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I am so mad!!


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That does stink :( Honestly, I would just tell the teachers and get the work they need for that week and go anyway. I did that with my kids, I go when it's the best price, they did all their work on the drive to Galveston and the school and teachers were all very cool about it. We live in Colorado though and I know your in a diff state. Go anyway

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Good luck with whatever you decide. That's a tough situation. We always book WAY in advance for our spring vacations, but I always sweat it until they distribute the calendars in late August/early September. I lucked out this year - not only did I book the right week (I had checked the Oregon Board of Education website for the week), but due to budget cuts they had cut a couple of days before spring break week - the very days that we were going to fly in early.


We've taken our kids out of school for vacation before. This past March we took them to Cancun a couple of weeks before spring break because that's when we could get the free flights. Son was in 8th grade, daughter was in 4th grade. No problems from the teachers or getting the homework done. In fact, all of the teachers were very excited for us and encouraged us to take them.

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Back in May, I called the school to find out when Spring break was. After many phone calls, I was told the calender had March 25 to April 3. Well we book along with another couple and their kids and my parents on the Valor. (the other parent also check her schools calender, same county)

Well, the schools calender are posted on their web sites with school starting. They have moved it up a week :eek:, it is now March 18 to March 27.

The rooms we have are not available on the earlier sailing, not to mention a $50.00 per person to switch for 11 people.

I would like to say a few choice words to the Superintendent's office, but it would not do me any good. The whole point in booking that week was to NOT take any kids out of school. My 16 year old daughter in in dual enrollment with the Jr. College and can fail if she misses 5 days.. I have already called the College to see what can be worked out, but not sure yet.. I am also checking into the Glory.. I so hope this works out ....


P.S. I would have loved to book the March 20 sailing in the first place, with my Birthday March 22..


This is why it is not wise to use ES bookings. If you had a regular booking you could change without penalty. Good luck but depending on the college it could be a disaster to miss those days.

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That does stink :( Honestly, I would just tell the teachers and get the work they need for that week and go anyway. I did that with my kids, I go when it's the best price, they did all their work on the drive to Galveston and the school and teachers were all very cool about it. We live in Colorado though and I know your in a diff state. Go anyway


That's far easier to say and do when kids are in elementary/middle school. The OP's daughter is doing a joint program with the Jr. College though...and in most cases college professors are less than sympathetic to these situations.

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Living in the south we've learned NOT to book vacations during Spring Break week because if we exceed the 'built in' snow days that they allow, they start taking days away from Spring Break, therefore there have been times when SB was only 3 days and not a full week!

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If my school district were so incredibly strict on absences that I couldn't decide when it was okay to take my kid of out of school for a family vacation, then my kid would mysteriously contract an ailment that lasted exactly a week. I would then take her to the doctor after we return home for a doctor's note.

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If my school district were so incredibly strict on absences that I couldn't decide when it was okay to take my kid of out of school for a family vacation, then my kid would mysteriously contract an ailment that lasted exactly a week. I would then take her to the doctor after we return home for a doctor's note.


And you don't think coming back to school with a healthy tan would raise suspicions?


And a doctor would willingly provide false documentation?


Not to mention that you teach your children that the rules don't apply to you.


Bad idea all around.

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I don't have kids in school (thank god), nor am I a teacher anymore. I got so fed up with junk like this, I quit. Anyway, the schools are so tied in to testing & attendance that they are no longer allowed to be flexible. (I'm also not putting it past a few bad apples who took advantage of this flexibility.) If more rational minds were allowed to be in charge, I don't think there would be a problem with taking kids out of school for a cruise because someone in the head office was giving parents bad advice on when Spring Break was. You can make a cruise "educational" as well as "fun" (the 2 are not mutually exclusive :eek: ). Set aside homework time to make sure all the homework gets done, work on the extra credit essays, pictures, Show & Tell & everyone's happy. But today? Nope, can't do it.


However, if your daughter has college classes tied in to her regular schoolwork, I say you're going to have to cough up the $50/pp to reschedule. The kids in my local AP program get 4 yrs tuition at the local state university *IF* they take a full AP course load for 4 years AND pass with at least a high B. Not sure if your daughter can get the same benefit, but that's a heavy chunk of change to ignore.


I still can't get over the fact that family issues are not "excused" absences. :eek: It's not like the kids are playing hooky!

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If my school district were so incredibly strict on absences that I couldn't decide when it was okay to take my kid of out of school for a family vacation, then my kid would mysteriously contract an ailment that lasted exactly a week. I would then take her to the doctor after we return home for a doctor's note.


That is fine but schools are getting to the point that even physician's notes are not accepted after the fact.


In addition the OP has a student who is in a joint program with a college. At that level it is either up to the individual faculty member or the school has very specific attendance polices that don't care why you miss, if you exceed the number of absences, you fail, no matter why you miss.

