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Trouble on Navigator

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No, it's not all adults on this site. There are several teenage posters. Anyone can be a member. I know people get offended when people question what they post, but the fact is, there are lots of false information and the reality is, the information originally put out was wrong on a couple of points. I think both sides need to dial it down a notch. Yes, since it's been confirmed it actually happened and we have more info, it's a horrible thing, but everyone needs to remember that questioning a post isn't unreasonable. No one is perfect and those than are attacking people for their original reactions are no better than anyone else.



Thank you! I agree it is a horrible thing, Have there been any reports on the news?

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I work in the construction industry as a safety manager for a Steel Erection company. They do make nets that are rated for people to fall into. I will not comment on the incident itself as I was not there. That being siad, I have been on 17+ cruises and find it surprising the pool nets do appear to be rated to stop or contain a fail when someone falls into it.

I have heard of numerous incidents similar to this and find it amazing that cruise lines do not take the extra measure to cover pools with rated nets, knowing that pasngers have fallen or jumped into empty pools.

A net that is rated would cost about $600 to $1,000 to cover the solarium pool. Cheap insurance for the cruise line.

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I should have never started the thread! Too many headcases acusing myslf who was at home and my daughter who was on board and next to the pool of spreading rumors Unbelievable!!



I have a question...I just read your original post and I realize it was the wrong ship, but you copied what your daughter wrote and it says:


"Look, I like to have a great time on cruises as much as the next person.I trust my kids and encourage them to be independent.


My 22 year old daughter is celebrating her college spring break with 50 + friends aboard the Freedom of the seas this week. I just got this e-mail and find it sad to hear some kid may not walk again or be brain dead because of a stupid act. This was a stupid druken move but I hold the cruiseline partially reponsible for providing a safety net that would not hold a person who jumps or falls in to an empty(this case) or full pool


Please read..........


So youll never believe what happened - last night they had a party by the pool in the back of the ship as they did the night before,and someone jumped in the pool.So last night they emptied it. and like they allowed everyone to dance around the pool, stand on the sides and stuff. We were dancing and im facing toward John I hear a loud thump. and everyone turns around, the music stops and someone goes there's a person in there. apparently a kid jumped in thinking the net would hold him up, which it didnt, and smashed into the empty pool. he went unconcious there was a pool of blood his body went limp. we had to stop in cozumel this morning so he can be taken off the boat and they announced this morning hes in critical condition and had to go into surgery right away for a serious head injury. I really though I was going to see someone die, his neck was just l limp and his body it was horrible. so they said we are going to be delayed an hour going into port .


Just thought I would sahre as many more spring breaks are coming up including mine in 2 weeks


Be safe"


It says she was on spring break and was there on the ship when it happened but then at the bottom it says her spring break is coming up in 2 weeks? If this was address before I apologize but I am just curious...

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It says she was on spring break and was there on the ship when it happened but then at the bottom it says her spring break is coming up in 2 weeks? If this was address before I apologize but I am just curious...
I'm sorry, maybe I'm being cranky but why do you even care at this point!!! The facts are already known. Your thoughts should be with healing for this young man and his family. Perhaps it's time to lock this thread up.


Continued patience, ability to cope and healing for him and his loved ones.

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It says she was on spring break and was there on the ship when it happened but then at the bottom it says her spring break is coming up in 2 weeks? If this was address before I apologize but I am just curious...[/color]



It was already addressed earlier in the thread. Her spring break was on the Navigator; his is coming up. It was the failure to change the font back that caused the confusion.

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Thank you so much for your report of what happened. No one owes any of us who weren't there any explanation or report or update, as it's really none of our business, but it was nice of you to take time out and let us know what really happened. That must have been very scary for everyone on the ship, his friends, and his family at home. Let's just hope that he gets better soon.


I am still waiting to hear back, but will let you all know if/when I get any news.


It was very interesting on the ship. I felt like it was a good thing that the Captain explained why we had been diverted with just enough details to let people know it was serious without revealing too many details which would have most likely only fueled the rumor fires spreading through the ship; explaining why we would be late docking; explaining why we would be traveling at maximum speed (which was interesting and noticeable in relation to the wave height/creation of waves in the pool as we zoomed across the waves into the wind); and expressing sympathy on behalf of the crew (and tacitly urging passengers to do the same). I think it did a lot to mollify the various factions on board (those blaming the student, blaming the cruise line, those worried about making their flights, etc.).


Most of the adults with whom I spoke (both crew and passengers), no matter where they placed the blame--student, ship, somewhere in the middle--felt pretty bad about it. Many of us, I imagine, were thinking of our own kids no matter their ages and feeling awful for the parents. I tend to be overly empathetic (and as I've stated elsewhere I enjoy teaching college kids) and it felt like a bit of a gut shot to me--even more so when I realized that I had gotten to know this young man's friends the night before when it was all happening and they were in the Casino while he was partying on the pool deck. This is not to say that I am placing blame any particular place, I just imagined myself having to deal with it as a parent and felt awful for the young man and his family regardless of the cause of the accident.


