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FINALLY FROUFIES ESP (extra special pictorial) REVIEW OF THE VALOR - JAN 24-31/10


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Did you happen to keep your capers? I would love, love, love to see them.


Of course kept my Capers being the very 'detailed' person that I am....:D (as I have for ALL my past cruises). Unfortunately just got a new xerox photocopy scanning machine (at work) - old one disconnected.....new one not yet 'functional'....so alas no way to scan and upload..... Maybe next week if possible?

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So it was with mixed feelings I greeted the day - felt I had to squeeze every last minute out of the day and do everything (and eat everything) I had missed during the week. Honestly I found the 4 port days in a row quite exhausting and would have preferred a break in between to relax on the ship and recharge a bit.


Ray was off on his own this morning to do the Behind the Fun Tour ($95 pp - limited numbers) and since it was around 4 hours long I had the morning to myself. Had a lovely breakfast on the Lido deck (fabulous french toast! and the bacon police were quite generous this morning)....then some shopping for last minute gifts - yes had to get all those 2 for 1 t-shirt specials, some cigars for big ds and candy for work colleagues. After shopping I dropped everything back in the cabin and off I went to the GYM - yes finally time to work out. I knew that on Monday I was back at strength training class and it would be awfully painful if I had not done anything while away. It was around 11:30 am at this point and while the gym was pretty busy it was not full up so I was able to use one of the treadmills and found all the weights I needed for my workout. Filled my water bottle at the fountain, had my ipod on and away I went. And yes it was painful but I’m glad I did it.


About an hour later I was done and opted to sit out on the deck for a while to get some fresh air. I love the ocean view and my favorite spot is at the back of the boat - usually deck 10 or 11 - near the track - always able to get a lounger and a clear view of the horizon.


As you can see lots of empty spots (if you don't feel the need to be right by the pool):



View from my deck chair:



Very relaxing as I took off my runners and listened to my music for a while. Started getting a bit ‘warm’ and realized I was probably getting too much sun so off I went back to cabin to change and see if Ray was around. On the way back I happened upon the chocolate buffet!!! And grabbed a small chocolate mousse cup to take back to my cabin with me - great snack!


Left a message for Ray and we finally hooked up - he loved the behind the fun tour and saw some great stuff behind the scenes - had his picture taken with the captain and got some other goodies which were delivered to him later that day (including photos of him and the captain on the bridge!)


Ray was then off to the casino and I was determined to get to tea time as it was my last chance and I really needed a smoked salmon fix. Unlike other cruises (last few times teatime was held in the cigar bar/lounge...)tea time is now held in the dining room (upper level washington) so I found myself a spot at a big table and chatted with my fellow cruisers while enjoying smoked salmon sandwiches and strawberries and pound cake and earl grey tea (all with an ocean view). Then unfortunately it was time to go back to the cabin and continue some of that packing as luggage had to be out that evening by midnight (okay I am usually a couple of hours late but it always works out).


We met up again at 5 pm for the Farewell party where the free drinks were flowing! Ended up sitting with tablesmates John and Victor, being joined by Liz and Steve (our roll call friends from Canada) and visited by others from the roll call (Judy and Rick and Karen and Mark) which was nice as it gave us a chance to say good bye.


Karen and Mark from Ohio:



Liz and Steve from Victoria BC:



I was sucking back those oh-so-sour lime daiquiris and feeling no pain. At 6 pm some left for early seating and we went back to get ready for our last dinner in the MDR.


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Zoran our waiter performed some more of his special tricks for us and it was sad to say goodbye and hear them sing that ‘farewell song’ - boohoo.....


Just had to take more pics with my tablemates:


Bye Taylor and Ashby!:(



Bye Victor and John!:(



Bye Katie and Keena!:(



As you can see lots of pictures were taken with everyone and we decided we couldn’t part just yet so the whole table wandered off to get seats together at the Legends show (only 1 show at 10:30 pm).....it was very well done and we had fun - esp watching Big Tex do his Dolly Parton thing - too funny (and this is where he recreated his famous dance moves – the crowd loved it). Finally it was time to say goodbye so with hugs and kisses we parted......


