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Posts posted by 2chiefs

  1. 42 minutes ago, Ptroxx said:

    Just have your own M&M.  Meet at a bar and get together.  What’s forcing you to go through the M&M page.   

    use FB and set something up on your cruise page.   That’s what we did a few weeks ago.    

    if Royal can put 50-100 people on a tender or a bus to move people around. Why can you have a get together.     
    makes no sense.   

    Sensibility went out the window a long time ago it seems.....


    • Like 2
  2. 5 minutes ago, brillohead said:


    If you've been tested and are positive for COVID, you will be moved to a "red zone" on the lower decks near medical.

    If someone in your group tests positive but you test negative, you'll be sequestered in your regular room for 24 hours and then tested again.  If you're negative on your second test, you're released and can move freely about the ship again.

    So it's really not worth booking a balcony "in case of COVID" when you wouldn't otherwise book a balcony room.  

    Thanks. It was the early days of covid when you got stuck in your own room for extended periods that caused some trepidation for inside rooms. Today, I guess it really doesn't matter.


    Back to the OP's original question about room availability being the primary driving decision, I personally would go for it. 

  3. 42 minutes ago, flamingos said:

    We are looking at a cruise on Voyager, but the only cabins available are decks 2 and 3.  I'm OK with anywhere, usually, so long as it's on the ship.  Anyone have experience with lower decks?

    We've booked them for extended days at sea for the smoother ride. Like BrilloHead said, a room is a room. I wouldn't not cruise if it was the only one available.


    Normally we could care less if we have a balcony but now with the possibility of being quarantined to your room, we book balconies.


    However, now my understanding is that now you can be quarantined to a lower deck near medical anyway. Not sure exactly how that works. Perhaps someone with first-hand knowledge can elaborate.

  4. 5 minutes ago, Pandamonia said:


    Lol. RCCL is losing money on every cruise and as a business burning through cash. Ships are not filled to 'desired capacity' they are filled to the very limited capacity set out by the CDC. 


    The UK has abandoned masks and will soon abandon isolation too. 


    Some people put up with things short term but this isnt short term any more and people are sick to death of being told what they should and shouldnt do. 


    Masks are dreadful. 

    I don't wear a mask now and refuse to (except as required for medical visits). We live in Georgia with no mandates. I recently went to the Chicago area and Cook County is still on major lockdown. I went to a restaurant, and they wanted to see my shot card and a photo ID to get in. Then they want you to wear a mask in the restaurant except at the table while eating. Evidently covid doesn't spread while eating but is deadly when transiting to and from the exit and bathrooms.

    • Like 6
    • Haha 2
  5. We enjoy the ship on Labadee stops. The beach food is just average in our opinion. 

    We like to just stay on the ship and enjoy the solarium hot tub by ourselves (or sometimes with a couple other people) with a few drinks. The Windjammer lunch is nice with few people. Very relaxing.

  6. On 1/26/2022 at 6:11 PM, smplybcause said:


    I'm normally not one to care that much about itinerary changes, but at least when I looked a while ago the Bermuda cruises were a lot of $$$ more than a Caribbean one. So it'd suck to book it at the higher price and then have Royal bail if Bermuda doesn't change it's policy. 


    I'm guessing a lot don't realize how strict Bermuda is being and think they are like the Caribbean islands? 

    There were major price reductions on this cruise. You might want to check again.


  7. On 1/26/2022 at 11:37 AM, mafig said:


    One other consideration is cost $$$$.  The 15th is more money.....I was looking for a JS and they seem to be sold out on the 15th.  

    You might want to consider a regular balcony. I'm booked on the 15th and there was a major price drop (for most cabins anyway), Our balcony dropped $860 and there was an OBC of $50 added. People are reporting similar or bigger price drops for the 7th cruise.


    Why not book both legs!!??

