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Any other Zumba fans?

Anita Latte

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I'm turning 40 in March 2012. My mom found an outrageous deal on a Spring Break cruise in March 2012, so we booked a big family vacation for my parents, my husband, my son and myself which will be in honor of my big milestone.


It's also the goal for life change including major weightloss.


I started taking Zumba classes the week of Sept 12. I'm up to 3 Zumba classes a week and 2 Pilates classes.


I LOVE Zumba. I know it has a lot to do with my instructor, who I also love. I've had great success so far losing 4 inches around both my hips and bust and 1 inch each around each thigh. I'm totally pumped and more motivated than ever to continue getting healthy.


Anyone else out there a Zumba fan? Or doing Pilates? I thought we could exchange stories, songs, encouragement...


WARNING...I love to talk...A LOT...and I will also be using this thread as a kind of record of some other changes I have going on around the house...including, but certainly not limited to, cooking healthy homemade meals and breaking the restaurant/eating out cycle.


I hope anyone interested in these topics will join me!


In a few minutes I will be heading out to try Zumba. A group from my "body boot camp" will be trying this out tonight. :D We'll see how it goes.

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Hello everyone,


as the summer is taking a break here in Germany, it´s good that Zumba classes are available.

The weather is awful, so far I´ve not been out on my bike, and I haven´t been to the public pool in weeks...

Summer holidays for our school kids start this friday, and after that it´s holiday schedule at my dancing school, too.

I won´t be able to attend Zumba classes on Friday or Sunday until september.

However, I can try something new during the week.

On Wednesday Annie is offering a class called Zumba in a circuit...

Really looking forward to trying that class.


Tonight was Caribbean Bodystyle, a comination of belly, legs and behind training with dance moves. I suppose I´ll be pretty sore in the morning.


How is everyone doing?


It´s still two month til our cruise...

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Reading a very interesting book titled Which Comes First, Cardio or Weights? Fitness Myths, Training Truths, and Other Surprising Discoveries from the Science of Exercise.


Quite a lengthy title. The book is presented as a series of questions with answers given on the basis of scientific research. There are several questions that have very interesting answers so I thought I would share some of them.


To lose weight, is it better to eat less or exercise more?

A calorie is a calorie is a calorie... good health is a little more complicated than just matching the calories you eat to the calories you burn. A study published in 2010 in the journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise suggests that your body can tell the difference between a calorie burned through exercise and a calorie avoided through dieting-- and both types turn out to be important.


Researchers at Louisiana State University recruited 36 moderately overweight volunteers and divided them into three groups. One group was the control and stayed exactly the same throughout the six-month study. A second group cut their calorie intake by 25 percent, while the third group cut calories by 12.5 percent and increased their calories burned by an equivalent amount through physical activity. That meant both intervention groups had the same total "calorie deficit" -- one through diet alone, and the other through a 50-50 mix of diet and exercise.


As expected, the two intervention groups lost exactly the same amount of weight-- a fairly impressive 10 percent of their starting weight. They also lost about 25 percent of their total body fat and 25 percent of their abdominal fat, again with no difference between the two groups. This confirms that the amount of weight you lose is a function of calorie deficit, whether you create the deficit through diet or exercise. But when the researchers took a closer look, they found some important differences between the two groups. Only the diet-plus-exercise group had significant improvements in insulin sensitivity, LDL cholesterol, and diastolic blood pressure -- crucial risk factors for heart disease and diabetes, but changes you can't measure by looking in the mirror or stepping on a scale.


But that's not the final word. Two other risk factors measured in the Louisiana study -- systolic blood pressure and HDL cholesterol -- remained identical between the two experiment groups. That suggests that they depend on weight rather than aerobic fitness, so that "fat but fit" people may still be missing out on some health benefits. The challenging but inevitable conclusion is that both diet and exercise are important to optimize your health, and you can't ignore either of them.


:p And we already knew this information. But, I found it interesting that what we think we "know" can be backed up by scientific inquiry. :D

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Reading a very interesting book titled Which Comes First, Cardio or Weights? Fitness Myths, Training Truths, and Other Surprising Discoveries from the Science of Exercise.


Quite a lengthy title. The book is presented as a series of questions with answers given on the basis of scientific research. There are several questions that have very interesting answers so I thought I would share some of them.


To lose weight, is it better to eat less or exercise more?


A calorie is a calorie is a calorie... good health is a little more complicated than just matching the calories you eat to the calories you burn. A study published in 2010 in the journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise suggests that your body can tell the difference between a calorie burned through exercise and a calorie avoided through dieting-- and both types turn out to be important.


Researchers at Louisiana State University recruited 36 moderately overweight volunteers and divided them into three groups. One group was the control and stayed exactly the same throughout the six-month study. A second group cut their calorie intake by 25 percent, while the third group cut calories by 12.5 percent and increased their calories burned by an equivalent amount through physical activity. That meant both intervention groups had the same total "calorie deficit" -- one through diet alone, and the other through a 50-50 mix of diet and exercise.


As expected, the two intervention groups lost exactly the same amount of weight-- a fairly impressive 10 percent of their starting weight. They also lost about 25 percent of their total body fat and 25 percent of their abdominal fat, again with no difference between the two groups. This confirms that the amount of weight you lose is a function of calorie deficit, whether you create the deficit through diet or exercise. But when the researchers took a closer look, they found some important differences between the two groups. Only the diet-plus-exercise group had significant improvements in insulin sensitivity, LDL cholesterol, and diastolic blood pressure -- crucial risk factors for heart disease and diabetes, but changes you can't measure by looking in the mirror or stepping on a scale.


But that's not the final word. Two other risk factors measured in the Louisiana study -- systolic blood pressure and HDL cholesterol -- remained identical between the two experiment groups. That suggests that they depend on weight rather than aerobic fitness, so that "fat but fit" people may still be missing out on some health benefits. The challenging but inevitable conclusion is that both diet and exercise are important to optimize your health, and you can't ignore either of them.


:p And we already knew this information. But, I found it interesting that what we think we "know" can be backed up by scientific inquiry. :D



Thanks for sharing.

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How long does it take to get in shape?


First, the good news. Your body starts getting stronger and healthier just hours after you start working out. But if you're wondering how long it will take to rock a six-pack -- well, you'll have to be a bit more patient.


After just a few strength training sessions, your brain learns to recruit more muscle fibers and make them contract all at once to produce greater force. This "neural activation" kicks in after only a few workouts, allowing you to get stronger almost immediately, well before your muscles get noticeably bigger. Further strength gains come as the individual muscle fibers within your muscles get bigger, which starts in as little as two weeks if you're training intensely. But it takes longer for these changes to be noticeable: even with sophisticated lab equipment, researchers can't usually detect changes in fat and muscle composition until after nine weeks of training. Similarly, a University of Tokyo study published in 2010 saw the biggest increases in strength after two months and the biggest boost in muscle size after three months. To achieve these rapid gains, the subjects were doing four very hard workouts a week. For the average person at the gym, it will take six months or more to see significant sculpting of the body-- even though strength has been increasing since day one.


