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Miracle 12-14-09 Western Review w/Pics


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Hi NC. just posted a message on Platinum VIP post for you. Will be on the 1-07-10 sailing doing our 40th anniversary. We use to live in Va. Beach va. area for many years and lots of relatives in Carolina. Will be watching for you review. Bob & Nancy:):)

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Sorry for the delay. Uploading the 200+ pics and putting captions on several took a really long time. I only have a couple of days-worth of review written (I put it in Word and copy and paste here and in the official review section), but now that I can add photos as I go, I should be able to move right along.


The review follows...

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Carnival Miracle, 12/14/09, 8-day Western Caribbean


Background: I’m a single female, mid-50s; DD just (finally) finished college, age 23. This was my 11th cruise, 10th on Carnival, making this my first as a Platinum cruiser. DD will be Platinum on her next. I sailed the Triumph’s Cruise-to-Nowhere in October, solo, specifically so I’d be Platinum, as our embarkation in Port Everglades two years ago was not very pleasant at all.


Two days after returning from our fantastic, exhausting cruise last May on Victory, I lost my job. I debated for the next couple of months whether to cancel this Miracle cruise or go ahead and make final payment. Although I have little savings and the job prospects aren’t good, I just knew that if I cancelled, I’d end up with a job at the last minute and either wouldn’t be able to rebook, or would be able to sail but would lose the aft cabin I’d booked 14 months ago. I discovered Cruise Critic a few months before we sailed Miracle on 12/17/07. Our roll call from that cruise is still going. At some point, we started talking about sailing her together again. This became our Lime Gang Reunion cruise, since we had all worn lime-green leis at our Meet & Greet on that cruise. Unfortunately, we ended up with just one couple from that cruise being able to make this one.


Although I didn’t find a “real” job, I do have a temporary position lined up for mid-January through mid-April, so I don’t feel quite so guilty about going ahead with my cruise. I really, really wanted to do this since I plan on relocating this summer and don’t know that I’ll ever have the opportunity to take another vacation like this with my daughter. It’s been just the two of us since she was three years old, so this was important to me. Of course, after I’d made final payment, a couple of crises occurred, and I was “this close” to having to cancel and lose my deposit or worse. The last crisis happened the Wednesday before we were to sail, which would’ve meant I’d lose every dime. Thankfully, all crises were averted. It was very stressful, though, and I began to think that I really wasn’t meant to take this cruise. I think it was appropriate that we were sailing on the Miracle, because I was felling like that is what it would take to actually pull this off. I wasn’t going to believe it was really happening until I was actually standing on the deck.

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Sunday, 12/13, Durham to Fort Lauderdale


I booked the 1:50 nonstop flight on Southwest Airlines from RDU to FLL. I had booked an airport taxi online for 11:30 pickup. I’d taken the dog to the vets to board on Saturday, so just had some last-minute packing to do (you know the stuff – making sure all my little bottles of liquids were actually in a zip bag, making sure we had cross-packed two checked bags and had sleepwear, swimwear, undies, etc. in the small roll-on case). The weather was in the 40s and rainy, and generally unpleasant. I was looking forward to getting to southern Florida, even though we’d had some glorious late fall weather here. But not this day! Got to the airport in plenty of time and got some lunch. Flight was uneventful and on time.


We went to the baggage claim and I went to the phones to call the Hyatt Place for pickup. Although luggage was already on the belt, I was told she couldn’t send the driver until I had the bags and was ready to go to the pickup point. So, about three minutes later, I called again and said we were ready. I was told to exit the terminal and go past the end of the building all the way down to a sign that said “off airport hotels” or something similar. So off we went, wearing our cold-weather clothing, dragging our bags down the sidewalk. Of course, the couple of benches were occupied, so we stood there for a bit, feeling rather warm and uncomfortable. I looked back toward the terminal, and there was the little Hyatt Place shuttle, sitting right in front of the door to the terminal. So, I left DD with the bags, and I walked back to the bus and asked the driver why we’d been told to walk all that way. He had no idea. So I boarded and he drove down and picked up DD and the luggage. In a few minutes, we were at the hotel.