The students were harder to read. Some definitely seemed "sobered up" by the experience in terms of facial expressions, body language, etc. Others were partying just as hard. However, some of that could have been a reaction attempting to put it out of their minds. Hard to say since I wasn't really hanging out with them and talking to them, but rather concentrating on my family.


I did appreciate that the crew members seemed willing and able to talk about it quite freely and did not appear to have been given any kind of edict to "keep things quiet." I think that helped everyone, passengers and crew alike, process the situation better.

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I am a realtive of the injured boy and I would ask you to stop this thread. While the well wishes are appreciated, the negative comments are insensitive and not based in fact. This boy has brothers and sisters, parents, grand parents, cousins and friends all suffering - how many of them need to see people who don't know him, or there pain calling him stupid?

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I am a realtive of the injured boy and I would ask you to stop this thread. While the well wishes are appreciated, the negative comments are insensitive and not based in fact. This boy has brothers and sisters, parents, grand parents, cousins and friends all suffering - how many of them need to see people who don't know him, or there pain calling him stupid?


While I understand your point, I would suggest that you log out of Cruise Critic and concentrate on helping this young boy in a more productive way. Personally I would not be on a message board where anyone could be posting anything, I would not want to see it.


The unfortunate reality is that even if this thread is closed or deleted, another will most likely pop up. In the anonymous world of message boards there isn't much you can do except to ignore it.


I don't mean to be harsh to you especially in this tough time and truly appreciate you coming her to give the facts of this horrible incident. You have done what you can but there are those who will abide by your wishes to let it go and there are those that won't. This will be my last post on this thread. My thoughts and prayer however will remain with you and your family.

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It was already addressed earlier in the thread. Her spring break was on the Navigator; his is coming up. It was the failure to change the font back that caused the confusion.



Thanks, that makes sense. I am suprised it has not been on any of the news sites.

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While I understand your point, I would suggest that you log out of Cruise Critic and concentrate on helping this young boy in a more productive way. Personally I would not be on a message board where anyone could be posting anything, I would not want to see it.


The unfortunate reality is that even if this thread is closed or deleted, another will most likely pop up. In the anonymous world of message boards there isn't much you can do except to ignore it.


I have to agree with this post. Two people have started threads; one was on the cruise and the other had a daughter on the cruise. This is an incident that will be talked about. There's no getting around that. Some posts do cross the line, but others are just voicing opinions on the few details presented here. That's what happens on discussion boards. The fact that friends or relatives presented themselves will not stop people from talking about it. I think it is good advice that the relatives not read the boards beause it is inevitable they will see things they don't want to see.


For example, saying this is an incident brought on by the kid may be mostly or partly true, but they don't want to see that (and I don't blame them). Based on what I read so far, the young man dove in to the empty pool intentionally. Whether or not that is true, I don't know. But the mere fact that piece of information was presented certainly will create some discussion, especially on the subject of fault or liability.

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I am a realtive of the injured boy and I would ask you to stop this thread. While the well wishes are appreciated, the negative comments are insensitive and not based in fact. This boy has brothers and sisters, parents, grand parents, cousins and friends all suffering - how many of them need to see people who don't know him, or there pain calling him stupid?


Please pass on my best wishes to the family and especially his parents. My intent was to make sure the truth of the situation and the gravity of the situation was conveyed to others--especially those who are making what are perceived by some as needlessly negative and/or insensitive comments.:(

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Update on student's condition: I understand from a friend that the young man in question is "slowly improving" and I hope that he continues to do so.


I believe it would be a violation of the family's privacy to say anything more about his condition on a public message board, so that is all I can really say out of respect for them.

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Thank you for the update on this young man's condition. I hope he makes a full recovery.


It's easy to cast blame but really, who among us hasn't done something stupid in our lives and most have been fortunate that the outcome was not catastrophic. I hope this young man is given a second chance. I know a young man with a traumatic injury from a car accident due to alcohol. His bravery and strength of will to recover to the best of his ability is inspiring and overcomes what was a result of bad decisions.


Perhaps from this tragic event, some changes will be made. I personally wish that the cruise line would go back to the no guests under 25 without a family member onboard as well. It won't stop accidents or overdrinking but it could minimize the "herd" factor and the massive bookings of young people during spring break or other vacation times. I wish that the bartenders would be given the authority and training to cut off those that don't cut themselves off. We "party" and drink onboard too so I'm sympathetic to how hard it is to know that line and know when to say when. But the bartenders are so tip dependent that it's tough - for everyone.


