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Posts posted by Josher61

  1. Those chocolate squares that your stateroom steward leaves in your cabin every evening are absolutely disgusting. The quality of this chocolate is very poor and I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't real chocolate. Probably some chocolate flavored thing from China.


    I don't remember the old ones being mint but these have no mint flavor - not sure if they supposed to or not.


    They only thing nice about them is the wrapper.


    Sorry I must have missed the review of the ship that the chocolates were so bad on. Perhaps let us know? Was this the only cutback you noticed on your sailing? Or the one that you feel is worth mentioning?

  2. Only you can know if its worth it or not based on your drinking habits. Generally around 6-7 drinks you are ahead of the game. Yes they cut you off after 15 drinks.


    Do a search...there are a ton of Cheers threads on here all providing peoples opinions, calculations and aspects of the program.

  3. According to Mary (Carnival employee on the carnival forums) you do have early access to your room as a suite guest, however you don't get the other FTTF perks.




    My PVP also told me I could go straight to my suite for our cruise in August. There are hordes of people on these forums though that insist suite guests don't have early access... I'm so confused! :confused:


    Guess I'll know when I get on the ship... :D


    Don't feel bad that you're confused....I think Mary is pretty confused too, and she works there!!?? She should maybe read over what she posted and cut and pasted. :)

    Priority Check-In Program

    Carnival’s Priority Check-In is an exclusive service designed to afford our Platinum and Diamond guests and those traveling in deluxe suite accommodations (categories: CS ES GS SS VS OS JS OB) with special registration privileges. Cruise documents will state, "Please proceed to Priority Check-In".

    Sorry but I dont see the line following that which says: Please proceed to your cabin upon boarding. :D Boarding and cabin being ready are two different things entirely. Its pretty straight forward really...don't know why a Carnival Employee can't read it...or I guess in this case...understand/decipher it.

  4. Yes. That would work. I'm sorry, I did misunderstand...actually I was about to repost and say that why dont you just have the 2 people who want cheers to stay in a cabin together lol but I thought perhaps that might be me assuming something :) So yes, if thats ok for your plans then it works just fine :)

  5. We have several rooms in our group, and only two of us think the new price is worth the Cheers! program. Do you think we could rearrange the rooms so the two of us share a room--to abide by the every-person-in-your-cabin rule--then purchase the program and switch the rooms back at the front desk?


    As per a post on here awhile ago, others have tried that and failed. They were told if they wanted to change cabins after purchasing the Cheers program, the person in the cabin they were switching to had to now buy the Cheers program.


    Maybe my original example was a poor one, since most husbands and wife's share a bank acct. the money comes from the same place. And I do understand why carnival does it the way the do, but I think it prevents some people from buying it when they want it. Such as the poster going with her parents, one of which has a health problem.



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    I do understand what you are saying as well. I think for Carnival the problem becomes how and when to make an exception. Every conceivable time someone has what they think is a legitimate reason? I guess it was easier for them to simply say no exceptions. (plus their attempt to try to curb "sharing" of course :) I think it was done to simply subvert any and all doctor's notes, AA coins, etc that the customer would want to provide/offer in support of a reason not to buy it.


    As another thought (totally off base possibly) I think possibly as well their policy also stems from their group bar cards policy that forces everyone in the group to buy it. They've had this policy for years. With no exceptions. So if it worked there...why not with this program too type of thinking maybe? We had a few non drinkers in our crowd on last group...they either couldnt book through the group booking or had to buy the card.


    But it will definitely not work for everyone. I get that as well.

  7. Where did I say my bill would be lower without it ? My wife and I did purchase it, we did save money, and only I hit the limit one day. And just so you are straight on things, I used my wife and I as an example only. But what I am saying is there will be people who will purchase the program, they will still save money, and they will still share. If for no other reason than because they feel like they need to get back at Carnival. Now lets forget about it being a husband an wife, lets just say it's you and a friend cruising together, your friend wants it but you don't. Being the good friend you are you purchase it so your friend can, maybe you'll save as well maybe you won't, but either way you might share. How about the previous poster going with her elderly parents, she will benefit from it, they won't. It's just not as cut n dry ad you think.




    I used your example that you gave of you and your wife. Sorry. In that example you asked if we thought you would buy it and let it go to waste. I "assumed" (I know I know lol) thats what you actually meant. So my suggestion was not to buy it then if it doesnt work for you. I understand what you are saying now.

  8. I understand their reasoning behind the policy, and yes it has to do with sharing ( stealing ). But that policy does not work as well you might think. Example, lets say my wife wants the cheers but I don't, but if she gets it I have to as well. Do you think I'm going to buy it and just let it go to waste ? No, if I'm not a big drinker I will just share mine with other people.



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    So your bar bill for actual consumption for your wife and you would be a lot lower if you dont drink much. Why buy Cheers at all? You are buying it so you can buy drinks for others? I'm not getting this I guess :) Let your wife drink what she wants, you drink what you want and if you still want to buy drinks for others do it. You don't need cheers to do that. Cheers isnt for everyone.

  9. You cant order doubles. You can order a second shot 5 minutes later and add it to your drink. You do receive 25% off of any drink over $10 but then none of that drink counts towards your cheers card, so effectively you aren't using your cheers card at all...just simply getting 25% off your doubles :) They won't split it up as your describe in B.
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