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Just off Summit, It needs some fixing!


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Sorry to read that trvlcarib didn’t enjoy the cruise. The Jan 7th Summit sailing was our 13th Celebrity cruise also. I’m happy to say our experience was different. We had no problem with the service anywhere on the ship. Everyone on the staff was very friendly to us and took care of our every need. The food, although not the best we’ve ever had on Celebrity, was still very good - and the specialty restaurant was excellent. We thought the ship was very nice and in great shape. Yes, there were tiles missing around the pool, but it didn’t bother us. I’m sure they’ll fix that during dry-dock this month. Other than a worn bedspread, our cabin was in great shape and very clean (no carpet or upholstery stains that we noticed).


Was everything perfect?, of course not. But I would have to say, the most bothersome thing to us was some of the passengers. There were some rude people on board. People just jumping all over the poor servers in the buffet line because they didn’t have some food they wanted, -these guys don’t make up the menu. People treating the crew with absolutely no respect whatsoever. People that just could not be pleased, period. People butting in the grille line “I just want some fries” then “oh, and give me a burga”...”oh, and a cheeseburga too”...”and add a hotdwag to that” then ”Heeerman!!!...come get yur food!!!”. - It was almost comical. And then there’s the ever present chair-hogs. One morning we watched this lady spread towels on seven chairs, brought 7 items to place on the towels, then very carefully adjusted the backs of the chairs to different angles so it would look like someone had actually sat there, then she left!! (I would like to see Celebrity direct their pool butlers to do something about this).

These are all annoyances and I wish these folks were kinder and happier, but we certainly didn’t let it spoil our cruise. You’ve just got to laugh at a lot of it.


Things we thought were above average on this cruise:

The shows/performers/specialty acts -surprisingly good (Celebrity has never been known for their shows).


Below average:

Many of the passengers.


The duo (Mozart Duo) in the Rendezvous lounge. These guys were so blah they were nicknamed Coma & Tose (or Toast).


This can be a problem on Celebrity. Since most Celebrity ships only have two music/dancing venues (the Rendezvous and the disco), when one is less than entertaining it limits your options. We had the opposite problem last year on the Galaxy, -the Rendezvous duo was great, but the DJ in the disco was a dud. This guy just ran everybody off. He couldn’t have cared less about his audience.

Luckily, on the Summit the DJ and the party band (Prodigy) in the disco were both good.... we had a lot of fun.


Sorry trvlcarib had such a bad experience. (I suspect he also didn’t get his buns grilled tenderly).


Anyway, we really enjoyed our time on the Summit.



Respectfully, I don’t understand your 2 cents. I don’t see any flaming. I’m sure people on upcoming Summit cruises appreciate all the current Summit information they can get - good or bad, biased and unbiased. Do you have any Summit comments you wish to contribute?



I agree. Well said...



On the Jan 7 sailing the cruise director was Don Fluke.

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It's a shame that some people can get so carried away with comments made on these boards. I have found these boards to be of great help when researching/planning trips, and all comments are greatly appreciated - we can all take from them what matters to us. I would think that it is helpful to most people to hear both the positives and negatives when trying to make a decision, and just because some of us may point out certain things that were not so great about a particular experience it does not mean that we are pessimists who do not know how to have a good time. However, we are all consumers, spending good money on our vacations and expect the company we are paying to deliver a certain product. There is no reason for us to keep saying it's okay when quality is slipping. The company will only respond to consumers' demands, and if they feel that we're going to keep paying no matter what, then they have no incentive to try harder. There are many choices out there, and I for one, appreciate the OP's, as well as everyone else's comments, when trying to decide which cruise to pick.


All that being said, with such a large ship and so many crew members, it is not unreasonable to think that two people could have very different experiences on the same cruise. Speaking from our own experience, we were on the Summit twice in four months last year, and aside from looks, you would think we were on two completely different ships. The first time was great, and we thought we would never want to try another company. The second time, we still had a great time - however, the service was quite another story. The list could go on, but includes things like an asst. waiter who would scowl at simple requests like salad dressing, bread or ketchup and a guest relations staff that could barely be bothered with the simplest request like a key that wasn't working. And, yes, these things were pointed out to management (I've been involved with the travel industry myself), and they also could care less as evident in their lack of response. Again, these things do not ruin our vacation. But, if there are other cruise lines out there that may care more about accommodating their passengers, then it's worth trying them also. We also know of many people who have been disappointed with their more recent Celebrity cruises, and it would be ashame for the company not to be somewhat more responsive to the concerns that have been raised - unless they prefer only customers who are willing to pay for and accept whatever they are given, in the interest of having a "great" time.

