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Shame on you Adam Goldstein-CEO RCI

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" I called Princess and they understandably couldn't give me any re-assurances or guarantees. In fact they advised me that if people cannot get to the ship as a result of any flights being cancelled and as a result cannot get to the ship before it leaves, I have to claim the cost of the cruise back from my insurance company – can’t say I was that impressed with this answer at all !!


For the OP (sounds just like what RCCL is saying)

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It amazes me how some people can be. Shame on you Adam Goldstein! Come on you have the insurance, your still able to get a flight, shame on you for that heading, it wasn't fair or called for....a soon to be diamond plus after may1st cruise on OASIS.

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I have some sympathy for the OP, if she got a customer service rep. who didn't show much sympathy for her. It's a very difficult time for the cruise lines, though, so I have some sympathy for them, too. For people who booked arrangements for them, they are taking pretty good care of them. For people who are taking care of their travel themselves, Royal Caribbean has no way of knowing what your travel plans are and they're probably not well staffed to figure it all out. I suppose they could just trust everyone, and say you're all free to cancel and rebook at a later time with no penalty, but you know a lot of passengers only think of themselves and would screw the cruise line over, if it benefits them. Since RCI operates on a relatively thin profit margin, this is going to cost them lots of money, and they have to try to balance creating happy customers and not losing too much money. Even though the answer to that balance might seem obvious to an individual, disgruntled customer, it's not all that easy.


Like I said, I have some sympathy for both sides. RCI has pledged to try to help those passengers who booked independent travel, but they're probably not very well staffed to handle the magnitude of this disruption.


By the way, I wanted to add one comment about hotels. Most of them are probably not hurting the way cruise lines are, because at least in many of the big port cities, there are so many stranded passengers needing hotel rooms. Cruise ships, on the other hand, have a harder time filling rooms with new passengers to make up for the passengers who are unable to make it. A hotel who gives you a refund is much more likely to be selling the room to someone else, and perhaps at an even higher rate than what you originally booked it for.

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" I called Princess and they understandably couldn't give me any re-assurances or guarantees. In fact they advised me that if people cannot get to the ship as a result of any flights being cancelled and as a result cannot get to the ship before it leaves, I have to claim the cost of the cruise back from my insurance company – can’t say I was that impressed with this answer at all !!


For the OP (sounds just like what RCCL is saying)


The OP is from the UK and could have purchased a package from Princess including flights, we booked our cruise as a package from Princess and cannot give them enough praise for how they have handled our flight, cruise and wedding cancelation.

I suspect those who booked a package with RCCL were afforded similar protection.

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The OP is from the UK and could have purchased a package from Princess including flights, we booked our cruise as a package from Princess and cannot give them enough praise for how they have handled our flight, cruise and wedding cancelation.

I suspect those who booked a package with RCCL were afforded similar protection.


You suspect correctly. RC is working with anybody that booked air/sea package through the cruiseline.


It amazes me how some believe that just because something extraordinary happens to them and they can't make a trip, somehow the corporation should "forget" the contractual agreement and return the money in one form or another.


People, when you arrange a cruise from Miami to ? and that's it, then the cruseline can only give you protection for that part of the trip, that's IT!


If they had to cancel, then they are responsible for refunds, no questions asked as they contracted with you to provide the passage in return for the money you paid. Since they could not provide their part of the contract, then they will refund your money.


They can't worry about how any one of their passengers get to the port. PERIOD! unless you bought an air, sea package.


If a passenger(s) who booked their own air/land passage can't get out of Chicago because of a freak ice storm or snow storm, should the cruiseline refund the money?


Think about it. The volcano is a freak deal, but so is a huge snow or ice storm. If it was expected of the cruiselines to refund money every time there is a freak occurance then where would they be?


You arrange your own transportation to the port, get there on time, the cruiseline will welcome you with open arms and hopefully provide a nice vacation experience, but that's all they are responsible for.


If you don't show up, for whatever reason, then the ship sails with the passengers that did, and you're SOL.


Sorry to be so blunt, but next time cover yourself for any possible instance.


Don't blame the airlines, cruiselines, etc. They have employees that need to be paid. They need to print checks and the money does not come from the trees.....

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By the way many insureres around the world don't cover reguardless. Some simply cannot buy insurance like this - it is simply not available!!! due to act of God clause.


then bite the bullet and buy the air/sea package, that way your passage from UK to Miami and back to UK is protected.


