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The occasional suite guest likes to repeat over and over that the CL is always crowded in hopes that Royal reads this and believes them. :p





How did I know you might say that!!! :D;)


Sorry-the occasional suite guest has a right to an opinion just like anyone else.!! No one is right or wrong here. Just making personal observations.

If you count the suites, all suites filled-all guests go to the lounge. It would be crowded!! We all have the numbers on that. Just need to count the rooms via deck plans!


What's really sad are the folks that base the vacation on the lounges. I've read by many many avid posters and cruisers on here that 'If I can't go in the lounge-I'm not cruising with them anymore' I find that could possibly have someone fall into the catagory of loosing the whole idea of a vacation possibly!!!

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As long as current Diamond Plus members aren't kicked out of the CL, these changes won't affect us.



Yes KEWLguy..........I agree...BUt being kicked out of the CL again would really upset me.

I realize RCI can do what ever they want..its their company and they make the rules to gain better profit...LIke any business.

But I certainly decide where my money is spent. I could have bought a nice little vacation home with what I have spent on RCI!

Suppose I should have have, but climbing the cruise credit point ladder was fun.

Now I see they are going to add more steps to climb....I am not sure I want to particpate anymore if that happens.

Diamond/ D+ people are great advertizers for RCI.. All my friends and work mates know I love to cruise RCI and many have cruised RCI on my recommondation. Why does RCI continue to piss us off about the silly points system? and playing hide the ball and raise the carrot!!!!!????

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Giving out coupons will never work. People would be passing them around, some will find a way to beat the system if possible.


Being D+, I have to admit, I'm spoiled. I love the concierge but would be happy having D and D+ in the same lounge together as long as they didn't JUST serve Laturd. LOL


I try to book my cabin close to the concierge. Love the short walk to get our coffee in the morning and drinks in the evening.


Will be anxious to see how you compare X to RCL Patty.



What is Laturd??? Is that a new food in the DL/CL?

DO you mean the wine... OH that's called Le Terrible

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I have never seen a cruise line change it repeaters program so often as Royal Caribbean!


They need to stop it! I can't keep up with all the changes to the benefits. Add/take away


Whoever is in charge of this , must be bored and need to justify there position with the company.


Enough already, let us enjoy cruising and enjoy our benefits without worrying it may change every few months!


The Nation of Why Not (Change)



There, i vented.

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The thing is many of the 100+ cruisers did indeed get that far with short cruises........I don't understand why they will automatically get to be Pinnacle?? Right off the bat,there will be over 100 Pinnacle cruisers......some with 750 or more,yet some will have considerably less.:confused:




And that is why I don't think there should be an automatic pinnacle based on current cruise credits. Hopefully the rumor is wrong. That really would put some at pinnacle who have far less days at sea than someone with a lot less current cruise credits but many more days at sea.


People had to get their cruise credits and level based on the old rules. If the rules are going to be new - a days a sea rule - then everyone should attain that level the same way - by legitimate days at sea, however they decide to count them.



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I have never seen a cruise line change it repeaters program so often as Royal Caribbean!


They need to stop it! I can't keep up with all the changes to the benefits. Add/take away


Whoever is in charge of this , must be bored and need to justify there position with the company.


Enough already, let us enjoy cruising and enjoy our benefits without worrying it may change every few months!


The Nation of Why Not (Change)




There, i vented.




LOL yes It's now the Nation of Why Not......switch to a more stable and reliable cruise line loyalty program? One that does not play hide the ball and raise the dangling carrot evey couple of years after you have followed the program.

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How did I know you might say that!!! :D;)


Sorry-the occasional suite guest has a right to an opinion just like anyone else.!! No one is right or wrong here. Just making personal observations.

If you count the suites, all suites filled-all guests go to the lounge. It would be crowded!! We all have the numbers on that. Just need to count the rooms via deck plans!


What's really sad are the folks that base the vacation on the lounges. I've read by many many avid posters and cruisers on here that 'If I can't go in the lounge-I'm not cruising with them anymore' I find that could possibly have someone fall into the catagory of loosing the whole idea of a vacation possibly!!!


opinion vs. numbers - and that is what RCI will base their decision on. And facts....fact being that all suite guests do not use the lounge or eat dinner at the same time. And the fact that all ships are not packed with D+ for most of the year.



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And that is why I don't think there should be an automatic pinnacle based on current cruise credits. Hopefully the rumor is wrong. That really would put some at pinnacle who have far less days at sea than someone with a lot less current cruise credits but many more days at sea.


