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Do you order at home as you do on a ship


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On our first cruise our waiter suggested that we order food that we would never order at home, or didn't even know what it was. He said if we didn't like what he brought he'd bring something else. That was the first time I tried escargot. (I liked it, my wife didn't)

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We dine out about once a month and never order apps to save money. One a cruise we take whatever we want but eat it, we won't put up with wasting food in our family ( we do buffet 95% of the time and do maybe 1 or 2 meals in 7 days in the dining room.

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If I'm ordering something I don't know if I'll like, I'll order something else as well. Also, if I'm really hungry and see something I know I'm going to devour I'll order 2 of that. Only on a cruise though. I use cruise dining to try new foods because I know I can get something else that I do like if I don't like the first.

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I would like to see the post where someone said they ordered 20 items at one dinner.


If they play for the Atlanta Thrashers or they're a offensive lineman for the Bears this might be standard ordering procedure.


I have seen a few where ladies were bragging at how many lobster tails thier husbands ate. I do recall one ate over 20 and she seemed quite proud of him.


ETA just noticed I responded to a very old post lol

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I asked this on another thread, but never got any answers. Hopefully, I will on this thread. I know some people order multiples of appetizers, entrées and desserts. When you dine out at a restaurant where you are paying per dinner, per appetizer, per entrée etc.--you get the picture, do you order food as you do on a ship? Do you waste as much when you are paying for a meal in itself as opposed to paying for food on a ship?


I have seen people post they or family have order 20+ lobster tails, every entrée and shared it with the table, multiple appetizers etc.


I admit that I order two lobster tails as I am allergic to the shrimp, but normally I don't order things I won't eat. I don't order things "just because I want a taste of something" or "just because I can." I wouldn't do that at a restaurant where I had to pay for it, so why would I do it on a ship?


Just wondering if you feel that because you paid for food, you should be able to eat or waste whatever you want. No flaming please. Thanks.l


Yes and then I complain about cut backs and order everything off the room service menu and then chuck it all in the hall! Well said!

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" I wouldn't do that at a restaurant where I had to pay for it".....You also don't have to pay 15% grat for each drink when at a restaurant.




I'd hate to be your waiter or bartender, I always tip on the full cost of the meal and always more than 15% unless the service was abysmal.

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I asked this on another thread, but never got any answers. Hopefully, I will on this thread. I know some people order multiples of appetizers, entrées and desserts. When you dine out at a restaurant where you are paying per dinner, per appetizer, per entrée etc.--you get the picture, do you order food as you do on a ship? Do you waste as much when you are paying for a meal in itself as opposed to paying for food on a ship?


I have seen people post they or family have order 20+ lobster tails, every entrée and shared it with the table, multiple appetizers etc.


I admit that I order two lobster tails as I am allergic to the shrimp, but normally I don't order things I won't eat. I don't order things "just because I want a taste of something" or "just because I can." I wouldn't do that at a restaurant where I had to pay for it, so why would I do it on a ship?


Just wondering if you feel that because you paid for food, you should be able to eat or waste whatever you want. No flaming please. Thanks.l


I usually only order what I would on a night out. The only time I double up is when they have lobster. To pay market price for it at home is ludicrous. I will usually also double up on the prime rib unless they're on the same night.


The one thing I will not do is waste food. If I get it, I'll eat it. I always wonder what the cruise staff thinks of us for all the food we waste on the ships when their people back home are fighting for a meal of bread and water.


The amount of food wasted on the lido buffet is sickening. I often look at the faces of the wait staff up there and wonder what they're thinking when they dump an entire plate of food in the garbage.

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Couldn't agree more with both of you!!!!

I usually try to eat different kinds of food on a cruise than I would usually cook at home or eat in a regular restaurant at home.

