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Prinsendam 2005 World Tour... it has begun


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when we got home our latest Mariner mag was here


I have cruise with HAL twice and on my last cruise I also received a tile. But I never received the Mariner magazine. How many times does one have to cruise to receive it? And how often is it published per year?



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I am amazed,what a wonderfull painting .Not to buy for the ordinary people?

Can I--order-- as a Dutch WOMAN ,old grey lady,such a painting?

What an awfull lot of good work.


I have read so many rollcalls ,that I am not sure where are you boardin?


Thanks ,I don't take the JENEVER in my suitcase.

Once a bottle whiskey spoiled all my eveningdresses,the laundry

cost me a lot aboard and no whiskey at all.



Cann't we get namecards from the ship, as in many cases ships do for CCmembers.


czechmate was doing it for the Opera cruise 2* april


The only thing is somebody has to collect all the names and mail them to the vessel,I suppose.Or is this an old idea?


Hope to meet you and all the others.


Eternity (Ingrid)

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Stephen -such a wonderful gift you have. I've only seen pics of the old Niew Amsterdam & found her most beautiful.


You were so lucky to have boarded all these great ships - I chose to sail your namesake next week just to experience ships that I grew up with(altho Prinsemdam came when I was in my 20's) before they go to the breakers.


Its great to see someone of my generation expressing his interest in the liners of yesterday for all to enjoy. I only wish someone will come along & build a ship/ ships that reflect the great era of the ocean liner. Thankfully Rotterdam V will be around....I only wish the FRANCE could be saved & restored. Is it foolish to hope that the Queen Mary will be restored?????


I will find the copy of Cunarder in the Explorers Lounge next week....have a cocktail & toast you(and of course Grumpy & Slinkie).

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I will find the copy of Cunarder in the Explorers Lounge next week....have a cocktail & toast you(and of course Grumpy & Slinkie).


The Cunarder is in the Neptune Lounge, which is reserved for suite passengers, but if you ask the concierge, she might allow you to have a look at it.



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I have cruise with HAL twice and on my last cruise I also received a tile. But I never received the Mariner magazine. How many times does one have to cruise to receive it? And how often is it published per year?




Currently there is another thread retgarding the Mariner Magazine - check Mariner Magazine - Hello Dolly

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You were so lucky to have boarded all these great ships - I chose to sail your namesake next week just to experience ships that I grew up with(altho Prinsemdam came when I was in my 20's) before they go to the breakers.






In the 60's... as a teenager I was a real dockrat! In those days it was no problem at all to obtain passes to board almost any ship.... in Bermuda that is. I lost track of all the ships I visited... RANGITANE, QUEEN OF BERMUDA, NIEUW AMSTERAM, ROTTERDAM, STATENDAM, MAASDAM, DIEMERDYK, DINTELDYK, LEONARDO DA VINCI, UNITED STATES, AMERICA, HOMERIC, OCEANIC, BERLIN, EUROPA, BREMEN, SAGAFJORD, BRASIL, ARGENTINA, VIKING PRINCESS, VICTORIA, GUADALOUPE, ARIADNE, ORONSAY, ORIANA, GRIPSHOLM, CONSTITUTION, OLYMPIA, ROSA DE FONSECA, HAMBURG, ... also freighters, ocean-going tugs, naval ships, etc etc etc.


My first voyage offshore was in an ocean-going tug.. MARINIA. I was twelve. Two years later I made my first voyage in a passenger ship...FRANCONIA... three weeks signed-on as Deck Boy... bridge brass polisher! It was a great time and lots of fun. As long as my parents knew where I was going there was no problem. There were seven of us. It was hard to keep track of us all of the time.;)



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I remember that era well when you could visit ships while in port. It was so easy too. I remember visiting some of the same ships you have mentioned. My cousins and I would sometimes visit several in one port. What fun!!!!! I hadn't thought about that until you posted about visiting the various ships. Too bad that era is gone forever. With the tight security now, you can't even get close to another ship. How sad............ Adele

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That is a beautiful painting of the Nieuw Amsterdam, Statendam and Maasdam. Thank you for posting it. One of these days I hope I will see the original on the Prinsendam. I am still looking forward to seeing a copy of "The Cunarder".



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Stephen - that is quite a resume of ships - I didn't board a ship until 1969 - the FRANCONIA - as my parents sailed to BERMUDA!!!!!!!


