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NCL Hell - Beware

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Unfortunately, people here are very loyal to their favorite cruiselines so tend to feel very defensive when they see a titled thread that seems to somehow attack their cruiseline. Very quickly, the subject of the post is drowned in criticism of the OP's criticism of the cruiseline rather than sympathy or addressing the issue. Most people are very sympathetic but those few that are cynical and defensive tend to be noticed more, for obvious reasons.


I am sorry for the OP and can't imagine what it would be like to go through this. The people on the ship should know how to handle things like this and at the very least send those affected to an agent in the port. Leaving them on their own in a strange city in another country without a passport...without any help at all..is appalling to me.


But to appease the defense lovers of this particular cruiseline, I doubt very much it was an NCL issue but an issue with that particular staff member. Had that particular staff member encountered this issue on another ship they may have reacted the same way. Unless it becomes a wide spread issue for NCL, I think it is unfair to blame NCL but it is fair to contact NCL and let them know that one of their staff members did not handle this situation properly.


I know I am glad I read these forums because now I know if this happens to me I will know exactly how to handle it.

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Sorry to hear your problem.


I always wear 2 pair of pants (or pants and

shorts that have their own pockets) when

in foreign countries. Wallet and Pass Port safely

in the first. It is fun to foil the pick pockets attempts.:eek:


OR, you can buy walking shorts with inside zippered pockets and

belts with zippered money slots.


In the Army, we carried all important papers in the inside chest

pocket of Class A's when out on the town.


BTW, these are secrets of 3rd world travelers so don't

tell a soul.



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Another one post wonder... people with unfortunat experience and with the power of the internet looking to try and bring down NCL?


As unfortunate as this sounds I take three key things away from it.


1) Validates my opinioin that it simply isn't worth lugging your passport around. leave it safe in hotel safe or on the ship. If for some unforseen issue you are stranded, arrested by police etc. etc. have contact number of the hotel and authorities and they will help you. out. Much better than the having everything that is valuable stolen. The response in most cases will be go to the embassy and get the proper documents.


2) When traveling, common sense is a must. Things like body belts cut proof bags and straps are nice but its kind of locking your doors. That can only do so much, and 3 more locks and deadbolts don't help. Behavior and common sense trump everything else.



3) Research were you are going, it helps a lot to know what to expect and what additional measures one should take.


Dear fellow cruisers, i am writing this post to highlight a very distressing and alarming incident that happened to us while cruising the Med on the NCL Jade.

On the 30th May while sightseeing on our first full day in Barcelona my husband had his wallet stolen by pickpockets, we were waiting in the 'City tour bus' queue line at the 'blue line' connection point near Las Ramblas.

We noticed two dark skinned men with white t shirts and baseball caps racing down the side of the waiting bus, my husband instantly felt his knee length pocket on his shorts and realised what had happened. By the time he and our elder son ran to the front of the bus they had removed their caps and were lost in the crowds (it was a very busy Sunday).

After reporting the incident to the local police we returned to the ship and went straight to reception to inform them. They showed us the outside phone line and we were able to contact our bank to block his bank and credit cards.

But worse was still to come, we informed the receptionist his passport was also stolen and she went to fetch a security officer who told us my husband could not stay onboard without a passport.

Astounded we asked why he could not get it sorted next day in Monte Carlo, only to be told by the security officer Bianca "we would all be in a lot of trouble if he sailed without one". This was with only 20 minutes before we were due to set sail.

We explained all the resources to get any other money were taken along with his stolen wallet and asked how he was to get another passport etc but she shrugged her shoulders and stated it was not her problem. It beggared belief this was the reaction and it only compounded our anxiety and distress even more. My husband was being thrown off the ship without a bean for all anyone knew. No one cared he was being abandoned in Barcelona. My husband had transferred money from his bank account into mine earlier whilst on the phone but as far as they knew he had nothing and at no point enquired to his health, his ability to cope, absolutely nothing at all.

I gave him my bank card and raced to get an overnight bag together, meeting him on the exit gangway with our family, elder son, teenage daughter and her young friend, plus our young foster son. Becuase of them we made no fuss and went along with what was asked of us.

