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Voyages to Antiquity Cruises after June 15


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I'm in a J class, on 4th deck, with two twin beds. Plenty of room for my things - shorter things can hang over the safe, and that's on top of a cabinet with four small drawers. The other half of the closet can hold your longer dresses, slacks, etc. There were 20 hangers, none for slacks or skirts, but you can ask for some. My bureau has four pretty large drawers - of course there is just me in the cabin, but seems to be plenty of room.


There are lips on the stairs as well as prominent 'watch you step' signs, and also 'mind your head'. Didn't see a lip around the dance floor. Air Con working well for everyone as far as I know. If you are under 5'4 though, you may need a step stool to adjust it - the adjustment is on the ceiling.


Tenders: I don't see a new one, but there is so much help getting on and off it hasn't been a problem, even for someone with difficulties. Sure, I'd like to see more modern ones, but they are okay. There is a handrail to hold onto as you go down the steps.


They held the captain's reception at 7:00 pm last night - we didn't get back from Paestum until 6. All the men wore suits or sport jackets, and women dressed up a bit, fancy tops, some long dresses and skirts. There was champagne and reception line but NO PHOTOGRAPHERS - in fact no one has bothered us taking pictures the whole trip so far. There was champagne, wine, and mixed drinks - anything you wanted - and they passed around appetizers. After introductions, it was down to a great meal in Marco Polo.


Soot - okay - spotted a couple of specks today, and just asked for a napkin lay down on the chair - this is outside the Terrace Cafe. My friend took yoga yesterday, and said the fumes from the smokestack were overwhelming - they've moved the class inside. They are really responsive to the problems -


Just for you guys I went for a swim yesterday morning - really refreshing - and for those who asked - along with the safety rails all around, the ladder reaches far into the pool and at the last step you are in up to your chest or so depending on your height. So whether that was added I don't know. It was lovely sitting around the pool, a pod of dolphins was following the ship, and a waiter came around with fruit! Nice.


Someone is onboard doing a ship review for Cruise Critic, so you should be looking for that.


I'll more more specific about my particular itinerary when I do a trip report once I am home. Haven't heard one complaint - seems everyone I talk to is loving this trip!!


You can't know how much your reports have set my mind at ease -- thank you!!! It would've been nice if you could've had similar reports before your cruise, but I hope all the pre-cruise worry is gone and that you enjoy your trip to the fullest....:)

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Thank you so much for taking the time to post. We were unfortunately on one of the earlier cruises that experienced many problems but enough of that - it has been pushed around the block enough. I am so encouraged to hear that things are going so much better and am truly glad you are having a great time. We have been offered a discount to give the cruise line another chance. Despite our experiences, your reports are making us think that we would indeed give them another go. The concept is a great one and if they are listening, learning and improving we would consider a trip next year.


I cannot wait to read your full report upon your return but would request (if you think about it) one point to be covered that I have not been able to find on any of the sites I have checked. Has the sewage smell in the internet room area been dealt with?? Don't worry about responding now, just go out there and have fun :)


Have a great time and enjoy the rest of your vacation.

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I'm in the internet room and don't smell anything, but I heard someone wants to change cabins because of the smell in their room. If I can isolate which deck, area of the ship, I'll let you know, but it is a lower deck. No troubles in my room. A friend we've made fell over the rather large lip heading into the men's room outside the Ambassador Lounge and hurt his arm. He has reported it, and I expect we'll see a warning sign there soon. One word of advice - look down!!


Tours and guides continue to be great. It's not only really, really, hot and humid in Sicily in August, but there are crowds of Sicilians going to the beaches. That's been a small issue. On the plus side, our groups have never been more than 20, often 16-18, on full size buses and I love that if you want, you can take a seat to yourself. Can't guarantee that would be the case if the ship was full.


One other good thing is that each tour group is accompanied by a member of the ship's staff carrying a first aid kit. So far nobody has needed any help, but it's reassuring. My friend needed to see the onboard doctor and said it's a very nice medical facility with a waiting room, and examining room. Our doctor is a woman, and has an assistant.


