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First Time Celebrity Cruiser sails Century


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November 13-18, 2010


I enjoy journaling and take my netbook with me and write a little everyday, just noting the details for my own enjoyment. Thought I’d share with others who are cruising the Century, maybe some of the little details might be helpful. It did turn out to be rather lengthy........


Two gal pals (in their late 40’s) leaving hubbies behind for a little getaway, first time for either of us on Celebrity. I've cruised twice on Carnival, GP (gal pal) cruised multiple times and on multiple lines but never on X. DH and I were both very happy on Carnival, no complaints.


Since DH and I both fell in love with cruising it is our goal to try all the different cruise lines and see which one we like the best, so I'm very excited to be cruising Celebrity!


In an effort to be budget conscious since it's a GP cruise, we got an interior room (on deck 9). My first interior room and GPs first one in a long time! Curious to see how I like not having a balcony. Also in an effort to be budget conscious we both flew in same day of cruise.


So here it is first sea day, we both made it without any mishaps and our luggage arrived too! YAY! We got to the port at 11:30 and were sitting at the Sunset Bar on Deck 11 by 12:30 enjoying a drink, looking at the beautiful Miami skyline, texting friends telling them how wonderful it was! The Sunset bar is our favorite place, all the way aft on the Lido deck, (resort deck on X) not large at all, wood tables and chairs and right there looking over the ocean. Not sure if people haven’t found it because a table has always been available.


Cabin: We are pleasantly surprised by our inside cabin. It is spacious enough for two people, no problems. Plenty of storage, six smaller drawers in the vanity. Above the vanity is a large mirror that opens and behind it are more shelves and the digital safe. Two night stands with two drawers each, two hang-up wardrobes and one wardrobe with four shelves and four drawers, we did not even come close to using all that space!


Bathroom is great, the shower is at least 3’ x 4’ and great water pressure. There are two shelves to put your cosmetics on and a cabinet under the sink for other stuff. There is a container with cotton balls and Qtips in it, thought that was a nice touch!


Our room steward Alexander from India introduced himself right away, was very pleasant. The room steward has always been my favorite person on the ship because there is nothing I love more than coming back to a clean cabin, twice a day!


I will mention that I did not ever end up “bonding” with Alexander on this cruise as I had with my room stewards on past cruises. Didn’t see him much and he wasn’t overly chatty……….My room stewards on Carnival were very friendly and knew how much I appreciated them and my husband enjoy talking to them to about their homeland. I think it was because he was much younger and probably just not as chatty.


We did stop at the liquor store on the way here and each bought a bottle of wine, just to drink in the cabin before dinner. Asked Alexander to chill it on Monday and sure enough while we were at breakfast he cleaned our room and we found a nice big silver ice bucket with both bottles of our wine chilling, YAY Alexander!


Which reminds me, the cab fare from MIA to the port is set at $24, no meter runs. (We had a guy at the airport offer us his shuttle service for $10pp, so for $2 more pp we had no waiting, just jumped in the cab.) I did ask the driver before hand if there was a liquor store we could stop at and he said yes. I asked him the fee and he said just leave him a little something extra, so he took us to a very small store and we bought our wine and were on our way. Gave him $32 for the ride, I hope $8 was enough for his efforts..............I never know how much to tip!


So the first day we just walked around and got the lay of the land, sat in the lounger and relaxed. Our muster drill was in the casino, no life jackets needed, very painless. After that we took a dip in one of the four hot tubs in the pool area, water was wonderfully hot!


We ate dinner at the buffet since we were tired and had long travel days.

We were impressed with both lunch and dinner selections. The stir-fry area is very good, you put your veggies in a bowl, exactly what you want, and then you give it to the cook and you tell him what type of meat you want, he stir fried it all and I had him add white rice to the mixture, it was very good. Nice salad bar, regular traditional area, I had a fried chicken leg that was good, nice green beans that were not over cooked, good selection of desserts.....both times we took our trays to the sunset bar and ate outside.............wonderful!


