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Posts posted by Josher61

  1. I'm waiting to pay mine because I'm planning on using our credit from our travel agent to pay for the service charges.


    Can;t use OBC for service charges.


    Actually, you can possibly use your OBC. Ask your TA if they are giving you non refundable or refundable OBC. If its refundable, yes, it can be used for DSC.


    If non refundable, there is a work around for this but it costs you 3%. So depending on how large the OBC is for and how many DSC you have to pay it may be worthwhile, if you don't have other plans for the non-refundable OBC. Cash out your OBC at the casino, pay 3%, then go to Guest Services and put the cash on your account to have it applied to your DSC.

  2. So, many posters seem to think there is not enough to entice them to pay for this venue. Free, it was perhaps viewed as a decent place to grab a bite or a drink. It seems the consensus is that its fair to middling food sans ambience of the "real thing". So now that its a la carte, (and for a family, it could become an expensive lunch quite quickly), just how successful will it really be? Those long lines people spoke of may disappear to the point of a non revenue generating location. And that wont make anyone happy!


    I wonder how long the a la carte pricing can last. Not to mention of course the severe backlash this has created.

  3. For me, it's not the venue. It's the fact that it was listed as a complementary venue when I booked the cruise. It was listed as a complementary venue when I paid in full for the cruise. Now, when I go and cruise in January, it's a 'pay' venue.


    For me, it's the fact that it was advertised one way then changed after the fact.


    Things change, I get that. But when so many things change it can make one wonder what else will change? What else did I believe, think, advertised, etc. was included with my cruise cost that is no longer...or will be no longer.


    For me, it's the trust I have in a company.


    Yes, they absolutely have the right to change things. It says so in the contract. I agree to that contract. But morally, I have to wonder sometimes what is really 'right'.


    Don't get me wrong. I love NCL. I always have a great time and am always treated well. I'm just not 'in love' with some of their practices which, even though the contract allows, I, at times, consider false advertisement and/or bait and switch.


    Some may think how can I still cruise with them? I do so knowing what I'm getting into...what I may have today and may not have tomorrow. Until I no longer enjoy cruising with them, until they no longer treat me the way they have been, I'll continue to do so.


    What I have done.....is started branching out and will be trying different lines.


    Royal and Celebrity are already booked for the future.




    I completely understand your position and frustrations. And I appreciate your sincere response. Im not saying Im in agreement with advertising the venue as complimentary and then almost as soon as its launched to start charging for it (and substantially by cruise standards). I guess Im just a little surprised about the "attraction" of this venue. I truly don't see it. But it appears many took this place into grave consideration when booking their cruise. That's what was puzzling to me. Again, it may just be me :)


    Branching out is always a good thing in my opinion anyway. Over the past few years I hadn't cruised, did some different types of trips for a change and now am wanting to go back to cruising for a bit. I was also looking at a Celebrity cruise that looks very appealing as well. Happy travels!

  4. Macandlucy; good post, I agree, they should call it a service charge, remove the "discretionary", and be done with it. But then people would be up in arms, those that have every intention of removing it that is. I am sure some number crunchers at NCL have figured out the percentage of people that remove the DSC and are quite fine with this number. Or not, as they have raised it a few times now :) Hopefully now their projections jive.

  5. Some of the people who want to remove the DSC without a good reason remind me of people who did not show up in the dining room on the last night so they would not have to give their wait staff the envelope with their gratuity for the whole cruise.


    Sent from my SM-T350 using Tapatalk


    Sadly, I think Im learning that what one persons idea of what a "good reason" is, can be really, really off base.


    On a more positive note lol, your analogy reminded me of my very first cruise, when I had no clue about how the "tipping worked". I simply tipped everywhere I went :) And also being from la Belle Province, I was quite generous I guess. The dealers, waiters, room steward, bartenders etc all gave me great service. The last night, we did not make it to the dining room for our seating, simply because we were having to good of a time in the casino. A woman stood behind me and proceeded to "whisper" to her friend that I was the woman who "stiffed" the waiter by not showing up in the MDR. I had no clue what she was talking about, possibly a few too many drinks in me as well and simply ignored her, but I honestly was insulted thinking I was a decent tipper. I finally later asked the pit boss what the story was about the last night having to eat in the MDR and it was explained to me. I rushed to the dining room, explained to the hostess I needed to speak to my waiter and the reason why. He arrived, I pressed a bill in his hand and he refused to take it! Told me I had tipped him more throughout the week than he was likely to receive from anyone else at our table. I insisted he take it anyway, what the heck, Im betting more than that per hand I told him. He laughed and graciously accepted it then. Lesson learned for me. Learn the "customs" of where you travel!

  6. Thought I would provide an update since I received varying answers. Norwegian will allow us to change names up to 1 day before the cruise sails for free.


