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Prinsendam 2005 World Tour... it has begun


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As you move closer to seeing your family again (always the positive slant, not the end-of-cruise negative one), we want to thank you once again for your incredible generosity is sharing your voyage with us.


ACD Jen tells us that you are "good people", but that has been obvious from the start to all of us, the "vicarious world cruise" group. I told her last week that she should buy you a thank-you drink from us. If she hasn't followed up, tell her that she should listen to her mother!

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Good morning Grumpy & Slinkie & everyone else who has been following this fantastic world cruise marathon .


Since we are leaving in a few days for a holiday in Europe, I just wanted to say again how much we have enjoyed reading your episodes --we will catch up when we get back in a couple of weeks.


It's been such a treat to follow your adventures, and your kindness in allowing us to partake in a virtual cruise is immense.


Thank you, thank you, & we look forward to hearing about your last week when we return.


This has been a winter & spring to remember, & it's due to you two.


Fond good wishes.

Wendy & Al

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Grumpy and Slinkie--I'll be interested to hear your thoughts after you get off the ship, get home, unpack, unwind--find someplace to put all the stuff you've purchased!--surely leaving the Prinsendam isn't the end of your story?


Right now Flat Grumpy and Slinkie are in the Caribbean, I think--aboard RCCL's AOS--and about to leave on the Maasdam, also to the Caribbean. They're ready for their next Prinsendam segment, too--6 more days--across the Atlantic to the Azores, Portugal and Spain.


mrssbi and Margie Lady--any treats we can bring to ACD Johnny and Jen? (sorry, Cadbury eggs are long gone from the stores).


Waiting for the next post from Slinkiedam--(c'mon, Grumpy, let Slinkie put a word in!)



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Mary, how kind of you to think of Jen and Johnny, however your paths will probably not cross unless you are boarding in Fort Lauderdale. A majority of the cruise staff, including Jen and Johnny, are disembarking in New York for a well deserved vacation. Although they have just enjoyed a round-the-world trip, with passengers they truly enjoyed, they have been working 7 days a week for 4 months. They are looking forward to some family time, and we are getting excited to see them and enjoy all their pictures and adventures that did not make it home by email. Of course, as Grumpy put it, "What happens on the Prinsendam, stays on the Prinsendam.", so we probably won't hear everything.


Jen won't miss her Cadbury mini-eggs. I had aready put some away for her by the time Grumpy posted that she was craving them, and also her favorite cinnamon hearts from Valentine's day.


By the way, that's Jen in the middle of the picture above my post.



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Prinsendam 2005, April 30, Day 107


OK, everyone join Grumpy and Slinkie in a rousing chorus of Happy Birthday! Whose birthday are we celebrating? None other than the Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands. Well, it isn't really her birthday... she was actually born on Jan 31, but she assumed the throne on April 30, 1980, and the frugal Dutch decided to celebrate her birthday and her coronation with one official national holiday... Happy Birthday, Queen Beatrix...


The Prinsendam is back at sea and headed toward Barbados after a very nice cruise up the Amazon, a short stay in Santarem and a nice cruise back down. Santarem is located at the confluence of the Tapajos River and the Amazon River. The actual joining of the rivers is an interesting sight. Tha Amazon is as muddy as any river you've ever seen, quite dense and a fairly neutral ph. The Tapajos is more the color of weak black tea, much less dense and fairly acidic. The Amazon is swift, the Tapajos is slower. Because of the differences, the waters do not immediately mix together. They run side by side for a few miles setting up swirling currents and finally merge together. The contrast in color along the boundary is something to behold.


The Prinsendam arrived in Santarem, which is on the Tapajos, about 12:30p and had called ahead to the tour operators, who arranged to move the time on the tours up an hour. By 1:00p the gangway was set and everyone was gathered in the Queen's Lounge ready to go ashore... Finally, about 1:25, Important Local Official #1 showed up, briefcase in hand, and boarded the ship. About 1:45p ILO #2 and ILO #3 showed up with even bigger briefcases (probably to hold lots of bottles of liquer without being obvious) and came on board. Finally at 1:57p it was announced that the ship was cleared for passengers to go ashore... Since customs officials had boarded in Macape and were still on board, who knows what the delay was... other than the ILO's showing everyone that they are in charge...