Pool area: First off................the loungers have nice thick pads on them, how wonderful!! I’m sitting on one right now, so comfy! This pool area has plenty of chairs in the sun and then there is also room for two rows of chairs in the shade on both sides of the pools, great for me since I do not like to sit in the sun. First ship I’ve been on that have loungers in the shade! YAY! There are also a deck above the pools area that has unpadded loungers all in the sun.


We got to the pool area at 10:30, most loungers in the sun were taken. We snagged two in the shade and gal pal has one in the sun she is sitting in getting hot, while I’m back in the shade, writing this, soon ready to take snooze! Another nice thing about this ship is no beach towels in our room to keep track of, towels all over the pool area just for your taking as many as you want and you don’t have to worry about losing it or keeping track of it, just put it in the hamper when you are done.


As you can tell, I’m not writing this in any order, just getting all my thoughts in down here to start with.


Breakfast: All I can say is totally impressive! Way way way better than what is offered on Carnival. A selection of at least six different poached eggs, such as a mexican one, an english one, each selection with different types of toppings etc.


They had a traditional area of scrambled eggs, breakfast meats, potatoes, and then another area with an Indian influence.......I’m not much of a breakfast eater, so it’s hard for me to remember everything, but I will be trying that poached egg selection. I saw someone with breakfast pizza. I know my DH will be thrilled with the breakfast selections, as we will def be sailing Celebrity again! I eat a light breakfast so I can pig out later at lunch!


I went to the specialty coffee shop this a.m. A very small latte with flavored syrup in it is $6.90 with tip, I think that is a bit high. It wouldn’t be quite so bad for the specialty coffee if it was a bigger cup, a grande at Starbucks is 4.50.............and no menu shown at the coffee bar so you just have to wing it when you order...........so I’m not impressed with the coffee bar. GP got a regular coffee and it was $5.


So we plan to just lounge around today and get plenty of R&R. I did notice in the ship’s newspaper they offer a galley tour and cooking presentation in the a.m. We plan to hit the flower arranging class at one p.m. That will be the extent of our day. Formal night tonight, so we will get dressed up and eat in the MDR. I will be back tomorrow to tell you how our day went today! But our first impressions of Celebrity, both of us, love it!


Oh ya the demographics on this cruise: now this is a five-day cruise in the Caribbean, but I was still expecting an older demo (due to X’s reputation) and am pleasantly surprised by the number of people under 40. Quite a few, many in our age range and I see very few extremely older people. Must be the shorter length of the cruise and good price they were offering.


Gal Pals tells me there are 1800 passengers on this ship, it is perfect, we have never felt crowded at all, plenty of room, loungers are not jammed together, buffet area isn’t too crowded, it’s great!


OMGosh, a server is walking around the pool area passing out little paper bowls, and I mean little, of diced up fresh fruit, little tiny pieces.

Must be left over from breakfast, but how nice! It’s so sweet and easy to eat because it’s diced up real small, there is a spoon with the little bowl, I love it!!!!


Ok, my homework is done for the day, I’m taking my fruit cup and signing off!



Monday morning! Jamaica.........we are going to Margaritiaville and veg out at the beach, I’ll let you know how it goes. But first a few notes on yesterday.


We thoroughly enjoyed our sea day yesterday, once again the pool was busy but never felt crowded, we have seen that over and over, the ship never feels crowded. Pool had good music playing all afternoon, just the right volume. They did have one pool game in the afternoon.


We had nachos for lunch and they were very good! Salsa and guac was extremely good for a ship serving 1800 people! They also had melted cheese sauce to go over them. Later I had a grilled hotdog – quite good and lightly season fries, which were nice and hot. This was all from the pool grill, we didn’t even go to the traditional buffet, so I don’t know what they were offering there.


The flower arranging class was a bust. A guy with NO personality showed us how to make a wrist corsage..........huh? Ya, I will be making wrist corsages all the time. I was looking for a class that showed you how to arrange a bouquet of flowers you bought that the grocery store. So when he started his next project – a boutonniere, we moved on..............


After spending most of the day in the pool area, we moved to the Sunset bar later in the afternoon and again, it was not crowded! I had a coffee and baileys to perk me up, it was good!