Weight loss is more difficult to predict, because it depends on your starting point, your health history, your genetics, and your diet as well as your workout routine. But like strength training, aerobic exercise produces major health and performance benefits long before you see them in the mirror. Aerobic exercise increases the number of mitochondria, which are essentially the "cellular power plants" in your muscles that use oxygen to produce energy: the more mitochondria you have, the farther and faster you can run, and the more fat your muscles will burn. Studies have shown that about six weeks of training will boost mitochondria levels by 50 to 100 percent.


Health benefits, on the other hand, kick in after a single bout of aerobic exercise. For about 48 hours after a workout, your muscles will be consuming more glucose than usual, helping to bring down blood-sugar levels. After a few workouts, your insulin sensitivity will begin to improve, offering further control of blood sugar.


The bottom line: "Getting in shape" is a journey that extends over months and even years, but the process--and the benefits--start as soon as you begin exercising. So if you're having trouble staying motivated without immediate physical changes, track your strength and endurance gains along the way.


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How long does it take to get unfit?

Let's start with the good news: researchers have consistently found that it takes less work to maintain your level of fitness than it did to get there in the first place. That means that when life intervenes--holiday travel, deadlines at work, and so on--you can temporarily scale back your workout regimen without losing your hard-earned fitness. But the clock is ticking: Danish researchers found that after just two to three weeks, subjects who reduced physical activity showed worse insulin sensitivity and a decreased ability to burn fat.


Everyone faces unavoidable time crunches now and then, so the useful question is how long you can afford to slack before the effects are noticeable. The literature on "detraining," or loss of fitness, is surprisingly complex, because different adaptations to your muscles, heart, and metabolism fade away at different rates. As a rough rule of thumb, the evidence suggests that you retain gains for about two weeks without training, but by the time you hit four weeks you're back to baseline. The drop-off happens sooner if you've just started exercising, while long-time gym rats have structural adaptations that will endure for several months, like a larger heart and more capillaries to take oxygen to their muscles.


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Hi Pam,

thanks for sharing this info.


Today is the last day of my regular workout schedule. Due to kids being out of school in this part of Germany starting Monday, my dance studio offeres a vacation schedule as well.

So, basically it´s no Zumba on friday and sunday.

The other days change as well.

Monday - regular 6:30 pm class

Tuesday - class an hour later than usual at 7:45 pm

Wednesday - 7:30 pm Zumba in the circuit

Thursday: Zumba starting at 6:15 pm, a two-hour class and afterwards Carribic bodystyle


So, I have to change my Yoga class as well, to be able to attend Zumba on Thursday, for the duration of this vacation, I´m switching Yoga to wednesday.


I´m not sure if and which workout I´ll do on the next 6 weekends, however I´m sure to come up with something.


Has one of you attended a Zumba in the circuit class? Annie is offering this class as a trial this summer holidays, not sure what to expect...

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As you can tell by my name, I am totally in love with zumba. I have been doing it for over a year and have stepped it up lately to 4 to 5 times a week to lose a few inches for the cruise. I just chuckled when I read the recent posts about territory in the class. My Monday and Sat instructor has a hugh following and her class is usually packed. I tend to stay in the back 1/3 of the room on the right side no matter who the instructor is. We have a group of fairly aggressive die-hard zumba addicts that do not treat a rookie wih kindness if they dare wander into their territory in the front and to the left. I feel great pity for the poor soul who just wants to get up close to see the instructor!


zumbafan...welcome. The whole territory thing is such a crack up to me. It just goes to show what creatures of habit we all can be. If we can discipline ourselves to create good habits...we have such a tendency to keep it up.


I haven't been posting because I have been on vacation! I was visiting my parents in the lovely Sonoran Desert...which looked WAY greener than my normally lush Texas btw..."crispy" is the best adjective for the way all our non-drought tolerant, used-to-50" of rain a year yards and landscapes look right now...but I digress...ANYWAY...I determined that it was just not the thing to get caught up in the great World Wide Waste-of-Time ;) while enjoying the company of my not-seen-often enough parents. I have stories to tell though...


The first being more commentary on class territory...OMG...so here I come into the picture...and I am a front row gal...I like to see the instructor...I like to see myself in the mirror...I'm not shy...and I go for the moves...whether I know what I'm doing or not...Mom...doesn't do the front row...she picks row 2 or 3...and definitely on the side of the room...easy water access is important to her...so we come to class...and take over spots that are normally inhabited by others...:eek::rolleyes:


Mom got to fight a whole territory battle through one entire class...the girl would travel far in her direction and then mince steps when traveling in the opposite direction...Mom said that the lady that normally stands where I did, walked in, saw me, and stayed on the other side of the room in the front corner...so I didn't have to deal...at a different class however...there was just enough room so that the girl who normally stands there walked in late and put her stuff down and just hopped into her spot...she wasn't invasive necessarily until we started traveling...but I moved to accommodate her...she obviously knew the other girl in the front row...and there was plenty of room in this class...and they didn't try to block my view of the mirrors...LOL...the whole territory thing really cracked me up though.


When "stepping it up"...there are a couple of things you can do to make the class more intensive as well as more frequent...does your instructor cover different ways of doing the same move? Here are some examples for everyone's benefit...


1. Take it high impact...this is something of a no brainer...and there are moves that are more conducive to high impact than others...if anyone is unaware...high impact is to have a period of time where both feet are off the ground...even for a split second...any reggaeton song can be high impact.


2. Take it lower...turn any side to side move into a squat like move...think of a merengue song where you do that step together step together to the side...often the last "together" on the feet has a clap...and then you change directions...you might be all twisty with the feet...you can take this into squats to the side...you can change any salsa into squats to the side...reggaeton moves can definitely go lower...all that single single double movement can have low, bent knees...just be aware of what you are doing and THINK about engaging your quads, hamstrings, and gluts...so that your knee joint is protected.


3. Add Hips...here's the goal...decrease the space between your rib cage and your hip bone...one side at a time...to do so...you must have both knees at least soft and one very bent...whenever you engage your hips in such a manner...you actually are engaging all your core muscles...THINK about it too...it helps...merengue...salsa...cumbia...bachata...these are all great songs to get that hip action going...to really learn what Zumba thinks you are doing when you are doing the different steps, look for videos that look like these:




There is a move called Destroza...during my Basic Zumba training, my trainer called this the "thigh minimizer"...if you do this move correctly to it MAX...it is SICK...this is the move that some instructors explain as towel on the tush...you move around in a circle and you hold your arms and move your hips/rear end like you are toweling yourself dry?...there is also supposed to be a front and back movement in there with the side to side movement. And you are supposed to be LOW...knees BENT...OMG...it's a workout to do this move.




4. Get those Standing Crunches...Mom found this AWESOME video that explains what she calls "crumping":




Zumba tends to do this A LOT...body pumps here and there and all over the place...leave your embarrassment at the door...stop your imagination with these types of moves...and take advantage of the workout...and be sure to engage those ABS...otherwise you will feel it too much in your BACK...this is a great move!...do a Pilates breath...and PUSH all the air out of your lungs through pursed lips...really using your abs to get rid of all the air in your lungs...this will flatten your abs and get that mind/body connection going so that you can focus on your abs when you do this move.


