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Late dining with 3 year old triplets


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Going on a RCL cruise next May with my whole family (parents, brothers, etc) and our 3 year old triplets. My mom (who is paying for the cruise) booked the late dining for us so that everyone could enjoy time at ports a little longer. I am nervous about this with 3 year old triplets. My goal is to try and have them nap later in the day so they can stay up for an 8:30p dinner. They'll go to bed right after dinner most likely.


Any tips? Anyone else have a later dining time with kids this young? How did you work it out?


Also, do cruise ships provide booster seats or high chairs?

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Unless you'll be in a different time zone than your kids are used to, I would strongly suggest booking early dinner for yourself and the kids. When my extended family took a cruise and wanted the late seating, I just let them know that me and my twins (also 3 at the time) would do the early seating on our own. It actually worked out great - between dinners (after ours and before theirs) we would all meet in one of the lounges and enjoy drinks/dancing/spending time together.


The only other thing I could think of would be to feed your kids in the buffet before and then drop them at the kids club (if they'll be potty trained) or with a babysitter in the cabin while you go to late seating. But then you'd miss the enjoyment of a nice dinner with your kids where all you have to do is be served and enjoy your children - which, if you're like me - doesn't happen at home (the being served, not the enjoying...you know what I mean).


Even though I demand excellent behavior from my twins, I've found that an important part of enjoyable travel with toddlers is also having reasonable expectations of them. Eating and being on their best behavior that late would be way too much to ask of mine.




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Children are encouraged to use the early (Main) seating, as AO is designed and scheduled aroung the early time....if your kids were planning on using the kid's club, late dining will interfere.

Or, you could feed the kids in the buffet, so they could go to AO, while you go to late seating with the rest of your party.

Late seating doesn't end until about 10pm...that's mighty late for 3 year olds!

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We have been cruising with our daughter since she was 2 (she's now 5) and have had the late seating, except once when we tried the early and disliked it. Our daughter is on the go all day and we make sure she takes a very late nap around 2:30-3:00 and she is out for a good 2 - 2 1/2 hours.

A little snack after she gets up and she has always been fine at dinner. She is a very easy going girl so that helps as well but without that late nap, it would have been a different story.

Listen, if you have a problem at dinner, someone can always leave with the little ones, head to the buffet and eat there and it sounds like you have enough people to keep them entertained.

The early dinner always made us feel rushed when we were enjoying a perfectly good day and alot of times, we would miss sail away since we were either in the dining room or busy getting ready.

Once our daughter was 3, she went to the kids club which she LOVED. Our routine from then on is still a late afternoon nap (since we still do late seating). After nap time, we head to the buffet for dinner around 6:00 and then she heads to the kids club at 7:00pm and stays until we pick her up at 10:00 (after we finish dinner). It works out perfectly!!!!

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I have a 4 year old myself whom I love dearly. I'll bet your triplets are incredibly cute. But, oh man, I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of the looks you'll receive when you walk into the late seating MDR with 3 - 3 year olds. :o:eek:;) I'd try to talk your Mom into doing My Time Dining.

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I too was going to suggest MTD. It gives you the flexibility to all eat together at a time that works if you want but also allows you and the girls to eat earlier if you want. What is your girls' schedule at home? I would think that unless your girls are used to eating at 8:30 or so that it may be difficult for them to hold out that long (especially if they have been on the go during the day) I know my dtr (6 now) has always been an "early to bed" kinda kid (my son-12-was like that too til about a year ago) and has never napped since she was 2.5 (no matter how tired or busy she was). She currently goes to bed at 7:30 (if we do not have another activity). Not sure what we are going to do on our cruise in the spring--she gets kinda evil if up too late. :(

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Going on a RCL cruise next May with my whole family (parents, brothers, etc) and our 3 year old triplets. My mom (who is paying for the cruise) booked the late dining for us so that everyone could enjoy time at ports a little longer. I am nervous about this with 3 year old triplets. My goal is to try and have them nap later in the day so they can stay up for an 8:30p dinner. They'll go to bed right after dinner most likely.


Any tips? Anyone else have a later dining time with kids this young? How did you work it out?


Also, do cruise ships provide booster seats or high chairs?


I think the late seating is too late for the young children.

They will be much more happier in an earlier seating.

