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Any other Zumba fans?

Anita Latte

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Aw Kasi...I TOTALLY understand how you feel...something has happened to my hip measurement...I take it and I think to myself...how in the WORLD did I actually measure the previous measurement? SERIOUSLY? Because my hip measurement has increased...I don't understand it at all...


And the rest of my torso is definitely on the big end of the previous measurements...and it makes me crazy! And upset! :mad:


And I don't want to get on the scale because I was worried about that...but I did get on it and found out that I was down 1.2 pounds...so I have recovered about half of my gain from last time...


But then, I took my thigh measurement and that is definitely smaller...not my much...I have that issue about where to take that measurement and keep it consistant, so probably about 0.25" lost.


Meanwhile...all my clothes fit the same...


I don't know WHAT is going on...


And THEN...I realize that someHOW, my FEET have lost volume...or something...I've been tripping a bit in my left shoe?...and after careful consideration of this dilemma, I have definitely come to the conclusion that since the first of the year, when I bought these shoes...my feet have somehow changed...and especially my left shoe is way too big...and I need new shoes...:confused:


I'm not an expert by any means...but all I can remember is that it took SO LONG for my body to really start to change...and there have been times where I have not waited the full 4 weeks to take a measurement...like my legs...and I have watched as literally, the measurement doesn't change AT ALL for over 3 weeks...and the SUDDENLY...there is a large loss all at once...


I don't think that weight loss is linear...I don't think that it happens at a steady pace...and I don't think it happens where you expect it to happen...like my feet...and I'm noticing that my RINGS are all getting much looser, even though the humidity is increasing...like I need to lose weight in my FINGERS...:p


But the body will do what it will do...just because we cannot see or detect recent changes, we have to press on and just know that we are doing good things for ourselves, for our health, for our well-being...Kelly says that "Everyone has their day..." It's the day when, suddenly, you can SEE the changes...and it varies by person...


Don't be discouraged...


Like I said...I'm right there with you...I'm ready get moving on the downward trend again...and I just know that any day now...I will be able to see that I've been on it all along...so just believe that...believe that there are changes happening...


Here's a great analogy...


Ever moved?


Sometimes you have more time to prepare to move...and you can leisurely go through certain areas and get rid of some things before you get packing...like your closet, you clear out some clothing that you don't want anymore...like your body may lose a little bit of weight here or there...


And you spend HOURS packing boxes, and staging them somewhere...trying to make it easier for the actual moving day...you clear the furniture to the side of a little used room in the house, maybe one closest to the front door...and now there are stacks and stack of boxes filled with stuff...


But all that stuff is still in the house...


FINALLY...moving day arrives...and BAM...all the stuff is gone from the house in just a few short hours...


Well, I believe that this is the process for people who have a bunch of fat on their body...like ME...the body has to spend some time getting that fat ready to move...the packing phase...and then suddenly, it's moving day...and the fat moves out...and suddenly, it's like...WOW...I think I even LOOK smaller...


And measurements confirm this...


So let's just believe that we are in the packing phase...and any day now is moving day...EXPECT it...LOOK for it...remember the study with the hotel housekeeping...your expectations make a difference...


And just keep after it...

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On the teaching front...


It is OFFICIAL!!! I am teaching classes at 9:30 on Tuesdays and Thursdays...Woot Woot!


I'm all excited and nervous all at the same time!


And I feel OBSESSED with Zumba...it's consuming my every waking thought...I've determined a couple things...


First...I need my own warm up music. I like Kelly's music...but the warm up is personal...it's one place where there is a lot of freedom in setting up your class...it sets the tone for your class...so I'm looking for two songs that speak to me...


Second...I'm trying to take the songs that I know from going to class with Kelly...and merge them with a few songs that are NOT Kelly's...I have the one that I have already choreographed...and I know another song from training that I would like to use...I want my class to be MY class...and not just a Kelly wanna-be class...though I wanna be like Kelly!...I want to be ME with Kelly's level of fitness...so I'm going through the songs I know to pick out what comes together to be more like me...and then fill in the blanks with other songs...but not too many because I don't have that much time!


Last...find cool down songs...I love the inspirational cool down song...I've learned that I should have two cool down songs...the "pre-cool down" song which is just less intense and starting to slow down...and then the stretch cool down...


And that's what I am doing!! I'm making myself a little crazy!! I'm glad that I'm getting started sooner than later or else this feeling of nervous excitement would be lasting for another 8 weeks...so I'm very glad that I just have one more week of this...and I'm hoping that my cortisol levels don't adversely affect me in the meantime!


It's been a while since we've been sharing songs...but if you would like to share what you really enjoy in class...I'd love to hear about it! :)

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thanks for your encouragement. I´m defintely looking forward to see some changes even if I´m sure there are things changing in my body right now.


