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A busy mama needs tips/advice for 16 month old cruiser.


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My DH and I are hoping to sail on the Carnival Legend to the Western Caribbean in October for 7 days. We're trying to get my mother along to help us with my DD, who will be 16 months old then. (Adjoining balcony rooms?) (Or maybe a suite if my mom doesn't come.)


We do not plan to use any babysitting services (aside from my mother, lol) because DD is not used to being left alone with strangers. We co-sleep for most of the night, so I am concerned about lugging our Pack n Play for those first few hours of the night before she comes into our bed. Are the Carnival cribs very small? DD is really tall for her age.


Any advice on excursions? We have been to Cozumel and Grand Cayman before, but that was pre-baby, so we went scuba diving.


We have a Joovy Kooper stroller. Too big for the ship?


My daughter is pretty intense, gets fussy at meals fairly quickly, and is completely mobile (walking and running!) :eek:


Help! Is this is bad idea? She's not one of those kids that can just fall asleep anywhere. :confused:

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It's doable, but it doesn't sound like YOU'LL get much of a break!

If your mom comes, do the connecting cabins (mom might like some privacy!)....you really won't need 2 cabins for just you two and daughter....especially since the child will be in your bed....

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Since you plan on sharing a bed with your DD on the trip I would just have Grandma put the child down at night in your bed. That way you don't have to worry about switching her from the pack-n-play to the bed. If you have adjoining cabins it will be easy for Grandma to do. I know when DD was little (She was 2 1/3 on her first cruise) we found it was easier to sleep with her. She was too little for the bunk bed and we didn't want to mess with a pack-n-play on the ship.

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We just booked two connecting balconies on the Legend, cabins 7195/7199! These are "extended" balconies, so I hope they are nice. I now see what everyone means about toddlers paying full fare...ouch. So, DH, DD and me in one cabin, Grammy in the other.


Since you plan on sharing a bed with your DD on the trip I would just have Grandma put the child down at night in your bed. That way you don't have to worry about switching her from the pack-n-play to the bed. If you have adjoining cabins it will be easy for Grandma to do. I know when DD was little (She was 2 1/3 on her first cruise) we found it was easier to sleep with her. She was too little for the bunk bed and we didn't want to mess with a pack-n-play on the ship.


Well, my mom lives out of state, and has only seen the baby a few times. So, I don't think Grammy putting her to bed would work-- my husband and I are the only ones who have ever put her to sleep. Mostly she still nurses to sleep, and wakes to nurse every few hours, etc. (We are AP, so no cry-it-out stuff for us.) Grammy's main role will be to play during the day, and walk around, etc, when DD gets fussy at meals, etc. Just another adult around to hopefully give DH and I a break now and then. We (I) definitely expect this vacation to be a bit of hard work. DD needs a lot. :)


We did request a crib, so we'll see if that works for that first stretch of the night. I don't think we're going to bring our pack n play on the ship. My only concern is that my DD is tall, and I have heard that ship cribs are shorter. I hope she *can * sleep the first few hours in the crib, because I'd feel safer sitting in the other adjoining room, or on the balcony relaxing while she sleeps, rather than doing a wall of pillows on the king bed.

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We are cruising in September with our dd who will be 16 mons old. I think it is going to be very exciting to see her reaction to not only the big boat, but the ocean! OUr dd sleeps with us as well and I am not sure if I am going to request a crib or just bring a pack n play! I agree with not being comfortable using the baby sitting service on the ship, I don't think I would trust some random stranger with my child. As far as for meals, we have been going out to eat more regularly to get her used to needing to sit thru a meal and I am hoping watching all of the other ppl will keep her entertained! I also plan on taking her to some shows and if she gets fussy or bored we will leave, but I feel that we paid for her just as everyone else on the ship paid for themselves and she should be able to enjoy herself too!

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We are cruising in September with our dd who will be 16 mons old. I think it is going to be very exciting to see her reaction to not only the big boat, but the ocean! OUr dd sleeps with us as well and I am not sure if I am going to request a crib or just bring a pack n play! I agree with not being comfortable using the baby sitting service on the ship, I don't think I would trust some random stranger with my child. As far as for meals, we have been going out to eat more regularly to get her used to needing to sit thru a meal and I am hoping watching all of the other ppl will keep her entertained! I also plan on taking her to some shows and if she gets fussy or bored we will leave, but I feel that we paid for her just as everyone else on the ship paid for themselves and she should be able to enjoy herself too!


I've heard that the cribs are metal. I'm not certain on our PnP, either. I don't want to lug it there and then not use it, or realize a crib would've been easier. Hmm...


