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Smoking on the Crown


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[quote name='Shifra']Here lies some of the problem...you want smoking banned on balconies. The next person who doesn't book balcony cabins wants it banned from all cabins. Then of course we have the folks who want it banned from all pool areas and next we have those folks who want it banned completely. This is a no win situation.

Since I have been cruising with Princess here are the changes they have made....1. having 'no smoking nights' in the casino; 2. banned smoking in the Wheelhouse; 3. Severely limited or banned smoking at all the lounges; 4. made the smoking area on the pool deck much smaller; and 5. reports recently coming in that smoking in the aft outdoor area near Outriggers by the terrace pool is now no smoking......and you folks are still complaining. (This for me would be the deal breaker.) I suppose this shows that compromise is NOT an option and until Princess bans it completely you will complain.

One other comment....it was mentioned in a previous post how Fl restricted smoking in their restaurants and lounges and the profits actually went up. The full story is that these establishments were losing money with the ban. Since fl is warm year round most restaurants have added outdoor dining terraces for smokers so they could keep their business profitable.

We smokers have been ok with making most of these compromises so why can't you?[/quote]

At least our complaining is not adversely affecting anyone's health! And it may even have health benefits for those that get so tired of trying to find places where smoking is allowed that they just give up and quit!:p
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[quote name='Spo']At least our complaining is not adversely affecting anyone's health! And it may even have health benefits for those that get so tired of trying to find places where smoking is allowed that they just give up and quit!:p[/QUOTE]

I feel I must respond. This has nothing to do with your health. Being near someone smoking outdoors, at sea, cannot affect your health. There is more pollution at the port you embarked from. I think it may be more of an odor issue on your part. The non-smokers like to portray a ship on the water with people smoking on balconies 24 hrs a day with clouds of smoke billowing out. I haven't seen that ship yet.

I am also sorry I picked your post to rant at, please do not take it personally. :)
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>>>Florida does not allow smoking in rooms and most hotels do not allow it on balconies or by pools. You cannot smoke in clubs or race tracks.<<<

This is not true. There are smoking rooms in many establishments. There are cigar clubs and race tracks allow smoking outside on the apron by the track. Restaurants allow smoking on patios and the weather is usually nice enough in Florida to dine al fresco. Smokers contribute too much to revenues in bars and casinos for cruiselines to ban all smoking. Carnival tried it on a ship and had to change their policy after the ship bombed. Non-smokers should adjust their atitudes and learn to live with smokers. We are NOT going away.
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[quote name='seadeck2']Florida does not allow smoking in rooms and most hotels do not allow it on balconies or by pools. You cannot smoke in clubs or race tracks. They increased their revenue. California is no smoking in hotels, outside hotels or by pools. Oregon just changed thank goodness. Princess needs to wake up! I spoke with their rep about this a few weeks ago didn't care and did not know Princess either. Oceania, Celebrity, Silver Seas and I guess Azamara are strict on their smoking policy. Looked at Silver Seas but, the ship is so small and you can smoke on the pool deck so will not take Silver Seas, I told the rep this and they have had alot of comments regarding smoking by the pool that they are looking at changing this we'll see.[/quote]

There is no way that Princess is "looking" into changing the smoking policy.....period.

There has already been a completely non-smoking ship and, after 6 years, it turned out to be a total flop.....and was changed.

A cruise ship is NOT California or Florida, not a race track, not a hotel or restaurant. It is NOT governed by state laws. Cruise companies are privated owned and flagged offshore.

There is plenty of room on a ship for everyone......if you don't like smoke, then avoid smoking areas or places where smoke seems heavier.

If you don't want to do that, then select another line where smoking is severely restricted to 1 or 2 outdoor areas, far removed from traffic. You have named several alternatives in your post.

Give it a break. Smoking tobacco is legal...and unless/until it becomes an illegal substance, we are going to have to learn to tolerate each other.
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[quote name='DrJJ']web site for star princess fire investigation:


The probable cause of the fire was found to be a discarded cigarette butt.[/quote]

No, not quite. It was suspected but not able to be confirmed.....
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[quote name='Elaine237']I'm actually surprised that after the balcony fire Princess had a year or two ago that they allow smoking anywhere. That was bad enough as it was, it could have been a whole lot worse.

Norman, Oklahoma[/quote]

The cause of that fire has never been determined. A discarded cigarette is suspected but they were not able to confirm that.

The final report is online....read it.

Most ship fires are electrical in nature or start in the engine room or galley or are arson.....Only ONE fire since 1934 has been confirmed as started by a cigarette.

