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Economy Delima

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I have never been one to just live for today and the heck with tomorrow. IMHO, everyone needs a time to refresh. Depending on finances it may mean just spending a week at home or in my case this year taking my first cruise. If it doesn't put a burden on your family (or business) enjoy your vacation what ever or where ever it may be.

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We were in the same position, but the trip did me good. It gave me a chance to get away from worrying about work and once I got back I was able to focus, work harder and be much more productive. Don't do it you really can't afford it, but if it's just a case of things are going to be tight for awhile, then I would go.

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the bible also says we're to prepare against bad times by saving and being a good steward of what we're given. Remember the parable about the man who gave each of his three servants talants to invest in his absence? Remember the proverbs 31 woman? Remember the parable about virgins who were awaiting the bridegroom's approach (and the oil for their lamps)?


i take the "don't worry" to mean that god will always provide opportunities -- but it's up to us to manage well what he gives us.



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If you are truly concerned, perhaps you should delay/reschedule your cruise for the next year and allow more time to assess the economy and your own finances.


I strongly believe you always have to assess if the value of the cruise is worth the cost every time you book and make final payment on a cruise. And that value depends on your confidence in the economy and your future income. You should not just view value from a dollars and cents perspective only. The value of a cruise is not just the services directly offered but also the experiences and memories. Only you can assess if the value is worth it at this time with the economy the way it is.


Good luck with your decision and let us know what you decide.

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First off: The Cookie thing! It was a lighthearted attempt at humor! Relax! LOL


Yup! We usually take two or three cruises a year since our kids have actually stopped living in our wallets. But this year, it was one and will only be one.


As for a bowling alley....anyone doubt that American Small Business is the engine that runs this nation is either ignorant or just plain misinformed. You folks are the ones that create jobs, create spending and make things happen! Keep it up!


My occupation focuses on larger corporations. They are in the exact same boat as you folks...wondering "what is next?"


Much of the commentary of this thread is insightful and on target...Each one of us must do our own evaluation.


If you decide to cruise, go get em, and Bon Voyage!


If you decide to delay, you will ind an itinerary to your liking down the road.

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We have our annual cruise booked for May and need to make final payment. The way the economy is, we are second guessing ourselves.


Yes, we can afford the trip, it is budgeted, but we are just afraid of what might happen tomorrow. We own our own small bowling center and the economy is tough in our area.


I know we are never sure of what tomorrow might bring but it is really frightening. I am positive we are not the only other cruisers out there going through these emotions. Not asking to be told yes or no, just wondering about others feelings right now.




Go....Tomorrow is Tomorrow, You never know what life has in store.....When you are on the ship, maybe cut back a little, find the cheap bars in Port.....Don't buy stuff you will never use or wear and by all means...Take lots of ZipLocks and Help your self to lots of the GOOD Cookies that you can munch on for a Month after the cruise... :)


Have Fun!




Tim - just this past Thursday in my hometown, a brother was driving his sister to school. He over corrected when his car ran off the road, right into oncoming traffic. Both the brother and sister were killed - ages 18 & 13. My oldest son knew both of them - he was going to ask the girl to his 8th grade dance - the brother was an eagle scout in the same troop as my son. The parents are devastated - they lost their only 2 kids in a freak car accident on a stretch of road that they had driven hundreds of times. As Mike put it - you don't know what tomorrow will bring. You have budgeted for this cruise - go enjoy yourself and enjoy life! We will be doing the same thing in 8 days.

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My feelings?...I have no control over the future, myself yes, but what happens to world economics, no.......I skimmed through some posts and all had good insight, but it is from our personal experiences........


OP if you are posting this on the boards, you must have some reservations.

But, you have actually answered the question for yourself..."we have budgeted for it, we own a business, it's our annual trip".


GO !!!!!!!!!!(I am not suppose to tell you that, right?)


because as many have stated we don't know what tomorrow will bring


enjoy......smile...relax on that cruise.........

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Tim - just this past Thursday in my hometown, a brother was driving his sister to school. He over corrected when his car ran off the road, right into oncoming traffic. Both the brother and sister were killed - ages 18 & 13. My oldest son knew both of them - he was going to ask the girl to his 8th grade dance - the brother was an eagle scout in the same troop as my son. The parents are devastated - they lost their only 2 kids in a freak car accident on a stretch of road that they had driven hundreds of times. As Mike put it - you don't know what tomorrow will bring. You have budgeted for this cruise - go enjoy yourself and enjoy life! We will be doing the same thing in 8 days.