The most popular tour was the Tapajos River, Jari Canal tour. There were 7 boats of about 40 each for that tour. After boarding, the boats went downstream a short distance and pulled up at the Coast Guard station for a quick inspection to insure that they were not overloaded... at least the local officials can do a few things right... and then the boats went up river for a couple of miles while the guide provided information about the ecology, the ecomomy and geology of the area. The river is several feet above the normal level, so the beaches are pretty small, but the boats came in and put down gangways for those that wanted to go ashore. Grumpy went ashore with several others from his boat, walked along the beach, took a few pictures, went inland a couple of yards and checked out the trees and vines... OK, Grumpy can now talk about the time when he went hiking through the Amazon Jungle... washed the sand off his feet... nice warm water... close to 90 degrees F... and got back on board. There were a few people that went for a brief swim. The boats then went across the river about 8 miles into a bay. Along the way there were a few dolphins. All of the ones that Grumpy saw were grey... some of the other boats reported seeing the pink dolphins... In Brazil, it's the pink dolphins that bring the babies instead of the stork... and young women won't swim when pink dolphins are seen... If a young woman gets pregnant... it wasn't her boyfriend... she must not have seen the pink dolphin that was in the water with her...


At the end of the bay, the boats entered a canal and slowly cruised along it for an hour or so. The guides pointed out the many birds, other wildlife and various trees that they passed. There were also many dwellings along the canal... a couple of churches and meeting halls... no stores though... they probably don't want commercial development in their backyard, either... Nao WalMercado, por favor... It was all very picturesque and rustic and the birds seen included eagles, parrots, weaver birds, egrets, ducks, chickens, turkeys and many others. Grumpy got a brief view of a cayman before it slithered off of a log and some people reported seeing a sloth. All in all it was a very nice tour.


The boats returned to the dock at 7p so there was just enough time for a quick trip through the dockside craft market. Lots of wood carvings, shell jewelry, etc. Slinkie got a Piranha mounted on a wooden base that can go on display next to her Florida pufferfish, a carved bobblehead turtle and a bobblehead armadillo... total of $5USD, probably could have got them for less than that, but there wasn't much time for bargaining as the gangway was set to go up at 7:30p. It would have been nice to see the city, but Slinkie and Grumpy are glad they did the boat tour, even if it did take almost the entire time in port. The Prinsendam set sail back down the river at 8p.


The Daily Program said that the river pilot would disembark at Macape at approximately 5p after a day of scenic cruising along the Amazon. When lazy Grumpy got up and checked his GPS about 7:30a, he was surprised to find that the Prinsendam was moving downriver at a swift 21 knots and was only about 60 miles from Macape. A little later, there was an announcement that the Amazon Exploration speaker would be heard at 10a instead of 11a, as he would leave the ship in Macape at 11a with the pilot and officials. Grumpy was up on deck 12 aft to take some pictures as they passed Macape. A woman asked if anyone knew why the Prinsendam was so far aheaqd of schedule... Grumpy said the pilot probably had a date and didn't want to be late... this woman went into a tirade about how she wanted to spend the day cruising the Amazon... Lady, the Prinsendam is still in the Amazon and will be until dark... but she didn't want to be in the wide part of the river all afternoon and was going to go find a comment card and complain that the captain was not sticking to the published schedule... Grumpy reminded her that the river pilot determines the course and speed and that if the officials on board wanted to get back sooner and the pilot agreed, there wasn't much the captain could do about it. Her response was "Well, why should more than 700 people be inconvenienced for the convenience of three or four?"... Grumpy's response... "Because WE are in THEIR country and THEY get to make the rules."... Grumpy won't be upset if he never crosses paths with that grouchy passenger again... Some people just have to find SOMETHING to complain about... Grumpy found the views in the lower part of the Amazon to be just aas good as in the area above Macape, by the way...


The Prinsendam continued out of the Amazon, passing the sea bouy about 9p. She changed course from from NE to north about 11p and then turned on a line to Barbados about 6a... At least that's what the track log on Grumpy's Garmin V GPS that was strapped to the verandah railing all night said...


Classnfun1... that 22 day Mediterannean and European Capitols cruise sounds good. You may be younger than the majority of the HAL cruisers, but Grumpy has noticed that there have been more younger cruisers that have gotten on in the later segments of the cruise. You should find enough people in your age range to hang with... if not, you'll just have to try to keep up with the older crowd... might be a challenge, though... some of the more senior HAL cruisers have a lot of years of experience at onboard hell raising...


RuffinReady... The "Old Girl" is holding up quite well. She's probably in better shape now than at the start of the cruise. There are a lot of things that have been fixed and redecorating done while in route. There were a few areas with AC problems at the start, but Grumpy hasn't heard any complaints lately.


Cruisinggranny... Grumpy is sure you will enjoy your Amazon cruise... He and Slinkie wish this cruise could see more of it.