    Great! And kind of you to come back and let everyone know the outcome. Also nice for AtlantaCruiser, he did know what he was talking about :)

  7. Pardon my ignorance.....but what is the big draw for this place anyway? A chain restaurant, on a cruise ship.....I guess Im just not seeing the attraction. I do admit, when looking for some new summer drink recipes online I stumbled across some good ones which I now realize came from this chain :) Those are tasty. :D I may have also been at one of these places at the port in Ocho Rios, but honestly can't say it was because it was a "Margaritaville", it was just because it was there and close to the ship upon our return from an excursion. I must be in the minority not to appreciate the large draw to this type of venue onboard a ship. And at a la carte pricing.....if enough people don't go, well, they wont last long I suspect. Then again, why are there so many McD's etc when you travel in other countries?? So maybe it will work out well for NCL, as well as those who wish to dine at a Margaritaville while cruising. Personally though, I couldn't see forking out that kind of money while onboard for a burger and fries. Has nothing to do with the dollar amount but everything to do with not understanding the attraction or seeing the value. Especially when so many other choices abound. But that's just me I guess.

  8. Again, you're talking general calamities and I'm talking specific rare occurrences... Like a child with cancer. We're not talking about calamities that happen on every cruise for certain passengers. We're talking a specific case when a child was diagnosed with a treatment intensive and potentially deadly illness. In the recent case, the parents wanted to postpone, and not cancel, the trip. Was the child to stop treatment to go? Ncl did not make the concession. Another cruiseline's CEO (cough...starts with a R) decided to offer the family a vacation on one of its ships. That's not only compassion but good business.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    I would remove the part about R being compassionate. It was simply an opportunity to avail themselves of the good publicity that would surround their move. So that's good business. I would presume R has also refused other persons claims in the past and will do so in the future. It just doesn't always make the media.


    Regardless, I fail to see how this story relates at all to someone booking a cruise/cabin that they knew they didn't want on the advice (talked into) by a TA and wanting to change it.....how that becomes NCL's fault?

  9. Of course there is more to this. When a person decides to no longer do business with a particular company, they simply stop doing that business. Just that easy. You don't have to file any paperwork, get a permit, or even tell anyone. Couldn't be simpler.


    Posting about it on a public forum is nothing more than an attempt to create drama and/or call attention to yourself...that is what this is really about.


    It isn't like NCL is going to come here and beg someone to continue to cruise with them...especially someone who CLEARLY has better options at home.


    I was trying to gently/politely suggest that perhaps the OP is changing his lifestyle.....re health/age or whatever issues that may bring him to his decision to stop cruising. And as such, I will offer him respect as his just due.


    But yes, at the same time, I was trying to point out that it doesn't make it NCL's (or any lines) "fault". That's what I feel is somewhat disingenuous. His initial post made it sound like he was leaving NCL and moving on. As many have asked...where to? His later posts speak of not cruising at all or not seeing the value and preferring to stay home. That's a big difference from "leaving NCL...going to try X". If the "true" reasons are not being spoken of then the whole point becomes moot, to me anyway. I'm trying not to judge as harshly....simply looking at what may really be happening, but having no first hand knowledge I may be way off base here.

  10. I'm surprised that someone's vacation options would be cruise or nothing.


    Accepting this a fact, one would still wonder why on earth have you gone on over 100 cruises! :rolleyes:


    I think there is more to this than simply NCL is nickel and diming and no longer a good cruise line for the OP.

  11. OP,

    I think you no longer find joy in cruising and your days of eager anticipation of a cruise are ending. And that's ok. But its not the "fault" of NCL or any other cruise line. You simply are changing your lifestyle. With over 100 cruises and being your age....well, maybe its simply time for a change. And if you look forward to swimming at your Y and beaching it on Long Island, then that's great. But I think in all fairness to blame NCL for "departing", is perhaps being a tad harsh. Part of things may be lifestyle, part may be the product no longer appeals, and I think those are more intertwined that you are letting on. Time changes us all, our wants/needs/enjoyment all evolve. Just like cruise lines.


    Regardless, I hope you carry many, many happy memories from your amazing cruises!

  12. I must have missed the post where Island _Chica said everything worked out. ??


    LOL you're right, it's gone! Well, she said she got it all worked out and will cancel her other booking tomorrow if I recall correctly. Oh, I get it now, the OP mentioned a TA, I guess that's why it disappeared. Anyway, yes, she's happy it worked out exactly as she wanted.


    This thread does seem strange now though, doesn't it :)

  13. Maybe I can't read properly anymore, or something... :rolleyes:

    But isn't this a complaint about NOT getting an upsell offer, which includes the details of the upsell offer they were given?


    850GBP is not a bad upsell to a Haven Suite, from a Balcony. Typically the price difference would be 1500 - 2000 GBP.


    I'm not sure how that's discrimination.







    Exactly what I was thinking :confused:

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