After the first visit I would take the train into NYC anytime I could & head over to the west side. Back then the NY Times posted a shipping schedule so I would checkout what ships were in & visit accordingly. HAL, Cunard, ITALIAN LINES, HOME LINES, GREEK LINE etc.


Years later when I moved to Manhattan out of college I would go to the piers & board for $1( a donation to the Seamans Fund) settle into a deck chair & read the want ads for jobs & when the buffet opened have my lunch onboard(much better than what I could make / afford at my flat). Then scamper off as the last call was made. I was as poor as a church mouse in those days but had a drink & lunch on some of the most beauytiful ships of the day!(and got a tan to boot).


Fate might of had us meet back then...my father was offered a job to head up a newspaper in Bermuda in the 1960's..I remember thinking how wonderful it would of been to live in Hamilton. Alas family ruled & we stayed in NY.

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Prinsendam 2005, April 30, Day 107


OK, everyone join Grumpy and Slinkie in a rousing chorus of Happy Birthday! Whose birthday are we celebrating? None other than the Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands. Well, it isn't really her birthday... she was actually born on Jan 31, but she assumed the throne on April 30, 1980, and the frugal Dutch decided to celebrate her birthday and her coronation with one official cruise up the Amazon, a short stay in Santarem and a nice cruise back down. Saof a log and some people reported seeing a sloth. All in all it was a very nice tour.




The Prinsendam continued out of the Amazon, passing the sea bouy about 9p. She changed course from from NE to north about 11p and then turned on a line to Barbados about 6a... At least that's what the track log on Grumpy's Garmin V GPS that was strapped to the verandah railing all night said...


been fixed and redecorating done while in route. There were a few areas with AC problems at the start, but Grumpy hasn't heard any complaints lately.


Cruisinggranny... Grumpy is sure you will enjoy your Amazon cruise... He and Slinkie wish this cruise could see more of it.


Blackbird71... you can be sure Grumpy and Slinkie kept the balcony door closed at night... There were lots of moths and other bugs on the glass that wanted to get in... they had those propane powered bug zapper things set up on the Lido at night.


Prinsendam... The tiles look very good... are you going to be in Amsterdam for the installation of you artworks?


majority have said that it is ending too soon.


Rotterdam... Thanks... The quote from "Way for a Sailor" is so true...



Grumpy and Slinkie



As a Dutch cc member and THANKS to you ,I am boarding in FLD.(fantastic)

If you allowed me:

A small correction on your interesting story.


We Dutch are frugal ,but the Queen has honoured her mother in this case , queen Juliana, her birthday was april 30 -1909 It was a special gift from Beatrix to her mother , and much appriciated.


The son is going to do the same thing ---Queen/kingsday shall be forever

april 30.


We only have celebrated the- coronationday -2 times!!!!! indeed also april 30

The first time october 30 ----- twelf and half year.

The second time april 30 -----twentyfive year


It is not so important for us,and the queen dislikes it,no fuss at all!!!

I think its very efficient and traditional since 1948 ,also typical for our business queen .


Indeed we are frugal ,(I have learned a new word)

You are right,but it is not a shame,I think.

Hope to read your last mail,I am flying Thursday, I think you two must be very busy packing.

Why are you not staying like a stoweaway??


But they say in our country there is no home like your own home.

A bit of comfort ,leaving the vessel reluctantly.

Bye -bye,


Eternity (Ingrid)


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Your painting is absolutely beautiful. What a gift you have and thank you for sharing it with all of us. I am looking forward to see your work in person. :D

Grumpy & Slinkie,

Thank you for the many hours of enjoyment, traveling with you on this cruise. Even though I was on land , you made me feel that I was there with you, sharing in all your adventures. I hope that someday our paths will cross on a ship and I can buy you a drink to show my appreciation. :D

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Stephen: I too was on board the Rotterdam V for the 1995 WC. I remember well the bartenders in the Ocean Bar and especially remember the time when we departed Messina and ran into fierce waves....You, Jane, and I sat sipping Bloody Marys in the Sky Room and holding onto our chairs.



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Stephen what a beautiful painting. I only hope to see it up close some day. I especially liked seeing the Statendam as she once looked.

My first-ever cruise was on the Statemdam NYC-Bermuda back in '78. Sold me on cruising, that's for sure!

