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FINALLY FROUFIES ESP (extra special pictorial) REVIEW OF THE VALOR - JAN 24-31/10


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Back on the ship and of course now I was hungry and ended up getting my first (and last) hot dog and fries - one of my favorite treats.....then back to the cabin to relax and clean up before dinner - I was taking Ray out to the Supper Club for his birthday celebration!!!


Realized the show was again at 7 pm - so switched supper club reservation to 8 pm - no problem and after the show (Darren Sanders who did the late night adult show the previous evening – which I missed – was told he was very good – but what a disappointment! He kept messing up – like ‘losing his place’ and repeating stuff he already said – then glancing at his watch every once in a while to see how much time he had left!) up we went to Scarlet’s (we have been to other supper clubs on various ships but not to this one) where I found the decor to be quite lovely. Place was certainly not full, and I was a bit leery spying a young one (like maybe 10-12 months old) in a high chair at the next table.....but luckily they were finishing up and were soon gone (and yes baby was getting antsy despite having his or her own personal dvd player set up with some movies).


Here's the birthday boy at the supper club:



Enjoying my glass of red wine:



Now I love the supper clubs and always look forward to the excellent food and service. However tonight was to be a disappointment - while the food as usual was above par - the service was sorely lacking and I was quite surprised at the lack of attention we (and others around us) got. We were seated around 8:05 pm and around 8:15 pm the first server appeared with the ‘raw meat’ tray giving us the mandatory explanation. Then left - and we were left for almost 20 mins! Finally around 8:45 some bread and spreads appeared and our order was taken. Water glasses were filled and rarely refilled unless we asked! We got the chef’s little ‘surprises’ and then nothing for a while. Finally I got the lobster bisque I have been salivating over for months and it was as delicious as I remembered - Ray got the escargots (now revamped to a more ‘traditional’ type). We had both ordered the caesar salad and surf and turf. Now the caesar salad is supposed to be made tableside - and has been in the past - but this time it just appeared? Very strange - Ray said he saw some being prepared across the room - near the kitchen/bar area - and maybe that had been ours? I presumed then that they had done away with the tableside prep until a few minutes later when a table somewhere behind us (table of 4) got the wham bang tableside salad thing going? We were not sure why we did not get this same presentation? Also no black pepper provided and of course we couldn’t find someone to ask - other table - you guessed it - fresh black pepper mill magically appeared without being asked for....hmmmm.


The only one in the place who seemed to be hustling and working was the wine steward. She was quite busy - not with wines but seems she was the one filling the water glasses and finally clearing the plates of the table next to us - who had been finished and sitting with dirty plates for at least 15 mins now? What’s up with that? Our food appeared as ordered and was FANTASTIC and we really enjoyed it - but the lack of service did put a damper on the evening and we had to keep flagging someone down to refill iced tea and water??? Finally got dessert - which of course we could barely finish - and thankfully they have done away with that extra little plate of ‘sweets’ that comes at the end - I guess we weren’t the only ones to always ask if we could take that back as we couldn’t eat another bite....or maybe we just didn’t get it just because? I am sorry to say I did not leave any tip but seriously it wasn’t earned.......I am hoping this was just an off night and perhaps they were understaffed or something? I did mention the experience on our comment card - in the end we were very happy because of the excellent food but surprised at the service level that evening. We were happy also to have a QUIET leisurely dinner alone seeing as most evenings in the MDR with the twins and wines and several ongoing and disjointed conversations going on, the atmosphere was quite ‘busy’ and even I, who am a diehard extrovert found it tiring to deal with night after night - talk about sensory overload! :)


My dessert - some sort of apple/caramel/puff pastry thing:



Ray's dessert - slice of cheesecake the size of his head!



I think this night was the deck party - which I did not participate in - Ray of course was off to bed (how could you sleep after eating all that food?). I wandered about - caught some music, used the internet, lost more $$ in the casino, found my cup of tea and wandered back to my cabin. Yes at this point my suitcase had been pulled out from under the bed (tomorrow was our last day and fun day at sea) so I started throwing a few things in that I knew I would not be needing for the last couple of days.


Looks like the lobster from my surf and turf dinner!



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I am LOVING your review!!! One of the best I have read in awhile! Now trying to decide how soon to book the Valor because I am REALLY itching to go now!!


THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! Never too 'early' to book a cruise in my opinion....GO AHEAD AND ADD IT TO YOUR 'LIST'!

