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Prinsendam 2005 World Tour... it has begun


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[quote name='bepsf'][b][font=Garamond][size=3][color=darkslategray]Hmmm - that sounds like a challenge![/color][/size][/font][/b]



Of course I'd be willing to help..... ($$$$$$ cash, cheque, bonds, etc etc);)

I have been meaning to congratulate you on your excellent 'signature'... the beautiful poster of the old ROTTERDAM . It is a real gem! Do you have an original?

I had a shot at one of them a few years ago and passed up on it. Idiot! I do have a few originals though... including one from the 50s of the Nw AMSTERDAM and one dating back to 1908 of the old ROTTERDAM IV.

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After reading this whole thread over the last couple of days, I'm definitely suffering from GSWS (Grumpy and Slinkie Withdrawal Syndrome)!! I'm sure they're having a great time as usual, but am looking forward to the next post.

Prinsendam--thanks for the info on the BC category cabins. Will say hi to Tom Cassidy for you.

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[quote name='TexEm']Prinsendam--thanks for the info on the BC category cabins. Will say hi to Tom Cassidy for you.[/QUOTE]
While you're saying hi to Tom, would you tell him Doug Newman sends his regards also?

He is not a CC member so he will not know who Host Doug is, but he does know me by my real name.
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[size=2]Prinsendam 2005, April 4, Day 81

Another gorgeous sea day cruising south from the Seychelles toward Mauritius. The Prinsendam was a little late getting into Victoria, Seychelles, Sunday morning... a combination of leaving Sri Lanka about 1/2 hour late, strong currents and strong head winds all teamed up and it was after 9a by the time she docked and the gangway was set. It was actually nice coming into port late, as the approach to the Seychelles is very beautiful and Grumpy was better able to appreciate their beauty after breakfast and coffee. Grumpy checked his GPS on the way into the channel and was surprised to see that they were still about 15 miles out from the dock coordinates. The air was so clear that he could see details on shore that normally can't be seen more than a couple of miles away.

Since there were a lot of tours scheduled, the disembarking procedure was a little different. As they called the tour numbers, the gangway to be used kept alternating between deck 5 and deck 4. Most of the time deck 4 is used only for mobility challanged passengers and crew members. It worked out pretty good for getting everyone off and on their way without putting the tours too far behind schedule.

Since the Prinsendam arrived on a Sunday, there wasn't too much open... can you hear Slinkie weeping?.. There was a small group of kiosks with arts and crafts items, tee shirts, postcards, clothing items, etc, right at the dock. All information was that prices are high... no bargains to be found... but the handicraft items were priced fairly low and clothing, although not as cheap as in the previous ports, was still very reasonable.

Slinkie and Grumpy boarded a bus for the North Island tour... First stop was the botanical gardens... they have a giant tortoise pen with 14 tortoises... several of the coco de mer palms... coconuts larger than a large watermelon... and they even managed to scare a few fruit bats into the air... they call them flying foxes, but they sure looked like very large bats to Grumpy... After leaving the gardens, the bus went into the heart of Victoria and stopped at a place where there is a block long group of kiosks selling souvenirs, handicrafts, clothing... yep, same stuff as at the pier... just more of it... Slinkie did buy a scarf and a carved turtle... has to keep her record intact, you know... and then it was back on the bus for a drive through Victoria and up the coast to the north end of the island. There were a couple of brief stops for photo ops... the beaches... the mountains... Prinsendam in the harbor...before arriving at the Coral Sands hotel. Well if Grumpy had brought his swim trunks, they might have had trouble getting him back on the bus after the break... It's a fantastic beach... crystal clear water... yes, it is paradise... but after ahalf hour, it was time to board the bus once again for some sightseeing along the road across the north end and then back to the ship for a late lunch. It was nice to visit a place where everything moves at a slower pace... the last several ports have really been hectic... Grumpy figures he could even get the hang of driving on the wrong side of the road there, and not wipe out the population of 82,000 in the process...