Check-in was quick and painless. Unfortunately, our room didn’t face toward the port, but I walked down to the end of the hall later (searching for the ice machine), looked out the window, and saw a large ship pulling out, just at dusk. I believe it was the Celebrity Solstice. A couple of guys from our Roll Call were disembarking her after a transatlantic, boarding Miracle the next day, then flying to California to board HAL’s Amsterdam for a Panama Canal crossing. I try to not think too much about how nice it would be to have the money and time to travel like that, because I really don’t like being envious of others, but it’s hard to keep from thinking, “Why not me? Why don’t I have that life?” Instead, I try to just be grateful that I’ve been able to travel as much as I have. Given my situation, I may be living in a box under the freeway by this time next year, so obsessing about what I don’t have or can’t do is pointless.








I’d been told about an Irish pub near the hotel, so off we went for supper. Had very good fish & chips and a couple of pints of Guinness, while DD had the steak and kidney pie and a Strongbow cider. I was so stuffed! Just getting myself tuned up for all the overeating I knew I’d do on the ship. I didn’t sleep very well, probably due to the overeating and the excitement of boarding the ship the next day.

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Monday, 12/14/09, Embarkation Day


I was up fairly early (as usual), had my shower, walked down to the end of the hall and took a long-distance photo of the ships in port through the window, went down for the continental breakfast (which was pretty feeble), loaded up my plate, and took it all back up to the room. Then I pulled out my little roll of tape and attached my VIP luggage tags. Yes, you can board with luggage tags that you printed in B&W, that aren’t laminated, aren’t stapled, and aren’t attached with zip ties!


We went down to turn in our room cards and the shuttle was already loading. It was only about 10:40, so we decided to wait for the next one. The weather was glorious (which was great, because it had been very cold two years ago). By the time the next shuttle was ready to load, there were quite a lot of people waiting. Surprisingly, those who had arrived later actually pointed out those of us who were there first! The van was small, with only a small luggage space in the back. I was expecting a larger van or small bus towing a luggage container. We headed for the port and went to the Ruby Princess dock first. We didn’t have anyone going to the X ship this time. Then we were off to the Miracle’s dock. We unloaded the luggage, tipped the driver, gave our two larger bags to the porter, gave him a tip, and headed to the terminal building.


At least this time the line wasn’t a mile out the building although it was back to the doors. I went in, showed my FunPass with VIP on it, and was escorted to the front of the security line, where the gentleman held out his arms to halt the line and send us through. Oooooh, I’m so important! We went up the escalator and were directed to the VIP checkin. There were three employees checking people in, so we were given a #6 card. We sat down and filled out our little health questionnaire, and were called in just a couple of minutes. DD wasn’t Platinum, but her gold card was there with my lovely, impressive Platinum card. We were then invited to help ourselves to the cookies and water or lemonade and instructed to go around the corner and have a seat. Turns out we sat next to a couple on our Roll Call (who I recognized because she told us what she would be wearing). They were just off the Dream, so were doing a back-to-back of sorts. We chatted with them for a while, and then it was time to go. We were led past where the “normal” cruisers were checking in/waiting and straight to the area to have our photos taken for our S&S cards. I would guess we were on board by about 11:40. We were on so early that the buffet lines weren’t open! We pretty much had an empty cruise ship to ourselves.


I was familiar with Miracle, having sailed her two years ago, but had forgotten just how very different the layout is from other Carnival ships (which, to me, are just variations on a theme, based on the Fantasy-class and adjusted/expanded for size). I really like the Spirit-class layout SO much more! The flow is much better and just feels so much more spacious. We took a quick walk through Gatsby’s Garden, since I hadn’t done that on the first Miracle cruise, and were heading down the staircase from Atlantic to Promenade deck when a crew member stopped us and told us we didn’t need to drag our carryons around even though it was so early. So we went up to Main deck, aft, and put our two bags in one of the closets (and had my first glimpse of my aft cabin).




