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Any other Zumba fans?

Anita Latte

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DONNA!!!! Woot Woot!!! You could never be bragging! You are sharing your wonderful achievement with us so we can celebrate with you!! I'm so excited for you...I know exactly that feeling when you feel like you have CHOICES because you feel so much better in the clothes you are trying on! How fun to get the new clothes for your cruise...it's right around the corner!


I'm glad you could laugh! Seriously...because I was started to have to hold back a bit as the day progressed and DH was having to still deal with his...he was much better after working the ball machine at the tennis club and hitting with DS...sometimes, it takes a physical activity to really help you release negative emotions...and of course, my retelling was intended to have a bit of humor...if you can't laugh at moments like these eventually...well...:rolleyes:


I would definitely classify Curves target market as older ladies and/or ladies that haven't exercised in a while and/or are uncomfortable in the big gym setting. That pretty much describes my class. Because of the set up of Curves, it's very exercise buddy friendly, so if you have people that you like to be with for exercise, it is very conducive to being social while you work out.


I seem to have an affinity for this target group. Probably because I feel like I have something to offer there? I relate? And I can outlast this group? I'm not ready for the hard core gym...not to be weird, but I'm thinking that it is going to be interesting to do Zumba with Mom...Mom has been doing hard core Zumba classes for quite a while now...she is much closer to goal weight than I am...so it is entirely possible that her level of physical fitness is above mine...we'll see how I do with these gym instructors next month.


Did everyone catch that I'm headed to Arizona in July? Totally excited over here!!! Haven't seen Mom and Dad since the holidays...so 6 months?!?! I'm thinking that there will be a pretty big change between now and then even...especially with all this teaching going on!


Thanks for the sympathies ladies...sorrows shared are halved...happiness shared is doubled...Donna, you got any before and after pics to share? I'd love to see them!


Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

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Donna! That's dropped TWO sizes! Wonderful. Hard work, paying off.


OMG. You should feel absolutely thrilled with your results. It's not bragging to state facts. And don't confuse your good feelings by putting a negative adjective on them. Pride, happiness, just being thrilled with your ability to shop... all good.


Here's how I feel about Donna's post: :D


No, wait:



It's so :D to hear fabulous news! Thank you for sharing!

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Trying to get into the groove of homecooking again...it's difficult with the current schedule...5 nights out of 7 there are obligations between 5 pm and 7 pm. Basically, family meals don't exist in my family at this time. Lately, DH and DS eat while I am at class...and I eat when I get home. The extra night is DS's tennis team matches or practice on Sunday nights. We all eat together afterward.


It's hard to be motivated for cooking with this...but I know I'm not the only one with busy evenings.


So here's what I did Sunday night. Cooked a turkey breast half in the slow cooker. It's just too hot to turn the oven on here...we are in 3-digit temperatures and then add the heat index...UGH...Prepped it similar to roasting. Layered onions, carrots, celery, whole peeled garlic and lemon wedges on the bottom of a large slow cooker. Recipe called for 1/4 cup of water...I had chicken stock...and I added more than that because my cooker is pretty big and I thought depth of water would be more important. I covered the veggies in the bottom. I should have left the skin on the turkey breast...but I took it off...rubbed it in olive oil and sprinkled crushed dried parsley, thyme and rosemary on top. Cook on HIGH for 3 to 3.5 hours according to my cookbook...might have been okay with the skinned turkey if I hadn't forgotten about it...it cooked for 4 hours...and then sat on WARM for a couple hours more. I imagine that this idea would work pretty well for chicken also...kind of a wet roasting method.


I had cranberries in the freezer...I made homemade cranberry sauce...the recipe on the bag.


I had old sweet potatoes in the pantry...I sliced them and steamed them and mashed them with just a touch of butter...even though they were old, they tasted fine.


Made green salad for a side. Still had some sesame semolina bread from before.


We had leftovers tonight. I love leftovers. Kitchen is so much easier to clean when you can eat leftovers for dinner.


