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Buying under age child alcohol


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Can I buy beer for my 18 years old son on the ship? I know here in Ohio it is legal for parent, guardian or spouce of legal age to by it for them. Please no negative responses about this being wrong. Please keep opinions to yourself.

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No, its not legal (Im surprised its legal in Ohio?? wow). .. but Im sure people do it. Buy it yourself and the waiter will look the other way. Its not like they will follow you around either.


I think over 18, its legal in Europe, but no where else before someone points out europe cruises its legal.

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If you don't want opinions- don't post on a web board...:rolleyes:


Even if an 18 year old is allowed to drink in Ohio with parental consent, you still can't buy him or her a drink at a restaurant, can still be charged with public intoxication, drunk & disorderly conduct ect...


And, Carnival rules state the drinking age is 21 & up....On RCCL it used to be 18 & up with parent's signature, but that was for beer & wine only...

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If you don't want opinions- don't post on a web board...:rolleyes:


Even if an 18 year old is allowed to drink in Ohio with parental consent, you still can't buy him or her a drink at a restaurant, can still be charged with public intoxication, drunk & disorderly conduct ect...


And, Carnival rules state the drinking age is 21 & up....On RCCL it used to be 18 & up with parent's signature, but that was for beer & wine only...


I just wanted answers and you have no idea what you are talking about. It is legal in Ohio to buy a minor alcohol in a bar or restaurant as long as you are the parent, guardian or spouce of legal age..

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Here is the policy..minus opinion



Carnival reserves the right to refuse to serve alcohol to any passenger. Guest acknowledges that the minimum age permitted for the purchase, possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages aboard Carnival’s vessels is twenty-one (21). Guest agrees to supervise all persons under age twenty-one (21) under Guest’s charge to insure that they do not violate this, or any other, shipboard regulation. Guests who attempt to purchase alcohol by using false identification or the Sail & Sign card of a Guest who is twenty-one or older will be deemed in violation of this policy. Any Guest twenty-one or older who attempts to or purchases alcohol for any guest under twenty-one will also be deemed in violation of this policy. Guest agrees that Carnival has the right to disembark any guest who violates this policy and as well as any adults traveling with minors who violate this policy or any other shipboard regulation.

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Can only give my experience.


Son and I (he was 20 at the time) went on a cruise to spend some time together and do some golfing.


Out on the Lido deck, I bought a round and he actually bought a round with his own S&S card. (Don't know how or why he got away with it but he did)


Later, we were headed to a club. A security guard approached and wanted to see his ID and wanted to know who bought the beer for him. He said he bought it out on the Lido deck. Security wanted to know which waiter sold it to him. Son refused to narc out the waiter. Security was PO'd. Told him that if they saw him with another alcoholic beverage, son and I would be off the ship.

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I just wanted answers and you have no idea what you are talking about. It is legal in Ohio to buy a minor alcohol in a bar or restaurant as long as you are the parent, guardian or spouce of legal age..


I DO know what I am talking about- I live in Cincinnati and I am 25- hasn't been that long since it was an issue I had an interest in. The person who is DRINKING the beverage is the one carded. Buy a drink for your son in a bar and see how quickly it becomes a problem. Of course, that's if you are caught. And, if you buy two drinks, they are going to card two people...


My fiance and i went out a couple months ago and the server thought he was using a fake ID (he looks nothing like his 5 year old photo- no facial hair, no glasses and 75 lbs lighter) and not only would they not serve him, they refused to serve me because they didn't want me to supply to him. And he's 26!


I even went on carnival's website (just like you could have done yourself) and answered your question- not my fault if you don't like the answer. :rolleyes:

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...... Security was PO'd. Told him that if they saw him with another alcoholic beverage, son and I would be off the ship.


Yeah - that'll help the cruise line profits - throwing families off the ship. I wonder if that was a threat or they would really do it?

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I have lived in Ohio all my life born and raised.I have never in all my life heard of this law.Do you have anything you can post that says otherwise.The age is 21 period.Nobody can buy booze for anyone younger then that it would be called Delinquency of a Minor and you can go to jail for it.