Oh, I agree with you! I will not be able to drop my DD off at the babysitting service, or have someone in the room watch her. It's a personal decision, and it's just not for us. Heck, I'm not even comfortable leaving my little one with my own mother yet!!! LOL :D


I'm planning to work on getting her to nap while out and about in her stroller. I think this would help a lot, and help us not be tied to the cabin around nap time. For us, too, I am going to work on nursing her in the Ergo, because right now she still loves to lay down on the Boppy, which I am *not* bringing.


As for the restaurant. *Sigh* My DD gets wild in her booster seat and throws food. She hasn't developed the ability to focus on her own food and just sit and eat. Mealtimes out for us are always pretty stressful for me, so I see us eating at the buffet place quite a bit, which I am not totally happy about, but I have a short fuse when it comes to my perception of how loud and bothersome my DD is being. I tend to get really nervous that she is bothering people. Plus she makes a big mess on the floor almost every time and doesn't last very long in the chair. I really wish I could change this in time for the cruise, but who knows?

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Good luck! Honestly, your cruise does not sound as if it will much of a vacation for you. I know my kids did not travel well when they were young, and I found it very stressful. If your daughter is still waking up to nurse at night, I don't know how you are holding it together. That must be exhausting. I think I would not have had a good attachment with any of my children if I was tired all the time. Remember the 7th step in AP is "Strive for Balance in Personal and Family Life"! Please do not take this as a criticism, but you sound as if you need a break. Let your mom help! Your DD may surprise you.


I used to find feeding them before we went out often helped them hold it together during a meal. I would just have a special toy container that only came out in restaurants, along with some snacks.

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My DH and I are hoping to sail on the Carnival Legend to the Western Caribbean in October for 7 days. We're trying to get my mother along to help us with my DD, who will be 16 months old then. (Adjoining balcony rooms?) (Or maybe a suite if my mom doesn't come.)


We do not plan to use any babysitting services (aside from my mother, lol) because DD is not used to being left alone with strangers. We co-sleep for most of the night, so I am concerned about lugging our Pack n Play for those first few hours of the night before she comes into our bed. Are the Carnival cribs very small? DD is really tall for her age.


Any advice on excursions? We have been to Cozumel and Grand Cayman before, but that was pre-baby, so we went scuba diving.


We have a Joovy Kooper stroller. Too big for the ship?


My daughter is pretty intense, gets fussy at meals fairly quickly, and is completely mobile (walking and running!) :eek:


Help! Is this is bad idea? She's not one of those kids that can just fall asleep anywhere. :confused:


I've heard that the cribs are metal. I'm not certain on our PnP, either. I don't want to lug it there and then not use it, or realize a crib would've been easier. Hmm...


Oh, I agree with you! I will not be able to drop my DD off at the babysitting service, or have someone in the room watch her. It's a personal decision, and it's just not for us. Heck, I'm not even comfortable leaving my little one with my own mother yet!!! LOL :D


I'm planning to work on getting her to nap while out and about in her stroller. I think this would help a lot, and help us not be tied to the cabin around nap time. For us, too, I am going to work on nursing her in the Ergo, because right now she still loves to lay down on the Boppy, which I am *not* bringing.


As for the restaurant. *Sigh* My DD gets wild in her booster seat and throws food. She hasn't developed the ability to focus on her own food and just sit and eat. Mealtimes out for us are always pretty stressful for me, so I see us eating at the buffet place quite a bit, which I am not totally happy about, but I have a short fuse when it comes to my perception of how loud and bothersome my DD is being. I tend to get really nervous that she is bothering people. Plus she makes a big mess on the floor almost every time and doesn't last very long in the chair. I really wish I could change this in time for the cruise, but who knows?


ok-- will start with that we have much different parenting styles-- so my suggestions are mine and you can see if you like any of them :) you sound like us w/ our 1st singleton which I nursed to sleep, co bedded a little- he never slept well thru the night til he was about 3 YEARS and then we had twins.... had them sleep trained by 2-3months since we didn't want to relive what we did w/ 1st born (well we knew we likely wouldn't be well off mentally if we chose the same style)


regarding stroller-- bring what you want- we bring a twin side by side & it still is fine-- it fits everywhere a wheelchair will- so no issues-- what conditions we look for when deciding which of our 4 strollers we bring: folds up small (helps if you are limited on space in the cabin), good sun shades (if you are going anywhere windy, rainy, or sunny), comfortable for napping in (but you mentioned yours doesnt nap on the go)-- if your joovy doesnt have great sunshades-- maybe bring some chip clips and a blanket to make a bigger sunshade--or we have also clipped on a mini umbrella to one of our strollers for extra shade


for dinner-- we go out alot so kids are used to sitting for hour + at meals-- what we did initially to get them to sit longer-- bring sticker books, crayons, little mini toys (no choking hazzards ;), a few snacks to get meal started while waiting for waiter, order DD's food ASAP and mention to the waiter in MDR that she doesn't always last long so your apologies in advance if you have to remove yourself.