This report is also available online.
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[quote name='1 HappyCruiser'][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Because one smoker can pollute the atmosphere for dozens of innocent non smokers who don't wish to breath the poisons and since they've pair for the balcony, just like smokers, their enjoyment can be some what limited between the smoking sessions. Why is that hard to understand? [/FONT][/quote]

I'll tell you why....

In spite of other choices, in spite of the restricted smoking on other lines and in spite of severe restrictions on a couple of them, nonsmokers continue to book the mass market lines, with liberal smoking policies anyway....and continue to complain about it.

Go on one of the other ships where the atmosphere is more to your liking, if you wish. But, don't purposely book on a ship where you know smokers have the right to light up and then moan and groan about it.
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[quote name='geoherb']One of the reasons I haven't booked a balcony room on Princess for my last cruise or our upcoming one is fear of being beside a smoker and not being able to enjoy my balcony.

A Patter we received on the Emerald Princess in November talked about the smoking policy. It said, "You are kindly reminded to respect your fellow passengers, particularly when smoking on the balcony." And that's the problem. As long as Princess allows smoking on balconies, there will be some smokers who do not respect their fellow passengers.[/quote]

Fear is a terrible thing; it restricts our choices and inhibits our lives.
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[quote name='phillipahain']I agree

its about RESPECT for fellow pasengers

Sadly most smokers have no respect for their ownnhealth let alone their neighbours

If Celbrity smoking passengers are opting for Princess and wrecking any enjoyment i might have of a balcony on Princess

As an Elite passenger with a large number of days i shall vote with my feet and desert Princess

Princess MUST wake up and recognise that non smokers have a voice and if our health is wrecked by a neighbour smoking on the balcony Princess are responsible[/quote]

Okie-dokie... here's some choices for ya:

P&O - 7 ships....no smoking inside anywhere.
Oceania - no smoking anywhere except 2 small outdoor areas.
Azamara Line - no smoking anywhere except a far aft lounge
MSC - no smoking anywhere except the designated cigar bar and outside on one side of the Sun Deck.
Peter Deilman - no smoking anywhere except on open decks.
Thompson..no smoking except in designated outdoor areas on open deck

So, you have plenty of choices....
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[quote name='MrSchwump']
I don't see why certain sections of rooms aren't designated as "smoking" or "non-smoking". Hotels have been doing this for years and what's a cruise ship but a hotel with propellers?

There is a big difference. Almost always a cruise ship is full and a hotel is not full most of the time. It would be tough to fill the ship up if remaining cabins have to be specifically assigned to a smokers or non-smokers. ("We have a great offer for you if you do not smoke".)

Many people like to pick exactly which cabin they want. Very few pick an exact hotel room.

If there were not any "smoking" cabins left, would a smoker accept an upgrade to a non-smoking cabin?

Should the cruise line not sell a "smoking" cabin to a non-smoker in the hopes that a smoker will come along and want it?

When a reservation is made with a second person to be named later, how can a cabin assignment be made without knowing if the second person is a smoker or not?

And think of all the managing the guarantee reservations. Would need seperate lists for smokers and non-smokers.

Imagine the fun when a smoker gets on board and discovers that a travel agent did not indicate a cabin had to be a smoking one.
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[quote name='caribill']There is a big difference. Almost always a cruise ship is full and a hotel is not full most of the time. It would be tough to fill the ship up if remaining cabins have to be specifically assigned to a smokers or non-smokers. ("We have a great offer for you if you do not smoke".)

Many people like to pick exactly which cabin they want. Very few pick an exact hotel room.

If there were not any "smoking" cabins left, would a smoker accept an upgrade to a non-smoking cabin?

Should the cruise line not sell a "smoking" cabin to a non-smoker in the hopes that a smoker will come along and want it?

When a reservation is made with a second person to be named later, how can a cabin assignment be made without knowing if the second person is a smoker or not?

And think of all the managing the guarantee reservations. Would need seperate lists for smokers and non-smokers.

Imagine the fun when a smoker gets on board and discovers that a travel agent did not indicate a cabin had to be a smoking one.[/quote]

That happened on our last cruise. There was a couple (chain smokers) that was booked to an inside cabin, which does not allow smoking, according to the couple and they sat in one of the smoking lounges 24 hrs, a day. Of course, Princess was happy with their bar bill.
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[quote name='Shifra']We smokers have been ok with making most of these compromises so why can't you?[/QUOTE]

What compromise do you want? I couldn't care less if smokers puff away as long as I don't have to breathe that crap! Really! Smokers choose to engage in a stinky, offensive, dangerous addiction then some expect non-smokers to accept being assaulted by 2nd hand smoke. My request is only that the cruise lines allow space for your addiction where it doesn't affect others. Making staterooms / balconies on one side of the ship allows me room to book with the assurance that I can enjoy my balcony without smoke. If Princess would just try something like this, they could determine where the demand is and go from there. If the demand is for smoking rooms / balconies, then I will choose Celebrity.
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[quote name='geoherb']One of the reasons I haven't booked a balcony room on Princess for my last cruise or our upcoming one is fear of being beside a smoker and not being able to enjoy my balcony.