But don't come back later and blame the airline/cruiseline for something they are not responsible for. RC made a contract with a passenger for a 7 day passage around the islands, that's it. No more, no less. You show up, your cabin is ready, the ship sails.


They did not contract to get you from/to UK.


Simple really.

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Is there any way people can start a class action lawsuit against Iceland for their lack of consideration and negligence over their erupting volcano?



The UK does not have much to thank Iceland for, first it was the vikings, then the cod war of the early 1970's, then the dodgy icelandic banks and now clouds of volcanic ash:mad:

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You know, I can't really say that RCI is wrong as policy is policy. However, people who can't show the slightest bit of sympathy really get to me. I have people who miss appointments without calling or call at the last minute. I don't send them a bill for that time. That office time was theirs. They COULD have had it. It is time that I can never get back. Maybe it was a traffic jam. Maybe it was snow. Maybe they over slept. Maybe they just plain forgot. I just take the hit and lost income. I am not saying that this is what RCI should do but a little symapthy goes a long way.


You made the comment that you are sitting in Spain wondering if you will get home. People could be just as unsympathetic to you and tell you to stop being so dramatic. Of course you are going to get home. The only question is WHEN. Yeah, the credit card bills are mounting up. Would it be better to be up in the air flying through the ash, hear the engines on your plane stall out and look out the window as the ground gets closer? How about YOU get things in perspective?


Nothing like a little sympathy and understanding, huh?;)


I began my post "Its awful that your entire holiday has been ruined by this volcanic activity - we are in Spain, hoping to return home soon and I do sympathise. But don't blame Royal Caribbean. You made your choices."


So don't say I showed no sympathy!! I used that very word!!!


We, and thousands of others, are stuck AWAY from home - a far more unpleasant scenario, I can assure you. And I certainly don't want or need YOUR sympathy. I am just stating how it is for thousands of people, including ourselves. You really can't say people are being dramatic if you don't know the circumstances. The situation here in Spain has been extremely traumatic for many people - especially families and the elderly.


Yes, this person possibly lost his cruise - but is not in an uncomfortable circumstance physically - and in fact, may well make the cruise anyway.


I believe HIS heading WAS unnecessarily dramatic - Royal Caribbean has done nothing wrong. All of us who book independent airfares, hotels, etc. take this gamble. In this case, it just didn't pay off.


I am most surprised that I have replied to your post with such courtesy - I must be slipping!! :D

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then bite the bullet and buy the air/sea package, that way your passage from UK to Miami and back to UK is protected.


But don't come back later and blame the airline/cruiseline for something they are not responsible for. RC made a contract with a passenger for a 7 day passage around the islands, that's it. No more, no less. You show up, your cabin is ready, the ship sails.


They did not contract to get you from/to UK.


Simple really.


Listen - THEY DON'T OFFER IT TO ALL COUNTRIES!!!! Check Belgium they don't offer the packages there but they now want to charge 100% if you don't arrive - They don't have the choice either way.


By the way I am not from the UK

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Is there any way people can start a class action lawsuit against Iceland for their lack of consideration and negligence over their erupting volcano?



"I don't know where I'm a gonna go, when the volcano blow!" - Jimmy Buffett

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RCI have just been quoted on radio 4 (money box I thinK only caught half of it). they apparently dumped a 73 year old woman on the quay in Dubai- she had booked a full package with them- flights with emirates.


Didnt arrange any hotel or anything- told her to contact airline (it seems)


they came across really badly- Thomson came across very well- caring for all its stranded passengers worldwide and aiming to have them all back by tomorrow etc.

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Listen - THEY DON'T OFFER IT TO ALL COUNTRIES!!!! Check Belgium they don't offer the packages there but they now want to charge 100% if you don't arrive - They don't have the choice either way.


By the way I am not from the UK


you can't tell me there is not 1 travel agent in the entire (beautiful) country of Belgium that could not arrange air/sea package?


btw, I was not talking about you when I mentioned UK. That was in reference to the OP. And RC does offer air/sea packages out of UK.

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I do not believe I have read so much mis information or poor "advice" since first following CC Forums.


We lost our Brilliance sailing from Dubai on the 19th because we couldn't fly from Glasgow.


1. RCCL weren't offering Fly/Cruise packages so we had to put it together ourselves. As already stated, no refund or replacement offer on the cruise.