Two of my favorite shows have just started. The Next Food Network Star on the Food Network and MasterChef (LOVE Gordon Ramsay!!). Both of these shows get me in the mood to cook. I'm behind on MasterChef because I'm watching it online. I just finished seeing episode 1. They just aired Episode 3 tonight...so don't give anything away! ;)


These are good inspiration shows. If anyone else is looking for help to "get in the mood" to be more productive in their kitchen...tune in.


Classes were good tonight. There is a new song out by Pitbull called Pause. Beto (the founder of Zumba) stars in the video. I think that you can see a link to the video at the Zumba website. Likely, you will be doing the song in your classes soon. The instructors on the forum are loving it. We did it tonight. Depending on what your instructor does, the song is deceptive...Kelly did the one move with the arms overhead in a diamond shape...it's like a single, single, double kind of move...it really works the abs to keep the movement up to the beat...and really gets your heart rate going...the song has attitude so be sure to enjoy and play that up with you hear it...fun stuff.


ALSO...got my first ZIN volume in the mail today! These are the ones that come to Zumba instructors that include new music AND new choreography...I'm excited to see this because it is my first one!! I'll report after I have a chance to check it out!


Happy Monday everyone!

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Hi ladies and thanks for all your kind words. Anita, I am out on Saturday night so will get some pics then and post the before and after (well half way anyway ;)).


I know what you mean about the cooking, it's so hard when you're busy. Sometimes I'm not home until 8pm and tend to cook up something quick and easy - stir fry/omelette etc. Often I don't even feel like eating then but know it's important for energy etc. Think I need to be more organised and the turkey dish sounds perfect. My folks are visiting next week so I am planning to make a shepherds pie (with sweet potato and turnip instead of potatoes), slimming world burger and chips (my Dad's favourite!). Was struggling what to make for the other day as my Dad doesn't eat red meat so that dish would be perfect - thanks :)


Kasi, how was France? Hope the weather was good for you??


I sooooooooo need my holiday, work is busy and trying to fit in zumba, gym, swim along with general housework is proving very difficult. I keep telling myself 5 weeks and so many days. The weather is awful too which doesn't help :(


Still, off out with friends at the weekend so looking forward to that. Then it will be 4 weeks and so many days - yikes! Next week we are off to Glasgow to see 'Take That' - they are massive here in the UK but not sure you will know about them in US? Lots to look forward to and I'm sure that will keep me motivated :)

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Donna...yummy on the shepherd's pie! Do you use lamb? Or do you use beef? Or do you use whatever is on sale? LOL. Please share the recipe for that. :)


I needed to adjust my list today. You know what is very difficult about this whole process? It's difficult to realize that no one ELSE is tired of ANY song!! :D I've spent time on my list and I have it adjusted now. It should be good to go. I deleted two of the songs...I replaced one...Drop It Low...I don't think that one is quite as fun as "Big and Chunky"...so Big and Chunky it is...and I figured out a less intense way to do "Allez Ola Ole," so that should be good for my ladies.


I have listened to the new release from Zumba to the instructors...all I can say is WOW...a LOT of fun songs!!! Anyone want a spoiler?


Hope everyone is having a great day!

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sounds like ou have fun preparing your classes, Anita.

I have to admit I skipped my Zumba class tonight. I was actually on my way to class when I realized I had forgotten my shoes and a towel, so I just toke this excuse and headed home.

Seems after nearly 6 month I have reached a workout low, I have no motivation whatsoever. My scale shows rising figures and the measuring tape no losses. It´s kind of frustrating.

i know I should just keep up with sports and eventually I would see some results, but it seems my body is so slow, that it will take me lots more time and my patience is running low...


Ok, enough venting for tonight.


@Donna, congrats on your fabulous loss, I´m sure you enjoy your new clothing and that you will have a blast on your cruise, you sure deserve it.


Our weekend in France was really nice. We got to spend two nights in a wellness hotel with absolutely yummy food, a nice outdoor pool and just the right amount of scenery. We took our time relaxing, reading and just enjoying being away from it all. I actually took a swim, but after the water aboard Voyager the pool seemed to warm to actually swim for a longer time.


