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Glory Stuck In Nassau............


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I can't believe how many of you think 100.00 compensation is fair. Most people who picked this itinerary...probably did so for St Thomas and St Martin. If they wanted to go to Key West they would have chosen the Western route...or just drove to Key West. If YOU spent a couple grand to go on a cruise (some probably spent more than that) and than were not able to go to the two key ports....would YOU honestly be happy with 100.00???

I wonder who comes up with what the compensation amounts that are offered. A couple years ago when our air conditioner went out on our Hawaii cruise aboard the Spirit. We were already in our 8th day of our 12 day cruise. We missed two ports being as they had to take us back to Honolulu 3 days early. We were refunded the entire amount of the cruise...less the port charges of the ports we DID make it to. Plus 50% off our next cruise. Plus Carnival paid for the 3 nights at a hotel on Waikiki Beach. This was after already receiving 200.00 pp on board credit for a disastrous embarkation...where we didn't get onboard the ship untill 3:00am. I was in shock when they told us they were refunding all are money!!! Now THAT was a generous compensation. :)

I'm not saying that they should always be that generous...but 100.00 to me is a joke. Part of that 100.00 is a refund of their port charges anyway!



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so I offer someone $100 to spend on my business. this is after they have already spent $1500.00 on it. that $100 would cost me $20.00.!!! (maybe less)

Mark up folks. Do you really think the drink you buy on the ship for $6.00 cost Carnival that much? NO, maybe .80 cents! I would tell folks on the ship, do not spend that $100 on anything , except toward the TIP, which would make it a true $100 to you.



I would be furious if this is all that was offered. We are talking two major ports here! Alot of people cruise because they fear flying. A ship is the only way they are going to see these ports. They are cruising to just sail around and the ports are just an added bonus. *The ship is a means of transportation to a paticular destination!*

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It sounds like nobody read the find print on your contract.



You are right. Everyline has the same contract, BUT does the line care if you sail them again. I guess Carnival has enough new customers, that repeat guests mean nothing to them. ?


I attended the past guest party on the pride. It was interesting that they show a promotional film at this party:rolleyes: Struck me as odd.

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I am on the phone right now with a carnival rep to get some info, we are on the 26th sailing as well.


SHe said that nothing is being cancelled and as of now it shows everything is still on schedule and there are no port changes for the 26th sailing. She advised me to call back Wed when they would have more concrete answers. I asked her what the worst case scenario was and she said that the ports may change,but it would not be cancelled. She said to call Wed about port changes, but doesn't look like we will be affected by this on the 26th.


Whew! I can breathe again now!

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I'm with you CaribbeanCrazy. You make some really good points. I would be very disappointed if I missed those two ports, the reason I'm taking my cruise in July.


If a hotel stuck you in their worst room with an "oops, we are having problems with the suite you reserved, but here's a lovely continental breakfast" people would be up in arms. In my business, childbirth, even though it's not our fault if a patient needs a c-section and is never allowed to labor, most of us refund a large portion of our fee because we didn't do a large part of the work we were contracted to do. It's about what's right and about good PR.


Now of course, there will always be those that can and will tolerate any situation like this, but I wouldn't (and I'm pretty laid back). I think it just feels like Crnival is saying, oh well, too bad for you, here's a couple bucks, now deal with it.

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I agree that there is no consistency in what Carnival offers. We lucked out in 2003 on a 4-day cruise on the Holiday. We paid $300 each for a 1A. First we got stuck in a sandbar on the Mississippi River for 8 hours, then we were told there wouldn't be enough time to get to Cozumel (our only port), but we were going to Key West instead. We then went through a big storm on the way to Key West and arrived 3 hours late, leaving us 2 hours to spend in port. We were given $150 each plus 50% off our next cruise, which was just awesome. BTW, it was our first cruise and we had a fantastic time anyway.

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They're basically giving you the profit from your cruise fare back to you. The line still has to pay for your weeks worth of food, fuel and crew salaries - those thing's don't go away when something goes wrong.


They also have to pay out of their pocket to fly in parts and engineers to meet the ship to do the repairs - they can't meet the ship when its out in the middle of the ocean and they can't fix a ship's propulsion when it's out driving around. That's like telling the mechanics at your car repair shop to meet you out on the freeway and fix your car while you're driving to work...


I understand your dissappointment, but you're acting like Carnival threw a wrench in the engine just to make your life more difficult.


Stuff happens.

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To me, the issue is what we are buying. I believe we are buying a cruise for whatever duration within the confines of the fine print, and as an added attraction, we get to stop at several different ports. In a nutshell, the trip is the cruise (as the ticketing contract will tell you) and not the ports of call. I've experienced many many different travel irregularities in my lifetime. Some of these turned out marvelously well, others just got worse by the moment. In the end, I just think that when I have completed the logistics of paying for a trip, that money is gone, period. No different than paying a utility bill.