I´m really interested in whoch songs you come up with for your Zumba classes. I won´t be much help on regards of music as Annie uses mostly Zumba licensed, the only exception I´m aware of is Ricky Martin - Livin´la vida loca. And this song absolutely rocks. It´s one of my favorites.


Yesterday was get to know Zumba day at class. Lots of new people who had never done Zumba before, so Annie took some time to show the moves and explain to them what is important : first the legs, than the arms and if you manage both, move your hipp. I believe all of them had fun. Let´s see how many of these newcommers end up in one of the classes.

I´m asking a coworker of mine since January to come and by now she´s actually taking it into consideration. I promised I´d stop pestering her if she tried it and did not like it.


Anita, Pam, you mentioned you are wearing heart rate monitors to Zumba. Are these the kind with a transmitter which your wear around your upper belly? Which functions are important to you? I own a heart rate monitor somewhere but never got comfy wearing it. Maybe I ought to invest in a new one.


Ok, back to work, read you later ;)

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I wear a HRM rate monitor that is a Polar brand. There is a band that goes right below the bra strap line. I don't mind this strap because it is a lot like wearing a very wide bra band. Then there is the wrist watch "computer" that receives the signal and does all the calculations and stores the data.


I'm not sure how accurate the monitor really is. I've read that the actual number of calories burned can vary tremendously. I think Mom and I agree though that the monitor is accurate to itself...and that you can tell if you worked out HARDER on some nights...or if a certain class was a better burn than another class.


One thing that I like about the monitor is that it keeps me honest on my how hard I am working out...for instance...I can be feeling a bit winded doing somthing and check out my heart rate and be like...okay...I'm not REALLY working out that hard...and it changes my mindset and I suddenly feel like I might have more energy...OR...I find that I really am working really hard and might need to ease off a bit...


Actually...that song...Livin' la vida loca?...it IS a Zumba song...it was released on the same ZIN CD that Halle Decale was released on. Funny huh? Kelly does not use that song...I love that song too...but I'm not sure that I could get the choreography figured out before my first class. This is what I am trying to figure out.


I don't want to completely not use all this choreography that I know from going to Kelly's class...but I also want to offer my own...you know?...or AT LEAST...I want to offer different songs...I think I have mentioned this before...but I'm trying to find that balance between old and new...because it's likely that very few people from the evening class would attend my day time class...so EVERYTHING would be new to them, BUT just incase there is an overlap...I want to establish myself as ME...not a Kelly copycat...because Kelly does a lot of her own choreography, not using the Zumba choreography...IF she even uses Zumba music.


SO...my big dilemma is still figuring out the warm up songs.


Songs that I am pretty sure I am going to use:


Que Te Mueve

Waka Waka

Danza Kuduro

Un Mes


Cha cha

Bon Bon



I'm not really sure exactly how many songs I'll need to fill the hour. I'm not going to do the "preview" that Kelly does...I have figured out that she gives the preview and doesn't really do too much to try to LEAD or CUE the class...she claps when there is a change...I watch some other instructors and they are like a conductor leading an orchestra...and they have to because they don't break down the moves inbetween the songs...


The deal is that we are taught to not have ANY breaks between the songs...you just keep going...I think some instructors might mess with their music, and thus there is a little break there...but it isn't a big one...and this is the teaching style that I am going for...no breaks...


EXCEPT...I'm thinking about planning a longer gap inbetween the songs at about the half way point...for the first class anyway...I'm trying to figure out a TONING song to do at that half way point...and I thought that would be a good place to make sure everyone gets a drink of water...and then hit it again with a very upbeat happy song...as Mom says...to reward everyone for their hard work in the toning song.


The deal is that I really like Kelly's lower body toning song..."Drop It Low"...but honestly...any toning song will likely be difficult for me...I'm not in as good a shape as I could be still!! LOL. But I always enjoy that song...so I know that I would have fun doing it...even as my thighs and hips and gluts are SCREAMING at me!!


OH! Two more songs...


Ven A Cumbiar (on almost every cruise ship according to my Mom)

Salsa (by Slumber Party Girls)


One of these is going to be my "pre-cool down song" to begin to bring everyone's heart rate down...and I'm thinking that my actual cool down song will be "Hold On" by Toby Mac...it has that feel good feeling that I want to leave the class...especially early in the day.


I should just add up all the minutes of all these songs and see how far that gets me...


I still need warm up songs though...


OH! One other song I was thinking about adding to the mix...because everyone seems to love it is "Iko Iko" by Captain Jack...it's a happy song.