Back to the cabin for that final packing and weighing of the luggage and figuring out what I had to keep out and what I could get rid of (like the almost empty bottles of shampoo, conditioner, makeup stuff, hairspray, etc). Emptied the safe and packed up the carryon - weighted the luggage - about 1 lb over - opened it - took more stuff out and tried to squeeze it into the carryon to avoid being charged for overweight luggage (or a 2nd bag - on the way out I had 2 free bags with Westjet but was flying American back which was $15 for 1st piece and $20 for the second). Got the carnival transfer to the airport as I was flying out of MIA and Ray was flying out of FLL - which meant a boring wait for both of us!


Finally got the luggage outside the cabin (1 am?) some more Seinfeld reruns and off to bed for the last time in my cozy little porthole cabin.

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Bright and early like 6:45 am assistant Cruise Director Sam’s voice comes in loud and clear over the loudspeakers announcing that self assist was about to being? ARE THEY INSANE? DON’T THEY KNOW SOME OF US ARE SLEEPING? (and have 2:30 pm flights so are in no hurry to disembark?). Announcements are now flying so there was no reason to set a wakeup call I guess?


Finally drag myself out of bed - did I mention the sore throat I had since the other day which now seemed worse? Luckily I had my ‘pharmacy’ with me and popped some sudafed and lozenges envisioning a long and painful flight home.... Ray and I coordinate to get to the dining room for breakfast before they close - we get there at 8:20 am (they are ‘closing’ at 8:30!). Order up some eggs, sausage, hash browns, danish - the works - no more yummy food for us after this! We are one of the last ones out of the dining room - I had left my carryonn stuff in my cabin but almost everyone else has vacated theirs and the stewards are super busy stripping beds and cleaning for the next batch of cruisers.


We grab our stuff and head up to Promenade deck to sit near the casino and wait to be thrown off ha ha ha. We chat and relax...until around 10 am when they finally announce everyone off! It is a breeze getting down to deck 3 and ‘binging’ the machine with our S&S cards one final time and we’re out!


Bye bye Valor!:




Our luggage was easily found and in the big customs line we went - seemed pretty busy at this time. I mentioned I was a Canadian so I was sent to this other line - the super slow one I think? Ha ha ha. But eventually made it out - had to say goodbye to Ray in line - and even saw tablemates Victor and John so said goodbye yet again. Took about 30 mins to get thru Customs then off to find my bus to the Miami airport. It was hardly full so I knew we would be loading up for a while but heck I was in no rush.


Around 11:15 am we were finally on our way to the airport and my terminal for American was the 1st stop. Only a 15 minute bus ride but it became much more exciting once we arrived at the airport and the ‘fight’ began!


We arrive at the airport (terminal E) around 11:29 am - the driver gets off the bus - of course closing the door and ‘locking’ us in while she unloaded the luggage and told us we had to wait til it was all done before we could get off - this seemed like standard carnival procedure if I remember correctly. However at this point a young man gets on and identifies himself as an American Airlines employee and tells us to listen up. It seems the AA counter at this terminal closes down at 11:30 am - and all the agents are moved to Terminal D at that time to deal with those flights. This news is not well taken by many on the bus! Now there is construction going on at the Airport and there is a wooden walkway to Terminal D right there - maybe a 3 minute walk? (But this means shlepping all your luggage with you I guess?).


The Mutiny begins - people shouting at this guy asking him why does Carnival drop us off here if we can’t check in here - of course he tells us to take this up with Carnival - not his issue. Mentions we can either walk to terminal D or make use of the curbside skycaps. I have absolutely no experience with skycaps so I raise my hand (are we in school now?) and ask can anyone use them (e.g. international flights as I am going to Canada) and b) is there a cost...yes you can and you just give a tip - well sounds good to me (but not to everyone else it seems). There is a very loud voice from the back of the bus still arguing with this fellow - this goes on for a while til the AA guy says that perhaps they can continue the conversation off the bus. He then gets off the bus and the ‘complainer’ now starts yelling that he wants to get off the bus and proceeds down the aisle to the front....okay - now I see this big african american guy - like 6'5' and in quite good shape and I’m thinking geez I wouldn’t want to mess with him - esp when he’s angry!!! He gets to the front and is of course ‘locked’ in and can’t get off. He seems to be waiting patiently but I can see the steam coming off his head! YIKES - I want off the bus too - only to ensure I am not embroiled in any physical or verbal altercations which may preclude me from making my flight!! (I am in the 4th row of the bus). Anyhow the driver has now finished unloading, she opens the doors and this guy bounces off (followed by a few others) and begins to have ‘words’ with the AA employee outside the bus. Things seem under control but I am thinking this could end badly so I am anxious to be on my way. Driver finally lets us off - I grab my suitcase and wheel it a few feet away to the skycaps lineup - finally make it to the front and I am told I can’t check in right there as I am going to Canada - and sends me off to the next skycap station a few feet away. When I get there they are confused as to why I was sent over there - saying the guy didn’t know what he was talking about but a nice young lady takes my docs and gets me my boarding pass, weighs my luggage (while I hold my breath - it was 49.7 when I left the ship).....and after a tip to her I am on my way with my very heavy carry on bag on the short walk to Terminal D.