After getting ready for the formal night we went down to the Promenade area and walked around, they had a live performer singing and about four photo stations set up to take pictures. We did have pictures taken, we will see today how they turned out.....


We bought our embarkation photo, there was a special going on for $14.95, after that first special price went up to $19.95 and stayed there the whole cruise, so buy your embarkation photo that first night if you like it.

People were dressed very nicely, mostly cocktail length dresses and suits.

I saw one tux, other than that men were in suits. Did not hardly see any men not in suits. Saw a few long dresses, but mostly cocktail length. It was fun to see all the different dresses, we enjoyed it.


Formal dinner in the MDR was good, we were seated at a table with other single cruising women, they were fun and interesting, glad X seats like people together. Our wait staff was very good and the food was good. I am not a big MDR person (I feel it just takes too long to eat) and actually enjoy the food better in the buffet – yikes (don‘t flame me!) Probably because I’m slightly picky so the buffet offers me more choices.

One thing that was strange (and slightly annoying) is that we forgot to get our table number before going and it took them close to ten minutes to retrieve the number, I found that strange and awkward, so lesson learned, with traditional dining make sure you know your table number. We’ve only done Anytime dining before so we didn’t know they couldn’t easily get it for you.


We did go to the show, it was the Celebrity dancers on an international tour, which meant for an hour we watched them dance in different costumes, sometimes singing in a foreign language, sometimes singing in English. It was a long show to say the least!


We will stop by the dining room today and check out the menu to see where we should eat tonight, I do wish you could check that on the TV. One other thing about the TV that I miss is on Carnival they have a graphic of a ship in the ocean showing you exactly where you are in relation to where you are going. Tells you how fast you are going and the wind speed, etc. I quickly became addicted to that channel on Carnival, it became a joke, the second we got into the room we had to see where we were, even if we knew! So I truly miss that channel, maybe more so because I’m in an interior room. (you can check your account balance on the TV and order room service.)


Speaking of the interior room, now that I’ve been in it for two days. It is fine, it’s spacious and I could do it again with no trepidation, but with that said, I probably won’t! I think once you go balcony you can’t go back! I do miss that little piece of real estate.


Jamaica – what can I say? I had low expectations and they were not exceeded! Our plan was to just go to the little beach at the port’s Margarittaville, someone on cruisecritic.com had posted pictures of it, looked good enough for two gal pals just wanting to sit in a chair all day. We got to the port and could see if from the ship, it was back in a little cove, if you were looking out to the water from it, on the right was our ship, which also blocked the view of the ocean, but to the left was something like a small industrial complex, not a very pleasant sight to look at, so in just a few minutes we had to decide what to do.............sit and look at cranes and tanks all day or try to find a different beach to go to. Which was rather nerve wracking because all I had heard about Jamaica I was not thrilled to be venturing off on our own.


We walked over to the “freelance tour” area, it was busy and a little chaotic, but the workers did take their time and tried to explain what was available, we decided on going to Maghoney Beach, which was pretty much the closest beach, $15pp round trip. We got on a shuttle bus that was first taking people to Dunns Fall, which they did say had a beach at the bottom of it, but really didn’t explain much about it, the one lady said a small beach, I just didn’t get a good vive by what she said.

After dropping them off we had about a 15 minute drive through very small windy roads in a residential area (where were we going???), Russell our driver did a great job and was very friendly.


We finally get to our drop off point and you couldn’t even see the beach, we were a bit nervous. He said he could be back to pick us up between 2:30 and 3 p.m. We went walking down to the beach (wondering what we had got ourselves into) and soon enough our beach waiter saw us and introduced himself to us, his name was Sheldon, he did a good job, not intrusive at all. We rented chairs, $6pp and got set up under a palpaya and just sat there kinda of in shock.


First of all there was only maybe two other couples there and the view left a lot to be desired, to the right we could see the shore line, but to the left was a pier with an old, ugly, huge hobe-cat type of boat moored, it blocked our entire view of the ocean. So we just sat there for a while wondering if we made a mistake and would we be ok, then I guess the shock started wearing off and we decided it would be ok, hey we could be at work and we didn’t have high expectations to start with of the Big J so what the heck.