Im sure you know if the buffet will work for you-- but I terribly dislike the buffet-- it is actually worse for my kids-- they see us geting up & down & don't want to sit in their chairs-- where as in the MDR-- we all sit & no one gets up until meal is done. we were constantly having to get up for another glass of milk, a new spoon, a refill, etc-- and w/ no trays-- makes for even more trips-- just not for us


doesnt sound like you will be limited on space since you have 2 cabins-- I would call and ask for the measurements of the crib-- ship services can give them to you-- (someone has posted it as well recent;y- I just cant remember where)-- I have kids in the 50th, 75th & 99th percentile length and none have ever had an issue w/ the metal carnival cribs. If I were limited on space- I would bring my PNP so that way it could be collapsed down during non sleeping times for valuable cabin room--

toys-- bring favorites that are as compact as possible that will give you the most use time but also consider space if you are packing-- we brought stacking buckets(also were great toys for bathtime & beach play-- so was excellent choice), small books, shovels, small megablocks dumptruck- we also brought things that I knew the kids would play with but that they hadnt played w/ recently-- so they would enjoy them for the 7 days.


we have done snorkel trips w/ the kids--DH & I just took turns snorkeling - while one of us stayed w/ DS on the boat-- then once one of came back the other went in the water


regarding mealtimes & buffet & throwing food-- this doesnt seem like a good option either-- not sure how much time you have before your cruise & what your desire is--

throwing food was never acceptable for us during mealtime- warning was given..... food is for eating, not for throwing, noodles go in Garrett's mouth not on floor, etc Also early on when this started to become an issue-- we limited the amount of food placed in front of DS-- one noodle was given-- when that was consumed- 2nd noodle was given-- makes for quite the process-- but I didn't have the mental ability of dealing w/ food being tossed around. as the kids were >12m issue started up again w/ throwing food-- warning was given & meal time ended if it happened again- they certainly weren't going to starve to death til next mealtime & the behaviors were shortlived- they knew it was not a game & there was nothing that DH & I thought was funny about it (although we may have chuckled when facing the opposite direction). We also had them pick up the food on the floor that caused mealtime to end & help us place it in the trash-- they even help us pick up whatever falls accidentally on the floor after mealtimes-- they don't help well-- but that is their job & 7yr old DS helps load the dishwasher


we dont use the sitting service either-- so completely understand your choice- everyone has their own comfort level-- although if we had anything we would have wanted to do our 1st cruise I absolutely would have left DS w/ Hannah from kids club on Princess-- she was a doll & was great with him-- but he sat thru meals, went to the shows & mostly watched them but on occasion fell asleep, etc-- so we really didnt desire the babysitting service


PS BF my 1st born til 2yrs-- my Carnival Splendor cruise was the best $$ spent last year--had never planned to but stopped nursing on Day #2 of the cruise(~18m)-- had been wondering how I was going to wean the twins out of the habit of nursing in the am & pm-- they had so much fun waking up, being on the ship, going to Bingo, the shows, dancing by the pools while the bands were playing, etc-- they didn't even think about it-- so win win for me I didn't really want to keep nursing and more importantly for you at 18m they had TONS of fun on the cruiseship and were easily entertained-- so your DD will likely have a great time w/ everything on the ship


I'm sure you will have a wonderful cruise- and you will sort out ship life & making it an enjoyable experience w/ the needs of your family. Don't count Grandma out too quickly you might find that DD loves spending time w/ her & she will be a ton of help plus also get the wonderful experience of hanging out w/ Gma a little since it sounds like she doesnt get to very often

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My DH and I are hoping to sail on the Carnival Legend to the Western Caribbean in October for 7 days. We're trying to get my mother along to help us with my DD, who will be 16 months old then. (Adjoining balcony rooms?) (Or maybe a suite if my mom doesn't come.)


We do not plan to use any babysitting services (aside from my mother, lol) because DD is not used to being left alone with strangers. We co-sleep for most of the night, so I am concerned about lugging our Pack n Play for those first few hours of the night before she comes into our bed. Are the Carnival cribs very small? DD is really tall for her age.


Any advice on excursions? We have been to Cozumel and Grand Cayman before, but that was pre-baby, so we went scuba diving.


We have a Joovy Kooper stroller. Too big for the ship?


My daughter is pretty intense, gets fussy at meals fairly quickly, and is completely mobile (walking and running!) :eek:


Help! Is this is bad idea? She's not one of those kids that can just fall asleep anywhere. :confused:


Hi there,

I just want to say that even though a vacation with kids will never be what it was pre kids, it is completely doable, just try to take it easy and keep your DD needs in main focus.

