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Vineyard View

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Everything posted by Vineyard View

  1. Maybe it is time to send Natalya a message. I sincerely think it is a-protocol do so. ‘several years back similar situation with Viking. People from CC and on board started writing. That initiated calls/emails were back and further clarification in writing on corporate policy. I don’t follow as closely as we don’t have an itinerary in mind, but I have not seen more complaints since.
  2. You can buy a service dog vest with a click on Amazon that is actually embroidered on the vest. There are regulations around this that can clearly identify a fully credentialed service dog. The problem is that employees of cruise lines are not police….nor should they be. The problem is the owners. How that gets resolved is beyond me, but in this case it’s apparently clear that fluffy is not one, and it might take a village of voices/complaints to get the attention that it truly deserves.
  3. Italy is for sure one of the most visited countries. I read recently it is now in the top 5 worldwide with over 50mm visitors in 2023. The projected increase next year over that with 30-35 mm due to Jubilee is pretty staggering. As CruiseMom42 said, who knows if this is accurate - and projected outcomes have apparently been lower in the past. I think regardless, it will be extra crowded. Last year we spent 4 nights in Venice pre-cruise. Mid-day was crazy with crowds. Early mornings and evenings so much better. But still way more people than in our past experiences. I don’t think Italy will slow down in its popularity, but I do seriously wonder how much it will bump up next year. My hour glass isn’t working really well! And to your point, if you want to go to Italy, then go. Who knows what it will be. It’s a wonderful country and good memories are bound to be had. Impossible not to IMHO.
  4. Ithikan, we had decided that if we were to take the itinerary that ended in Rome that we would catch the train at port and head North. I didn’t check southbound directions. I am no expert, but I would imagine that close to Easter will mean more crowds in Rome in any year. Added to that Jubilee. That said, carlmm actually experienced Jubilee 24 years ago. That is the most recent Jubilee before next year. So maybe the extra organization because of it could be a bonus. I hope it works out for your plans. Others on here have a whole lot more experience that I so I hope this thread becomes useful for you.
  5. Well behaved or not, allowing a ‘comfort dog’ on the ship is breaking the posted regulations that animals need to be ‘service’ animals. Seabourn must clearly know this if she is a jewelry designer of theirs. That sets precedent for anyone to bring their pets on board. Our dog brings us comfort and pleasure, but we pay pretty dearly for someone to stay in our home when we travel. Only my opinion, but truly not okay to allow that = preferential treatment.
  6. 10% cancellation credit is a drop in the bucket to the fare increases that occurred since last year, and then again this March. We are booked on a 12 day in April. I am hoping we are not going to be up against large groups on that voyage. It would truly put me off cruising Seabourn if that becomes a prevalent theme.
  7. We are now looking at Nice post cruise, so similar to this thread and not sure to start new. We end in Monte Carlo. Have been to Eze. Many years ago. Will have 3 days post and are looking at the general area for home base and a couple day trips….unless Nice Old Town is plenty to occupy that time. We are not familiar with the rest of the area. Possibly VilleFranche-sir-Mermor Antibes for one day? ‘Either way - to OP….DIY rather than ship excursions. You will be in charge of your time in an area easy to do so. Trains, taxi, busses…..
  8. How long is the itinerary that you are on and in what part of the world are you? I ask because I was under the impression, likely incorrectly, that large groups are more common on shorter segments. I agree with Utopia1 and SLSD on the change in atmosphere that large groups can make. I will say that on an 11 night itinerary last year on Quest there were a couple of multi generation families traveling. They were delightful. Maybe their sizes were 12-15. I think that when the groups get larger than that it can impact the energy quite a bit.
  9. Thank you Carlmm. I was not aware of the seven pilgrimage churches. ‘we have decided to pivot Italy into 2026. This was only part of the decision, but it was a factor.
  10. Thank you Marazul. I really appreciate this. We were on deck 7 on Quest last year, midship and it was great. So I wasn’t sure. Prior to that we sailed 900 pax ships and it is a different movement. I think I am convinced!