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I am LOVING your review, I leave on 3-4 on the fantasy and soaking up all the info/pictures I can get.


Can't wait to read more



Have fun on your upcoming cruise - soak up the sun instead of the pics and have a great time!- ha ha ha:cool:;)

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Loving your review Froufie! Looks like we had reverse experiences. We had bad service at Nachi and great service at Scarlett's. Our glasses were never empty and we were out of there in about an 1 1/2. It did remind me that we were not shown the raw meat presentation and our caesar salads were not made table side either. You just never know. I am glad that things were better for you at Nachi. I know that you were really looking forward to it. Our day was just an "off" day as I suspected. Thanks again for the great review!



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Really enjoying your review. This past Nov. me, my 3 daughters and sister were on the Valor. Late Tuesday evening we got word my mother-in-law had passed away. We were unable to get a flight out of Roatan on Wed. but we got one out of Belize on Thurs. Reading your review is catching me up on what we missed. We had a tour booked with Victor Bodden to go see his animals and the resort you went to, we also had booked Nachi Cocum. Since we did not get to take these excusrions your pictures and review are great!

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Wow, when Froufie gives a review, she really gets down!


I very much appreciate all the time and energy you spent getting this done. Love the details and pictures! I'm sending a link of this review to all my family members that are going on the Valor in October.


Again, Froufie - You ROCK!

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Off to my cabin to check it out - so very very very cute! We had ‘matching’ porthole cabins - I was in 1211 - solo 1A cabin - single bed, couch, the other ‘usual’ stuff and 2 portholes with a magnificent window ledge! Ray was on the opposite side in 1212 (and had the unfortunate experience of hearing that anchor drop when we were in a tender port - I understand it sounds like a train going thru your cabin!!!). Checked out the cabin to make sure everything worked (yes I used my Lysol wipe to ‘disinfect’ stuff) and left a note for cabin steward for some ‘necessities’.


We had 1212 on Liberty, I totally agree with the freight train in the cabin statement. It was rough that morning at HMC, luckily the rest of the stops has piers!

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Froufie, you look absolutely gorgeous in your black sequined outfit at dinner! I'm so looking forward to going on our Valor cruise in May and loving your play by play!!! Thanks!


Well first on the agenda was breakfast - at the buffet - oatmeal of course and some fruit and danish and coffee and then onto the IMPORTANT STUFF - the mandatory winning of a SHIP ON A STICK. Yes I am a collector and feel obligated to return from each cruise with such a memento - in fact I have a row of these trophies in my office at work and would have to hang my head in shame should I return trophyless! First up was Super Trivia - in teams - but quite interesting - Ray and I ended up on a team aptly named The Winners (we felt positive vibes would help). Most of our group was made up of the most hilarious and intelligent seniors one could hope to meet. These guys knew everything! Their knowledge, combined with Ray’s dice throwing skills (after all he does come from Vegas) and we quickly took the lead and were able to hold onto it til the end! So the Winners were really the Winners - and we each got a Medal for our efforts.


The medal winners:






Okay nice medal - and good start - but still need that ship on a stick. So off Ray goes to the slot tournament (having a free entry due to his Platinum Powers) and I stick around for Scattergories - something I have never played before but seem to be quite good at as I end up getting 15/20 which is good enuf for that coveted gold statue! I am thrilled to pieces as my work is now done, and the pressure is off. I don’t have to fret and worry at each and every trivia game as to how it will all end. YAY.


And finally the coveted Ship on a Stick!!!



Met up with Ray and had a lovely lunch in the dining room.....


2:30 pm - time for our 2nd/final roll call meet and greet - deck 5 near the wine bar! Lots of new faces show up and we get to chat again and make more friends...then some are off to tea time but I am itching to get outside!


Forgot to mention it was raining this morning - decks were wet - pretty windy- I believe they covered the aft pool but by mid afternoon the sun appeared and it was time to get out to do one of my most favorite shipboard activities in the whole world - walking! Yes you heard me right walking - but not just any walking! No - this is ocean walking - this is walking on the top deck jogging track with my ipod on, listening to fantastic music, enjoying fabulous scenery, and warm ocean breezes and sunshine - what more could a person want? Yes I was that silly grinning woman walking and smiling and singing along while I went round and round on the top deck (as I convinced myself I could now get an extra dessert with dinner!).