Alex just broke in his new bbq. We had some grilled chicken with a garlic-sour creme dip. Really great and the best thing is, all I had to do was grab the plates, all the "cooking" was done by my dh :)


Oh, yeah, regarding cruises:

I have booked the first two excursions for our upcoming *yeah, I´m thinking positiv* cruise in september.

We are going to spent a day in israel visiting Jerusalem and the dead sea. In turkey we are going to visit the ancient city of Ephesus. Right now, Israel is a tour or 8 people, and if no one else is interested in doing a half day tour of Ephesus, it will be just the two of us with a German speaking guide and a private driver. i have been to Ephesus before, and we intend to beat the masses for an early visit. As we are not interested in seeing the other sights that are nearyby, we intend to stroll through the port town afterwards.


The evenings lovely, I´m going to water my tomatoe plants and take a look if alex left any rasperries or redcurrants for me.

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I am so sore today!


Kelly upped the ante so to speak in Pilates on Monday. We did the same moves we have been doing but with an increased level of difficulty. She has started working out our bums with swim suit season here...we do the table top position (hands and knees)...and lift one leg into a 90 degree angle...your foot is flexed and your foot is pointed at the ceiling...you need to be very careful to keep your hips level with the ground...you don't want to turn it out like a male dog doing it's business...the goal is to target the bum so you need to have hips level and your foot crooked in as close to your bum as possible...you hold that position for a count of 8...then lift your foot toward the ceiling, not letting your knee go lower than parallel to the floor...Kelly says "Nice and slow for 8"...then you pulse for 8...then hold for 8 again.


On Monday, we added a small hand weight into the crook of our knees for this series...Kelly swapped out my hand weight for someone to try...so I ended up with one of the heavier ones...she knew I could handle it, she says...I said, Kelly loves me...LOL...anyway...my hamstrings are SCREAMING at me...


Have I mentioned how much I love my 2-story house? :cool:


Yesterday, in between my own classes, I worked hard on the one song to change the choreography to make it more on level with the ladies...that song is a WORKOUT...and then I had to work on remembering Big and Chunky because it has been forever since we have done that song...that song is a big time hip/waist workout...


I haven't felt THIS sore in my legs and hips since I first started Zumba. My shoulders. My upper back. OMG. If I can manage to keep eating from home, I think I will finally be on the downward trend again.


I've been wondering about something.


I realize that my expectations toward weight loss have been low. I'm not sure why, but I know that I have been EXPECTING to maintain. And I have. Remembering that one study done on the housekeepers of the hotel...I have been wondering how influential my expectations have been...I am making a concentrated effort now to EXPECT to get on the downward trend again. It should be easier to expect this with all this soreness and extra classes going on.


Kasi...I said to someone within the last few pages...in times of low motivation, you can't rely on motivation to get you going...you have to nurture INITIATIVE...you have to FORCE yourself to do what needs to be done...I'll have to relate this to my kitchen, because this is where MY motivation has been a serious LOW for several months.


I've recently come to a DECISION...Step One is to RECOGNIZE a need for change...this past Saturday...looking at the state of my kitchen (remarkably like the photo of my messy kitchen that I shared several months back...yes, messy kitchen is a recurring issue with me :o)...I realize that as much as I HATE cleaning dishes and dealing with the aftermath of cooking...it MUST be done...so I made the DECISION that I would stop avoiding the dishes, the pots, the pans...I would NOT put it off and let it build up...I would just "Git 'er done"...I have NO MOTIVATION to do this...


It sounds so silly, even as I type this...but I have left single pots or items to big to fit in the dishwasher sitting on the counter "for later"...it is so easy to just wash the one thing...but instead I would put it off...BECAUSE it was only one or two things...and then the next meal...there would be one or two things...and by the end of the day there would be this pile...but I wouldn't want to deal with it...so I would stack and make nice piles of big bowls and pots and pans and leave it to deal with in the morning...and that's what would greet me in the morning...UGH...I would have all day to deal with it...so I would put it off again "for later"...until my kitchen would look like the photo previously mentioned and it would be a MAJOR effort to clean the kitchen.