There was a shuttle bus for those that wanted to go into town... it went to the same block of crafts kiosks where Grumpy aand Slinkie had stopped earlier on the tour. After a brief check to make sure that there wasn't anything that they had missed, they set off down the street, past the silver clock tower (little Big Ben) and past the local shops and stores... Slinkie was very sad... so many beautiful things in the store windows... every door displaying the "Closed" sign... but they did have a nice walk around the town. The afternoon heat was getting pretty bad and getting back on the air conditioned bus felt pretty good. Arriving back at the dock, there was a piece of fabric that caught Slinkie's eye and she had to check out the dockside kiosks again... She wasn't sure if it was a skirt, a dress, or a wrap, but she knew she liked the pattern... Between the time she saw it from the bus window and the time she was able to get off the bus, what she was looking for seemed to disappear. She was about to give up, but going through the last rack, there it was... red background, black designs, including dolphins... Slinkie now owns a new wraparound skirt.

Now Grumpy isn't sure, but someone must have warned the locals that the rowdy Prinsendamers were coming... the dock berth they assigned was right next to a US Navy Destroyer. She sat there the entire time with her forward deck gun trained on the Lido... Yes, Sir... Grumpy will behave, Sir...

The Prinsendam set sail right on schedule at 6p, going out to the north through the channel and then made a sweeping turn back to the east and then south to continue on toward Port Louis, Mauritius. The sunset over Victoria was really beautiful, the clouds were beginning to gather around the mountaintops, and the as mother nature did her "fade to black" Grumpy and Slinkie watched the lights of Victoria gradually fade into the night.

Morning brought partially cloudy skies and more smooth sailing... Grumpy checked his GPS... yes, the Prinsendam was still on course, but travelling quite slowly... about 14 knots... hmmm, never make port on time at that rate... Mandatory lifeboat drill this morning... that makes five since Ft. Lauderdale... they know about the memory problems of this bunch and make sure the old brain cells get refreshed every couple of weeks... After lunch, the Announcement from the Bridge gave Grumpy a clue about the slow speed... Tropical storm to the south... Probably giving it a chance to pass by, as this afternoon the speed is up to 17 knots, seas are a little rougher and there have been a few rain squalls. Grumpy and Slinkie might get rocked to sleep, tonight...

Claudia (venicecruiser), Mandy came on board in Victoria and she had just about enough time to unpack before her first performance... How does one describe her performance?... Madcap Magician... psychotic psychic... perverse prestidigitator... she is a funny performer... does some really dumb magician's tricks that look so obvious and just about the time you say "Ho Hum" she does something brilliant. Grumpy hasn't run into her on the ship yet, but he'll say hi to her for you when he does.

Prinsendam... 50" x 72" x 6".... Slinkie's SMALL suitcase is bigger than that!... let's see 5 paintings, thats 30 inch thick... no one would bat an eye at a case that size leaving the ship after a world cruise... now try doing it after a 3 nighter and someone might get a little suspicious...

HeatherInFlorida... Good to hear from you... The ONLY good thing about the end of the world cruise that Grumpy can think of is that he will be able to read some other threads and catch up on everything that's been going on... and turn signatures and pictures back on... The MS Heatherdam?.. Is that a new ship or just one of the old ones renamed, like the MS Slinkiedam?..

Sometime after leaving Sri Lanka, the CNNI signal went kaput. The top story at that time was that the Pope was gravely ill and had received last rites. The signal was reacquired on the approach to Victoria and the first news was that the Pope had passed away a few hours before. Since that time, almost 100 percent of their coverage has been related to the upcoming funeral and the election of the new Pope. Although it's an important news story, there must be a few other happenings in the world that should be reported... but if there are other stories they are not being covered on CNNI... That might be the one other thing to look forward to at the end of the cruise... Something other than CNNI.

Better get this posted before TexEm's withdrawal symptoms reach the critical stage...