I look back at some of the dumb stuff I pulled in college and think "there but for the grace of God go I." I hope he recovers and I hope some people that have posted here show a bit more empathy and compassion when hearing of tragic situations like this. Of course it was preventable. Most terrible accidents are.

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Please pass on my best wishes to the family and especially his parents. My intent was to make sure the truth of the situation and the gravity of the situation was conveyed to others--especially those who are making what are perceived by some as needlessly negative and/or insensitive comments.:(


Note: My previous statement quoted above is not meant as a judgment one way or the other about comments here. There were a variety of opinions about culpability expressed on the ship and in this thread and I'm not worried about who is at fault at this point, I just feel very badly for this injured young man and his family. Pointing fingers is inevitable in situations like this (and frequently on these boards--no judgment there, it just is what it is), but I am staying away from that part of the discussion because there are so many unknown variables and speculation about fault seems unproductive at the least and hurtful at the worst. I am sure there are others who disagree with me, this is only my opinion. Please do not try to sway me about this because I really am only concerned about this young man and his family and their pain and healing at this point. Thanks. CJ.

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It seems to me that RCL needs to give all their crew members at least a brief course in basic first aid ... the poor kid should not have been moved at all until the medical personnel arrived. It's very scary to think of what could have happened/been made worse by moving him.


I hope he'll be all right ...

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Unless I'm just skipping over it, looks like the other thread mentioning Freedom has been pulled. All in all, I don't think I realized how many insensitive people there are in this world. I am horribly turned off of this site now.


Oh ...you better sit tight....they have written alot worse about more trivial subjects. :eek: Just sit back and say to yourself "there but for the grace of God go I.":)

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If my child was in a foreign hospital with a fractured skull, I wouldn't give a rat's patoot what anonymous human beings on a message board thought.

And we have a winner!


there is no way that my parents or most friends could come up with the name of the ship I was on (my sister could, in an emergency), and maybe not correctly identify the port I sailed from. most normal people (non cc'ers) are not so up on ships and ports, especially those of us that live so far from any port.


the guy tried to impart info, did the best he could to get the word out.

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I have a question...I just read your original post and I realize it was the wrong ship, but you copied what your daughter wrote and it says:


"Look, I like to have a great time on cruises as much as the next person.I trust my kids and encourage them to be independent.


My 22 year old daughter is celebrating her college spring break with 50 + friends aboard the Freedom of the seas this week. I just got this e-mail and find it sad to hear some kid may not walk again or be brain dead because of a stupid act. This was a stupid druken move but I hold the cruiseline partially reponsible for providing a safety net that would not hold a person who jumps or falls in to an empty(this case) or full pool


Please read..........


So youll never believe what happened - last night they had a party by the pool in the back of the ship as they did the night before,and someone jumped in the pool.So last night they emptied it. and like they allowed everyone to dance around the pool, stand on the sides and stuff. We were dancing and im facing toward John I hear a loud thump. and everyone turns around, the music stops and someone goes there's a person in there. apparently a kid jumped in thinking the net would hold him up, which it didnt, and smashed into the empty pool. he went unconcious there was a pool of blood his body went limp. we had to stop in cozumel this morning so he can be taken off the boat and they announced this morning hes in critical condition and had to go into surgery right away for a serious head injury. I really though I was going to see someone die, his neck was just l limp and his body it was horrible. so they said we are going to be delayed an hour going into port .


Just thought I would sahre as many more spring breaks are coming up including mine in 2 weeks


Be safe"


It says she was on spring break and was there on the ship when it happened but then at the bottom it says her spring break is coming up in 2 weeks? If this was address before I apologize but I am just curious...

MY spring break NOT HERS ,is coming up in 2 weeks. Forgot to stop the highlight at en of HER message.

Must be a lot of teachers on this board, I agree it was a little confusing. Many figured out what I was getting too.

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It seems to me that RCL needs to give all their crew members at least a brief course in basic first aid ... the poor kid should not have been moved at all until the medical personnel arrived. It's very scary to think of what could have happened/been made worse by moving him.


I hope he'll be all right ...


I agree with what you are saying, but I want to say that I did not personally witness him being moved. I did hear it from more than one person, but I can only report reliably on the diversion, tendering, flight, and current (hopefully continuing) recovery.


I said to DH that I wished that specialist physicians could be voluntarily registered on the ship when traveling. For obvious reasons they can not treat or examine patients (liability or the cruise line and their home practices/institutions in terms of malpractice), but they could be very valuable unofficial consults for the ship's internist. Alas, probably would open a legal can of worms, but I sat there the next morning thinking it really stunk that this happened and DH, a neurologist with trauma training, might have been able to help. Blech.:(

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