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Beware!! Westerdam Capt. Waits for noboby


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Okay, I out myself: I feel with the OP and if the total facts are as he writes, it would not have been a unreasonable act of consideration to wait.


I will tell you a positive example of a captain who did show consideration:

In short a few other passengers and me were hidden my disruptions in train traffic . Even having planned to be back two hours before departure time was not enough when serveral trains did not run and the one we finally got just stopped somewhere on the way. Using the telephone number provided in the daily schedule passengers called the port agent. The captain (of the Queen Elizabeth 2) did not only wait but they even sent an extra shuttle bus to the port entrance long after the last one was supposed to run. When we arrived, the ship was ready to go, we boarded and the gangway was lifted. Nobody even said something negative.

Later on fellows passengers told me the captain had made an annoucement the ship would be late due to some passengers with travel problems. As he knew where we were and that we would probably be back in a reasonable amount of time he would make every effort to take all passengers with him.

This captain cared for his passengers and understood that accidents etc. do happen.

If you (or other passengers) were on a SHIP LINE BOOKED EXCURSION that is late they will wait for you! If you are NOT on an excursion that the line booked they will NOT wait....plain and simple.

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Sorry i don't agree 5pm is 5pm, i know he was late but things happen and the ship was supposed to leave at 5pm.. I get annoyed sometimes with the cruise lines they list port times until 5 or 6pm when it is really 4:30 or 5:30. I know they have to keep a schedule and i always make sure i am back in time. I have been on rccl where they waited which i was surprized at but i thought it was very good of them. I think they should have allowed the pilot boat to take him to the boat.

And if he fell in the water as he tried to board the HUGE ship from the little pilot boat (assuming he has NEVER done it before and is NOT experienced at it) who's fault would it THEN be if he was hurt or died as the cruise line "did their best" to get him from the pier to the ship HE MISSED??!! It never ends. Come on folks...show up when you are TOLD to and accept responsibility when you don't. Pure and simple, unless you are on a cruiseline booked excursion, then you don't have to worry about it.:D

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Did as told, Bob. Before you wrote the "if" you wrote: "However, I recall that the gangway was still in place." - It wasn't, Sir


I am pleased you wrote "sir." I probably outranked you. :D

"If it was" was a modifier to the previous sentence. But it really does not matter.


Bob :cool:

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You are a 'newbie' to this thread. You've made maybe 4 or 5 posts, all critical of those of us that have been posting here for the past few days. I guess that makes you more of a 'gentleman' than anyone posting here.


No one is sticking the knife in anyone - just trying to get across a very obvious point that is 100% lost on the OP.


Gee, I did not realize there are categories of "newbie" and "oldie" for a specific thread. :rolleyes:


I suggest that if your point was so obvious, the thread would not have continued so long. But you can continue forever without my further participation. I see that no attitudes will be changed at all.


The OP has left, and I doubt he will return. But you made your point. He is no good what-so-ever, and would be tarred and feathered if he returned. ;)


Bob :cool:

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This has been the most entertaining thread that I have ever read since joining CC. And has certainly emphasized the importance of taking a HAL or Cruise Line Shore Excursions if you are going to come that close to "All Aboard" time.


I agree with just about everybody that the reason most of us don't have any sympathy for the OP is because of the "red thumb down", the "Beware" and the "horrible HAL personal service with no regard to passenger safety".


What I find interesting is that the OP said, "The gangway was lifted at 4:41 PM as outlined in the ship log".


Yet, Joanie stated that the Westerdam was Undocked at 4:51 PM.


Isn't undocked the same as gangway lifted. Also, I would like to know why he didn't take the Pilot Boat out to the ship? Did he think to ask? Or does it cost more than $1,000 to take such a boat ride.

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I really wish he and his wife would come on here and "chat"............


If you felt the same way about most of the posters on this thread that the OP does, would you come back and chat?

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So an impropriety by one excuses all other improprieties. GEESH, I didn't know that. :rolleyes:


Bob :cool:


You are correct, however, Cruise Critic and the Internet in general is from from a utopia.

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Sorry i don't agree 5pm is 5pm, i know he was late but things happen and the ship was supposed to leave at 5pm.. I get annoyed sometimes with the cruise lines they list port times until 5 or 6pm when it is really 4:30 or 5:30. I know they have to keep a schedule and i always make sure i am back in time. I have been on rccl where they waited which i was surprized at but i thought it was very good of them. I think they should have allowed the pilot boat to take him to the boat.


Consider what it takes to have the ship depart at 5 pm.