Grumpy and Slinkie

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Grumpy - Glad you enjoyed Mandy's first performance! Her "style" is very edgy but she is very funny as well........She's also quite funny one-on-one. If you can get her talking about some of the experiences she's had in her travels, its quite interesting as well as usually very funny.........Please tell her that Claudia asked you to make sure she didn't get into any trouble onboard, or in port! Also, please tell her I expect an email promptly upon her return home.....

Thanks so much, Grumpy, for both keeping me informed about Mandy and for sharing your wonderful trip with all of us! Continue to enjoy and I'll continue to wish you fair winds and calm seas!

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[quote name='Grumpy1'][size=2]The signal was reacquired on the approach to Victoria and the first news was that the Pope had passed away a few hours before. Since that time, almost 100 percent of their coverage has been related to the upcoming funeral and the election of the new Pope. Although it's an important news story, there must be a few other happenings in the world that should be reported... but if there are other stories they are not being covered on CNNI.[/size]

It's that way on all the news channels. And it's not as if it's breaking news! WEll, maybe someone expects the pope to pop up and say "April Fool!" but I don't think it will happen.

This morning's TV column in USA Today commented on this and reminded us that the news channels do this with any "big" story - non-stoip wall-to-wall coverage. Either the news execs have trunnel vision - or they think the viewers are marginally morons. I'll go with the latter interpretation.
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[font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=royalblue]Where you gonna put it all! (but there's always room for jewelry.;) )[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=royalblue][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=royalblue]Which raises a question you may have the answer to---do the HAL tours typically have a shop-stop included? If so, how much of the tour does it take up?[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=royalblue]I'm one of those rare women who hates to shop :eek: and resents paying good tour money to go shopping. I've noticed in your reports that you are tending to go off on your own most of the time, and wondered if that was because the HAL tours didn't have enough shopping time for you and Slinkie. [/color][/size][/font]
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The most maddening thing about cruise arranged tours is the time allotted to "gem" factories, and shopping. Very frustrating! I have complained but this appears to be how it is. Wish I had the nerve to book my own driver. But am always afraid they might break down and we would miss the departure! The boat waits for their tours if late but no one else.
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the MS HeatherDam was a short lived ship, it was giving out free drinks only one night.

I loved CNNI much better news than CNN.

And Grumpy you missed the two week death watch on Terri S. then followed by the death watch on the Pope. Be very glad you are at sea. One right wing nutjob got upset with ""lib" CBS because they cut away from the 24 hour Pope coverage to show a Final Four basketball game...
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[quote name='PRINSENDAM']Brian,

I have been meaning to congratulate you on your excellent 'signature'... the beautiful poster of the old ROTTERDAM . It is a real gem! Do you have an original?


[font=Garamond][size=3][color=navy][b]Thanks Stephen![/b][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Garamond][size=3][color=navy][b]Oh, I wish I had an original - or even a print![/b][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Garamond][size=3][color=navy][b]I pulled the image from the History Section of the [/b][/color][/size][/font][url="http://www.hollandamerica.com/about/history.do"][font=Garamond][size=3][color=navy][b]HAL site[/b][/color][/size][/font] [/url]
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[quote name='dakrewser']It's that way on all the news channels. And it's not as if it's breaking news! WEll, maybe someone expects the pope to pop up and say "April Fool!" but I don't think it will happen.

This morning's TV column in USA Today commented on this and reminded us that the news channels do this with any "big" story - non-stoip wall-to-wall coverage. Either the news execs have trunnel vision - or they think the viewers are marginally morons. I'll go with the latter interpretation.[/QUOTE]