Then it was up to Lido for lunch, where I had a corned beef and pastrami combo from the deli. It was tasty but a bit greasy. We decided to see if/when they were doing the spa tours as we always register for the drawing. We were told the tours would start at 2, so we just wandered around the ship a bit more. Back to the cabin to check out the aft balcony that I’d waited 14 months to see! We were in 4230, which is “just” a regular cabin, next to the highly desirable wrap-around aft (which I doubt I will ever be able to afford to book). There was no view, as we were facing the parking deck, and it was extremely hot out there.




We got ourselves a cup of tea, and sat by the pool closest to the spa area and waited for the tour. Of course, it started to rain. We got our spa tour and registered for the drawing.


Back to the cabin to await the call to muster. We were Muster Station D, which was just out the side door near our cabin and down to Deck 3. It was really, really hot and we were all grateful that we no longer have to wear the life vests. It was over with quickly, so we headed up all those stairs to Lido and the bar by the Orpheus pool for our Meet & Greet. I ordered a Funship Special (regular glass) and DD had something with mango that was yummy. We had already met four of the Roll Call members earlier. Then we spotted CWcruisers, our reunion friends who live in San Diego and who cruise many times every year (those Milestone S&S cards are pretty cool). It was so good to see them again! We all stood/sat and chatted and introduced ourselves and shared our real names.


We needed to be back at the spa at 5 for the drawing. By the time we hiked from stern to bow, the aerobics room was packed, so I let DD stand by the door and listen for names while I sat on the seat of one of the exercise machines, watching Florida recede. Of course we didn’t win anything. When we left the gym, the sun was setting behind Miami and I could see a couple of Carnival ships leaving port.




Then it was time for more food, so down to the sushi cart. It isn’t the best sushi, but I had been craving sushi - any sushi - for weeks, so I quite enjoyed it. I stopped by Formalities and purchased the cheaper wine package and was told I would receive my coupons from my waiter at dinner.


Off we went to the cabin to stare at the wake a bit more, then it was time to get ready for dinner. We had late dining and were seated in the Ariadne Room at table 237. The table was next to the door leading into Jeeves lounge. It was a table for 4 and no one else was there, so we sat in the booth with our backs to the wall, looking out over the rest of the room, toward the main dining room. The grapes are still ugly. There was a young couple at the next table and no one else with them, either, so the four of us sat facing out, which was great for observing our fellow diners and the wait staff.


Our head waiter was Mihai from Romania, and the assistant was Glenn from the Phillipines. I have to say our service was much quicker than I was expecting. Maybe that was partially because that room was never more than about 60% full. They had an 8-top, us, the couple next to us, and another table for four, so they had a lot fewer people to take care of than has been the case on our past few cruises. I had the cured salmon appetizer, a shrimp cocktail, and the tilapia while DD had the vegetarian Indian dish. Although she’s not a vegetarian, she has had this twice and thinks it is one of the best meals on the cruise, so if anyone likes Indian food, give it a try.


After dinner, it was off to Frankie & Johnnie’s to hear the band and do some “chick dancing” with “W” of CWcruisers, my reunion friend. I stopped at the casino on my way back to the cabin, but no luck. I had a very limited gambling budget on this cruise, so stuck pretty much to the $0.01, $0.02 and $0.05 machines.

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Tuesday, 12/15/09, 1st Fun Day at Sea


I have no idea when I got up! And, to be honest, I should take notes because after several days, it all becomes a bit of a blur. I use sea days to relax. I’m not one to participate in a bunch on onboard activities. I headed up to Lido, found the omelette station, got my hot tea and headed outside by the Orpheus pool to have my breakfast and do a little reading. Then I went back down to the cabin, to sit out on my lovely balcony to read some more, allowing DD to sleep in.






The wake is really loud when you're that close!


We’re on very different internal clocks, which sometimes makes traveling a little difficult. I’m an early riser and she isn’t, which means we’re rarely ready to eat at the same times. That’s OK, though. Usually, by the time she’s up and going to have breakfast, I’m ready for my 2nd breakfast! :D


Since I’m Platinum, I had a free entry for the slot or blackjack tournament. I don’t have the courage to play the card tables in a casino, so I decided to try the slot tournament. All I can say is that it’s a good thing I didn’t have to pay for my entry. I probably had the 2nd lowest total. Oh well! It was free, so why not?