  • Passenger & crew manifest and list of the "missing" has to be prepared and given to the appropriate authorities
  • Clearance to depart must be obtained
  • Shore side equipment must be boarded and secured
  • Entryways have to be secured, i.e. equipment locked down, doors closed, etc.
  • Gangways have to be retracted
  • Engines may have to be started
  • Systems checks have to be performed
  • Lines have to be retrieved

I'm probably missing a half dozen things. The point is, if the ship is to leave the dock at 5 pm it must have all passengers aboard by 4:30 pm. The captain could well have decided to wait until exactly 5 pm before casting off but that doesn't mean that anyone would have been able to board after 4:30 pm mostly because of the first five points above.


Cruise ships do wait when one of their excursions is late. Some times they can still depart on time. Most of the time their departure is is delayed. These delays cost the cruise line real money, something they are loathed to do.


Moving between a cruise ship and a small boat while under way is not a simple or easy thing to do. The sea conditions might well have made this too dangerous for someone not trained in the procedure. I would not be surprised to learn that local regulations forbid the pilot boat carrying anyone but crew and pilots. There are any number of other legitimate reasons why the passenger was not allowed to board while the ship was underway. Every single one of those reasons I expect is related to the safety of the ship, its passengers, crew and the 0.05% of the passengers who were late.

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"I will not go to Webster's or elsewhere, but compassion does not mean agreement. Yes I have sympathy for him, but not agreement. And no, I have never been anywhere near being late from shore. I doubt that any of the others with compassion for him have been late either. "


"But to have absolutely no sympathy for the poor OP is, I believe, lacking in human consideration for others. You do not have to consider his actions correct to have sympathy for him.


Bob "



Bob, if you haven't noticed it, this board is the least compassionate of any on cruise critic. The zillion poster folks would rather quote a HAL rule than have a drop of sympathy for a fellow cruiser who made a mistake and was separated from his wife and family. And no, I have never been late to the ship. But I am human, and it might happen in the future. I, too, dislike that the cruise lines advertise one time for port visits and always shorten it a half hour. I can see the captain leaving early if all are onboard but not if the guy is on the pier. Plus they were only going to Curacao, which isn't very far at all from Aruba.


I can't believe people actually boo those who are running late for the ship rather than cheering them on to make it. As if the ship leaving a few minutes later actually inconveniences them. Shame on them. I hope you HALsters never make a mistake..... But, of course, if you do you'll know not to come here for sympathy.

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What I would like to know from the OP is if he complained to the cruise lines with which he took his prior 10 cruises that they were robbing him of 30 minutes of his vacation at every port. If not, why not?

It seems that it only became an issue for him when a HAL captain did what he was supposed to do and the OP became inconvenienced in the process.

If being onboard on or before the "all aboard" time makes me a one sheep of a herd, all I can say is that at least the herd doesn't have it's "grazing time" disrupted by being left behind.

I think OP's admission of fault rings hollow because in the next breath he thinks that HAL's "all aboard" deadline robs him 30 minutes of vacation time. If it is your fault, it is your fault, all of it. Whatever the reason, you paid your money and took your chances. What is worse, giving up a half-hour or 2 and a half days of your family's vacation?

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I think the "herd" here on CC 'gets it' and evidently the other 1350+ passengers that WERE on board by the scheduled time "got it" - including your wife and kids, by the way, so perhaps you should address the lack of intelligence, compassion, and the your totally nonsensical argument back at yourself.


If you have indeed taken 10 previous cruises, (which is rapidly becoming in doubt here :rolleyes:), then you would KNOW the difference between "All passengers back on board by 4:30PM" and "Departure time is 5:00PM" . Exactly WHAT about those two statements don't you get??? Departure time for a cruise ship is the same as departure time on any other mode of transporation, HELLO??? There is nothing misleading what-so-ever by that statement. Heck - one poster here was even kind & patient enough to post a picture of a sign, typical of one at the end of every gangway on every cruise ship, as a point of reference for you. And you still say that no one "gets it" but you??? Puh-leeze!


D-e-p-a-r-t-u-r-e time means the ship is away from the dock, gone bye-bye, making waves, and saying "Adios" to those on shore (including you!) that didn't understand what "BE BACK ON BOARD AT 4:30PM" meant.


This is not rocket science, for goodness sake. And YOU are the one, sad, misguided person here that doesn't get!! SO - put on your "big boy pants" and suck it up!! :mad:

ROTFLOL !!! I've really enjoyed this thread, but your comments really have me having a good laugh......:D

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I thought my days of teaching Jr. High Boys were in the past...........but we all seem to be trying to teach this know it all.:(

Let's just cut it off; he's in control again................keeping us engaged.