I guess my point is that you can really STEP UP your Zumba by concentrating on your form when you do different moves in addition to increasing your frequency...and if you are looking to lose INCHES...then adding all that hip movement is something that makes a HUGE difference.


Hey everyone...



I'm Cheryl from Roslyn.


I just started Zumba......


I have a lot of weight to lose.....I really let myself go over the past few years.......


I am hoping to lose some weight for my cruise in September which is two months....even 10 or 15 pounds will make me feel much better.......


I've been trying to go to the gym everday....and I have been eating really well........ it is a lot of work......even the eating well is a lot of work....maybe that is how skinny people do it....they work so hard to eat well that they are too tired to eat?????


It IS a lot of work! :eek: Don't be discouraged...I admit that I'm a little nervous for you reading about how much you are doing!...I couldn't have kept up going to the gym every day!...When I started at over 205 pounds...I was fortunate to survive my Zumba classes twice a week! :o Like you, I let myself go...I fully know how to take care of myself properly, but somehow...I didn't make it a priority...and things that I would do to "treat myself" were actually very harmful...finally, something comes along (my 40th birthday on the horizon) and there was a decision to be made...am I going to be a healthy person? fit? able?...or am I going to be lazy? fat? and tired?...


In the past, I've done what it feels like you are doing...gung ho, full steam ahead...totally enthusiastic...and ready to tackle everything that I wanted to change about myself all at the same time...it's EXHAUSTING...


I don't want to discourage you...no...not at all...but I relate to your post...and I want to encourage you to just keep after it...if you have a lot of things that you want to change about your lifestyle...your exercise and eating habits...it can take a while for change to really happen...for new habits to form...the best encouragement I can offer is to say this...Be patient with yourself...give yourself time to make the changes that you want...and don't beat yourself up if you haven't achieved perfection as quickly as you hope...it IS a lot of work...this is a great encouraging group...stick around and we will encourage you.


In a few minutes I will be heading out to try Zumba. A group from my "body boot camp" will be trying this out tonight. :D We'll see how it goes.


Debbie! You MUST share what you thought of your first Zumba class...the almost universal response to the first one is "I was SO lost!"...were you?...also know that instructors are not certified, they are licensed...and thus...they vary greatly...everyone will tell you that the instructor makes all the difference in the world...each one is pretty unique. I want to hear about how it went! Please share!


Kasi...what a late summer break you have! We have been out of school since the first week of June, so I am amazed to read about how you are just now hitting a summer schedule. Funny how that can affect your classes, but this seems to be the norm.


Zumba in the Circuit is something that got started here in the states with the Curves franchise. Do you have Curves locations in Germany? If it is anything like what they do here, I can tell you what to expect.


Here there is a circuit where the circuit alternates between a strength training machine and a cardio exercise. Each station on the circuit only allows for one person to be doing that exercise and so every person is at a different station on the circuit and when a single is given, everyone rotates to the next station. When Zumba gets added to the circuit, it replaces the cardio exercise. At any one time, half of the participants will be doing the strength resistance exercise while the other half are doing a Zumba routine. When the change happens, the Zumba people go to their next strength machine while the others get off to do some Zumba.


The music gets editted to the nearest minute so that they can control the timing of cardio v. resistance training.


Annie may be less structured and just have certain things available so that you end up alternating between a resistance exercise and a Zumba song. Maybe you have dumbbells or bands or a bar or a ball or whatever and she keeps everyone doing the same exercising all along if you don't already have a circuit in the room that you do Zumba.


It'll be interesting to learn how she does it!


Donna...so it sounds like you might build onto learning the steps to a song? Since you said you learned more steps to Stand By Me? I've thought about that...how to break down a more complicated song into parts so that by the end we get the full choreography but don't overwhelm the class with anything too complicated in the beginning. Since my classes are taught in sessions, I see the same ladies week after week...so I could do this type of thing.


Meanwhile, sounds like you are having a nice summer. Have you hit your 3 stone award?


Time for me to get back into the swing of things here. Need to close out the summer on a good note. There are only 4 weeks left before school starts! I have a lot to share about my trip to AZ...but this post is already so long!! I'll be sharing over the next several days.


Mom...this info is great...keep sharing...


I have looked forward to getting back to this thread after being on vacation! Zumba love to everyone!

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Hi Anita,


Zumba is one heck of a work out, and good stress reliever. Now I have 2 left feet, no rhythm, and not coordinated. However I thourghly enjoyed the class. I am a back row type of person and I didn't see the instructer much. However was able for follow the trainer from the boot camp I attend. She and another lady I was with caught on really quickly.


The instructer did give us 3 options ranging from low impact to high impact.


I don't know how often I will be able to go, however I am going to try for at least once a month. May be just whats needed to add a little to the current workout.

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Omigosh. This is so much MATH, but the information is so interesting that I thought I'd share this bit of news. I found something here that I've never read anywhere else, and it makes so much sense to me! It could explain plateaus, and some of the difficulty that we have with making the scale actually move in the direction that we want it to go.


I think that this additional information highlights that old, cliche that says "a little knowledge is a dangerous thing."




We all know, by now, that we have to have a 3500-calorie deficit, whether from exercise or diet, to lose a pound. And, we usually say something like: 3500-calorie deficit equals a pound of FAT loss. Well, maybe yes... and maybe no.. and, as it turns out, there's more to this equation...




this is new information for me: it takes about 2800 calories to build a pound of muscle.


So, if you do the typical calculation where you reduce your calories by a 500-calorie daily deficit in order to lose a pound a week, then if you have reduced below your BMR and you compound the calorie deficit with an exercise program then where will you get those 2800 calories to build muscle? You will actually lose muscle if you do exercise with a 500-calorie deficit below your BMR, which puts you on a vicious cycle of (1) losing muscle which (2) lowers your metabolism and (3) creates a drop in your BMR which (4) puts your body into a state of fatigue, slows repair and recovery, and creates a plateau. Because your body will use the glycogen store in your muscle in order for you to have the energy you require to get through your day.


So, it is very important to do the math and to eat enough calories for weight loss.


So, bear with me... here comes the MATH.


Step 1. Get your weight in kilograms. For those of us who are familiar with pounds, the process is to weigh yourself. First thing in the morning is the best time. Now divide that number by 2.2 to get your weight in kilograms. This isn't an exact science, so you can round. Example: 145 lbs divided by 2.2 = 65.9 kgs rounded to 66.


Step 2. Resting metabolic rate

From this equation:

795 + (7.18 x body weight in kilograms) = resting metabolic rate.

We all know what the resting metabolic rate (or basal metabolic rate.. BMR) is but I'll just state the obvious. It's the number of calories that you burn doing nothing and eating nothing all day. If you're wondering about the equation, this comes from researchers doing the number-crunching to fit a mathematical formula to actual measurements of BMRs of subjects taken with high-tech equipment; they apply math to a scattergraph of data points in order to predict the metabolic rate, and this formula is the result of those independent tests. My thought is: just go with the flow on this one.


