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Any christians interested in doing a group cruise???


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Ah, but there's the problem. Christian of all denominations still excludes a lot of CC members. Jewish, Muslim, Sikh, Pagan, Budhist, atheist - we are out here, too. Again, I've got no problem with a group of Christian cruisers forming a group on their own together. Just with the idea of CC sanctioning it as one of their official groups.


With that said, CC as a private business can do what they wish but I'd like to hope that being the primary online cruise resource out there that they will keep their doors open to all on the group cruises and keep religion, no matter what faith, out of it.:)


I'm sorry, but this makes ZERO sense to me. If CC said, "we will allow Christian group cruises, but not Sikh, Pagan, Buddhist, Jewish, or Muslim group cruises," you might have a point. As it is, I have no idea why you would give a rat's patoot if a group of Christians wanted to organize a cruise! I've seen Harley Riders group cruises. "Wait! I don't have a motorcycle, much less a Harley! I cry foul-I'm being excluded because I drive a Nissan Xterra!" Are you serious:confused::confused:

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I am not at all offended by the OPs suggestion of a Christian cruise. I think gatherings of like minded individuals like that can be great and rewarding things.


I do however think it is truly bizarre that someone could become so upset by something on a t-shirt. I mean nobody hurt you. Nobody said anything to you. It was just a shirt you didn't like.


It would be a cold day in H E double hockey sticks before I would let someone's shirt affect the enjoyment of my vacation. I would have no problem being on a ship full of Christians nor would I have any problem being on a ship full of "offensive" t-shirts. But I believe "Judge not lest ye be judged." I think I read that in a book somewhere.

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OP -- I just returned from my first cruise and met a large number of great Christian persons! My DH is very outgoing and usually when he started conversations we learned of other people's beliefs. I found that when we were outgoing, others were as well. NOTE: Outgoing ... not obnoxious!


Having said that, we would be interested in a special interest CC cruise for Christians ... add us to your list.


Now ... playing "devil's advocate" (pun intended) ... if LBGT special interest cruise groups would be allowed, why not a Chrisitan group?




My sentiments exactly.

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I am not at all offended by the OPs suggestion of a Christian cruise. I think gatherings of like minded individuals like that can be great and rewarding things.


I do however think it is truly bizarre that someone could become so upset by something on a t-shirt. I mean nobody hurt you. Nobody said anything to you. It was just a shirt you didn't like.


It would be a cold day in H E double hockey sticks before I would let someone's shirt affect the enjoyment of my vacation. I would have no problem being on a ship full of Christians nor would I have any problem being on a ship full of "offensive" t-shirts. But I believe "Judge not lest ye be judged." I think I read that in a book somewhere.


I never said that the t-shirt affected the enjoyment of my vacation. My main concern was for some of the older people and children on the cruise. The t-shirt was vulgar with close to pornographic images on it. I have a right to find it offensive just as you have a right to not be offended by it. Opinions are not judgements, just opinions.

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I never said that the t-shirt affected the enjoyment of my vacation. My main concern was for some of the older people and children on the cruise. The t-shirt was vulgar with close to pornographic images on it. I have a right to find it offensive just as you have a right to not be offended by it. Opinions are not judgements, just opinions.


Ahh I see you were just protecting the children and elderly and not being self righteous ... i'm sure children and elderly everywhere are thanking you profusely :rolleyes:

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Ahh I see you were just protecting the children and elderly and not being self righteous ... i'm sure children and elderly everywhere are thanking you profusely :rolleyes:


Are you serious? Didn't you just say "Judge not let you be judged"? I'm not doing this with you. I'm enitled to my opinion and you are yours. You keep making comments about something you didn't see. Seems like to me you just want to stir the pot. I'm not biting anymore.

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and so typical of why Cruise Critic has become a despised word on John Healds facebook page....


Properly, this stand should have about 10 posts, of people who are interested in being a part of this idea...(BTW...this United Methodist Minister is also interested...) but instead, even after input from Host Mach, people debate about the intent, the interest, the concept, and everything to try and put down somebody.


I was interested in forming a Karaoke Cruise...but I guess I would be shot down because what is somebody wanted to go who does not sing...or arguments over the type of music...etc.

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and so typical of why Cruise Critic has become a despised word on John Healds facebook page....


Properly, this stand should have about 10 posts, of people who are interested in being a part of this idea...(BTW...this United Methodist Minister is also interested...) but instead, even after input from Host Mach, people debate about the intent, the interest, the concept, and everything to try and put down somebody.


I was interested in forming a Karaoke Cruise...but I guess I would be shot down because what is somebody wanted to go who does not sing...or arguments over the type of music...etc.



No kidding...:rolleyes: I feel bad for the OP.

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I feel bad for her too...