We have a 26 month old son and we took him on 3 long vacations (including long flights) as well as a couple of short weekend getaways and we enjoy those times very much.

The main difference maybe between our LOs is that our son is pretty good tempered which probably makes it much easier for us.

We cruised with him once, he was 23 months old.

Plan your days on port to be easy and relaxing, go to a nice beach and let DD just play around with the sand and water and run around. Go early in the morning and try to be back on the ship for her nap. Our son sleeps from about 1 to 3, so we went out early, came back to the ship at 12-1, fed him some quick lunch, and he napped in our stateroom.

Quiet areas on ship (w/o lots of people around) are great for letting her run around without bothering anyone and without you being afraid of the street/dogs/whatever may be around. As long as she's in your sight, the ship is a very safe place.

For meals we took him to the dinning room along with some small toys so he could sit by the side of the table (on the floor) and play. He didn't last in his highchair more than 15-20 minutes (same as at home) but he kept himself entertained the rest of the time, we were also seated with another couple who had a little girl and they played very nice together.

At night we had to turn in early since we didn't have any other adults with us, but moved his bedtime from 8 to 9 which gave us an extra hour, we hardly went to shows and night entertainment, but that's a price to pay for travelling with small children. You may be lucky and have your mother to take care of her after she falls asleep so you can go out.

Good luck.

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We do not plan to use any babysitting services (aside from my mother, lol) because DD is not used to being left alone with strangers.



Even if you don't plan on using the babysitting services, keep in mind that Camp Carnival offers playtime for under-two's (accompanied by their parents), so you can go and play with the toys and have a big space to run around. My little one loved this - she was 11 months during our last cruise.


The crib should be fine - my son slept in one until he was 3. Don't worry about having to lug a pack-and-play.



She does sound very intense... you must be exhausted! Please try to get some time for yourself to recharge a bit :) Holidays with a little one can be a lot of work - in some cases, more work than staying home - so try to factor in a break for yourself every day.


You have a few months til October - really try to work on her mealtime routines (emphasize quiet voices, no throwing, that sort of thing). She might have a turnaround by then, and that would take a lot of pressure off mealtimes.


Best of luck!

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we went on a RCCL cruise with our 16mo. i cant speak to the carnival questions, but i can for a few others.


1. a joovy kooper is prob perfect. our city mini is about the same size.


2. we found this sytem to work best at meal times: one of us would go down to dinner first with my parents and the other would stay back in the room with DD andlet her play. then, bring DD down to the MDR about 30 minutes into service so that her dinner would arrive the same time ours did, and she wasnt stuck eating her dinner while we ate our apps and she was confined to the highchair for less time.

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if your joovy doesnt have great sunshades-- maybe bring some chip clips and a blanket to make a bigger sunshade--


for dinner-- ...what we did initially to get them to sit longer-- bring sticker books, crayons, little mini toys (no choking hazzards ;), a few snacks to get meal started while waiting for waiter, order DD's food ASAP and mention to the waiter in MDR that she doesn't always last long so your apologies in advance if you have to remove yourself.

Im sure you know if the buffet will work for you-- but I terribly dislike the buffet-- it is actually worse for my kids-- they see us geting up & down & don't want to sit in their chairs-- where as in the MDR-- we all sit & no one gets up until meal is done. we were constantly having to get up for another glass of milk, a new spoon, a refill, etc-- and w/ no trays-- makes for even more trips-- just not for us


regarding mealtimes & buffet & throwing food-- this doesnt seem like a good option either-- not sure how much time you have before your cruise & what your desire is--

throwing food was never acceptable for us during mealtime- warning was given..... food is for eating, not for throwing, noodles go in Garrett's mouth not on floor, etc Also early on when this started to become an issue-- we limited the amount of food placed in front of DS--


...Don't count Grandma out too quickly you might find that DD loves spending time w/ her & she will be a ton of help plus also get the wonderful experience of hanging out w/ Gma a little since it sounds like she doesnt get to very often


The Kooper's sunshade is pretty great for a psuedo-umbrella stroller, although it doesn't cover her to her toes. I may get one of those snap-on sun shades (Protect-a-bub?) because her legs will not be covered all the time by the shade.


You make a lot of sense about meals. I am struggling with this right now at home, and so I guess I'm thinking of it being magnified on a cruise around lots of people. She just doesn't seem to get it, and often saying something to her makes her throw more food. I tend to just end her meal, or distract her and then feed her myself if I know she is hungry. I hear lots of mamas saying they simply tell their toddler something, and the toddler understands and complies. While I am pretty sure mine *understands*, she doesn't usually comply, LOL. Maybe she is too young yet for this level of reason and logic, or maybe I just have First-Time-Parent-itis. :o I don't know. She doesn't eat much, so I try to keep meals light and fun. Thank you for the insights, though. I need to work on meals for sure, before October comes. Maybe we can make some progress. A lot can change in two months!


