought me a double cab Toyota Pick up truck - basically from the sublime to the ridiculous, although another fun vehicle to drive.
    P. S. The 2CV car salesman explained the gear shifting as ‘tromboning’!

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  3. My first introduction to Paris traffic was taking a really wrong turning and ending up going round the Arc de Triomphe on our scooters, so we went round twice then carried on to Spain. French traffic is even worse now it’s so heavy it doesn’t move much.

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  4. Walk the top part of the Champs Elysees slowly towards the ‘Arc’ and take in the atmosphere (ignore the cars). On a Sunday look out for the little markets food or flea, good fun and lots of food tasters. Relax and enjoy don’t rush and go with the flow. Glad you’re now nearly there.

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  5. But what is more planet cherishing - paper money = trees, and the gunk that goes into printing, metal money well that’s not exactly eco friendly, and the rate we’re all using plastic these days, I know it’s only  a little oblong but they add up in more ways than one.

  6. Vienna is one of the easiest cities to get around it has an inner and outer tram circle buy your ticket and jump on and off to your hearts content. The S/Palace is huge you need time to make the most of it. Don’t miss trying the real Sachertorte and Viennese coffee.  If you’re offered an evening of dancing etc go for it a bit of bling and enjoy. If you’re going in the colder time of year beware of the gluhwein it’s actually quite potent. Enjoy. 

  7. Goldenrosegags thank you so much for introducing this subject, I find myself agreeing with so many of the answers and helpful hints. I’ve realised that especially on a full cruising day admittedly not that many on the rivers I could sit in the lounge with a book, my earbuds in so that the phone comes to life when we pass something interesting a nod to another passing passenger if required, coffee tea or other drink whenever required and be completely in my element. To think I’ve only just realised this about myself, well we live and learn because I could do this in my cabin but not all day as the steward has to do his or hers tweaks to make it presentable again.

  8. Okay so I’m just a bit old fashioned and I’d fly BA don’t know anything about Wizzair and wouldn’t touch Ryanair with a barge pole for too many reasons. Before you decide though work out where in the Cotswolds you plan on visiting as the area as a whole now includes the city of Bath and altogether is not a small area for one day. Yes Windsor is doable in one day. Also what time of year some of the admittedly cute/pretty/charming Cotswold towns can get really packed with visitors in the summer and late spring. I’m not trying to put you off I live on the edge of the Cotswolds it is a beautiful area, Windsor is Windsor is Windsor one of my old stomping grounds as a youngster pretty, great castle beautiful park with loads of wildlife. Think a bit like this if you were me flying into Washington and had two days to play with where would you go? 

  9. Basel was the scene of a few firsts for myself and my year mates from school. We went on a school trip, by coach to Natters in Austria. First time we encountered Duvets, first time the toilet was the two foot places and squat. All this on the top floor of what is now a very posh hotel by the Central Park in Basel. An eye opener for a fourteen year old.

  10. Stock your wallet up for a visit to Madrid, wonderful shopping city oh and of course everything Spanish. Toledo steel is beautiful. About the only place in Spain I have yet to visit is the Alhambra.

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