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Any other Zumba fans?

Anita Latte

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Kasi! :D:D:D


I just knew in my heart that this day would come. All your hard work would finally get from the inside to the outside and you would be able to see the results.


OMG. What excellent timing! Just when you needed a confidence boost... and going on vacation, relaxing, and spending some quality time with DH.. way to go, Kasi.


We'll be thinking of you on the Med. High hopes that you have a warm cruise, take beautiful photos, enjoy yourself, relax, come home in high spirits! We'll be waiting to hear all about it....

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*happy dance* *happy dance* Kasi, well done you! It will be lovely your clothes fitting nice for your cruise. I hope you have a fantastic time, looking forward to hearing all about it when you get back too :D


Pam, Anita, Debbie - hope you're all doing well. Things completely hectic here with work and my Gran is in hospital having an operation. Still thinking of you all and fully recovered now. Will write more over the weekend.



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YAY Kasi!! That is the BEST! I'm so glad you could see some results from all your hard work! I think it just takes a while for the results to show...and they don't necessarily show in the way we expect. Better fitting clothing is definitely a feel good way to see hard work pay off, and especially on a day like today! I'm so happy for you!


Have a fabulous cruise. Relax. Have fun. DON'T THINK ABOUT WORK! Thoroughly enjoy yourself and come back and tell us all about it!

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I'm in celebratory mood! I officially got a new Zumba class last night. It is a corporate sponsored class. I am going to go onsite at the company in their employee building where there is a huge room for working out. I have a contract to do an 11 week session for 2 days a weeks on Tuesdays and Thursdays! It's a 45 minute class that is being offered...it is under the health and wellness program for the company so it is a free class for employees.


So, YES...I will be teaching THREE classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays :eek:. I'm only slightly nervous about this. I think this is a good progression and that I can handle it...but I do feel a little apprehensive about keeping my energy high. It's exciting to me that after one class, this lady was talking to me about doing this...and now...it's a done deal!


ALSO...I got an interesting email today...a weird email that may or may not be another open door to start another class. I'm wondering exactly HOW MANY classes can I realistically teach in a week? I'm feeling like 3 in one day is enough, KWIM?


I signed up for a Jam session. These are special trainings for instructors to learn new choreography. I'm pretty excited for it! I'm feeling the need to really get some new material.


Debbie...what you are doing, spreading the word about Zumba is so great. If you populate the class with your friends, then you will be creating such a great support system for being active...the class will be that much more fun with more people and more energy...the instructor will feed off that...it will be this great cyclical thing...I'm so excited for you because if it happens...it is mirroring what has been happening in my Saturday class...and it is really a wonderful thing.


Oh. Debbie. TAKE YOUR MEASUREMENTS. I'm serious. Zumba awakens muscles that have been out of use...and you need as many different ways of detecting change as you can get...


Someone started a thread on the zumba site...describe Zumba in 5 words or less...


Well...what would YOU say...


Here's mine:


Momma got her groove back!


My weekday morning ladies were talking about how they walk around now with such better posture...and more ATTITUDE...since they started doing Zumba. I know that I certainly have.

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6 classes in two days, you are amazing :)

I´m skipping my Zumba classes this week, am already getting in vacation mode. Yesterday was the last day of work and now I´m off to more important things such as getting my luggage ready...


I just had a look at pictures from the climbing wall on board and I´m really considering giving it a try, I hope I will make it. That would be another boost for my confidence.


@Pam, do you know where the entrance to the gym is onboard Voyager class ships? Even though I´ve been on Voyager ots twice, I´ve never made it to the gym there...


I will definiltely report on our cruise, take some (hopefully nice) pictures and try to transfer the vacation vibe to you.


So, as we have noticed before, telling others about your workout plans makes it easier to actually do your workout, here it goes:

During my cruise I want to:

- swim in the pool at least half an hour a day

- go to the gym on sea-days

- climb the wall at least once

- take the stairs and not the elevator.


I´ll report back, what I did do when we return.

Last night I printed the whole documentation, reconfirmed with the israely tour company that our exciursion will take place no matter which port in israel we dock at.

So now I´m heading to the cellar to get the machine to do some washing and afterwards do some shopping for food.


I´ve read the weight watchers magazine this week and stumpled upon a recipe for tomato-spinach-soup, I´m really considering trying that one. It sounds easy to do, has low fat and looks delicious...


Ok, take care ladies, I will quit rambling and get to doing the household.

Cya later.