If for some reason when these things happen, I happen to get a little "give back" I am graciously willing to take it. BUT... I am more than aware that there is always the possibility that things can go wrong at times, whenever and however you travel. I will not allow myself to go into an angry mental funk because something out of the ordinary happened or worse yet, that I didn't get an adequate number or type of givebacks. This would just be perpetuating the all too common tendency we all have at times to get something for nothing or simply an entitlement expectation. And gauging what you or others might have gotten for similar incidents only makes that potential let downs worse. Like I said, if I get some great "comps" so be it glad to take them. But I will never let not getting a big enough comp diminish the enjoyment of my vacation.


I just personally feel that if a person cannot accept the possibility that breakdowns, port changes and other unlikely events might very well occur on a cruise AND if they happen, you could very well realize little or no financial gain from it, then maybe cruising isn't for you. Save yourself from the stress. Because these things can and do happen. In fact, more often than you might imagine, and some folks WILL make out a lot better than others and there is no rhyme or reason why. It can be a tough pill at times, but don't let it spoil the fun you've worked so hard for!

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To me, the issue is what we are buying. I believe we are buying a cruise for whatever duration within the confines of the fine print, and as an added attraction, we get to stop at several different ports. In a nutshell, the trip is the cruise (as the ticketing contract will tell you) and not the ports of call. I've experienced many many different travel irregularities in my lifetime. Some of these turned out marvelously well, others just got worse by the moment. In the end, I just think that when I have completed the logistics of paying for a trip, that money is gone, period. No different than paying a utility bill.


If for some reason when these things happen, I happen to get a little "give back" I am graciously willing to take it. BUT... I am more than aware that there is always the possibility that things can go wrong at times, whenever and however you travel. I will not allow myself to go into an angry mental funk because something out of the ordinary happened or worse yet, that I didn't get an adequate number or type of givebacks. This would just be perpetuating the all too common tendency we all have at times to get something for nothing or simply an entitlement expectation. And gauging what you or others might have gotten for similar incidents only makes that potential let downs worse. Like I said, if I get some great "comps" so be it glad to take them. But I will never let not getting a big enough comp diminish the enjoyment of my vacation.


I just personally feel that if a person cannot accept the possibility that breakdowns, port changes and other unlikely events might very well occur on a cruise AND if they happen, you could very well realize little or no financial gain from it, then maybe cruising isn't for you. Save yourself from the stress. Because these things can and do happen. In fact, more often than you might imagine, and some folks WILL make out a lot better than others and there is no rhyme or reason why. It can be a tough pill at times, but don't let it spoil the fun you've worked so hard for!



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To me, the issue is what we are buying. I believe we are buying a cruise for whatever duration within the confines of the fine print, and as an added attraction, we get to stop at several different ports. In a nutshell, the trip is the cruise (as the ticketing contract will tell you) and not the ports of call. I've experienced many many different travel irregularities in my lifetime. Some of these turned out marvelously well, others just got worse by the moment. In the end, I just think that when I have completed the logistics of paying for a trip, that money is gone, period. No different than paying a utility bill.


If for some reason when these things happen, I happen to get a little "give back" I am graciously willing to take it. BUT... I am more than aware that there is always the possibility that things can go wrong at times, whenever and however you travel. I will not allow myself to go into an angry mental funk because something out of the ordinary happened or worse yet, that I didn't get an adequate number or type of givebacks. This would just be perpetuating the all too common tendency we all have at times to get something for nothing or simply an entitlement expectation. And gauging what you or others might have gotten for similar incidents only makes that potential let downs worse. Like I said, if I get some great "comps" so be it glad to take them. But I will never let not getting a big enough comp diminish the enjoyment of my vacation.


I just personally feel that if a person cannot accept the possibility that breakdowns, port changes and other unlikely events might very well occur on a cruise AND if they happen, you could very well realize little or no financial gain from it, then maybe cruising isn't for you. Save yourself from the stress. Because these things can and do happen. In fact, more often than you might imagine, and some folks WILL make out a lot better than others and there is no rhyme or reason why. It can be a tough pill at times, but don't let it spoil the fun you've worked so hard for!

Well said.


The pervasive Entitlement Mindset, aka Gimme Gimme Gimme Syndrome, makes me want to projectile vomit. puke.gif

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Originally Posted by SoCalCruiseguy

To me, the issue is what we are buying. I believe we are buying a cruise for whatever duration within the confines of the fine print, and as an added attraction, we get to stop at several different ports. In a nutshell, the trip is the cruise (as the ticketing contract will tell you) and not the ports of call. I've experienced many many different travel irregularities in my lifetime. Some of these turned out marvelously well, others just got worse by the moment. In the end, I just think that when I have completed the logistics of paying for a trip, that money is gone, period. No different than paying a utility bill.


If for some reason when these things happen, I happen to get a little "give back" I am graciously willing to take it. BUT... I am more than aware that there is always the possibility that things can go wrong at times, whenever and however you travel. I will not allow myself to go into an angry mental funk because something out of the ordinary happened or worse yet, that I didn't get an adequate number or type of givebacks. This would just be perpetuating the all too common tendency we all have at times to get something for nothing or simply an entitlement expectation. And gauging what you or others might have gotten for similar incidents only makes that potential let downs worse. Like I said, if I get some great "comps" so be it glad to take them. But I will never let not getting a big enough comp diminish the enjoyment of my vacation.


