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Travelling with a C-PAP machines on NCL


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I live on Vancouver Island now but have also lived on Salt Spring Island. I am not a troll as some have implied. I was just stating information. I suppose unless you are a seasoned poster your opinions and questions are not welcome. I have learned my lesson and will not post again. I have no idea what OP means or why some would be rude. I do not spend every waking moment on the internet but I do use it for research. When I fround Cruise Critic I thought what a wonderful sight for information. I still think it is a great site with lots of information but won't put up another post. As I stated before I thank the people who provided me with useful information about the power bar etc. You all have a wonderful time cruising. Bonnie


It can get a bit brutal around here, I sympathize with you.


and, for the other thing about 2 pounds...........not weight, but cumbersome as I will have 2 suitcases and a purse. Juggling a couple bottles of water doesn't sound fun to me LOL

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I am sorry that people were rude to you here.


My husband designs water treatment plants and the water on a ship is remineralized as part of treatment. It is the minerals in the water that cause the white scale on the humidifier when the water is heated. Distilled water contains NO minerals and that is why it is recommended for use with a humidifier.


If you use a water filtration pitcher such as Pur or Brita with the ship's water, the minerals that cause scale will be removed from the water by the filter and you should not see any white scale at all on your humidifier. While I would not recommend using only filtered water routinely, for a week or two now and then, should be acceptable.


I did think of five other possible options for you to obtain distilled water:


1. Some cities in the US have online grocery shopping. You could find out if this city has that and order distilled water delivered to the port and set the time for delivery as the date and time you will be arriving at the port. You can pay these online groceries with your credit card. It might be helpful to call the port's customer service department and arrange with someone there to take your water from the delivery person. Then all you would need to do is go to customer service when you arrive at the port and get your water.


To look up online grocery shopping, go to www.google.com and put in the city name for the port and online grocery shopping.


2. You could call the port you will be departing from and talk to their customer service and ask them to buy a bottle of distilled water for you locally. You would give them a credit card number and hopefully, they might be willing to do this for you.


3. Call a local water delivery service and order distilled water to be delivered to the port - get this OK'd with the port's customer service - have the water delivered to someone in that office and then just pick it up from them when you arrive.


4. Call a local delivery service (large cities in the US have services that pick up packages and deliver them to other locations by courier) and ask them to buy the water and deliver it to the port to you. This would be expensive, but it would get the water there.


5. I'm not sure which port you are departing from, but there are usually lots of taxis at US ports so you could take a taxi to the closest grocery store and buy distilled water and then take the taxi back to the port.


If I knew which port you were departing from, I might be able to give you more specific information about how to get distilled water delivered to the port or if there is a grocery store close by that you could take a taxi to and get the water and get back to the ship quickly.


Anyway, I hope these suggestions help.

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I live on Vancouver Island now but have also lived on Salt Spring Island. I am not a troll as some have implied. I was just stating information. I suppose unless you are a seasoned poster your opinions and questions are not welcome. I have learned my lesson and will not post again. I have no idea what OP means or why some would be rude. I do not spend every waking moment on the internet but I do use it for research. When I fround Cruise Critic I thought what a wonderful sight for information. I still think it is a great site with lots of information but won't put up another post. As I stated before I thank the people who provided me with useful information about the power bar etc. You all have a wonderful time cruising. Bonnie


OP simply means Original Post-er, the person who posted the first note.


Do not stop posting on Cruise Critic just because some thought you were a 'troll'. Sad to say, our experience here on CC is that the majority of negative postings that are first posts by a new member are made by people who never return to the thread. They were simply stirring up a pot of negativity.


Since you have returned to the thread and posted again, we know that you are definitely not a troll, but were making a sincere comment.


Since Princess does provide distilled water I guess you will continue to cruise with Princess until they too, like so many other cruise lines, no longer carry distilled water. Princess is a good cruise line, so enjoy.

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I feel the same way -- I've only posted few things on this site as well as another similar site -- replies to my comments regularly are sarcastic and condescending. My opinion is just as important as the next person's. Don't let other people's ignorance stop you -- I've noticed many comments come from below the border!


Oh cheap shot!! What percentage of posters here are from the USA? From Canada?


BTW I've seen some gnarly posts from North America, as well as from across the pond. I know, I know.... We Americans are famous for it, but every country has smartalecs.