We are definitely not counting Grammy out, just a bit apprehensive about how it will go. We will start small. My mom is much more old school about parenting, and never breastfed, so she doesn't really get what we are trying to do. And so, if she can't do things generally our way, she will be there for playing and daytime stuff. I don't want to sounds harsh, but there it is. That said, I do hope for some strange miracle. :rolleyes: :)


Hi there,

Plan your days on port to be easy and relaxing, go to a nice beach and let DD just play around with the sand and water and run around. Go early in the morning and try to be back on the ship for her nap. Our son sleeps from about 1 to 3, so we went out early, came back to the ship at 12-1, fed him some quick lunch, and he napped in our stateroom.


...we hardly went to shows and night entertainment, but that's a price to pay for travelling with small children. You may be lucky and have your mother to take care of her after she falls asleep so you can go out.

Good luck.


Thanks! I've been debating the shore days a LOT. As in, return to the ship, which is the safest thing to do, or stay ashore and try to get her to nap in her stroller as we walk around, or nap on the beach in something like a Pea Pod.


After his nap, did you stay on the ship, or go back out?


We will probably have to skip the shows at night, also. The thing about nights for us is that DD expects to nurse back to sleep when she wakes up, which is fine with me (for now). If she woke up and got Grammy, I think you'd hear her on the Lido deck. :o I want to make a few changes in her sleep, if she will gently (and as tear-free as possible) go along with the plan. I should probably get started now!! ;)


1. a joovy kooper is prob perfect. our city mini is about the same size.


Thanks! I really want to bring it. I've heard mixed thoughts about bringing strollers, so I think it's just something to get used to, just like traveling with a toddler ANYWHERE involved taking more time, going slower, doing less, etc.

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Good luck! Honestly, your cruise does not sound as if it will much of a vacation for you. I know my kids did not travel well when they were young, and I found it very stressful. If your daughter is still waking up to nurse at night, I don't know how you are holding it together. That must be exhausting. I think I would not have had a good attachment with any of my children if I was tired all the time. Remember the 7th step in AP is "Strive for Balance in Personal and Family Life"! Please do not take this as a criticism, but you sound as if you need a break. Let your mom help! Your DD may surprise you.


I used to find feeding them before we went out often helped them hold it together during a meal. I would just have a special toy container that only came out in restaurants, along with some snacks.


Well, I know it sounds like work. But the silver lining is that there is no cooking for me to do, no cleaning, no laundry, and really nice scenery! :D


YES. I do need a break. DH and I are struggling, as far as our relationship goes, his work, etc. (Hence the vacation.) I haven't managed that 7th step very well yet, but I am looking to improve, and yet to do this as gently as possible for my daughter. Sometimes it's easier use the usual, familiar, tear-free methods rather than to try to change, which is often a period of sever upheaval. But I am getting tired, and so a little upheaval will probably happen, slowly, before October.


This cruise is for my DH's 40th birthday, so I really want to have fun!

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You make a lot of sense about meals. I am struggling with this right now at home, and so I guess I'm thinking of it being magnified on a cruise around lots of people. She just doesn't seem to get it, and often saying something to her makes her throw more food. I tend to just end her meal, or distract her and then feed her myself if I know she is hungry. I hear lots of mamas saying they simply tell their toddler something, and the toddler understands and complies. While I am pretty sure mine *understands*, she doesn't usually comply, LOL. Maybe she is too young yet for this level of reason and logic, or maybe I just have First-Time-Parent-itis. :o I don't know. She doesn't eat much, so I try to keep meals light and fun. Thank you for the insights, though. I need to work on meals for sure, before October comes. Maybe we can make some progress. A lot can change in two months!


We are definitely not counting Grammy out, just a bit apprehensive about how it will go. We will start small. My mom is much more old school about parenting, and never breastfed, so she doesn't really get what we are trying to do. And so, if she can't do things generally our way, she will be there for playing and daytime stuff. I don't want to sounds harsh, but there it is. That said, I do hope for some strange miracle. :rolleyes: :)



Are you still breastfeeding your wee one for most of her nutrition? I only ask as my son was totally disinterested in eating until we started weaning at 14 months. He loved to nurse (woke me up every 2 - 3 hours for 14 months) but he wouldn't look at food. We ended up stopping cold turkey (long story) and it was only then that food made sense to him. I'm certainly not advocating stopping nursing entirely, but if you are trying to increase her interest in table food, cutting back her nursing sessions may help that. I have to admit that as much as I loved bf, it was such a relief not to be woken up so often so he could eat!!