And, you will be more happier. ;)

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Can I just say that as a mother of triplets you probably need a relaxing vacation more than anyone! Even if your mother is paying for the cruise she must understand this. IF your kids are indeed able to nap late in the afteroon and stay up late then I can see late seating working. It is a lot to ask of them, though, to expect to be going all day and then be pleasant late in the evening. While feeding them at the buffet early could work it will cost you the opportunity to relax and be waited on. Are there other children in the extended family as well? If so, are their parents on board with the late seating idea? Maybe someone needs to explain to grandma that it would be easier for the adults to adjust to the needs of the children than to expect the children to do the adjusting. Maybe reserve a table for 5 at early seating dinner for your immediate family. If it looks like the 3 year olds are indeed napping late it is easier to switch to late seating than the other way around. If grandma wants the entire family to dine together then she can switch to the early seating and plan to have a buffet dinner if she has a late day on shore. She could also plan ahead for those days that she plans to be ashore late and book those nights for specialty restaurants as a treat.


Please give yourself a chance to relax. I am sure you have earned it!

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The benefit of a set dining time is that your table and everything you need for your kids is all set and ready when you arrive. I've found it leads to the most relaxing and smooth experience with multiple toddlers. Having the same waiter each night also ensures that you get into a routine where he/she knows what your kids would like to start with and it's brought out almost immediately. Not sure how My Time Dining works on RCCL, but I wouldn't want a situation where I show up at the dining room and then have to wait while three boosters are located and set up and then have a new waiter each night.




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With My Time Dining, you can reserve the same time every night. You can also request the same wait staff. Other posters on cruise critic have reported that the staff in My Time Dining is the more experienced staff. Since you have to prepay gratuities, they are assured of getting their share, so it is more desirable for them to work in My Time Dining.

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While we only have 1 daughter, when she was 4 we would take her to dinner with us, and order her entree while we had our appetizers. She would be done about the same time we would, and my husband would then run her down to kids camp before our entree came. We could then enjoy the rest of our dinner, without feeling rushed or having to keep her entertained.


You may want to try this, as you can all spend some time together at dinner with your family, but not have the kids sitting around for 2+ hours until you are all finished. Just retrieve them when you are done with dinner, or after dinner drinks.

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This is exactly what we were planning on doing and I just wanted to see if it was doable! Did your kids go right to bed after the late dinner? I am hoping the later nap will work ok for them. They usually go down around 1pm. Hoping to push it back to 3pm. I know there's a lot to do on the boat, but do you really think I can keep 3 three year olds entertained from the moment they wake up (usually around 7am) until 3pm for a nap?

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I vote for early seating or my time dining too. I only have 1 toddler and I wouldn't dare chance late seating. My little one would melt down for sure and I wouldn't get a single peaceful meal. In fact, many days we would just eat in the Windjammer preferring a more casual setting period.


I think you can easily keep them entertained. You didn't mention which ship you were sailing on though. Some have more activities than others.


I do have a question for you triplet mom! My best friend has a set of triplets too. They just turned 4. They frequently cruise and leave the kids behind because she is reluctant to bring them. She said that a single cabin won't accomodate them so they would have to book 2 adjoining cabins. They don't feel comfortable with them sleeping by themselves in an adjacent cabin. They also don't want to have to sleep apart the entire cruise. What are you guys planning to do? Maybe I can give her some ideas.

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I also am eager to hear how it goes. My friend's triplets (identical boys) are turning 2 this month and she also has a 4 year old girl. I would love it if I could pass along a vacation idea. Especially if there is a line that would take the triplets into kids club at this age - before the older one starts school. I can just imagine the look on her face at the thought of a few days of having someone else do the cooking, cleaning and childcare while she gets to relax and take a break...

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I vote for early seating or my time dining too. I only have 1 toddler and I wouldn't dare chance late seating. My little one would melt down for sure and I wouldn't get a single peaceful meal. In fact, many days we would just eat in the Windjammer preferring a more casual setting period.


I think you can easily keep them entertained. You didn't mention which ship you were sailing on though. Some have more activities than others.


I do have a question for you triplet mom! My best friend has a set of triplets too. They just turned 4. They frequently cruise and leave the kids behind because she is reluctant to bring them. She said that a single cabin won't accomodate them so they would have to book 2 adjoining cabins. They don't feel comfortable with them sleeping by themselves in an adjacent cabin. They also don't want to have to sleep apart the entire cruise. What are you guys planning to do? Maybe I can give her some ideas.


Well, my mom booked this whole trip for the whole family. So first off, I would recommend other people go with her cause there is no way I would be ok taking my triplets on a cruise just me and my husband. Not yet! I have my parents, 3 brothers and their girlfriends all coming with us and the plan is that people are going to help out as much as possible.

As for sleeping: we got 2 adjoining cabins where there is a door in the middle. We plan on keeping the door open between the 2 cabins. AND my plan is that 2 will sleep in 1 room with 1 parent, and the other will sleep on the double bed with the other parent. I know, not very romantic, but I don't want all 3 in the room by themselves either. Especially at 3 and especially with one of the bed options being a top bunk!