2. Emirates refunded and we managed to cancel hotels at both ends and most of the other peripherals (car parking etc.) The flight at the other end from Barcelona (BA) will be lost and so will it's cost.


3. Travel Insurance (UK) is unlikely to pay out as they are quoting "circumstances beyond their control" , my claim is in but I hae me doots !


So, back to the OP's comment; should RCCL be a little more sympathetic and helpful ?


I think so, but then I have a vested interest in the outcome. What I can say, it does not make me feel any better reading ill-informed comment such as some on this thread.




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Sorry, but I have to disagree.


Its awful that your entire holiday has been ruined by this volcanic activity - we are in Spain, hoping to return home soon and I do sympathise. But don't blame Royal Caribbean. You made your choices.


Presumably your insurance excluded this type of occurrence?


I know that from now on, insurance will exclude volcanic activity.


But this does not involve just one night like the hotels!! Its an empty cabin through no fault of the cruiseline and it was there if you wanted it.


On the other hand, RCI may reconsider its decision. Has been known to do that.


Lesson to be learnt for ALL of us - just like taking cruiseline port tours - the cruiselines look after you if you book the whole package through them. Costs a bit more sometimes - but this is like insurance which you have to pay for.


They have not failed - the cabin is yours!!


We are here in Spain and will have to eat all the costs for any delays as have many others. Some are facing huge bills on their credit cards which they are unable to pay!!


You took a gamble on making all your own reservations and not doing it all through the cruiseline in order to save money - it didn't pay off - the gamble failed - not Royal Caribbean's fault.


We are worried sitting here in Spain wondering if we will get home - at least you are home safe and sound.


Sorry, but I am more concerned for those families stranded at ports and the elderly and infirm who are seriously at risk.


However, you may well make the cruise as the airports are now open - good luck with that.




I would never shoot you down in Flames. Especially when you are right. :cool:


I don't buy insurance, but if my plans go to heck in the future, I won't blame the companies that don't give me a refund, for my not buying insurance against an insureable occurrence.



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I would never shoot you down in Flames. Especially when you are right. :cool:


I don't buy insurance, but if my plans go to heck in the future, I won't blame the companies that don't give me a refund, for my not buying insurance against an insureable occurrence.




May be Insurable where you come from but not here in the UK, which is where most of the affected passengers came from on my Brilliance cruise.


Anecdotaly, (spelling?) some 1250 could not travel !!!




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Thanks to cyukuk we are on the same wavelength.To the person in Sarasota that was where we planned to spend the 3rd week of our trip. We have been going every year to Siesta Key for the last 20 years. We never set a foot out of the UK without full travel insurance cover.

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I have some sympathy for the OP, if she got a customer service rep. who didn't show much sympathy for her. It's a very difficult time for the cruise lines, though, so I have some sympathy for them, too. For people who booked arrangements for them, they are taking pretty good care of them. For people who are taking care of their travel themselves, Royal Caribbean has no way of knowing what your travel plans are and they're probably not well staffed to figure it all out. I suppose they could just trust everyone, and say you're all free to cancel and rebook at a later time with no penalty, but you know a lot of passengers only think of themselves and would screw the cruise line over, if it benefits them. Since RCI operates on a relatively thin profit margin, this is going to cost them lots of money, and they have to try to balance creating happy customers and not losing too much money. Even though the answer to that balance might seem obvious to an individual, disgruntled customer, it's not all that easy.


Like I said, I have some sympathy for both sides. RCI has pledged to try to help those passengers who booked independent travel, but they're probably not very well staffed to handle the magnitude of this disruption.


By the way, I wanted to add one comment about hotels. Most of them are probably not hurting the way cruise lines are, because at least in many of the big port cities, there are so many stranded passengers needing hotel rooms. Cruise ships, on the other hand, have a harder time filling rooms with new passengers to make up for the passengers who are unable to make it. A hotel who gives you a refund is much more likely to be selling the room to someone else, and perhaps at an even higher rate than what you originally booked it for.


I am very sympathetic to the OP, it sucks to have your vacation plans end up in the garbage can. I am sympathetic that they lost money, that always sucks.


I am, also, highly sympathetic to the poor RCI customer service agents. Can you imagine telling people, "No, there is no refund" and then listening to profanity and outrage all day long. :D Could imagine after a bit of that, the c s a might decide to get a bit edgy....;)


Not sure you I would like to be in that role today, would you?:D



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