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Everything posted by jagsfan

  1. So sorry to read that! Such a shock it must have been to miss that step and then to get the news that your ankle break was so bad. I hope it heals well and that your recovery period goes quickly. You’ll have time to read, which would be my silver lining.
  2. It’s a fine line to tread to participate in gatherings and know when to stop to be fairly sure of not getting a positive at the crucial point. I felt like a tightrope walker in March.
  3. Twice we have flown to Oahu for a couple of days in a hotel, then to Maui and stayed a week in a condo, then to Kauai for another week. The step down from bustling Oahu to less busy Maui and then tranquil Kauai worked well for us. The flights between islands were fun. Smaller planes and friendly crew and happy passengers.
  4. It’s usually fun because if the conversations. And the captains have some great stories.
  5. I agree. What you see in the casket is just the shell that person was walking around in. The soul didn’t die. Believing that makes it easier to face my own mortality. Everyone has different beliefs, and hopefully comforting ones.
  6. The wake takes some of the “unknown” away. The children know that their dad’s body has been taken care of. Talking about him, especially about the good times, and laughing about the little funny things will keep his memory alive. I think the worst thing for those that are grieving is to avoid mentioning the deceased. I think people struggle with not knowing what to say to mourners is because they want to give comfort without talking about the person they’re mourning.
  7. Not only do many rush in, but even when they don’t, they stand directly in front of the elevator doors blocking any one’s exit.
  8. Did both rapids the same day. CVS at 10am and Walgreens at 11am. CVS we sat in our chairs and very gently each nostril was swabbed. Walgreens we sat in our car and were watched through the window while we did our own swabbing, the woman counted to 10 for each nostril. in both cases, less than 5 minutes and it was not a brain poking episode. i had COVID tests twice in November and December at the hospital (PCR) and it was the same as the rapid tests.
  9. Walgreens, at least in Florida, does not charge. They don’t ask for insurance info.
  10. My DH still doesn’t know 33 years later what our DD’s wedding cost. I had a separate checking account just for extras. She deserved it, but I didn’t want to explain everything. The happy couple let me in on the decision making, and we had fun with it. The bar bill was the only unknown amount, but my SIL had said his fraternity brothers just drank beer. When it’s an open bar with all top shelf booze, evidently nobody just drinks beer. I’ve never been more shocked than when the manager asked me if I wanted to close down the bar. It was getting late so I thought maybe another half hour. He said maybe he should tell me where we stood right then and gave me a figure. Closest I’ve ever come to fainting! It has been a great marriage, and was worth cleaning out my private stash.
  11. I’m glad I didn’t see that on the website. we presented our printed from the email negative COVID test from Walgreens and that was it. I don’t think they really looked at it. Walgreens also doesn’t ask for Medicare or insurance info. We had made an appointment with CVS, also, the Walgreens was a back up in case CVS canceled. Cvs required Medicare and insurance info. I received my monthly printout of what insurance paid, and Medicare paid CVS over $200 for my test. i know you didn’t ask about insurance etc, but thought I’d mention the difference between CVS and Walgreens. I did not tell CVS it was for travel.
  12. Our daughter and son-in-law’s house construction couldn’t be started for months because of gopher tortoises. They had to wait for the official “searchers” to search the entire property for their burrows, then wait for the report. then wait for the tortoises themselves to be relocated. It’s important to do that, pain in the neck as it is, just as it’s important to not have lights shining toward the ocean during egg laying time for the sea turtles.
  13. Soft pillow between your knees will solve that. I’m a side sleeper and even take my “knee” pillow when I travel.
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