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Elliptical machines on the Emerald


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Does anyone happen to know what brand the elliptical machines are on the Emerald?

And, are they often in use or do you not have to wait to use them?


They ARE Precor and depending on the cruise (Caribeean tough) you can usually get one~~Most people seem to opt for the treadmills and there are only a couple of stationary bikes~~Best to get there real early or real late

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I found on the Emerald that I could never get an elliptical. Folks were on them for 30 - 45 minutes at a time. Treadmills (many more of them) opened up much faster but it seemed the hard core exercise folks were on ellipticals.

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I found on the Emerald that I could never get an elliptical. Folks were on them for 30 - 45 minutes at a time. Treadmills (many more of them) opened up much faster but it seemed the hard core exercise folks were on ellipticals.



I can't even imagine getting on an elliptical for less than 45 minutes. That is quite average--if not a bit on the low side. If there is no one waiting, I will go for 60 minutes, but if not, I will end early at 45 minutes.


Very typical....

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I can't even imagine getting on an elliptical for less than 45 minutes. That is quite average--if not a bit on the low side. If there is no one waiting, I will go for 60 minutes, but if not, I will end early at 45 minutes.


Very typical....

I use treadmills & they have a notice about limiting the time to 20 minutes. I go in off times so it's not crowded & can do an hour unless there is someone waiting. There are many more treadmills & unfortunately so few bikes (unless you pay for a spin class) & elipticals...do they also have the 20 minute notice?

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I use treadmills & they have a notice about limiting the time to 20 minutes. I go in off times so it's not crowded & can do an hour unless there is someone waiting. There are many more treadmills & unfortunately so few bikes (unless you pay for a spin class) & elipticals...do they also have the 20 minute notice?



Interesting...I never saw a "20 minute" notice. I would remember because I think that is slightly silly. Most experts in the field state you need at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise.....but I will watch out for them.


I'm not an exercise equipment hog....if there is a 20 minute rule, then I will jump off and jump on a treadmill or continue with a run. I don't think I would exercise for only 20 minutes though....feels like a whole lot of thought/work put into it for just 20 minutes. I've been exercising religiously for nearly 20 years now though...I don't love it and I'm not addicted to it--it's just something I believe I need to do that (I'm convinced) will affect the last 15-20 years of my life. I bought into that concept YEARS ago....sure hope I don't get hit by a Mack Truck in the meantime....I will be very irritated!


Now, if I can just be as diligent about my eating habits....I'm a "work in progress."



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,,,,I think it depends at what fitness level one is in, and at what intensity level..etc...that determines how long one exercises.

For me, I can get a good workout in 30 minutes at my age!



Actually, I don't believe age plays into it. I am pretty sure of that fact when I see 70 and 80 year olds fly by me at half marathons. Mind you, these seniors have been running for YEARS, but still. I love it though...because I want that to be me.


So I don't think it is age....it most definitely is fitness level. But if you've been running or exercising all your adult life, 20 minutes on an elliptical isn't going to cut it for you...almost works against you (if you've been an avid exerciser all your life).


That's why someone VERY overweight merely has to walk to burn the same amount of calories that their lighter, fitter counterpart would have to run to burn half the amount--just not fair, but it is what it is....


Keep up the great work, regardless of your fitness level and it's never too late to start!!!!!



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Interesting...I never saw a "20 minute" notice. I would remember because I think that is slightly silly. Most experts in the field state you need at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise.....but I will watch out for them.


I'm not an exercise equipment hog....if there is a 20 minute rule, then I will jump off and jump on a treadmill or continue with a run. I don't think I would exercise for only 20 minutes though....feels like a whole lot of thought/work put into it for just 20 minutes. I've been exercising religiously for nearly 20 years now though...I don't love it and I'm not addicted to it--it's just something I believe I need to do that (I'm convinced) will affect the last 15-20 years of my life. I bought into that concept YEARS ago....sure hope I don't get hit by a Mack Truck in the meantime....I will be very irritated!


Now, if I can just be as diligent about my eating habits....I'm a "work in progress."