Example: 795 + (7.18 x 66) = 795 + 473.88 = 1268.88 = 1270 BMR (estimated).


If you don't want to do this math, then here's a website link to help with this calculation. The link takes into consideration an age factor, so they're basing their calculation on something different than the derived formula. My suggestion would be to take an average of the numbers that end up being calculated. http://health.discovery.com/centers/heart/basal/basal.html


Step 3. Find your Body mass index (BMI). BMI is a height-and-weight calculation that doesn't take into account your ratio of fat to muscle. So, it's use is more general.


Here's a website link that makes it easy to do this calculation. http://www.bmi-calculator.net/


Example: 5'7.5" and 145 lbs = 22.37 (within the range of a normal weight BMI).


OK. Here's the important information that makes all this MATH worthwhile. Based upon age and BMI and exercise, you get an estimate of the number of calories you need on workout and no workout days. It's very important to eat more on the days that you workout!


If your BMI is between 18 to 24.9 AND you are under 35 yrs

on no workout days, multiply your BMR times 1.6

on active workout days, multiply your BMR times 1.8


If your BMI is over 25 AND you are under 35 yrs

on no workout days, multiply your BMR times 1.5

on active workout days, multiply your BMR times 1.7


If your BMI is between 18 to 24.9 AND you are over 35 yrs

on no workout days, multiply your BMR times 1.4

on active workout days, multiply your BMR times 1.6


If your BMI is over 25 AND you are over 35 yrs

on no workout days, multiply your BMR times 1.2

on active workout days, multiply your BMR times 1.4


Example: Assuming older than 35 yrs, using the BMI of 22.37 means that our calorie intake on no workout days would be (1270 x 1.4) 1778 calories and on workout days our calorie intake would be (1270 x 1.6) 2032 calories!


You can see how these numbers (especially the workout day number!) are so much higher than the "diet" books recommendations of 1200 to 1400 calories a day for women who are trying to lose weight.


The combination of "Eat Less" and "Exercise More"... turns out to be less than ideal as a goal. Our bodies don't like the simultaneous stresses of less food -- and more exercise. It provides a real challenge for our body.

OK. So, here are the important steps to take.


Do the MATH, and then stick with the program for 4 weeks. The reason that 4 weeks is recommended is to take you through an entire menstrual cycle. Then, after 4 weeks, assess your progress, based on these criteria:

Did you gain weight, lose weight, or stay the same?

Do your clothes feel loose, or are they tighter?

Do you see any differences when you look in the mirror?

How do you feel? Energized, or tired?

How are your workouts going? Are you getting stronger from one workout to the next?

How are you sleeping at night? Are you so tired that you're falling asleep as soon as your head hits the pillow? Do you feel anxious or jittery? Or has nothing changed?


So reassess after 4 weeks.


Well, I've done the math, for me. And what it means is that I'm going to have to EAT a LOT MORE. I've been on a plateau for about 2 months. And, I've increased my exercise so much... going from Zumba 3x a week, to 5x a week... and one of those days I've been going to Zumba 2x in one day! I've been sleeping horribly.. and the book says "it's possible that not eating enough is keeping you awake at night." I had put myself on a 1330-calorie daily intake goal... each day... workout day or not!...


So this is going to be a very different program for me. I've been very tired lately, especially with the sleep problems, which is why I went on this grand research to figure out if I could get better information. I think I found something that makes sense to me! So, I'm starting this tomorrow and I'll get back with my results in the next 4 weeks.




Does this make sense to everyone? Did I scare you with MATH? :p I hope not!

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Hi Anita,


Zumba is one heck of a work out, and good stress reliever. Now I have 2 left feet, no rhythm, and not coordinated. However I thourghly enjoyed the class. I am a back row type of person and I didn't see the instructer much. However was able for follow the trainer from the boot camp I attend. She and another lady I was with caught on really quickly.


The instructer did give us 3 options ranging from low impact to high impact.


I don't know how often I will be able to go, however I am going to try for at least once a month. May be just whats needed to add a little to the current workout.


Glad to hear that you enjoyed the class! I think being in the class setting with people you know helps to transform it from just another work out into something fun to do with friends, which makes it even more fun.


The combination of "Eat Less" and "Exercise More"... turns out to be less than ideal as a goal. Our bodies don't like the simultaneous stresses of less food -- and more exercise. It provides a real challenge for our body.


I've been sleeping horribly.. and the book says "it's possible that not eating enough is keeping you awake at night."


Does this make sense to everyone? Did I scare you with MATH? :p I hope not!


OMG OMG OMG...I have to do this math.


You know I have been sleeping HORRIBLY...like I can't fall asleep at night...I will leave the bed and go downstairs where I can read myself sleepy...and if I am woken up in the middle of the night by...oh my THIRSTY DS...then I can't get back to sleep again...


So quickly, based on my numbers...I should be eating about 1900 calories on a workout day...I need to do some analysis to see if I am close to that...I have a feeling that I am falling short of that. WOW. Talk about motivation to get back to tracking calories!


I'm not scared of math...I'm so glad to read this because I need to clarify what I'm doing with my food...I've just been winging it really. If I'm going to make my goal, then I need to get a plan.

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Hi Anita, I too share your love for Zumba! I was licensed to teach Zumba in October, and practiced my first set of routines on the Balcony of my Verandah deck on a Holland America cruise to Mexico every evening! When I returned home I was already to go! My daughter and I co-taught Zumba for a while, but now I am recently relocated to the UK and just getting my bearings! There are Zumba cruises. Not many though. I wish there were more!


I like your song list, I use about 50% of those songs, mixed with the Zumba licensed music that I love. I love it so much, I will just listen to it for other types of workouts, and even cleaning house! Keep shaking it girl! Maybe one day we will cruise and Zumba together!

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Hello all,

Just came across this thread while looking for information on my cruise Aug.18th. I love Zumba and have been going to classes twice a week for the past few months. It's the only form of exercise that I love to do and I feel invigorated after a class. Next week is my last week and then it is resuming again in Sept. I am bummed out about this. The closer I am getting to my cruise the less classes. :( I have the DVD but it is not the same. No one else I know goes to Zumba. They are missing out. Glad I can share my love for it with you guys. Thanks!

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Welcome to the thread ladies! :D


Hi Anita, I too share your love for Zumba! I was licensed to teach Zumba in October, and practiced my first set of routines on the Balcony of my Verandah deck on a Holland America cruise to Mexico every evening! When I returned home I was already to go! My daughter and I co-taught Zumba for a while, but now I am recently relocated to the UK and just getting my bearings! There are Zumba cruises. Not many though. I wish there were more!


I like your song list, I use about 50% of those songs, mixed with the Zumba licensed music that I love. I love it so much, I will just listen to it for other types of workouts, and even cleaning house! Keep shaking it girl! Maybe one day we will cruise and Zumba together!


WOW!! Moving to the UK? How sweet is that? DH and I thought that he sounded perfect for an opportunity for a 24 month assignment in England with his company. Didn't work out obviously...but we were so excited by the even the thought of it. Would you share as much as you are comfortable with about where you are?


