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Dress for Formal Night


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I don't ever mind having nice people at my table regardless of what they are wearing. I do, however, think we should encourage people to do what's requested. There's a reason that Celebrity is just a little nicer than some of the other cruiselines and this is just a small part of it.
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I think that perhaps we should all stop trying to score points and recognize a couple of things:

1) For some individuals, Formal Dress ( caps intended) is part of the "cruising experience". This is important to them.

2) For other individuals, dress is of no importance whatsoever, they really just don't care. It isn't important to them.

3) For the what is probably the majority, dress is perhaps of some significance, but it isn't the be-all or end-all of the whole thing, and those people attempt to stay in the middle; hence the suit/sport coat and tie compromise.

As far as the Cruise Line is concerned, all of the above appear to constitute acceptable behavior as it is unlikely that your dress will get you sent to your room without your dinner.

Over the past 10 years, in our experience (mostly on Celebrity), there is no question that the percentage of passengers who " dress" for dinner on formal nights has declined; on our Equinox Cruise in March the percentage was approximately 25% or slightly less. Bemoan it or not, this is the reality of Formal Nights and you can either go with the flow or not.

My suggestion would be for everyone to do what seems the most appropriate to them to maximize their cruise experience and not worry about what others do.

To quote my favorite philosopher, "T-T-T-That's all, Folks."
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[quote name='greeneg']Speaking of Jewelry, Guys, do you bring a separate dress watch, or even a watch and chain to wear with your Tux???

Just curious......[/quote]

I can't even get DH to wear a watch since he retired.....or a tux......hmmmmmm.....much to consider here! :rolleyes:

Does that make us classless slobs? Please say "no".... :o
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[quote name='J & G']I can't even get DH to wear a watch since he retired.....or a tux......hmmmmmm.....much to consider here! :rolleyes:

Does that make us classless slobs? Please say "no".... :o[/quote]

No, but if he does not want to wear a tuxedo AND he does not want to wear a dark suit then I 'suggest' that you select Celebrity. Oceania, is "Country Club Casual"; NCL does not really have "formal" nights and neither does Carnival. There are a LOT of choices for those that do not care to dress for real "Formal Nights". I do have a question for YOU though. Since "he" retired and will not wear a watch or a tux. . . did he bother asking YOU if YOU care about not getting to get dressed up for Formal Nights? Or is his life "ALL ABOUT HIM"?

Celebrity and Cunard are about the only ships that are trying to do "real formal nights" what I do not understand is why those of you that do not like formal nights or do not want to participate are trying to ruin them for those of us that love them? Why don't you just choose one of the huge mass of other cruise lines that meet YOUR wishes?
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[quote name='SeaBlu']No, but if he does not want to wear a tuxedo AND he does not want to wear a dark suit then I 'suggest' that you select Celebrity. Oceania, is "Country Club Casual"; NCL does not really have "formal" nights and neither does Carnival. There are a LOT of choices for those that do not care to dress for real "Formal Nights". I do have a question for YOU though. Since "he" retired and will not wear a watch or a tux. . . did he bother asking YOU if YOU care about not getting to get dressed up for Formal Nights? Or is his life "ALL ABOUT HIM"?

Celebrity and Cunard are about the only ships that are trying to do "real formal nights" what I do not understand is why those of you that do not like formal nights or do not want to participate are trying to ruin them for those of us that love them? Why don't you just choose one of the huge mass of other cruise lines that meet YOUR wishes?[/quote]

You really should refrain from posting on formal wear threads :rolleyes: And now you're saying if they don't want to dress formal they should pick Celebrity? Confused much?
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[quote name='SeaBlu']No, but if he does not want to wear a tuxedo AND he does not want to wear a dark suit then I 'suggest' that you select Celebrity. Oceania, is "Country Club Casual"; NCL does not really have "formal" nights and neither does Carnival. There are a LOT of choices for those that do not care to dress for real "Formal Nights". I do have a question for YOU though. Since "he" retired and will not wear a watch or a tux. . . did he bother asking YOU if YOU care about not getting to get dressed up for Formal Nights? Or is his life "ALL ABOUT HIM"?

Celebrity and Cunard are about the only ships that are trying to do "real formal nights" what I do not understand is why those of you that do not like formal nights or do not want to participate are trying to ruin them for those of us that love them? Why don't you just choose one of the huge mass of other cruise lines that meet YOUR wishes?[/quote]

This is a most interesting post.....I hardly know how respond.....and I don't think any mention was made of not wearing a dark suit......

I usually try to be very nice, but this is over the top! I'll just leave it at this....