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If you buy your son a drink and anyone sees it or reports it, Carnival will likely toss you off at the next port of call as someone above posted their policies.


They have a ZERO tolerence policy for that type of thing. No judgements, but at sea isnt a place to have drunken teenagers.

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I have lived in Ohio all my life born and raised.I have never in all my life heard of this law.Do you have anything you can post that says otherwise.The age is 21 period.Nobody can buy booze for anyone younger then that it would be called Delinquency of a Minor and you can go to jail for it.


Page down to Ohio....the OP is right.



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I have lived in Ohio all my life born and raised.I have never in all my life heard of this law.Do you have anything you can post that says otherwise.The age is 21 period.Nobody can buy booze for anyone younger then that it would be called Delinquency of a Minor and you can go to jail for it.



- No one under the age of 21 is allowed to possess or consume any alcohol in any public or private place, unless the underage person is accompanied by a parent, spouse who is not an underage person, or legal guardian. Also anyone under the age of 18 is not allowed to possess or consume any low-alcohol beverage in any public or private place, unless accompanied by a parent, spouse who is not an underage person, or legal guardian. The limit of intoxication to drive a vehicle for someone under 21 years of age is a concentration of at least two-hundredths of one gram but less than ten-hundredths of one gram by weight of alcohol per two hundred ten liters of the person's breath. For everyone 21 years of age or more it's concentration of ten-hundredths of one per cent or more but less than seventeen-hundredths of one per cent by weight of alcohol in the person's blood.

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Can I buy beer for my 18 years old son on the ship? I know here in Ohio it is legal for parent, guardian or spouce of legal age to by it for them. Please no negative responses about this being wrong. Please keep opinions to yourself.




Yes you can. It's not allowed per Carnival rules, but you can do so and not likely encounter any problems.


Here's wishing you and yours happy sailing. :)


BTW, the left hand lane on divided highways is for PASSING and not for driving at or below the speed limit. ;)

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I always thought the age was 21 in all states and that was it. This just made me have to check so I went to ask dot com to see. This is what I found...much to my surprise.


Alcohol consumption by youth in the United States of America is an umbrella term for alcohol consumption by children and adults under 21 years of age across the country.

Although the minimum legal age to purchase alcohol is 21 in all states (see National Minimum Drinking Age Act), the legal details vary greatly. While a few states completely ban alcohol usage for people under 21, the majority have exceptions that permit consumption.[1]

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The National Minimum Drinking Age Act of 1984 (23 U.S.C. § 158), also called the Federal Uniform Drinking Age Act, was passed on July 17, 1984 by the United States Congress as a mechanism whereby all states would become thereafter required to legislate and enforce the age of 21 years as a minimum age for purchasing and publicly possessing alcoholic beverages. Under the Federal Aid Highway Act, a state not enforcing the minimum age would be subjected to a ten percent decrease in its annual federal highway apportionment.[1]

While this act did not outlaw the consumption of alcoholic beverages by those under 21 years of age, seven states and Washington D.C. extended its provisions into an outright ban. These states are: Alabama, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia. However, most states still permit "underage" consumption of alcohol in some circumstances. In some states, no restriction on private consumption is made, while in others, consumption is only allowed in specific locations, in the presence of consenting and supervising family members as in the states of California, Colorado, Montana, New York, Texas,Virginia , Wisconsin, and Wyoming. The Act also does not seek to criminalize alcohol consumption during religious occasions. Up to 10 "minors" may be present for this law to remain true. If all present 18+ year olds have parental consent, the parents or guardians present in the private residence are responsible

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Answer from Clermont County Sheriff's department-


If I am out at a restaurant with my son/daughter who is under 21 years old, can I legally order alcohol for them to drink?


ANSWER: Legally, yes if you are physically present with them when they are drinking, BUT most restaurants will not allow underage patrons to have/drink alcohol on their premises as a matter of policy.


My whole point was the establishment...but you are right- the law says you can, but of course, the establishment has the right to refuse service to whoever they want...and, most places will b/c they care less about your 18 y/o son's right to drink than they do about keeping their liquor license. And, they aren't going to trust you to just "say" you're his parent...his spouse ect. Sorry I didn't spell it out better...