We had lunch (I tried the turkey on sub roll and decided I really liked it), and then we went up to the Sun Deck (where there were plenty of empty chairs), and sat and read for a bit more. In case it hasn’t become apparent by now, DD & I are avid readers.


Tonight was the first Cruise Elegant night, and the Captain’s Party, which I imagine most Carnival cruisers now know offers $1 off drinks rather than the former freebies. DD wanted to nap, so I showered and dressed and decided to go down to see what was happening. Well, when I arrived in the lobby, absolutely nothing was happening! So I had a seat at the bar and ordered a glass of wine. I had a nice chat with the young couple next to me, who live about 20 miles away and were on their honeymoon. I also talked with Patrick, the bartender, who was from Mauritius.


After retrieving DD, we had a look through the photo gallery (which we think is better entertainment than most of what happens on board). Then it was time for our dinner. DD had the lobster & shrimp, but I was so greedy that I had that AND the duck, which was absolutely delicious!




As stuffed as I was, I still managed to go to Frankie & Johnnie’s for a little more dancing.

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Wednesday, 12/16/09, 2nd Fun Day at Sea


I was up fairly early, considering that I was out pretty late the night before, and had a few glasses of wine. When I went out back to have my breakfast, it was practically empty. The water in the Orpheus pool was coming out in big waves across the port side of the aft deck, and the wind was so strong that the sea spray was blowing back under the cover, where the dining tables were. I realized that I wasn’t really very hungry, so I only ate a few bites, drank my tea, and went back to the cabin. I ended up lying on the bed, dozing for a couple more hours. DD finally woke up at about noon!


I’ve had motion sickness problems my entire life and just knew I’d hate cruising. Despite my bow cabin and 14’ seas on little Jubilee, I was still hooked by Day 2. Still, I wasn’t a big fan of sea days. Thanks to Cruise Critic, I learned about Ginger tablets, and took those on my 1st Miracle cruise 2 years ago and had zero problems, for the first time. I was convinced I was cured. On the next cruise on Glory, I couldn’t even tell the ship was moving. That was the only reason I booked a cruise with 4 days at sea. But there have been a few times since then that I also had to take a Bonine. This was one of those days. Although I never felt nauseated, I just didn’t feel “right” and had no appetite. For that to be the case on a cruise, I knew I wasn’t my normal self.


I spent most of the day bundled up in my bathrobe, out on the balcony either trying to read or dozing. It rained several times and I was glad I had changed my original booking from a cabin on Deck 5, since we have much more of an overhang on Deck 4. Still, I had to turn the chair sideways, and turn myself toward the wall to keep my book from getting wet.


I called for room service and ordered 2 roast beef & brie on baguette with chips. When it arrived, there was only one sandwich, but it was OK as I still had no appetite. The room service was a bit sketchy. Sometimes the order was perfect, sometimes it was missing items, or we’d receive 2 of something when we’d only ordered one.


After taking ½ Bonine three different times, I decided I could manage to go to dinner, as long as I didn’t spend a lot of time trying to get ready. Honestly, it’s the time spent cooped up in the bathroom, either in the shower or in front of the mirror that seems to bring on the seasickness. So I just quickly changed in the cabin and decided I would have to go sans makeup. I doubt that anyone noticed! Judging by the lack of diners in the dining room, it seems I wasn’t the only person on board who had a problem with the motion that day. It wasn’t until our last day, during our talk with the Captain during the Behind the Fun tour, that I discovered we had diverted around Cuba, going on the west side rather than the east to avoid a storm, and we still had 10’+ seas.


I had the French Onion soup, shrimp cocktail, and the braised short ribs, although I only managed a few bites of the entrée. I had some lime sherbet for dessert, because DD insisted that it would be good for my stomach.


So, it was an early night for us both, which was OK, because the next day was Panama!

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Thankfully, no Alice! It was a pleasant dining experience this time, although we did really like our tablemates last time, other than Alice. I steered clear of most beef dishes, although DD enjoyed her prime rib. I just haven't been very impressed with the quality and flavor of the beef on the last several cruises.