[font=Garamond][size=3][color=darkslategray][b]Here's one for the "Too Much Pope News" files:[/b][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Garamond][size=3][color=#0000ff][b]I'm at the bus stop this am - and my co-worker calls my cell:[/b][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Garamond][size=3][color=#0000ff][b]"Are you coming to work today?"[/b][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Garamond][size=3][color=#0000ff][b]"Yeah - I'm at the bus stop. Why? Did I forget an early meeting?"[/b][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Garamond][size=3][color=#0000ff][b]"No, but I thought you would have called if you weren't coming in..."[/b][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Garamond][size=3][color=#0000ff][b]"Of course I'm coming in - I'm at the bus stop - Why are you calling me?"[/b][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Garamond][size=3][color=#0000ff][b]"Don't you watch the news?"[/b][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Garamond][size=3][color=#0000ff][b]"Yeah - the Pope is dead."[/b][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Garamond][size=3][b][color=#0000ff]"No, we had a time change - you know, Spring Forward - it's 10 o'clock already...[/color][color=#0000ff]"[/color][/b][/size][/font]
[font=Garamond][size=3][color=darkslategray][b]Count your blessings, Grumpy...[/b][/color][/size][/font]
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Grumpy -

Seems that Slinkie may need a day of shopping therapy after the last port.

I don't know - a beautiful gal, moon lit nites, sunny warm days, someone to make the bed....sounds like you've done something right! Care to share some pointers with your land locked fans back in the real world.

Also - please do not steal any of Stephens paintings...it would be awful if Stephen & his wife were forced to endure endless weeks onboard Prinsemdam investigating & recreating the lost artwork that would look beautiful in your livingroom or over your work bench!

Full moon , smooth seas!
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Grumpy and Slinkie--You mentioned that you had gotten a note onboard from someone trying to find you in Australia. How does the ship's mail delivery system work? If I want to contact another passenger, and I don't know what cabin they're in--nor even what they look like--whom do I contact to get it done? If I write a note with the person's name on it, do I drop it off at the desk? Or will they call the person's cabin for me?

Host Doug--as soon as I find the answer out, I'd be glad to say hi to Tom for you (I could always wander around the ship holding up a sign with his name on it!)

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[quote name='TexEm']Host Doug--as soon as I find the answer out, I'd be glad to say hi to Tom for you (I could always wander around the ship holding up a sign with his name on it!)[/QUOTE]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=royalblue]Try what I did once---it worked beautifully:[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=royalblue]Ask any lounge steward to point him out to you. They know everyone's name by the end of the first day. [/color][/size][/font]
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[QUOTE] [color=magenta][b]WEll, maybe someone expects the pope to pop up and say "April Fool!" but I don't think it will happen[/b].[/color]
[/QUOTE] Just had to say I loved that quote!! I'm not Catholic, but I have really welcomed the coverage on the Pope's younger years and growing up, etc. I heard that Castro from Cuba is coming to the funeral too. Wonder if [b][color=red]BinLaden will show too!! :rolleyes: [/color][/b]
[color=#ff0000]GRUMPY & SLINKIE...........great review as always. 81 days and a few more weeks to go. Any signs of getting "home sick" yet??? [/color]
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[font=Book Antiqua][size=3][color=darkslateblue]I am most fortunate as I only live a few kilometres from Prinsendam and as soon as I find out excatly where then I will pay him a visit in the dead of night and abscond with any painting of a ship that I can find......this would be easier than trying to fit one in my suitcase when we leave the ship in June.......:D [/color][/size][/font]

[font=Book Antiqua][size=3][color=darkslateblue]Grumpy1 we could help each other out here......you take the one from the ship and I'll get one from his home.........make lots of copies and then with the sales to all the CC'ers we could both sail on a world cruise next time.......:) [/color][/size][/font]

[font=Book Antiqua][size=3][color=darkslateblue]On small problem might be that knowing my luck I would get caught!!!!!!;) [/color][/size][/font]

[font=Book Antiqua][size=3][color=#483d8b]Oh well.....any ideas Grumpy1......:cool: [/color][/size][/font]

[font=Book Antiqua][size=3][color=#483d8b]Cristiano.[/color][/size][/font]
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Just got a 2007 world Voyage survey today. They want feedback on 4 posible iternarys. 3 on the Amsterdam and one on the Princendam. They all look pretty cool but the Princendam has many small ports. And some I think they would never stop at ie. Yeman.
BTW I will be in Colombo later this year on the Pacific Princess. How much did you pay for your driver. I enjoy reading your posts. Not much of a writer myself. I will be on the Pacific Princess for 58 days from Bangkok to Cape Town to Sydney. Half world cruise.
Thanks for the port by port rundown. Maybe one day.
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[quote name='TexEm']Grumpy and Slinkie--You mentioned that you had gotten a note onboard from someone trying to find you in Australia. How does the ship's mail delivery system work? If I want to contact another passenger, and I don't know what cabin they're in--nor even what they look like--whom do I contact to get it done? If I write a note with the person's name on it, do I drop it off at the desk? Or will they call the person's cabin for me?

