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Billing dispute with Princess - Who's right?


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Sorry about your screen name mispronunciation (is that a good word?), but for disembarkment I referred to a current dictionary not a 17th century one. In fact, I found it on several current online dictionaries.

You don't want to hear what I tell my students about relying upon online sources . . .

Personally I use the term disembarkation. What really irks me is the use of DEBARK, although it is acceptable it sounds like one is removing bark from a tree.

Actually, everything associated with the opposite of embarkation irks me -- a cruise is great right up until that moment when you're attaching that 'Red 1' luggage tag to the suitcase on the final night . . .

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I work for a large corporation and partially support the collections group.


Firstly, it is possible that a misspelled email could be legitimate if there are no templates being used and collectors are responsible for individual files. Still, I'd regard anything of this nature with a bit of suspicion as it's certainly not professional at the very least.


Secondly, the burden of proof does fall on the party who is attempting to collect on funds. Princess (if legitimately Princess) must produce proof that this item was not included on the folio for the cruise. The thought that a surprise charge could be levied six months after a cruise is disturbing.


If I was the OP, I would contact Princess by phone (using the generic 1800 line) and ask to be transferred. I would then request a copy of the folio be re-sent to me by fax or email before any further action could be taken.


And finally, it can be very expensive to collect delinquent funds. For the sake of $300 most businesses won't bother sending these to agency as they pay a large fee and a percentage off the top.

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What I think is going on is someone is that someone is trying to find mistakes in billing that were not in Princess' favor, and is trying to collect...and I'm not sure that it's even "official". It sounds more like someone on the inside running a clever scam to enrich themselves, or is trying to make themselves look good prior to performance appraisals. The behavior described by the OP on Princess' part does not sound like anything any accounting department I know would participate in.. Every bean-counter person I know doesn't do anything until they have all the documentation. They know better.


thank you. i've been reading this thread wondering if i was the only one thinking this!

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We had an issue with UBD charge on our January cruise on Ruby as well. We got a copy of our charges on the last evening to review before disembarking the next morning. All charges looked accurate, nothing out of the ordinary. The next morning we were stopped as we tried to leave the ship and were told that we needed to return to the pursers desk to settle our account. Seems the UBD charge had not been charged to our shipboard account and the $100 was still owed. They produced a copy of our account and I compared it to the one we received the night before. They were right, the UBD charge was not on bill we had paid. Seems that the dining room was late getting the charges turned in and the accounts were closed before the charge could post. They had to run our card again for the $100. We were not the only ones that had this happen. There were at least 2 other couples settling up as well. I'm not saying this is what happened to the OP, but it could be a possibility. I do agree that Princess should produce a copy of the OP's bill for review.

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I have never heard of any cruise line coming back to passengers months after sailing requesting payment. Frankly, if Princess missed, they missed it and that's their problem. They can't come after you months later becuase they made a billing error and you paid your bill onboard. As others have said I doubt this is legit, and if it is I would fight it all the way as it's one of the most horrific examples of customer service I have ever seen.

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I've been in collections for 25 plus years. They MUST provide proof. You need to call and insist on speaking with a supervisor and have them provide a copy of your itemized statement. You need to call every day until you get satisfaction and go as far up the ladder as you need to. Make a pest of yourself until you get a copy of your shipboard account. Either the charge is there or it is not. I don't see what the problem is with Princess producing the information. Call, Call, Call

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I hope the OP lets us know the resolution of this matter. Is this a scam or utter stupidity by Princess? Inquiring minds would like to know.:confused:



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There's nothing wrong with it if you live in the 17th century, when it was common usage. It's been superceded by "disembarkation" and has become archaic usage.



Wow! You must be REALLY old to be able to remember that far back!;)

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Princess must supply written proof that you owe $300. I find it difficult to believe they would correspond with you by phone and e-mail on this matter. Have you made note of the phone numbers with caller ID and checked it out? Have you called the 1-800 number of Princess and spoke to somebody in authority on this matter? There are a lot of scams going on where someone knew you were on board this cruise and could be trying to pull a fast one. Princess will have documentation of your folio, so don't give up. They have to provide proof!