Blackbird71... you can be sure Grumpy and Slinkie kept the balcony door closed at night... There were lots of moths and other bugs on the glass that wanted to get in... they had those propane powered bug zapper things set up on the Lido at night.


Prinsendam... The tiles look very good... are you going to be in Amsterdam for the installation of you artworks?


Kiwi Kruzer... there are provisions brought on board at nearly every port stop... There are times that the perishables run a little short... there was a period of a day or two with no bananas, another time there was no sliced cantaloupe... but they do a fantastic job of keeping everything well stocked. At one port Grumpy saw them loading 3 skids aboard... 4ft wide by 5ft long by 5ft tall... Toilet Paper!... Now that's one item you definitely do not want to run out of... Grumpy can certainly appreciate the work that goes on behind the scenes to line up the things that will be needed in each port and get it to the pier on time. In many of the ports, the trucks bringing in supplies and ones taking away cardboard, skids and garbage are busy from the time the hip docks until she leaves.


Grumpy will try to remember to put together a complete list of the "pillow gifts" that HAL has given out since the start of the voyage. There have been a lot of very nice items...


Cuttle... Santarem is about 500 miles up river from the river delta... and that's just a short distance compared to Manaus and points beyond.


Emerald777... yes the time has flown by... Slinkie and Grumpy wish it could go on and on... they've really gotten used to this life... There have been a few passengers that have said they are ready for the cruise to end, but the vast majority have said that it is ending too soon.


Rotterdam... Thanks... The quote from "Way for a Sailor" is so true...


Blackbird71... Grumpy did not see the spotlights from the bridge being used... he's wondering if they are using night vision goggles now. It seemed that 18 knots up river was a pretty good clip to be travelling in the dark...


Margie Lady and MrsSBI... Grumpy and Slinkie think you can both be proud of your kids... they and the other ACD's have really worked hard to make this a memorable cruise... but Grumpy thinks Margie Lady should ask her daughter what she did with the money you gave her for singing lessons...


Prinsendam... This thread will continue on for awhile after the end of the cruise... as long as there is enough interest... and Grumpy will certainly be looking for threads by the cruisers that take his place on board... He's hoping that the Prinsendam will be a part of the HAL family of DAM ships for many more years...


Grumpy and Slinkie


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Dear Slinki & Grumpy


Thank you again for your wonderful travelogue of your world journey.

I have enjoyed reading it and will continue to follow it.


I am now getting ready to take "Flat Slinkie & Grumpy" on a mini cruise

Vancouver - Seattle - Victoria on the Sun Princess. We sail on May 6th.



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Singing lessons? Our comment to Jen when she told us about the international cast show was an incredulous "They're going to let you sing?" Alas, she takes after her parents in this regard. Hopefully her enthusiasm made up for her lack of talent. She had mentioned that she was having a bit of trouble with the choreagraphy as well! She's a brave girl!

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I can't believe this journey is almost over---your posts have become a part of my life now. I'm glad that you will be posting your stray thoughts as they come to mind even after the cruise has ended.

Withdrawal is always so painful!


Margie Lady, may I ask, how long will Jen be home?

Oh yeck, let's be honest, the real question is: is there any chance she'll be on the Maasdam when the trans-Atlantic starts July 17th? I'd love to sail with her again.

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Slinky and Grumpy,


You seem to have been away for such a long time, in fact we have had a 2 week vacation and you are still on the cruise. I have enjoyed reading of your exploits and meeting you both.



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I'll have the car gassed up and ready to leave Friday morning to head to Fort Lauderdale and pick up Grumpy and Slinkie with as much as they can pack in it ... doesn't seem possible that the four months is almost over. But like so many of you, I vicariously rode along and visited everywhere with them. Who knew my "little bro" was such a talented writer! The plus for me is that I will actually get to see all their souvenirs as well as Slinkie's jewelry ... and since we both really love jewelry, that's what I'm looking forward to! Grumpy missed visits from both of his sons and their families while they were gone but will be able to catch up with them when they head north in June for the summer.


Kiwi Kruzer asked about supplies and that brought to mind my son's years as a supply officer on a US Navy submarine. When they headed out on long deployments, there were supplies EVERYWHERE! Stacked in the halls, under tables, anywhere they could cram anything ... because they didn't have the luxury of hitting a port every few days to re-supply. Additionally, everything had to be packed such that it could go through the hatch on the top of the sub. And of course, it wasn't just the foodstuff, but parts, TP, anything anyone might need for several weeks. And yes, they did run out of fresh fruits and veggies, but as you've probably heard, the best cooks in the military are in the Navy. So the creative chefs were able to utilize the frozen, shelf stable and canned goods in unique ways to make up for the lack of salads, etc. until they hit a port again.