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Was the sarcasm really warranted? :rolleyes:


What part of my statement, "However, using the ship's water has worked for me in the past. Others claim the same, no effect on the CPAP machine. The ship's water is very clean...."


Another poster explained what distilled water is... If the end result is very clean water for the CPAP machine why does it matter? If others have used the ship's very clean water and their CPAP machine showed no sign of damage, why does it matter?


Very clean water is very clean water.... Gee, whiz....

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Was the sarcasm really warranted? :rolleyes:


What part of my statement, "However, using the ship's water has worked for me in the past. Others claim the same, no effect on the CPAP machine. The ship's water is very clean...."




How about this?

Then bring two water bottles filled with distilled water. Bring it aboard the ship in a carry on bag. Can't possibly weigh more than two pounds...


Or is two pounds to heavy to lift?


I bring mine aboard with my prescriptions, Crystal drink tubs, and my camera; not to mention a few other items. I doubt my carry on weighs five pounds.


However, using the ship's water has worked for me in the past. Others claim the same, no effect on the CPAP machine. The ship's water is very clean....

Seems you left that part of your post out.

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This would be a non-issue if OP had addressed the special needs problem prior to booking.

Your opinion was quite unnecessary as you have no idea when I booked my cruise or if I was told what I requested would be available.

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mustangbonnie, when you post on NCL, knowing that many on this thread love NCL, and you attack them over a simple issue of distilled water not being supplied, you should expect to be attacked back. Many people wrote good suggestions to you regardless of the attack, I don't think you can put down an entire website for this.

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mustangbonnie, when you post on NCL, knowing that many on this thread love NCL, and you attack them over a simple issue of distilled water not being supplied, you should expect to be attacked back. Many people wrote good suggestions to you regardless of the attack, I don't think you can put down an entire website for this.

Just a teeney, tiny point. Your characterization of some people is not indigenous to NCL......it happens on all the boards.;)

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Another thought I had was, what if mustangconnie called NCL a second time and spoke to a different customer service rep - or perhaps emailed the ship's concierge - she might be able to get distilled water put onboard the ship that way. A different employee might have a different answer to her request.


I hope I have given mustangconnie some ideas which will help her to meet her needs.

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What part of my statement, "However, using the ship's water has worked for me in the past. Others claim the same, no effect on the CPAP machine. The ship's water is very clean...."


Another poster explained what distilled water is... If the end result is very clean water for the CPAP machine why does it matter? If others have used the ship's very clean water and their CPAP machine showed no sign of damage, why does it matter?


Very clean water is very clean water.... Gee, whiz....


It may be the cleanest water on earth...if it has minerals in it? It will leave a white film on the humidifier.

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Another thought I had was, what if mustangconnie called NCL a second time and spoke to a different customer service rep - or perhaps emailed the ship's concierge - she might be able to get distilled water put onboard the ship that way. A different employee might have a different answer to her request.


I hope I have given mustangconnie some ideas which will help her to meet her needs.


I think you had some wonderful ideas and thoughts on this. Thank you.

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When I went on my NCL cruise, I contacted the special services, and was told they do not supply the distilled water. When I was at the hotel the night before, we walked over and picked up a gallon..........no problem. They even allowed up to drop it off when we got on the ship. When I went on my long Princess cruise in November, I had documentation that my distilled water would be there.......ready for me.......when I arrived. I asked over and over again, on the 3rd day, they brought me less than half a gallon...(husband and I both use CPAP machines) I was very upset. When we did dock, we spent time searching for distilled water and then lugging it around.........not impressed, nor will I sail them again. I rather know that I need to get it, then wasting my time asking over and over again, oh yea.......they ran out.........I was told.



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OH MY GOODNESS, will all you people please stop.


If I knew a way of removing this thread I would. So many of you jump to conclusions without all the information. Is there really a need for all the attitude and condescending remarks. Looking at these posts I feel like I am back in High School with the "COOL" kids looking down on the not so cool kids. My goodness do some of you not have anything else to do but peruse threads so you can see your own words in type. I sure hope that I do not run into these people whislt on my cruise the negativity is overwhelming. I started this thread because I have only ever cruised on Princess and have had no problem getting distilled water for a nominal charge. Since NCL did inform me prior to booking that this need would be taken care of I was shocked to discover that now that the sailing time is near they will not.