The deal is that the first class is free. And there is a great possibility that I will have a bunch of people come to just try out the class...or to support my first class...I know of one person that is coming just because they know me and they want to be there for my first class...and she is going to "spread the word" about the class. So, I want to do everything I can to put together a really fun class...not that every class shouldn't be fun...but you understand?...I want to pick "winners" that will leave the class wanting more and really forgeting that they are working out...

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Hi ladies, hope you're all well and Congrats on your teaching Anita.


I have had a hard couple of weeks both on the work and fitness/diet front and completely see where you're coming from Kasi and Anita. I just did not seem to be getting anywhere - not on the scales and not in my measurements. Nothing seemed to be shifting :mad:


Anyway, you won't believe this ladies - I am now back at the gym :confused: I went to see a personal trainer and omg what a difference. She has based my programme on the same principles as Zumba - using interval type training and lots of freestanding exercises using light weights and kettlebells. I have a set playlist on my ipod and I am loving it!! :D I am still keeping up the zumba but having added this programme in, followed by swim, sauna, jacuzzi the pounds and inches have started falling off - 2" off chest, hips and waist and 3 and a half pounds this week!!


I think one of the issues is that whilst I love my zumba classes, the instructor doesn't change the routine often enough and my body was just too used to it. So, I will keep going but make sure I mix it up with other activities to get my results.


Anita, songs I love which I don't think are official Zumba ones include:

  • Britney Spears - Womanizer
  • Sean Kingston - 911 (Fire Burning)
  • Tina Turner - Rolling
  • Flo Rider - Club Can't Handle Me (my all time favourite!!)
  • Cheryl Cole - Parachute (cool down)

Hope that gives you some ideas and good luck with your class!!


On holiday now for 5 days woo hoo :D Happy Easter everyone!

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Initially, I thought I should wear a HRM because I was worried about doing strenuous cardio exercise and "keeping" within the fat-burning zone and not going so high that I would hit 90% of my max heart rate. When I started Zumba, I consistently hit 110% of my MAX heart rate. So, obviously, (I know this sounds like a broken record) I had to do some research! The funniest line that I saw went something like... you can't go over your MAX heart rate. Think about it. Are you still breathing?


So, I just decided... based upon the fact that I was feeling better and better and having a lot more energy... that Zumba was only doing good things and that I just didn't need to worry.


The Polar monitor that I had... well, I've had 4 of them and I'm finally done with Polar!... pooped out on me. The last one that I bought, I spent extra money in order to have replaceable batteries. Well, they really aren't. It's all over the web how unreliable the transmitter becomes after it has its battery replaced. The watch's battery was an easy replacement, but the transmitter battery?... there's a New Jersey saying here... forget about it!


So I ended up replacing my HRM with a Timex HRM. The reasons that I chose the Timex:


the algorithm that is used by the monitor to calculate your zones of activity isn't based on the 220-age = max heart rate calculation. With this HRM, you do the series of exercises that I've already posted and estimate your own, individual max heart rate.


it gives me data on my peak heart rate hit during exercise, duration of exercise, time within 5 different zones (if I want), lowest heart rate during exercise, calorie burn...


Like Anita said, I believe that the bpm data is accurate, but I'm not sold on the accuracy of the calorie burn... in exact calorie measurements. However, I am sold on the idea that, within its own data, from one exercise session to another, it will give me information on how hard I worked out. I can compare how my body responds to the playlist and styles of different instructors that I go to, as well as different exercises that I perform. So I can keep a running tally of my efforts with calories. By tracking my food in the myfitnesspal app and then putting in the calories burned from exercise and tracking the weight and body fat fluctuations, I can get a GREAT idea of what I need to do to make all my efforts count. And that's what I like about the HRM.


Also, for me, there's one thing this HRM does that my Polar did not. There is a RECOVERY data. I think because this particular HRM is geared toward runners and they are very interested in knowing how long it takes them to recover from their exertions... they do a lot of interval training, etc. Anyway, when you hit stop/end on this HRM, and continue to wear your transmitter, it will analyze your bpm and at the end of either a 1-minute or a 2-minute (you decide) time, it will show you your bpm drop; in other words, if I hit stop and my bpm is at 165, after a minute the HRM will show 15... meaning that my bpm at the end of the minute is 150. The importance of that number, for me, is heart health. I've been told that a healthy heart will decrease its beats by at least 10bpm in the first minute after ending exertion. If you heart doesn't recover from exertion, then you have a problem that needs to be monitored by medical professionals. So, it's a peace of mind thing for me to have that information. Knowing I have such a strong recovery assures me that the max heart rate (I usually hit a peak of 174.. sometimes 178... once 181...)... isn't that big of a deal.


If you're concerned about the strap transmitter being comfortable, I can assure you that I don't even notice it's there during exercise. It feels more noticeable, actually, after I've stopped exercising.


Anything else you would like to know?