  8. 8 hours ago, VTSKIandCRUISEGUY said:

    No, it's like refinancing your mortgage. Borrowing money to pay off existing debt does not increase the debt load. And if they're able to get a lower interest rate, then all the better

    Unfortunately most refinance so they can add debt load. (been there, done it when I was young but I've since wised up). I should have been a little more clear.

    • Like 1
  9. 55 minutes ago, RedneckBob said:

    You might consider not cancelling. So called expert believe this latest outbreak will peak in two weeks in Florida and by end of February be almost gone.

    Funny but I said the same thing on another thread and the moderator removed it. They must have thought it was political or misinformation...

  10. On 1/3/2022 at 1:21 PM, Tee & Chilli said:

    We sailed on Mariner in October and didn’t notice any maintenance issues.

    It may be in the eye of the beholder. Ships sail on salt water and rust very fast. Sometimes a little rust will cause some people to call it "tired" when, in reality, brand new ships will get a little rust very fast. It's hard for tha maintenance crew to keep up with it. Afterall, they can't correct the rust until it rusts.. LOL  

  11. 1 hour ago, RosieRoo said:

    For those of you who dine in the specialty restaurants, do you think the unlimited dining is worth it on the smaller ships where there are only a couple of pay restaurants?  Sailing on the Jewel in January and with people saying there is zero social distancing in the MDR I was wondering if the unlimited dining would be better. Not sure if the social distancing in Chops or Giovannis is any better than the MDR. 

    You're worried about social distancing and booking a cruise?

    Doesn't make sense to me...

    • Like 1
  12. 16 hours ago, erinsmom03 said:

    Making my to do list of what I need to cancel for our Jan 3rd Freedom cruise... while I completely regret that we won't be cruising, it's just too much right now. Covid cases are crazy, record breaking high in Florida, cruises are being denied entry to ports, flights are being cancelled, the worry of quarantine needed  during or after a cruise, too many passengers on board... the list of reasons to cancel is far outweighing my desire to be on a cruise ship 😬


    • Thanks 1
  13. On 12/25/2021 at 8:21 AM, Funky Fusion FoodsJ said:

    I really don’t understand all the complaints as though it is a big surprise that cruising is different right now.

    Maybe it's not a complait per se. She's just letting people know what they have or don't have available right now. I appreciate the heads up.

    Personally, I'm not cruising till this all goes away. Our last cruise was October 2019 and we miss it dearly but all this uncertaintly isn't worth it. We are vacationing other ways until if/when this blows over...


    • Like 2
  14. 2 hours ago, island lady said:


    We have had it both ways, getting our new sea pass cards on turnaround day...and on some ships...the night before.  


    Some ships they march us off the ship to go through customs...some ships...customs comes on board and they march us down the outside promenade deck to "ding out" and then immediately "ding back in" walking back inside again.  


    RCI:  Really Consistently Inconsistent.   Though in this case...it's more about the shore team from the  port than anything. 

    We've experienced both as well.

    It has more to do with customs probably.

    We've always had lunch and sometimes even with free wine...

    • Like 1
  15. On 9/15/2021 at 5:42 PM, vjmatty said:

    It is always nice to meet Navy retirees. DH retired in 2007 from the Reserves... before that he was active duty in the 80's on the USS Iowa and port services in Sardinia, then they activated him for the Iraq war in 2005.  He was always worried that he would hate cruising because of his Navy career, then our first cruise on Enchantment OTS in 2007 had us both hooked.  Now years later my SIL is interested in a military career and we are both quietly and subtly encouraging him toward the Navy lol.


    As for the Oasis, I am really looking forward to it next month... RCL and Celebrity serve the northeast so much better than our familiar line Princess, and I figured if we are going to sail 2021when things are so tenuous, its better not to worry about flights. Hope to catch up with you some time in the future.

    I was stationed in Sardinia for two years, 1976 - 1978.

    I was with the Sub Squadron there (I'm a non-submariner however) aboard the USS Piedmont which was a sub repair ship moored at the NATO sub base on an island just off Palau, Sardinia

    I lived on the island of LaMaddalena and had to ride a boat to work every morning.

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