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Funny enough... the gym is on Deck 11, opposite the Windjammer! I just find that amusing, somehow.


The easiest entrance is to get to the gym by walking through the Solarium area. As I remember, when you go into the interior of the ship, through the sliding doors, past the elevator banks, the super wide entrance to the gym is just right there. It's where they have all the gym machines, etc. You could also get to the gym from Deck 12, but when you entered the gym you would go down some spiral stairs to get to the treadmills, elipticals, etc.


Although it's an interesting thing to get a Body Composition analysis done, because it's fun to know the numbers, don't get pulled into their sales pitch about the whole Elemis detox stuff. It's super expensive... and it's not scientifically proven that any kind of "stuff" does what they say it does in their seminars. Also, they don't really care what your numbers are... they will still try to sell you their product! The first time that I took the test was in 2006 and they told me that I had a certain amount of body weight in water... which translated to needing to do a detox to lose this water weight which was indicative of "trapped toxins" blah, blah, blah. They said that an "ideal" amount of water weight was this certain number. To get the numbers again, I had another Body Composition Test last year! I hit the "ideal number" for the water weight and I expected the person to just tell me "good job!" and send me on my way... but instead, he gave me the exact same sales pitch! Now, I can't be bothered to be polite to them and just tell them that I want the service but I'm not going to buy the product so just give me the numbers and be done. If they start talking to me, I tell them that I insisted on being polite to them and setting the ground rules and since they've violated those rules they leave me no choice but to be rude in return so I need them to stop talking....


The gym on board is very, very nice. And most of the time you will be left alone to do whatever routine you want to do. If I remember, there is a cost for a spinning class, Pilates class, Yoga class.. but a morning stretch class is complementary... but very, very early!... Of course, you can purchase personal trainer sessions, if you want. There are a bunch of seminars: some have good information but the majority are designed to get you to buy product. Just be aware and if you have the type of personality that falls for "sales" pitches, then maybe you should protect yourself and go have a drink in the Solarium Bar instead! LOL.


I'm so hoping that the weather cooperates and you have lovely days! Have fun, Kasi!

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Thanks Pam,

sounds as though I should be able to find the gym :)

Our stateroom is on deck 7 midship, so it´s the same distance to the gym as it is to more food.

I noticed during our cruise in June that it´s best for me to go swimming at 4 o´clock in the afternoon, so that I miss the afternoon snack... One meal a day that I find has a certain pull.

I hope we´ll meet nice people at our table for dinner. Otherwise I´m not sure I´ll make it to dinner in the dining room every night. We have late seating, which in the Med does not start until 9 pm, so that if you are really hungry, you are bound to have a snack in the windjammer before that time.

In June we met our table mates more often in the windjammer than in the dining room :)


I´m quite lucky this weekend. DH is handling the washing, folding, ironing process, while I´m sitting at the computer composing a photobook of our cruise in february, which I´m determined to send to production before we leave for the airport on tuesday.

It´s kind of nice to relive a cruise knowing that a few days from now you´ll be on another one.


I´m not person to talk to for sales. Either I buy something I want to buy or all the talking will not convince me that I just have to have that product.

So they won´t make any money from me on that stuff.

It´s most likely that I´ll spent some money on drinks, some on scrapbooking stuff and maybe a picture or two and that´s it. I´ve been playing with the idea of buying the picture CD that they offer, it´s on sale right now for 200 USD,, however DH convinced me that it´s unlikely I´ll want that many pictures that they take with me in them... I´m more the girl behind the camera, I could never be a model.


Maybe I´ll join a stretching class, I did that in february and enjoyed it. It´s a good thing to do while DH sleeps in. Do you know if the climbing wall comes at a cost?

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To my knowledge, the climbing wall is free. You just have to get in line, sign a waiver, receive instruction... and up you go to ring the bell. Make sure DH is there so he can capture a photo with you at the bell ringing moment!


You have a good DH! It's way more fun to play on the computer than it is to do laundry... as you can tell because I'm playing on the computer instead of getting my weekend errands run. But I've got to go because, otherwise, no dinner tonight... and I wouldn't like that one bit.


Fish tacos for this evening. So, off to get the ingredients...

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We´ve had whole-weat pasta with a selfmade sauce,

containing minced meat, carrots, finly chopped pepper bells, and small sun-ripe, sweet tomatoes. The whole sauce got so sweet that I added some chili pepper.

Was quite yummy, but way to much.

We froze the rest of the sauce and DH ate the remaining pasta as a salad for dinner.