Loved the description of the black river merging with the Amazon. The miniature version here would be the muddy Ohio flowing into the blue Mississippi. But thetwo come together rather quickly.


Grumpy's jealous big sis!

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Margie Lady--say it isn't so!! Who will be replacing them? Just when we've gotten used to our virtual cruise staff...


I'll be getting on in FLL, so hopefully will get a chance to meet Jen and Johnny and Liz. They'll be "short-timers" then. Wish Grumpy and Slinkie were staying aboard until NYC...and wish HAL was flying us in the day before so we could welcome them and the Prinsendam back to FLL. (We don't get into FLL until about 12 noon, but maybe G & S will still be offloading all their goodies into the 18 wheeler Lynnaldo is bringing...)



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Ahem...Grumpy, with all due respect...that's my relatives you are speaking about...errr something about the cheap Dutch & the Queen.


I'll forgive you on the 9th of May as I sail down the Hudson River onboard Prinsemdam!(with Dutch Gin in hand)!



When you have a chance...wil you post a Hi-lights of the WC for us?


Lynnaldo.....you are a good sister.....the relationship that comes through on these boards of yourself, Grumpy & Slinkie is wonderful! Thank you for sharing your 4 months on land with us(I hope Slinkie lets you borrow some jewels)

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Grumpie and Slinkie:


Another great episode on the life and times of a world cruise. Your descriptions of the Amazon bring everything to life. As I have always enjoyed learning about anything related to geography, this world cruise has opened my eyes a lot. Sure I have heard about this or that place but never thought about the little details that you have described. Never even thought about how far you could navigate the Amazon on a cruise ship and I presume the ship could have continued even further inland. 500 miles to Santarem from the ocean is quite a stretch. Thanks for the geography lesson Grumpy and Slinkie. Isn't that what cruising is mostly about, seeing different places, even for short, one day stays, and learning and getting a taste of cultures and flora and fauna, etc. You are now almost back in familiar territory - the Caribbean Sea and HMC. I wonder what you will do at HMC? Your report has been four months of enjoyment for this current landlubber. Thank you again.

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I think I have found a new career for you Grumpy, if you want one! :) You could travel to schools, or just have big "assemblies" in local convention centers to spread your wonderful descriptions, and your pictures, of the fantastic places you've seen. I don't think that kids "nowadays" (can you tell I'm an OLD lady?) don't get much geography in school, and don't even seem to know anything about their own home states. Can you imagine how much eye opening you'd be able to promote?

Thanks, again, for sharing your descriptions of the fascinating, romantic, and awesome places you've been, the people you've seen, and yes, even the souvenirs available! We have loved your world cruise!

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Another great installment! Your description of the amazon was terrific! Now we have to add that to our list of "must see" places too! After reading about your adventures with Slinkie .. our list has certainly grown!!


Hope you enjoy your final caribbean ports of call ..calm seas, blue skies and relaxing days.


So, does a world cruise end with the last day at half moon cay??


Again, thank you so much for sharing your wonderful travel journal with us all.


Take care,

Peggy Sue

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Just a note to thank our intrepid world travellers for this incredible thread - like so many of our other members I've been living vicariously through you since the beginning and it will be quite a shock when it is all over. Doesn't seem like it's been four months - time flies when you're hearing about other people having fun ;) .


I briefly thought about doing something similar for our Baltic cruise in August, but decided I will probably do my usual long-winded, over-detailed and boring after-the-fact review. Truth is, while on a cruise, I hate to do such mundane things as sit at a computer typing. (After all, I do this every day at home! I do usually check my personal e-mails though, just to make sure nothing is going on that needs my urgent attention, and to let everyone know that the ship has not sunk ;) .) Though on a cruise four months long it would be rather different as at this point I do not think I could cut myself off from the web for such an extended period.


So thanks to Grumpy and Slinkie for taking time out from your cruise to entertain and delight those of us back "home" at Cruise Critic. It's been quite a virtual "cruise" I must say.


Enjoy your last few days! Cruise withdrawal is bad enough after a cruise a couple of weeks long, after four months I can only imagine what it will be like...

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Grumpy and Slinkie - another wonderful post and the great news is that you will be continuing your posts for awhile after the Voyage has ended. I am sure there will be many things you will remember to tell us about your incredible trip. The posts have been very informative and a pleasure to read.


Mary, thanks for the offer to bring goodies to Jen and Johnny. Since you are getting on in FLL you will have an opportunity to see them on your journey up to New York. It is too bad you will miss G & S offloading all their goodies in FLL. Have a great trip.

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