BTW, if you have already made final payment on your next cruise and Princess hasn't contacted you about extra charges from a previous cruise being added to your account, I wouldn't worry about it. I'd go and have a good time and just make sure you check your folio thoroughly and keep a copy for at least one year.

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First of all, thank you for all of the replies.


The telephone calls from Princess, the March 2010 bill and the recent email are all from Princess' finance department.


I am now at day three of waiting for a return phone call. I called the finance department itself and asked for the supervisor of the department. I spoke directly to the lady that had emailed me and her response was, "All of the supervisors are in a meeting right now. In fact, they're right behind me. I will give her your message and she'll either call you back today, or first thing tomorrow morning." I thanked her and hung up. NO calls that night and NO call the next day as promised. I called once again today, I get voicemail. I left a voicemail once again - no response or call back.


This afternoon I called 1-800-PRINCESS and I spoke with three reps after asking for a supervisor. I was passed along, each one providing me with their sympathy... Finally, I was transferred to a department that would absolutely be able to help me(so she said). I present my facts once again only to hear, "I'm so sorry. Unfortunately I cannot help you with that in this department, only the finance department can handle it at this point." I demanded a supervisor, any supervisor, any department. Finally I get one... this supervisor listened to my story and then promised she was emailing right then and there, the supervisor of the finance department asking them to call me. I was told to expect a call this evening, but most likely it would come tomorrow morning - 07/02/10


I have taken notes of every conversation. I have dates, times, who I spoke with, who I was transferred to and so on.


I AM UNHAPPY! In fact, I'm fuming but I know it's not going to do me a bit of good. The buck keeps getting passed and nobody is taking responsibility. I'm tired of repeating myself. What really angers me now is, I'm the one doing all the work to avoid paying twice. We all know, you don't step off a Princess ship with an unpaid balance. You get a"honk" instead of a "ting", I've watched it happen - on top of listening to names being called to the Purser's desk all morning.


So here I am, with nothing new. Thanks again for the replies... If anyone else has advice or another contact/email/number for me to call, please share.



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First of all, thank you for all of the replies.


The telephone calls from Princess, the March 2010 bill and the recent email are all from Princess' finance department.


I am now at day three of waiting for a return phone call. I called the finance department itself and asked for the supervisor of the department. I spoke directly to the lady that had emailed me and her response was, "All of the supervisors are in a meeting right now. In fact, they're right behind me. I will give her your message and she'll either call you back today, or first thing tomorrow morning." I thanked her and hung up. NO calls that night and NO call the next day as promised. I called once again today, I get voicemail. I left a voicemail once again - no response or call back.


This afternoon I called 1-800-PRINCESS and I spoke with three reps after asking for a supervisor. I was passed along, each one providing me with their sympathy... Finally, I was transferred to a department that would absolutely be able to help me(so she said). I present my facts once again only to hear, "I'm so sorry. Unfortunately I cannot help you with that in this department, only the finance department can handle it at this point." I demanded a supervisor, any supervisor, any department. Finally I get one... this supervisor listened to my story and then promised she was emailing right then and there, the supervisor of the finance department asking them to call me. I was told to expect a call this evening, but most likely it would come tomorrow morning - 07/02/10


I have taken notes of every conversation. I have dates, times, who I spoke with, who I was transferred to and so on.


I AM UNHAPPY! In fact, I'm fuming but I know it's not going to do me a bit of good. The buck keeps getting passed and nobody is taking responsibility. I'm tired of repeating myself. What really angers me now is, I'm the one doing all the work to avoid paying twice. We all know, you don't step off a Princess ship with an unpaid balance. You get a"honk" instead of a "ting", I've watched it happen - on top of listening to names being called to the Purser's desk all morning.


So here I am, with nothing new. Thanks again for the replies... If anyone else has advice or another contact/email/number for me to call, please share.




As I had advised before, you really need to send a certified letter to the Princess Finance Department and cc the CEO, CFO and Operations Manager. You need to include all of your phone calls with details and ask them to provide proof of these charges within 10 business days or you will assume that this matter is resolved and closed. Remember, the burden of proof is on them, not you.


I am confused as to why they just didn't charge you credit card, as they had it on file. If they had done that, then you could of disputed it with your credit card company and would not have needed to waste your time with all these worthless calls. I really don't think the phone calls will accomplish anything other then aggravating you further.