It cost my husband 800 euros in taxis, overnight hotel stay, replacement 7 day passport and flight from Barcelona to Nice where he met us the next day back on board in Monte Carlo. Had it not been for the fact my husband had the access to that money i dont kn ow what would have happened.

It still shocks me immensly that a multi-billion dollar company like NCL has not got a procedure already in place to help their guests when this type of thing happens. I cannot believe all cruise lines act the same way either. I believe, like the Cost Victoria who we sailed with two years ago, NCL could inform their guests in the daily onboard newsletter we all receive, the dangers of pickpockets in certain ports of call.

I still have no understanding as to why my husband could not have stayed onboard and sorted out his passport the next day. Everyones passports were scanned into the ships system at registration on embarkation day. Reception had a copy, i asked for his passport number to expedite the process in the British Embassy, so what was the problem, perhaps someone could enlighten me.

I used a search engine and input 'Barcelona pickpockets' whereby i learnt Barcelona is the number one pickpocket capital in the world. Reported thefts numbered 6000 from May to September 2009, horrendous statistics which largely go unknown to tourists.

This was such an unnecessary act from NCL but I hope my post highlights to everyone the need to assess from time to time how safe and secure our personal belonging are carried. Also i have since learnt that we should make copies of all our passports which can be taken ashore (except in Dubrovnik - advice from other cruisers), leaving the originals in the cabins safe.

Shame on you NCL

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Unfortunately there are still some American posters who seem to look down on us Europeans and seem to be highly critical with phrases like "european hygene leaves much to be desired" "european standards are lower" "cruise expectations are lower for Europeans" "european hotels are not up to US standard" and that is why so many Brits feel more at ease on the UK forum.

It's such a pity that these prejudices cloud some threads.


I too am sorry to hear this as a previous poster posted and also felt bad how some of the replies were to the OP.


Many times, I have wanted to respond to questions but was afraid to be blasted


Also, Hat766, I'd like to mention that many times, when going overseas, we do not stay in American name hotels because we prefer the local atmosphere.

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Sorry to hear of your plight at the hands of the pick pockets in Barcelona. That in its self is bad enough, but the way you were treated by the cruise company, I find even worse. I think it was horrendous and digusting the way they treated you, to leave you stranded in a foreign country, what if you had had no money or another card.

When you first embarked on the ship, they would have viewed your passport, before letting you on, so when your passport was stolen, I could have understood them saying, sorry but we you will not be allowed to dis embark at any other port of call, without the passport. But to throw you off the ship, without any help, is absolutely disgusting, and if I was left in that situation, there would be no way they would get any of my future business.

Fortunately the worse thing that happened to us along the Ramblas in Barcelona, was when a group of young drugged up Gypsies, came and sat near us, and started fighting amongst themselves, and one of the male members, started to slap and punch this female member full in the face. Could not say anything due to the different language and what they may have done to us. :eek::eek::eek:

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After almost falling for a scam on our first stay in Barcelona, we do not go near the place anymore. Somebody poured some vile liquid on me from a French Balcony, while we were waiting for the pedestrian light to change. Out of nowhere a friendly Samaritan beckoned us into a doorway with 'agua, agua'. I guess he wanted to clean us up, err, clean us OUT.

Just 15 minutes earlier we had been warned by the hotel reception.

Now, when our cruise ends in Barcelona, we go directly to the airport for the first available flight out. If the cruise starts in Barcelona, we fly in the day before, stay at an airport hotel and take a cab directly to the dock next morning. Barcelona can go to hell, Gaudi's architecture and La Rambla not withstanding.

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Unfortunately, people here are very loyal to their favorite cruiselines so tend to feel very defensive when they see a titled thread that seems to somehow attack their cruiseline. Very quickly, the subject of the post is drowned in criticism of the OP's criticism of the cruiseline rather than sympathy or addressing the issue. Most people are very sympathetic but those few that are cynical and defensive tend to be noticed more, for obvious reasons.


I am sorry for the OP and can't imagine what it would be like to go through this. The people on the ship should know how to handle things like this and at the very least send those affected to an agent in the port. Leaving them on their own in a strange city in another country without a passport...without any help at all..is appalling to me.