I know how tempting it is to not want to rock the boat with a child - you've mentioned trying to keep things "tear free" as much as possible. But push those boundaries! She's trying to push yours... she's got you doing everything her way, and that's not good for YOU as a parent. It's that 7th step... it's a really hard one!


My daughter is 15 months old right now, and when she gets told "no" ("no, don't pull the cat's tail, no, don't climb up on the table, etc"), her lip quivers and she shouts and cries.... then goes and finds something else to do. When it's bedtime, she knows. When it's time to sit and eat her dinner, she knows. If she hits the spoon and sends yogurt flying, she gets told no, we don't throw our food. When she eats nicely, lots of good praise. We are taking her on a cruise in November (she'll be 18 months) and I don't have any worries about how we'll deal with her. We will be eating in the MDR, and going to shows, and staying up late. Our family will certainly take care of her needs, but not everything rotates on her schedule.


Thanks! I've been debating the shore days a LOT. As in, return to the ship, which is the safest thing to do, or stay ashore and try to get her to nap in her stroller as we walk around, or nap on the beach in something like a Pea Pod. ... After his nap, did you stay on the ship, or go back out?


Nope - stay out. Teach her (now) to nap in her stroller. Go out on some walks with her at naptimes, and encourage her to sleep while she's on the move.


We will probably have to skip the shows at night, also. The thing about nights for us is that DD expects to nurse back to sleep when she wakes up, which is fine with me (for now). If she woke up and got Grammy, I think you'd hear her on the Lido deck. :o I want to make a few changes in her sleep, if she will gently (and as tear-free as possible) go along with the plan. I should probably get started now!!


This is a good idea - work on some changes now. Will she take a bottle of expressed milk? You could maybe try this now (get your husband to give it to her... she might not accept it from you if she thinks she can get it from the source, you know?) so your mom could offer it to her if she wakes up and you are out of the cabin.


This is a tough age, and you definately need a break, and some time to be with your husband as a couple. Your daughter will have a great time too! Just try some changes to add some flexibility to her schedule and I think travel will be much easier.


Hang in there, and have a FANTASTIC vacation!

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Well, I know it sounds like work. But the silver lining is that there is no cooking for me to do, no cleaning, no laundry, and really nice scenery! :D


YES. I do need a break. DH and I are struggling, as far as our relationship goes, his work, etc. (Hence the vacation.) I haven't managed that 7th step very well yet, but I am looking to improve, and yet to do this as gently as possible for my daughter. Sometimes it's easier use the usual, familiar, tear-free methods rather than to try to change, which is often a period of sever upheaval. But I am getting tired, and so a little upheaval will probably happen, slowly, before October.


This cruise is for my DH's 40th birthday, so I really want to have fun!


I'm sure you will have a great time. You are quite busy at home but you are correct with at least getting a break w/ the cooked meals, no clean up, and splurge for the laundry so you take home all clean clothes at the conclusion of your trip if you can.


We are cruising for my 40th Birthday too :D. My friends all thought I was nuts for vacationing so much with our kids when they were little and heard quite a bit regarding the "your still nursing". We each make our own choices and you can only do what feels right for you and move forward & not second guess your choices. I by no means intended to speak negatively of parenting style (so hope none was taken). I had to laugh when typing about the childcare options-- we never left our 1st born with anyone for soooo long and limited "choice" family members til he was 4 or 5yrs. After the twins I remember thinking I would be ok leaving them with anyone who was crazy enough to offer:D-- (not really but kind of).


Give DD a chance with the listening skills & comprehension. our kids were 8m when we started the no food throwing policy and then again were in the early part of their 1st year when it sprung up again. Their tiny little brains are amazing and they really do understand and are capable of alot. I would not stress about what you will do on the cruise & changing anything before then-- seems like it would be more stressful building up to the cruise instead of being excited about it-- if it is something you want to work on improving or changing for your home life then it's completely worth whatever effort you put into it for both sleeping habits, meal times, etc. (and me I am not even listening to the advice I am giving to you...... trying to potty train the little ones this past weekend before the cruise or else they can't go to Club HAL-- but they are almost 3 and so many of their friends are already potty trained- so I thought-- give it a reasonable try for the next few weeks-- and then at least I gave it an effort-- I think they will have a blast going here & there to Club HAL--- but if not they will have just as much fun with us just like the last 8 cruises we have done without kids club)


