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Posts posted by Josher61

  1. It is very strange. I have been told its all at one rate (see previous discussions that Canagirl mentioned). I priced a cruise for Dec 2015, all come out at 25%. Xcell spoke of his cruise for 2016 being at 1.08 so I went on AC Vac and priced one for March. It was indeed 1.08. Priced another one that was actually cheaper in CDN than US. When I called NCL yesterday to price the one in March it came out a 1.08. I asked the rep why he said initially the rate was 25% when he actually gave me the conversion amount it was 1.08. He stalled and stammered and said there must be a mistake. I asked HOW he does the conversion then. He said its automatic in their system once he plugs in CDN conversion. Which is why most don't know the rate. (Although he did. As has one other rep when asked.) I asked: so its not booking date and rate....its sailing date and rate?? He said: its not supposed to be. Its supposed to be at the 25% rate that NCL is offering for bookings now. We had quite a conversation about it all. He couldn't figure out why they were coming out cheaper. He basically said there must be a glitch and I should book at this "mistake" rate lol. I asked if there had been a change in policy perhaps and he said not to his knowledge but it certainly could be and they weren't informed. Regardless, as he said: why would NCL offer such low rates when the dollar is now so low and they are booking at 25%. He maintained there was something not right in the system. Made no sense to him either. So I certainly don't know/understand anymore :)

  2. thats exactly what i am saying, NCL has the full fare for the cabin based on 2, whether one cancels or not it does not matter they have their money and are not giving it back. If one cancels they will get their port charges back and any other prepaid item like drink plan, tips etc.


    I don't see how they can then go after the remaining person for another fare as they are not refunding the canceled one


    Let me try explaining it again. Assuming not so good intentions are at play. You book a cruise, going alone. But you don't want to pay the single supplement. So you find a friend and pretend they are going with you. You pay their fare and yours. Or whoever pays whatever. Your friend cancels. And files an insurance claim. To your way of thinking, the cruise line has both fares so you shouldn't have to pony up any more money. But the cruise line is smarter than that. They assume a claim will be filed and your friend will just give you back the money. So now, you paid 1k for you, 1k for your friend, and a few weeks later you get back 1k from the insurance company. So you sailed as one person in a cabin without paying the single supplement. This isn't about what NCL does and doesn't keep, its about what YOU paid to cruise solo. And that's what cruise lines are preventing when they say: cancel, sure, pay the single supplement. No show, sure, you already paid. When I say look at it the other way, I mean, look at it the way that it is designed to prevent people from sailing single without paying for it. Regardless of who its paid to. Is it a "revenue stream" as you call it? Not really, they refunded the port fees etc. They aren't making any money off that party who didn't sail, drink, eat at specialty restaurants, gamble etc. So they are keeping the "extra" fare as you call it. Its just the cruise lines way of doing it.

  3. Well... if it's a husband and wife as we are or technically any other two people in the same cabin; the whole cruise fare has been paid! The solo person going isn't getting away with the single supplement as BOTH fares have been paid and are nonrefundable. If each paid 1k, total payment would be 2k. Single rate would be double single rate of 1k so 2k single rate. Total rate has been paid of the 2k. Maybe I'm missing something but seems like NCL has been compensated for the rate regardless if or if not an insurance claim is requested. And NCL insurance is CANCEL FOR ANY REASON. The reason I'd rather not use the insurance "cancel at any reason" is because you only get a % credit for a future NCL cruise and didn't want to take a chance on losing the perks if a rebook was needed.




    I was responding to the poster who initially gave you erroneous information. Trying to explain to that person what's what.


    In your case it is exactly as you state. Either way you are paying 2 fares. The only difference is if you cancel now you will be paying an extra 1k (using that number for simplicity). But as you say...you will only get back 75% or a credit using the CFAR clause. However, you would have to put up the extra fare for you now before you go on cruise and file your wife's claim and wait for refund. So the best (for lack of a better word) way to handle this, if your wife doesn't go, is to simply have her be a no show. No claim, no refund, no single supplement for you to pay. You will get back her port fees etc. Seems like the best way to handle it :) Just show up, say nothing, and get on the ship.



    I was typing out a response to your original post, explaining the what I stated above when I saw your post. We are on the same "page" on this.

