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Underwater Cameras


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We are looking at getting an underwater camera for our upcoming cruise. I am not a professional or anything I just want a simple camera that can be used for snorkeling. There are TONS of underwater cameras out there and would like a little input on what you liked what you didn't like. I am not concerned if it takes good land pictures...it would be nice but I have two really good land cameras so that isn't something that is needed. I would kind of like for it to have some sort of video also...even if it is just small clips. I really would like to spend less than 300.....less than 200 would be even better.


Thanks in advance for your help!

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This camera is actually one of the ones on my list. I already have a canon powershot so it shouldn't be too hard to get used to the controls.


The only thing I didn't like about this camera was that it didn't use AA batteries. But I guess that is something I can live with.


I am still looking. At least I have a while till our cruise so I am not in a huge rush! Would like to have it wrapped under the Christmas tree as a family gift though!

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This camera is actually one of the ones on my list. I already have a canon powershot so it shouldn't be too hard to get used to the controls.


The only thing I didn't like about this camera was that it didn't use AA batteries. But I guess that is something I can live with.


I am still looking. At least I have a while till our cruise so I am not in a huge rush! Would like to have it wrapped under the Christmas tree as a family gift though!


I agree with the preference for AA batteries, but the rechargable lithium ion battery that comes with cameras does last quite a while. You'd only need one spare to be able to swap them out and keep shooting.


Olympus also makes a line of waterproof cameras, but I just prefer the Canon brand myself.

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We are looking at getting an underwater camera for our upcoming cruise. I am not a professional or anything I just want a simple camera that can be used for snorkeling. There are TONS of underwater cameras out there and would like a little input on what you liked what you didn't like. I am not concerned if it takes good land pictures...it would be nice but I have two really good land cameras so that isn't something that is needed. I would kind of like for it to have some sort of video also...even if it is just small clips. I really would like to spend less than 300.....less than 200 would be even better.


Thanks in advance for your help!


I don't own a underwater digital but the choices have expanded this past year. Here is an extensive write up of the offerings. There is no one "best" but depending on what is important to you there are ones better then others: http://www.dpreview.com/reviews/Q209waterproofgroup/

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  • 4 weeks later...
I don't own a underwater digital but the choices have expanded this past year. Here is an extensive write up of the offerings. There is no one "best" but depending on what is important to you there are ones better then others: http://www.dpreview.com/reviews/Q209waterproofgroup/



this website was very helpful thank you sooooo much! We decided to go with the Canon D10. Partly becuase I alreadyhad one canon so I was kind of familar with their menu settings and everything and also becuase it seemed to get the best reviews when looking on line. And becuase the pics that I saw of this camera and several other just from random people (amazon had people who had posted their pics that they took with their cameras) I was happiest with this camera over the others in pic quality.


I have had it for a few weeks now and have enjoyed playing with it. I love cameras of anykind....always have...anyway I hadn't even checked the other features that this camera had compared to others because I was only looking for something that was good above and below the water. Anyway this camera has a feature that my other cameras dont...other than the obvious ones...and that is being able to take a black and white pic except for the pink flower....I am sure there is a name for this just not sure what it is called. I know that this can be done with editing software....but I never have time to do that so I like having the option to do it in the camera!


Anyway thank you every one for your input. We will be testing the camera out fully when we go on our cruise in Feb. Can't wait!!!!! HOpefully I will remember to come back and post a few pics. if not here then maybe a review or something with pics (of course we are taking the other two cameras too so that while this one is soaking in fresh water we can still take pics so not all pics will be from the same camera)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Cool deal sassy5683! I am planning on acquiring one to shoot my underwater and jungle adventures in places I do not want to take my dslr. So looking forward to seeing how the pics turned out for you!


Are you going with the extra camera straps that come with that $100 kit? Pricey but lots of cool ways to carry it!


Have fun on your cruise!:cool:

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did not get the extra straps...seemed too expensive for just a few straps. So far the land pics I have taken I have really liked....don't have them to shw anymore though because my comp died just this week and of course all my pics were on it.


We cruise in just a little over three weeks! I cant wait to get some pics underwater!

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I have a regular point and shoot digital camera (slightly late model Canon SD870) and the manufacturers underwater marine case. This option is more expensive than the newer underwater cameras (since you have the buy the relatively expense case separately) but much more reliable. While most of the reports from owners of these underwater cameras are positive, I've read more than a few from those whose cameras quickly failed the first time they went a few feet underwater and their cameras were ruined forever. Too big a risk for me.