But to appease the defense lovers of this particular cruiseline, I doubt very much it was an NCL issue but an issue with that particular staff member. Had that particular staff member encountered this issue on another ship they may have reacted the same way. Unless it becomes a wide spread issue for NCL, I think it is unfair to blame NCL but it is fair to contact NCL and let them know that one of their staff members did not handle this situation properly.


I know I am glad I read these forums because now I know if this happens to me I will know exactly how to handle it.


The OP mistitled this thread because they wanted to blame NCL for European's criminal behavior and European laws. They should have titled it "European Hell" because the passport and wallet was stolen by a European and NCL was following European Law.


What the OP left out of this story is that NCL called the port agent, had them meet him at the port, transport him to the British Embassy, arrange for a hotel and flights to catch up with the ship, then transported him to the hotel and then the airport the next day. Some people just can't accept responsibility and need someone else to blame.

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Sorry to hear of your plight at the hands of the pick pockets in Barcelona. That in its self is bad enough, but the way you were treated by the cruise company, I find even worse. I think it was horrendous and digusting the way they treated you, to leave you stranded in a foreign country, what if you had had no money or another card.

When you first embarked on the ship, they would have viewed your passport, before letting you on, so when your passport was stolen, I could have understood them saying, sorry but we you will not be allowed to dis embark at any other port of call, without the passport. But to throw you off the ship, without any help, is absolutely disgusting, and if I was left in that situation, there would be no way they would get any of my future business.

Fortunately the worse thing that happened to us along the Ramblas in Barcelona, was when a group of young drugged up Gypsies, came and sat near us, and started fighting amongst themselves, and one of the male members, started to slap and punch this female member full in the face. Could not say anything due to the different language and what they may have done to us. :eek::eek::eek:


I think she left a lot out of the story to make it sound worse than it really was. I have no doubt NCL had a port agent holding his hand the entire way.

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Wow MusicCity, how did you find out about what all the Port Agent did for this family?


I was wondering why the Port Agent wasn't mentioned in the original post. It seems to me they had would have had help from the start since they were in contact with the Embassy from the start.

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Wow MusicCity, how did you find out about what all the Port Agent did for this family?


I was wondering why the Port Agent wasn't mentioned in the original post. It seems to me they had would have had help from the start since they were in contact with the Embassy from the start.


It's cruise line SOP with these kind of situations. I know because I experienced European Hell in Barcelona a couple of years ago except I take full responsibility for being a dumbass and the blame. The port agent and his two assistants were there for us for anything we needed.

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After almost falling for a scam on our first stay in Barcelona, we do not go near the place anymore. Somebody poured some vile liquid on me from a French Balcony, while we were waiting for the pedestrian light to change. Out of nowhere a friendly Samaritan beckoned us into a doorway with 'agua, agua'. I guess he wanted to clean us up, err, clean us OUT.

Just 15 minutes earlier we had been warned by the hotel reception.

Now, when our cruise ends in Barcelona, we go directly to the airport for the first available flight out. If the cruise starts in Barcelona, we fly in the day before, stay at an airport hotel and take a cab directly to the dock next morning. Barcelona can go to hell, Gaudi's architecture and La Rambla not withstanding.


I know what you're saying. When I was a child, I was in the back seat during a car accident.


Someone bought me donut, while waiting for the cops.


Now, I can't go near anything round and/or motorized. :rolleyes:

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I think she left a lot out of the story to make it sound worse than it really was. I have no doubt NCL had a port agent holding his hand the entire way.


Exactly:- You think, in other words you don't know, its just your opinion, you were not there at the time, so you have no idea what happened. Blame anybody, blame the Europeans, but don't blame NCL :)

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I have just started reading all the posts for Jade/Barcelona, we are sailing in October, thanks for all the info., we will be ultra careful. I do have a vest with inside zippered pockets, wonder if that will help? Razors! ahhhhh. But I do always leave valuables on board and only take a copy of my passport.

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You all realize that it's been 17 days, and the OP hasn't been back to post again, even once...save your breath.


yes she has, and her posts have been deleted. there's comment on same further up


No, "she" hasn't posted anything else since the initial one.