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I still can't get over the fact that family issues are not "excused" absences. :eek: It's not like the kids are playing hooky!


I think a lot of it has to do with the idea that kids get a substantial amount of vacation time over the summer, as well as planned breaks throughout the year. That's when these family vacations should be planned.


Its no different that when they get into the real working world. Imagine if your boss said "No, I'm sorry...you can't have the week you would like to take off; you'll have to choose a different time" and you decided you didn't care what the 'rules' were, you were taking off anyway. Would you expect to have a job when you returned? No...so why should it be any different for school, which is a child's "work"?

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Its no different that when they get into the real working world. Imagine if your boss said "No, I'm sorry...you can't have the week you would like to take off; you'll have to choose a different time" and you decided you didn't care what the 'rules' were, you were taking off anyway. Would you expect to have a job when you returned?


That depends on how valuable you are to the firm, and how unique your skill set is. :D ;)

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I still can't get over the fact that family issues are not "excused" absences. :eek: It's not like the kids are playing hooky!


Umm.... yes, that's exactly what it's like - playing hooky is being truant, staying out of school without permission. If family issues are not excused absences, then the kids are playing hooky. (You can look it up; I did.)


As I have no kids, I have no horse in this race.... but you can tell this is a site full of cruise fanatics as all the talk is not about the importance of education :) but about how to get the kids out of school so that the grown-ups can take vacation..... :rolleyes:


Happy trails to all!

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As I have no kids, I have no horse in this race.... but you can tell this is a site full of cruise fanatics as all the talk is not about the importance of education :) but about how to get the kids out of school so that the grown-ups can take vacation..... :rolleyes:




As if American public education is worth a bucket of warm spit anyway...

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My child's grandmother would die again because they do not have a problem with you taking a week off to go see dead grandma, but don't expect to have a week on a cruise with live grandma.


And any school that would dare fail my passing student because of missed days would find themselves sitting in court. What is being taught here. Show up everyday, but be failing and pass or miss a few days and be passing, but fail? Are they being graded on attendance or preformance?

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I think a lot of it has to do with the idea that kids get a substantial amount of vacation time over the summer, as well as planned breaks throughout the year. That's when these family vacations should be planned.


Its no different that when they get into the real working world. Imagine if your boss said "No, I'm sorry...you can't have the week you would like to take off; you'll have to choose a different time" and you decided you didn't care what the 'rules' were, you were taking off anyway. Would you expect to have a job when you returned? No...so why should it be any different for school, which is a child's "work"?


Unfortunately, some here WOULD expect to have their job.

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My child's grandmother would die again because they do not have a problem with you taking a week off to go see dead grandma, but don't expect to have a week on a cruise with live grandma.


And any school that would dare fail my passing student because of missed days would find themselves sitting in court. What is being taught here. Show up everyday, but be failing and pass or miss a few days and be passing, but fail? Are they being graded on attendance or preformance?




I don't think blame for this should all be placed on the schools. A lot of the changes in attendance have to do with the No Child Left Behind Act.


There are attendance benchmarks that must be met, I believe, in order to qualify for state and federal funding as a result of the Act.


Again, its not like schools are in session 52 weeks out of the year. Most school districts provide for 10-12 weeks of 'vacation' time for families to plan their trips and activities...more than sufficient for annual vacations. They shouldn't be made out to be the enemy because a family chooses a time outside those break periods already schedules.


Families who truly believe they should be allowed to vacation whenever they want with no consequence whatsoever DO have a choice in the matter. Its called home-schooling, where the parents set the calendar.

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Back in May, I called the school to find out when Spring break was. After many phone calls, I was told the calender had March 25 to April 3. Well we book along with another couple and their kids and my parents on the Valor. (the other parent also check her schools calender, same county)

Well, the schools calender are posted on their web sites with school starting. They have moved it up a week :eek:, it is now March 18 to March 27.

The rooms we have are not available on the earlier sailing, not to mention a $50.00 per person to switch for 11 people.

I would like to say a few choice words to the Superintendent's office, but it would not do me any good. The whole point in booking that week was to NOT take any kids out of school. My 16 year old daughter in in dual enrollment with the Jr. College and can fail if she misses 5 days.. I have already called the College to see what can be worked out, but not sure yet.. I am also checking into the Glory.. I so hope this works out ....


P.S. I would have loved to book the March 20 sailing in the first place, with my Birthday March 22..

My 2 cents - the school board screwed up and therefore should not penalize your family in any way. If your daughter is off school the week before the cruise for spring break that gives her a full week to get caught up on everything she is going to miss. I am sure because she is going on a cruise she will cooperate and meet with teachers etc to ensure she gets all of her lessons and gets them all done.

Bottom line - family vacations are something you will never regret. Missing one week of school is not going to change your kids academic future. The school cannot hold you responsible for their error.

