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Found ring 12/23/2009 Georgetown, Grand Cayman


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I find it hard to believe that if the OP just left the ring at the table, the owner would come back and find it before someone else picked it up. In a dream world maybe. My son left his watch on a table while swimming in the pool and someone took it while he was gone. No one turned it in, or if they did the cruiseline never let us know about it. When I lost my cell phone in Cozumel, it never even crossed my mind to notify the Cozumel police that I lost it. I had to leave on my ship- no time to find a police station and report it missing.

You are accusing the OP of being a thief with ulterior motives. My personal opinion is that she made the best decision that she could at the time. If no one steps forward to claim the ring then who else should it belong to- the Grand Cayman police department or the owner of the food stand? If she has reported the find to the police department, and the owner reports it missing [which i seriously doubt], then they can reconnect the owner and the finder.

I don't believe that there is truly a one size fits all answer here.


I found a gold watch in DC once. I reported it to the police and no one ever claimed it. Should I have left it on the sidewalk, and what should I have done when no one claimed it. The police never suggested I should give it to them. It is still in my jewelry box.


Thanks MDSue...I have slathered my contact info all over in hopes that someone will know something about this ring. There is only one person on this board who has been negative about it, which is a good ratio in my opinion. The ring itself is too big for me and is obviously 'costume' jewelry, however it reminds me of something my great-grandmother would have worn and I truly only wish to find its owner. We have found other things before- a camera at a kids restaurant in town years ago- and left our phone number for anyone who could give us the right description, rather than leave it with an employee who might not return it to the owner. If I had found it on the ship I might have turned it in at Guest Services, however in this case, it seemed more appropriate to hold onto it and do some sleuthing just in case the owner was on a different ship.

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The problem here is that the op and at least one or two others assume they are better than the authorities. Once you turn it into them, your conscience is clear and you have done the right thing. What they choose to do is not your concern at that point. Making assumptions that they won't find the owner makes you feel good, but doesn't really accomplish anything. Fact is, OP has probably found a ring to keep. Regardless of the op's motives, the decision was a very poor one as the owner will likely NEVER be found this way and justifying the action by making it sound like you're more trustworthy than anyone else to me is just arrogant.


I am assuming that whoever lost the ring probably didn't realize it until they had already left the area. Would you rather I had found your wallet and hunted high and low to get it back to you, or left it on an island, unbeknownst to you, hundreds of miles away from home with the 'authorities'? And which 'authorities' should I have turned it in to? Local police? Royal Caribbean? Port authority? Maybe I should have just left it there and not gave a flip what happened to it? My conscience is clear because I did do the right thing, and I am doing the right thing still by taking the time to reply to your unconstructive and uncalled for assumptions. This is 2009, my friend. People search Craigslist before calling the cops to find lost items...Excuse me for keeping up with the times.

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To the OP: just want to join in with the people that think you did the right thing. don't let the negatives pull you down as you are trying to find the owner. I know there is a "lost camera" website. Wonder if there is any other type of lost and found internet site???


Believe it or not there is this: http://www.lostmyring.com And yes, I posted it there too.

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OP, best of luck to you in your search.


Robin8, exact same thing happened to my DS and DIL. Money and cruise cards found but only cruise cards made it back to them. Makes one wonder about turning something in to the crew. I think if I ever find something like that and they are on the same ship, I will just stand at the purser desk and wait for the people to show up, which they would have to in order to get new cards.

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I'm posting this as a note to myself and for others who might have more ideas of where I can post to in hopes of finding the owner of the ring.


Cruise Critic:

Message Boards- Royal Caribbean, RCI Roll Call, Carnival, Costa

I don't know the Roll Call names/dates of the correct ships for Carnival/Costa- Docked at Georgetown Wednesday 12/23/2009. Help?



Caribbean- Lost and Found (search and post)

Houston/Galveston- Lost and Found (search)


Grand Cayman Police Email


Grand Cayman Tourist Bureau Email


Customer Service Email

Carnival, Costa, Royal Caribbean




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I would have done the same thing as the OP. I think that one person might feel more morally obligated to find the owner than any organization. I also think she has put more effort into finding the owner than Royal or the police would have done.

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I'm posting this as a note to myself and for others who might have more ideas of where I can post to in hopes of finding the owner of the ring.


Cruise Critic:

Message Boards- Royal Caribbean, RCI Roll Call, Carnival, Costa

I don't know the Roll Call names/dates of the correct ships for Carnival/Costa- Docked at Georgetown Wednesday 12/23/2009. Help?