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I met trvlcarib and his lovely wife on our Infinity cruise in September. They are two of the nicest people one could ever meet. He certainly didn't strike me as someone who goes around looking for faults. However, he is active on the boards close to a cruise and as this is a cruise critic website, he will post to let others know. Many of us unlike the 98% of the cruising public do tend to give more scrunity when on vacation. We know people will want to know our experience, and we do know that others on the same ship will and can have different experiences from our own. Remember perception is reality and can make or break you.


Sorry you had such a bad trip this time.

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Just have to say that there was indeed a Group on the cruise - a ship staffperson at the officer level actually told us there were two Groups. They were, indeed, from Boca Raton -- and the group members enthusiastically acknowledged it by their response during a show - the person on stage asked something like "Who's from Boca out there?" There followed a roaring reply.


Just facts: Several times I was nearly knocked over as I tried to exit the elevator. One group member sat down in an empty seat next to me at a lecture and proceeded to talk across my face to the person in the row ahead of me WHILE the lecturer was talking. I thought one was yelling loudly to me while I was reading at the T-Pool area only to find that she was shouting over me to her husband lounging in the row behind. I stood in the T-Pool area after getting my tray from the AquaSpa Cafe, looking for a table at which to eat lunch, only to find that the majority of tables were taken up with mahjong players. There was no where to eat (but there are places for game players in several other venues of the ship) not to mention the serenity of the T-Pool area was lost.


As I said, I'm only reporting facts. I'm not elaborating on them or opining or making judgments or assumptions about anyone - just reporting exactly what transpired on this one cruise. "Seethesea" doesn't exaggerate in his description of what he observed. His anecdote could have been written about any moment in the buffet line...


This was our 7th Celebrity cruise in 3 years and we even returned to the same lovely stateroom with the same cabin stewards as last fall. They and our table waiters were all excellent. For the first time, we felt that our main dining room sommelier actually possessed real knowledge -- instead of others who, when asked for advice on a wine choice say, "You're having beef? Have a red." (duh). I agree with posters who said the production shows/entertainment were a real step above all our prior cruises. We traveled with a couple who've sailed with us several times before and were joined by another couple of friends on their very first cruise - who'd heard such good things they decided to try it. The only negative thing I noticed was that many fewer waiters in the buffet area reached out to carry my tray (on previous cruises that happened all the time). Otherwise I found EVERY crew member to be their usual pleasant self. I always smile widely and give everyone of the crew an enthusiastic thank-you.


Now if they could just have done something about that darn rain in all the ports!!!!! :) (Not to mention the other 8 ships in St. Maarten and that awful tender ride!)

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Just a reminder that when you see a violation of the Cruise Critic Community Guidelines, please hit the alert triangle (report.gif) and send a message to the hosts. Please do not respond on the board as it only escalates the problem.


By the way, I was on the Golden Princess last Spring before she went into dry dock (and yes, Summit is scheduled to go into dry dock next week) and she, too was in need of some serious refurbishing. While things like missing pool tiles, stained carpets and moldy (I mean moldy) pool deck chairs aren't about to ruin a cruise for me, I think all cruise passengers deserve to have their ship in great shape unless the cruise lines are going to give a significant discount for ships just before they go to dry dock for repairs.


It's important to remember to respect every person's opinion of their cruise experience, even if it's different from your own.


Remember, don't hesitate to hit that alert button!



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In no way did I ever say I had a bad cruise. It was an enjoyable 9 nights. All I was posting was the service issues around the buffet area. I will get into detail more when I have a chance. At no time did I say anything bad about NY'ers. I am from NY originally. All I said was there was a bunch of rude and nasty people aboard. Line cutters, always complaining etc. I did not say who and where they are from. I am not saying I hated my cruise, just that the service left alot to be disired. Thanks for the nice comments Flagger.

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What did you think of Don Fluke? You might have mentioned this above, but I didn't read all the way through, sorry! We were on Summit last March & had a wonderful cruise, but I thought Don stunk--can't believe he is still there! JMHO!!!