I just personally feel that if a person cannot accept the possibility that breakdowns, port changes and other unlikely events might very well occur on a cruise AND if they happen, you could very well realize little or no financial gain from it, then maybe cruising isn't for you. Save yourself from the stress. Because these things can and do happen. In fact, more often than you might imagine, and some folks WILL make out a lot better than others and there is no rhyme or reason why. It can be a tough pill at times, but don't let it spoil the fun you've worked so hard for!



Bravo, well said. I agree with you 100%.

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I take it none of you are scheduled to be on this boat next week! Regardless of where the boat goes - this is my one and only vacation for the whole year. Please try to put yourself in our shoes - you build all this hype around the cruise - spend hours researching all the ports - then to find out something is wrong and you may not be going there. I know this is not Carnival's fault - but sometimes disappointment is hard to take.

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....it's all about how you handle it.


Some handle things better than others, disappointments included. The people who handle the 'downs' in life well, tend to have more 'ups' than most.

I agree with bepsf and SoCal, who said it all very elegantly...don't let a glitch spoil the fun you worked so hard for. You can't be rigid in your expectations...if things happen that force changes, go with the flow for goodness sake. It can't hurt to at least TRY to have a good time.

While you're sitting on board pissing and moaning about the ports you're missing, you may be missing out on having a good time, doing something else. Everyone needs to try to be flexible in times like those.

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Port Charges? You think Freeport and Key West don't have Port Charges? They sure do, and what they saved by not going to St. Thomas and St. Maartin will just get applied to the other two.
Well, GroupCruiser exactly how much are the port charges for those two stops? Please cite your references when you name the price.
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please try to remember that this may not effect those of us sailing on the 26th. The rep said "worst Case scenario". I mean, I am sure that they don't want to sail another whole week with a propellor problem... hopefully. Then , they will fix it and we are good to go!



Let's all try to be optomistic. We may have no changes at all. Nothing is definite yet. I will be calling back on Wed and will report anything new I get.


Let's just all try to keep each other updated if we hear anything.

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Read both sides of these arguments for and against Carnival, kind of funny, I was looking to book this ship for next year, should be fixed by then, lol.


Anyway, to be sold a cruise based on "transportation" is baloney. The cruise lines make a point of the great ports that the particular ship stops at, not just “sail with us”. And the cruise lines are making LOTS of money off of their cruises, drinks, excursions, spa, and on and on and on………..


To not blame the Cruise line for a failure on a ship they own and operate does not make any sense. If a ship breaks, I think it is the cruise lines responsibility to compensate the passengers for not delivering on the expectations they set themselves. If it is a propulsion problem, Carnival has known about failures on Azipod propulsion system for a couple of years now…..so why didn’t they proactively work on the Azipod ?


Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy cruising very much and I personally don’t think that a failure like this would slow me down, but that is just me. I would expect for the lines apologize and work for my continued business.


Love the ships love the cruises, hate spin BS!


Just my 2 cents :)

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Unfortunaly alot of people DON'T put themselves in other people shoes. It's not THEIR vacation so they could care less. But I'll bet you that if something like this was to happen to THEM on THEIR vacation...they would be the first ones to complain and demand compensation. This will never change. Thank god there are a few of us that DO have compassion for other people. I hope your cruise goes well...and the Glory gets the repairs it needs so that you can go to ALL the ports you have been planning on going to. :)

Don't let the rude posters get to you...it's not worth it. I guess they have never been taught "if you don't have anything nice to say....don't say anything."


Happy Cruising :)


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please try to remember that this may not effect those of us sailing on the 26th. The rep said "worst Case scenario". I mean, I am sure that they don't want to sail another whole week with a propellor problem... hopefully. Then , they will fix it and we are good to go!



Let's all try to be optomistic. We may have no changes at all. Nothing is definite yet. I will be calling back on Wed and will report anything new I get.


Let's just all try to keep each other updated if we hear anything.


Thanks for the updates, Lucy. We are scheduled to leave on the 4th, so fingers are crossed that you are good to go next week.

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Ports are a very important part of a cruise. There are so many people that do not fly and depend on cruising to see these places.


saying nothing about pissing and moaning here. yea the ship is fun. I love sea days but, Stick to the topic. $100 comp for missing the two major ports in this cruise itinerary. Key west, and Freeport hardley compare.



You have excursions booked. Plans made. You have researched the ports for months. Sure, things happen. We have breakdowns in our business all the time. But, if we have an equip. breakdown and can not perform the job as expected, and scheduled then we make darn sure we do whatever we can in the way of compensation to keep our customer happy,and keep them from choosing someone else in the future. Always a loss to us at the time, but a guarentee of future business.



I swear, people on this board think Carnival can do no wrong, no matter what. I dont care if it is Royal, Carnival or Crystal! $100 is an insult to the people on that ship!!

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Just wanted to let everybody know what's going on onboard. Lots or irate people. Lots of content people. Talks of lawsuits. Must be nobody read their tickets. I tried posting to this earlier and it wouldn't go through. More when I return. NOT Everybody is mad but a lot are. We'd rather be safe than sorry.

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