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Posts posted by 2chiefs

  1. 12 hours ago, neverlaysup said:

    They should just substitute it with Vegan Bacon, my vegan friends swear it tastes just like regular bacon!

    If they're vegan, how would they know it tastes like real bacon?

    Are they cheating?

    • Like 1
    • Haha 5
  2. On 8/22/2021 at 9:06 AM, Couple-Somerset said:


    It's the one one Edge and Apex which costs around $60,000 per cabin for a 7 night cruise - there are two of them.


    You can "hit lucky" lol and get one for around $25,000 using MoveUp if there are any left.


    Still above my comfort level but they certainly look great.


    Yipes! Way above my comfort level!

  3. 56 minutes ago, cruiseguy1016 said:


    That would mean that somebody in RCI's IT department was smart enough to program the system to do it. If you've followed RCI at all, you know that that person does not exist.

    That person does too exist.

    RCI just hasn't hired him/her yet.... 😀😄

    • Haha 1
  4. 22 minutes ago, Margarita Jane said:

    Just my experience….we did a b2b on Equinox, 8/1 and 8/8. We could not get the same stateroom for both sailings. On 8/1, we had a SV. It was great! On 8/8, we booked a balcony, and bid to move up to Aqua. We are Elite, but had never sailed in Aqua. Unfortunately, the stateroom we were assigned (1512) was under exercise equipment. Every morning at 6:00am, we were awakened by the pounding of people exercising…and we are not early risers.

    Moral - with move up bids, you are getting a guarantee and have no choice of location. I knew that, but with ships sailing at or below 50%, I didn’t think I’d get the worse Aqua available (😳).


    Probably won’t risk move up in the future….

    Thanks for the info.

    We always pick our cabins and now we know not to "move up" if we are offered something.

  5. 1 hour ago, bjlaac said:

    Every day I sign onto this site there's more and more stupid hoops to jump through to cruise.  I'm "this" close to cancelling our December cruise with all the pre-testing added cost and now this tracking band!


    Do any of you know where all of these restrictions are printed in one place or do we just learn about it at the pier?

    We just cancelled our December cruises because of this, masking, and testing. Only one booked cruise left for May 2022. If things don't normalize soon, that one will be cancelled and we will figure out some other venue for vacations.


  6. 12 hours ago, Wlhoeft said:

    Glad to hear this. I hate to dress up (even slacks and a blouse) to eat dinner. I like to eat and go. MDR takes too long when you aren’t interested in eating all the courses. We usually go to the Windjammer for dinner unless we are traveling with the kids and grandkids. When we have a group, it is a nice time to hear about everyone’s day. 

    The MDR no longer takes too long. It's more like a regular restaurant now where they want to serve you quickly and get you out. They even take your complete order including desert right at the begining of the meal.

    • Like 1
  7. 6 minutes ago, Biker19 said:

    Welcome to CC and coming out of lurk mode.


    Dress code in the MDR is already relaxed and it has nothing to do with the WJ being closed for dinner.


    MDR dress code went "that-a-way" several years ago. Nothng is enforced even if there is a code.

    • Like 1
  8. 9 minutes ago, coaster said:

    I enjoy MDR and like taking to others at our table. Like to hear how their day went. Always request a table for at least 6.  Why I left NCL years ago when they got rid of traditional dining. Just boring to me to sit alone as a couple at a table in an extra fee restaurant.

    We always request a big table too for the same reasons. Some cruises have been a bust though because people go to specialty restaurants or Windjammer and the wait staff won't let you switch tables. There have been times whe we were the only 2 people at an 8-top for the entire cruise!

    • Like 1
  9. 20 hours ago, davekathy said:

    The staff needs to play some of the other great songs from the 70's besides disco. 

    I know "to each their own" but to me, I hated the the disco thing back when it was popular. Thank goodness it was short-lived (in my opinion). There was a lot of other great music from the '70's.


    On my first cruise in 1996 they had a sock hop which was a lot of fun. I guess that's getting quite old now. I see by the thread so far that things are moving forward and the "oldies" are now into the 90's.

    • Like 1
  10. We do not have kids but we sail every year just before Christmas and the ship is decocorated to the hilt.

    We've only been on two cruises over Christmas and both times they went all out for the kids! For instance, Santa was tracked by radar until final arrival on the ship and then gifts were given out for the kids. (Not sure this would work on the mega ships!)


    They always have extra Chrismas shows in the theater and at the ice rinks.


    You and your kids will love it.


  11. 23 minutes ago, brillohead said:


    What I read was that they're still giving out the block, but not having the "big event" where it is presented to you in front of everyone at the "top tier event" (because they're no longer having the top tier event).  

    So yes, you get your block, but it just gets left on your vanity like your free can of soda, without the hoopla of a presentation.

    We have a few crystal blocks but we never had a ceremony. It was just left in our cabin so I guess it's no change for us...  🙂 

  12. 13 hours ago, Oxo said:

    They sectioned off a back portion of one of the MDRs which was used by D, D+ and P. They served special coffees, drinks, and breakfast. Not all ships did that.


    I don't think it's a published perk.


    Our experience:

    1. On a few of our cruises the MDR breakfasts were very nice, secluded with a sign and separate door. In my opinion this would be a great perk I would really like to see added. It really wouldn't cost much for  RCI. We've even seen some ships open up one of the specialty restaurants (for seating only) near the Windjammer area for the buffet breakfasts. You'd get your food through the regular line and take it to the restaurant.

    2. Some MDR breakfasts were nothing more than a designated area and you still had to wait in the regular line. Not advertised. You had to ask.

    3. Some ships didn't have it at all.

  13. 11 hours ago, Reel Love said:

    At one time I went to book my brother (Canadian military) to join us on a cruise and checked the "military rate" but the final price was the exact same as when I did a 'dummy' booking without the military rate???  Did both "bookings" again and looked very carefully at each page/step.  End result is that when Celebrity gave the military discount up front, suddenly the Go Better, Go Best (I think that was what it was called a couple of years back) was a charge for the exact same amount as the military discount.  If booked without using the military discount there was no charge for the Go Better, Go Best so end result was the price was the same.  IMHO it was kind of shady how they did this.....if one was not paying attention and wanted the Go Better perks it turned out to be no discount at all

    I think that's what's happening. No discounts at all! Just playing with numbers to lure people into thinking they're getting a deal. They might be better off doing what Viking River Cruises does. Double the price and then then offer BOGO's...  LOL

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