This forum sure can bring out the meanies, for no reason at all...


But I think she will get a nice group of peeps together for a group cruise

and they will have a great time...

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Oh good grief. This isn't a matter of "civil liberties." This is a private entity in the middle of the ocean. If Carnival wanted to ban t-shirts with images of people screwing in the MDR, they would be perfectly within their rights. Freedom of expression is not absolute.:rolleyes:


You're right I was mistaken using the term civil liberties. It does not apply here. However, I am sick to death of people looking to change carnival policy because they see something they were offended by. Just recently there was a thread about "pornographic" music videos being shown on lido deck. Now it's "pornographic" t-shirts being worn.


Honestly, how sanitized does the cruise experience need to become to satisfy religious conservatives? I may be wrong, but I don't think I'm being out of line by saying something here.

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Before some of you start attacking me, My DH, bff and her husband and I just got off a cruise on the Freedom. We had a fabulous time. We enjoyed a lot of what the ship had to offer. Spent a few dollars in the casino (I would rather spend my money on other things like the spa, etc...), bingo and spent some time in the 70's club and karoke. Only had one instance that I really hated was a guy wearing a t-shirt with different "positions" on it in the MDR. I understand that nowadays people can wear just about anything in the MDR but can't the line be drawn somewhere? There were parents of small children and older people in the dining room that were offended.


Anyway, back to my original question. I was wondering how many people there are like us on a cruise. Christians who don't drink but like to have a good time. We would have loved to met others like us. (Don't be offended anyone can do as they wish just as I can do as I wish). Would anyone like us be interested in possibly doing a group cruise?


It is kind of funny....first of all the poster said she and others were offended by the shirt. We all have things we are offended by. If I formed a bible study on the Lido deck by the pool...many people here would be offended. We all see things we dont like, but sometimes we cant do anything about it. I dont think DW is trying to be the fashion police, but she can wish people would be considerate of others.


She said she played some in the casino...and I know many Christians who would be offended by that.


She talks of drinking. Well, this Methodist Preacher enjoys a Pina Coloda and a drink of the day. And, of course we all are different.


But, to join with others who enjoy cruising and share in a song and bible study, or just be together as a group. it is not running the ship. It is just some like minded people enjoying a cruise.

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The cruise experience does not need to become sanitized, but there is a limit to what one must take even in a public setting. I can recall seeing someone wearing a shirt which brazenly said "F You" at the mall. I was definitely offended by the shirt and complained to security, as did others. This person was asked to leave, as they should have been, or they could have chosen to wear the shirt inside out. There is a limit to freedom of speech/expression and your rights should not infringe upon mine to enjoy my environment.


I would have been highly offended to see somebody wearing a shirt on a cruise line that promotes itself as being family friendly which displayed "positions". I wonder who was walking around with this yahoo with the shirt on. If my husband had on a shirt like this I wouldn't be anywhere near him, but quite frankly I wouldn't be married to a man who would wear a shirt such as that in public or even privately. What has happened to common decency and civility?

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The months I'm looking at are september or october of next year. Cruise line is Carnival of course!! :D This cruise will be organized thru cruise critic. I have emailed Host Mach and he has given me the information I need to get started. You can contact me here Look forward to hearing from ANYONE interested. :D

Hello...I'm sure what you are doing is fine....Laura will make the final call however she is not available at this time...I did have to remove your email addy from the post because it's an unwritten rule we have here to not let anyone post their addy for a group until they have made it official thru CC...You might try to nail it down more with an exact ship and date and after you get enough people interested to secure about 8 cabins then you can contact Laura to see if that time and ship is one we would want to make a CC cruise.....If you would like to reword and start a new thread without some of the original confusion, just let one of us know and we'll delete this one....Good luck and here's the link for the way to get it all started.





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I never said that the t-shirt affected the enjoyment of my vacation. My main concern was for some of the older people and children on the cruise. The t-shirt was vulgar with close to pornographic images on it. I have a right to find it offensive just as you have a right to not be offended by it. Opinions are not judgements, just opinions.


I agree that you have a perfect right to be offended. However, you do not have a right to tell me to take it off.



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I agree that you have a perfect right to be offended. However, you do not have a right to tell me to take it off.





I don't think she did. I think she appealed to the Cruise line. I would have to go back and read her post, but I believe they declined to act on her complaint.


EDIT: I went back to the OP. Not only did she not "tell the individual to take it off," she didn't complain to Carnival, just stated in her post that she found the shirt offensive. Apologies for having my facts wrong.