Maybe after the 1st or 2nd night I'll feel more comfortable. I also plan on bringing my monitor. I know that sounds weird, but my kids need a sound machine to sleep and with all that noise I want to make sure I can hear them, even if the door is open. So that might be a good out for your friend since she and her hubby don't want to sleep apart.

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I also am eager to hear how it goes. My friend's triplets (identical boys) are turning 2 this month and she also has a 4 year old girl. I would love it if I could pass along a vacation idea. Especially if there is a line that would take the triplets into kids club at this age - before the older one starts school. I can just imagine the look on her face at the thought of a few days of having someone else do the cooking, cleaning and childcare while she gets to relax and take a break...


I'll let you know how it goes. The kids club makes me nervous. I don't know if I can just leave them alone in there. I would love to - need the time to myself. But my kids are really shy around new people so I don't know if I could stomach leaving them there. We shall see!

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Do you know for a fact that the 3/4 beds are pullman style? it could very well be that the couch folds down to create the 3rd and 4th sleeping areas.


That way you could consider letting them sleep in a room together and just use your monitor....and maybe have some alone time with DH.

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I'll let you know how it goes. The kids club makes me nervous. I don't know if I can just leave them alone in there. I would love to - need the time to myself. But my kids are really shy around new people so I don't know if I could stomach leaving them there. We shall see!


Try not to be nervous about the kids club. It's a great program and no harm will come to the kids. The counselors are wonderful and really make all the kids feel welcome. They know how to work with the shy ones as well. Make sure you go to the open house on the first day of the cruise. The kids can play, and you can chat with the counselors and sign them up for camp.

You can always take them to the kids club and hang out a bit. Hopefully, it won't take long for them to be enjoying it and you can have some down time.

My dd has been going to the kids club since she was 3 (she's now 5) and that's where she wants to go all the time. Talk about a nice break for dh & I :p

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Well, my mom booked this whole trip for the whole family. So first off, I would recommend other people go with her cause there is no way I would be ok taking my triplets on a cruise just me and my husband. Not yet! I have my parents, 3 brothers and their girlfriends all coming with us and the plan is that people are going to help out as much as possible.

As for sleeping: we got 2 adjoining cabins where there is a door in the middle. We plan on keeping the door open between the 2 cabins. AND my plan is that 2 will sleep in 1 room with 1 parent, and the other will sleep on the double bed with the other parent. I know, not very romantic, but I don't want all 3 in the room by themselves either. Especially at 3 and especially with one of the bed options being a top bunk!

Maybe after the 1st or 2nd night I'll feel more comfortable. I also plan on bringing my monitor. I know that sounds weird, but my kids need a sound machine to sleep and with all that noise I want to make sure I can hear them, even if the door is open. So that might be a good out for your friend since she and her hubby don't want to sleep apart.


Yeah, that won't ease her mind. Her kids get up in the middle of the night. She's afraid they might wander out and she wouldn't hear them. That and the remote possibility of someone entering the cabin.


With all the larger families cruising these days I'm stunned they don't have larger cabins that will accomodate more people. And I don't mean the $20,000 per cruise suites that most families can't afford :) Anyways, good luck with your trio! You guys should have a lot of fun.

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Late dining can work, we went on a 2 wk cruise with our DD2 and we chose late dining although she usually goes rto bed at 8 at home, normally she would have a brief nap (half hr if that) late afternoon, we would either take her to the windjammer or order room service for her before we went to the MDR and she would just had pudding in the MDR then either color look at books or watch a dvd and she was never a problem, she would then watch the show then usually we'd all be in bed around half ten, this also helped as with having an inside cabin she'd sleep in the next day. We are going on another cruise in nov and this time we are hoping to let her have dinner in the winddjammer then take her to AO for the pm session.

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queenL- we are sailing carnival dream in one of their family oceanview rooms that sleeps 5. we will see how that goes with our 3 kids (8,4,2).

definately NOT 20k (actually under 3K for all 5 of us)l



That's good to know. I don't think they checked Carnival. Do the other lines have these cabins?

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Royal Caribbean has family cabins that sleep up to 6. On Voyager and Radiance class ships, they have family oceanviews. On Freedom class and Oasis, they have Family Interior, Family Oceanview, Family balcony, Family Promenade. In addition, suites are not necessarily as pricey as one would expect. The 3rd, 4th and 5th are all at a greatly reduced rate, as they are in family cabins.


Cabins that sleep 6 won't appear on the websites. You have to call the cruiseline directly or have a TA do it for you. This is their way of making sure they're booked by at least 5 people in a group.

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