People had to get their cruise credits and level based on the old rules. If the rules are going to be new - a days a sea rule - then everyone should attain that level the same way - by legitimate days at sea, however they decide to count them.





Oh please,,, are you really serious?? Even if a person has gotton to ONE HUNDRED CRUISES (WOW!!) By taking them all on three or four day trips... That is still an amazing and loyal traveler!! GET REal here please

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Not what I meant to say... I meant to say...


I don't think a per day system favors those who do longer cruises, unless that's ALL they do... I think the per cruise system does favor those who have done mostly shorter cruises, however. It seems to me as though the averaging of what they are proposing would be pretty equitable with the current system for the majority. It's people who do all either long or short sailings who will see a big difference in the future.


Since they are grandfathering everyone at their current level, I have a hard time understanding why someone who got to D or D+ solely with short cruises would have an issue with them changing to a per day system.


I spent more per pax rate on my 3 night cruise in a suite, than I am spending per pax on our 10 night cruise in a regular cabin.


Old system: 2 points on the 3 night, and 1 point on the 10 night. More fair to me as it rewards the more expensive rate paid. Extra points that carry more weight in ratio, expecially when I am only 1 point away from Diamond at the so called change date of 1/12, with my next cruise being 1/14 and that 1 point that would have made me Diamond after completion of 1/14 cruise.


New system: I get 6 points on a cruise that cost me more money, and 10 points on the longer, (but cheaper) cruise. I then still stuck at Platinum...or Platinum plus, or Emerald or some other "precious stone/metal".


So how does the new system help me? :rolleyes:

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Oh please,,, are you really serious?? Even if a person has gotton to ONE HUNDRED CRUISES (WOW!!) By taking them all on three or four day trips... That is still an amazing and loyal traveler!! GET REal here please


And their days at seas should count toward pinnacle like everyone else's days who are amazingly loyal by booking long cruises.





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Oh please,,, are you really serious?? Even if a person has gotton to ONE HUNDRED CRUISES (WOW!!) By taking them all on three or four day trips... That is still an amazing and loyal traveler!! GET REal here please

I happen to agree with Gina..........say that one person got to 100 cruises(more like credits anyway) at 3 nights each.thats 300............now what about the person who cruised maybe 50 times at 7 nights each(350).......it doesnt seem fair one is deemed a Pinnacle yet the other is not..

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opinion vs. numbers - and that is what RCI will base their decision on. And facts....fact being that all suite guests do not use the lounge or eat dinner at the same time. And the fact that all ships are not packed with D+ for most of the year.




Exactly-it is both our opinions!!:)

They have the numbers. They must take into consideration if sometimes, most suite guests do use the lounge. They know because they are the only ones that know on an overall average-if the lounges are more crowded then not. I know I only cruise a few times and now will be able to cruise much more. I'm making my opinion based on what I've seen. I've seen crowded and read more thinks on the DL that tell me it is more crowded then not during 'happy hour'.


Both of us have been down this road before and it sure is fun. No harm no foul-just opionions. You are very passionate about the lounges. Passion is a good thing.:) What the company's passion is may be very different then ours!!;)

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I spent more per pax rate on my 3 night cruise in a suite, than I am spending per pax on our 10 night cruise in a regular cabin.


Old system: 2 points on the 3 night, and 1 point on the 10 night. More fair to me as it rewards the more expensive rate paid. Extra points that carry more weight in ratio, expecially when I am only 1 point away from Diamond at the so called change date of 1/12, with my next cruise being 1/14 and that 1 point that would have made me Diamond after completion of 1/14 cruise.


New system: I get 6 points on a cruise that cost me more money, and 10 points on the longer, (but cheaper) cruise. I then still stuck at Platinum...or Platinum plus, or Emerald or some other "precious stone/metal".


So how does the new system help me? :rolleyes:


At the very least I would like to see them allow all non-refundable paid in full cruises going forward from the announcement date to go toward status under the old system.


That would mean if the announcement is made on 1/12/11, then most cruises through the end of March would allow for the old way of counting cruise credits. (shorter cruises of course have less days between final payment and sailing)


I don't see it as being fair to rip the C&A status out from under someone's nose on such short notice when they are that close.


I mean really - they plan to give out pinnacle level to some who are no where close if counting days at sea, why would they not allow someone only one credit away from diamond to just be an automatic diamond? Or give fair warning.


I'm definitely on your side on this one.



