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Everything posted by Megabear2

  1. Hey guys, whisper it very, very softly but the sun has come out, it's 22 degrees and I'm doing my CC catch up on the pool deck with my first cocktail of the day listening to jazz saxophone music. Hope everyone poorly is feeling better today and rain or nay enjoy the bank holiday.
  2. But it's what the individual wants to do with their own hard earned money that counts, surely. You like spending an absolute fortune on meals out which many might consider equally obscene as paying for Saga or Cunard Grills is to you. They don't challenge your right to do that so why challenge them on their cruise choice?
  3. Wot me, I come from a two up two down railway cottage with an outside bog and a tin bath. I'm the irritating little fly they're not quite sure how to swat away. Down here in the cheap seats I'm currently using my Labour Party membership card to keep the lights on!
  4. Yes the cans were out yesterday for shoreside but seem to be a bit limited in availability at present. I'm guessing they'll be out more now the sun's come out.
  5. Keep up lad, keep up. Queen Anne has plenty of paid restaurants if you want them and most importantly you can book once onboard and get in. No climbing ropes or escape rooms but excellent uncrowded facilities abound for adults. High quality modern fixtures and fittings and goodness me designed by the same people who did Arvia. Much more room at 3,000 or so guests as well no bunfight for a chair and goodness me sunbeds. Believe it or not even Cunard has a modern ship, just trying to keep the refinement. If you've not tried it don't judge it.
  6. Nowt wrong with the Grills Zap, they share tables too so are down with the likes of us.
  7. Unfortunately not. There have been many complaints about this I understand. It is indeed uncomfortable to watch, particularly for something like a film. It is the one major flaw with the room design I'm afraid.
  8. I'm currently using the drinks package on Queen Anne and can confirm that when I order water they ask do I want large or small. The water is Harrogate and comes in glass bottles. Unfortunately in some bars I am virtually invisible! However I am not (well I believe!) a heavy alcohol consumer so was dubious the cost was worthwhile. I can confirm that I am break even or just over most days. I'm no wine connoisseur and everyday offerings more than suffice but the price cap is very restrictive even on these with limited choice. However I like wine from Greece and luckily there us a very pleasant one available in Carinthia but my dining room availability is limited, particularly on white wine to small glasses of Pinot or Chardonnay. The choice for cocktails and spirits is far higher and virtually all offerings fall within the drinks package. Convenience is the best part of the deal.
  9. Since 1837 or so P&O have existed and they've gone through many changes but the basic premise remains the same.. yes change has come and gone but the idea of leisure travel on ships is the same. In 30 years time, which is a blink of the eye in P&O's history, that main thing will remain: a ship, the ocean and people enjoying the thrill of an ocean going vessel. No technology, innovations or invention will change that.
  10. Unfortunately change is not always best for some people. I'm currently sitting on a brand new ship which is so far removed from her sisters you'd think it was a different line. Personally I think that's great, others don't. It's all opinions of individuals. I don't care if a ship is old or new, small or large but it must offer decent service to the majority of its guests and not involve disappointment in lack of basic things. Basically if you don't like it, don't go back again to check. That way lies disappointment. Change for changes sake is not always a good idea. I remember the slogan Tesco ran "Changing the way you shop". It referred to removing high street stores and putting them in large retail park areas. Five years later they had to invent high street metro stores because the public quite clearly didn't want the way they shopped to change or be dictated to.
  11. Unfortunately it works both ways as some like to attack those who prefer the older ships. As you say different ships for different people. Personally I find it all very tiring, we all want or like different things so why not be harmonious.
  12. Somewhere called Leith Walk, quite a few shops there and then a fabulous little shop in South Queensferry called Harbour Lane. I bought some lovely woollen items and also some hand painted coasters for my collection. The taxi guy was great and I hired him for 3 hours. I also visited the RNLI shop.in South Queensferry as I'm very big on support them so bought everyone a hand painted mug with the bridges on. Really looking forward to coming back in Juky with the other half.
  13. I just wanted to thank @Eglesbrech for all the help and advice for today's port call in South Queensferry. Unfortunately the weather didn't play ball and we were very late in being allowed off as the water was difficult for the tenders. Unfortunately I did not manage to get off until around 1.30pm so all the bug plans for longer trips were rather kiboshed. However I did get a great taxi driver who took me on a lovely scenic drove around and I was also able to go to a real non tourist shop for some lovely souvenirs for myself and the family, all actually made in Scotland with not a China label in sight. I also got to sample a few drams of various types. Overall had a great day and although only for a short while I did see a little Sunshine over Leith.