If I were looking to buy on a budget I'd look for a new, or almost new, underwater case on ebay for a recent, but not current, Canon, Panasonic, or Fuji camera in the area of $50 to $75 or so, and if I found one I'd then buy the related used camera. I've actually done this before and found a nice Fuji set for under $200. I wasn't too crazy about the Fuji camera overall and sold it later for more than I paid for it and ended up buying a new Canon marine case for my camera.

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Just as an example - on ebay now there is a listing for an underwater case for a Panasonic FX-30 camera (click here) the seller indicates he has a few brand new for $90 each. A search for the matching camera shows at least one for sale on an auction (click here) You could probably get this combo for around $150 and have a great reliable underwater camera. With that said I know little about the camera - you can find out more on one of the camera review web sites or customer reviews on Amazon. I'd have no problem buing a used camera in good shape, this is more reliable and easier to find than a used marine case.


Please note that I have nothing to do with these auctions or eBay listings. I'm just providing this as an example of buying an affordable underwater set. I found this by searching for "Panasonic marine case" on eBay, sorting by price and looking at the items under $100. You can do the same for other brands too. Once a case in good condition is found you can check the camera reviews for the matching camera and then find an auction for the used camera - which will be easier to find than a cheap case.

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I thought about getting a case but when I looked for cases for my existing cameras they were more expensive than the cannon underwater camera i bought....and one of the cameras I already had I ahd just bought back in may of 09. Therea re SOOO many cameras of so many types out there I didn't want to go searching for a used case and a used camera that would match and get me good results...to me that seems like a lot of work...just beucase you find something today doesn't always mean you can find it another time...and with stuff on ebay those prices change.


So far as a land camera I really like the Cannon....I will try to remember to come back here and post my feelings after taking it unerwater...more than just in the sink and fish tank...and will post some picts. assuming I don't have problems like some have said.

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I am so glad I found this thread - I am also in the process of buying an underwater camera for our upcoming Spring Break cruise. I have done research and have decided on the Canon d10. Amazon has the best price - but I have never bought anything so expensive from Amazon - I've bought books, cell phone equipment, shoes, etc. What is something is wrong = is it worth paying a little extra to but from Buy Best? Not sure what to do.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm glad I found this thread as well. Heck, I didn't even realize they sold regular point and shoot cameras like this. The last time I did anything as far as taking underwater pictures, I bought those cheap throw away cameras and me and the kids took pictures of each other in the pool about 10 years ago. LOL I'm definitely going to check into this.

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I am so glad I found this thread - I am also in the process of buying an underwater camera for our upcoming Spring Break cruise. I have done research and have decided on the Canon d10. Amazon has the best price - but I have never bought anything so expensive from Amazon - I've bought books, cell phone equipment, shoes, etc. What is something is wrong = is it worth paying a little extra to but from Buy Best? Not sure what to do.




i bought from amazon.....there was on company that I almost b ought from that was like 100 less and I got all excited but found out that you didnt get the american warranty with it....nt sure how theya re able to do that but I was like...i think I would rather knw that I have a warranty. Anyway about two weeks ago I got the lens error msg turned it off and took out the battery and havent had it since. I called canon and they were willing to fix it but my cruise was two weeks away then...now it is less than a week. So far it hasn't happened again. It is about the biggest flaw I have seen in this camera. If it happens again I will be sending it back to canon as soon as we get back from our cruise and they will fix or replace it. I have even herad stories of people that they just sent a whole new box set to new battery and everything.


I was hopng that we would bein the group that didn't have the error or if we did it would happen soon enough that we wouldhave time to send it to them. But so far it hasn't happened again so maybe it was afluke or something.

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I purchased a Olympus 1030SW just before our Hawaii cruise in September last year. I was really happy with the pictures and video I shot underwater as well as out of the water. This is a 10MP with 5X zoom and good for 30ft. under water. I was a little concerned with the ones that are good for 10ft. in case I was swimming under or if I dropped it (I have sense purchased the floating strap). I mainly went with the Olympus as I had two others and they all take the XD card plus I got a great price at $221. The main thing you want to be careful with is making sure you rinse the camera off with fresh water after you have had it in salt water or pool water. Turn it on and off several times to wash the lens doors out really well.

