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Crown & Anchor Society level changes

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Well, there's no law that says you HAVE to get in the priority line at GS. You could just get in the regular line, and no one would be the wiser.


We just received a packet from my TA for a group cruise this month, and it had armbands that say "VIP." (They are for some group activities we have planned). I about laughed my behind off, especially after all our discussion here of late.


I wish those armbands said ANYTHING but "VIP." After all, I have always thought I was just a regular person....what a shock to discover all of a sudden that I'm "Very Important" :D


Maybe that will be RCI's new system. Armbands.


<IP........ Less than an Important Person

=IP.........Equal to an Important Person

>IP.........Greater than an Important Person

>IP+........Greater than an Important Person Plus

VIP..........and the elusive level... Very Important Person


Then the can color them like the DHS color coded threat level and nobody will know what the hell the armbands mean.:rolleyes:

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We have some people on our next cruise that are D+. I KNOW that because they reminded me at the beginning of every sentence last year. I am curious whether these pins were provided to all D+? If so, I guarantee you, these people will be wearing them even if they have to get a wagon to lug them around in. :D

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I spoke on line with a friend who is a travel agent, last evening. I asked her about todays announcement. She stated that she was on the phone with RCL yesterday and according to her, any announcement of change has been delayed indefinitely. For us, that is great as we have 23 points and are due to sail in 3 weeks for points 24 and 25. I would rather get my status changed now before any changes occur.


We were on the Serenade in December. I never wore those pins. First of all, they were extremely heavy. Second of all, I didn't need to advertise for Royal. Plus, I didn't think their "Diamond" celebration was a celebration at all. I didn't need another bag. I have no use for the metal bottles and one magnet would have been enough. We collect magnets and that is all it was good for. They led us to believe we would have special booking advantages...NOT...we had better deals on the Independence with 3 level upgrades and onboard credit. We wound up booking 2 cruises on that ship. This was the same old, $200 deposit for 2 and onboard credit based on the length of your cruise. That is the same it has been on all the ships. OK, we did get an extra point for sailing in December and yes it was very relaxing not having to deal with the hustle bustle of the season but there was absolutely nothing special other then a great cruise (as usual).


I have no idea what Royal has in store for us when all the changes do happen but we like the cruise line and will continue to sail. We also saw the "special" line at the guest desk. No one was in it. Everyone stood in the regular line.


Darlene (home because of the snow...and lovin a day off from work)

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Bob, I couldn't agree more. We just did a cruise on EN in December, so we got to experience the Diamonds in December Celebration where D/D+ Members were "supposed" to be treated royally!! Unfortunately I didn't get that feeling. We were actually glad because I think everyone who boards a ship should be treated equally no matter what level they are with C&A.


They gave D/D+ Members magnetic pins to wear. Talk about standing out in a crowd or asking for special attention!!:( We did see some folks wearing them.........but I certainly didn't see a red carpet being rolled out for them!


They should reward people privately so as not to make those that are not getting those same rewards uncomfortable.



awwww man, come on! :p On our TA there were very few wearing them. Maybe because it was too much trouble to wear for 14 days in a row. And the ship was mobbed with D and above.


But on our 4 nighter on RD in Dec, I was surprised how many people had them on. Even my 20 and 24 year olds and son in law came out with theirs on. :eek: I figured if they thought it was cool, so did I, so we went right back to the room and put ours on. :cool:


I was especially surprised that other people (non-D) seemed to like them. No one appeared to have any or expressed any discomfort. They just wanted to know how they could get one, too. And maybe that is what RCI is hoping for. We walk around as advertisements for the C&A society D level which is pretty easy to attain. And then others might want to be D members, too.


And there sure is a red carpet on RD. You know that. You just have to hope someone is working it. :rolleyes:


I now keep my pin and magnet on my refrigerator - from both years. :)



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I do understand your points. :)


I guess I look at it the same as I would, say, theater or concert tickets. I buy the "cheap seats", I am satisfied with my cheap seats. I don't think the theater is poking me in the eye because they have sold better seats - at a higher price - to other theater goers.

I think we agree much more than we disagree. After all, you got the same base "product" as the folks who paid more (movie/play/concert).


But wouldn't it bother you just a little bit if the folks in the higher price seats had a special line for refreshments or the bathroom?


I know it would p!$$ me off (pun intended) if I was waiting to go and there was an unused urinal that was reserved for the VIPs.

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Patti, I was going to ask if you actually wore those things. :p


I saw the note with the pins that said to wear them in order to be recognized. No way was I going to put one of those things on.