I think the thing that was the most disappointing to me was just that the water was not pretty to look at. When we went in it, it was very clear and nice temp, but just to look at it, it looked very dingy. Other people started arriving about an hour later, we thought, yes you too will get over the shock and learn to accept it! Ha ha. I’m wondering if the water on the other side of the island is prettier?


About 1:30 Russell shows up (thankfully early!) and we tell him we are ready to go back any time. He finished his break and about 20 minutes later came and got us and gave us our short ride back to port. Now we were on a mission to see Margarittaville to see if we had made the right decision.


It was about a five minute walk to the place and we were pretty much cat-called the entire way with offers of marriage, but we managed to make it. One guy even wanted to take us the “back way” to the beach and kept telling us to trust him........ya right. When we got there it was pretty dead, most of the ship people had probably left. We were not impressed at all, it was tiny and the beach area would have been a bummer, so we had made the right choice and got to see the “town” part of the island. We each had a drink and shared Nachos for $35 (which did not include the tip) – a bit salty!


Back to the ship in plenty of time, sat at the pool deck for an hour or so to recover from all the propositions we received......watched sail away, the Captain just about completely turned the ship around in our little port, that was impressive..............since we ate so late at Mville, we plan to eat at the buffet tonight and watch the comedian............I’ll let you know how it goes.


I think if I ever come to Jamaica again, I would take some type of water excursion.......people we talked to who did the Dunns River Fall enjoyed it, we saw a video on it and I know for sure I would not have made it, you are climbing up the falls in the water, I’m sure I would have slipped and fell, plus I would freak jumping into the little pools of water that I would not see the bottom.


We ate dinner at the buffet this night, because we had a late snack at Mville and weren’t that hungry and the humidity of Jamaica wore us out. I had the best pork chop ever! It had grill marks on it like it was grilled, but it was incredibly tender and moist. Loved it! Have been beyond pleased with the food and service on Celebrity Century.


Also just wanted to mention the attire on non-formal nights. Women were dressed in everything from casual dresses to dark jeans with nice tops. Men were in dockers and button down shirts. No dressy shorts anywhere to be seen.


Also they have a hand dipped ice cream bar open every day from about noon til late and the ice cream is very good and has various sprinkles you can add, including real M&Ms and peanut butter sprinkles! They also keep the bowls in the freezer so they are putting your ice cream into cold bowls, nice touch...........no extra fee.


Grand Cayman – now that is an island I could get used to! Tendered off the ship, very easy just went to the theater and had a short wait for a non-excursion tender, once on the island, the cabs were plentiful. We had already researched the different beaches on 7-mile beach and decided on Royal Palms. Cab driver had a large van and kept trying to find more occupants, which was understandable, but after a while we told her we were leaving to find another cab and then she said ok, she would take us. It was $4pp to Royal Palms very reasonable. Traffic is a bit congested, but nothing more than one can handle. Got to RP beach and agreed she would be back at 2 p.m. to pick us up. This is totally not necessary for a popular beach, because as we left, there were more cabs than people. So don’t worry about getting a cab back if you go to a popular beach, no problem mahn!


So at Royal Palms it was $10 for an umbrella and $10 for each chair, because we were early we got the front row, which was very nice. GP rented a floatie for $7 and had to give her sign and sail card, which she got back when she turned in her floatie. We each had two frozen drinks, and with the exchange rate it was $20 plus tip (wait staff came out to your chair and you could run a tab with a credit card) and we had lunch at the restaurant which our meal, after the exchange rate and tax was $15pp plus tip.


We ordered chicken tacos that were topped with cilantro and sour cream that came with “chips”. It turned out to be fried chicken tacos without sour cream or cilantro, had some type of shredded peppers on it and a smidgen of a red sauce (which was hot, but not in a a jalapeño way) and the chips turned out to be french fries! It was all good and very edible, but just funny and very enjoyable to eat in a different culture, because what we think it will be it was not, but we ate it and enjoyed it no problem.