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So glad you posted. And with such good news!


I think you are right on spot... our body is such an efficient mechanism that it is an optimum adaptor! Anita shared a book with me that had a very funny analogy. She could probably do a better job remembering it, but it went something like this... when you're sleeping, the brain checks in with all your body parts and asks what's been going on?... need anything?... and the body parts will respond... nothing new... nothing different... no reason to change... let's just keep on doing what we're doing...


Now this happens after you go from being a couch potato to an exercise routine... when the brain asks what's been going on... the body parts start screaming and yelling... OMG... you won't BELIEVE what we were put through today!... and the brain says... ok... you need more energy reserves... you need more synapse activity... I get it... I'll come to your rescue!


But, after you keep doing the same exercise time after time... the body parts just say... nope... don't need anything new... same old same old routine today... after all, it's Tuesday night and we knew what we were going to do... no big deal...


Funny thought process.


The essence of the information is that you HAVE to SHAKE it up! Both in diet and exercise duration, intensity, schedule, etc.


I have 4 different Zumba instructors. Then, I have the ability to switch out a Saturday morning with a Friday morning class. So I can vary my exercise routine and keep it interesting for me. Each of the instructors has a different playlist. But, with that being said, I know I need to get back into the gym and do my resistance training. Share your weights training with us, as I'd love to know what you're doing.


Your routine sounds great! I wish that my gym (don't like its environment) was comfortable enough for me to enjoy the steam and sauna aspects.


Also, Happy Easter to everyone. Enjoy your holiday and come back and talk with us... we missed you!....

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@Donna...I think you are right about getting used to the Zumba routine...especially if your instructor wasn't mixing up the routine regularly...and if you only go to one instructor. I LOVE Kelly...everyone knows this...BUT...like most instructors are likely to be...she has favorite moves and she ends up doing these moves in many of her songs. And since she does her own choreography, and doesn't use the ZIN choreography that is given to her with her CDs every other month...I think we end up doing the same moves over and over again in different songs. I'm becoming more and more aware of this because my calorie burn in her class has dropped DRAMATICALLY over the course of recent weeks.


AND as I try to put together a playlist that I think is interesting and fun to do, I'm trying to mix up the moves that we do...and I'm finding that when I use Kelly's songs...I end up using a lot of the same moves.:rolleyes: And so I am trying to find other songs and other moves to add to the mix.


I am making myself a little crazy over this...and I'm realizing that I need to treat this whole breaking into teaching the way that I "broke into" doing exercise...one day at a time...one class at a time...be satisfied with doing what I can do, even if it isn't ULTIMATELY what I would like to be doing...I have a hard time with this in my life...it appears to be a lesson that I have to learn over and over again...it's OKAY to actually do what I can do NOW and WORK UP to doing what my ideal is...I don't have to do my ideal from the beginning! How many times am I going to have to learn this?


It's why the motto in our house from DH toward me is "Git 'er done!" because I will plan and plan and plan and research and research and research (hmmmm...wonder where I get THAT? ;))...when what I NEED to be doing is IT...and going from there!


Thanks, Donna for posting the songs! Question...I'm finding that many people use that "Club Can't Handle Me" for a warm-up song...do you?...there is that slower part that repeats in it...and that seems to throw a lot of instructors off...so they are warming up to this one.


And *happy dance* *happy dance* *Happy dance* to you for AWESOME progress!!!! YAY! There should be pictures being posted...


@Joby...THANKS! Here's a funny...Mom and I had our aura pictures taken once upon a time ago...pretty cool thing...it's a special camera...and you may have to touch something so that the camera can capture the light around you...anyway...afterwards, they will talk to you about your aura and what it means...the person asked me if I was a teacher?...I am the only person that they had ever seen that had the "teacher's halo" without actually being employed as one!


Last night...we had a demo from another instructor that is starting a new class with the new session next week...her class is "Nightclub Dancing" or "Nightclub Fitness". Kelly let her come in and lead a song as an example of what the class will be like. She did "Push It" which was hysterical...I could still remember most of the words to that song...isn't it funny how music can just stick in your head?


This morning...after doing all the practicing that I did for SO LONG yesterday...then going to Pilates and Zumba...I am STIFF...OMG...my hips are just like :eek:...Kelly has been doing all that training for Pilates, so she is really having fun with us...incorporating things and moving up onward after 6 months of class...and yikes!...it's not painful...but it's close...LOL.