    I say go, have a good time and forget the whole insurance end of things. One way or another you have paid for the cruise and the only benefit I see to using the insurance is if you both didn't go and chose to travel together at a later date.

  4. OP to answer your actual questions


    1. Yes, we both are related, (Husband & Wife) and have the NCL offered insurance


    2. She probably could get one of her doctors to say she’s not fit to cruise (Reason for insurance in the 1’st place – we’re both in our 70’s) if using CFAR clause/insurance you don't get back full fare...75% I believe

    3. She’s doesn’t mind losing the whole cruise fare if she doesn’t/can’t use the insurance She will lose the base fare if she's a no show..she will get back her port fees etc

    4. I still want to go and she’s fine with that and is telling me to still go! Then you should go :) and have a good time!

    5. Cruise was booked thru NCL not on their website by one of ncl’s phone agents doesn't matter how you booked it

    6. Do I cancel her reservation or just show up and say she’s supposed to meet me here? just show up see posts below regarding what happens if she cancels....you will be paying the single supplement then


    7. Everything is paid in full, fare, prepaid gratuities, etc. she will get back her port fees and gratuities

    8. Will I be responsible for an additional fare even though everything is completely paid you would be if she cancels in other words...you have paid 2 fares now....assuming you cancel and file an insurance claim, you will get back one fare (partially) but have paid an extra fare for you going alone...for 2 fares minus 1 fare then plus one fare....same difference if you don't file and shes a no show...you still paid 2 fares

    9. Should I call the NCL Cruise agent and explain my situation… if so, how close to our embarkation or just show up at the dock? show up at the dock if planning no show. call and cancel now if planning to go that route and be prepared to pay extra fare for yourself now.


    Any guidance would be appreciated on how to handle this situation.


    Thanks in advance to all.


    Hopefully this helps :)

  5. interesting, thanks for clarifying, nice revenue stream for them, not sure how often this happens but its free money since the insurance payment in no way affects the money NCL has collected.


    Look at it the other way: 2 people book a cruise....each pay their fare...one cancels, gets a refund from insurance if applicable, second person sails at the original fare. Hence avoiding the single supplement (which is 100% not 200%). Don't think for a moment that devious people would not do this all the time. The cruise lines know this....single travellers pay the supplement, always. Unless there is a promo or whatever or solo cabin etc. But you aren't staying in a cabin at a rate that was for 2 and now travelling as only one. Makes perfect sense.

  6. I agree. I think when it started the reps were being generous by allowing people to add the second promo item. Some just had it added, others canceled and rebooked. I think by then end of the day they stopped and quoted the actual T&C rule about it being for new bookings only.


    OP, here's the thread....lots of discussion from those in similar situation.



  7. the new promo is only good on cruises for 2015


    That's incorrect info.


    OP...find the thread on here about this promo. Many have been able to successfully obtain the second promo, many now have not. Some were through CAS if I recall correctly. It would appear by later afternoon yesterday NCL clamped down on the new bookings only rule. It seems to be luck of the draw.

  8. A few of us have asked that now. I don't know the answer on NCL. I cruised Carnival and never had an issue with daily limit. The most I have ever taken out in one day was 2k and no one said anything other than sign here and pay the fee :) Seeing as its the casino I doubt if the limit is very low. Enough to meet most of our needs anyway :) I don't plan on gambling much this time..

    The only way I could see NCL putting a drastic limit on this is if too many Canadians bought too much in OBC and cashed it all out and never spent a dime of it in the casino :) That being said...most Canadians likely don't know they can do this at a better rate. Americans don't really have any need to do this (no benefit of exchange rate) but a lot buy OBC for their trips anyway. I know US friends of mine buy 3k every trip because they have it be their budget and buy 500 a month in OBC to save their spending money that way. They don't want to carry the cash or use credit cards while away. They get on the ship...go get a few hundred or five hundred at a time, depending on port etc and whatever is left over (if any) they cash out the last night and their bill is covered etc.


    Next time I call NCL I will ask and see if they have a number, but I doubt it. Its the casino :)

  9. Make sure you bring a CC receipt and print out to verify you bought the OBC - it took 3 days before mine showed up on the cruise and they also asked for proof...luckily I had a print out from the NCL website. I also heard that to bring a CC bill indicating the NCL took it from you will also help (back up of a back up)


    Very good tip! Thank you! Id hate to be standing around for 3 days with no US cash!