As for the servers encouraging you to order more it's true, I had a waiter on a cruise a few years ago tell me there was only a couple tiger shrimp on the meal I ordered so he brought two plates, also before I was aware of being able to order more than one thing in the MDR I jokingly told the server I would have one of everything on the dessert menu when he said okay I was like I was only kidding and he said you ordered it I'm bringing it, he did!!!!...my wife was horrified :D :eek: BTW, I finished all desserts and didn't waste a thing!! :)


On our very first cruise on the Disney Magic, I couldn't make up my mind on the lobster or prime rib. I said "Gee, I don't know what to get!" The waiter said okay and walked away. I thought to myself WTH he just walked away and never took my order. He came back a few minutes later with both. That was my first lesson in cruise dining ordering. :)

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I eat the same on the ship as I do at home, but then I am not a foodie. I just do not eat much.


Most nights on the ship, I won't even get anything but a couple of appetizers.

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We don't eat any more then we do at land based restaurants, and we do eat out quite often.


Eating at home is a different story. With the crazy hours we all work at my house ,dinner may just be soup and a sandwich or a salad.

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I order way more on a cruise then I would normally order at a restaurant at home. Sometimes I finish everything, sometimes I don't. I have no guilt at all if I don't finish everything. Cleaning your plate is not going to help some poor starving person.;)

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WOW a three year old thread that is not only active again but what amazing me is that I am posting on it :p.


Yes, when we are in a pay-per-item restaurant we do order two appertizers so we can share them. I might order the stuff mushrooms and my sister might order the mini crab cakes.


On a cruise ship we will probably order the shrimp cocktail and crab cakes.


As for the entree, just like in a restaurant, we order one dish even if it is the Lobster. Especially since we don't plan on taking any leftovers back to our stateroom.


If someone at our table or a table near us want to order twelve lobster tails let them. As in life I feel that I have no right to interfer as long as what they are doing does not affect me in a negative way. And I highly doubt that how a person eats will affect me in any way.

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I asked this on another thread, but never got any answers. Hopefully, I will on this thread. I know some people order multiples of appetizers, entrées and desserts. When you dine out at a restaurant where you are paying per dinner, per appetizer, per entrée etc.--you get the picture, do you order food as you do on a ship? Do you waste as much when you are paying for a meal in itself as opposed to paying for food on a ship?


I have seen people post they or family have order 20+ lobster tails, every entrée and shared it with the table, multiple appetizers etc.


I admit that I order two lobster tails as I am allergic to the shrimp, but normally I don't order things I won't eat. I don't order things "just because I want a taste of something" or "just because I can." I wouldn't do that at a restaurant where I had to pay for it, so why would I do it on a ship?


Just wondering if you feel that because you paid for food, you should be able to eat or waste whatever you want. No flaming please. Thanks.l


Heavens, no. On the ship we are able to try things we may not have had before and if we don't like it we haven't wasted any of our money. We are not forced to eat it either. I don't like to waste food, though. We might order something to share that we'd like to try.

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On our very first cruise on the Disney Magic, I couldn't make up my mind on the lobster or prime rib. I said "Gee, I don't know what to get!" The waiter said okay and walked away. I thought to myself WTH he just walked away and never took my order. He came back a few minutes later with both. That was my first lesson in cruise dining ordering. :)


On our second cruise on the Holiday, we were in the MDR. Our group was having a eat week and talking a lot. When the waiter asked if we were ready to order I made the comment that everything looked so good we didn't know what to order and the waiter said " I can handle that" and brought us everythin on the menu! We just passed plates around and everyone got to try everything.

I am a lot more careful how I respond to waiters on cruises now.:cool:

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I could not care less if someone ordered 20 lobster tails, as long as they ate them all and were kind to their waiter.


I would, however, find it rude if someone ordered multiple entrées with no intention of finishing them. Being wasteful to be wasteful is rude and tacky, IMO.

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I work out and eat healthy to stay in shape so I look good on the cruise... and in the summer in general...I very RARELY at home eat dessert. I never at home order dessert in restaurants, though on my last cruise I only ordered dessert 2-3 times, and one of those times it was sugar-free ice cream. LOL I don't like sweets much. Id say the same would be for the group I travel with, girlfriends in their 20s we are all dance teachers/pro dancers. So Id say we all work out and eat fairly healthy all year long.