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After MUCH searching and looking and listening and analyzing...I have FINALLY decided on my playlist for my first Zumba class! I feel such relief...:o:p;)


1. I Like It by Enrique (Pitbull) (warm up)

2. The Time (Dirty Bit) by Black Eyed Peas (warm up continued)

3. Que Te Mueve by Zumba Cardio Party (merengue)

4. Waka Waka by Shakira

5. Danza Kuduro by Don Omar & Lucenzo (line dance)

6. Fuego (Zumba version) (cumbia)

7. Zumbalicious by Zumba Cardio Party (salsa/reggaeton)

8. Drop It Low by Ester Dean & Chris Brown (squats/abs)

9. Cha Cha by Chelo (Charleston)

10. Un Mes by Mara (Reggaeton)

11. Vete by Los Primeros (merengue)

12. Cumbia Poder by Celso Pino (cumbia)

13. Ven A Cumbia by El Simbolo (cumbia/salsa) (pre-cool down)

14. Salsa by Slumber Party Girls (salsa)(pre-cool down)

15. Hold On by Toby Mac (cool down)


Gotta get my kiddo from school...

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Pam and Anita--


I wanted to tell you that my DH's birthday was yesterday and I did the big splurge and got him a salmon sampler pack. It came today and he was just thrilled :)


Now, hopefully, I will give it its due and cook it so that it's as tasty as it looks :eek:


I'll let you know what we think after we've had it.


Thanks for the tip and recommendation!

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Thanks Pam, thankfully with a few days off work can kick back and relax so will be back online.


Anita, we did do Club Can't Handle Me near beginning and can't think I was put off by it slowing down (perhaps it was a dance version?). Another great one we did was Lady Gaga 'Bad Romance' which is 4 minutes plus and we literally just had our arms up for the whole time doing various activities - you weren't allowed to drop them at all during the song. Good fun and everyone sang along :D


All these salmon posts have now made me crave salmon so will be having that tomorrow night when I go out for dinner ;)

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Hi ladies, hope you're all well and Congrats on your teaching Anita.


I have had a hard couple of weeks both on the work and fitness/diet front and completely see where you're coming from Kasi and Anita. I just did not seem to be getting anywhere - not on the scales and not in my measurements. Nothing seemed to be shifting :mad:


Anyway, you won't believe this ladies - I am now back at the gym :confused: I went to see a personal trainer and omg what a difference. She has based my programme on the same principles as Zumba - using interval type training and lots of freestanding exercises using light weights and kettlebells. I have a set playlist on my ipod and I am loving it!! :D I am still keeping up the zumba but having added this programme in, followed by swim, sauna, jacuzzi the pounds and inches have started falling off - 2" off chest, hips and waist and 3 and a half pounds this week!!


I think one of the issues is that whilst I love my zumba classes, the instructor doesn't change the routine often enough and my body was just too used to it. So, I will keep going but make sure I mix it up with other activities to get my results.



Anita, songs I love which I don't think are official Zumba ones include:

  • Britney Spears - Womanizer
  • Sean Kingston - 911 (Fire Burning)
  • Tina Turner - Rolling
  • Flo Rider - Club Can't Handle Me (my all time favourite!!)
  • Cheryl Cole - Parachute (cool down)

Hope that gives you some ideas and good luck with your class!!


On holiday now for 5 days woo hoo :D Happy Easter everyone!


I started doing Zumba a month or 2 ago with Zumba on the Circuit at Curves, and I am now doing Curves Zumba once/week but 2 sessions back to back; 2 sessions with Amanda (lots of Hip Hop music and uses the 911 song which is great for Zumba); and 1 session with Robyn, who also teaches the Zumba on the Circuit. I also occasionally ride an exercise bike, and I do Yoga 3 times per week (1 is at work at lunchtime for 45 mins, which makes the afternoon a whole lot better). I need to get some walking in too, to give different exercises for variety and so my body doesn't get too used to the exercise--Zumba. I am starting a Zumba Toning class on May 2. Should be interesting.

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Hey Tess!


I've thought about doing Zumba in the Circuit (ZIC)...well, teaching it...one session is 30 minutes right? I'm not sure how the music varies for ZIC...when you say "Hip Hop", I wonder if you mean a Reggaeton? Is the "Hip Hop" in Spanish? According to Zumba fitness rules, 70% of the music is supposed to have a Latin/World music feel to it. Not sure if ZIC has a different rule or not. My understanding is that the class is right there in the midst of all the machines? And on carpet? Please be careful on the carpet...there is a product out there that can really make Zumba on carpet safer:




I have a friend that broke her foot doing Zumba on carpet. I know that the instructors usually modify moves to make it safer, but I would still get this product if I were doing Zumba on carpet. My friend had it at our instructor training (which happened to be on carpet)...she was the one that broke her foot, so she is prepared for anything now!


Please report back about the toning class. Variety in physical activity is always good if you are trying to be in a weight loss mode...varitety is what keeps exercise effective as time passes...Zumba, when an instructor mixes up the routines and moves, naturally has variety...but finding an instructor that really mixes it up the way you need may be difficult I am learning...my Mom has an advantage with her gym membership...I hear her talk about Evelyn, Melanie, Teddy, Young, and another instructor who name escapes me right now...