You're obviously considerate of others & hope you'll find a time to get in a complete workout. We go about 5:00pm before late traditional dining & it's never a problem.


Our tablemates on our last cruise had a problem with someone for the bikes, even though they limited it to 20 minutes when crowded they had some pushy types expecting them to get off sooner. But that sort of a problem is definitely in the minority & as long as everyone is considerate, it shouldn't be an issue.


I'm guessing they came up with 20 minutes to get 3 per hour on the equipment during busy times...but agree it's really not enough time.


I think that exercise is a quality of life issue that can only benefit me for the time we have to live. Some claim I'm burning up my heartbeats but they've proven that the lower heart rate during the remainder of the day actually means less beats by exercising.


And without exercising onboard, my weight gain would be much more than 2-3 pounds even after a month long cruise.

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I am an ortho nurse and one of my favorite surgeons says quite often, 'the runners of today are my total knees of the future!'...he makes me laugh, but there may be some truth to it.

That's why I prefer a bike or a brisk walk which has worked so far...

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I am an ortho nurse and one of my favorite surgeons says quite often, 'the runners of today are my total knees of the future!'...he makes me laugh, but there may be some truth to it.


I saw a really good documentary about baby boomers in general. It also addressed all of our knee, hip, and whatever else we could replace. They say baby boomers just don't know when to stop and as soon as they get a new knee (or whatever), they are right back at whatever it was that they temporarily had to stop.


I can only speak from my general experience, but I tend to think the whole knee problem issue is more genetic than anything (that, and introducing something into your life overnight or being sporatic about it...like run once every 3 months). I say that because I've been running for more than 15 years now (used to cycle) and I typically carry about 15 extra lbs. on my frame. I have known so many 98 lb. weaklings that couldn't walk up a flight of stairs at work. I never take elevators, not even when I'm staying in hotels (unless there is a risk that I could get stuck)....but it's just something I've always done. My husband is used to it and takes the stairs with me. He is 62 and referees ice hockey, about 8 games a week.


I suppose time will tell....but what it does for me now (in my late 40's), is that there isn't anything that I can't do or won't try. I love that. And I don't know if I could say that if I hadn't been exercising religiously for the past 20 years. I have never run a full marathon (don't plan on it), but do enjoy the halfs....and I enjoy the elipticals and Precor 100i's (my favorite).


I have never had so much as a shin splint (?)....not sure why, but I feel very lucky. I think never quitting has probably helped more than anything. My best friend (she did run a full marathon and then never ran again) starts and stops all the time and hurts herself. I think I took the easy way out and just never quit. It is way too hard to make something a habit if you stop and start.


If I do need a new knee, hopefully I will be fortunate to have someone like yourself make me as good as new so I can get back out there and continue to do the things that I like to do.


I'm keeping my fingers crossed!



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That's why I prefer a bike or a brisk walk which has worked so far...


Yes, I know that was recommended to me....to walk, that is...but the elliptical is nice too, to change things..


Do you know if the Precor is similar to the Life Fitness brand of ellipticals? That is, if I am familiar with the Life Fitness, will I be able to figure out the Precors? Or, is there usually someone around to help me?

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I saw a really good documentary about baby boomers in general. It also addressed all of our knee, hip, and whatever else we could replace. They say baby boomers just don't know when to stop and as soon as they get a new knee (or whatever), they are right back at whatever it was that they temporarily had to stop.





I had to laugh at your story....you described my husband to a tee....He has had a total knee and was out mowing the lawn 4 weeks later?

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Kymbakitty said, 'I can only speak from my general experience, but I tend to think the whole knee problem issue is more genetic than anything (that, and introducing something into your life overnight or being sporatic about it...like run once every 3 months). '


Yes, it is genetic and lifestyle, too. Some have better genes when it comes to using the body and it sounds as though you know how to exercise properly.


What is it about the Precor that you like above other brands? Does Princess have the one you like best?