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LOL yes It's now the Nation of Why Not......switch to a more stable and reliable cruise line loyalty program? One that does not play hide the ball and raise the dangling carrot evey couple of years after you have followed the program.

And which line would that be? Seems that some are over-reacting based on speculation that may not even turn out to be accurate. Even with the changes that have occurred over the past few years, and considering the improvements that were put in place last summer, the loyalty program still ranks high in comparison to those of some other lines. If the loyalty program and its perks are your major reason for selecting your cruises, then compare them all and choose accordingly. I'll continue to make my judgements based on the quality of the cruise experience delivered, the variety of itineraries offered, and the range of ships and special features provided.

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At the very least I would like to see them allow all non-refundable paid in full cruises going forward from the announcement date to go toward status under the old system.


That would mean if the announcement is made on 1/12/11, then most cruises through the end of March would allow for the old way of counting cruise credits. (shorter cruises of course have less days between final payment and sailing)


I don't see it as being fair to rip the C&A status out from under someone's nose on such short notice when they are that close.


I mean really - they plan to give out pinnacle level to some who are no where close if counting days at sea, why would they not allow someone only one credit away from diamond to just be an automatic diamond? Or give fair warning.


I'm definitely on your side on this one.




Thank you Gina!!! :D

That is a great idea and certainly more fair, I would think, at least in a fair world.


I had prepaid my 1/14 cruise way before this "supposed" new date of 1/12 (just 2 days before my embarkation) would change the rules. I was originally elated that my much anticipated 10 night cruise (my first) was not only one that I was looking forward to as a cruise itself, but added excitment that I would be Diamond at completion. Now the "elation" is "deflation" on the Diamond status. :(


I will be back to Platinum again for a veerrrry long time. This "karat" is turning into a "carrot" held over my nose by RCI.

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And which line would that be? Seems that some are over-reacting based on speculation that may not even turn out to be accurate. Even with the changes that have occurred over the past few years, and considering the improvements that were put in place last summer, the loyalty program still ranks high in comparison to those of some other lines. If the loyalty program and its perks are your major reason for selecting your cruises, then compare them all and choose accordingly. I'll continue to make my judgements based on the quality of the cruise experience delivered, the variety of itineraries offered, and the range of ships and special features provided.


What? How dare you be a voice of reason in our lovely rumorville! :p


I do remember the panic of last June. D+ was to lose the CL last summer. :rolleyes: Or so the rumor was.

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I happen to agree with Gina..........say that one person got to 100 cruises(more like credits anyway) at 3 nights each.thats 300............now what about the person who cruised maybe 50 times at 7 nights each(350).......it doesnt seem fair one is deemed a Pinnacle yet the other is not..


I also agree with Kathy and Gina, but those that have 100 cruises and have received the Pinnacle, may be invited to join, but maybe they can not have any more free cruises till they have reached the 750 day mark.


When someone has achieved the 100 cruise mark, under todays system, they are still D+. What I believe you are saying and it would be a good idea to keep those that have not reached the 750 day mark, as D+, and not recognize the Pinnacle till they have reached 750 days.




Thanks goodness that at the end of the last December cruise Bobbie's count is 750. I have done my part.......I pay!!:D

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I happen to agree with Gina..........say that one person got to 100 cruises(more like credits anyway) at 3 nights each.thats 300............now what about the person who cruised maybe 50 times at 7 nights each(350).......it doesnt seem fair one is deemed a Pinnacle yet the other is not..


Being the season of generosity, Let's say that the person with 100 cruises got them by doing all 3 AND 4 night cruises. That would put them right up there with the person who has done 50 seven night cruises. :eek: 350 days at sea each.


What's fair is fair. :confused:


Maybe the person with 50 cruises should be invited to be pinnacle, too. ;)



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Karen, I am surprised you and Pete are home....glad to see your post so Bill and I can wish you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Bill and I had a blast with you 2 and Linda and Dennis on the Oasis and dinner was the best in the Solarium Bistro.....Have fun on the 9th and Congrats for hitting # 200. We are slumming it in Jan. on the Carnival Paridise....3 day weekend....but it is an Anaheim Angel fan Cruise so should be fun. I think we are doing the Repo Radiance in May so maybe we will see you on that.

Tell Linda ( Nancy ) and Dennis that we said hi. Thanks again for all of the fun and Wine and Champange.....that just made the Oasis that much more SPECIAL!