Sort of like a two year old, isn't it? When the 'phone rings they want all your attention; he has ours.

Send him the website for Greyhound for his next trip.:eek:

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. . .

Send him the website for Greyhound for his next trip.:eek:


From the Greyhound web site ". . . If you know the departure schedule, simply arrive at the terminal at least an hour before departure . . .". :)

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I will not go to Webster's or elsewhere, but compassion does not mean agreement. Yes I have sympathy for him, but not agreement. And no, I have never been anywhere near being late from shore. I doubt that any of the others with compassion for him have been late either.


Without a doubt, he was late. By the rules, the captain had every right to refuse boarding. However, I recall that the gangway was still in place. If it was, did the HAL captain refuse boarding only because "that was the rule?" Did he refuse entry only because he wanted to show "a rule is a rule?" If so, he did no one any favors, least of all HAL.


Gangway was NOT in place!! The gangway had been removed by the dock workers via forklift and placed with 2 others to the left of the building we were docked in front of. Door to the ship had been raised and locked into place in the ship!



I ask because none of us really knows. Perhaps there were real operational reasons for boarding refusal. Unfortunately, we cannot interview the captain.


Write HAL directly with the address including an ATTN: Captain Henk Keijer and ask him yourself!


But to have absolutely no sympathy for the poor OP is, I believe, lacking in human consideration for others. You do not have to consider his actions correct to have sympathy for him.


I was there and could see all that DID NOT happen as the OP stated. To include the fact that the entry to the ship area from the security gate, which was behind Senor Frog's, which hid the ship from his view. Which means that the OP could not even see the gangway of our ship. He might have seen the gangway of the P&O ship which was docked behind us, but he could not see our ship!! SO, again I state he lied! And why should I have compassion or sympathy for the OP, especially when he calls me and others who have outed him a "sheeple'?


Bob :cool:


Joanie "A PROUD member of HUSH!!

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In May 2009, the Zuiderdam's captain delayed setting sail from Vancouver for almost 45 minutes. Why? The ship's priest hadn't been cleared by Canadian officials so he decided to wait for him.


....apparently while coming through immigration at Vancouver airport...

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Sorry i don't agree 5pm is 5pm, i know he was late but things happen and the ship was supposed to leave at 5pm.. I get annoyed sometimes with the cruise lines they list port times until 5 or 6pm when it is really 4:30 or 5:30.


Look closely and you will see that most HAL ships no longer print the departure time from ports of call in the daily prgram. It only says "All Aboard" at a certain time.

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DH and I had a near-miss in St Thomas once - totally our fault for cutting it close and then running into traffic jam. I was in tears and feeling really stupid. Lucky for us, there must have been a ship sponsored excursion because the gangway had not been pulled well after the posted time.


My intention is not to rub salt in the wound, but I do not understand the OP's attitude following this horrible experience. It never occurred to me to blame anyone but myself or to expect special treatment. You can bet my butt has been back on the ship well ahead of the posted time since.



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I, too, dislike that the cruise lines advertise one time for port visits and always shorten it a half hour.
And how do you feel about advertised departure times for planes vs the time you must be on board?
But, of course, if you do you'll know not to come here for sympathy.
He didn't come here for sympathy.
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Enough Already --

Did this guy foul up ----- Yep

Is it his fault ----- Yep

Did he pay for a flight for four to Curacao --- Yep

Did he rationalize his situation ---- Yep - thats human

Does he need to get 18 pages of flaming ---- Nop

Give this guy a break I think he's suffered enough.

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Some people don't pay attention or are just clueless.


When we were in Aruba in February we had 2:30 PM All Aboard for a 3:00 PM sailing. I was walking back to the ship at 2:15 PM when I saw three guys from our cruise talk to a waiter outside a restauant who then picked up menus and was going to lead them inside. I reminded them that they had to be onboard in 15 minutes... they looked surprised by teh news. "Really?" they asked. I assured then the ship was leaving at 3 PM with or without them. When I looked back it seemed they had abandoned their plans to eat or drink. :rolleyes:

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Ah, yes, I have enjoyed the thread "Special Touches that Make a HAL cruise for you."


Anyway, welcome to HUSH! You are now an official "member of the herd."


Thank you, ma'am! Once again, my apology for the confusion. You're going to have a lot of members in your Club! :) And, isn't that a great thread to read? Makes ya' want to run - not walk - to the nearest HAL ship!!


Are we all going to count "sheeple" every night to help us sleep???

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