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Everything posted by Megabear2

  1. On my cruise it was an indoor venue. You will most likely not recall how I stated what a nice venue it was when the roof opened. Having experienced Arvia with the roof shut I do not think I'd like the experience on Iona where the roof does not open. Actually the opened roof had the effect of totally changing the ambience of the whole area and the arrival of a day of sunshine on a cruise with pretty dismal weather for the families onboard reduced the angry shouting from parents at their children. Incidentally I recommended Arvia to my friends with their 11 year old daughter for their first cruise next August as at the time they booked in late June I was fairly confident P&O would sort out all the queue problems etc. Every time I see another report like the OP's I worry a bit more I've directed them wrongly. I truly believed that things would settle as they appear to have done on Iona, so I have skin in this game even if it isn't mine.
  2. Totally agree. However as you know my opinion is very much swayed by being physically assaulted on Britannia and no action being taken by security.
  3. Moving on as you say, no I'm not negative overall and you know that. However this goes back to the OP and the desire by some to take the michael out of them. Just because you or I for that matter haven't encountered the things mentioned it doesn't mean it didn't happen. I believe everyone has a right to their opinion, their views or whatever. It can often be misguided, over stated or in some cases laughable but it's their view, their opinion and they should be able to state it without fear of derision or even sometimes (not by you or anyone on this thread I might add) a form of bullying. I have no opinion on drinks packages, I've had them when they are free and I don't believe it's a factor in any way to these people's behaviour. I do think there is an intergenerational thing in how some people perceive the loud, inebriated people they perceive they are seeing onboard. A lot of cruisers would not frequently go to places where this sort of behaviour is quite normal and as a result are genuinely shocked. It is one thing to avoid areas where loud groups congregate on land another entirely on a ship, something Carnival is beginning to acknowledge of the line which bears their name. Prior to 2019 these incidents did happen but the behaviour wasn't tolerated - and I don't mean sunbed hogs and other pet complaints. Now those who witness these events or have the misfortune to become involved are expected to be the ones who go away rather than the cruise staff taking the responsibility. Clearly someone on Arvia did just that if people were removed. A step very much in the right direction.
  4. I've no idea when Majortom went or what he did there. Like you or I he could have passed through at various times of the day. I like him didn't like what I saw, that's our opinion, our view and no amount of challenging it will change it.
  5. So you passed through. Just what I did, but I had to queue for 15 minutes for the ice cream and couldnt help but witness the food carnage and hear those nearby. Not a complaint just what I saw personally. It's none of my business what people do as long as I am not party to it. Therefore apart from trying to swim early morning and on one occasion just before closing, I chose to avoid the place apart from the collection/purchase of food. My choice not forced on me by anyone or anything that was or wasn't happening. However I do think anyone who would like to use the area (not me) should be able to do so without listening to foul language and inebriated people shouting at their children. I have never blamed such behaviour on the drinks package, I just think that it's not fair on others that certain areas that people might want to use may be deemed as somewhere they feel they should avoid. You've chosen as usual to dissect mine and others opinions, take comments out of context and tried to make them fit what you believe is being said.
  6. Believe it or not I wanted an ice cream in the afternoon and strangely it was in that area. It is an observation no more than your comment on the Atrium as being a place to pass through. Before you say it The Quays ice cream shop was only serving the ice cream tea at that time so the Skydome was the obvious place to go. I'm not playing your games, I still consider Majortom's view is his own and I concur with what he saw.
  7. I'll wait for the screams when those who don't think the walking stick rule applies. To be truthful as I said above this thread is now redundant for me. New rule followed if P&O choose to not reply I've done my bit up to them now. I'll not be commenting again on the issue.
  8. Read my post #30 And in the interests of fairness Britannia last Christmas had a good few of these types of individuals too I'm afraid. "
  9. No when I chose to go there for ice cream, have a burger and on one occasion to sit and read. You may recall water poured through the roof on to me and several others, but probably not. A and it's not a complaint just an observation.
  10. No mention of time there though. You assume again.
  11. I think the swim up bar is meant to be adults only yet I saw it being used for kids in fins and face masks. The other pools are for everyone apart from the adults only pools. The original post is easy to misinterpret if you choose to but the very frequent references to kids in the swim up bar area are on the P&O social media pages too.
  12. At 6.45am there generally aren't that many kids needing to use those facilities and I'm in no way alone the only person who wants a 15-20 minute swim. In fact there are quite often younger children and teenagers also wanting a "proper" swim as competitive swimming clubs train early morning, just because they are on holiday they still like those lengths. I'm not stupid enough to expect that so please don't suggest I am.
  13. I'm not suggesting it is. I'm saying Majortom's observations are as I saw them too. As for the kids, I don't mind loud or having a good time, I do however object to the foul language coming from a lot of their mouths and also the way that good food was being abused. It no doubt depends on the cruise, time of year etc but it's dreadfully naive to say anyone who doesn't like what is happening is totally wrong to comment. As for moving away, well that's right out of the P&O guidebook when people are abused and assaulted as around 20 of us found last year. So okay this minority - and it is a minority out of thousands - can do as they wish while the other decent people of all ages are wrong for disliking it.
  14. Then I'm to be included I'm afraid. As I reported we had inclement weather in May. Being a swimmer I naturally turned to the Skydome but not once could I get in that pool during 14 nights due. Even 15 minutes before opening time over 30% of all chairs and a good 60% at pool level had towels, bags and kids toys on them with hardly a soul in sight. Apart from the one day the roof opened the pool level was rammed with people drinking copious amounts, the pool full of screaming kids and sadly food scattered all under the tables alongside the windows next to the burger outlet. Food was abandoned at will with a small number of under pressure staff desperately trying to clear it. I cannot say they were all on the drinks package but I can confirm many had imbibed way too much by late afternoon with the consequent loud screaming and raucous behaviour. And in the interests of fairness Britannia last Christmas had a good few of these types of individuals too I'm afraid.