Caribbean- Lost and Found (search and post)

Houston/Galveston- Lost and Found (search)


Grand Cayman Police Email


Grand Cayman Tourist Bureau Email


Customer Service Email

Carnival, Costa, Royal Caribbean





Other ships at GC on the 23rd -Carnival Liberty (Roll Call: http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=1015574) and Costa Fortuna.

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Sometimes I find myself embarrassed to be a part of Cruise Critic Community, when I see such arrogance.


OP: You did just fine.

You had a judgement call to make.

You made it.

I think you did well.


On behalf of all my cruise critic posters, I apologize for any inappropirate, thoughtless comments that have come your way. They are uncalled for.


I have friends that sailed to GC on the Voyager over Christmas. I will ask them if they lost a ring.


With that said....


I sailed on the Equinox last month.

I found something in my cabin.

I knew that if I turned it in to Celebrity, it would never find its owner.

I took the items(s) home with me.

I posted on CruiseCritic....

and the items are now safely in the hands of the rightful owners.

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Sometimes I find myself embarrassed to be a part of Cruise Critic Community, when I see such arrogance.


OP: You did just fine.

You had a judgement call to make.

You made it.

I think you did well.


On behalf of all my cruise critic posters, I apologize for any inappropirate, thoughtless comments that have come your way. They are uncalled for.


I second Boo's Mom's sentiments..... To me you've gone above and beyond the call of duty in trying to keep secure an item that, while not of monetary value appeared to have sentimental value, and locate the owner and I heartily applaude your efforts!! Re: turning it over to the local police - I can't imagine many folks would spend their few hours in a port trying to track down a police station, make a report, etc. I know I wouldn't. And I'm not sure I'd have had the presence of mind to secure the ring and try to find it's owner as you have. Here's wishing you the best of luck in your search!

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Sometimes I find myself embarrassed to be a part of Cruise Critic Community' date=' when I see such arrogance.


OP: You did just fine.

You had a judgement call to make.

You made it.

I think you did well.


On behalf of all my cruise critic posters, I apologize for any inappropirate, thoughtless comments that have come your way. They are uncalled for.



Also agree, you made a spur of the moment judgement call to take the ring and hopefully find the owner. To bad someone is trying to make you out as the bad person here. I would take the advice given above and block all further post. This person is very mean. I would much rather have you in my corner.


I did find another site you might want to try. I did a google for lost and found and this came up: http://www.thefoundbin.com/

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And for the record, if I found a Rolex sitting on a table, I would turn it in to the manager of the establishment where I found it. I mean, Rolex? Yuck, don't need another one and I'd not try to solve all of the world's problems. Now a Patek? Perhaps a different story. LOLOL


Are we to be impressed that you own a Rolex but would rather have a Patek ?

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I more or less agree with the LCGuy. I find the comments of some on here about the perceived honesty of others kind of insulting. As far as his comments about watches - I wouldn't know a Rolex from a Timex, so it really makes no difference to me. It's a lost watch.


As far as the money removed from the turned in items - I would point it out to the person at the pursers desk that the person who turned it in told you the contents. Putting them on alert about the missing cash.

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I am a strong believer in doing everything I can to locate the owner of an item I found. You should be applauded for making every effort to do so. It is a shame some prefer to find fault in things we do rather then finding the good in people. This is a difficult situation in that you were in a public place and the ring could have been anyones.

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I think you are doing the best you can.

I found a money clip with $96 in it in stateroom corridor on our Celebrity Equinox last August. Thankfully the money clip had initials on it.


We took it to the purser's desk, and with some prodding got him to look up passengers on that deck with these initials.

He found two, and while we listened he called them asking if they had lost anything. Second call the gentleman said he had just realized he lost his money clip and was looking around the room for it. Purser asked him to come to the front desk to claim his money.


Of course this was a much easier situation to deal with.


But I agree, you have to take some ownership and make an effort.

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Awhile back, someone posted that a relative found a lot of money in their cabin safe when they checked into the cabin. She kept it and was quite happy for her "bonanza." The person posting did not agree with the relative's decision.


So this started a discussion of what would you do if you found some money (or whatever) in your safe.


I decided that I would go to the purser's desk and tell them I had found "some" money in my safe and would they contact the previous occupant and have them e-mail/cell phone me if they lost it and with identification of the amount, I would make arrangements to return it to them.