Tina really hated those pins. As a joke, I tried to sneak one on to her, but the weight of it about pulled her shirt off.


We did get a good laugh at the people who never took them off though! :D

and I seem to recall what you did with those magnets!!:eek::eek:



For the record,we didnt wear our pins either and I left the bags and water bottles behind.........I didnt need them,nor would I use them..

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We had a grand suite on the Radiance in November and doing it again the end of January - We felt very skiddish when we went to Guest Relations a c ouple of times and we had a priority line while others were waiting to be helped.

When we started to walk up to get "served" my husband and I got some dirty looks from the others waiting so we offered for a couple of them to go ahead of us and the the gentleman at the desk said on no - we have to serve you first - we were a little annoyed and apologized to the people waiting.

I agree that we do have a lot of perks being diamond plus and having the grand suite - so I would like to see this stopped - makes us feel uncomfortable - Instead - give me a lounge by the pool with my name on it - lol:)


On Adventure of the Seas the priority line generally took much longer so I always got in the regular line.


The way it is supposed to work on Radiance but doesn't always is, there is supposed to be a designated person working the priority line so the regular line isn't imposed upon in any way. The regular line has all the rest of the GS people and when no one is in the priority line, then the designated person can call someone over from the other line. What ends up happening, and shouldn't happen, is that no one in GS is working the priority line so when a guest walks up to it, they get called over ahead of the other people in line and this is what causes the hard feelings.


Even Carnival has a priority line.



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I think we agree much more than we disagree. After all, you got the same base "product" as the folks who paid more (movie/play/concert).


But wouldn't it bother you just a little bit if the folks in the higher price seats had a special line for refreshments or the bathroom?


I know it would p!$$ me off (pun intended) if I was waiting to go and there was an unused urinal that was reserved for the VIPs.


If that creates lines for the men's room that is anything like the lines that occur for women's rooms that big ocean and all that railing space may become very enticing!:eek::D It could give a whole new meaning to "Save the Waves"!

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Message I'm receiving now, this is different from the ones this weekend saying it wasn't available. Even though I got this message my saved cruises showed up, so I am logged in, but the status box with level and number of credits is totally gone.


The information in the Crown & Anchor database does not match the information you have provided on the website. In order to access your Crown & Anchor program details on the website, the information must match. Please update the information in order to continue or contact the Crown & Anchor desk.

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No one forced you into that priority line. If it made you uncomfortable, you should have waited your turn with the regular folk.


We had a grand suite on the Radiance in November and doing it again the end of January - We felt very skiddish when we went to Guest Relations a c ouple of times and we had a priority line while others were waiting to be helped.

When we started to walk up to get "served" my husband and I got some dirty looks from the others waiting so we offered for a couple of them to go ahead of us and the the gentleman at the desk said on no - we have to serve you first - we were a little annoyed and apologized to the people waiting.

I agree that we do have a lot of perks being diamond plus and having the grand suite - so I would like to see this stopped - makes us feel uncomfortable - Instead - give me a lounge by the pool with my name on it - lol:)


We were on the RD in Oct with the red carpet. I stood in line with my cousin in the regular line and when it was our turn went up to the counter. I was kindly fussed at by the crew for not using the priority line. On other ships we stood in a long line and when we got up to the front were told--oh you don't need to stand inthe line, just come to the side and we will help you. NOT going to happen with me. When we have been in suites, either by paying or upgrading, we hate that the cards are different colors and turn them backwards.


As for pins, we didn't wea r the magnet (man those are heavy) nor do we wear our D+ pins when we sail.


off to the webinar that was supposed to be about the changges. since we are on the Freedom in July, guess I'll go hear about the changes.

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Message I'm receiving now, this is different from the ones this weekend saying it wasn't available. Even though I got this message my saved cruises showed up, so I am logged in, but the status box with level and number of credits is totally gone.


The information in the Crown & Anchor database does not match the information you have provided on the website. In order to access your Crown & Anchor program details on the website, the information must match. Please update the information in order to continue or contact the Crown & Anchor desk.




My cruise credits showed up just fine (all four of them) :(

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Just noticed the very some thing, but when I called my RC planner said he still showed my info with the number I have always had. Very curious.

That happened to me not long ago. Just quit working. When I called in, we went through every field in my profile and the state was missing. Worked lie a champ after that was corrected.