I'll address the demographics at the end, when I'll cover my overall impressions.

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Thursday, 12/17/09, Colon, Panama - Part I


When I book a cruise, I try to find an itinerary that has new-to-me ports. I sail to see the ports, not really for the ship experience. Both of the books I had brought to read on the ship were set in Panama. I hadn’t finished the 1st, but had actually learned quite a bit from reading an “adventure” novel. I also do some research before I sail to learn something about the history and culture of the ports I will be visiting. With so much information instantaneously available to anyone with an internet connection, there’s no reason to not be an informed traveler.


We had put out the breakfast card on Wednesday night. I always order the smoked salmon, a croissant, and hot tea. For DD, it was Raisin Bran, toast and jelly, and hot tea.




I had booked tour CL007 with MyFriendMario, thanks to threads I’d read on the Panama POC board. I’m always on time or even early, but I have a hard time getting DD out of bed and ready to go. We were a little late getting to the meeting place, but others were still arriving. Our tour guide was Laurie, a British woman who had moved to Panama with her family when she was 15, so she spoke perfect English and Spanish.


Folks, let me tell you, this was a fantastic excursion. I have to rank it in the top three I’ve taken. Of course, if your idea of enjoying yourself in port is a day of drinking near the pier, or shopping, then this isn’t really for you. I might want to do that some day after I’ve visited Panama a half-dozen times, but not yet.


We started out with about 16 of us, most of whom appeared to be together (extended family, I think). We drove for a while as Laurie gave us some background info about herself and Panama. We made a stop at a fruit stand where she bought some items for our lunch. Then we arrived at the Chagres River, which is the body of water which empties into what is now Gatun Lake and provides most of the fresh water which floods the canal locks.


At this point, we split up into two groups and boarded Embera Indian dugout canoes that had been fitted with outboard motors. She said we’d get wet, especially near the front of the boat. What she should have told us is that we should just remove our outer street clothes and make the journey in our swimsuits. Let’s just say that those in the front of the canoe were soaked to the bone, those in the middle were drenched, and those in the back were merely saturated!




We had traveled just a little way when her cell rang and we came to a stop. A slightly smaller canoe pulled alongside and the folks in the other canoe had to move to the smaller one. Apparently, there were 14 people who had tentatively booked this excursion but who had never confirmed. Yet they showed up – late – at the meeting place. They needed the larger canoe to carry the other group. So, we took off again, and it turned out that those in the smaller canoe were barely getting any splash at all while we were soaked. I had brought my big beach tote bag and was glad I had because I put my camera down in the bag, between the two Carnival beach towels. Of course, that meant I got very few photos. We traveled up the river and through the lake for quite a long while.


Finally, we pulled up to the Embera Indian village and dropped off the cooler with drinks and the fruit Laurie had purchased and then continued up the river. We then turned up a small tributary and eventually came to a stop in a very rocky area. We had to walk/climb quite a ways to reach a waterfall. Although the water was pretty cold, I certainly wasn’t going to go all that way and not get in! I mean, I was already soaking wet, right?



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Thursday, 12/17/09, Colon, Panama - Part II


We returned to our canoes and went back to the village. It was fascinating. I mean, it was like being in a National Geographic show! These were Central American natives! How cool is that? We climbed the stairs to a platform covered by palm fronds where some women were preparing our lunch.




The men were loincloths with a small beaded skirt-type covering, while the women wear cloth skirts and some of them wear a decorative top, but not all of them. Before you lecherous guys start thinking “oh, yeah, baby” please realize that most of the women who were topless were the older women in the village.


While we learned about their customs, we helped ourselves to water, soft drinks or Panamanian beer, which must have been fairly weak, because I drank three that afternoon and felt nothing, despite the very hot sun. The women fried fresh Tilapia that was caught in the river, and also fried plantains. It was so good. We then had the fresh bananas, pineapples and melons that Laurie had purchased earlier.