My heart goes out to that family. Soooo sad.


We know you never can anticipate the future. While on our second cruise, our bowling center was destroyed by fire. Yes, it can happen to you.


We are really leaning on going it, is just the uncertainty of everything. Business is not great or as bad as it could be. That is the problem. It can get worse. My concern is that happening but I am always the pesimist (sp).


When we purchased this center it was a risk. We have now been here almost 11 years (well, take out the one year for the fire). This should tell me GO!


None of us can predict what is going to happen, death, fire, flood, I could go on and on. I guess we are afraid we will make the wrong decision.


Another thing that pushes us to go is, like any other Mom and Pop type business, we work anywhere between 50-90 hrs per week for 51 weeks. Our cruise week is the ONE week for US! We never do anything for ourselves other than the occasional go out and eat together. We normally eat our meals at the center.


Sorry to vent but really got to get it out!


THANKS AGAIN EVERYONE!!! We will keep reading the words of wisdom all of you have.



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My heart goes out to that family. Soooo sad.


We know you never can anticipate the future. While on our second cruise, our bowling center was destroyed by fire. Yes, it can happen to you.


We are really leaning on going it, is just the uncertainty of everything. Business is not great or as bad as it could be. That is the problem. It can get worse. My concern is that happening but I am always the pesimist (sp).


When we purchased this center it was a risk. We have now been here almost 11 years (well, take out the one year for the fire). This should tell me GO!


None of us can predict what is going to happen, death, fire, flood, I could go on and on. I guess we are afraid we will make the wrong decision.


Another thing that pushes us to go is, like any other Mom and Pop type business, we work anywhere between 50-90 hrs per week for 51 weeks. Our cruise week is the ONE week for US! We never do anything for ourselves other than the occasional go out and eat together. We normally eat our meals at the center.


Sorry to vent but really got to get it out!


THANKS AGAIN EVERYONE!!! We will keep reading the words of wisdom all of you have.




Tim...you have your own words of wisdom...and experiences to back them up.

I think those of us that have had similar life changes...can relate..and know that when things are difficult they can get worst, so no point regretting decisions, just make them.......you're a risk taker...you know what to do.........and actually reading your vent has helped me today...thanks

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Glad to help. We have gotten so much help on these boards words cannot describe how greatful we are for them. They help me keep my sanity the 51 weeks a year I am working.


We (me really) are so hooked that we watch all the ship from Port Canaveral sail out EVERY Sunday. I have two laptops at the bowl. One we put on the Port Canaveral cam, the other we have both Grills and Two Palms cams minimized so we can watch the ships on all three as they go by. I am pitiful. ;) LOL



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Glad to help. We have gotten so much help on these boards words cannot describe how greatful we are for them. They help me keep my sanity the 51 weeks a year I am working.


We (me really) are so hooked that we watch all the ship from Port Canaveral sail out EVERY Sunday. I have two laptops at the bowl. One we put on the Port Canaveral cam, the other we have both Grills and Two Palms cams minimized so we can watch the ships on all three as they go by. I am pitiful. ;) LOL




I think you need the vacation:D...I could tell you had a good sense of humor.



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I would go, it's nice to forget about everything for a week. One of the mills here just shutdown laying off 300 people and one of the guys I know that works(ed) there decided to take a cruise as soon as his last day is finished. And before he can collect unemployment (2 week waiting period here). Life happens, but taking a week can put you in the right mind set when you get back to energize you. Even if it will take a little longer to pay off.


In your case I don't think you're quite there yet, hopefully things will pick up soon.

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Hi Tim, totally understand your dilemma my DH will be redundant in November having found out his whole building is relocating to guatemala for cheaper labour and we dithered about booking the cruise however, this will probably be our only holiday this year, we don't know what next year will bring finance and job wise so we are going to make the memories now and enjoy, we figured the money for the cruise wasn't going to make or break us either way and thats what it boils down to , will going away for one week have that much of an effect on your finance or business detrimentally ? If not then go, spend the time with your loved ones and trust that all will be well xx

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Glad to help. We have gotten so much help on these boards words cannot describe how greatful we are for them. They help me keep my sanity the 51 weeks a year I am working.