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I have always met other Christians on board. I don't thump my Bible, but I live my faith. It is always my goal for others to see Christ living in me, by my words, deeds and manner. I would love it if the ships still had Chapels. There used to be a place you could meet to worship if you cared to. The first time that was available to us was on the NCL cruise, where we started off everyday praising God for his amazing creation as we watched the sun rising from the crow's nest. The last time was on Holland. It is my understanding after contacting Carnival to volunteer my services as a Chaplain for any crisis situation that may arise on board. that a pastor, minister, chaplain with credentials from their church can hold services on boards if arranged ahead of time. My intent was not to hold services, but to be available if a crisis situation arose.


We have a cruise booked in 2012 which I have listed in the roll call we would love to meet with any of you ( note; I have not specified any "religion") Because I just love to meet people.

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I was interested in forming a Karaoke Cruise...but I guess I would be shot down because what is somebody wanted to go who does not sing...or arguments over the type of music...etc.


No, I think you'd be shot down by those who CAN sing and don't have tin ears................:)


just kidding


I'll be surprised if this thread makes it beyond six pages

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Hello...I'm sure what you are doing is fine....Laura will make the final call however she is not available at this time...I did have to remove your email addy from the post because it's an unwritten rule we have here to not let anyone post their addy for a group until they have made it official thru CC...You might try to nail it down more with an exact ship and date and after you get enough people interested to secure about 8 cabins then you can contact Laura to see if that time and ship is one we would want to make a CC cruise.....If you would like to reword and start a new thread without some of the original confusion, just let one of us know and we'll delete this one....Good luck and here's the link for the way to get it all started.





Good advice...Maybe a new thread title...

"Possible CC Group...People of Faith looking to sail on the _______ Oct. 2011 who wants to come along?"

or something similar.

I just do not understand why the meanies have to show up on every thread...


And let me add, why in the world on any cruise would they have anything close to pornographic stuff on the big screen...

and why is it ok for Porn to be warn in public, much less the MDR.

I know someones porn, is someone else's "Art"

but really, eat on the lido deck if you cant at least put on a nice shirt...

there has to be a standard...

Carnival has a standard, they need to at least attempt to keep it.

Maybe not to the point of removing the person, but a nice,

"We do have standards for the MDR, could you please, find another shirt for tonight's dinning,

or maybe the buffet on the Lido deck would be a better venue for you this evening."

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there was some one on my cruise last year that had on a T-shirt that said F*** You.. in the MDR.. I chose not to make a big deal about it and to look the other way but of course in my mind of was flabbergasted and thought it was really disrespectful...


I thin kyo uahve a great Idea!


I am a christian as well- But one of Jehovah's witnesses so we don't' gamble but will have a drink or two- I've often thought it would be great to find other Jehovahs witnesses here on cruise critic and get a group together!


I say go for it!

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Reading this thread has made me realize that many who claim to be tolerant, are the most intolerant people in the world.


Why are some people so opinionated about someone trying to organize a group where people can have some clean fun for a change??

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I agree that you have a perfect right to be offended. However, you do not have a right to tell me to take it off.




People who have a sense of decorum, proper etiquette, and manners wouldn't need to defend wearing a F#$& t shirt because they wouldn't be wearing one to start with!


I've recently read on the Carnival board several posts defending their right to use foul language in public or to wear offensive attire because it's "their right". Something tells me that these people are the same ones who get offended when people who frequent other cruise lines refer to Carnival as low class, riff raff, or (my favorite) the Wal Mart of the seas.


If us as Carnival cruisers don't want to be referred to as the riff raff of the cruise industry, we need to act accordingly.


Thankfully, I feel that the people who think its OK to use foul language or offensive attire in public are just a very vocal minority and not the ones who define what Carnival cruisers are truly like.

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Before some of you start attacking me, My DH, bff and her husband and I just got off a cruise on the Freedom. We had a fabulous time. We enjoyed a lot of what the ship had to offer. Spent a few dollars in the casino (I would rather spend my money on other things like the spa, etc...), bingo and spent some time in the 70's club and karoke. Only had one instance that I really hated was a guy wearing a t-shirt with different "positions" on it in the MDR. I understand that nowadays people can wear just about anything in the MDR but can't the line be drawn somewhere? There were parents of small children and older people in the dining room that were offended.

Anyway, back to my original question. I was wondering how many people there are like us on a cruise. Christians who don't drink but like to have a good time. We would have loved to met others like us. (Don't be offended anyone can do as they wish just as I can do as I wish). Would anyone like us be interested in possibly doing a group cruise?



Look at the Feb 14th sailing out of Jacksonville.....Google signing at Sea...It an all Christian Group cruise.

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I'm going to respectfully bow out of this thread now. It was truly never my intention to offend or attack anyone but simply to state my view on the matter. I do feel pretty strongly that CC shouldn't be in the business of endorsing religious groups, but if that's the case then I wish everyone the best and maybe it's time for me to end my days at CC. :)

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