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WOW...I am pretty stiff today...I would say sore, except that I am not actually SORE...but my hips feel all out of whack...I realize that I have been practicing a LOT...AND keeping up with my classes...so today, I am going to take a bit of a break.


Can't be a complete break though...I still need to deal with my warm up...but I can go through the motions of that without actually doing it full out...it's a warm up after all...and it would probably be good for me to work on that and also my cool down.


I think I am going to rearrange my first two songs...I find that I want to MOVE to I Like It and then the second song feels a bit like a downer because of the slow sections...Kelly has tried using Dirty Bit too...and honestly I don't really love what we do to it...I may have to change that one out...


And I realized that I was STILL a bit ambitious with my playlist in terms of how many Kelly v. non-Kelly songs I was trying to do...so I have replaced a couple songs...and I still might move things around a bit...it probably would have been a great thing for me to follow through with my idea of trying out different instructors to see how they run their class...but I can be such a copy cat...I want my class to feel like me, not me doing someone else...and I've had a hard time with this concept my whole life.


For example...singing...I'm a singer...I'm a music NUT...I have been my entire life...I used to give Pat Benatar and Barbara Streisand...I know...could those two be any more different?...I would focus on immitating their tone and inflection and basically try to sound JUST LIKE them...I like the lead singer for the Carpenters...I could immitate her very well on that song "Close to You"...and because of all this immitating I have done, I have never really found my own lead voice...I have a choir voice, a harmony voice, but to stand and take the lead...I'm not really clear on what I sound like...


And I don't want teaching Zumba to be that way...I need to "find my voice" so to speak in leading the class...so it will be something of a struggle for me as I stumble along...


I want to thank everyone for your encouragement. It really helps me...I'm sure that my conversation topics will expand again in about a week...ROFL...Thanks for putting up with me!


Good Friday everyone!

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OK...I have FINALLY worked out my playlist!


And I spent HOURS working on the choreography for the first warm up song...this is so much WORK! I am going through laundry like mad doing all this practicing...:eek: I finally nailed the first song that gives that Zumba vibe to me...and it's a very hippy song (which I am)...I look forward to doing it, so I think I have picked well...


In analyzing my previous list, I realized that I was still picking too many new songs...I needed to cut it way back and just rely on the songs that I have been doing in Kelly's class...


1. Hips Don't Lie/Bamboo (2006 FIFA World Cup) by Shakira (warm up)

2. I Like It (feat. Pitbull) by Enrique Iglasias (warm up continued)

3. Que Te Mueve (Merengue) from Zumba's Cardio Party

4. Waka Waka (This Time for Africe) by Shakira

5. Danza Kuduro (Latin line Dance) by Don Omar & Lucenzo

6. Chiquilla (Cumbia) by Kumbia Kings

7. Zumbalicious (Salsa/Reggaeton) from Zumba's Cardio Party

8. Drop It Low (Squats/Abs) by Ester Dean & Chris Brown

9. Cha Cha (Charleston/Reggaeton) by Chelo

10. Bon Bon (Belly Dance/Reggaeton) by Pitbull

11. La Despedida (Merengue) by Daddy Yankee

12. Iko Iko (Salsa moves) by Captain Jack

13. Anoche No Dormi (Cumbia) by Kumbia Kings (pre-cool down)

14. Hold On (Static Stretch) by Toby Mac (cool down)


Songs 1 & 2 have been used in Kelly's class, but not the way that I am using them.


Songs 3, 4, 13, & 14 have never been used in any Kelly class that I have attended.


Songs 5 through 12 I could do in my sleep...so I just need to grasp the concept of cueing them.


Ahhhh. I'm PUMPED!!!

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Thanks Donna! I've thought about doing some videos...just so I could see myself? I did make a video for my Mom to see the song that I choreographed. I am not including that song in my first class...I'm not entirely thrilled with what I came up with yet...at least I have something to edit though...which is always easier than the blank slate...


And yes...this Tuesday is my first class. I'm not expecting too many people. There was less than one week lead time...BUT I know I have at least one friend coming to support me, and she said that she would spread the word...I reminded her that the first class is free for anyone so hopefully that will attract people...and hopefully I can reel them in and bite them with the Zumba bug...


My big thing at this point is to have an effective warm up so that no one could get hurt in the class...and an effective cool down also...and in between...well...I'm just going to be happy and energetic and try my best and hope that my love for Zumba shines through...Kelly's routines hooked me...so I'm hopeful that whatever mistakes I might make, my attitude will make up for it and anyone that comes can see the potential in me to get better...