Host Doug--as soon as I find the answer out, I'd be glad to say hi to Tom for you (I could always wander around the ship holding up a sign with his name on it!)


Hi Mary,

The easy way to contact a passenger is simply pick up the phone and call the Front Office asking for the passenger by name. They will not tell you the cabin number, but will connect you instead. Of course if they are not in their cabin... try asking one of the bar tenders to point the person out to you.

Years ago on the old ROTTERDAM during the 1993 Orient/South Pacific Cruise the then Bar Manager Jan Willem Kuipers would walk up and stand next to me at the Ocean Bar and ask the bar tender, "Have you seen Mr Card?" The bar tender would say, "No." and Jan would walk away. That went on for two months!!!!!! :cool: You might be lucky and have Jan Willem as Hotel Manager in May for your crossing. As far as I know he is due to relieve Mr Ebbens.

Anyhow, just ask for Tom Cassidy. Someone will put you in touch.

Tom, BTW is the publisher of Ocean Cruise News. Available by subscription... with weeekly e-mail updates by author Bill Miller.

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[quote name='Cristiano'][font=Book Antiqua][size=3][color=darkslateblue]I am most fortunate as I only live a few kilometres from Prinsendam and as soon as I find out excatly where then I will pay him a visit in the dead of night and abscond with any painting of a ship that I can find......this would be easier than trying to fit one in my suitcase when we leave the ship in June.......:D [/color][/size][/font]

[font=Book Antiqua][size=3][color=darkslateblue]Grumpy1 we could help each other out here......you take the one from the ship and I'll get one from his home.........make lots of copies and then with the sales to all the CC'ers we could both sail on a world cruise next time.......:) [/color][/size][/font]

[font=Book Antiqua][size=3][color=darkslateblue]On small problem might be that knowing my luck I would get caught!!!!!!;) [/color][/size][/font]

[font=Book Antiqua][size=3][color=#483d8b]Oh well.....any ideas Grumpy1......:cool: [/color][/size][/font]

[font=Book Antiqua][size=3][color=#483d8b]Cristiano.[/color][/size][/font][/QUOTE]


Oh! Oh! HAL would not be happy if you made off with the new paintings for the NOORDAM!!!!! Of course if you leave the cheque, or cash money on the table, that is a different story.

You WOULD be unlucky if you came around in the 'dead of night'. I was working until 3.30 AM... this morning!!!!!!!!!!!!! I painted until just after midnight then spent three hours working on the text for the HAL book.

Please drop me a line with your number and I'll call..... [email="prinsendam@hotmail.com"]prinsendam@hotmail.com[/email]
I'm at 9398 7349

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[b][font=Comic Sans MS][color=darkred]Grumpy and Slinkie...Withdrawal systems reaching critical stage :eek: [/color][/font][/b]

:D [b][font=Comic Sans MS][color=#8b0000]Looking forward to next update, treading water here, and busy with updates on first ever HAL CC group cruise. Come join us! 10/29/06 - 1 week "HAL-O-Ween Dam Cruise" Can you access CC boards? There is a Group Cruise site! [/color][/font][/b]
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Slinkie and Grumpy1

Need information. DW needs to know how cool it is in the public areas on the ship. This especially applies to the dining room. This will affect what she chooses to pack for our "short" 26 day cruise from NYC to Athens beginning on May 9th. She has been especially sensitive to cold since her chemotherapy following her radical surgery for Ovarian Cancer.

We would appreciate any feedback from Slinkie, woman to woman, as it were.

"Warm" Regards

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