  11. This is great. Second question please. We may experience some choppy waters on the itinerary and I can be prone to motion. How much movement did you experience this far forward? The cabin is on deck 8. Wondering if a cabin midship on deck 7 will be that different and worth changing categories. Thanks again
  12. Thank you all. I appreciate this information and feedback very much
  13. Thank you! So the cabin location with an entire wall that backs up to elevators and stairs was the one you stayed in and rebooked? I wasn’t sure that I would get this response. I am glad that I asked, because I initially dismissed it.
  14. We are looking at an itinerary for next year. We have been given a couple options from our TA. Limited selection. What has been your experience ce in staying in a cabin that looks to literally have the cabins directly behind it? For instance on Encore, 816, 720, 618. I am concerned about noise from the mechanics of the elevator. If it is quiet, then there is no neighbor on one side and that could be a positive….thank you
  15. Thank you Hank. If this airfare on SB stays high, that does take away a key overall advantage to sailing over other lines. Oceania is taking away their pricing program with stated specific airline pricing starting next month. No one seems to know how that will affect overall pricing with O as well. I am hoping to use miles for next year. We will see how that rolls. Windows open up this coming week for return dates we are considering.
  16. Hank, I am sure hoping that this is a temporary ‘glitch’ as well. We are comparing a few itineraries for next year, including land vs sea travel. When I look at Oceania costs, and I add in the gratuities and upgraded drink package to be most in line with SB, I don’t always see a huge differential in costs on some itineraries we are considering. I imagine/expect (haven’t sailed O) a difference in experience. I saw the value in the air savings with the SB program in the past, so maybe it then turns into all about the itinerary, if the experience at O was at par with what you look for. I know you have sailed many lines, but in the past SB was highly regarded by you.
  17. I was just able to get onto the website. It still does not include taxes in pricing - which I read will be mandatory on all lines starting July 1st, so that was not the reason for being down.
  18. I read that as of 7/1 a new rule/law goes into affect that all cruise lines have to include all port fees and taxes, etc in the pricing. I am wondering if it has anything to do with that given multiple lines down.
  19. Okay. Thank you. I appreciate your responding Nancy!
  20. I have been trying since yesterday evening to search cruise parameters for next year. I keep getting ‘something went wrong’. Anyone else running up against this?
  21. We sailed Amsterdam-Budapest on Viking. The ship was lovely, the food just okay. I would look around the next time. Our TA recommended Uniworld, Tauck, and Scenic. Friend sailed on AMA and felt it was a bump up from Viking. I would recommend that if possible rivers are higher at certain times (Spring) than others, so greater chance of sailing through all the locks. I also recommend a Balcony on top floor as the view through the locks is more interesting. DTTravelers…..thank you for bringing up a similar memory! Cheers to that! It was a great experience.
  22. it was on the Encore that we were looking. Cruise was there one day, then sold out. The more I looked, I noticed that they all were in April and May. Darn.
  23. Yes. I just looked yesterday for flights next May. Over 1mm miles. I was shocked. Last year we were incredulous at the over 400k it took to fly RT VCE. The year prior it was 195k. Staggering increases during the same travel months year over year to similar areas. ‘Flyer talk recommended we look outside of our preferred airport….which I have done in the past, but absolutely will start doing next week when the window opens up to book. We may end up throwing a dart on the board and doing a land trip based on this nonsense.
  24. I have been tracking a few itineraries in the Adriatic/Ionian Seas areas for a while now. I have been waiting for mileage windows to open for next May. Last time I looked was early last week. This evening, each and every SB itinerary in this area for 14 days (preferred) but also 7 day are suddenly sold out. There was talk on another thread about group booking emails, and concerns around how that will impact sailings. I have no idea of this is related, but the sudden sold out status surprised me. Maybe you who have followed SB can lend some light. It might be expected a year out? IDK.
  25. We have almost always used Flying Blue. We like AF & KLM very much. Last year it took almost 450k miles for BC i just looked for same timeframe next May. Over 1 million points! I tried SFO-CDG on multiple dates in May. I may give them a call and see what purchasing an economy ticket and using miles to upgrade might be. I then went onto my Alaska Air miles and tried the same. 700k miles. Holy moly. In 2022 it was 195k miles to travel in May on BC using FB. What a difference. Any tips are much appreciated.
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