I wish you the best of luck and had this situation happened to me, I don't think I would be cruising with Princess anymore.

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Your mental and physical health are most important. Imho let them take your good will towards them but not your health. I don't think there is any lasting damage they can do that you can't overcome.

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I have been searching the Princess board for days now. I swear I read another post a long time ago where someone was billed by Princess for something that wasn't charged correctly to their shipboard account while onboard, but I just can't find it. It wasn't recently, but I know I read it, as it stuck in my mind.

Does anyone else remember a poster posting about something like this a year or two ago where they received a bill to their home from princess?

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I learned a very long time ago that whenever somebody tells me "It's the principle, not the money", what they are REALLY saying is "It's the money".


Well of course it's the money but ALSO the principle of it. It's totally rediculous to treat long time customers in this manner. :rolleyes:

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If they were really that convinced that you owe them the money they would be working as hard to get ahold of you as you are to get ahold of them. THEY should be pursuing you, because YOU have nothing to resolve.


Can you ask an attorney-friend to write them a letter telling them he has taken over handling this situation? He'll ask for the proof...and if they don't have it, it'll be over.

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I have had another thought...

Last night my husband and I were going through the bill for our Princess cruise last July. He had scanned it into the computer.


When reviewing the charges, I noticed there were many missing items (UST, Chef's Dinner, Spa, etc...). It dawned on me that we have TWO bills-- one generated from his ship's card and one generated from mine.


If Princess produces a bill with only one name on it, ask them to produce the other bill as well.


The two bills were eventually combined to result in one CC charge, but from the initial look at it, there was a bit of confusion.:confused:


Just a thought...

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First of all, thank you for all of the replies.


The telephone calls from Princess, the March 2010 bill and the recent email are all from Princess' finance department.


I am now at day three of waiting for a return phone call. I called the finance department itself and asked for the supervisor of the department. I spoke directly to the lady that had emailed me and her response was, "All of the supervisors are in a meeting right now. In fact, they're right behind me. I will give her your message and she'll either call you back today, or first thing tomorrow morning." I thanked her and hung up. NO calls that night and NO call the next day as promised. I called once again today, I get voicemail. I left a voicemail once again - no response or call back.


This afternoon I called 1-800-PRINCESS and I spoke with three reps after asking for a supervisor. I was passed along, each one providing me with their sympathy... Finally, I was transferred to a department that would absolutely be able to help me(so she said). I present my facts once again only to hear, "I'm so sorry. Unfortunately I cannot help you with that in this department, only the finance department can handle it at this point." I demanded a supervisor, any supervisor, any department. Finally I get one... this supervisor listened to my story and then promised she was emailing right then and there, the supervisor of the finance department asking them to call me. I was told to expect a call this evening, but most likely it would come tomorrow morning - 07/02/10


I have taken notes of every conversation. I have dates, times, who I spoke with, who I was transferred to and so on.


I AM UNHAPPY! In fact, I'm fuming but I know it's not going to do me a bit of good. The buck keeps getting passed and nobody is taking responsibility. I'm tired of repeating myself. What really angers me now is, I'm the one doing all the work to avoid paying twice. We all know, you don't step off a Princess ship with an unpaid balance. You get a"honk" instead of a "ting", I've watched it happen - on top of listening to names being called to the Purser's desk all morning.


So here I am, with nothing new. Thanks again for the replies... If anyone else has advice or another contact/email/number for me to call, please share.




I can truly sympathize with your frustration! If you should speak to another Princess supervisor who gives you the runaround, you might mention that you are contemplating contacting your local TV station and will also be contacting the newspapers with your plight unless this gets resolved, ASAP. Bad publicity is not something that Princess or any other business relishes and you might actually get a satisfactory resolution. Just a thought.

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It's totally rediculous to treat long time customers in this manner. :rolleyes:


In my view, being long term customers has nothing to do with it. It's totally ridiculous to treat ANY customer in this manner.


As has been repeated before, all Princess has to do is provide copies of the onboard account statement. For the life of me, I can't think of a valid reason why they would resist doing so.


I think from now on, I start scanning my statements when I get home.


To the OP: Good luck! :cool:

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