Ahhh...the Aries optimist shining through! LOL.

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Well...this may be SO wrong...but the past two days have been focused on figuring out the choreography for my warm-up the joints song (Hips Don't Lie), get the heart rate going song (I like it) and get the heart rate slowed down song, pre-cool down (slow cumbia)...and tonight, when we got home from our last round of tennis, and turned on that network that always shows movies all weekend long (TBS)...we saw that Shrek had begun.


Well, we own Shrek, and so we decided we would put that in for a commercial free showing. And DS decided he wanted to do a Shrek marathon...we had some beers in the house :o ...and so the evening began. At some point, I decided I should test out my playlist in full, since I had 3 of 4 crucial songs finally choreographed.


So, with beer on table, iPod in pocket and earbuds in ears, with Shrek 3 playing on the television, I decided to get up and test my ability to do my own playlist! Is it wrong to have a sip of beer whilst doing Zumba? :p;) ROFL!! I guess I figured that there are some people in the world that "go clubbing" on THEIR Saturday nights, so why not do a little club-like Zumba at home?


I didn't try to cue...I just wanted to see how it was to do the routines in the order that I selected. It was great! There was one song that was a bit of a yawner...BUT...I wonder if this is because I am so familiar? idk...it is the one that has me going hmmmmmm....


Anyway...I was happy with my memory's ability to recall my own choreography as well as the couple new learned songs and to see that indeed, I COULD do Kelly's songs in my sleep, or with beer LOL...


Soooo...except for thinking about my stretching song...tomorrow will definitely be a rest day! I will NOT be going to Zumba on this Sunday morning. Kelly IS holding class...but I don't think I could manage 5 days in a row...so I'm giving myself a Sunday break.


Happy Easter to everyone!

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Happy Easter.


Ok, everyone. So I called Anita and told her it was bad, (very, very bad) to sip beer and practice Zumba. FYI.


Also, I've been taping my Zumba classes. Just audio. No video. What a happy coincidence that Anita was working on her playlist and I thought it would be helpful to her if I taped the classes that I was attending... especially since I go to so many instructors during the week!


What that now means is that I can take Teddy, Young, Evelyn, Raquel, and Kristy with me on the cruise! How wonderful is that?!? My DH bought me some sport earphones so that I can plug in while I'm gone and I could Zumba by myself in the fitness center.. if I want to!


I've been doing a marathon Zumba experience right before my cruise. I went last Thursday morning, Friday morning, Saturday morning, this Sunday morning. I'm going Tuesday evening, Thursday morning, and Thursday evening before I head out to Florida! OMG! And I'm keeping up, feeling great...


I feel like I'm turning into some sort of weird Voice of Zumba. Last Saturday I had someone approach me and ask me if my knees felt better with the different shoes. Then, this morning, I had someone approach me who wanted to discuss Zumba and the different instructors because she'd seen me in the Saturday morning class and wanted to talk.


Her story is really interesting. She has limited time because she's a full time student. She really wants to exercise because she can feel the pounds creeping up on her since she's been so sedentary with her studying, etc. She thinks Zumba is a lot of fun, but she was told that she couldn't JUST do Zumba... that she had to cross-train. So she's been trying to do spinning classes and also do some running... but she hates her spinning classes and she hates to run. So I discussed with her that Zumba is one of the BEST programs to do because it's HIgh Intensity Interval Training. And that if she did the moves with "intent," in other words if... instead of just stepping to the side, for example, she "lunged" to the side... and if, instead of just doing the machete move... she purposefully squatted doing the machete move... then she would be doing a toning move as well as a cardio routine. So, we had a nice chat. I told her that she shouldn't force herself to do what she "hated," because that was a recipe to quit. She should do waht she "loved," because that was a recipe for success, for ongoing improvement, and for feeling great. I also told her to take her measurements and not to worry about the scale. I spent about 15 minutes talking with her.... which I guess she needed because she stayed and kept asking me questions. Anyway, the Voice of Zumba. I thought when I got into my car, what the heck?!? Where is this coming from? I've always been pretty anonymous in my exercise... but apparently Zumba is a bit different in that respect.


So, ladies, I'm going to miss you on my cruise! I'm going to do my best to keep up with a bit of exercise during the time that I'm gone. I do have an internet connection and can leave Anita some messages, so I'll stay in touch.


I'll post my weight on Thursday, just to keep myself honest. Then I'll do my best to enjoy every single bite that I take on my vacation... get some honest movement into my day (besides the shore excursions and the ridiculous notion that I will take the stairs instead of the elevator) and we'll see what happens on my return. So, we'll see if I can go for these 3 weeks and maintain....

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Oh Pam,

3 weeks of cruising sounds wonderful, I wish you much relaxation, some motivation to keep up with your sports and just a great time.