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Kasi...what a helpful hubby you have! I generally deal with the clothes...I'm the packer too...I'm picky about the way it gets done though, so I really can't complain. I think I watched my Dad pack for too many years. I have definite ideas on how it should be done.


I hope the weather cooperates so you can enjoy swimming...and everything else of course. :)


I would definitely like to hear all about the climbing wall. I haven't felt strong enough to attempt these in the past. I think I would like to do it on our March cruise. Report please!


I bought a new song yesterday. I HAVE to come up with a routine to it. I'm thinking warm up...but I don't know. The song is "I'm Sexy and I Know It" by LMFAO...the beat is AWESOME...the video is...well...it's not very tasteful...LOL...it cracked me up...the song is really clean...my favorite lines are "Girl look at that body...I work out." It's proving to be a hit on the Zumba forum so watch out for it. I just heard it playing at the football stadium on the football game...it's going to be all over the place.



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OMG...Zumba Office has just started a campaign for the Zumba Instructors. Beto (who started it all) and two other instructors that are likened to Beto's right and left hands, Gina and Tanya, are randomly finding Zumba classes using the Find a Class finder on the Zumba site and are just showing up in person to gift the instructor of the class with a free ticket to the 2012 Zumba Convention. OMG...beware ladies...a Zumba celebrity could be visiting your class! I saw a video of Beto...he walked into class after it was going on and stayed workout out with the ladies! How cool would that be?

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I'm in celebratory mood! I officially got a new Zumba class last night. It is a corporate sponsored class. I am going to go onsite at the company in their employee building where there is a huge room for working out. I have a contract to do an 11 week session for 2 days a weeks on Tuesdays and Thursdays! It's a 45 minute class that is being offered...it is under the health and wellness program for the company so it is a free class for employees.


So, YES...I will be teaching THREE classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays :eek:. I'm only slightly nervous about this. I think this is a good progression and that I can handle it...but I do feel a little apprehensive about keeping my energy high. It's exciting to me that after one class, this lady was talking to me about doing this...and now...it's a done deal! Congratulations, Anita. I'll be thinking of you during your marathon days. Do you begin tomorrow? I'll send the most energetic vibes I can your way.


ALSO...I got an interesting email today...a weird email that may or may not be another open door to start another class. I'm wondering exactly HOW MANY classes can I realistically teach in a week? I'm feeling like 3 in one day is enough, KWIM?


I signed up for a Jam session. These are special trainings for instructors to learn new choreography. I'm pretty excited for it! I'm feeling the need to really get some new material.


Debbie...what you are doing, spreading the word about Zumba is so great. If you populate the class with your friends, then you will be creating such a great support system for being active...the class will be that much more fun with more people and more energy...the instructor will feed off that...it will be this great cyclical thing...I'm so excited for you because if it happens...it is mirroring what has been happening in my Saturday class...and it is really a wonderful thing. The friend and her daughter met me at the church this afternoon. Our other friend came and said that HER daughter wanted to join us also but had to work this evening. The bad news was that there was a sign canceling the class on the door. Bummer!! I sure hope everyone comes next week. I'm excited just thinking we might have so many friends in our group. So so much fun.


Oh. Debbie. TAKE YOUR MEASUREMENTS. I'm serious. Zumba awakens muscles that have been out of use...and you need as many different ways of detecting change as you can get...Took my measurements today. We'll see where this takes me. Sure could do with a little less jiggle.


Someone started a thread on the zumba site...describe Zumba in 5 words or less...


Well...what would YOU say...


Here's mine:


Momma got her groove back!


How about this: Zumba - Friends, footwork and FUN!


My weekday morning ladies were talking about how they walk around now with such better posture...and more ATTITUDE...since they started doing Zumba. I know that I certainly have.


Since I worked in the church office prior to my current position, I have been designated as contact person for Zumba class. I will call next Monday to make sure it isn't cancelled. One of the girls has a 10-12 mile drive and I don't want her discouraged before she is able to attend her first class. If everyone show up the instructor should be ecstatic! In three sessions, her class went from two people to potentially 8! I can't wait to see her face :)

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Debbie...speaking from experience...since I had a class go from 2 to 11 in one week...your instructor is going to be THRILLED...and depending on her experience...maybe a little nervous! :D


I like your Zumba 5 words!