That fear is well-founded. We had a bacony once on Princess and a mini-suite once on Princess. Both times we were cursed with several smokers near us or one smoker just upwind of us. The first time, we could hardly enjoy our balcony at all. The second time we were driven off it numerous times as he would light up and the stench would come.

Next two cruises are booked in inside rooms on Royal Caribbean. We'll do a balcony again only when assured that we can enjoy it smoke-free (Celebrity if our favorite lines don't wake up).
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In reading back through this thread, the number of derogatory and inflammatory terms used in regard to smoke and smokers is astounding.
Ie: crap; stinky; offensive; pollute; stench; foul; poison; cursed with smokers; assaulted by 2nd hand smoke; inconsiderate.
Considering that the latest figures on the number of people who smoke in the US is 46 MILLION, it's not as though the nastiness directed at smokers and their unfortunate habit is stopping them from continuing their addiction.
I can see that at some point Princess may cave in to the demands of nonsmokers and disallow smoking in cabins and on balconies.Though an inconvenience to smokers, doing so while maintaining specified smoking areas would enable smokers to indulge, and would hopefully allow nonsmokers to stop the constant complaining about and attacking of smokers.
Here's another option - Maybe smokers should get electronic cigarettes to use on cruise ships. There is no odor because there is no smoke. The output that resembles smoke is nothing but water vapor. Therefore there would be nothing for nonsmokers to complain about.
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[quote name='flamomo']Here's another option - Maybe smokers should get electronic cigarettes to use on cruise ships. There is no odor because there is no smoke. The output that resembles smoke is nothing but water vapor. Therefore there would be nothing for nonsmokers to complain about.[/quote]

Oh but they do..!! My missus bought one in Florida a few months back and used it very very ocassionally and each time it triggered the anti-smokers autopilot habit of arm waiving and false coughing.. There were a few red faces when they were advised by others in their party what it actually was.
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[quote name='CALMOM']That happened on our last cruise. There was a couple (chain smokers) that was booked to an inside cabin, which does not allow smoking, according to the couple and they sat in one of the smoking lounges 24 hrs, a day. Of course, Princess was happy with their bar bill.[/quote]

Princess does not ban smoking in any cabins.
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[quote name='flamomo']
Here's another option - Maybe smokers should get electronic cigarettes to use on cruise ships. There is no odor because there is no smoke. The output that resembles smoke is nothing but water vapor. Therefore there would be nothing for nonsmokers to complain about.[/quote]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Since they want to get their nicotine fix there's no reason to not sit in the smoking sections. [/FONT]
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We were on the Golden Princess to Hawali in November and I went to the small outside smoking section to have a cigarette. There was only one table left for 4 people with one american gentlemen sitting there and I politely asked "do you mind if we sit here as there are no other tables

He did'nt look very happy and I thought he was probably not a smoker and was going to object but what he said was "are you going to talk". My husband said "yes probably" and he then said "I would rather you did'nt because I am trying to read my book".

With that I lit a cigarette and he got up and left, I think that he was a non-smoker in the very small smoking section.
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[quote=G'ma;22762194]There is no way that Princess is "looking" into changing the smoking policy.....period.[/quote]

Fortunately, I don't think ANY of us on this message board have a magic crystal ball telling us what Princess is or is not doing.

Changes are being made constantly. Just refer to the second paragraph of Post #50. Apparently all of those changes have come about just since 2002.

I think there should definitely be designated smoking areas on ships. As someone else mentioned, I don't want to be on a ship with smokers that have not had a "fix" in seven or more days. If I don't like the smell, I can leave all designated smoking areas and find another place to sit, with the exception of my balcony. If I am assaulted by cigarette or cigar smoke on my personal balcony, I have no other personal balcony to retreat to.

A lot of smokers say non-smokers should just change to a cruise line with a more restrictive smoking policy. If anyone can find me one that offers MUTS, a very liberal policy on wine brought on board, self-serve laundry facilities, an adult only pool on the aft deck, fresh water pools, TA discounting (just to name a few of the things I like about Princess that Celebrity does not offer) I will leave Princess to the smokers!

See, I am willing to compromise!:p
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[quote name='Spo']A lot of smokers say non-smokers should just change to a cruise line with a more restrictive smoking policy. If anyone can find me one that offers MUTS, a very liberal policy on wine brought on board, self-serve laundry facilities, an adult only pool on the aft deck, fresh water pools, TA discounting (just to name a few of the things I like about Princess that Celebrity does not offer) I will leave Princess to the smokers!