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Don Fluke was on board still. We really only talked to him one time. It was the only time we saw him, and that was after the Captains Club party. He seemed nice. Just kinda of mellow I guess? I thought is was interesting that being elite members in Sept on Infinity the CC hostess sought us out and made us feel welcomed. On Summit, nothing. No welcome back when checking in or anything special.

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It'f a funny thing as I said before 2 cruises both on galaxy, same ports, same time of year, One fabulous the other just OK. Truthfully I had no desire to sail Galaxy again after my first cruise on her. My husband talked me into giving her another chance. it was great. I loved everything. I guess you just never know

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We were told "no"...on the Summit (summer 04)...by our Butler...on several occasions.


One that comes to mind right now is when we asked him about switching our dinner table assignment. He gave a grin...and told us that we should call on that ourselves. (This was not how previous Celebrity Bulters had handled our dining reservation requests.


Just for helps: We got the number ahead of time from Celebrity for the Dining Room Coordinator for the Summit; she was very helpful in guaranteeing our requested seating area....:)

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Okay here we go into a bit more detail. Please believe me when I say we are easy going people who like to have a good time. Did we have fun? You bet, it was a nice trip and we met some nice people. It started when we originally requested a table of 2. The Maitre d' told me he just gave away the last 2 top late seating, nothing he could do. I asked him, please look and see if there is anything you can do. At this time I was digging into my wallet to help him find a table. Something I feel with 13 cruises on X I shouldn't have to do. Well he saw me digging for some cash and all of a sudden he finds a table of 2. Unfortunately I left my wallet in my cabin. So I figure I will take care of him later. Come to find out there were 4-2 tops never sat at the entire cruise. I looked every night. I am glad I did forget my cash that 1st day. One day the buffet had a small taco bar, I asked for some Nacho's the server says, go to other side. No problem I walk over to other side and its closed, so I say hey, its closed I just wanted some nachos. He says rudely, "NO I AM OUT!" I ask if you are getting more? He didn't even answer me. That's just uncalled for. There were several people behind me that couldn't believe what he said, they also were in line for the Nacho's. One day we were in line at the burger/pizza area and I went to buy a coke and couldn't find one, so I asked the bar server that is standing right there, can I get a coke? NO I AM OUT. I say, can you please find me one, I am sitting right here. NOPE! My brother tried ordering off the dining room menu during the dining room hours and was told NO! ORDER OFF THE T.V. This is just wrong. So I call the head housekeeper, no problem sir, what would you like? One day while eating breakfeast in the main dining room, everyone was eating and my wife hadn't received her meal, so we ask where is it, they say, IF YOU WANT FAST SERVICE GO TO BUFFET! Like I said some of these are minor items, so I just write down a few comments on the feedback card they give you and turn it in. I hear back from the gentleman in charge of all deck 10. Mario was his name. He told me, and this is word for word," We have some service problem on buffet its because this is the new X. As of 01-06-05 These are RCCL employees." I just don't buy that. That is the lamest excuse I have heard. I think that is what really broke the straw. My wife who uses a wheelchair has always received help in buffet line. Maybe they were short handed, but 1 x the entire trip did someone ask her for help. And that was the day I wrote the letter. Even our Maitre'd at our dining room table said he was sorry for the service, he saw her several times pushing her wheelchair as I juggled 2 trays. Duh, he saw us but never tried to help. Around the pool the bar service was a joke. It took over 20 minutes to get a drink. I just found it easier to go to the bar and order there. Then I saw the guy who was taking the orders making the drinks. Poor guy was doing double duty. It just didn't add up. Will I sail X again? Probably. I am saying it could have been a bad week. Its just disappointing when you are accustomed to great service. It just wasn't there.

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We also got the number and faxed the dining coordinator our requests ahead of time and our requests still were not honored. When we went to check the table assignment and see about changing it, we were "politely" brushed off.

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"trvlcarib", I would encourage you to let Jack Williams know of the problems you had. I seems very unlikely that Celebrity is intending to lower the service quality and more likely they are having trouble training RC crew to Celebrity practices. The comments by the management staff sound like frustration dealing with the use of RC employees and maybe some frustration with getting their upper management to understand the issues, thus the value of letting Mr. Williams know. From past experience of politely letting him know of service problems he does want to know about it. In my case his responce was quick and clear that poor service was not tolerated and that the problem would be fixed.