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i bought from amazon.....there was on company that I almost b ought from that was like 100 less and I got all excited but found out that you didnt get the american warranty with it....nt sure how theya re able to do that but I was like...i think I would rather knw that I have a warranty. Anyway about two weeks ago I got the lens error msg turned it off and took out the battery and havent had it since. I called canon and they were willing to fix it but my cruise was two weeks away then...now it is less than a week. So far it hasn't happened again. It is about the biggest flaw I have seen in this camera. If it happens again I will be sending it back to canon as soon as we get back from our cruise and they will fix or replace it. I have even herad stories of people that they just sent a whole new box set to new battery and everything.


I was hopng that we would bein the group that didn't have the error or if we did it would happen soon enough that we wouldhave time to send it to them. But so far it hasn't happened again so maybe it was afluke or something.



Thanks for the Amazon help - I still have not bought the camera - I am still saving my pennies, but I really want the Canon d10.

Thanks Tess

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Thanks for the Amazon help - I still have not bought the camera - I am still saving my pennies, but I really want the Canon d10.

Thanks Tess


Whether you buy from Amazon or not, go there and check out the buyer reviews. Look at the 1, 2 and 3 star reviews. While most people have no issues with all these underwater cameras there are a number of users who do. This is true among all of the different brands of underwater cameras, without cases, I've looked into. You'll have much greater reliability using a separate marine case which is designed to go 100 feet down. At least read the reviews so you are aware of the risks and have an idea of what the leak guarantee is and what the repair replacement procedures are - especially since the reviewers who tried to get it fixed said Canon wouldn't repair it due to the water leaks.

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I purchased a Olympus 1030SW just before our Hawaii cruise in September last year. I was really happy with the pictures and video I shot underwater as well as out of the water. This is a 10MP with 5X zoom and good for 30ft. under water. I was a little concerned with the ones that are good for 10ft. in case I was swimming under or if I dropped it (I have sense purchased the floating strap). I mainly went with the Olympus as I had two others and they all take the XD card plus I got a great price at $221. The main thing you want to be careful with is making sure you rinse the camera off with fresh water after you have had it in salt water or pool water. Turn it on and off several times to wash the lens doors out really well.


I've had one for a couple of years and really like it. I carry it with me almost all the time in my pocket when we are cruising. I also was sure to buy the float strap! Never had any leak problems. I DO replace the two rubber gaskets yearly and am always sure to rinse it well after being in the water. I've had it down to about 20 feet. That's all the farther I can dive, anymore when snorkeling. I did get a fish to smile, though.............



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I've had one for a couple of years and really like it. I carry it with me almost all the time in my pocket when we are cruising. I also was sure to buy the float strap! Never had any leak problems. I DO replace the two rubber gaskets yearly and am always sure to rinse it well after being in the water. I've had it down to about 20 feet. That's all the farther I can dive, anymore when snorkeling. I did get a fish to smile, though.............



Beautiful picture - you consider trying a minor amount of color correction - it makes a world of difference - look at the link in my signature below. Almost all underwater photos need this.


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Beautiful picture - you consider trying a minor amount of color correction - it makes a world of difference - look at the link in my signature below. Almost all underwater photos need this.


I haven't had the time to work with any of the photos from our last week cruise yet. This was right off the camera.

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I've had one for a couple of years and really like it. I carry it with me almost all the time in my pocket when we are cruising. I also was sure to buy the float strap! Never had any leak problems. I DO replace the two rubber gaskets yearly and am always sure to rinse it well after being in the water. I've had it down to about 20 feet. That's all the farther I can dive, anymore when snorkeling. I did get a fish to smile, though.............




Hi - we have the Olympus Stylus 1040, haven't had it out for snorkeling yet - and we'll be cruising in April and intend on using it then. I've read alot about leaking and am a little nervous about that. I assume that it has to do with the rubber rings on the doors that open. Any advice? We have had the camera about a year and a half, only had it in water once. I hate to go buy some expensive case for it, since it's intended for the water, and I know you can buy these "ziplock" kind of things for it on ebay, but then I don't know how much that would distort the picture. Where do you get replacement rubber gaskets?

That's a beautiful picture!!


Thanks - Rita

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