Sooooo.... when we are on vacation (and the same goes when I go to Disney with my DH and son and we are on the Disney Dining plan) we eat more than at home, we don't count calories or worry about looking like pigs. Now with that said, the 6 of us 20-something small in size dance teachers cant eat a whole lot on our most pig-out moments. But we did order extra appetizers if we saw 2 things we liked and there were times we ordered 2 dinner entrees. Never more than 2 though. And we really didn't waste a lot of food either, once or twice if we honestly didn't like the taste of something, but we pretty much ate what we ordered, and we shared a lot of food. We eat healthy and on the lighter side year round if we are on vacation we are going to eat more for a change! We by no means completely splurge and eat a ton, because our bodies aren't accustomed to eating an overly large amount to begin with, but hey we are on vacation if we want 2 appetizers or occasionally 2 entrees we will get it. But Im one who would rather eat more dinner food (fish and chicken ) and forfeit dessert...

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We found that we did eat more, simply because we weren't paying for it like at a restaurant. Where normally we would split an appetizer we each got our own, and same with dessert. And then we tried each others which was nice so we made sure we always ordered different things. I also got cappuccino a couple of times afterwards (when it was still free). Not sure I'll indulge now that they are charging.


We were happy to find the apps and desserts were smaller than we might get at a restaurant. I definitely left feeling full every night, though, smaller portions or not.


I do think one night we ordered more than one app and split it - simply because there were so many things we wanted to try (we are foodies - love to try new things) but it was just too much. We agreed we just have to make choices and start taking more cruises so can try it next time.


The trashed food becomes fish food, so it is recycled I believe? I understand they have to be very careful how they discharge waste so as not to encourage algae blooms and such. Might be wrong here and just buying the cruiseline propoganda. However, if you've read what the crew gets to eat, I'd hate wasting something that might have ended up down in their mess at the end of the day and saved them from their usual daily fare.


I haven't read Cruise Confidential but the one by Joshua Kinser: Chronicles of a Cruise Ship Crew Member. Quite enjoyable - he talks about some of what they get to eat, and how it's all stratefied based on your position, although he never mentioned if they got the left over dinners from the MDR.


OH - and didn't gain weight but our rule is not to ever use the elevator on the ship and we worked out in the gym every day. Let me tell you - I am not looking forward to having that rule on a megaship with 15+ stories!!!

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Much of the "waste" problem has nothing to do with you. A lot of food is wasted because if you order 2 entres you can't delete the sides.


For instance, I like surf and turf so on elegant night I want both the prime rib and lobster. You can't order the lobster plate without the shrimp on the side unless you stated an allergy or something. You can't order the prime rib by itself either and not get all the sides with it. (which is wasteful because I can never eat the baked potato because they are never cooked soft, they are too raw still for me.)


If I could order the lobster with the mashed red skin potatoes and just the prime rib without all the sides, the meal would be perfect. Instead, I end up leaving a baked potato, shrimp, and at least one side of steamed vegetables. Not my fault I cant get what I want ala carte.


The portions have gotten smaller in the past few years, so much so that it is difficult to get the prime rib remotely warm because it is so thin it gets cold before it gets to the table. It also seems to come with a lote more fat in the center and tail which I won't eat. That helps a bit, (though I would prefer it warm) but I still can't finish both plates.

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Yes and no. I wouldn't purposely order more than I could eat, but the portions on the ship are smaller than restaurant portions. (Not necessarily a bad thing!) I'll order what I want to eat and not worry about what others think. If that means that there are two entrees I really want, I will order them both. DH and I may also order an extra entree or dessert to share so we can both try it without wasting food. We've been eyeing the Didja menus and I can't imagine that most people order just those for dinner!

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Just wondering if you feel that because you paid for food,

you should be able to eat or waste whatever you want.

Remember those kids in Biafra, when you were growing up?

The ones who yer mother was gonna pack up your dinner and Mail it to them? ;)




But aside from that..

No I don't eat or order like I would at home.


When I'm in residence, the staff usually prepare either four or five courses, per meal.

The head butler supervises small stuff like that.


I cruise Carnival to slum it with the ordinary man, AND to lose weight from my ponderous girth!

Works for me, I'm serious.


Nothing like cutting back to three courses :eek: - to just drop off those pounds.

I recommend it highly.



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