Tonight was first elegant night - so after the walk it was time to go get all fancied up in my black sequins. What fun! After getting all ‘beautified’ Ray and I went off to the Promenade deck for those $1 off drinks (I am still not impressed by that and wish they would bring back the ‘traditional’ captain’s welcome aboard cocktail party!). I headed for the martini bar where Ildika made me an extra special French Martini - pretty powerful stuff - pink and yummy - and I am a very cheap drunk so by the time I get to dinner I am a very happy camper!:)





Dinner was super delish and I really enjoyed my lobster tail (and had a few bites of Ray’s prime rib - he did the surf and turf thing - and it was really really tasty - I find the ‘beef’dishes sometimes are hit and miss!). Off to the show ‘Nightclub Express’ - have seen this before on some other cruises altho it seems to have been revamped a bit? Gotta love that talking sofa! Ray of course is off to bed but I’m hoping to catch the midnight adult comedy show by Percy Crews (who we had seen the night before). The adult comedy shows are no longer in the theatre - and were all in the Eagles lounge back of deck 5 - a nice venue but typically very crowded - I ended up standing in a corner for a while and to be quite honest after about 15 minutes cuz the show was just not that funny - or not as funny as the night before. Many people seemed to be enjoying it tho and I think the ratio of liquor to jokes had something to do with it?


And my newest 'friend':



Next up: Grand Caymen (but 1st suppertime)

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Well here it is! Finally after working on uploading the pics and writing the 'text' and cross checking with my Capers I am pleased to present my first attempt at a pictorial review.


Warning - it is LONG, it is DETAILED so for those who are looking for a brief summary - look elsewhere.


Happy to answer questions as we go along





Hourra hourra !

goes into the suscibed list immediatly :-)

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Glad everyone is enjoying the review - I always appreciate when someone does a great detailed review with pics so it is my turn to 'give back'.


Now for some 'personalized responses':


are those apples? is it a Tarte tatin?
Yes - those are apples - and I think you are correct with the tarte tatin? Very sweet tho!


Really enjoying your review. This past Nov. me, my 3 daughters and sister were on the Valor. Late Tuesday evening we got word my mother-in-law had passed away. We were unable to get a flight out of Roatan on Wed. but we got one out of Belize on Thurs. Reading your review is catching me up on what we missed. We had a tour booked with Victor Bodden to go see his animals and the resort you went to, we also had booked Nachi Cocum. Since we did not get to take these excusrions your pictures and review are great!
So sorry to hear of the passing of your MIL - my deepest condolences - not the news you want to hear on a cruise! But glad you were able to 'catch up' reading my review and hope that one day you get to relive it in person!


Froufie, you look absolutely gorgeous in your black sequined outfit at dinner! I'm so looking forward to going on our Valor cruise in May and loving your play by play!!! Thanks!
You can never have too much 'sparkle' - that's what I always say! Thanks!


Great Review, Great Pics so far. Thanks Froufie.


I like a lady who delivers on her promises

Thanks Keith (and now I'm sure you can understand why it was taking so long! :D)


Loving your review Froufie! Looks like we had reverse experiences. We had bad service at Nachi and great service at Scarlett's. Our glasses were never empty and we were out of there in about an 1 1/2. It did remind me that we were not shown the raw meat presentation and our caesar salads were not made table side either. You just never know. I am glad that things were better for you at Nachi. I know that you were really looking forward to it. Our day was just an "off" day as I suspected. Thanks again for the great review!

Miranda - you're right I was really worried about Nachi Cocum (going in with those high expectations) and luckily I was not disappointed. Maybe an off night at Scarlett's? At least the food was EXCELLENT and having been at other supper clubs I knew this was not the norm!


Next trip to Belize, Froufie, just stay at the pier. The shopping is amazing and so are the Conch Fritters at the Wet Lizard.


Great review.

Hey Wendy - good suggestion - I seem to be 'cursed' when it comes to the Belize port - meet you at the Wet Lizard for 'refreshments'! :D:D


And for all you future Valor cruisers - glad you are enjoying the review and I wish I was going with you!!!

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Thanks for the great review Froufie. What a great job you have done!! Do you have any pics of Ray's cabin 1212? We are in that cabin in April.


Thanks again,




I will check with Ray regarding pics - but his cabin's always so messy do you really want to 'go there'? (and as an aside please note that everything in his cabin belongs to him - should you be wondering.....- he tends to be very possessive!:p;))


Actually his cabin will be the EXACT reverse of mine (he was on the port side and I was on starboard).....as mentioned it may be a bit noisier on 'anchor dropping 'days - but otherwise just as 'cute'!

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