  14. I believe it's the size of the ships and number of venues that are making things difficult. I'm here on Queen Anne, the only thing I'm compelled to book by app is the Bright Lights Society - the equivalent of I'd say 710 Club. The 9.15 shows book up of the morning but the availability for the other days is still there. I experimented with an app bookings this morning, it was instant. How when I arrived at breakfast the desk said, no ignore that just come along! The only breakfast queue was day one, about 5 minutes. I did use the app on QM2 last year, it was equally a mess. Cunard staff however adapted to the circumstances and overrode it. P&O's staff do not seem to have enough tables to overcome build up and people do seem to miss out as a result. I still believe volume and capacity is most of the problem and on the two big ships the 90 minute table turn should be strictly adhered to.
  15. That's where we differ. I would not like joining a queue at 6.00pm to wait an hour and a half or more. I'd like a proper estimate, ie if I knew the time for dinner was limited to 90 minutes I could make an informed decision. I booked all my dining on Arvia the second it was released as I'm happy to eat early. However it's nothing to do with not living in the good old days but I do think of others having difficulties and do not like to witness obvious distress that some were being caused by not being able to get into restaurants. If there's 5,200 onboard the majority can't book in advance.
  16. I think that the original question was not about the app more about lack of availability of bookings after release? My good friend ICF loves the app and appears to believe I will not/do not use it. Whilst true I generally avoid it on P&O ships, I'm quite happy to use it. The difference is that Arvia and Iona are awash with things you have to book whereas Britannia and down are not. My one and only experience on Arvia told me that booking before departure was essential to get into any pay restaurant, the diner or Olive Grove as using the app could well mean a wait of an hour or more. I appreciate things may have changed and Iona could be different. You need to remember I'm often travelling solo so would not want to sit in a bar for an hour or more wondering if I'm going to get called. On one occasion I put myself in the queue for the Glass House for dinner and after 1 hour 20 minutes hot the message the queue was full, I'd been no.8 in the queue. The result was I had to go elsewhere to eat but what a chronic waste of my time sitting around in the Atrium waiting for Godot. I used the app both on Arvia and Britannia for breakfast and it was fine, however it became apparent on Britannia that the turn up queue- separate entrance - gained more or less immediate access compared to app bookings so we abandoned use of the app. I'm actually not averse to the app.
  17. Yes I have taken mine out. It actually lay behind the top one rather than directly beneath so if I hadn't done so my long hanging space was 10 hangers in two narrow wardrobes. This is how mine look now. I've put the removed hanger up so you can see the width. On missing things I gave a strange one! My under the sink shelf contains an unopened box of tissues, however I cannot find anywhere in the room or bathroom where a tissue dispenser can be found. I'm tempted to open the new box and see where it travels to!
  18. As you know Selbourne like yourself I'm extremely obsessive about noise! I can honestly say in this regard that this is one of the quietest cabins on any ship I've had. A very muffled door across the corridor yesterday evening is the only thing I've noticed. I'd be very happy to pick this room again.
  19. He was talking about that experience and telling the story of how he had to learn to play the songs in less than 24 hours!
  20. Day 2 has whistled by! The weather unfortunately did not play the game. It was damp and slippery underfoot if you were brave enough to venture out. Some brave crew members were out on deck 3 with buckets and ladders this afternoon though. It was interesting to see how the ship coped with so much effectively off limits. Seating seemed to be plentiful, as a resident in the cheap seats this is important to me but Queen Anne scored well with me. The entertainment was varied and full. For my part after breakfast I had a full diary until 6.00pm. I tend to eat early, as the dining room opens. This was 8.00am today. A pleasant experience at a table for 6 at the window directly looking at the wake was provided for six solo travellers. The food was varied and hot and the company good. Interestingly of the six four had the previous night had the same experience as me being told they must dine alone upstairs on the 3rd deck. Clearly this is some sort of planned policy evolving for the anytime dining singles. Sadly everyone of the people who fell victim to this idea were unhappy about the situation. After breakfast I attended the port talks on Belfast and Greenock. Although a welcome piece and informative I did feel the presentation lacked any passion as it was read direct from the IPad with little true enthusiasm. Interesting to have the talks at all as all my recent cruises on other lines had offered nothing. Following on at 11.00am was Midge Ure. As there was only 15 minutes between the presentations many remained for this, the theatre was not cleared in between. This was an outstanding presentation to a full house. He was amusing and highly informative with a really good presentation style - well in my humble opinion! Following this I thought I'd try the pub for a light bite lunch and a beer. My choice of the ham balls (?) was excellent just enough to curb the hunger. The service here was once again very good. I have a few comments on the issue of service in other venues for solo lady travellers but will expand elsewhere. At 1.00pm it was time to register for archery in the Bright Lights. I arrived at 12.55pm to find the venue full standing room only. Clearly this is going to be very popular with everyone channelling their inner