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Everything posted by Megabear2

  1. Did you like her? Iona is much bigger with a high guest ratio as you know.
  2. There should be a special New Year's Eve menu showing in your cruise planner where you are asked to select a time - at least that appears to be the case for the other ships - not seen anyone else mention Iona yet. There will also be a special meal in Epicurean which again will show in your dining options and be bookable and payable in advance. These will both show under your dining tab when logged in.
  3. It's a very well known saying where I come from, and certainly no joke for the OP from some of this. "Adjective. all fur coat and no knickers (not comparable) (UK, idiomatic, derogatory) Having a superficially positive appearance that is belied by the reality, e.g., superficially elegant and beautiful but actually common."
  4. I cannot say you are wrong or right. I can tell you the original form (emailed 72 hours after booking) which was returned to Cunard was not registered on our booking for next September and I was advised to resubmit it via the new electronic system - I hadn't done one for January 2025 but was advised by the P&O agent to do so immediately due to "limited" assistance. I appreciate your needs are much more important and everything is most likely there but truthfully I would double check based on the information travel agents and those who raise queries are currently receiving. Basically it seems to be a big muddle.
  5. Not really something to worry about, it was simply offering the link so ICF could see where Britannia etc rank in the biggest. I'm certainly not going to argue with you over it, anyone can form their own view.
  6. This is the newly introduced policy as described to me which came in during the past few weeks. It is retrospective apparently and anyone who has already filled in a paper or emailed form will need to do it again on the cruise personaliser as it attaches from there directly to the booking. The problem with being retrospective according to the guys I spoke to is people don't understand the policy has changed, the website doesn't detail the information and confusion is reigning. The Cunard guy told me he had done little else for five days but log assistance forms for people who'd rung to query what the email is about. The "very limited" wording is causing much consternation as no one actually can say what the limited help numbers are for people who use sticks and are concerned they may have missed the boat (sory about the pun) and might not be able to go.
  7. If you are on excursions I have never had a tender ticket on any line. Yes, there's the carpet step at the tender station but certainly nothing else.
  8. I read it as per the point reading the overall number which shows Largest cruise ships in service Royal Caribbean International 18 MSC Cruises 14 Norwegian Cruise Line 8 Princess Cruises 6 Costa Cruises 3 AIDA Cruises 3 Carnival Cruise Line 2 P&O Cruises 3 Resorts World Cruises 1 Celebrity Cruises 1 Cunard 1 Disney Cruise Line 1 As the person I provided it for thinks Britannia, Azura and Ventura are small I offered it so he can see where they fit into the equation, no other reason.
  9. Perhaps there should be staff preventing seat saving as I've experienced on MSC. On MSC Divina we were marshalled and directed as you are in Walt Disney World, move to the end of the row filling every seat etc. Unfortunately we are hearing more and more of these types of things and not just on P&O.
  10. Shes bigger. Azura and Ventura are the same ship. A lot of the Princess ships are also the same size as these three. When you refer to "big ships" there aren't actually that many in the Carnival fleet, they think what you call "small ships" are pretty big. This Wikipedia list includes the 2023 ship Norwegian Viva, there's a few coming next year including Princesses, but you can see the actual Carnival Corporation brands are pretty much overrun by the "monsters" of RCI, Norwegian and MSC. Believe it or not Queen Mary 2 is still one of Carnival's larger ships by tonnage. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_largest_cruise_ships
  11. The entertainment booking is available on the three largest ships, Britannia is included - from my cruise planner in the entertainment section. You’ll be able to view the bookable events if sailing on Arvia, Britannia or Iona via My P&O Cruises before your holiday, or you can book once you’re on board via My Holiday for these ships. Some events can be booked by turning up on the day and this will be managed on board. Please refer to your daily Horizon paper when you get on board for the booking details of each event.
  12. Actually that may happen if they have too many declared for them to have enough staff to handle them.! That's how I ended up discussing 30% to 50% on some vessels. Clearly that isn't the intention as it would be madness but the form is so badly designed for what is now apparently a mass application it could be applied like that. The "new" form apparently is adapted from the one for persons with serious problems and according to my Cunard caller not really fit for the new purpose.
  13. Yes it's an aid. The question is after you've told them (question 2 first page) you tick no assistance needed. Page 3 however your walking stick disappears but mobility aids reappear. Then there's the other box for disabilities that can't be seen. Fill that in at your peril by way of explanation of why you MAY have a walking stick with you even if not using it. That box being answered brings the death of you may be refused boarding and lots of other questions you probably don't have an answer to. The guy I spoke with yesterday guessed at least 33% to 50% on some vessels will have walking sticks and have never declared them as it wasn't required or compulsory. Under this new block application of "mobility aids" he agreed many won't realise it's every single one of them. He also said it would be very silly to suggest walking stick users would all need the assistance "recommended" under section 2, ie someone to assist on stairs in an emergency but he is instructed to tell them that's the choice they should pick.
  14. Your guess is as good as mine I'm afraid.
  15. Ours IS a folding stick ... However moving on. On the same day I filled in the P&O form I completed two near identical ones for Cunard. Just spoken with them, this time a man medically trained with three years experience who is well aware of fibromyalgia and its effects. He confirmed receipt of the form, asked how often the stick is used and how fibromyalgia is managed. After being told informed my forms were completed correctly, no help required in an emergency noted although if during the voyage a major flare up occurred could we let them know. Forms accepted no further requirements or action required and thank you for understanding the new rules. Any tender ports (we have several across these cruises) will be carried out by everyone in the normal way, not individuals. I did mention what was happening with the sister company and he said it's a new system and lots of confusion all round unfortunately. He remarked some non medically trained staff are dealing with calls and emails and hopefully when the next communication comes it will be someone with medical knowledge. OH is much happier with this result from Cunard thankfully. Zap, the problem isn't the test, it's being told you will be given an appointment as if you have to prove yourself when the cruise actually has no tender ports. You will report at the time they state and where, it's not on boarding apparently,.