We will cruise with whatever line has the best price for the best cabin and the best itinerary that we are interested in at the moment. I will not allow some e-stranger on a message board who wants to tell me (or DH) how to dress to decide with whom I should cruise. If our attire, which incidentally is always appropriate, irritates you, then you should look the other way!
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[quote name='SeaBlu']No, but if he does not want to wear a tuxedo AND he does not want to wear a dark suit then I 'suggest' that you select Celebrity. Oceania, is "Country Club Casual"; NCL does not really have "formal" nights and neither does Carnival. There are a LOT of choices for those that do not care to dress for real "Formal Nights". I do have a question for YOU though. Since "he" retired and will not wear a watch or a tux. . . did he bother asking YOU if YOU care about not getting to get dressed up for Formal Nights? Or is his life "ALL ABOUT HIM"?

Celebrity and Cunard are about the only ships that are trying to do "real formal nights" what I do not understand is why those of you that do not like formal nights or do not want to participate are trying to ruin them for those of us that love them? Why don't you just choose one of the huge mass of other cruise lines that meet YOUR wishes?[/quote]

Because I like the X itinerary and the non-smoking balcony policy.
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Considering the source heaven knows what they meant. Their posts are usually full of venom.


first of all, a caveat, if we're not dressed within the formal guidelines, DH and I skip the MDR, it's just good manners... that said,


yes, most of the formal wear cheerleaders come across as decent, honest folks who just happen to like tuxes, Ma Bell is always polite & to the point in her posts... however there are some "other" posters who are a little scary..


Oh, & by the way the suggestions for formal no longer say "dark suit", just suit now; which means this meets the guidelines:


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[quote name='cruise kitty']
Oh, & by the way the suggestions for formal no longer say "dark suit", just suit now; which means this meets the guidelines:

OUCH...my eyes!! ;) Major flashbacks to highschool :)
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Reading these threads, I am trying to remember what men wore on formal nights during our last cruises. There were tuxes, that's for sure. At our table three wore tuxes and one wore a brown suit. To be honest, it wasn't a very nice brown suit (I hope he doesn't read these boards!). I also remember meeting two elderly gentlemen in the elite lounge, formal nights and they wore blazers and white pants. I can't remember much except that they looked like they belonged on a yacht! I told them they reminded me of Some Like It Hot, and they were thrilled!!!! That's all I can remember of 4 formal nights! Nobody else stands out in my memory.

Someone mentioned why do we discuss menswear and not women's. I think it is more black and white for men. Women can dress up an outfit and get away with really nonformal wear plus a little glitz.

P.S. The blue tux. OMG! Did we really think that was cool????
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[quote name='J & G']I can't even get DH to wear a watch since he retired.....or a tux......hmmmmmm.....much to consider here! :rolleyes:

Does that make us classless slobs? Please say "no".... :o[/quote]


This thread is amusing. Interesting to see how both "camps" are dug in and so emotional over the issue. We are sailing the Holy Land on the Equinox in October of this year and I will probably take a dark suit to wear on formal nights, along with a couple of ties/shirts to mix and match.

My hope is that Celebrity will move towards a true country club casual dress code at all times. We selected Celebrity for the itinerary, number of nights, and specific departure date. The formality of the ship was a non-issue, even after reading the rants of some of the purists on this board.

I like everything about Celebrity and will do my part via correspondence (onboard, letters, shareholder feedback, Captain's Club, etc.) to help the line transition to the above mentioned dress code. Times are (slowly) changing and we all (as paying and vocal customers) can help set future policy for the line.
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[COLOR=navy][quote name='OCA REP']NO.[/quote][/COLOR][quote name='OCA REP']

[COLOR=navy]This thread is amusing. Interesting to see how both "camps" are dug in and so emotional over the issue. We are sailing the Holy Land on the Equinox in October of this year and I will probably take a dark suit to wear on formal nights, along with a couple of ties/shirts to mix and match.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=navy]My hope is that Celebrity will move towards a true country club casual dress code at all times. We selected Celebrity for the itinerary, number of nights, and specific departure date. The formality of the ship was a non-issue, even after reading the rants of some of the purists on this board.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=navy][B][COLOR=red]I like everything about Celebrity[/COLOR][/B] and will do my part via correspondence (onboard, letters, shareholder feedback, Captain's Club, etc.) to help the line transition to the above mentioned dress code. Times are (slowly) changing and we all (as paying and vocal customers) can help set future policy for the line.[/COLOR][/quote]

[COLOR=navy]It is always interesting to me that everyone "always likes everything about Celebrity" [B]except the one thing that THEY want changed[/B].[/COLOR]