As I sit and type this I am myself wondering why I am defending my words to people I don't know. Why am I explaining my situation to all the negative posters? Anyway you have my word that I will not open another thread so all you people with nothing better to do should move on to someone else's post and give them your attitude I am done with it.


To those of you who have given positive remarks and information I thank you so much. The information you have provided was helpful and very useful. Suite Traveler thank you for you post I am departing from Seattle.


I wish everyone a wonderful day


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Perhaps it would have been more useful if the OP hadn't used words like "displeased" and "joke" and "disappointed" and "will not book with them again" and hadn't started the posting with an ugly face :mad: but rather had nicely asked for helpful suggestions as to how one might get distilled water onto the ship, some of the responses would have had a different tone. When someone writes an unpleasant, negative initial posting, it sets a tone for everything that follows.


I would have suggested the following: Two people in our group require distilled water for their CPAP machines and NCL says they are unable to provide it for them on the ship. We are flying into the airport and taking ground transportation directly to the ship, so obtaining distilled water will be difficult for us. Does anyone have suggestions as to how we might obtain distilled water for our cruise?


Why would someone who makes a negative, strident posting expect something different in return? Frankly, no one here cares whether someone else will or won't ever cruise NCL again, and not only does it serve no useful purpose to write such, doing so, along with the gratuitous judgmental comments about NCL, just puts off others who might like to be helpful.


It's like the postings that go something like the following: Every review I read about [insert name of ship here] are terrible. The food's awful, the ship stinks, the service is abysmal, ya da ya da ya da. Will someone please convince me my cruise is not going to be be a disaster.


Instead, why not write: We will be cruising [insert name of ship here] shortly and I'd like to know what people think about this ship and the experiences they've had cruising her.


Coming back to the OP's question, why not buy a couple of rumrunners and just fill them with distilled water? If some can smuggle scotch or vodka on board using them, I would think they'd work just fine for distilled water.

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One last thought you could walk up to the Pike Place Market which is a nice place to visit since you are in Seattle anyway. I googled and found that there is a Walgreens at 222 Pike place which is a block from the market. It shouldn't take you more than 15 min. to walk there and you could go to the market as well as it is a fun place. :)


I called the Bell Street diner which is right next door to pier 66 entrance but unfortunately they no longer stock it.

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OH MY GOODNESS, will all you people please stop.


If I knew a way of removing this thread I would. So many of you jump to conclusions without all the information. Is there really a need for all the attitude and condescending remarks. Looking at these posts I feel like I am back in High School with the "COOL" kids looking down on the not so cool kids. My goodness do some of you not have anything else to do but peruse threads so you can see your own words in type. I sure hope that I do not run into these people whislt on my cruise the negativity is overwhelming. I started this thread because I have only ever cruised on Princess and have had no problem getting distilled water for a nominal charge. Since NCL did inform me prior to booking that this need would be taken care of I was shocked to discover that now that the sailing time is near they will not.


As I sit and type this I am myself wondering why I am defending my words to people I don't know. Why am I explaining my situation to all the negative posters? Anyway you have my word that I will not open another thread so all you people with nothing better to do should move on to someone else's post and give them your attitude I am done with it.


To those of you who have given positive remarks and information I thank you so much. The information you have provided was helpful and very useful. Suite Traveler thank you for you post I am departing from Seattle.


I wish everyone a wonderful day



If you attend your group's Meet and Greet, you can meet with the ship's officers. If you can wait one day for the distilled water, I'm sure the Hotel Director (or his/her staff) will be able to help you at their first port. They are at your service.


Or, as an alternative, email the ship's group event coordinator at groupevent(nameofship)@ncl.com. ie groupeventstar@ncl.com and ask for their assistance.


Enjoy Alaska!

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The Port of Seattle is in downtown Seattle where a lot of people live. I used to live there, myself! It's a beautiful place! The port is huge and spans several zip codes, so I would need to know exactly which terminal you are departing from in order to locate a nearby grocery store for you, but there are many grocery stores downtown and also drug stores that may carry distilled water. Usually cruise ships depart from one of the terminals either directly downtown or south of downtown.


Here's where you can find the address and phone number of the port terminal you are departing from:



Alternatively, Safeway (a large and reliable grocery chain) will deliver to businesses and they have distilled water you can order on their website. What you would need to do is make arrangements with the port terminal your ship is sailing from for your groceries to be delivered by Safeway to them (maybe a day ahead) and then you pick them up when you arrive at a pre-arranged office in the port terminal.