  10. I booked our upcoming November 29th cruise back in February and asked for the Canadian rate after reading so much about it on this website. I too got the rate of .11 cents exchange. Needless to say, I prepaid our daily service charges, as well as bought $200.00 on board credit for $222.00. I have since then purchased $1,600.00 more in onboard credit (which I'm sure) I won't be needing as we also have the UBP. I too plan on cashing out at the casino and paying the 3% service charge. Not a bad exchange rate for a total of 14%. I do not plan on leaving home with much US $$$'s as if all goes well, I will be coming home with more US $$$'s that I actually took onboard with me!::D


    If I had your rate I would be putting 10k on OBC and selling it back to our bank when you get home!!! Then you could pay for a good part of the cruise in exchange rate profit! At my rate its just not feasible. But hmmm, I wonder what the daily limit is for withdrawal of funds, lol. I know on Carnival I used to withdraw a lot per day when I gambled. As it is our plan is the same as yours...prebuy 2-3k of OBC and cash out for a rate of 28% and use the cash for the rest of our xmas vacation. Still beats our rate at the bank! Hopefully your plan works and you leave with more....however my experience has been once in the casino getting my cash it becomes a tricky proposition for me! I hope your luck is better!!!!

  11. I still can't believe you booked today at 1.08!! Not saying you didn't lol, just saying that's incredible. I have never heard the rate is attached to cruise date...simply the rate they are offering at the time of booking. And that's been steadily climbing as our dollar steadily drops. I have been calling about a cruise for Dec...rate 25%. Later today we tossed around the thought of not taking one before Christmas and taking one in the late winter instead. I called a few hours ago about pricing for that one.....still 25%. So Im confused :confused: but that's nothing new :) Im going to go to the AC Vac site right now and price one for March and see what it says.

  12. I booked on their Web sit at the beginning of April for a Jan 16 cruise...unaware of NCL offered a exchange rate at the time at 9%


    I called last week and I was told that I would have to rebook to get a 25% exchange rate that they were offering...the only thing was that the cruise went up $250 as well as the drink package would now include gratuities. ..so I lost out. I made a final payment on the two cruises with an exchange rate of 31% ouch....


    I do wonder why they do not give the exchange rate when you are calling NCL from Canadian...also no luck trying to even get a deal on on board credit exchange rate.


    That's sucks for sure. I never knew either that they offered this better rate. If it weren't for CC I would be totally ignorant about it all...simply cursing the cost of buying US funds. :mad: Now all of a sudden I feel like 25% is a bargain! Talk about psychology! All summer long (spend most weekends in the US) it kept getting worse and worse each Friday at the bank :( If I wasn't already going to Fla for Christmas as always I doubt I would have even considered a cruise at our terrible rates. Ouch for sure!

    I remember last time rates got crazy....other than a few trips to Fla I found myself traveling in our own country. Went out west and down east for some truly wonderful vacations. May have to start thinking about doing that again if our dollar keeps this up!


    I think sadly NCL just doesn't offer it automatically to Canadians because they don't have to. After all, they are paying to buy down our exchange rate and if they don't have to as often, well, the better off their bottom line is. In this case....ignorance is not bliss :)

  13. So I booked my Escape Dec cruise and the exchange rate was $1 to $1.11.


    Today I booked my March 2016 BA cruise and it was $1 to $1.08.


    The weird thing was the price changed within a hour. It went from $4000 CDN to $4600 CDN and then when I rebooked in (AC vacations) via incognito mode, the price went back down to $4000.


    You're saying TODAY the rate was 1.08??

  14. Hi Canagirl,

    Yes, that's exactly the calculation I meant. So in the end, your extras (after base fare at 20%), your "cost" is 84.33. That's the difference of the extras at 33% vs what they should be at: 20%. I hear you about the headache of it all, what's 85 worth to get it all reworked. And at todays lousy exchange rate 24% seems ok :)


    I don't have a PCC or whatever they are called, I simply called the NCL main line number and was given my quotes. First gal knew that rate was 25%, second and third people didn't know the rate offhand but when asked for the CDN funds amount it worked out to 25%.


    It still bothers me that the "system" didn't work properly for you. Their system says (or how they explain it and others have verified) once you book at a rate, all subsequent charges are at that same rate. I still don't get why yours changed and that's not being honoured for you.