  16. This isn't apparently being separated from the herd per se. This will be an "invite" on boarding to be at "x" at "y" time, a bit like those who fail to complete or miss muster are issued with, or at least that's what yesterday's caller informed me. This was apparently to calm my husband's upset at being "singled out". Actually on the subject of tender tests, many times I have travelled with either my mother or my auntie, one on a walking stick the other ending up in a wheelchair. Excursions are always booked rather than just taking a tender. Apart from the "observation" on the way and at the loading bay neither of these ladies ever took a dedicated "tender test". I have sailed with these ladies on P&O, Cunard and Princess, the last time with my auntie on Princess and P&O last year. I assume reading Cathygh's comment above that those on excursions are now doing a "proper" test at the meeting point or is it only those picking up tender tickets as individuals.
  17. We have no problem with a step test. What we dislike is the idea that despite saying we need no assistance he apparently is going to be made to prove it separately not as an ordinary passenger would be. The completing of an online form and having some administrative person sitting judging what is effectively a tick box exercise resulting in my husband being singled out as a "risk" and being asked to prove himself is verging on humiliating. Being informed he most likely will be invited to go to a room to be "judged" on his ability to step over whatever obstacles they have set up is the cause of the problem. While having every sympathy that people are abusing the system and P&O want to stamp it out, choosing to cause stress and upset for people who have actually done exactly as requested by filling in the required form and providing a full explanation as per the "Other" tickbox is not going to weed out the abusers but simply upset someone who has been honest and explained in the fullest way possible why they may or may not take a simple walking stick in their suitcase.
  18. New rules I'm told. It will be a mess, I doubt many will like the idea. I was told it would make him feel less uncomfortable. I don't think they've any idea what they are saying or doing and are making it up on the hoof. I shall see what the actual accessibility team say before anything else happens. I'm very cross as its all totally unnecessary but I'm not going to lose anymore sleep over it.
  19. No problem with any of that as it's everyone.
  20. Were they invited to a room? All persons on my previous cruises did the test at boarding, discretely. I'm now told an invite to a room will occur so being singled out so to speak. The P&O cruise isn't even scheduled for a tender which is even more annoying. I'm all for safety but not singling people out. I'm very overweight, get very out of breath on stairs as I've lived in a bungalow for 20 years, I'd say I'm more of a problem on stairs as I'm slow and need to rest regularly. They can't ask me about that though as it's discrimination yet I am most likely a hindrance to others over my husband.
  21. Interestingly nothing from Cunard and I filled their forms in on the same day (x2), emailed the same explanation etc and yet the same team is responsible for the collation of information. No doubt I've got that pleasure to come, but so far nothing.
  22. I have just had a 40 minute call from P&O in which I had to go detail by detail into the use of the walking stick, ability to walk, when my husband may not be able to walk etc. I've spent most of that time being told it is a new requirement in the past month that every single person using a walking stick MUST fill in the form regardless of previous boarding not requiring such a form. When I explained they were asking me to foretell the future as if we knew when a bad day might occur we would be extremely happy, the guy said although sympathetic he did feel we would have some idea! So fortune telling it is. He could not grasp why I could not provide the full details he asked for in the section regarding hidden disabilities. Once again I was told the old form originally completed was overridden by the online one and I should fill it in. He said he could see my emails but they did not suffice as an explanation. I then informed him I've filled in two online forms via my Cruise Personaliser and yet when following up with the requested email detailing the hidden disabilities just received emails saying fill in the form. I'm afraid I rather sarcastically asked if they want me to do this every day until we sail as that's how often the condition can change. At this point he spoke to senior management ... 5 minutes passed and then, yes you guessed it ... fill out the form. On the subject of tender test I'm told my husband will be invited to a room to conduct this in private. It's been left that he will speak to the assistance team and ask them to confirm in writing that they have noted the situation. I'm to expect another call, probably tomorrow. So basically EVERY person using a walking stick (which they insist on calling a mobility aid) IS REQUIRED to complete the form. Meantime my OH, the movement impaired guest as P&O called him, is busy running around the rugby pitch for 80 minutes ...
  23. The season starts in October and concludes in March, therefore we are in the 2023/4 season and we know the flight arrangements are either TUI or Maleth for those cruises. If someone booking asks their travel agent or the P&O call centre who their flight will be with it can be checked. If however someone chooses to use the website they will not know, but then for many many years that has been the case. There is no reason that seats are not available on TUI flights unless seeking PE. People do cancel and flights may be allocated by the algorithm. Of course many panicked and wanted to swap but I would bet there will be seats on those aircraft. People used to want to avoid Thomas Cook in just the same way but they took what was offered. My reference to the next two "seasons" is because anyone booking may find themselves in the exact position we are in now if it's a late panic to source aircraft.
  24. Unfortunately post #6 seems to indicate tender assessments are happening. It could be that person welcomed it, my husband most certainly won't and will take it very much that he has been singled out for having an illness which he detests and exercises strenuously to alleviate symptoms of, often to excess. It will humiliate and upset him and assumedly will happen at the start of our trip and very likely wreck his holiday.
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