Wow! With the exception of TA discounting (my TA earns her commission), we prefer Princess for the same reasons! I also love the atmosphere on Princess as it suits us better than the other five lines we have sailed. I just take issue with their air quality...and I think G'ma is totally mistaken in her expectation of no change...I'd bet my last dollar that it's coming!
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Can smokers really see the issue?

Maybe we can come up with a example that mirrors the problem for non-smokers. Because when a smoker and non-smoker meet, the non-smoker always gets the short end of the stick.

[COLOR="Purple"]"Hi I'm a smoker and I'd like to book a balcony for 10 days to enjoy a nice relaxing trip at sea".

Princess rep- "That will be $4,900 and you might be next to a balcony that we store dead fish, trash, and sewage waste.... maybe, maybe not? Its a possibility that your air and breathing will not be pleasant" [/COLOR]

Would you complain? ;) I would:D

Because Celebrity has dumped their smokers on Princess, its getting to be more of a problem. The question is??? Which line will make the call last? When it comes to fixing the problem of putting smokers and non-smokers next to each other on balconies?

I don't want smokers ban, I just want them to have their own section to smoke all they want! Pick one side of the ship and as many balcony rooms as they need.
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[quote name='JPRLHR'] My missus bought one in Florida a few months back and used it very very ocassionally and each time it triggered the anti-smokers autopilot habit of arm waiving and false coughing.. There were a few red faces when they were advised by others in their party what it actually was.[/quote]

Much like when the SST Concorde was first scheduled to land in the D,C, area. The date and time were well puiblicized.

For some reason or another, they had to postpone its arrival for one day. But on the originally scheduled day, there were many calls protesting the noise that the (non-existent) flight made that day..
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[quote name='Spo']Fortunately, I don't think ANY of us on this message board have a magic crystal ball telling us what Princess is or is not doing.

Changes are being made constantly. Just refer to the second paragraph of Post #50. Apparently all of those changes have come about just since 2002.

I think there should definitely be designated smoking areas on ships. As someone else mentioned, I don't want to be on a ship with smokers that have not had a "fix" in seven or more days. If I don't like the smell, I can leave all designated smoking areas and find another place to sit, with the exception of my balcony. If I am assaulted by cigarette or cigar smoke on my personal balcony, I have no other personal balcony to retreat to.

A lot of smokers say non-smokers should just change to a cruise line with a more restrictive smoking policy. If anyone can find me one that offers MUTS, a very liberal policy on wine brought on board, self-serve laundry facilities, an adult only pool on the aft deck, fresh water pools, TA discounting (just to name a few of the things I like about Princess that Celebrity does not offer) I will leave Princess to the smokers!

See, I am willing to compromise!:p[/quote]

Well, you've listed your priorities...and amenities are more important than the "effects" from second-hand smoke.....so, what's the problem..

It's your choice.....
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[quote name='markstudy']Can smokers really see the issue?

Maybe we can come up with a example that mirrors the problem for non-smokers. Because when a smoker and non-smoker meet, the non-smoker always gets the short end of the stick.

[COLOR=purple]"Hi I'm a smoker and I'd like to book a balcony for 10 days to enjoy a nice relaxing trip at sea".[/COLOR]

[COLOR=purple]Princess rep- "That will be $4,900 and you might be next to a balcony that we store dead fish, trash, and sewage waste.... maybe, maybe not? Its a possibility that your air and breathing will not be pleasant" [/COLOR]

Would you complain? ;) I would:D [COLOR=red]Nope, I wouldn't complain. I'd hang up and find another cruise line that offered what I want.[/COLOR]

Because Celebrity has dumped their smokers on Princess, its getting to be more of a problem. The question is??? Which line will make the call last? When it comes to fixing the problem of putting smokers and non-smokers next to each other on balconies?

I don't want smokers ban, I just want them to have their own section to smoke all they want! Pick one side of the ship and as many balcony rooms as they need.[/quote]

Well, there is a problem with separating cabins into smoking and non-smoking.....iinventory control. They could end up with empty cabins in one category or another.

And, they aren't going to do that.

The idea is to sail FULL....they are in business to make a profit and empty cabins mean less of it.

With the many choices available, there is no reason for a nonsmoker to cruise on a ship with a liberal smoking policy. It is their choice to do so....
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[quote name='caribill']Much like when the SST Concorde was first scheduled to land in the D,C, area. The date and time were well puiblicized.

For some reason or another, they had to postpone its arrival for one day. But on the originally scheduled day, there were many calls protesting the noise that the (non-existent) flight made that day..[/quote]

For sure......

The "knee-jerkers" are everywhere....
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