Did you go to the convention? I didn't...but I'd like to someday. Did you get your MegaMix? My fav off of that is Boom Boom Mama...it's not a new song and I know other instructors have already been using that song...but I seriously love this song! DH hears this song and he says that he totally understands Zumba...it's the music...it's like...you hear it and you have to move...even if you don't know what to do...LOL!! I can get DH and DS started on the Boom...Boom...Boom boom boom part with very little prompting. Have you done much of your own choreography? I haven't really yet.


I would love to get a Zumba cruise going on! I'm going to be leading classes on my March 2012 cruise...may just be a totally casual thing...but it is likely that others will figure out what is going on and show up...Zumba is ADDICTIVE!


Hello all,

Just came across this thread while looking for information on my cruise Aug.18th. I love Zumba and have been going to classes twice a week for the past few months. It's the only form of exercise that I love to do and I feel invigorated after a class. Next week is my last week and then it is resuming again in Sept. I am bummed out about this. The closer I am getting to my cruise the less classes. :( I have the DVD but it is not the same. No one else I know goes to Zumba. They are missing out. Glad I can share my love for it with you guys. Thanks!


I'm so surprised that there isn't another class that you could attend?


I'm right there with you...Zumba is the only form of exercise that I love to do too...and class pumps me up...I agree that a DVD is not the same...sounds like you like the atmosphere of the class as much as the format of the Zumba...that's me...I wouldn't be happy doing routines at home...I like the energy of all the people in the room.


You probably love your instructor...but I would look at the Zumba.com website and see if there are any other classes around you...and give them a try. The latest book that Mom has been reading talks about what happens when you take a break...I think she posted about this a couple posts back...so I encourage you to find something to get you by during the month of August...don't go an entire month without doing something!


There are only 4 more weeks of summer...only 3 more weeks of this session...then all my current students will go back to school in one way or another...they are all teachers or students...and then the big who knows will happen...who knows if there will be students that will enroll for the next session? I'm working on learning some new songs...and also making up some choreography for a couple of songs for myself. Kind of scary! :o


The latest news on the weight loss front for me is that I am definitely fluctuating around the 170 mark instead of the 175 mark! Woot woot!!


Kasi...I have not forgotten about grill recipes...I'll talk about this tomorrow...I've been really using the grill more since I came home...the clean up is just so much easier...you know?...and I must admit that I really don't enjoy doing the dishes...:p

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So, just because the headline was interesting, I ended up reading an article about the best exercise for hearth health: turns out its aerobic <duh>.


Anyway, that's not the information in the article that ended up being the most interesting to me. Here's the meat of the story: 196 participants, divided into 3 groups... one group doing only aerobic, one group doing only weight lifting, one group doing a combination of aerobic/weight lifting. An 8-month study. All received gym memberships. Didn't say whether they were male or female. Didn't say whether they were overweight, obese, fit, fit/fat, etc. Did say that the aerobics were done on gym machines.


Here's the interesting part, for me.


At the end of 8 monhts, due to the DROPOUT rate, 86 participants were analyzed.


That's sick. More than 50% of the people who were willing to participate in this study, who received a free gym membership, simply couldn't come up with the needed motivation to stick with the program! OK. The result of the study was that, statistically, aerobic exercise is the best exercise regimen for HEART HEALTH because the resistance exercisers didn't lose as much weight and their blood pressure and blood diabetes markers didn't improve. The group that did the combination of aerobic and weights didn't lose more weight or waist size (although the aerobic only people lost 1/2" on their wasit and the combo people lost a full inch on their wasit) to make a "statistical significance" to the combination exercise program.


Well, I had a few thoughts. Of course, everyone knows what I was thinking, right?!? They should have let the aerobic exercisers do ZUMBA. :D


But, also, that it's so important to find something that you can turn the thought process from... "having" to do... to "wanting" to do. I know that if I had to go to the gym tonight and get on an elliptical machine or a treadmill or take a spin class that I would already be thinking of so many, many excuses as to how I could get "OUT" of doing that!... Like... I'm tired... It's too late... It'll interfere with my evening of (a) eating my dinner, (b) watching TV, © getting something done that I've been procrastinating doing and thinking that this evening would be the perfect time to get THAT out of the way... KWIM? But, tonight I get to go to ZUMBA and I'm so glad! I haven't gone since Saturday morning and I'm ready to GO!


Anita, judging by your time stamp on your post... trouble sleeping again last night?



If your pulse is racing at bedtime and you struggle to get into or stay in a deep sleep, you could be overtraining. That is, you aren't getting enough recovery between workouts, and you need to find a way to balance the stresses in your life.


One great way to gauge your reaction to the diet and workouts--and to tune into your body in general--is to monitor your resting pulse rate. It's best to do this first thing in the morning--before you even get out of bed, if possible--and also at night, just before you fall asleep. You don't have to do this daily. Just get a reading, and then recheck it occasionally as you go along. You want it to go down (a sign of improved fitness) or stay the same. If it's rising, that's a sign of too much stress and too little recovery.


I also got a book from the library on a Sleep Diet. We'll see if I can get any new information out of it.


So, I have to figure out how to eat more today and eat the right things. That is, eat more high-quality calories from all three macronutrients, paying close attention to protein because (of course) it's the building block of muscle tissue. OK.

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Today is a rest day.


Though it has been a while since I have posted a motivating, inspirational monologue on one of my rest days...I feel the urge today.


For years I have been plagued with the pursuit of "The BEST"...and I do mean plagued...it can feel like a disease after a while...because while the pursuit of the Best may seem worthwhile...too much time passes between the realization that something needs to get done and the accomplishment of getting it done while the search for the Best runs its course.


Meanwhile, "Good Enough" has crossed the path many times...and been rejected...in favor of the yet illusive or somehow unattainable Best...and unfortunately, what often happens is that what needed to get done...REMAINS undone. And during all this time...there is the THING that hangs overhead...this unresolved, needing attention, needing to be taken care of THING...it's an energy zapper...and a source of stress...


Because we aren't talking about finding a formal dress for a cruise here. We're talking about everyday things...how do you throw away a bread maker that doesn't work anymore?...or a waffle maker?...or a toaster?...YES...for some reason, many of my small kitchen appliances have recently given up the ghost, so to speak...and now these said appliances are struggling to find homes in my house, while I struggle to figure out what to do with them.


This is just a small example of the kind of SMALL thing that I am talking about. It should be a simple thing...but somehow...for me...it isn't.


What starts as a desire to accomplish something in the best way possible turns into a procrastination technique with many of these little things...and it adds a level of stress to life...because whatever it is...there is this THING that because it hasn't just been faced and dealt with once and for all...must be dealt with at some level EVERY DAY...even if it's to pretend that it doesn't exist...


And thus...you can understand my DH's mantra to me...Git 'er done!


I recently overcame one of these silly little things. And seriously, it's silly...but it was a MAJOR source of frustration in my endeavors to pursue a healthy lifestyle...so you may be amazed to discover that I am going to preach to you about your....*drum roll*...DULL knives in your kitchen.