This time for the first time ever I think? my carryon is not opened or checked however I have to remove my bracelets/watch cuz of the buzzing......and I make it thru. I now sit there for 15 mins trying to get my bracelets back on by myself - quite a feat - almost to the point where I am about to ask a nice (and hopefully friendly looking stranger) to help me out - but I finally manage to get my medic alert back on (I toyed with the idea of not wearing it but decided that this was not a good time not to have it on - just in case of an emergency!).


Get a water bottle, find my gate - it’s now about 12:30 pm - call home and catch up w/dh and soon it’s time to board the plane. I was not that hungry at this point so did not eat anything and as soon as we were airborne I was very sorry about that cuz now I was having stomach pains and hunger pains and looking for my snacks and any other food I could find.


Flight attendants coming around with earphones - yes I got to watch the worst movie ever - the time traveller’s wife - not even distracting enuf to make me forget my stomach pains - then the cart with drinks and FOOD - yes I overpaid for some Boston Market chicken sandwich and some chips - with gingerale of course- took 2 bites of the sandwich and wrapped it back up realizing I am REALLY NOT FEELING WELL and sure hope I am not going to be sick (luckily I have an aisle seat) - lady next to me looking at me strangely wondering what’s up with the sandwich? Drink ginger ale - very good - eat some chips - not bad.....and hope for the best. End up throwing away the sandwich (assured the lady next to me no there was nothing wrong with it - just feeling a bit queasy).....and feeling a bit better by the time we landed at O’hare (did you know that O’hare airport rocks a bit? Just like the ship? :D). Went on the hunt for more chicken soup and gingerale - which helped a bit and noticed a Starbucks right at my gate so picked up a piece of lemon pound cake for the flight to Ottawa thinking how nicely that would go down with a cup of hot tea (yes throat still not feeling great).


Everything was on schedule and we finally boarded and were on our way - temp control on the plane was weird - either blazing hot or freezing cold which wasn’t much fun - and guess what NO HOT DRINKS ON THIS FLIGHT!!! How is that possible? So had ‘gingerale’ with my pound cake - which was excellent by the way....- and read my book and played with my ipod touch and wondered why in heck I lived in a land of cold and snow and ice!


Landed on time and breezed thru customs as I am now the owner of a Nexus card (retinal scan) and am considered a ‘trusted traveller’ so no bad experiences with those overzealous customs agents. Out of the building and into my warm van which dh had waiting for me.

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Well now that I am home and reliving my cruise I can say it went by so fast - way too fast it seems- I feel like I blinked and it was all over. Did I really do all that stuff? Was I that organized and was everything so planned that it went off without a hitch? Did I manage to squeeze everything out of the cruise that I could? No I don’t feel I did - and now I have these moments of regret! I should have had that pizza slice! Only 2 ice cream cones? Should have relaxed on deck more....did not have any room service except for breakfast??? Never got to the mongolian grill or deli.....No food at Nachi Cocum? Only pina coladas? Why didn’t I try something different? AND I NEVER EVEN HAD MY FAVORITE DRINK ON THE SHIP - A KISS ON THE LIPS - this just won’t do! I really need to go back and do this all over again and get it right this time! :eek:;)


Or better yet - it must be time to book another CRUISE!!!! :D:D:D


Thanks for bearing with me (assuming you are still here that is and I hope you enjoyed reading all about my cruise!