I longed to see the Rotterdam, and had the chance a year later. I was aboard a Cunard ship when I found the Rotterdam docked next to us in St. Thomas. I toddled on over in my bathing suit and cover-up. I had just missed public tours! :(

No problem! Visit all you want, little lady, just be sure to leave before we sail at midnight! I met a charming man who showed me around, indroduced me to everyone as his daughter, and bought me a drink in the Ocean Bar.

Such a nice memory your post has brought back today. :)

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Well, it has been a long time a coming, but here she is!




Stephen, that is a stunning painting!

What amazes me is about your work is the consistency of scale and perspective, and the attention to detail even to the water and sky which seem equally as important to the composition as the ships...

You must use alot of old photographs, etc to get the details of the ships and buildings?

We should get HAL to bring you aboard their ships to give talks about your work.

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Prinsendam--your new painting is so impressive! Can't wait to see whatever paintings are on the Prinsendam. Sounds like you've had an interesting life--ever think of writing a book (about your life)? I do wish you were going to be on the Prinsendam out of FLL, but I don't think you are. It would be so fascinating to hear you talk about all of the ships, your paintings, tiles, etc.


Rotterdam--I hope the concierge (Sherri?) at the Neptune Lounge will let us look at the Cunard book. Maybe if I beg...or take my elderly mother with me and tell the concierge how much she's been looking forward to seeing the book (which she has). Do you think any of our roll call are in an S cabin?


Grumpy and Slinkie--can't wait to hear your next post! Where are you now, on your way to FLL?



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Stephen, your painting is absolutely magnificent. I so wish I could see it full size or at least enlarged to my screen. I love the way you've done it and I've long admired your style.


I feel tremendously honored (along with everyone else I'm sure) that you shared this with us so soon after you have finished the work ... sort of like a tiny peek into your studio. Thank you so much.

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Dear Ingrid, I am a 77 year old Texan, and I wish we had more in the USA that thought that way. For instance, the elaborate party time when Bush took office the second time. After the dreadful tsunami. Oh well, times have changed and not all for the better. I visited Holland a few years ago and loved the bike lanes, bike red lights, and the use of bikes. Texas is so spread out, few use them and I regret that. Each country has it's strengths and weaknesses. Joan from Texas

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Just loved your new painting Stephen. Having sailed on all three of the ships in the painting, ss Nieuw Amsterdam, ss Statendam and my very first sailing on the ss Maasdam (15,000 tons) brought back so many wonderful memories for me. Thanks so much for sharing your newest painting with all of us.


My thanks also to Grumpy and Slinkie for sharing their wonderful World Cruise experiences with so many of us. Having done one World Cruise I can relate to many of the things you both have done and been thru so it was a thrill to check every day to see what you were both up to. Enjoy your last few days and never forget all the wonderful times you had and friends you have met.

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I really like your new painting. Means a lot to me as I have sailed on two of the three ships. Never had the chance to sail on the SS Maasdam but did sail on the SS Statendam and the SS Nieuw Amsterdam. You have certainly captured the elegance of those true ocean liners. I hope I get to see your painting in person someday. Adele

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Thank you so much for sharing your WC with us. I have truly enjoyed reading about all your experiences. I felt as though I was right there with you with your vivid descriptions. I hate to see this end. I hope you will continue with some more posts after you are home. Enjoy your last few days and have a safe trip home. Adele

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Prinsendam 2005, May 3, Day 110


Slinkie and Grumpy ( the real ones, not the flat ones) are now in the Caribbean between Barbados and Half Moon Cay. It would be a nice place to be except that being here means the journey is almost over... and that certainly makes Grumpy and Slinkie sad... Yes, it will be nice to see friends and family again... but no, they don't want the incredible voyage to end...


There have been quite a few questions and comments since Grumpy last posted, so he's going to put off writing about Barbados and devote this post to catching up... so here goes...


BCHappyGal... Slinkie hopes the weather is warm on your mini cruise... You might need to put a jacket on the flat version... enjoy the cruise


AussieGal... good to see you back from vacation... and thanks again for your wonderful hospitality in Melbourne


Rotterdam... now you're trying to get Grumpy in trouble... he did not say cheap... he said frugal... and there's a big difference... cheap would have been if your ancesters would have said "$24 is too much for Manhatten... we don't want it."... Frugal was not paying the original asking price of $48... we all know it wasn't worth that much...


Cuttle... You said "Isn't that what cruising is mostly about, seeing different places, even for short, one day stays, and learning and getting a taste of cultures and flora and fauna, etc."... yes, that pretty well sums up the cruising experience... that plus all of the wonderful onboard times, too.