Yes, ladies...DULL knives were tormenting me in the kitchen...EVERY time I would have to use one...the extreme force that I was having to weld in order to cut the extra skin off the chicken breasts...the pressure and repeated strokes to break through the bell pepper skin...the tears I would cry because my knife was CRUSHING my onions!...OH, the AGONY...the STAINS of green on my cutting board because I wasn't actually cutting my fresh herbs...tasks that should have taken a heart beat to perform were STRETCHING out in time and causing the most amazing amount of frustration.


Let's face it...trying to do a job with a broken tool? IF you actually get motivated to do the job...it is BEYOND frustrating.


Sometimes...we have this impression of something...and we don't know where it came from...but it's there...


I've made pie crusts with my Mom FOREVER...and we would cut the butter into the flour with two knives...OMG...what a PITA...LOL...BUT...this was how we did it...so one day...I'm watching Martha Stewart...and she WHIPS up her pie crust in a food processor...in SECONDS...my jaw hits the floor...I'm thinking to myself...why haven't I done this?...so I do it...and I tell my Mom...and she does it...and we are like...why did we waste so many years with the knives?


Back to knives...


I've got this idea that it's difficult to sharpen a knife...and it's been on my agenda for a long time to go somewhere to get them sharpened...I ACTUALLY put this off by BUYING a new knife a while back...


When we went camping a few weekends ago...we used DH's knife...it's a knife used for hunting, fishing, camping, backpacking...and WOW...it was SHARP...it was SO NICE to use a sharp knife! I made a comment to this effect. DH told me he sharpens it regularly...REALLY!


So how hard can it be to sharpen a knife?


WELL...it is very difficult to sharpen a knife...and it isn't something that you want to do often...because sharpening a knife actually removes some metal from the blade...and if you don't know what you are doing...you can definitely ruin a knife...so what is the deal with that TOOL that you see the chefs use all the time on the cooking shows?


It's called a Sharpening Steel...and it is an important tool in knife maintenance. It looks like this:




When you use your knife...the edge of the knife tends to turn a bit and come out of alignment...it makes the knife act like a DULL knife...but really...the edge is still sharp...it's just not in alignment any longer...so you need a tool to STRAIGHTEN the edge of the knife...you use this Sharpening Steel to re-align the edge of the knife...it doesn't sharpen the blade...you are not removing any metal from your knife...it is just helping the blade to be straight again...there are very simple instructions sold with tool...basically...you hold the handle of the Sharpening Steel and put the tip of it on your cutting board...you run the blade of your knife down the side of the steel...both sides...and it doesn't take much...the recommendation on the tool is to do this at least EVERY OTHER TIME that use your knife!


And my research shows that you can extend the life of your knife by using this tool...because you will not sharpen it any more than necessary.


Obviously, I purchased this tool...I spent about $30 on this tool...Let me tell you...Worth EVERY penny! *happy dance, happy dance*...because I also USED the tool...though I was nervous I would somehow ruin my knife...BUT...it has been a JOY to use my knives in the kitchen again! Using a sharp knife is kind of fun...especially if you have been struggling with a dull one for months...it's amazing how quickly you can get the job done.


So here it is...the safety lecture...you know that a dull knife is the most dangerous tool in your kitchen?...much more dangerous than a sharp knife?...a knife is the tool that does the work...you should not have to apply ANY significant pressure on the knife for it to cut...it cuts because it is SHARP...not because you push REALLY hard on it...or because you SAW your food...this is why we look in amazement at skilled chefs that can work so quickly...because we are used to using dull knives...we are thinking about how hard we push on our knives and what would happen with one slip...which is why a dull knife is dangerous...a sharp knife does the work for you.


I highly recommend that you put getting this tool on your agenda ASAP and use it on your knives...it will make all the jobs you do in the kitchen SO much easier.


And if you are trying to eat healthy...then you are likely using a knife in the kitchen A LOT...so do what you can to help yourself out...I bet your knife doesn't need to be sharpened any more than mine did...they could just benefit from a bit of realignment.


That's my inspirational, motivation words of the day! Deal with your dull knives! Git 'er done!


Zumba love!

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So, you're saying that you weren't the sharpest knife in the drawer? :p NO, you're saying that you didn't HAVE the sharpest knife in the drawer. I get it. LOL. But, if you didn't have the sharpest knife in the drawer then maybe you ALSO weren't the sharpest knife in the drawer... trailing off, and stopping. But, still laughing because your story made me laugh... in a good way. It's usually the little things that absolutely trip us up. We don't pay a bill, not because we don't have the money but because we don't have a stamp. Well, that was back in the "old days," before on-line banking. We don't send back a return for refund, not because we don't have the return UPS sticker label or the box... but because we don't have the tape to get the box closed. We don't do a load of laundry because we have a stain on one of the items and we don't have stain remover, so we wait on the whole load. All these little things... and they just keep adding up, until our CORTISOL LEVELS ARE OFF THE CHART! I know how this is.


So, just because this calorie thing and exercise thing has turned a corner for me because of the fact that I am EATING MORE, I have to post here and tell everyone about it.


What a puzzle! You would think that if you exercise more and eat less that you would be doing yourself a double favor, right? But, apparently, the body doesn't operate in that way. I encourage everyone to take a look at the previous math and do some calculations to figure out if you are eating appropriately to your healthy lifestyle.


When I did my first calculations, I followed the age-old wisdom of calorie reduction. I am battling a few things: one being a sluggish thyroid due to the goiter surgery, etc. So, from research, I "think" that my metabolism is reduced by 10%, meaning that if a normal thyroid function calls for 3500 calorie reduction to lose a pound, that I would actually have to reduce by 10% more, or 3850. However, I didn't want to be too drastic with the calorie deficit, so I put in 1/2-lb/week goal, which meant a 250-calorie deficit, daily.


Also, the explanation for the goal setting for the calorie reduction in diet said that I still led a "sedentary" lifestyle; in other words, just because I exercised during the week didn't mean that I was "active." Because I did mainly sit around in the end between exercise... sitting at my desk... sitting at my TV... sitting at my dining TABLE (LOL)... anyway, the point is that I lead a sedentary lifestyle.


So, given the information, I was supposed to eat 1300 calories, daily. Which isn't a problem for me. It's a good healthy diet actually. Breakfast: old fashioned oatmeal, cinnamon, blueberries, skim milk, latte. Lunch: tuna in oil (because it's one of the ony ones without soy added), whole grain bread, canola mayo, tomato, lettuce, fruit. Dinner: 3to 4 oz of low fat protein, steamed vegetables, sometimes a grain, sometimes another vegetable side, sometimes a salad. So, we're talking a good amount of healthy food. And I don't have a problem with hunger.


So, I have been on this amazing plateau, where I've actually gone to TWO Zumba classes in one day, eaten my 1300 calories, lost absolutely nothing... repeat for next week. My activity level has been pretty consistent with Zumba on Tuesday evening, Thursday morning, Thursday evening, Friday morning, Saturday morning. Some weeks I would also go on Sunday morning.