This past Saturday, after I went through another major effort, I decided that I've had enough of this routine...it's so nice to have a clean kitchen!...so I FORCE myself to just deal with it...


You are going to have to do the same thing to get back into a state of enjoyment with your sports...Annie should be getting her latest release of ZIN music soon...this is a GREAT release!...the "Livin' La Vida Loca" song that you love came from one of these releases...that one has been talked about as being such a great release..."Halle Decale" came from that same CD...several others...this latest one can totally compete with that one...if Annie does any of the choreography that is given with it, you will have so much fun in class...it'll take a bit, because with the longer shipping to Europe, she probably hasn't received it just yet...any day now though...you can look forward to that.


With your INITIATIVE, you need to make a decision about what EXACTLY you are going to do each week...which classes...when...or swimming...WHEN...and when you leave in the morning for work, make sure you have what you need so there are no excuses...make a deal with yourself to take care of yourself...raise your expectations that what you are doing IS making a difference...and then DO IT.


Figure out if there is something that you can use as a reward...like a pair of Zumba cargos?...make a goal, achieve, and then get that reward. A reward like that will keep you going...it's fun to have the fun clothes to wear to class...something about how different they are...how colorful...


Tell us your plans so we can encourage you. I totally relate to the scale not moving...the tape measurement not moving...it IS frustrating...we can get through this...it's just a phase.


Is your new BBQ a gas grill? Or is it charcoal? Mom and I have a LOT of great grilling recipes...good marinades...I LOVE grilling because that is the BEST clean up!...Mom has an outstanding grilled potato salad recipe...I think it's grilled...3 different kinds of potatoes...OMG...it's AWESOME.

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Anita, encouraging words as always. It is so difficult to keep focussed ALL the time :mad: but the rewards definitely come when we step on that cruise feeling fabulous :) I think it's important not to try and do too much, keep it simple so it's managable.


Kasi, the BBQ sounded fantastic, wish we could have a few nice weekends so I could get my old BBQ out (bought in Germany 6 years ago!). I love fish parcelled up in tin foil with lemon and garlic done on the BBQ.


My shepherds pie recipe - usually extra lean beef mince, onions, peas and carrots cooked on stove then popped in casserole dish. For the topping, boil sweet potatoes and (if you can get them) turnip/swede. Mash them and put on top of cooled meat mixture. Bake in the oven for around 40 minutes so the top crisps up. Real comfort food!


Lost 1 and a half pounds this week - slow but steady. Now have 5 weeks to lose 8lb and that's my 3 stone. Would be delighted if I make it but not going to put too much pressure on myself. We know we must be doing ourselves good with all this exercise and healthy eating right?!:D


Keep up the good work ladies and Kasi, hope you get back in the groove soon, reward is definitely a good idea!

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I think Kasi and I are feeling the same thing, and for the same reason.


You know that being on a cruise ship is so, so easy! And you have such an abundance of choices.. in whatever you are doing. If you're hungry, you have such a plethora of dining venues and they're GOOD. You can eat healthy on a cruise ship, with no difficulties doing that at all. I've seen pictures of people's food choices from the buffet, and those pictures make me giggle. It's like all barriers to eating whatever you want just go away and here it comes... a plate of... a slice of pizza, macaroni & cheese, french fries... sitting next to a plate of 4 different desserts! Too funny. You could also choose a vegetable of the day (broccoli, green beans, cauliflower, swiss chard) and a portion of grilled fish.. which I've done many times! But I digress...


My point was going to be that it's so easy... you're hungry; you fix it by going somewhere and deciding on exactly what you want! No shopping! No cooking! No cleaning up! As soon as you eat, you're off again doing something fun, fun, fun.