The “facilities” were really just a cement hole in the ground, but at least they provided TP, because I had left my little travel roll in the cabin. We had time to shop (of course), and DD bought two pairs of earrings. The mahogany carvings and the baskets were beautiful, but I’m not a souvenir person. We re-applied sunscreen and re-boarded our canoes to head back. Once again, we were drenched within minutes.





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Enjoying your review!! You two were getting on the Miracle as we were getting off. We also were in the little room for dining with Mihei. Moved to the 8-top after we had TERRIBLE service with the Your Time dining. Mihei was WONDERFUL!!


Glad to see you guys had a great time! Good luck in the job search so you can continue on that quest for the Milestone card!! :)

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Thursday, 12/17/09, Colon, Panama - Part III


Then it was off to the Gatun Locks portion of the Panama Canal. It is such an impressive feat of engineering, especially considering the age. The fact that ships have only recently gotten too large to traverse the canal shows how much foresight they had when building it. Of course, thanks to my novel and my research, I knew about how the French had thought to build a canal similar to the Suez Canal, but found the terrain much more difficult to work with and they ended up abandoning the project. The 2nd novel I brought about the Canal is actually set in the late 1890s, but I’ve only just gotten started on it, so that should be interesting, after having seen the Canal for myself.




There was a cruise ship just entering the lower lock when we arrived, so we got to see her exiting into the Caribbean. There were also several freighters coming through.







Unfortunately, we didn’t spend nearly enough time at the locks, imho. I would have preferred to have spent just a little less time at the Indian village after we ate and more time at the locks. Remember the 2nd group that cause us to have to stop and change canoes because they needed the larger one? It turns out that they were all elderly, and when the women saw the canoe, they decided they weren’t going. So, that time that we wasted on the water could’ve been spent at the locks. I guess none of the 14 people in that group actually read the description of the excursion. You know, the part that states, “we will take a 40 minute traditional Indian canoe ride through the Chagres River to arrive at the village”??? I wonder what part of “traditional Indian canoe ride” they didn’t comprehend. Sigh.


Still, it was a great day. Really great. We re-boarded the ship and headed straight up to Lido deck for our late lunch. Then DD needed her afternoon nap, which I sat on the balcony and watched us leave Panama. The sight of dozens of ships sitting at the mouth of the Canal, waited their turn, as the sun went down, was really impressive.






WARNING: I totally have the meals for the next couple of nights mixed up. I know what I had, but am not sure when, so I can give no guarantee that what I show as being on the menu for days 4 & 5 are actually on the menu for those nights. It’s very likely that I have them switched. Sorry!


For dinner, I had the Petit Marmite (really just beef stock & vegetable soup), Caesar salad, and the lamb. It was quite good. DD had the crepes and the blackened Tilapia.


I have no idea if we did anything other than go to the casino for a little while.

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Thanks, BamaCruiser. That was a rather different experience, since we normally like to sit at a large table and get to know our tablemates. I had thought about trying the Your Time Dining, but decided I'd wait and give it a try on a shorter cruise, just in case I didn't really like it. I've already forgotten the Maître D’s name, but I really liked him. He came around multiple times and seemed very genuine.

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Friday, 12/18/09, Limon, Costa Rica - Part I


This was another new port for us. We booked with Charlie Soto of OkeyDokey Tours, based on our reunion friends’ recommendation. They had used him a couple of times for tours from the Pacific side and highly recommended him.




We had to walk though the shopping area and through the terminal building, and then across the street to the waiting minivan. There were a couple of women there who had been on our Panama tour, along with CWcruisers, and the two guys I mentioned earlier who had done the TA on Solstice and were doing the repo on HAL following Miracle.


For some reason, Charlie had gotten the impression that this was DD’s birthday (it was in May!). I gave him her age when I booked the tour, just because when I say I’m travelling with my daughter, some may assume she’s a child, which she certainly is not (at least not chronologically). Our guide was George/Jorge. I had a little difficulty understanding him at first, but once my ear got used to the accent, I didn’t have any problem. He was very knowledge and likeable.


Our first stop was to have a look at some Howler Monkeys in trees right by the road. There was also a sloth.