If I found money (or anything valuable) on the ship, I would do the same thing. Tell the purser's office I had found (whatever) and if anyone inquired to have them contact me.


My son left his camera in a lounge that we closed down one night. We were the absolute last people out of there. Before we got back to our cabin, he realized he had left it and went immediately back. It was gone. I doubt another passenger got it.


Tucker in Texas

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Awhile back, someone posted that a relative found a lot of money in their cabin safe when they checked into the cabin. She kept it and was quite happy for her "bonanza." The person posting did not agree with the relative's decision.


So this started a discussion of what would you do if you found some money (or whatever) in your safe.


I decided that I would go to the purser's desk and tell them I had found "some" money in my safe and would they contact the previous occupant and have them e-mail/cell phone me if they lost it and with identification of the amount, I would make arrangements to return it to them.


If I found money (or anything valuable) on the ship, I would do the same thing. Tell the purser's office I had found (whatever) and if anyone inquired to have them contact me.


My son left his camera in a lounge that we closed down one night. We were the absolute last people out of there. Before we got back to our cabin, he realized he had left it and went immediately back. It was gone. I doubt another passenger got it.


Tucker in Texas




Same thing just happened to me on Island Princess. I left my Ray Ban's on the table in the buffet. When I realized it and went back for them, the table was cleared and the sunglasses were gone-there was no one sitting at the table. I checked both lost and found venues every day and they never turned up. I don't think it was another pax who swiped them.

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Other ships at GC on the 23rd -Carnival Liberty (Roll Call: http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=1015574) and Costa Fortuna.


To the OP: you might want to post this on Carnival Connections for Carnival Liberty. Here's the link to the 19th sailing which I think should be the one that was in GC on the 23rd.


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Here is the link to the Costa Fortuna roll call for the 12/20 sailing: http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=1043203


Here is our lost item story-


My DH left his sunglasses on the table at lunch on embarkation day on one of our Disney cruises. At lunch, we had gotten friendly with the family at the next table and had discovered that we had booked the equivilant cabins - we were starboard, they were port. My DH was pleasantly surprised and grateful when they stopped by the cabin later with his sunglasses.


Good luck - it's great that you are putting in the effort - hope you find the owner!

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Let's see, you're eating at a fast food restaurant at a truck stop on I-95 in suburban Maryland and you find a ring at your table. Based on the logic above, the best way to find its rightful owner would be to get on a trucker's bulletin board as opposed to turning it into the restaurant or security/police?


If it was a truck driver or a traveler just passing through, how do you expect the restaurant or the police to find the owner.



To take the ring from the establishment with no certainty of finding the owner is frankly, stealing.


That is one opinion without proof.

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I have to say that I am quite disappointed in this thread. Although new to CC, I thought the OP sent a heartfelt post asking that if anyone had lost a ring to please contact them. For some reason in this very judgmental world, it has turned from a stranger trying to help another stranger To a bashing on what should have happened. We all deal with situations differently but let me remind you that we are all human and do the best we can. If the OP had wanted your opinion on how you felt about them taking the ring they would have posted that. NO! They asked that if you know of anyone to please contact them as they have picked it up and it looks like sentimental value. Sounds to me that if the OP had wanted to take a ring and keep it, to post it would have been silly. I say instead of judging and stating your very strong opinion, if don't have any helpful information about the ring then move on. Sorry if this is a long post but come on. Life is tough enough, but to have these mean comments and rude behavior is a bit uncalled for.

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brnibaby I agree, if the op were going to steal the ring, then why bother to come on a public board and post they found one. I read their Post as a person, looking for advice on a better way to possbily contacting the owner, besides what they did. CC is still in my opinion, the best Cruise Web site for learning about cruising, from those who have cruised alot to differant places and have first hand knowledge of what are the best areas, hotels etc. I have myself learned so much just in reading and speaking with experinced Europe Travelers on CC. We are here to help the new Cruisers and even those who cruise alot.

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Desert Cruizers, I can not agree with you more. DH and I have received so much wonderful advice and answers since we joined CC. I also love the positive responses to others questions that I have learned from. Some questions are asked that I had not even thought of and loved reading the answers and tips. I just felt like this thread had gone on to long with the negative comments and felt I had to say something even if it meant upsetting some people. Life is so short and if we don't have something helpful or nice to say than we should keep our opinions to ourselves. As much are there are wonderful people on here, I have also learned that there are those that make some people (myself included) unsure whether to ask a question as we might get berated. :o

Happy New Year!

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