Robin Hood! Anyway my registration has taken me to the brave new world at 11.00am on 30th May so it's going to be interesting! I did nearly 30 years ago try archery when on holiday in Mauritius. I didn't hit the target once in the three weeks of trying although I can claim the dubious honour of my arrow going under the board and spearing a poor unfortunate crab who had the misfortune to be sideling by ... none of which augur well! After signing up to try not to be a one woman hit squad I tested the swimming pool up in the pavilion which was extremely pleasant and then a quick ice cream - the health coach will not be pleased - before heading to the theatre for the early performance of Brief Encounter. What a fabulous hour that was, such a well produced and entertaining show I'd recommend it as a do not miss. Just time after this to pop in the shop to splash the cash on a few Queen Anne teddies and a sweatshirt for people back home and then back to prepare for the Black & White Ball. I did say preparing ... well it all went a bit astray when after the titivating I went to put on my glamorous black and white sequin dress to suffer a very serious malfunction when the zip broke! Big panic, what else do I have in black and white? Well actually nothing, what really? No, not a thing! I love colour, the brighter more outlandish the better so a quick sprint through revealed absolutely nothing except some black trousers. What to do? Well Cindererlla cast caution to thecwind and wore a black and vivid pink full sequin dress to the ball and to he'll with it! And guess what, despite her reservations it was just fine. The new table for dinner awaited at 8.30 so with trepidation I wandered in. So much nicer, a table seating eight a really nice mix of people, such a relief. Dinner itself was excellent, I'm not one gorfood photos, sorry I normally forget and eat before I think I should gave taken one. However I can say the escargot , venison and lemon souffle were excellent, perfectly cooked, the correct temperature and with great presentation and service. After dinner a quick look into the Queen's Room to watch the dancing accompanied by a large g&t and then back to the room via a jot chocolate. Thankfully the fight with the lifts did not occur tonight but tomorrow in Scarlett O'Hara's words is another day and the fight will begin again! On retturn to the room I have my paperwork to complete for the naming ceremony. We have to decide if we wish to ge ashore and hand the form back by the 28th for our lanyard to be produced. It will be interesting to see how many choose the option as most people I've spoken to seem to be planning to stay onboard. Anyway bed calls, I hope I've not bored you too much with my waffling!
  21. If I go to a land based restaurant I'm given an approximate wait time, if I take a pager I'm given an approximate wait time, if I'm visiting WDW or Thorpe Park I'm given an approximate wait time. Why do you think it's impossible to do that via a proper app? I'm currently on Queen Anne and I'm using the app which is identical to P&O's. I'm not against the idea of the app but it isn't sophisticated enough, others do it better. Not everyone wants to go and sit in a bar they might prefer to do something else while waiting. A rough estimate of time would be helpful in that decision. There are those who have joined the app queues never to get called - plenty of reports of that here on the board. You had the queues on Princess and have experienced what a very large number of us had on Arvia. We didn't make it up, it happened no more than we expressed surprise at your experience. If it's improved great but the P&O reviews tend to indicate they are not there yet. I'm not against the app at all but in some respects it's useless because there are walk ups too. We had it on Britannia, two separate queues yet app users had no idea when of if they'd get in - breakfast could be mayhem!
  22. Arvia has two main dining rooms plus Olive Grove and the diner, unless someone has changed somei don't know about? I use the technology in fact I'm using it on another line as we speak but frankly technology that's a half way house and doesn't tell me how long they queue I'm joining is is probably as good as a chocolate teapot. What's actually the point of this post please? If you're telling me something is different 11 months ago about how the dining room set up is fine but otherwise I'm rather at a loss
  23. Arvia has a known problem with "normal" dining as she only has two main dining rooms. It would appear also that many older and wiser P&O guests do not use the main dining rooms as they cannot queue, dislike the app booking and in some cases consider the food inferior. As a result they book out the paid for dining immediately it opens. This only seems to happen on the two bigger ships but has crept in to some extent on Britannia. Personally I disliked having to book every single thing and it felt like I was staying in an American resort hotel.or WDW where I needed a spreadsheet to control my day! There is little chance to amend or change a booking either as quite simply there is little or in most cases no availability once onboard. It is interesting reading the Feefo comments forms how many express their disappointment they couldn't even get one speciality restaurant booking.
  24. Hello sunshine lovers. Here in the North Sea there's no hint of a ray or two! At noon we were 29 miles off Great Yarmouth. It is grey, misty with drizzle and 13 degrees ... Had a good morning at Insight Lecture with the highly talented Mr Ure and port presentations for Belfast and Glasgow. These presentations are the one thing I wish P&O would offer more of, it's really nice to get an insight to what we will fund on disembarking along the way. We are having a CCF get together at 2.00pm, looking forward to putting some names to faces hopefully including Selbourne and Lady S. For now the pub calls me for a Peroni and a ploughmans. Hope everything feeling better today. Take care everyone.
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