I volunteer at DS's school on Monday mornings...school is back in the swing of things so this morning was my first volunteer session. I got into a great conversation with two ladies there about Zumba...I am fairly certain that at least one of them will be coming on Saturday morning...and may sign up for Tuesdays and Saturdays. The thing is...it's more than me wanting to just get another body into my class...Zumba has done such great things for me...I know that it can do great things for others...they just have to give it a chance! I really hope the one lady comes...there is so much about life that makes getting enough physical activity difficult...and food is generally harder to do healthier...so many people aren't as healthy as they could be...some how, people have to get the ball rolling...if I can be the person to get someone's ball rolling, so to speak...I'm all over it.


It feels like you have that same heart. And the thing is that when there are so many friends in the class...when that feeling of community happens...it REALLY makes it easier to go to class...especially when the weather cools, the rain comes, and other things happen...if you can get that atmosphere of "Girls Night Out" going in the class? Well...you've won a huge battle in the war to get and stay fit with that kind of feeling.


My marathon Tuesdays and Thursdays will start October 4. I'm going to do a dry run of the drive tomorrow after my rec center class. Just to see when I would normally be able to arrive...because I will go straight from one class to the next...and there was a typo made on the email flyer...it cut 15 minutes off my time between classes...BUT...this might be okay...it means my morning classes would be done by 12 noon...and that's a nice thought. I'm going on Wednesday to actually see the facility.

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Just back from Edinburgh, what a beautiful city it is, the sun was shining and it just looked beautiful.


Kasi have a wonderful cruise!


Back to Zumba tomorrow night - too many classes being missed :mad:


Go Debbie getting all those people to class!


Ladies, need some motivation, weight slowly creeping back up - only 1 and 1/2 pounds but no exercise in 10 days so can't blame that and don't want to start slipping :( Any advice??


Hope you're all well!

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Back to Zumba tomorrow night - too many classes being missed :mad:


Go Debbie getting all those people to class!


Ladies, need some motivation, weight slowly creeping back up - only 1 and 1/2 pounds but no exercise in 10 days so can't blame that and don't want to start slipping :( Any advice??


Motivation...I'm all fired up because I have been concentrating on my wardrobe BIG TIME...trying on clothes...seeing what goes with what...LOOKING AT MYSELF in the mirror A LOT...I find that doing this is very motivation for me to continue to improve my appearance. It helps the motivation.


So, I would recommend that you spend a little time with your clothes...has your weather changed recently...are you starting to pull out your cool weather clothing? I would spend a little time with your clothes, PLAYING...maybe trying to find new outfits in the clothes you own...trying to pull together fun accessories...be sure and look at yourself A LOT...


For one, it will keep you busy and away from any kind of snacking...:rolleyes: For another, as you go through your clothing that maybe you haven't worn for a while, you may be excited that things fit better or not at all...and you need to plan for shopping. ;) And also, I find that any time I do anything that is taking care of me, I am always more motivated to continue to take care of me.


I checked out the place where my corporate classes will be...it's a HUGE room...sealed concrete floor...metal building...few windows...barnlike...HUGE...and I found out that there are AT LEAST 4 men that want to take the class!! So this has spurred me on to make sure that I have a class that will be appropriate for everyone...I don't want my ladies embarrassed doing moves with the men in the room...and I don't want the men to feel out of place...I'm feeling the need for a clean start with the class...so I'm working on a new warm up...which I've been wanting to do anyway...a VERY popular warm up song is:




Anyone else do this one already? It's high on the charts too...so may be familiar to people who listen to this kind of music...


I also went on a little spending spree today...I realize, especially with men in my classes that I need to get britches that will STAY UP...and I need more shirts so that I can appear fresh for my almost back to back classes. A new line of Zumbawear came out this week...I really like it. Can't wait!

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So like I said...I need to be sure that my playlist has the potential to be fun for both men and women...I guess technically, it should be this way...BUT...well...it's not. I do several Kelly songs still...and some of her choreography is pretty girly...;)


A big time favorite in my class is a cha cha to the song

by the Pussycat Dolls


Very dramatic song...hitting poses and all...and there is a slow part in the middle...all very dramatic, but the movements are so very girly...


So I need a different cha cha...and I really like to do this toward the end of class...on the cool down end...and I found one that I really like...


by Marc Anthony!! ahhhh...I likes it. Edited by Anita Latte
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Just back from Edinburgh, what a beautiful city it is, the sun was shining and it just looked beautiful.


Kasi have a wonderful cruise!


Back to Zumba tomorrow night - too many classes being missed :mad:


Go Debbie getting all those people to class!


