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Everything posted by Megabear2

  1. Shorts were being worn everywhere except the MDR and Crows Nest at Christmas. Those venues were trying very hard to keep the dress code. Ss I said elsewhere any gent in a sleeveless top was sent to change to one with sleeves which in all truth seemed silly at breakfast as long as it wasn't a vest. The ladies seemed to be very scantily dressed but nothing was said. I thought the dress code only applied in the MDR and Crows Nest on my last few P&O cruises both in the Med and Caribbean to be honest.
  2. PG Tips You can ask for fruit teas too and these are also PG. Same in the buffet
  3. Not at dinner. Okay for breakfast/lunch - no mens sleeveless tops at any time. There was some leeway first couple of nights re shorts but I believe probably due to the massive flight delays.
  4. I understand. How much is "too much", you are allowed I believe a litre of spirits per person. Many on here say they take more. Your alcohol might get confiscated if it's way over the top but they won't throw you off the ship. Hopefully Wowzz will be along soon to give full details- he's the expert on volumes!!
  5. It surely was the Dying Fly from that masterpiece Tiswas!
  6. There isn't one anymore. All cruises apart from a very few who will be notified are all questionnaire free from 9 December 2022 departures. You may get asked a couple of questions at the airport but not many have been.
  7. Good job they weren't sailing in 2022 as they'd have been very confused by the call sign for 10!
  8. It may be because this is an adapted cabin to allow wheelchair access. When I sailed with my mother in adapted cabins there was as little clutter as possible for ease of movement.
  9. Assuming its the same for the other MDR a corridor leading to a corridor suggests they were anticipating they need a large queue area. Anyone who's sailed on Iona come across this "corridor" queuing area? I'm racking my brains and can't think of anything like it on the rest of the fleet.
  10. The whole idea of a corridor seems rather ridiculous. I'm probably being very stupid but where does it go at the other end? Does it open out into something and if so do the queues spill into any other area?
  11. That's not passengers though, and nothing to do with drinks packages. No doubt if this is true, and personally I think we would have heard about it over on Cunard forum if it was so very much doubt it myself, they would have been dealt with by Cunard very swiftly.
  12. Could well be the case but the standards and service offered there are currently higher and once onboard everyone appears to be well treated the same. Their loyalty offerings appear to be very good as well which indicates their repeat travellers are valued.
  13. Crikey, G32 must have changed!. On all my transatlantic voyages on QM2 there's usually one man and his dog in there after 11.00pm. Not sure about Cunard drinks package but isn't it often given free to Americans but other nationalities have to pay and its priced high?
  14. Hello Bill. If you read Kopchader's posts above in this thread you will see after 2 months he received FCC from P&O. Under the circumstances I would chase again via Executive.Correspondence@carnivalukgroup.com and give them a time limit to respond that you consider reasonable and tell them you are going to ABTA. I suggest you copy Kopchadder's posts as evidence you know they have at least paid someone and ask why your case is different and remains unresolved.
  15. Is that an indication the app is still not functioning properly if you are queuing for a pager?
  16. Surely should have been the Sun! I was cruising on Cunard when Martin Bell described QE as the Daily Mail at sea when he was booed for saying war of any type wasn't nice. He was apparently reprimanded by the cruise director after who reputedly told him no, not the Mail please - we aim for The Times!
  17. Sorry that's complete garbage. The man that caused my problems was 50 plus and his youngest party member left the scene after being spoken to by security while the older people stayed to antagonize. I'm certainly not judging people on age.
  18. Our Azura one years back was the hen/stag party.
  19. I think you might have hit the nail on the head when you say unacceptable behaviour has become the norm. Certain tabloid newspapers carry lots of pictures in a "weekend special" every Monday of the weekend "parting" in our major cities. There are also after a major event such as the Grand National, cup football matches etc. vivid accounts of similar situations. All of these show people extremely drunk, often collapsed and comatose and in various states of undress. For newspapers to be bothering printing these there must be an audience. Maybe I've answered my own question: society clearly accepts this behaviour as normal and seeing it on a ship is something I'll have to tolerate if I want to continue to cruise on lines like P&O. The response of security on the two occasions I encountered problems did not at the time instill me with confidence, more angered me that P&O replied to me that they are not responsible for people's behaviour.
  20. So sorry to hear this. I hope they sort it for you all very soon and that at least apart from dining you are able to enjoy your cruise.
  21. Thank you. I was hoping someone who had been there would comment.
  22. I'm not convinced it's alcohol packages causing this, more the very low prices offered to fill up the ships attracting different types of people looking to do something different. After the pandemic for instance Majorca realised it could do without the AI guests and a lot have put a limit on the amount of alcohol (see below). Other tourist spots are beginning to follow suit - new rules in Spanish resorts on dress etc. My Celebrity and Princess fly cruises last year were AI but cost a great deal more than their equivalent on Azura. There was no trouble, yes lots of happy people enjoying their packages (the Celebrity one had no limit restrictions either) but no one falling down drunk or harassing others. I tend to believe the cost of flying to and joining these cruises was so much higher those looking for a cheap getaway wouldn't have considered them good value. https://www.hotelmanagement.net/operate/all-inclusive-alcohol-ban-limited#:~:text=The legislation bans happy hours,party boats in designated areas.
  23. This was our 10th Christmas cruise and never seen anything like this on any others. I hate to judge the world but I do believe this increase in trouble may be because it's an alcohol problem. For instance WDW had a strict alcohol procedure, even a ban in the Magic Kingdom, and were obsessively protective of their reputation. I watched a British family unceremoniously thrown out of Epcot on Millennium eve because the woman had collapsed drunk outside the pub in the UK pavilion - it was 12 noon - and the WDW staff were bemused and hadn't been trained what to do.! Now sadly with the relaxing of Disney's rules on alcohol consumption there are regular fights and drunken scenes there, never mind it being the "Happy Place" filled with families in the quest for the mighty buck alcohol sells and makes lots of money. I can't help thinking that P&O might end up heading that way. I revisited Feefo yesterday because these Ventura reports mentioning a stabbing have been nagging at me. The drunkenness is one thing but the thought of someone actually being stabbed even if it's with a butter knife with no injury scares me. There are now five separate mentions in reviews mentioning such an incident, however the number which mention the words uncouth, drunk, aggressive, disgusting and vile are by far the majority. Remember these are reviews from a link sent to returning passengers by P&O themselves. Across the entire fleet looking at just the Christmas cruises only Aurora has no negative reviews with Britannia being unscathed apart from a few mentions of drunkenness, Arcadia, bless her, seems to being reviewed for falling to pieces in the plumbing department and the remainder look like total disarray with many mentions of fights and unruly behaviour being regularly referred to. P&O can do plenty to better the food, entertainment, queues and repairing lifts and plumbing but my worry is will they take this behaviour problem into their sights? Much as I appreciate Moley's very well put reply it does worry me if there has been an escalation of these types of problems because cheap holidays and alcohol may not be a very good fit on a cruise ship.
  24. There may not be any quarantine cabins but judging by the reviews on Feefo and Trustpilot there appear to have been a lot of people on a variety of ships being asked to quarantine over the last month. Assumedly they self reported but even so sadly it's not no quarantine by the look of it.
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