There were five ships in port this day and even though the beach did start to fill up, it never got completely full, still had empty chairs and while yes there were plenty of people, I did not feel like it was too crowded. But glad we went early because we did end up with the best seats on the beach!


We spent five hours at the beach and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves, took a short walk down the beach after lunch, but the sun was too intense for my pasty white complexion, so I had to cut it short and get back under the umbrella, lesson learned there is to bring a light-weight cover up for the beach, the sun is way more intense than I’m used to in Indiana!


We got our taxi back to the port area and did about a half-hour of shopping and tendered back to the ship. Sat out around the pool for a while and took a dip in the pool to cool off, while it wasn’t super hot, the humidity was high and we were very warm, pool cooled us down nicely.


We are still drinking our wine in our room we carried onboard, had a glass of wine while getting ready for dinner in the MDR and took our glass with us, sat in one of the lounges for a short while before dinner with our carried on wine and even took it into the MDR with us no problem. Then we just ask our server to send over the wine sommelier to order a glass to go with dinner. They are busy, so you need to ask for them. I purchased the Celebrity label Cabernet Sauvignon and it was very good, 10.50 a glass with tip (I think!).


Dinner was good, had potato soup and cheese plate, both very tasty.

Ordered off the standard menu, chicken breast and mashed potatoes and green beans, all very good. Tonight they made a huge deal and introduced the staff and they carried in baked Alaska. I think it’s funny that people bash Carnival for the singing and dancing wait staff (which annoy me while I’m trying to eat) and yet here on Celebrity they basically told us to hoot and hollar for our wait staff, so really how much different are the cruise lines? (I think the key is to cruise Carnival when school is in session) They used this time to push the comment card and to make sure we praised everyone and then our waiter asked us to write something nice on his card...........I thought it was all a bit much, but everyone else at our table enjoyed the whole thing, so it is probably just me that thought it was too much.


I just think if they require you to dress nice they should treat you like you are at an upscale restaurant on land and a land restaurant would never do such a theatatrical schick!


That whole thing is why I am not a big MDR fan, plus two hours to eat dinner is a long time! By the time you eat that much food and sit for two hours, I’m tired!


So GP went out with our table mates to the casino and Broadway revue show tonight, I begged off and went to the room for some down time, to read and ended up working on this review, but that is fine with me, I’m not much of a night life person, but for those who are there is enough to do at night that you won’t be bored! She told me later she enjoyed the Broadway show.


Tomorrow is our last sea day. Wait staff told us there is a nice brunch served in MDR from 10 - ? so we are going to try that instead of breakfast, I will let you know how it is. But I’ve been very impressed with the food so far, so I have high expectations!


My first five-day cruise, with two sea days and two port days, it seems very sufficient for a nice little get away! Viva la Celebrity!


Oh BTW, we have both been impressed with the level of service on the ship and the friendliness of the staff. Of course on the tender ride we talk to a lady our age who is totally disappointed with the service – go figure!

Just like the other cruise lines, you can find complainers everywhere!

Nothing is perfect, especially if you are looking for flaws. But this ship is seriously close to perfect!


Last sea day: it went fast, that is for sure. The music was awful today, it was great on the first sea day, today it was very loud and fast asian rock type, suited more for a club at night, not a pool deck in the Caribbean. Did it ruin my last sea day? No absolutely not.


They did have two pool games this afternoon, one appeared to be volleyball and the other was the same one they played the first day, which I thought was rather lame that they could not come up with two different pool games for the two sea days!


My impression of the “activities” on the ship are a bit low. They don’t seem to have that many so you need to be happy with entertaining yourself. For me that is fine because I don’t really want to do anything, but for people who enjoy the activities, I think it’s slim pickings.


We did not eat breakfast and saved ourselves for the “buffet” in the MDR starting at10:30. I haed read about complaints about this because people wanted to be served in the MDR and they said that the buffet was no better than the buffet offered on the resort deck at breakfast and lunch. Oh contraire.....the presentation was beyond beautiful, the selection was great and the taste was wonderful. Plus they had the wonderful chocolate fountain, yum yum, I wish I knew how to post pictures............so watch your daily newsletter for whatever day they serve this, it is beyond worth it. One lady told us it replaced the midnight buffet that was not well attended............I’m glad they made this change (who can eat that much at 11 p.m.?), it was thoroughly enjoyable.