I've been invited to sit at the captain's table Sunday night - not the captain of the whole ship but one of them - I think he's the Staff Captain. We are speculating that everyone in the single cabins will get an invite, and that they are going in alphabetical order - but just speculation. Should be fun!


Soot: (daily soot report). Last night they had cloth napkins over the chairs outside - so while it seems to still be an occasional problem, they are aware. My friend took the 7 am yoga class two days ago on the aft Lido deck and the fumes from the funnel got to her and I guess everyone, so they've moved the class inside. Again, amateur speculation, but we do wonder if on a smaller ship like this, without 12 - 14 decks, you are going to smell the exhaust sometimes.


Still haven't met anyone with any complaints - except the heat - and we can't do anything about that. Last night a Romanian trio on board for the whole cruise called Cafe Concerto Strings gave a terrific concert - it consists of an amazing violinist, a pianist/accordianist, and a bass - it was outstanding and they will give one more concert before the trip is over. Another of our lecturers is on board and we'll learn more about temples tonight.


I came with very low expectations, and maybe that's why I am so pleased with how great it's been!

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Many thanks Livestotravel for your informative updates. Great to hear of your adventures. Now that I know from Lynne that you can find the ship on-line via its AIS, it's very interesting both knowing where the ship is and knowing a little of what is happening on board. A vicarious cruise!:) Thank you for taking the time to let us know that all is going well.

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Hope your buddy is feeling better now and able to continue with the sightseeing etc.

FYI - if your friend has travel insurance, I would suggest she ask the purser's desk to bill the doctor's expenses separatly on her credit card. When I had to visit the doc, they just added it to my whole bill and I had to wait until I got my credit card statement to send in the bill to my agent.


Thanks for posting and enjoy!

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.....you can find the ship on-line via its AIS, it's very interesting both knowing where the ship is and knowing a little of what is happening on board. A vicarious cruise!:) ......


Can you please explain how you do this? Thanks

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Can you please explain how you do this? Thanks


In upper left, click on the area of the world that you know the ship is, such as Adriatic, or even the city. It will locate to that area. Passenger ships are blue. You can also click to have the name of each ship shown. EM

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In upper left, click on the area of the world that you know the ship is, such as Adriatic, or even the city. It will locate to that area. Passenger ships are blue. You can also click to have the name of each ship shown. EM


Thanks. Working with this and trying to find a way I can find one of my favorites when I don't know which area it is in right now. Plus can't seem to use the "vessel" locator for any HAL ships. But this looks like a lot of fun once I can figure it out better. Much appreciated link.

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Thanks. Working with this and trying to find a way I can find one of my favorites when I don't know which area it is in right now. Plus can't seem to use the "vessel" locator for any HAL ships. But this looks like a lot of fun once I can figure it out better. Much appreciated link.


I've noticed that sometimes the ship doesn't have its AIS transmitter on, or the signal is maybe weak, so although the ship is in the area, it's AIS symbol doesn't register. I've found that sometimes if you leave the marinematters AIS webpage open, the ship's signal suddenly pops up. I have found HAL ships on the system. I recently found my favourite ship, the MS Zuiderdam, by going to the HAL site and finding out which area in the world it was scheduled to be, then calling up that area on the marinematters AIS page. Found the Zuiderdam as she was steaming into Vancouver. Lots of fun for cruise ship addictees - like cyber train spotting! ;)

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ps. I also meant to mention that, as Lynne suggested, once having located the Aegean Odyssey via AIS and discovered it in port, I have then tried to find a webcam for that port to see if I can see the ship. I was able to see the ship anchored at Taormina recently. Kind of interesting (and I noticed there was no smoke billowing from its funnel, at least at that time ;)).

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There are lots of ports with webcams, and ships with bridgecams. I belong to another cruise forum where we specialize in 'stalking' our members on their cruises. We list itinerary, portcams, and ships in port with cams. We follow on their travels, capturing pictures from the cams and posting on the 'stalk'. If you go to cruisett.com or cruisetimetables.com to see what ships are in port the same days, then go to kroooz-cams.com to see if those ships have cams, you can sometimes find your ship. Kroooz-cams has some port cams, too, but there are many, many more. You just have to google for them. EM

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Before our first Crystal cruise we were captivated by the webcam in the computer room and it helped to see first hand what their dress standards were and formal night was formal as those dressed to the nines came in to use the computers those nights. And during the day, the dress was far less than "country club casual" as their brochures would recommend. It was just the plain old tee-shirts and shorts crowd coming in to use the computers.