Peggy Sue... yes, the last port is HMC. the Prinsendam will have the whole island to herself, so it won't be crowded... Slinkie and Grumpy are not signing up for anything there... they will just go ashore and relax...


HeatherInFlorida... Well, the cruise may be almost over, but Grumpy doesn't want to hear any more talk of paying pipers, burst balloons, etc... there's enough memories to keep the party going for a while....


Rotterdam... Grumpy heard a rumor that all of the Dutch Gin has disappeared... just kidding... the drink list in the bar lists Dutch Jong Bols (young Genever) and Dutch Oude Bols (old Genever), so enjoy your sailaway from NYC with drink in hand...


KathieKata... the summer place is in Ohio... between Cleveland and Akron... not too far from you...


cronestein (Ingrid)... congratulations for being impulsive and booking the Prinsendam... Grumpy and Slinkie hope you enjoy the cruise as much as they have... It's too bad that there won't be an opportunity to say hello in Fort Lauderdale. Thank you for filling in a little more information on the reason for the April 30 Dutch holiday... The port lecturer did not mention that the holiday was in honor of the Queen's mother's birthday... he's a very knowledgable person, but sometimes doesn't have all of the information...


bepsf... is there anything that Grumpy would want changed?... Well... not really. Although there are a few ports that have no attraction for a return trip, Grumpy is glad that he had the opportunity to experience all of them firsthand... Yes, there are a lot of ports where it would be nice to spend more time... but those are places that Grumpy and Slinkie can make plans to return to someday... either by cruise or by air... There were a couple of excursions that they should have taken, but there's no regrets about what was done and seen in each of the ports... Would they do it again?... In a heartbeat!


BillS... Linda and John from NC... well, there's a lot of people on the ship... hard to get to know them all... but Linda and John just happen to be in the cabin next door to Grumpy and Slinkie... They were also tablemates for the segment of the cruise from FLL to LA... Grumpy will say Hi from Virginia as soon as he sees them again.


cindidee... Grumpy and Slinkie are looking forward to seeing the pictures of their flatter selves around the Caribbean...


Prinsendam... Stephen, the new painting will certainly dress up the forward stairwell... thanks for posting the photo of it...


The stack of suitcases that Grumpy had the cabin steward put in storage has reappeared in the cabin... Do you think maybe Slinkie and Grumpy should start thinking about packing?... Nah, still way too soon for that... Never do today what can be put off 'til tomorrow...


Grumpy and Slinkie


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Well - we ALMOST got Flat Grumpy and Slinkie in each port last week - it poured in St. Lucia (although the sun was shining on the other side of the island in the Pitons) so no photo there and we never had a chance to take a photo in San Juan. But the rest were taken and I will post them as soon as I can figure out how. We did get some VERY strange looks taking the photos but who cares....if they don't know who Grumpy and Slinkie are, that is their loss - :p . I am glad that others picked up the thread and are continuing your "Flat" world tour #2. Had a good cruise - but RCCL can't compete with HAL - not a bad cruise at all - just average - but we had a great time not doing much at all which is what we went for. Now searching for the next cruise for fall. Mucho thanks, again, for sharing the world with us Grumpy and Slinkie. I have relived places I have been and you have peaked my interest to try other new places that we hadn't considered before. Glad to hear that you intend to keep this thread going for awhile after you get home. Oh oh - what is that I feel? I think it is the Prinsendam heading back to FLL - with all you have bought, I think that end of Florida is sinking a bit from the weight of all your goods! Welcome back to the USA guys! :cool: Cindie
Cindie, where did you get your pattern for Flat Grumpy and Slinkie :) I wanted to make some to take on our 2 week Caribbean cruise May 20th! I will post pictures for all to see when I return :)
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Stephen: I too was on board the Rotterdam V for the 1995 WC. I remember well the bartenders in the Ocean Bar and especially remember the time when we departed Messina and ran into fierce waves....You, Jane, and I sat sipping Bloody Marys in the Sky Room and holding onto our chairs.






Hi Dennis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I don't remember any fierce waves departing Messina? I do remember drinks and holding on to our chairs, but then that was typical! :rolleyes:


Actually I do remember Messina. It was a lovely run ashore but we were only in for a few hours. It was a bright and sunny day and blowing a real hooley. We literally sailed out of the harbour and then turned north for Civitavecchia... pitching and rolling.


Happy days!



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