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Kymbakitty said, 'I can only speak from my general experience, but I tend to think the whole knee problem issue is more genetic than anything (that, and introducing something into your life overnight or being sporatic about it...like run once every 3 months). '


Yes, it is genetic and lifestyle, too. Some have better genes when it comes to using the body and it sounds as though you know how to exercise properly.


What is it about the Precor that you like above other brands? Does Princess have the one you like best?


A couple years ago, while on the road for business, I was taken to a nearby exercise facility by the hotel shuttle. It was there that I saw a Precor 100i. By far, this is the piece of equipment I would have if I could. I was able to find one for around $4k delivered ($7995 new), however, I did a little more checking and determined that the Precor 100i is designed to be used AT LEAST 90 minutes a day, 7 days a week. So, unless you have a couple of people that exercise in your household regularly, it is not a good fit for a home machine (there is no battery power....think alternator and battery).


I have a Nautilus NE 2000 which I've had for 7 years in my home and I use it when I don't run (only five days a week though....I take two days off).


Precor's are nice....but as long as the stride is nice (and fitting for me), I don't really care what brand it is....



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A couple years ago, while on the road for business, I was taken to a nearby exercise facility by the hotel shuttle. It was there that I saw a Precor 100i. By far, this is the piece of equipment I would have if I could. I was able to find one for around $4k delivered ($7995 new), however, I did a little more checking and determined that the Precor 100i is designed to be used AT LEAST 90 minutes a day, 7 days a week. So, unless you have a couple of people that exercise in your household regularly, it is not a good fit for a home machine (there is no battery power....think alternator and battery).


I have a Nautilus NE 2000 which I've had for 7 years in my home and I use it when I don't run (only five days a week though....I take two days off).


Precor's are nice....but as long as the stride is nice (and fitting for me), I don't really care what brand it is....





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I am an ortho nurse and one of my favorite surgeons says quite often, 'the runners of today are my total knees of the future!'...he makes me laugh, but there may be some truth to it.


I'm an O.R. nurse. As well as having had three total joint replacements and none because of exercising or lack of it. Exercise needs to be personalized. Bodies are all different. What will work for one person will not work for another. The important thing is to exercise both aerobic and resistance. And that orthopod was right about runners.

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Yes, I know that was recommended to me....to walk, that is...but the elliptical is nice too, to change things..


Do you know if the Precor is similar to the Life Fitness brand of ellipticals? That is, if I am familiar with the Life Fitness, will I be able to figure out the Precors? Or, is there usually someone around to help me?


Gingera - I'm sure you won't have any problem figuring out the Precor - it's a matter of mechanics to me. My husband had a total knee replacement so we shopped for an elliptical that was comfortable for him. We found the biggest difference between Precor & Life Fitness was the incline on the Precor. Neither of us liked that so we opted for the Life Fitness. I'm hoping I can adjust to the motion of the Precor on our 15 day cruise next year - I spend 45 minutes a day on my machine 5 days a week.

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Gingera - I'm sure you won't have any problem figuring out the Precor - it's a matter of mechanics to me. My husband had a total knee replacement so we shopped for an elliptical that was comfortable for him. We found the biggest difference between Precor & Life Fitness was the incline on the Precor. Neither of us liked that so we opted for the Life Fitness. I'm hoping I can adjust to the motion of the Precor on our 15 day cruise next year - I spend 45 minutes a day on my machine 5 days a week.


Thanks for the info....it is good to hear that your husband can use an elliptical after a total knee. That is impressive!

I like the Life Fitness the best of any ones I have tried...but, they all hurt my lower back for some reason.

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My sister-in-law has the same problem with lower back pain on an elliptical unless she does it in reverse! I do some of my time in reverse but can't imagine all 45 minutes! :eek:


That is interesting...must be the way the pelvis tilts...Will have to try that.

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They are good machines. They have some fun preset circuits (hills, etc)..

I don't remember a sign for time limits, but I do remember setting it for 60 minutes.

Bring your ear phones, as there's a good TV on the machine (sweet), you can use the cruise's ear phones, but I'd rather have mine..

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