I look back to some of my parenting choices & wonder am I choosing differently due to improved parent skills w/ 2nd & 3rd kid or from exhaustion;)-- the scale probably tips to skill but exhaustion definitely factors in here & there


we have no regrets w/ sleep training the twins though and I do wish I could go back in time a bit with the singleton-- I don't think we did him any favors as parents with are sleeping patterns & nursing to sleep & back to sleep, etc. I don't think there was a day in his life that he went into his crib awake......-- but again personal choice & don't fault anyone for the choices they make-- he just had no idea how to fall asleep on his own and could not wake up & put himself back to sleep and with the twins they can be fully awake when put in their bed & will fall asleep within minutes- same as with waking up in the middle of the night sometimes I even hear them talking to each other at 4am for a couple of seconds "sun is not out" can't get out of bed (another rule....... our house is full of rules:eek: but I swear we have happy loved little children:D) and sure enough within minutes they have fallen back to sleep


we have had a few good threads on our twins board about food throwing and lots of advice & opinions posted-- let me know if you want me to search the posts & cut & paste some of them for you in an email


Have a great & well earned cruise

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After his nap, did you stay on the ship, or go back out?


We will probably have to skip the shows at night, also. The thing about nights for us is that DD expects to nurse back to sleep when she wakes up, which is fine with me (for now). If she woke up and got Grammy, I think you'd hear her on the Lido deck. :o I want to make a few changes in her sleep, if she will gently (and as tear-free as possible) go along with the plan. I should probably get started now!! ;)


Thanks! I really want to bring it. I've heard mixed thoughts about bringing strollers, so I think it's just something to get used to, just like traveling with a toddler ANYWHERE involved taking more time, going slower, doing less, etc.


Honestly with a singleton at your DD's age-- we did whatever shore excursions we wanted to that DS was allowed on-- the DS had a great time. Now w/ three-- yes we mostly plan the excursions around the kids for now or we split up and one of us does an adult only exucrsion & the other stays w/ the kids.


on occasion we would go back to the ship for nap & then head out to shore again-- just depended on how long we were in port and what we wanted to do-- mostly we stayed on shore & kids napped on the go--upcoming cruise we have been to all the ports and have a few things planned here & there-- but for the most part- no agenda planned-- just playing on the beach, glassbottom boats to see fish, maybe an all inclusive hotel day w/ a fun kids water park-- or may not even get off the ship on some ports

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Thanks! I've been debating the shore days a LOT. As in, return to the ship, which is the safest thing to do, or stay ashore and try to get her to nap in her stroller as we walk around, or nap on the beach in something like a Pea Pod.


After his nap, did you stay on the ship, or go back out?


Unfortunately if he woke up at 3 and the ship was leaving at 4 or 5, it didn't leave us much time to go back out, so we didn't. But in Bermuda for example that we stayed overnight, we went out in the evening as well, back on the ship about 8 to grab something to eat (no MDR this night) and put DS to sleep.

I also wanted to say about throwing food.. that's a stage most toddlers go through I guess, even my "good boy" son went through it for quite a while. It was really one of the few things that I found myself losing my patience with him, something about food being wasted and a bit about me having to mop the floor at 8 at night! :mad::) But you just have to wait for it to pass, and trust me IT WILL. As another poster said I also restricted the amount of food I put in his tray, I gave him a few pieces and after he ate them all I would put more. Another thing I did was, after telling him not to throw food, I would remove his tray. You say NO a few times, if she throws food again you remove the food and dinner is over. After a few evenings of this you say NO once, and next time she throws food dinner is over. At the beginning after removing his tray I would wait a minute and give it back just in case he was still hungry, but after a few times the tray didn't come back, if he threw out food, dinner was over, period.

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Even if you don't plan on using the babysitting services, keep in mind that Camp Carnival offers playtime for under-two's (accompanied by their parents), so you can go and play with the toys and have a big space to run around.


Thanks! This is really good to know. I haven't read any of the CC stuff because she's too young for it anyway, but DH and I will totally take her there if we can stay and play with her. :)


Are you still breastfeeding your wee one for most of her nutrition?


My daughter is 15 months old right now, and when she gets told "no" ("no, don't pull the cat's tail, no, don't climb up on the table, etc"), her lip quivers and she shouts and cries.... then goes and finds something else to do.


...Will she take a bottle of expressed milk? You could maybe try this now (get your husband to give it to her... she might not accept it from you if she thinks she can get it from the source, you know?) so your mom could offer it to her if she wakes up and you are out of the cabin.


Yes, most of her nutrition is breast milk. I don't hold back on solids, though. She's just not into it yet. I am debating trying some gentle night weaning. It's so tough (on me) to decide these things. Whether I am doing it because I am just tired, or whether it's the right thing to do. Like, if I got more breaks now and then, I could keep going with what I'm doing. I don't know.