And, if you're wanting to exercise, again... you have so many choices! Do I go to the gym? Take a class? Go to a venue where there's music and dance? Walk around the Promenade deck? What do you have to do to get there? On some of the choices, maybe you have to go to your stateroom, change clothes, and then head off. On many of the choices, all you have to do is get your bum up off a chair and start dancing. Finished? No problem. Back to your stateroom to shower and change. What happens with the towel you use? Oh, yes, your stateroom attendant will be by in a flash to freshen up your bathroom!


It's enough to make you cry when you come home to your regular routine.


You know what I'm saying? Shipboard is so easy for that week. And so much fun in other ways as well. Away from your regular routine. And fun. And easy. And fun.


Well, that's why it takes a little while to get back into the swing of things when you return. The remedy, of course, is to book another cruise! And Kasi has done that! She's OK; she just needs some time to get her head wrapped around her regular routine. That's my opinion, anyway.


OH! And those Zumba cargo pants aren't a bad idea, either! :D

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Very well said Pam and I couldn't agree more! In 5 weeks and 3 days I will look forward to all those things :D


Unfortunately, with UK holidays and pay working in child protection, one cruise a year is all I can manage so will just have to spend the other 11 months working out and trying to eat healthily :(


Until then, we can all just keep trying - with a few slip ups along the way I'm sure :)

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Thanks Ladies for your encouraging words.

I think it will take a bit more time to get there again. However, I made sure that my gym bag is properly packed so I cannot use lack of needed stuff as an excuse again.


Today is a day with lots of boring meetings.

The last one is scheduled til five pm, which is exactly the starting time for my yoga class, so I hope I´ll be able to leave that lst meeting a few minutes early, as I would hate to miss class.

DH is away for work, so I´m considering ending my day on a high note with a Zumba class tonight. Afterwards Í´m just thinking about a shower and bed. Let´s see if I can make it today.


Anita, dh new bbq is a gas grill with three burners, and a hood. Quite a huge thing if I´m asked, we could properly grill for the whole neighborhood using that thing, but DH is happy and that´s what important. I like grilling using gas, as it´s available on short notice, no need to prepare the bbq way ahead of time, just start the burners, and withing a minute you are ready to go.

I´d love to hear about marinades and grill recipes that you and Pam use.

Our favorite marinade is simple and still delicious:

Blend ketchup (we use heinz), a cup of orange juice, garlic, and chili flakes together. Put pork or chicken in the marinade, let it rest for as long as you can stand it ;) and then just grill it.

Do you grill veggies? If so, could you provide some ideas? I absolutely love grilled veggies, pepper bells, mushrooms...


So, you all seem to think that Zumba pants may be a good inspiration? Anita, you mentioned that these are different sized than normal pants, aren´t they?

I´d love the cargo capri pants, I think I´ll hae to talk to Annie, if she has some in stock.


The great thing about today? It´s already Thursday. Just one more day til the weekend :)


Take care.

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Kasi, I hope you can leave your meeting early to get to yoga too! And that you go to Zumba tonight!


Donna, that recipe sounds super easy. And yummy.


And you hit it on the nose...we ARE doing ourselves good with all this exercise and eating right...even with slip ups. :D It isn't an easy lifestyle to maintain...which is why there are so many people that don't...and why those of us that really want to, need to encourage each other. That's why they say that those people who have a support group...even an internet one...are more successful than those who try on their own.


I have two classes today. My morning one which should just be me and the newbie. My 30-minute evening one at Curves. I'm going to challenge those ladies tonight and just do the songs straight through. We have been doing a bit of a breakdown between each song...and they have needed and wanted that. And I haven't changed the song list on them since I started this class...so tonight...we are just going to do this song list without any breakdowns...because it is time to start changing up this list and introducing some variety into their Zumba diet. LOL.


Zumba love!

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Hi Anita,


I managed to join both classes today, first yoga, than zumba. Now I´m tired but happy.


We did a new song today in Zumba: Salome :) Funny, but Annie uses quite a lot of different steps in that one, that we have not done before, so it´s a challenge.