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We have some people on our next cruise that are D+. I KNOW that because they reminded me at the beginning of every sentence last year. I am curious whether these pins were provided to all D+? If so, I guarantee you, these people will be wearing them even if they have to get a wagon to lug them around in. :D

Umm... I went on 3 cruises this December and so of course I recieved 3 of the pins and I have never wore them. By the way did I happen to mention to you that I am diamond plus?

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Umm... I went on 3 cruises this December and so of course I recieved 3 of the pins and I have never wore them. By the way did I happen to mention to you that I am diamond plus?



Hahah! I think I wasn't specific enough. I take the same group cruise every year, so I know who is going to be in this group. I am speaking of ONE specific couple that was at our dining table last year....not all D+ people. :D

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We have some people on our next cruise that are D+. I KNOW that because they reminded me at the beginning of every sentence last year. I am curious whether these pins were provided to all D+? If so, I guarantee you, these people will be wearing them even if they have to get a wagon to lug them around in. :D


And that is just like you putting down all of your cruises, so you can

remind people how meany cruises you have been on.:cool:

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Do the same people whining about the priority access and special off limits area complain about priority lines at the airport for frequent flyers and those in F/J? Or the fact that they get to access the Admirals Club (or whatever it is called for different airlines)? If the Admirals Club is empty, should you get to walk in and use it?


Gosh, I wish my expensive concert tickets got me access to a private bathroom. I'd pay a little extra to avoid those lines!!!!

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Umm... I went on 3 cruises this December and so of course I recieved 3 of the pins and I have never wore them. By the way did I happen to mention to you that I am diamond plus?


We're jealous. We made Diamond on our last December cruise and we just wanted that pin as a souvenier, and we asked anyone/everyone we could who worked the cruise. Even if they could give it to us at disembarkation but the answer was no. So now we'll have to wait until next December. :mad:

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We're jealous. We made Diamond on our last December cruise and we just wanted that pin as a souvenier, and we asked anyone/everyone we could who worked the cruise. Even if they could give it to us at disembarkation but the answer was no. So now we'll have to wait until next December. :mad:

I have extras,if you want two..........we did a b2b so we got 4 of them.........you can have them,........just email me parrothead814 (its at AOL)

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Ok – What is RC Planner some have referenced?


On the December D sailings, we did NOT to wear the magnet ( and never wear the D/D+ pins) and to be honest, I don’t recall any special events for D/D+ . I was hoping for some special booking advantage but alas I was happy to get the usual balcony discount and get an on board booking credit also.


I did use the special line at CS. That is no different from frequent high level traveler at check-in lines at hotels or airports. Why frown on someone for using a perk that is provided.



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DemetriaRCCL: [12:55] Welcome to our Crown and Anchor live chat. How can I help you today?

niki burgos: [12:57] that true that crown anchor service will change

[12:57] i am only 5 credit awawy to become a diamond plus member

DemetriaRCCL: [13:00] At this time we are not making any changes to the Crown and Anchor program. We are always looking for ways to improve our program, and although nothing has been announced, we do hope to continue to make improvements.

niki burgos: [13:01] thank you i always take back to back cruises so i could reach diamond plus

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I think we agree much more than we disagree. After all, you got the same base "product" as the folks who paid more (movie/play/concert).


But wouldn't it bother you just a little bit if the folks in the higher price seats had a special line for refreshments or the bathroom?


I know it would p!$$ me off (pun intended) if I was waiting to go and there was an unused urinal that was reserved for the VIPs.


Now that is just unfair to bring the bathroom argument into the discussion when you are talking to a middle age female who has had children. :D


As to a special line for refreshments, no problem. Especially if I had seen in a brochure advertising the show that a special refreshment line would be available to those buying box seats tickets...... :)

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What I have noticed is everyone who has gone and done a live chat has recieved the same word for word answer:


At this time we are not making any changes to the Crown and Anchor program. We are always looking for ways to improve our program, and although nothing has been announced, we do hope to continue to make improvements


can you say-scripted!!!;)

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And that is just like you putting down all of your cruises, so you can

remind people how meany cruises you have been on.:cool:


Yep, if I started every sentence with: well, I was on the Clipper in 1960, and then in.....blahblahblah....but I have not done that.


WHAT? You haven't hidden signatures, then? Then you must WANT to read them! No sympathy for you, my friend. :p


However, if I am sitting at the dinner table with you and I start listing all my millions of previous cruises (as IF) at the beginning of every sentence...then you might have something to complain about.


Until that happens, don't bother me with complaints about my entirely hideable signature line.

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