We (me really) are so hooked that we watch all the ship from Port Canaveral sail out EVERY Sunday. I have two laptops at the bowl. One we put on the Port Canaveral cam, the other we have both Grills and Two Palms cams minimized so we can watch the ships on all three as they go by. I am pitiful. ;) LOL




Awww, I really want to see you board the ship now! You certainly deserve this annual vacation, and if it allows you to 'live within your means'...go for it and enjoy! Maybe you'll even come up with some cool marketing ideas for your bowling center- like a Caribbean night. :cool:

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In the past 3 years I have lost, My mother whom I have cared for for 6years, A sister 39 years old. Had another sister diagnose with throat cancer. Move her in the house with me for over a year and took care of her.She was in ICU 5 times. Three months ago she move back in to her own home and doing well. The doctors had only gave her a couple of months Nov 2008. God took care of her. My daughter has been diagnosed with Crohn's disease, May have to have her colon took out. She's 30, single mom of 3. She now lives with us so we can help with kids. We'll find out Monday, when she goes to the surgeon. But you know what I'm not worried, He's in control. There are a lot of bad things. Not just the economy. So this is Dh and my 25th anniversary, so if he provides the means and opportunity, I'll be going. If not I won't. I'm not going to worry about it. He's in control.

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I think HBCruiser's business caught on fire on one of his cruises. So, he may be a little more nervous than most. (I always wondered what you did). It sounds like it hasn't stopped you from cruising. :D If you've already budgeted for it then go. Nice thing about cruising, you can cancel up until final payment.


There is the money you save for retirement, and then there is the money you spend on enjoying your life now. Both have value, but there are many folks that don't get to enjoy that retirement money. It's a balance, but we decided to do some of our fabulous trips now. If we can do more later...then so much the better. :)

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I guess the question here is do you have enough money to survive for 3 to 6 months without income? If you do then I say go on the cruise if you have that money budgeted because you have enough reserves to figure out what you will do if the economy does not go your way.


If you are living month to month but have managed to save enough for a cruise I would suggest you hold off on your cruise and save the money for the cruise into a fund to live for 3 to 6 months without pay and then after that fund is fully funded then budget for a cruise at that time.

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DO NOT DO THIS! If you bring ANY food back through US Customs, they can fine you more than I earn in a year PER ITEM that you bring back. My husband travels frequently, and he is so paranoid about this that he won't approach Customs with a half-drunk cup of coffee. You do not want to tangle with US Customs.


This is simply not a risk worth taking.


Have you every heard of this REALLY happening? That is, a cruise ship passenger being fined, more than you make in a year, for bringing ship food past Customs. Per item... Right......Customer is going to fine someone thousands of dollars per cookie.

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Have you every heard of this REALLY happening? That is, a cruise ship passenger being fined, more than you make in a year, for bringing ship food past Customs. Per item... Right......Customer is going to fine someone thousands of dollars per cookie.

There was a VERY upset cruiser some time during the past year whose daughter was caught carrying an apple. The fine was several hundred dollars.

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Hello all,


Just wanted to add my 2 cents here. The problem the entire world is facing right now is deflation. Deflation means falling prices of everything and falling interest rates. If deflation is not contained, then we (the entire world) is in big big trouble.


All the world's central banks are currently racing to print money to generate inflation, and do as much crazy deficit spending as possible. This is the cure for deflation.


Beleive it or not, if you see prices going up in the grocery store, and interest rates rising for everything, which I think we are now, then last year's problems are over.


The new problem will be the opposite of last year, INFLATION. During inflation, employment and business will come back with a vengence, BUT we will have an entirely new problem. Higher prices of everything.


So my point is, if you beleive that inflation is on the way, you better stick to your cruise. It will be MUCH MUCH more difficult to afford it later than now.


In fact, if you think that inflation is coming, it may be a great idea to book any future cruises now as well.


If Oil goes up to $150 a barrel again, Cruises are going up too. Business and incomes will also go up for everyone, but you will be blessed with booking the cruise with the old cheaper money back in 2010.


Warning..... I really am not sure that inflation will come, or if deflation will continue. If deflation continues, then cruise prices could drop further and job losses will go up to 30% instead of 10%.


But I am personally leaning towards inflation, at least in the short term thru 2011. When grocery bills increase 400% (and I think they will soon) , I will be happy I took a cruise back in 2010, back when I could afford to do so.


This is another way of looking at the situation.

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