I´m heading to class again tomorrow afternoon. I had a look at the zumba clothes that Annie has available. I´m considering buying a zumba cargo capri, looks good, and I sweat so much, that I´m not willing to put on long pants. Anyways, I have to test tomorrow with one of the in-store pants, which size I actually need. Anita, didn´t you say that these tend to be smaller than the normal size?


So I´m going to buy pants for motivation...


I can go to Zumba again next Thursday, which is not my normal Zumba night, as we have a holiday in Germany and I´m off work that day, so no yoga.


So, I´m heading off to bed, and I hope I won´t be too sore in the morning.

Sleep well and to those of you that still have the day ahead of you, have fun at Zumba.

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WTG Kasi!


I'm listening to Salome right now. I have that one, from Zumba, I think I got it at training on a bonus CD...but Kelly hasn't done it. So I don't know a routine to it. I could look one up on the Zumba site though. There is one available there. It sounds like a salsa to me...I think. I'll have to go see what the routine is! I need another salsa.


The fit of the cargos feels smaller because they have no stretch...and depending on how much room you might like for doing Zumba, you might need to size up to get that extra room in the legs...but then you might have to deal with a looser waistband issue...which is my problem...if your cargo style has belt loops, then you can wear a belt...I actually did that today and it worked great...I have one of those wide all elastic belts with a simple buckle...that worked.


I've worned my cargos to my classes this week...it's been nice...I'm loving the lightweight material in the heat...I do think that would be a great reward...something about them...they are so fun! Personally, I go for the very colorful ones...I have the camo ones with the orange waistband and a pair of bright purpley/pink ones with a hot pink waistband...some of the cargos can be rolled up to a capri length and there is a strap that snaps to keep them from unrolling too much...that's what I have been doing this week.

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Hi ladies,


I ordered my capri cargo zumba pants, I need a size XL, so that it´s comfy. I don´t know how soon I´ll have these, but I´m looking forward to it.


Other than that I´m really happy that it´s a short working week, as we have a national holiday on thursday and our company is closed on friday, so that´ll be a long weekend.

Even better is the prospect of Annie giving two Zumba classes on Thursday. So that´s what I´m planning to do.


I was offline for a few days as we had a major thunderstorm saturday afternoon and lightning struck and baked our internet router, so no telephone, internet or tv for a few days.

That´s how I came to finishing a book I´ve been reading on and off for over a month now.


Weather here is back to wet and ugly, and pretty cool. I hope that´s not how it´ll be all summer...

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Today marks the beginning of a new session for my Tues/Thurs morning classes. I was so excited to have 6 people in class today!! We had a good time. I think. The new ladies were ALL newbie's...you know how that goes...as much fun as Zumba can be...it can be very frustrating in the beginning...but I do think they had fun.


Congrats on ordering the cargos Kasi! I've never thought of exercise clothes as being FUN but Zumbawear is actually pretty fun to have. I also have XL cargos. I got a bunch of junk in the trunk so I need that room! ;):D


Still have another class this evening. I didn't go to classes last night. We are rearranging the other bedrooms in the house...DS is moving to the guest room, the guest room is moving to the extra room, and the extra room is moving to DS's room...so a big huge furniture rearrange going on...I didn't feel like going to class last night with all the moving. Things are still a mess...DS's room is good...but the other two? OMG.


I'm in a big debate with myself...do I take the time to try to sell some things that are worthy of being sold?...do I have a garage sale?...or do I just pack up the car and haul the excess to a charity? Our extra room is something of a "junk room" and I want that to change.


Hope everyone is doing well.:)

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Anita, it´s so great that so many joined today´s class. I´m pretty sure they will all feel their muscles tomorrow. Joining a Zumba class is quite a different and pretty intense workout and I hope they come back for your next class.


I skipped Zumba tonight in favor of going to the movies with the girls. We watched "Something Borrowed". I´m a sucker for romantic comedy and had a blast.


Tomorrow I´m meeting with some former co-workers for a night out in the old town with food and drinks. So it´s good that I can sleep in on Thursday.

Thursday night I´m heading for Zumba, as I already have other plans for friday night.