Mike and Bill


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to both of you, too. We are home for two weeks, between a b2b2b and another b2b on Mariner. I can't tell you how many times we have talked about our good times together on Oasis!:) The good times continued on Navigator, another great cruise. I will pass along your greetings to Linda and Dennis, and hopefully, from all of us, we will sail with you soon. Oasis was very special to us, as well -- we will probably book Allure sometime soon. Enjoy your Anaheim Angels' Fan cruise, it sounds like fun! We are on the RD for the Panama Canal cruise, with Linda and Dennis, just prior to yours, so will just miss you. Happy sails!


And which line would that be? Seems that some are over-reacting based on speculation that may not even turn out to be accurate. Even with the changes that have occurred over the past few years, and considering the improvements that were put in place last summer, the loyalty program still ranks high in comparison to those of some other lines. If the loyalty program and its perks are your major reason for selecting your cruises, then compare them all and choose accordingly. I'll continue to make my judgements based on the quality of the cruise experience delivered, the variety of itineraries offered, and the range of ships and special features provided.


Well-said, thank you. While it is "fun" to speculate about these upcoming changes, it might be better to wait and see what actually happens on January 12 (or whenever). Here is what I have learned over the years: 90% of the things you worry about never happen, and the 10% that do, are not as bad as you thought they'd be.


Now I'm going to start worrying about packing for our Mariner cruise in one week.;):D

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I also agree with Kathy and Gina, but those that have 100 cruises and have received the Pinnacle, may be invited to join, but maybe they can not have any more free cruises till they have reached the 750 day mark.


When someone has achieved the 100 cruise mark, under todays system, they are still D+. What I believe you are saying and it would be a good idea to keep those that have not reached the 750 day mark, as D+, and not recognize the Pinnacle till they have reached 750 days.




Thanks goodness that at the end of the last December cruise Bobbie's count is 750. I have done my part.......I pay!!:D


That's it. D+ is what 100 cruise credits is as is 24 cruise credits and they should all keep their level.


I think people like Bobbie who have actually earned the pinnacle level should receive the recognition for really reaching it and not be grouped together with those who were given the level even though they have far less than 750 days at sea. I think it diminishes the achievement if it's given to those who haven't really earned it by the new standards.


And I DO think it's OK if she brings YOU along for the ride. :)



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I can understand the debate over these changes, and it makes for interesting reading. Lively debate for sure.


But, just like I said the last two times they changed the program (Sept 2009 and June 2010, I believe), I still say............


it's a free program of perks and benefits!!! Anything RCCL chooses to give me for free, I will gladly accept and appreciate. It's their program and they can change it any way they want as far as I'm concerned. I'm happy they are grandfathering existing levels, but changing the FREE bennies is up to them.


A poster up above asked what the D and D+ levels were worth, anyway. Personally, we think the priority embarkation and debarkation is priceless. I don't care how crowded it gets: I'm still on the ship early, and escorted off the ship with the earlier groups and can get on with my day in both cases.


It might, I repeat might, be disappointing for people that are near a new level, but I still can't help but disagree with the sense of entitlement some people have.


It's a FREE program, so enjoy whatever you get and say "thank you"! :D

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I can understand the debate over these changes, and it makes for interesting reading. Lively debate for sure.


But, just like I said the last two times they changed the program (Sept 2009 and June 2010, I believe), I still say............


it's a free program of perks and benefits!!! Anything RCCL chooses to give me for free, I will gladly accept and appreciate. It's their program and they can change it any way they want as far as I'm concerned. I'm happy they are grandfathering existing levels, but changing the FREE bennies is up to them.


A poster up above asked what the D and D+ levels were worth, anyway. Personally, we think the priority embarkation and debarkation is priceless. I don't care how crowded it gets: I'm still on the ship early, and escorted off the ship with the earlier groups and can get on with my day in both cases.


It might, I repeat might, be disappointing for people that are near a new level, but I still can't help but disagree with the sense of entitlement some people have.


It's a FREE program, so enjoy whatever you get and say "thank you"! :D



Peggy, the Explorer has eliminated the priority debarkation from a private lounge.


We were on the Nov. 28th sailing and no more being escorted off the ship.


Wonder if other ships will follow.

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Peggy, the Explorer has eliminated the priority debarkation from a private lounge.


We were on the Nov. 28th sailing and no more being escorted off the ship.


Wonder if other ships will follow.


It might be hit or miss. We had it on the Rhapsody in October. Even if there is no lounge or escort, our D+ status gets us in the earlier groups to get off.

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