But there was one guy who just parked himself in such a position where he was in full view of the camera and not working on one of the computers. I suspect he was sitting there so he could be "stalked" back home from the live web cam too.

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The safety rails are in, don't know if the ladder is longer than it was.

Soot: It's improved from what some of you reported


Here's a shot of someone washing the sooty water down the plughole which shows how long the ladders were a few weeks ago.


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Medical Report: My friend was made aware she could submit her bill to her medical insurance at home. And as for the man who hurt his shoulder, he went to the doctor who sent him, at ship's expense, to the hospital in Palermo for x-rays, accompanied by a member of the crew. Nothing was broken or torn. Those wash-room steps now have warnings to 'watch your step'.


Organization: An expert on Sicily has been brought on board for this part of the trip, and is available for any questions. They are using the color coding for getting us off the ship and onto the right buses and it is working well. Also, when some folks wanted to visit the catacombs at the end of a morning tour today, they were kind enough to drop them off in the vicinity on the way back to the ship. When something goes wrong it seems to be quickly resolved. For instance, last night's lecturer's plane was delayed in London, so it was arranged for another lecturer to take her place and the one on Temples will be this evening instead.


Reviewers: There were at least 3 professional or free-lance reviewers on board, just that I heard of, or noticed. Also, at lunch today I noticed (heard) several travel agents have come on board. So, should be a lot of current information out there soon!


Keep this a secret: Found a delightful place to relax with a book, cooling breezes, just aft of deck 7. Only about 8 of those orange lounge chairs, so don't tell anyone. Although signs of previous 'sooting' on the lounges, my light yellow shirt was fine - I think everything is getting, or has been cleaned to the point you don't have to worry too much, but I did notice two people got the red towels from the pool to cover their chairs.


Lectures in the Ambassador Lounge: No one is having any trouble hearing the lecturers, so I would say that issue has been resolved.



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Medical Report: My friend was made aware she could submit her bill to her medical insurance at home. And as for the man who hurt his shoulder, he went to the doctor who sent him, at ship's expense, to the hospital in Palermo for x-rays, accompanied by a member of the crew. Nothing was broken or torn. Those wash-room steps now have warnings to 'watch your step'.


Organization: An expert on Sicily has been brought on board for this part of the trip, and is available for any questions. They are using the color coding for getting us off the ship and onto the right buses and it is working well. Also, when some folks wanted to visit the catacombs at the end of a morning tour today, they were kind enough to drop them off in the vicinity on the way back to the ship. When something goes wrong it seems to be quickly resolved. For instance, last night's lecturer's plane was delayed in London, so it was arranged for another lecturer to take her place and the one on Temples will be this evening instead.


Reviewers: There were at least 3 professional or free-lance reviewers on board, just that I heard of, or noticed. Also, at lunch today I noticed (heard) several travel agents have come on board. So, should be a lot of current information out there soon!


Keep this a secret: Found a delightful place to relax with a book, cooling breezes, just aft of deck 7. Only about 8 of those orange lounge chairs, so don't tell anyone. Although signs of previous 'sooting' on the lounges, my light yellow shirt was fine - I think everything is getting, or has been cleaned to the point you don't have to worry too much, but I did notice two people got the red towels from the pool to cover their chairs.


Lectures in the Ambassador Lounge: No one is having any trouble hearing the lecturers, so I would say that issue has been resolved.




Hi Livestotravel


Thanks for your great insight into the current cruise. Great to see everyone onboard is enjoying it and that management of V2A are being responsive to any problems and suggestions.


I am cruising on the next cruise out of Venice on 24 August and cannot wait.


Just for everyone elses information the poster 'bullshead' has just posted a photo of the pool being cleaned of soot but this person was on the cruise which started on 1st June and was not on a cruise after the 15th June as is the topic of this cruisecritic board. This is an example of this person trying to give false information to potential V2A cruisers and has posted on many sites in his efforts to discredit V2A.