I did have nachos (again) in the afternoon for a snack and someone else must have made the salsa today as it had a weird flavor! But the gauc was still good as ever and I loved that melted cheese!


We had wanted to have a drink at their Martini Bar but had never made it there, so we had told our table mates on the last night we were going to be at the Mbar at 5 p.m. please join us. They showed up and the Mbar was very delightful, we all had a few cocktails before dinner, which made our last dinner very festive! Atmosphere is great! White chairs, chandeliers change color, the actual bar top is cold...............just overall very nice.


Just a word of caution here though, The martinis are VERY good! They have a menu with descriptions of them, I tried three different ones..............yes three, plus I ended up ordering one in the MDR! Most I drank all cruise, but they were very enjoyable. I think next time I would try to hit it a little earlier in the cruise so I would have time to try more different ones, without trying them all in one setting! Ha ha


After dinner I stopped by and listened to the string quartet, which was truly the best entertainment (for me) that I had heard all week............lovely. Many times I wished my DH was here to enjoy this cruise with me, but no more than while listening to the strings, they were lovely.


So tomorrow a.m. we get off the ship and fly home, my overall impression of the ship and cruise line is great, I would def sail Celebrity again.


Even though Century is 15 years old, do not hesitate to cruise her, she is a lovely, well maintained ship with a great staff!


What was my favorite and least favorite? Favorite might have been the pool towels, you could just take as many as you wanted, no deposit required. I took one for the top half of my padded lounger (also a

favorite) one for the bottom half, one to keep rolled up as a neck pillow and one rolled up as a Nook holder, so every sea day I got four towels and no one looked at me funny or anything, I loved that!


Food was def good and I have a pretty discerning pallet, so that is a lot for me to say......drinks were good, tap water was good, although I bought my share of bottled water too.


I do think I would give the nod to Carnival for ship cleanliness or at least the illusion of it. On Carnival you constantly see people cleaning and I did not see that on Century. First thing in the a.m. when I was at the Sunset bar (watching the sunrise) drinking coffee, I noticed a fruit rhine under the table, which would have meant they did not pick up the chairs at night and hose the outside deck down, which I thought was rather odd...............but overall the ship was very clean and well maintained.


Least Favorite? I’ll have to think a while on that.............(couldn’t come up with anything!)


Debarkation day: we carried our own luggage off about 8 a.m. GP went to breakfast before that, I skipped, the martinis from the night before cut my morning appetite down! At that time we just walked off the ship, no line at customs, just moved right along, got a taxi and were at the airport by 9 a.m.


Debarking on a Thursday is way different than on a weekend, I will have to keep that in mind for next cruise............weekends in the cruise port and airports are crazy! Very smooth and not crowded on a Thursday!


Again, I could not have been more pleased with Celebrity. I had no idea what to expect, you read all kinds of different opinions on cc.com............it seemed a bit upscale, but not stuffy at all.


I hope I was able to help anyone who is cruising on Century soon................thanks!


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Robin, thanks for your review, it's getting me even more excited for our Celebrity cruise in January! We have been away from Celebrity for a few years because DH was a smoker and fwlt their policies were too restrictive --- he has now quit, thankfully, so we are booked. Hope we enjoy ours as much as you did your cruise!

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Robin, thanks for your review, it's getting me even more excited for our Celebrity cruise in January! We have been away from Celebrity for a few years because DH was a smoker and fwlt their policies were too restrictive --- he has now quit, thankfully, so we are booked. Hope we enjoy ours as much as you did your cruise!



Oh yes, I did forget to mention the whole smoking issue didn't I? Thanks for the reminder!


I definately think if you are a smoker you might find it a bit cumbersome to try to find a place to smoke. I saw ashtrays on one side of the Sunset bar and one side on a few tables on the pool deck. Other than that I never saw anyone smoking at all!


From what I understand you cannot smoke in your room or on your balcony either.