Ladies, need some motivation, weight slowly creeping back up - only 1 and 1/2 pounds but no exercise in 10 days so can't blame that and don't want to start slipping :( Any advice??


Hope you're all well!


Donna?!? What do you mean that you haven't exercised in 10 days, but you can't blame that for a weight creeping up? Are you saying that you just noticed the weight creep in the last day or so, and since it didn't happen immediately that you think the exercise "gap" doesn't have anything to do with it?


Now.... that's just wishful thinking!


You know that your body goes through cyclical rhythms. And you know that there's really nothing immediate that happens whenever you stop/start exercise; there's always a lag. The only thing I know that is immediate has to do with putting things into the body; i.e., higher sodium will cause an immediate weight increase that is usually taken care of after the body rids itself ot the unnecessary sodium.... hydration or dehydration will cause weight fluctuation.


But, if you've stopped an exercise program... and 10 days later you notice a weight creep... well, there's absolutely no denying that your body has been adjusting to less energy output. Takes a short while... but there you go.


Get back to your Zumba dancing. That's the best advice that I can give. Did you have a vacation situation... schedule change... that interrupted your normal routine? Is it something that you can correct? Or, do you need to find a different schedule for Zumba fitness? Because I know (just like with Kasi's delayed results) that the weight creep is, (high probability) due to the interruption of exercise.


Holidays are coming! Yummy, tasty food treats! Get prepared so that you can indulge just a wee bit, enjoy yourself, and no regrets.


I so want to visit Edinburgh. I'll put into my travel notes that now is a good time of year!

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LOL thanks ladies :) Pam, you really made me giggle .......... what I was saying is that had I been exercising and gained that weight, I probably would have put it down to muscle definition etc. However, seeing as I haven't been exercising, I haven't got anything to blame except over eating :o You are right, I need to get back into it, I wasn't well for a few weeks and didn't really have any energy but I just need to get back into it now.


Anita, I have been for a little shop too and bought some new work clothes - in a smaller size! I am happy to be in that size but just nervous I'll soon be back up in a 20 which wouldn't be good :eek: So, I have my gym kit out ready and will head off tomorrow afternoon as I'm having a half day.


I have also done a big food shop so am now all ready to go and get back on track. Thanks for your advice - as always!

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Donna! Gotcha! The ever hopeful gaining muscle! Sorry, I misread your statement.


Yeah for getting back into the Zumba class. I've been having a very off week myself. I had a dpt-booster shot, and I have to say that I've been having a horrible reaction to it. My arm is terribly sore; I have a sore spot the size of a walnut within my tricep muscle; my arm is red, inflamed and hot. Plus, I feel very spacy.


So, since I can't raise my arm above my ear lobes I've missed two Zumba classes! I missed the day of my appointment, and I missed today. And I'm going to miss tomorrow because I have to go in for some blood work (routine, no big deal, but I have to fast). So, by the time Saturday rolls around, I might be gasping for air again!


High five! We can do it!

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Anita, where do you take Zumba classes in Texas? I belong to Lifetime Fitness - do they have them there?


Most Lifetime Fitness locations have Zumba classes.


Currently, I am not taking any Zumba classes; I am now teaching. I teach where I used to take them, which is at a community recreation center.


If an instructor is current with their class listings, you can use the "Find a Class" area of the Zumba.com website to find a class. These listings depend on instructors keeping their listings up to date, so if you are in doubt about a class, you could just call your local Lifetime Fitness.


That's a sweet gym. We were members of Lifetime Fitness when we lived in Mid-Cities area in DFW. We went to the Colleyville location. LOVED it.

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Good evening Ladies!


Oh my!


I'm all excited about my weekend.


There is a thing called a Jam that is available to ZIN (Zumba Instructor Network) members...it is a 3 hour class that is held by a Zumba Jammer, which is a position that a ZIN applied for (literally thousands do, so it is pretty special to be picked)...and it is an opportunity to go to a class to learn some new choreography. This is considered a resource to the ZIN to help them have new material for their own classes. Remember...being able to choreograph is not a requirement for being an instructor.




I learned 5 new songs...6 if you count a warm up song...and I am totally PUMPED about my new songs. I could be in exclamation point heaven and go crazy trying to show how excited I am about this...but I will refrain.


I'll see if I can find the songs that I learned:


(toning warm up) the choreo I learned is NOTHING like this...BUT it is the Zumba version of the song...the released version is explicit...which is a bummer...


Latest release on the latest MegaMix to the instructors! According to what is posted in the Zumba forum, this one is turning out to be a fav among instructors...I LOVE it!