I checked her posts(click on her name), she's just had the one. Pass the popcorn!!:D

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Exactly:- You think, in other words you don't know, its just your opinion, you were not there at the time, so you have no idea what happened. Blame anybody, blame the Europeans, but don't blame NCL :)


Nor were you there but I have the advantage since I know what happens in those situation from experience.


As I said, I was stuck in Europeon Hell for 4 days without a passport and the port agents and his assistants were there every step of the way getting us a hotel on a holiday weekend as well as transporting us to the Embassy and the airport.

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I'm confused, were you already checked on board and had not actually started your cruise and decided to get off again to see Barcelona? If so, you could probably have just re-boarded with your room key as with all other ports. You would have still had to deal with notifying creditors, embassy, etc.


If you had not yet checked in and boarded the ship, then they could not let your husband board without a passport. I'm sorry this happened to you, but international law is international law.


I carry all of my large bills in my bra. My husband only carries pocket change. We always keep our passports in the cabin/room/hotel safe and only carry photocopies. We also split up any credit cards, etc as someone else mentioned above.


Once in Italy I was asked to show my passport on a train from Naples to Rome. The police officer was quite upset that I did not have proper identification with me. She thought I was a stupid American, so what? At least I didn't risk losing my passport. I'd much rather have to deal with unhappy public officials than try to replace my passport.

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Im sorry this has happened to you and I am not surprised . Pick pockets are rife in Barcelona, its about time the police did more they are a nuisance and make peoples lives hell. It has happened to so many cruisers its unbelievable.

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3 lefts do though ;)

Seriously, This thread has me thinking---Is it possible to get 2 passports (that way one is available as a 'backup')?


But-I leave my original in the cabin safe & carry a photo copy. I know the photo copy isn't really 'valid' but if I'm stranded it can make it 'easier' to get a replacement and onto a plane. And it seems there can be more serious problems if the one & only original is lost


Good thought!

I think you can get a duplicate passport for a specific trip, I'm quite sure you have to have proof your traveling out of the country. I'm sure theres a fee attached but it would have been well worth it in the case of the OP. I also keep mine locked in my cabin in the safe.

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Good thought!

I think you can get a duplicate passport for a specific trip, I'm quite sure you have to have proof your traveling out of the country. I'm sure theres a fee attached but it would have been well worth it in the case of the OP. I also keep mine locked in my cabin in the safe.


3 lefts do though ;)

Seriously, This thread has me thinking---Is it possible to get 2 passports (that way one is available as a 'backup')?


But-I leave my original in the cabin safe & carry a photo copy. I know the photo copy isn't really 'valid' but if I'm stranded it can make it 'easier' to get a replacement and onto a plane. And it seems there can be more serious problems if the one & only original is lost

My DD once had two passports, but it is really not allowed.

We were going on a trip just when the law changed, and she needed to obtain a passport to go to Mexico.

We went the last week of January for travel the last week of April. Should have been plenty of time, but there was such a big demand.

The week before we traveled, it still had not arrived.

I started calling the # they offered, but due to the DEMAND, you could not get through. I would have gladly waited on hold for as long as it took, but the line just hung up on you. Some body on TA (thank goodness for these boards) told me to call my congressman. They were not available, but at least I was able to leave a message. It was two days before we were to leave.

I kept callling the passport "hot line". Finally got through that night (two nights before leaving), and the DAY before we left, we got an appt to drive down to Philadelphia. We were instructed NOT to be late.

Well, we left plenty of time (3.5 hrs before the appt--it normally takes 2 hrs to get there), and due to massive flooding that week, we were late.

I was in a panic.

The line was tremendous. When we finally got to the front of the line, we were told that her passport was being processed in New Orleans, and SHOULD be on the way.

Well, I flipped out. We needed that passport for travel the next morning.

They finally agreed to give her the duplicate though.

When we got home, we had a call from our congressman's office. He had arranged for her passport to be overnighted (the previous night), and her passport was at our home in a FEDEX envelope.

So DD had two.

About 3 months later, we got a letter with a return receipt envelope, saying we must return the one passport UNDER PENALTY OF LAW.

Needless to say, she only has one passport now.;)

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I am not surprised that the OP has not replied. Perhaps they read some of the unpleasant comments and tried to bolster support elsewhere, more sympathetic to the cruiser and less so of the cruise line and their policy etc.

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