When she is told no or "no touch", etc, she usually cries really hard. Except for food throwing (and spoon throwing), when she will just look at us and not really get it or not seem to care either way. :confused:


She absolutely will *not* take expressed milk. The only thing she will drink is water out of a sippy/trainer cup or a straw. I tried so many combos of bottles, cups, straws, mixed in oatmeal, given to her by DH, and by me...NOTHING worked to get breast milk in her! She is a straight-from-the-tap girl. :p


DH's nighttime comfort (which can work at rare times, and usually after quite a fuss) is holding her, swaying to music, etc.


My friends all thought I was nuts for vacationing so much with our kids when they were little and heard quite a bit regarding the "your still nursing".


...sometimes I even hear them talking to each other at 4am for a couple of seconds "sun is not out" can't get out of bed ...


Oh, I hear ya on the "still" nursing comments. Sigh. No way around those, I'm afraid. I tend to ignore them and redirect/distract to another topic. I also don't bring up BFing at all with anyone who might give me flack for it.


We also don't want to wait until she's older to vacation. I know it will be a certain amount of work. But the experience is part of the fun to us. I mean, I'm tired at home already, why not be tired in the Caribbean? :D


"sun is not out"... :p I love that! That is too cute. You heard one of your twins whisper that to the other? Love it.

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She absolutely will *not* take expressed milk. The only thing she will drink is water out of a sippy/trainer cup or a straw. I tried so many combos of bottles, cups, straws, mixed in oatmeal, given to her by DH, and by me...NOTHING worked to get breast milk in her! She is a straight-from-the-tap girl. :p


I had one like this!! Frustrating, isn't it!? My son was breastfed for 14 months exclusively, and at that point would not touch anything other than "from the tap". But my husband and I had to go away for a week, leaving him with my mother, and by the end of the first day she had him drinking out of straw. I had no idea how she did it... he'd never do it for me! He went straight onto whole cows milk and his appetite for table food increased exponentially that month.





Yes, most of her nutrition is breast milk. I don't hold back on solids, though. She's just not into it yet. I am debating trying some gentle night weaning. It's so tough (on me) to decide these things. Whether I am doing it because I am just tired, or whether it's the right thing to do. Like, if I got more breaks now and then, I could keep going with what I'm doing. I don't know.


Oh, I hear ya on the "still" nursing comments. Sigh. No way around those, I'm afraid. I tend to ignore them and redirect/distract to another topic. I also don't bring up BFing at all with anyone who might give me flack for it.


Please don't think I'm trying to talk you out of BF'ing - you are doing a fantastic job! It's hard to keep it up when you have lots of opposition (I got this too... you'd think I was breaskfeeding a `14 year old, not a 14 month old!) But keep in mind that she's over a year old, and her curiosity for foods and new experiences will be huge... I'm not a doctor, and I know the WHO encourages BFing until the age of 2, but I don't think there's anything wrong with letting a child eat regular food and let milk become more of a supplement rather than the main nutrition. Most babies have teeth at that age, let them use them :) New foods can be so much fun.


I remember at the time, thinking that I should keep going, that it's best for my baby and I shouldn't listen to all the naysayers that said I should have put him on formula months before, and maybe that kept me from trying foods more. I needed to know I was doing a good job. Lots of my friends were breastfeeding and doing fine, but the differences were that their babies all slept through the night and mine didn't. Theirs would be comforted in other ways... mine wouldn't. In the end, we adapted and found ways of keeping us both happy and healthy... I was exhausted after a year+ of no sleep, and I was so joyous when he started sleeping better! (which he did after adding more foods to his diet... this might not work for every baby, but it did help for us)




We also don't want to wait until she's older to vacation. I know it will be a certain amount of work. But the experience is part of the fun to us. I mean, I'm tired at home already, why not be tired in the Caribbean? :D


You sound so much like me, it's uncanny. I so want you to have a good vacation! Take your little family and have a fabulous time :)

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  • 1 month later...
You sound so much like me, it's uncanny. I so want you to have a good vacation! Take your little family and have a fabulous time :)


Thanks! :D We leave this weekend, and I am excited and nervous! I have been packing for a week. :p Now I need to spend the next few days taking things OUT of the suitcases to leave at home. I am obsessing over every little thing. (sand toys, car seat, life jacket, pack n play, bringing DD some of favorite foods along that the ship might not have...toddlers sure do require a LOT of luggage!) :D


I just wanted to say a big thank you to you for wanting us to have a good vacation! I have been reading a lot of posts on here and it seems like whenever a mama asks ANYTHING she gets the "BTW you know your baby can't go in the ship's pool, RIGHT?!?" response. :(


I'm hoping the "nap challenge" won't be too much of an issue since DD will be seeing so many new things and exploring, walking, climbing, playing---hopefully she tires herself out and sleeps like a little Caribbean log. Our goal is to have a laid back, fabulous vacation!!!

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