So, it´s a fun week with lots of alternative stuff going on.


Anita, just my two cents, try to sell your stuff. You paid for it and if you can get a few bucks out of it, go for it. If it´s a motivation, think of it as cruise money to spent for your birthday cruise.


Take care.

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Hi ladies,


Kasi, hope your zumba pants are great, let me know what they're like size wise? Wet here too, tonight we had sleet - in June?!


I have my folks visiting this week so haven't had much time to look at posts really but hope you're all going well and will catch up more at the weekend. Kasi, enjoy the holiday break - no work is always a bonus!!


Anita, me and my dad hired a van today to get rid of all my 'stuff' - we are now on van load number 3 - where did it all come from?! Really should have tried to sell the stuff but tried that 3 years ago, made £400 and kept the other stuff for 'next time'. My advice - go to a boot sale/have a garage sale, sell what you can then dump whatever's left (otherwise you just start adding to it all again - trust me!).


How's Pam doing?


Hope everyone's ok and having a good week?! Catch up Sat/Sun.

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I think I will have a garage sale. I've had one other in my life. It is a piece of work to do it right. But it can be a very successful way to pass along many things that could be a nightmare for donations. Toys with multiple parts being a good example. And it would be good to get even a little bit of money in return for some of these things.


I stumbled a bit with my Curves ladies last night. I put together a class that had too many new songs and was too fast paced. I have spent today in thought...coming up with a game plan for these ladies. Basically, I'm working on making a master playlist for the Curves classes. I'm going to try to get them to know one song for each different rhythm. And the songs need to be at a beginner level. This has been a HUGE challenge for finding a salsa song. I wonder if this is the challenge that Kelly has had also, because we just don't do salsa in Kelly's class really. I've settled on "Volcano" by Jimmy Buffet for my beginner salsa.


I'm happy to have a system figured out for these Curves classes. I've got all my songs for the next several weeks figured out. I'm happy about this. I know that I have been stressing over this lately. I know that this has had a negative effect on my forward progress. I'm hoping that this will relieve that.


Donna, are you moving? Or just clearing clutter? DS's room is all set up. It is so sparse, but it feels really nice actually. If only the whole house felt like that. It's my summer goal.

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Ladies, hopefully I have uploaded before and after (or on my journey photos) for you to see.


Anita, my folks have been up all week and I've had a major de-clutter! I feel so much better for it too. Hope your Curves class get the hang of it soon.



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OMG DONNA!!! I have a hard time seeing details with these little pictures, BUT...


The change in your face and neck area especially is what I can see...and the change is AMAZING!!! Know that when I say the following, I mean it in the most positive way possible for the NOW picture and not negative toward the before...SOOoooo...


NICE CHIN!!!:D The definition in your jaw line is fabulous...do you feel great or what?

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that´s an incredible change, I bet you like your new self. Keep up the good work, it´s an inspiration.


As I have been out and about quite a lot this week, I went to two hours of Zumba last night :) As we did a new song (Stand by me) I´m pretty sore today.

I won´t make it to class tonight as I´m meeting the girls for an evening of sushi. So I´m debating what to do today - sortswise.

Should I head to the pool, or do some Zumba with my wii?

DH is going to fix his bike, so maybe if he gets it done fast enough, and if the weather is ok, we might go for a ride before I head of in late afternoon...


Too many choices...


Oh, I received my Zumba pants last night. The capris are really nice pants. It was fun wearing the designated outfit.


Take care.

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Aw thanks ladies I do feel much better, still a long way to go but you all keep me going :) Hopefully by xmas I'll be almost there.


Kasi, what colour pants did you get? 2 hours of zumba, I'm not surprised you're sore.


I have the day off today so planning to go to the gym, then for swim, steam etc. I'm also out tonight at a friends - they're all having lasagne so have cooked my own slimming world version so I don't miss out ;)


We just got word that they've changed our itinerary slightly and we're going to Gibraltar first and Malaga last instead of the other way round. It's getting so near now, 4 weeks tomorrow :D

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