Would be more than happy to answer any additional questions and if anyone wants to bring me along on their next cruise I can be ready in a jiffy!:p

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Well now that I am home and reliving my cruise I can say it went by so fast - way too fast it seems- I feel like I blinked and it was all over. Did I really do all that stuff? Was I that organized and was everything so planned that it went off without a hitch? Did I manage to squeeze everything out of the cruise that I could? No I don’t feel I did - and now I have these moments of regret! I should have had that pizza slice! Only 2 ice cream cones? Should have relaxed on deck more....did not have any room service except for breakfast??? Never got to the mongolian grill or deli.....No food at Nachi Cocum? Only pina coladas? Why didn’t I try something different? AND I NEVER EVEN HAD MY FAVORITE DRINK ON THE SHIP - A KISS ON THE LIPS - this just won’t do! I really need to go back and do this all over again and get it right this time! :eek:;)


Or better yet - it must be time to book another CRUISE!!!! :D:D:D


Thanks for bearing with me (assuming you are still here that is and I hope you enjoyed reading all about my cruise!


Would be more than happy to answer any additional questions and if anyone wants to bring me along on their next cruise I can be ready in a jiffy!:p



How did you miss all that??? I was looking forward to hearing about all the food at NC since we have booked that. Oh well, I will just come back and tell YOU how good it was. And the mongolian!!

Thanks so much for sharing. I truly enjoyed it. Hope you are feeling much better!!!

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How did you miss all that??? I was looking forward to hearing about all the food at NC since we have booked that. Oh well, I will just come back and tell YOU how good it was. And the mongolian!!

Thanks so much for sharing. I truly enjoyed it. Hope you are feeling much better!!!


I Know - I could just kick myself - I want a 'do over' right now!!!!:cool:

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I loved reading your review. It was just like being there myself, which I will be in 5 short days. I couldn't bear to read the end of your review. Im sorry it went so quickly, but it always does. Thanks so much for all your hard work on the review. It was certainly appreciated.

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I really enjoyed your review!! Thanks for posting it and so many interesting details...we are taking this cruise this Sunday and we cannot wait!! The Behind the Fun tour how did you book that?? I know that my DH would LOVE doing something like that!!

Thanks again for such a great review and pictures!! :D

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Excellent review!!! You are the queen of cruising. Great pics.

I agree we need to go back, I never got to the burrito bar and only ate the guacamole dip and chips (twice) at Nachi Cocum. What a fun day that was!!! You are a very fun lady and really know how to write a review to the point I feel I can close my eyes and be back on the Valor. THANK YOU.:)

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Thanks to everyone for their kind words about my review! It was actually fun to write!


Great review! Would you recommend the Carnival transfer to MIA to others or should they just hail a taxi?

Because i was travelling solo the bus transfer was cheaper for me (I think it was $16 to MIA) - if you are more than one person it is way better and faster to get a cab - which is about $25 to the airport!




Excellent review!!! You are the queen of cruising. Great pics.

I agree we need to go back, I never got to the burrito bar and only ate the guacamole dip and chips (twice) at Nachi Cocum. What a fun day that was!!! You are a very fun lady and really know how to write a review to the point I feel I can close my eyes and be back on the Valor. THANK YOU.

Hey Judy - had lots of fun with you on Grand Cayman and at Nachi Cocum!!! Definitely wish I was also back on the Valor!!!


I really enjoyed your review!! Thanks for posting it and so many interesting details...we are taking this cruise this Sunday and we cannot wait!! The Behind the Fun tour how did you book that?? I know that my DH would LOVE doing something like that!!

Thanks again for such a great review and pictures!!

I would suggest your dh book the tour as soon as he can. I know there are limited numbers (I believe they did 2 tours of 15 people each?). Big Tex will give an 'excursion' talk at some point and will mention the tour - the trick is to book this before the talk - once he 'announces' it it tends to sell out very quickly! Glad you enjoyed the review!


Loved your Review Froufie...


Waddles is getting ready to get on the Dream...


Gonna Join us for Fun N' Glory ?

HI Dan - and a special hello to my friend Waddles - hope you enjoy the Dream (send me pics) and I may just have to check out that Glory sailing!!! Thanks!
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Because i was travelling solo the bus transfer was cheaper for me (I think it was $16 to MIA) - if you are more than one person it is way better and faster to get a cab - which is about $25 to the airport!


Froufie is correct. The taxi fare to MIA is a set rate and in Oct 2009, it was $24 plus tip so if 2 or more, a taxi is the best way to go.

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Thanks for an interesting review. I will be in 1212 in July. Any more pics of this cabin?


Thank you, percy




Still trying to get pics of 1212 - but here are the pics I found prior to our cruise - our cabins were the same altho these I believe are from the Conquest?









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