...this was released 4 months ago...okay...this song gets a little rough when you just listen to it...but when you are doing your thang to it...totally fun...it means "the lobster" and basically they singers are singing about how wonderful the rear end of their girl friend is...how it is like a lobster?...and that she has an amazing body...LOL!!


...again on the latest release...Salsa...lots of booty circles in this one!


...reggeaton...this is the oldest song presented...you may already have heard it in a class, well, for that matter, you may have heard them all because some instructors seek out their own music well before Zumba decides to release it to their instructors. I admit this was my least favorite.


Tao Tao...Cumbia Tex-Mex!...okay, the version referenced here is the best I could do...the Zumba version is so FUN!!...the Jammer grabbed a cowboy hat and put it on at one point...OMG...the routine was just FUN.




I'm all excited. I have new songs to go with my new class that starts in 9 DAYS!!!


And here is something that I know about myself. I love to learn. And learning gets me excited. I like that is the attraction of Zumba for me.


Ok. It's late. But I wanted to share these songs. And my excitement. And say hello.




Here is something that came out of my Jam Session...


Shoulder Shimmy...


A shoulder shimmy is a CORE workout...believe me...you have to tighten your abs and keep them very still when you shake your shoulders back and forth. My Jammer said that people ask him, How do you shimmy?...and he says...


You have to imagine that there are spiders.


Big spiders.


And one is on the left pect (chest muscle, breast area)...


And one is on the right pect...


And you want to get them OFF...


But you can not use your hands...


So you shake your shoulders...shimmy shimmy...to get them OFF...


And a note from Kelly...


If you raise your hands to be on level with your shoulders....you will also work out all those arm muscles when you do a shoulder shimmy...


Good night everyone! Happy Monday to all!

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Anita, our group for tonight's Zumba class was 7 plus the instructor. My friends and I made 5 of the 7. Yea! I sure don't feel self conscious around all my buddies. There is a possibility that we can add another class and would be able to do Zumba twice a week. I'm getting stoked! By the time they have the second class up and running, I should be ready for more than just my once weekly class. I couldn't be happier.


I will change my outfit again for next week. I need a THINNER sleeveless top and a pair of shorts. The nylon capris looked cute, but I need less cloth.


I did modify my movements and my joints haven't locked up on me yet. Thanks for the tip last time, Anita, about doing what your body tells you. I learned that my body doesn't want my hands at shoulder level or over my head. We do shoulder shimmy movements and I can do them with my arms and hands at elbow level without pain. When everyone raises their arms, I just do things a little differently.


I don't jump either. I thought at first that I should try to do everything like the instructor. Back in the day, I could do all those moves, but pain is pain and soooo not worth knowing I'm keeping up with Zumba instructor Nicki. You let me realize that's it's ok as long as I'm moving. I'm sweating plenty without all the jumping and flailing of hands.


It was the first Zumba class for three of my friends. They all plan to come back next week. Wow! Can you tell I'm excited!?! --Debbie

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Debbie, I'm so excited for you! I was thinking about you last night and hoping that your instructor was there and that all the people that were interested last time were STILL interested. Sounds like you have a great class!


You are right, when they are able to add another class, you will be ready for it. There is something addictive about Zumba and only getting your fix once a week won't cut it. Just keep listening to your body and moving how you want/need/feel like moving.


I've been talking to Mom about my spiel at the beginning of class. The welcome speech...tips for safety...reminders about just this, you don't have to move like I do, move like your body moves...I had said There's no right or wrong in Zumba, there is just safe and unsafe, so listen to your body...Mom said, There's no right or wrong in Zumba, there's right and left, but you don't have to know those because I just point in the direction we are going to move and it doesn't really matter otherwise which foot you are using. :D


PAIN in regular exercise is not worth it. I think there is a difference between extreme muscle fatigue and pain, like it can start to HURT in an achy kind of way when you start to push the limits of your muscles...but PAIN is never a good sign...and unless you are going through physical therapy, you shouldn't have pain.


I'm laughing about your clothing dilemma...Mom and I both call ourselves "wet rags" at the end of class...I've tried shorts for class but that didn't work for me, the legs would rub together with some of the moves (cumbia especially) and if the hem was in the wrong spot, the legs would creep up in the middle...I hated that...my preferred capri length is right below the knee.


I'm getting new clothes today!! My shipment should come today...I'm very excited.


I CAN tell you are excited too! It's wonderful!

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