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My whole complaint is that the original week was posted on the Internet for the Danville Dist#118 and our Superintendent office told me from the school calendar on her desk. Two families verified this before we booked. The reason I booked during this week was to NOT take her from any classes and miss school. Early saver or not, you can not publish a school calendar without it being correct. Very poor on Vermilion County Illinois, I was also told the change would have been made to accommodate the Jr. College, their calendar was published a year in advance. So why the screw up?


The my daughter has talked to the Jr. College teacher today and she is fine with her missing class. Now I have to talk to the school. I do want it all in writing that this will be approved as "excused".


I looked at switching to the Glory, I would love to, but it would cost just over $200.00 a family x 3 to change. If someone has money to throw away, I'll give you my address.. lol I have already lost about $50.00 a person as the cruise on the previous week was less, so to throw another $50.00 a person away is just too much. My PVP is going to keep an eye too see if the price goes down any to offset some of the cost. I would be willing to pay a small difference, If only the school district had their "stuff" correct. I can't believe we are the only families they have messed up.


An yes, the school give you summer vacation time. This was planned during what was to be a vacation time in the spring, this is their screw up, not mine... I wanted warm weather vacation during a cold time!

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My whole complaint is that the original week was posted on the Internet for the Danville Dist#118 and our Superintendent office told me from the school calendar on her desk. Two families verified this before we booked. The reason I booked during this week was to NOT take her from any classes and miss school. Early saver or not, you can not publish a school calendar without it being correct. Very poor on Vermilion County Illinois, I was also told the change would have been made to accommodate the Jr. College, their calendar was published a year in advance. So why the screw up?


The my daughter has talked to the Jr. College teacher today and she is fine with her missing class. Now I have to talk to the school. I do want it all in writing that this will be approved as "excused".


I looked at switching to the Glory, I would love to, but it would cost just over $200.00 a family x 3 to change. If someone has money to throw away, I'll give you my address.. lol I have already lost about $50.00 a person as the cruise on the previous week was less, so to throw another $50.00 a person away is just too much. My PVP is going to keep an eye too see if the price goes down any to offset some of the cost. I would be willing to pay a small difference, If only the school district had their "stuff" correct. I can't believe we are the only families they have messed up.


An yes, the school give you summer vacation time. This was planned during what was to be a vacation time in the spring, this is their screw up, not mine... I wanted warm weather vacation during a cold time!


My experience has ALWAYS been that a school calendar is subject to change...at any time. I don't think there's ever been a school year where adjustments were not made.


I truly think its unrealistic to expect a school district to completely stick to a calendar a year in advance.


I hope that you are able to work things out...I really am.

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The calender was verified in May end of the school year 2010, when I booked the cruise, it was altered in August 2010 by a whole week difference. This was not something that I book year in advanced with a calendar that was "Subject to change". A normal change in the school schedule is due to snow days, not because someone is not paying attention to details, details that they compare to ever year.. No they screwed up and I have to pay the price. Educators are not prefect I know, but this is not just a small paper error. This was a big stupid mistake on their part.


Another parent verified the start date of school, they lied to her too.. Her daughter was scheduled to work at the Illinois State fair and had to cancel, losing volunteer time.. No, the school district just is, do I really need to say it.>>>

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The my daughter has talked to the Jr. College teacher today and she is fine with her missing class. Now I have to talk to the school. I do want it all in writing that this will be approved as "excused".

this would be the bigger hurdle....the high school is the least of her worries, as home schooling the rest of the year is an option. She seems like a real go-getter and can handle this if she is dual-enrolled! Then, the Martha Betterthanyou's cant throw daggers about rules and education blah blah blah :p.....A good student will pass her SAT'S and and any other tests to return to the almighty public school in the fall. If the cruise is that important, ( and mine was ) this is an option....Happy cruising and congrats on the dual enrollment! ;)

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I am sure you are not the only parents this has happened too. The schools should work with you, and I would call the superintentent and tell what you have told us and see if he has any consideration and can assit with your issues.


I am totally against taking children out of school anytime for vacations. Sorry grandma, your second grade grandson has all summer and should not be taken out of class in my opinion.


I am older and we did not have Spring breaks. All schools started at the same time and ended at the same times. Had holidays and vacations at the same time. I think it was so much better.


Thank the teachers unions for all of these changes and all schools not off at the same time. I am not against teachers, but alot of the changes going to far by their unions.


I really hope it all works out for you. If it does not I would never plan anything on a Spring break. Enjoy yourselves and God bless!:)

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Yes, I hope it works out too. The added expense is just not in the budget for this for two of the family's.

Home school is not an option, I pay taxes to support my child school district. They will be taking care of her schooling. I work full time and would not even begin to want to try and home school a high school child. Plus my daughter is in sports and that would not work.


I am just upset about the whole issue.

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