Then, came the sleep problem(s) and, of course, the research.


So, since I posted last Sunday, I've been eating more. And the weight has been falling OFF. I can't believe that this is coincidence. I urge you all to check this out for yourself... if you're on a plateau... or if you're feeling sluggish... or having trouble getting to sleep or staying asleep.


I'll keep this up. And I'll revisit this information to make sure that this isn't, in fact, some sort of weird phase. But, for now, it looks like it's working. Missing pieces of information... just that simple fact that your body needs 2800 calories to add muscle... OMG...


it's like having a sharp knife in the drawer!

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I just HAVE to add on to this...JUST BECAUSE...


When Mom says that she is eating MORE...she is talking about eating more HEALTHY, QUALITY food...


Last night, she was agonizing on the phone with me because she needed to eat 150 more calories, but she was already OVER for sugars, protein, and fat...so she had to eat 150 calories of sugar-free carbs...:confused: She's like...what am I going to do?...eat a whole head of lettuce?


So please note...Mom is counting fat, protein, carbs, fiber, and sugar...and trying to stay within ratio guidelines...the idea of eating more is not a free for all...


Just to clarify...;)

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Hi Ladies,

it´s been awhile since I posted.

So I try to put together everything that has been going on here and that might be of interest for you.


Well, it´s the first week of vacation in this part of Germany, for school kids at least, I´m working. As I wrote before, this impacts my workout schedule, as my dancing studio offers a different schedule during vacation time.

I´ve been to Zumba on Mondaym on tuesday I prefered a visit at Mickey D and got my hair cut afterwards, On wednesday I went to yoga class and afterwards Zumba in a circuit.

As this was the first circuit class, Annie spent some time to make sure that everyone knew how to do the moves correctly. So there was not that much time left for the actual circuit. Dancing Zumba is part of this training, too, and low weight, crunches, all kind of stuff that make you feel muscles you had long forgotten. So we all did the different moves slowely.

Let´s just say, I´m still sore today...

On Thursday I attended a double class of Zumba, and afterwards a Caribbic Bodystyle class. This last class was just Annie, another girl and me. I got to notice that Annie is only human, too. Even she was pretty sore from wednesday nights training :) So we did our training for about 30 minutes and spent the rest of our class talking.

Annie told us (the other girl and I are both overweight), that she (Annie) started Zumba in february 2010 when her size 16 pants did not fit any longer. She altered her eating habits and started working out and in the course of 6 month she reduced her weight from size XL to an S size and lost 18 kg in the progress.

To say that´s inspirational would be an understatement.

We talked about my weight and I mentioned that I gained 3 kg since starting Zumba in January. Annie supports the opinion that this is due to a gain in muscles. Needless to say I want to believe her...


To motivate myself to attend more sport sessions, I spoiled myself today. the new zumbawear collection is available in Germany since today. Originally I wanted to buy a Z sleevless V-neck, however the neckline is open to your bellybutton, not a nice sight when you are big. Even Annie considers just wearing it with a top underneath. So instead I bough a bubble tank top, which fits absolutely great and since it is a bit loose at the waist, it hides a lbs or two... I also bought a blue marvelous cargo pants and a with top with a blue Zumba-text and logo. So I absolutely went over the top. But I love these clothes. If you are interested in the new collection, keep an eye on the sizes. The clothes all seem pretty small.

There is one thing, that I would love to have, it´s not expensiove, however I decided this has to wait another month. You know the cargo pants where you can snap on the different stripes at the side or back? these stripes now are available in different colors and with little bells attached to them.

Gosh. I fear my closet will look like a Zumba outlet before christmas if I don´t stop myself...


Well ladies, I´m running out of words and am pretty tired. I went swimming today for the first time since my cruise at the end of may. I managed to swim 700 meters, not much but it´s a start.


Pam, I´m not sure I want to try to eat more. For the time being I will try to eat the right things and not limit myself by counting fat fibre or whatever.

i´ve an appointment at my physicians mid august when they will draw blood to do a check-up. That will be my first milestone on my way to a thinner and healthier self, as this appointment is the base on which I hope to be able to discontinue my blood pressure medicine.


A cruise on the horizon is just another reason to reac my weight milestone.


Take care everyone and sorry for my rambling.

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Hey Kasi...


Oh please...no one APOLOGIZES for RAMBLING on MY thread!! :rolleyes: Is there such a thing?


Well...you sound pretty frustrated...but determined...all at the same time. Spoiling yourself with Zumbawear is excellent spoiling...at least it isn't FOOD...which seems to be something that I have a tendency to do...getting yourself something that will encourage and motivate you to continue to exercise is great.


I don't know what the issue could be...there are so many things that can complicate the issue. I have read on the Zumba forums about this happening with other people...but the reason that they are gaining weight is because they are more hungry because of all the activity and they are eating so much more. I don't know how you are doing on food...from your comment to Mom...it sounds like you are still really watching what you eat...maybe the blood work will pinpoint an issue?


Mom wondered if the blood pressure medication could be hindering your weight loss? Some medications do that?


Keep after it though! I know about the frustrations with all of this...don't let it discourage you from continuing to do your sports...continue on...and hopefully, we can figure out what the road block is...and then...when you do figure it out...what your issue is...the weight loss will catch up to the activity that you have been doing.


I feel like this is what has happened with Mom...since she started eating enough calories...the weight has been falling off of her...this may or may not be what your road block is...BUT...regardless...I have faith that once it is known...and you can correct it...the weight with fall off you like is on Mom.


Big HUGE hugs to you Kasi.

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So...there is a contest going on right now...


Has anyone done the song "Pause" by Pitbull in class? There is a contest to that song going on. Zumba Office says, Stop. Drop. And Pause during the busiest, craziest part of your day. You video tape yourself doing Beto's choreography to the song Pause and submit the video.


I guess you can vote for the different videos on Facebook. Where you can see them.


I am SO going to enter this contest. BUT...I have to figure this out. Some people are making full on, almost movie quality videos...they are totally staged...edited...some are very fancy...and I don't know how to do anything special...but I'd like to do something more real anyway...There are still 4 weeks to enter the contest...I'm racking my brain for a good idea...


It's just too bad that it would probably be a very bad idea to do it on the first day of school...LOL.

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There is an effect in a science experiment where a variable has to be introduced to account for the fact that there is an experiment going on... I can't recall the scientific name given to that effect. It has something to do with altering behavior because you are paying attention to the behavior... can't remember.


Anyway, I thought that I was having some problems with sleep quality, so I've been doing some reading about how to improve the quality of your sleep.... etc.... and the fact is that ever since I've been doing research, well, I've been getting horrible sleep! Now, I don't know if I'm just paying attention more and realizing how bad my sleep quality has become... or... if my sleep quality has become worse because I'm paying attention to it.