I´m looking forward to hear all about your vacation once you return home.


I´ve been doing some maths lately and came up with an interesting fuigure: I spent 92 days onboard a cruiseship since 2005 :) And I´m looking forward to adding some more days to that in the future.


I´m being lazy this weekend, enjoying 4 days off from work and doing little to no sports. I know not good, but that´s how it is. Tomorrow is Zumba, and maybe my co-worker will come along.

On a positive note, I´m keeping track of my blood-pressure as that likes to be a bit high, however, the last few days I noticed nearly normal meaurements, so Zumba is doing me some good on that front, too.


Weatherwise this Easter feels more like a summer vacation with lots of sun and pretty high temperatures, at least for Germany...

How is Easter celebrated in your families?


Anita, please come back to us after your first class, I´m keeping my fingers crossed, however, I´m sure you won´t need as much luck, because you know what you are doing. And you have fun and that will bring your class to enjoy it, too.

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Thanks for the encourgement Kasi!


Easter was pretty tame this year. We aren't currently in fellowship at a church; we haven't found one that feels like where we are supposed to be, so we didn't attend church. Because we are not really in a feasting mood, and because my in-laws aren't really social people, we didn't have any company or any big celebration meal. :(


BUT...we did do our own communion with DH, DS and myself...we read scripture, had a prayer of thanksgiving, broke bread and shared a cup of grape juice. :) As is usual, even our little home communion made me teary eyed. Easter is actually one of my favorite holidays. I like what is celebrated even more than Christmas, but have never really established a tradition yet.


Today I practiced my own class. I was so bummed that I didn't push the proper buttons on my HRM to know what my burn was...Ah well. I'm very excited. I know of at least one person that saw my class on zumba.com and emailed me about it. They are hoping to come and try it out tomorrow. Maybe there will be others too?


On a completely different topic...




Here is an excellent Teriyaki Merinade for anyone that doesn't have to worry about soy intake (sorry Mom):


3 scallions, trimmmed and finely chopped

3 cloves garlic, minced

1-2 jalapenos chiles, seeded and minced (optional, I have never added these)

1 tbsp minced peeled gingerroot

1/4 cup reduced-sodium soy sauce

1/4 cup mirin (or dry sherry)

2 tbsp maple syrup or brown sugar (I used brown sugar)

1-1/2 tbsp sesame oil


This is excellent for chicken. I use boneless, skinless breasts OR I used bone-in, skinless thighs (really good on those). I grill the chicken. This is excellent with other grilled veggies or stir-fry veggies. This is definitely one of our favorite marinades.


I am going to classes tonight. I can feel my pulse all day today. I feel the nerves. When I started my HRM for my own practice, I was already so high. I'll be so glad to work off some of this nervous excitement. I'm not nervous about being in front of people or worried about forgetting the routine...I'm more nervous about doing the leading and having people be able to follow along and have fun themselves. That's what is most important to me. I want the class to have fun. Since I care so much, I know it should be fun...but the anticipation...I need a T-shirt that reads: "contents under pressure" LOL!


Hope you have a good Zumba class Kasi!

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Anita, how was your first class?


Pam, are you getting excited? Or is travelling nothing to increase your heartrate anymore?


Well, my Zumba class today was a normal class, however I felt like an elephant, moving like I weigh a ton, and finding it incredible hard to keep up with the moves.

Don´t know what´s with me today, maybe my allergy, might be anything else, I had to work really hard to make it through that one hour and I can already feel how sore my muscles are...


On the positive side: DH and I are looking into some vacation time together. We still have a voucher for a wellness-weekend in a spa hotel in France that we are looking into a date to go.

Apart from that: It´s our second anniversary in august and we wanted to go on a cruise, however the Med is too hot for us and northern europe is pretty expensive. So now we are looking into a cruise-like ferry ride from northern Germany to Oslo in Norway, spending a day in Norway and returning to Germany via ferry. These ferries are actually much like an RCCL ship, they even have a slogan that says: The only cruiseship with a car deck :)

As that´s just 3 days away from it all, maybe heading on another cruise might be possible in september or october. By then temps in the Med are quite nice and prices are much more affordable, too. I´ll keep you posted on what we decide...


Today it´s just another 32 days to go til my girls-cruise.

Absolutely looking forward to that.

And I´ve seen an amazing cocktail-dress on ebay. It´s an american vendor. I bought a dress from them before, which was my wedding dress in county hall. Now they have one in bright red, which is my color.

I´m really thinking about treating myself to a new dress.


By the way, have you seen the red zumba pants that are now available in the uS? Really hope that they are going to sell these in Germany too...


Ok, enough from my side of the Atlantic, what´s going on at yours?

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