Honestly, I could care less about you providing your son with alcohol- how it reflects on you as a parent is your problem. And, how delinquent he becomes with it is his- after all he is 18 now.


Maybe Carnival (the establishment in question) will be lax, but what their policy states doesn't include anything about parents supplying to their minor children...

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Interesting thread. It explains why a few weeks ago when my son (16 but looks older) ordered a drink with us at an upscale restaurant, the waiter was going to get it. Son was joking around, we were open mouthed and said-uh- underaged. Sounds like he could legitimately could have had it. This comes as a complete surprise to me. Glad my kids didn't know- might have occasionally had some pressure for a drink other than a Shirley Temple.

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I have lived in Ohio all my life born and raised.I have never in all my life heard of this law.Do you have anything you can post that says otherwise.The age is 21 period.Nobody can buy booze for anyone younger then that it would be called Delinquency of a Minor and you can go to jail for it.







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I DO know what I am talking about- I live in Cincinnati and I am 25- hasn't been that long since it was an issue I had an interest in. The person who is DRINKING the beverage is the one carded. Buy a drink for your son in a bar and see how quickly it becomes a problem. Of course, that's if you are caught. And, if you buy two drinks, they are going to card two people...


My fiance and i went out a couple months ago and the server thought he was using a fake ID (he looks nothing like his 5 year old photo- no facial hair, no glasses and 75 lbs lighter) and not only would they not serve him, they refused to serve me because they didn't want me to supply to him. And he's 26!


I even went on carnival's website (just like you could have done yourself) and answered your question- not my fault if you don't like the answer. :rolleyes:


Didn't say I didn't like the answer. Just wondering what the ships policy was since I can do it in OHIO. I've done it may times at many different places with no problems. Not one place has turned me down.

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No, its not legal (Im surprised its legal in Ohio?? wow). .. but Im sure people do it. Buy it yourself and the waiter will look the other way. Its not like they will follow you around either.


I think over 18, its legal in Europe, but no where else before someone points out europe cruises its legal.


In Germany the drinking age is 14. When I lived in Germany as a kid - even under 14 we sometimes had a small amount of wine with dinner. Most european countries are similar to the german age.


One could also say our policies are draconian and overly conservative. Sure if our drinking age changed today there would be a rash of teen drunkeness, but if they grow up consuming then one could say it won't happen that much.


Welcome to the USA - where you can vote, give your life for your country, drive a 2 ton deadly weapon on the car at 16 (in europe it's 18), but damn if you can have a beer!

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If you are going to the Bahamas, drinking age is 18.. If you are going to St. MArtin... there is NO drinking age, and we let our kids have a beer on our bus tour... in San Juan, drinking age is 18.. many of the stops in the Caribbean 18 is the legal age.. just wait for the stops! :) OUr daughter turns 18 3 days before the cruise.. You can be sured I will Let her drink in the BAhamas if she wishes!!!!! When in Rome, do as the Romans do!!!!!!!!:eek:

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Can I buy beer for my 18 years old son on the ship? I know here in Ohio it is legal for parent, guardian or spouce of legal age to by it for them. Please no negative responses about this being wrong. Please keep opinions to yourself.



Please no negative responses... haha not on this board... there is always one or two who HAVE to be nasty/negative etc...


So, with that being said... I have purchased/signed for drinks when my daughter was 17-18 and 19 yrs old and never had a problem. But, I will also say, that she was always with me when she was had the drink, never wandering around the ship on her own. And, NO, whether it is allowed or not, we have never allowed/ordered her a drink anywheres else but on a cruise....


I too have been told that I better be careful, they're going to throw us off the ship, are you trying to teach your daughter that breaking the rules is ok, are you trying to turn her into an alcoholic etc but only you know your child and I know that my daughter is not going to break the rules because I allowed her 2 or 3 drinks on a cruise over a weeks period, I know she knows right from wrong about breaking the rules etc and I truly believe that my daughter is not going to turn into an alcoholic!!!


Enjoy, have a good time, and ignore those that can't just answer your question directly..

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