Then we stopped at a fruit stand, where we sampled ripe bananas and pineapple. Then we went to Cedar Valley Ranch for a pit stop. I’m not really sure why we were there, since there were facilities once we got to the banana plantation, but it was a nice place. I recognized the sign from TallyRockChick’s review of this itinerary back in December, 2007, shortly before I took my first Miracle cruise. They do horseback riding and ziplining from there, and there’s a gift shop with some surrounding gardens.



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Friday, 12/18/09, Limon, Costa Rica - Part II



We boarded the van and it was time for our breakfast beer, Imperial, which had a bit more flavor than Panama had.




A bit more driving and we arrived at the Del Monte banana plantation and processing plant. Now, this stop was probably a bit more interesting for me than for some. When DD was born, I lived on the north side of Atlanta. I worked for a man from Ecuador. There were employees from the Dominica Republic, Puerto Rico, and Guatemala. In fact, I’m pretty sure I was the only one who spoke English as a first language and, unfortunately, I speak no Spanish. Anyway, this company would get orders from agents in Central and South America giving the dimensions of the plantation, the expected output, etc. He would then design the conveyor systems and order the various parts necessary to put together the overhead conveyor with the hooks that bring the bunches in from the field, the conveyor belts that carry bananas to various other parts of the plant, and the roller conveyors that the separated bunches on trays. So, for me, it was very interesting to see these various conveyor systems in action.




Manually pulling the 25 bunches of bananas from the field to the processing plant, using the overhead hook conveyor system.





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Friday, 12/18/09, Limon, Costa Rica - Part III


After another pit stop, we re-boarded and headed to the Tortuguero Canal. There we split up and boarded two small, covered boats and headed out to see some wildlife. We saw Iguanas, a sloth with her baby on her back, a crocodile, a Green Basilisk (which is a lizard, not a giant snake (for you Harry Potter fans)), and then the most interesting wildlife sighting.










We pulled over to the bank where a local boy had a turtle and was showing it to people in another boat. In front of them was another boat where a passenger was holding a small croc. DD & I were in the front seats of our boat, just near the side of this 2nd boat. While this man was holding the croc, a kid reached up and touched it’s underside. It whipped around and bit the man in the nose and the tail lashed him near his right eye. Stunned, he first let go of the muzzle, then the tail, so the croc was loose in the boat. As we pulled away, one of the boat employees was trying to stanch the bloodflow, but his t-shirt had a lot of bright red on it.


Moral of the story: if you’re going to hold a crocodile, don’t let some kid goose it!

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Friday, 12/18/09, Limon, Costa Rica - Part IV


Back to the van and on to Bonita Beach Resort for lunch and a couple more Imperials.




DD was also serenaded with a Latin-influenced version of Happy Birthday.




There was also a man on the van who was really celebrating his birthday (I think) and they brought out a birthday cake. I thought there would be time for a swim, so had brought our suits and lugged the two beach towels, but there wasn’t. Oh well. It was a good day, anyway.


On our way back to port, we pulled over for a photo op and then a stop at a grocery store, where everyone loaded up on cheap, good Costa Rican coffee. I’m not a coffee drinker, but DD bought a couple of bags for friends.







The gorgeous Sea Cloud II was docked next to us when we returned to the ship.


I’m not sure, but I’m guessing that when we got back on the ship, we went up to Lido and had our deli sandwiches. I do believe I had a turkey with swiss on a sub roll every day except the day we boarded. I think this was the Past Guest party night, but honestly can’t remember. DD didn’t want to get up from her nap, so I went alone and sat on a stool in the back row. I finally got the opportunity to whoop when Malcolm asked how many were Platinum. :D Had a couple of glasses of white wine and then went back to the cabin.


For dinner, I had the mushroom soup, shrimp cocktail, and the veal parmigiana. I love the soup, but the veal was just OK. It was a bit dry around the edges, but the flavor was nice. If I hadn’t been avoiding the beef dishes, I would’ve had the filet mignon. DD had the vegetarian lasagna, which she said was quite good.


Don’t remember doing anything that evening, so I guess it was a quick stop in the casino to lose my daily gambling allowance, then off to bed after another interesting but tiring day in the hot, Caribbean sun.

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