For non-smokers it is wonderful! Really enjoyed that aspect of it, but if I was a big smoker I might think twice about Celebrity.


Thanks for you kind reply and I'm sure you will thoroughly enjoy yourself on your upcoming cruise!

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Just a word of caution here though, The martinis are VERY good! They have a menu with descriptions of them, I tried three different ones..............yes three, plus I ended up ordering one in the MDR! Most I drank all cruise, but they were very enjoyable. I think next time I would try to hit it a little earlier in the cruise so I would have time to try more different ones, without trying them all in one setting! Ha ha

Did they do away with the martini flight? Six small martinis so you can sample several. We enjoyed splitting a flight often. Love that martini Bar. Unique!! Kinda retro.

Great review of your vacation.



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Thank you all for the positive feedback, I feel a little self-conscious posting, so it's nice to know it's read in the way I meant it to be!


As far as the flight of martinis.........yes they still offer them and in hindsight I wish I would have ordered one, I love trying different tastes, but of course my intention was that I was only going to have one martini! ha ha Next time I'll know better AND have my DH to help me drink them!

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Did they do away with the martini flight? Six small martinis so you can sample several. We enjoyed splitting a flight often. Love that martini Bar. Unique!! Kinda retro.


Great review of your vacation.




I was on the Century Oct 25th and they had the martini flight several days at the sunset bar. Excellent way to taste them.

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Excellent review Robin! I have done the 5 day Century before and I agree that it is a younger crowd. Night life is very differant from a 7 day, alot more people up past 11 p.m. Looking forward to our upcoming Century sailing and your review reminded us of how much we love this ship!!

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thanks for much for your review - we're booked on the Century in July for Alaska & haven't sailed Celebrity before either - so it was really nice to get all this information about the ship. I know my dh & kids will LOVE the breakfast food & I'll like the martinis LOL!!


I did have to laugh at your Grand Cayman/Jamaica experience, anytime we've been there GC has been a disaster but Jamaica has been lovely. I guess it goes to show you never know what'll happen in port.


Glad you had a good time

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We love Century and will be back on board next month. We fell I love with the ship and rate it right up there as one of our favorites. So pleased to hear that you and your GP enjoyed Celebrity for the first time. I know it is a bit strange traveling without your husband, I just got off the Eclipse yesterday after my first solo (no GP) and it was a bit strange at first. I'd planned to meet a few new friends I'd met on the CC roll call, and all was well...but I still plan to cruise with hubby whenever possible.


Happy cruising...Joanne

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Thanks so much for your review!! It was perfect timing for us. We're in the Intercontinental Hotel right now overlooking the Port of Miami and the beautiful Century. We're doing two five night cruises. I can't wait to board her in a few hours. I'm so glad I don't have to wait any longer. Your review was wonderful and a longer wait would have been torture ;o)

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Thank you for a great review! It has me really excited for our first X cruise in January.


One question though- is your MDR seating not on your card? We have only sailed on RCI and this information is printed on the seapass. If not, where does one find this information?




When we sailed the Century in April our dining assignment was not printed on our card, there was a seperate paper delivered to our stateroom with our dining table number.



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Thanks for your great review! We are booked on our first Celebrity cruise, the Century next year to AK, and we are quite looking forward to it.


I noticed that you're headed on the Oasis next year? Our most recent cruise was on the Freedom of the Seas, and we loved it. You'll always find a million things to do on RCI's mega-ships! :D

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Thanks for your great review! We are booked on our first Celebrity cruise, the Century next year to AK, and we are quite looking forward to it.


I noticed that you're headed on the Oasis next year? Our most recent cruise was on the Freedom of the Seas, and we loved it. You'll always find a million things to do on RCI's mega-ships! :D



Yes, my 24-year old son is active duty Air Force and stationed in Japan. We are meeting in Florida next fall for a family vacation. He has always wanted to sail the Oasis.........such a sacrifice I'm making to support our troops! ha ha


In my quest to try all the cruise lines, this will get me on RCI, but I wonder if that Oasis will be indicative of their "normal" ships?

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