- search for water and then select purified water and then by the purified water select "show everything on this shelf" - that's how I found the distilled water on their website. You need to buy at least $50 worth in order to get delivery. What I would do, if I were going to order from a grocery delivery service is order all my liquid stuff like shampoo, conditioner, body gel, bathroom air freshener, shaving cream, toothpaste, hairspray, deodorant etc., (basically anything liquid) and have it delivered to the agreed upon employee's office at the port terminal that my ship was departing from probably the day before I was to arrive - I would schedule a morning delivery and check with the terminal employee around noon to make sure that my grocery order was delivered. This way, you will know that the stuff is there for sure and have 24 hours for Safeway to correct the situation just in case anything goes wrong with the delivery.


BTW, have you called your credit card company to tell them you are traveling to a different country? You should do that, if you have not or they might not approve your charges in the US.

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I work as a Registered Polysomnographer (aka Sleep tech!) in a well known hospital outside of Boston. We don't use distilled water in our CPAP units. While using tap water in your humidifier can eventually junk up your machine, using it for one week won't hurt it at all!


It stinks that the cruiseline was unable to supply you with distilled water but it's something they allow you to bring onbard.

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I work as a Registered Polysomnographer (aka Sleep tech!) in a well known hospital outside of Boston. We don't use distilled water in our CPAP units. While using tap water in your humidifier can eventually junk up your machine, using it for one week won't hurt it at all!


It stinks that the cruiseline was unable to supply you with distilled water but it's something they allow you to bring onbard.


Regarding bringing water onboard, make sure it is in a still-sealed, from the store container. Otherwise the agents doing security are liable to make you dump it.


I had a liter bottle of drinking water for myself that I'd gotten at our hotel that morning. I'd already taken a few drinks from it. The officious security agent at port boarding made me dump it out because it wasn't still sealed so therefore there was no way of them knowing the contents. I offered to drink some in front of her. Nope. Throw it away!

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I work as a Registered Polysomnographer (aka Sleep tech!) in a well known hospital outside of Boston. We don't use distilled water in our CPAP units. While using tap water in your humidifier can eventually junk up your machine, using it for one week won't hurt it at all!


It stinks that the cruiseline was unable to supply you with distilled water but it's something they allow you to bring onbard.


What kind of water do you use if not distilled water in your sleep lab?



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First - standing and cheering at the top of my lungs for the posts from suite traveler with hordes of useful and practical suggestions for getting water to the ship. Well done and a reminder of why I keep coming back here for information as well as entertainment.


Second - have been reading over on the Carnival board a bit. If someone is thinking of choosing them over NCL for a situation such as this, it would be VERY well of them to do some reading there before making the jump. It seems Carnival is confiscating power cords and fans routinely from boarding passengers. CPAP users may be excempt or able to get a power cord from the desk, and who KNEW there were so many users of same!


And to the OP - yes this board is full of ugly people with ugly comments and a particular fondness for sneering at first-time posters. But I have to admit I have now come to realize that the Carnival board has it's own share of similar losers. You sort of have to wade through a bunch of needless **** to get the stuff you need, such as the wonderful post by suite traveler.


Good luck.


PS - Vacationing and using someone else's computer. I had forgotten how much space the 'signatures' take up, and remember anew why I suppress them on my own puter.

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why not pack a duffle bag with the water, wrapped in a sealed plastic bag and CHECK THE BAG. The airlines will let you bring on liquids if it is NOT on your person and located in the checked baggage.


Just ask all the people who flew into IAD from Austria who had purchased bottles at the Duty Free Shop and had them in their hands when they had to clear TSA checkpoint again before boarding their connecting flights. Too bad they didn't put them in their suitcases after claiming them and then re-checking them just after clearing customs. A lot of people were upset that those booze bottles had to be tossed.

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Wow, ya need to calm down the drama a bit there first off. What everyone is telling you is correct. The ship manufactures its own water which is just as good if not better then distilled.


And yes, sometimes the ship does take on water when it is in port, but that isw only when it is in port for more than a couple days, like the Bermuda runs for instance, when they are docked for3-4 days. They need to be so many miles out to sea before they can take on water for there reverse osmosis systems.


Before ya get all in a tizzy and rant and rave about something, why not do a little research first, believe me, it will come in handy and save you alot of frustration.


Happy Cruising, and don't worry about the water, it'll be fine.....

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