    One last thing I was thinking about, for ourselves anyway, is charging a bunch of OBC to my account before boarding, at 25%, going to the casino to withdraw those funds and paying the 3% charge to do so. But I still would be ahead at 28% rather than going to the bank and buying a few thousand at todays lousy rate. In other words, taking no (or little) US cash with us. Just getting it off the ship at the casino. Plus we are staying in Fla for a few more weeks so whatever US cash leftover would be used. Even if not, for ports, tips, travel etc I could use US cash at a 28% rate instead of 34% the banks want or 36 or 37% credit cards charge. Just another thought for you :)


    Regardless, I agree, going on a vacation in US funds at 24% is still a better deal than going at 33 or 34% these days! How I hate the return of our lousy dollar. I remember back when, I stood in any store in the US and added 40%-50% to the cost. Then it was soooo wonderful there for awhile when I didn't add anything! Now today, we are adding a whole bunch again. Happy cruising :)

  15. We booked for Jan 17 2016, two days ago. Called to add the second promo onto our package. They said we would have to cancel and rebook. The price hasn't changed but we would have to forfeit our $500 deposit making the free udp not worthwhile. Has anyone else experienced this?


    Lots of above posts about having no issues getting the 2nd perk added on, not even having to cancel. Never mind losing deposit. I think the rep you spoke to was confused :confused: I would just call back and speak to someone else. Assuming price is the same for your cabin and you have only paid deposit and everything else seems fine I don't see why the NCL rep gave you a problem.


    Off topic...NCL rep I spoke to today didn't know the difference between Vibe and H20 when I was asking about Vibe and the passes. Told me there's no such thing, its an adult only area during the day and open for everyone at night. I asked her twice if she was sure (at the beginning of the call she told me she had been on the Getaway personally). I kept saying..I don't want to say I know for sure but online I have read....she finally said...well I was on the Breakaway actually...I guess its different even though a sister ship. I let it go.... when I spoke to NCL again later, got the correct info from a different rep. So maybe the rep you spoke to just didn't know. Others are having great luck and ease. If you qualify that is :)

  16. The thing is that is exactly what they did to me. I got the figures in U.S. from their site and when they converted to CDN and charged me it was 20% on the base fare and 33 - 34% on everything else.


    I posted a screen shot a few posts back where they use the higher rate for any additional onboard credit, etc if I buy it.


    As a previous few have said...something doesn't sound right here. It should all be at one rate.


    I see from your screenshots and the numbers you gave for the cabin that its not. So I would call NCL and ask why. Some glitch somewhere maybe? Here's what I would think/calculate if I was in your shoes. The base fare of 899 adds 224.75 at 25% it adds 179.80 at 20%. So a difference of 44.95. If all your other purchases, port fees, gratuities, service charges, spa etc that you are prepaying...if the difference of all those add up to more than 44.95 then I would call and get it fixed. And that difference would be at today's rate of 25% vs the 34% you appear to be paying on those.


    That being said, if you booked back in early Oct the rate was likely the 20% not the 25% being charged now, the difference will be even greater. Simply, I would call and get all my "extras" billed at the correct rate (whatever it was at the time you booked). Regardless of 20 or 25 that's what I would be asking for, for everything.

  17. So i literally just booked and paid for my cruise yesterday, but it leaves Nov. 29. I'm assuming this wouldn't be eligible for the second promotion because it's so close to the cruise time?


    Thanks everyone!


    I believe I read somewhere (could be wrong) its not valid on sailings within 30 days?? Regardless that would put you right within deadline :) Call them now :)

  18. I have spoken to NCL a few times in the last few days. First time I asked: whats the exchange rate..answer 25%. Sorry but the rate went up recently she said. I was surprised she knew it off the top of her head. Got a price for the cruise...including base fare, port fees and service charge on UBP. Worked out exactly to 25%. Called today, got a price for same as above plus 2nd promo. Was 25%. Called back and got a new total now including daily gratuities. Same thing 25%. I specifically asked: so if I give you my Canadian CC now you will charge me X amount in CDN funds. Answer yes.


    I know what you mean about mock booking on Canadian sites..they show the price for base fare with a good exchange but then they show the port fees with higher rate. But NCL doesn't do it that way. They give the same rate across the board as long as its prepaid..not onboard. Hope this helps.

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