We sailed Summit in the summer of 2003 and had the pleasure of meeting the buffet restaurant manager on board at that time during lunch. He sat our table for about ten minutes one day very proudly telling us about a program they just finished that was focused on rededicating the staff to outstanding service. Anyone who works in a major corporation knows the kind of program he was talking about. He indicated that the program was Celebrity wide. I doubt they have changed direction. All the more reason to let Mr. Williams know.

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trvlcarib, if you have sailed with X 13 times, I think by now you know what you are talking about. The experiences you had were unacceptable. As you said, not enough to ruin your cruise, but unacceptable none the less. I think when they get your comment card, there just might be a "prayer meeting" with the staff.

As far as the "Boca people"....well TELL me about it. I LIVE a stones throw away form Boca. Good news- I too am an ex NYer who knows how to open my mouth when I have to. I literally had to tell a man once who was pushing ahead of me to get onto an elevator "Lets let the people OUT first!"

In any case, I hope that never happens to you again. Such a loyal customer deserves better treatment, as do ALL the customers!


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We are novice cruisers, took our first and second this past year. But, on each of them we were subjected once or twice to rude remarks etc from staff. I WILL NOT tolerate that. In one instance I was given some "lip" from one of the buffet line cooks at the back grill buffet. I immediately got out of line and looked for a "supervisor". It took a little searching but I found him and asked him to follow me back to the grill buffet. I pointed out the guy and told him what he said. I indicated that I did not feel a guest should be subjected to this type of behavior and told him that I felt the employee should be reprimanded.

We ended up skipping lunch as I was furious. Went to the aft bar and had a drink. When we came back in the employee was no where to be found! My wife joked that they threw him overboard.

My point is this; I strongly feel that when this type of thing happens it has to be immediately brought to the attention of whatever supervisor is around. This can be inconvenient or a pain at times but I don't care. I just will not tolerate rude servers.

IMHO, I think if more people did this things would improve.

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I thought is was interesting that being elite members in Sept on Infinity the CC hostess sought us out and made us feel welcomed. On Summit, nothing. No welcome back when checking in or anything special.


If you were on Infinity this past September (2004), that CC hostess (at the time i still think they were referred to as Social hostesses, not sure) was probably Jennifer. We also were on Infinity oct-sept to Hawaii, and Jennifer was our SOHO. Also met us at check in, and proved to be one of the better social hostesses we have encountered on any of our Celebrity cruises.

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That's who "runs the ship" and the correct person to voice your complaints to at the time. We have been on 17 Celebrity cruises (4 on Summit because we loved it so much) and only twice have we had reason to complain. Once we had a rude/lazy cabin steward which really didn't affect our enjoyment and once a rude waiter during open seating lunch. I was so furious with the treatment I received in the dining room we never again ate lunch there. Silly us, we punished ourselves instead of reporting the offender to the restaurant manager! A lesson learned but, thankfully, not needed since.

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First Negative - A huge portion of the passengers were old, bitter, and very rude.


Don't get me started on Ft. Lauderdale departures again. That was precisely my observation on our Dec 6 '05 Summit cruise, and I took a lot of heat for pointing this out, along with the demographics behind it. Given the numerous options I've got (and the fact that Celebrity has nuked the Ultimate Caribbean runs next winter anyway), I will no longer take any cruise from FLL during snow bird season. These folks can really darken the mood of the staff and crew, and that can change the entire tone on the ship. Who needs that during a vacation? Perhaps that was what was getting to some of the staff/crew in the OP's part of the boat. Doesn't excuse it, but might explain it.



I'm not sure what cabin the OP had, but we were in #8183. Being a FV cabin, one might expect even more than the usual share of wear and tear there -- typically more pax per trip in these cabins -- but things in our cabin looked just great. The only gripe we had was with the stained spread on the bed, and our CA noted and fixed that before we could even bring it to his attention.


Pool tiles do need attention, and I'm sure they'll get it drained and problem solved in dry dock. Apart from that, the only major thing that caught my attention was the need to strip and revarnish the cabin deck rails. There'd been a few prior coats chipping off that needed to come off before starting over.


Public areas were all in good condition. It always amazes me that, in the dark of night, they can keep whipping the food service area carpets back into such decent shape without wearing the carpet right through to the deck!

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Yes the CC hostess on Infinity in Alaska was awesome, she was there when we checked in and welcomed us aboard. Even told us we had the most cruises of anyone and will be looking us up. Which she did. It was great the captain gave my wife a bouquet of flowers and called us up on stage. I think her name was also Jennifer, but not the same Jennifer that is on Summit.

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