[COLOR=navy]I think a little respect is in order for the opinions of people who have sailed Celebrity for years, and don't wish to see formal nights removed. There are few options left for the type of cruising that they prefer, and it is not surprising that they would resist moves to homogenize Celebrity so that it looks like every other cruise line.[/COLOR]
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Apparently you don't like everything about Celebrity or you wouldn't be trying to change it.;)

A true Country Club Casual seems to work fairly well on a smaller, more upscale line. When you have a larger ship with a more diverse clientele it seems you need to start at a higher level to end at an acceptable level, as can be seen by the interpretation of formal by some of the posters. I'd be willing to bet that if they start at what you call Country Club Casual, it will soon look like afternoon at McDonalds in the dining room and, believe it or not, it will affect a lot of what you may love about Celebrity now. It's just one small thing that helps to set the tone of the whole product.
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There are many of us that enjoy or at least, don't mind dressing for formal nights. And probably most of the same group doesn't want things changed.

However, from what I have seen lately and heard from two different head maitre d's on two completely different itineraries and ships in the last 6 months, [U]Celebrity is [B]not[/B] challenging the change[/U]. So...as much as we would like things not to slip further than the guidelines are stated now, we don't have control of the thousands that don't read these ubiquitous posts. I'm afraid as others have said, that very soon dress guidelines will be "updated", just as their new ships have been. They too don't have the traditional feel as their older ships. Thus attracting newbies to Celebrity. If you don't want things to change, CC'ers should be writing and calling X. They are the ones who will determine the change if any. (Personally, the nonsmoking policy was much more important to me and glad they had the gonads to make the policy change.. even knowing they'd lose customers. )

Personally I'm tired :rolleyes: of those here that use words/phrases like... "no class", "inappropriate", "classless", "rude", "selfish", "narcistic" etc for those that choose to wear a sportcoat and tie. Ridiculous. A jacket choice doesn't [U]make[/U] a person any of the above. Note....

On our Solstice cruise in Feb, we sat next to a wonderful English couple . The first formal night the gentleman wore his full tux. The second formal night he wore a dark navy sportcoat, dark charcoal pants and a red clubprint bow tie. He did not turn into one of the above mentioned people in our eyes. He looked handsome and still was a pretty "classy" guy. ;) In no way did he ruin the Celebrity formal night atmosphere.
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I would agree with all of the above except inappropriate. Sorry, a sport coat is just not formal wear according to Celebrity. I'm sure the man looked great...I love a man in a sport coat.

The funny thing is that if it was Country Club casual every night, men would need a jacket for every night. I doubt that would go over well.
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Someone mentioned why do we discuss menswear and not women's. I think it is more black and white for men. Women can dress up an outfit and get away with really [B][COLOR=red]nonformal[/COLOR][/B] wear plus a little glitz.


A little jewelry on a basic "Sunday" dress doesn't make it any more formal than a man in a dark sport coat and tie. That's what I don't get. :confused:
[COLOR=red]That Sunday dress next to the sportcoat guy is pretty much ignored, while the guy gets crucified here. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=red][/COLOR] Very few if any posts offer a count or % of ladies in "Sunday/everyday" dresses. But which outfit a man wears is discussed ad nauseum. (Shows me that ladies aren't "studied" as closely as men.
Just wondering why the double standard ?????;)
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[quote name='eandj']A little jewelry on a basic "Sunday" dress doesn't make it any more formal than a man in a dark sport coat and tie. That's what I don't get. :confused:
[COLOR=red]That Sunday dress next to the sportcoat guy is pretty much ignored, while the guy gets crucified here. [/COLOR]
Very few if any posts offer a count or % of ladies in "Sunday/everyday" dresses. But which outfit a man wears is discussed ad nauseum. (Shows me that ladies aren't "studied" as closely as men.
Just wondering why the double standard ?????;)[/quote]

I was just looking at some pictures from our last Celebrity cruise. On formal nights, there were only a few sports coats in our pictures of the MDR, but most of the ladies with those gentlemen were wearing "cruise formal" types of clothing, not the plain Sunday dress.

On average, I would say that women dress up more than the men do, when attending formal nights with their men who want to dress on the "less dressy" side of the scale.
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[SIZE=3]We probably haven't discussed the dress code for the ladies because the original question was 'Will my husband look out of place.....' No one is saying that people are slobs if they don't dress up anymore than they are snobs if they do. If Celebrity don't want to enforce the dress code then they should abandon the guidelines and make it a free for all.[/SIZE]
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