  15. We were switched last year. Yes you can refuse the switch initially but they eventually contact you to say switching off totally in 28 days. With the lifeline you need to speak to them immediately as special arrangements have to be made for that to continue to work. Don't stress about it, it's very simple but eventually you have no option as we found. Much better to put it in place before they threaten the deadline which in my case caused a bit of panic about alarms and aids for deafness etc.
  16. I love your humour its refreshing. I'm just seeing the other side as I say I had a hell of a lot of sarcasm on the Cunard and Princess boards due to UK and in particular US humour being so different. Carry On ...
  17. Yes, before Harry Peterson's one which is how Harry's post started the rest of the discussion. Whilst I appreciate your humour, using an individual's comments and ridiculing them is uncalled for. I've been victim of it enough over the past 10 years on various sections of the forums to realise it can be detrimental to willingness to share.
  18. I do not think it's so much overthinking as urging people to fill in the form if they have a stick of any type. The whole policy is apparently designed (P&O and Cunard both state) to limit the number of people who have mobility problems that they are unaware of. What constitutes a "mobility problem" is one for the individual to decide. Many here including yourself originally thought it didn't apply to them. Really this thread has moved on from my personal problems which led me to start it and should now be replaced with one about the new policy to ensure everyone is aware.
  19. You are assuming the OP is retired, they don't say that. On long cruises it isn't necessarily a "sun holiday", some sail in the most bad conditions possible - you highlighted the Saga ship yourself, Fred had problems, Ventura and Iona too. It is unreasonable to compare either a 7 night Fjords cruise or a 14 night Caribbean fly cruise. On my not such good weather Arvia cruise in May there was one speaker the whole cruise, a very interesting and nice man who talked about life as a film extra. Very well attended but by his last talk he told us he'd actually run out of things to speak about because his normal itinerary was 3 days - P&O asked for two full weeks worth 8 seadays. Art lectures are interesting however they run for 30 to 40 minutes and are a sales pitch yo get people in and signed up. For a number of years you couldn't set foot on a cruise ship without Clarendon trying to sell you Rolf Harris prints or lecturing on his work. These galleries run programmes based on what they'd like people to buy. It is very easy to have a laugh about someone commenting about lack of entertainment on long voyages during the day but not everyone takes part in fitness activities or visits the gym. It doesn't help to get a rise out of some moron thinking it's funny to put chocolate in the dryer or any of the other minor but wrong things either.
  20. The lack of things to do on seadays other than sit in the sun or eat and drink is appearing with regularity in comments and reviews. Selbourne has offered excellent blogs from three different vessels in recent months and he has commented on the lack of seaday offerings every time. I would guess anyone undertaking their first P&O cruise for some time would indeed find this daytime removal of options disconcerting.
  21. I looked up the definition of mobility aid - everyone knows how pedantic I am! Wikipedia states: "Traditionally the phrase "mobility aid" has applied mainly to low technology mechanical devices. The term also appears in government documents, for example dealing with tax concessions of various kinds.[2] It refers to those devices whose use enables a freedom of movement similar to that of unassisted walking or standing up from a chair." It then breaks everything down by type, and yes a walking stick as defined by various worldwide bodies is a mobility aid so P&O are correct to call it one. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mobility_aid
  22. I'm afraid P&O will disagree - the whole reason this thread started is because we ignored the form filling. If you wish to take it onboard you must declare it. When I said no or why I've been told boarding may be denied at my own cost. I believe this new policy should be in great big letters on the website, spelt out over the telephone and for P&O and travel agents to spell out clearly that they consider a walking stick a mobility aid. Totally understand the insult bit. My OH feels exactly the same and is extremely upset.
  23. It is an adapted form from the previous one used for more serious requirements. A walking stick of absolutely any type (or for whatever use) under these new conditions has to be declared. My husband doesn't use it to walk, it's main use is to help with getting from bed or after sitting still for hours such as the plane journey - to get you going so to speak. To both cruise lines it is a mobility device not assistance. I noticed on Cunard site yesterday when booking a cruise this new policy is in bold as a tickbox you must accept as a booking condition and so checked P&O with a dummy booking. It is identical. Walking sticks are declarable as mobility devices.
  24. Interestingly if you go to book a cruise online now the check out page has included the new wording terms and you are required to acknowledge it along with the stuff about covid, oxygen etc. As it's agreed a walking stick is a mobility aid clearly users of them have to complete the form whereas before very few did believing it to refer to scooters, wheelchairs etc. " Here's some important information about your holiday. **Assistance Requirements** In the unlikely event of an emergency, it is important we have sufficient and specific support for guests who require additional assistance, and we have advance notice of this. Please read the following declaration of assistance needs for your voyage, even if you are travelling with someone who can support you. Guests who are unable to get to their assembly stations independently (which could involve several flights of stairs as lifts will not be available) due to a disability, health, or mental capacity must be pre-registered for assistance to ensure we have sufficient support. Failure to provide this could result in being denied boarding at your own expense. If you do require assistance using the below statements, please advise us of the level of assistance required. Someone to guide and steady me on the stairs (121 assistance) For anyone bringing a mobility aid this is a recommended minimum requirement. I'm unable to use stairs (emergency evacuation chair) For anyone who is a full /part time wheelchair or mobility scooter user this is a mandatory requirement."
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