This poster experienced problems on one of the very early cruises when there were a number of teething problems and since that time has done everything he can to muddy the name of Voyages to Antiquity. He is a serial complainant and has had little positive to say about this company and his comments are only based on his early cruise which did have some issues which V2A have obviously worked through and improved the product according to these latest postings.


Livestotravel I hope you continue to enjoy your cruise experience and look forward to your future postings here. Sounds fantastic!



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i was on 2nd voyage athens -rome and we had 185 not 100 as someone said. im glad u are having a wonderful trip . we did and we laugh at the moaners and nit pickers. we thought the ship was fine YES THERE ARE LEDGES!! IT'S A SHIP and the food wonderful but best of all was the crew!!!



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Hi Livestotravel


Thanks for your great insight into the current cruise. Great to see everyone onboard is enjoying it and that management of V2A are being responsive to any problems and suggestions.


I am cruising on the next cruise out of Venice on 24 August and cannot wait.



Hi Downunder, I am hoping you will also post your feedback and assessment of the cruise. I'm much cheered by recent positive reports. My final payment is looming......;)


(Interestingly, I note there has been no post anywhere from CaroleH, aka Lynn Duncan, aka Alex Ariotti, aka Sue Ridge since the 10th, when she noted on another board that she was to have a face-to-face meeting with VtoA. Could it be that she finally got the payout she so obviously wanted? So much for her saying that she would not be "bound by their restrictions"......)

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(Interestingly, I note there has been no post anywhere from CaroleH, aka Lynn Duncan, aka Alex Ariotti, aka Sue Ridge since the 10th, when she noted on another board that she was to have a face-to-face meeting with VtoA. Could it be that she finally got the payout she so obviously wanted? So much for her saying that she would not be "bound by their restrictions"......)


CaroleH's last post on the Flyer Talk VTA thread was 8/9/2010. She also contacted me to be a 'friend" -- don't thinks so. I am still sorry all the early trash talk led to me getting cold feet and canceling. My choice, but ....... plus it did sound so much like what one could have also said about the MV Discovery that I tried to put it in that perspective.


But since the VTA was intended to be one up from the MV Discovery and it was coming across as maybe a few steps down in those early reports, I had my doubts. But I am loving all the good reports and the realistic reports coming back now. Fingers crossed they don't price us out of the market next year.

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Hi Livestotravel. Your postings are doing a lot for the morale of those of us now booked on future cruises on Aegean Odyssey. You write very well and your reports are very comprehensive and informative. If you still feel up to it after your cruise, perhaps you would consider writing a formal review? It would balance the only other cruiser review current on this website, the one entitled "Voyage to Disappointment", and would certainly help future readers. When I read that original review I almost had apoplexy!;)


ps. Why would anyone use a number of pseudonyms when posting comments? Doesn't seem to do anything for credibility.

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There is a posting about the ship in one of the lecturer's blogs. I don't think I can post a link, so just Google: mary beard blog aug 10


Nice little blurb!


I'm jealous they visited Oplontis -- I keep trying to get back to Sorrento for a week to see that and other ruins in the vicinity. That's just the kind of thing I would hope a cruise line like this one would take passengers to see. :)

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I am still sorry all the early trash talk led to me getting cold feet and canceling. My choice, but ....... plus it did sound so much like what one could have also said about the MV Discovery that I tried to put it in that perspective.


But since the VTA was intended to be one up from the MV Discovery and it was coming across as maybe a few steps down in those early reports, I had my doubts. But I am loving all the good reports and the realistic reports coming back now. Fingers crossed they don't price us out of the market next year.


Well, I can't blame you. I was really wondering if it was a big mistake for a while....! Now I am feeling much better about it.


I've looked into next year's offerings and the prices are going to be somewhat higher, but still not bad considering all that's included.

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Thanks for for taking time out of your trip to post your current impressions! I am looking into booking a 'last minute' cruise for Oct and was considering the V2A cruise, but had ruled it out because of the negative reviews. I am now reconsidering, thanks to your positive posts. I'd forgotten what a great resource these boards are.

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