Nevertheless, I'm tired. And, for the first time, I simply didn't go to a Zumba class on Tuesday evening. Then, I went to a Zumba class yesterday morning and... wow... it totally kicked my butt. I just can't go that long between classes... from Saturday morning to Thursday morning. I don't know how people do it who only go a few times a week, unless they also do some form of exercise in between. Anyway, I felt like I was working so hard and gulping air! I felt like I had a tight band around my chest and I was FREAKING out... until I realized that I had put on a sports bra and the band was sitting tight across my chest, which was a feeling that I wasn't used to because my athletic top had been tight enough that I didn't really need the sports bra. LOL.


So, I'm definitely going to my class this morning. We'll see how I feel.


Ever since I started paying attention to my calorie intake and varying it from day to day, I've been on a yoyo... up...down...up...down. It's been weird. I'm not talking about small fluctuations... my scale actually weighs to the 1/10th of a lb... so almost 2 lbs up... 2 lbs down.... 1.6 lbs up... 1.4 lbs down. Weird. Anita says... sodium... more than likely. So, I'll pay attention to that more. I also think sugar has something to do with it. And, I'm not saying sugar from glucose (white bread, white rice, simple sugar, pastries because I don't eat those), but more like lactose (dairy.. milk, yogurt, cheese).


Kasi! I love the idea of you dressing up in your Zumba-gear. It's so fun to see the ladies wearing ZUmba clothes to class; I get a kick out of the fun colors. Just a little thing makes so much difference... even the Zumba bracelets that jingle, jingle as you walk to the class from the parking lot. Whatever it takes to set the mood, get your motivation up, and your heart happy. I think having a closet full of Zumba clothes is a great affirmation!


Donna, where are you?


Anita, are you busy sharpening your knives?



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I have been crazy busy the past couple of days...all with Zumba...


It has been scheduled for a long time for me to cover Kelly's Wednesday night class this week. And I made it into a big deal. I wanted to be able to teach the class as an instructor in my own right and not just as someone who could stand in front of the class and do Kelly's routines...if that makes sense.


I determined that it was finally time for me to have a warm up routine that was entirely my own. My OWN song...NEVER used by Kelly to my knowledge...my OWN choreography.


It's true that I made a choreography to On the Floor by JLo and Pitbull, but I never been entirely pleased with it. So I had reverted back to doing Kelly's warm up because even though I wasn't what I wanted MY warm up to be...it also wasn't MINE...so it was easier to do somehow than an unsatisfactory one that I was responsible for.


So I spent the majority of Wednesday working on the choreography of my own warm up. I just LOVE the song "Give Me Everything" by Pitbull with Ne-yo and Nayer...the message of the song?...WE-eeeellll....not so much...but I love the sound of the song...and I don't mind the sexy-ness in Pitbull's voice combined with the contrasting earnest clarity of Ne-Yo's...but if I think about the song between people ALREADY in relationship...I get over the message.


And I have to say...I am SO enthusiastic about what I have put together for my warm up to this song! It's like all my hard work has resulted in something of a formula for me to use with other songs.


BUT...I overworked myself somehow...I've been aware that my routines are lop-sided for a while now...I have an issue that I have been dealing with in my left foot...THIS...combined with fatigue...probably dehydration...and likely a potassium deficiency lead to a horrifying moment 45 minutes into class when I stepped my left foot forward into the basic cumbia move...only to have my left calf CRAMP in one of the wicked cramps that can wake you up in the middle of the night?...so that the pain was beyond my ability to remain on my feet and I CRUMPLED to the ground in front of the class...which FREAKED OUT because they didn't know if I had twisted an ankle, broken my foot, PASSED OUT, or otherwise harmed myself in some tragic way before their very eyes in a suddenness that was APPALLING.


And somewhat comical now that I am removed from the event by a couple of days...:p


I reminded myself how grateful I was to own the car I did as I drove my manual transmission home and prayed the whole way for my calf to NOT cramp on the clutch...:eek:


I spent the night dealing with myself as a walking cramp waiting to happen...if I tried to stretch out my calves...my SHINS would cramp...I tried relaxing in a warm bath...to have my QUADS cramp when I got out of the tub :confused: a body part that I have NEVER had react in any way CLOSE to a cramp before. I went to sleep that night wondering how in the world I was going to teach two classes the following day.


Well...I removed every song that included a move that I thought could lead to another calf cramp. Which was fine for my morning class...because we have quite the repertoire by now as we are approaching the last week of our session...but created quite a challenge for my 30 minute Curves class since we don't have as many songs to choose from that the ladies know.


The Curves class on Tuesday night was good...a good workout...it was the first class in over a week...I used songs that everyone knew...and while the class was good...and I know I had done the right thing to use known songs...the class was also a bit flat...not a whole lot of excitement there...simply because it was time for something new. And while I would have preferred to debut the new warm up during the longer Tuesday class...it would have to make it's appearance last night because of my calf issue.


And then there would also have to be ANOTHER new song.


The warm up was well received and I could tell that the ladies were feelin' it. The other new song of the night was a salsa...La Vida Es Un Carnaval...which is considered to be a slower salsa...but would have been too much to start with for my ladies...I played the salsa we have been doing to Jimmy Buffet's "Volcano"...and then followed that up with the new one. As was my plan from the beginning...the choreography is similar, with the exact same moves...La Vida is way more complicated, but it is also a natural progression...and at the end of the song, the ladies CHEERED again! They were so pleased with their ability to get through the song...salsa, for some reason, is a very challenging rhythm for this group...the carpet doesn't help at all...


After class I went back to the tennis club where my young and younger men were playing...there is a workout room there...small...but effective...and I knew there was a rolling pin thing in there that you can use to roll against tight, knotted muscles...which I did...which has helped tremendously, I can tell, this morning.


So I think my bout with the calf cramp has ended...but my research is just beginning. I need a solution beyond eating more bananas because bananas just don't keep well here...and I don't like overripe bananas...in fact...I prefer my bananas to have a HINT of green...and to be FIRM. Kelly mentioned a solution that I must research before mentioning. But I will be sure to report on what I find.


Anyone else dealing with anything similar?


Mom...I agree about the jingle bracelets...I think it is fun to jingle for a little while...and Zumba is an appropriate venue to exercise the right to jingle...(I won't talk about the right to jiggle...but the thought comes to mind as well...gotta move it to lose it! ;):D)


Meanwhile...I will be recording myself doing the warm up next week. And I will share the link here.


Not sure what we will do this weekend...thinking about going to the beach again. Anyone have weekend plans?


Zumba love!

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Hi ladies,


no Zumba for two weeks.

Last night was our last Zumba class prior to the summe vacation. Originally I intended to do two hours of Zumba followed by an hour of caribbic bodystyle.

Well, during our first hour my knee went right will my right feet was still firmly planted in the ground. Let´s say I seem to have twisted or sprained my knee. I paused, then tried again. Half way into our second lesson I realized that I was doing more damage than helping myself. So during a short break I decided to head home early.

My knee has improved pretty much during the day, however I will be cautious for the next couple of days not to do it any more harm.


DH and I are heading to wolfsburg, hometown of the Volkswagen-cars, to visit some friends and will continue our journey north on Sunday for a few days in Hamburg. It´s our anniversary weekend.

We met 12 years ago tomorrow and got married two years ago on august 7th.


While I will be able to follow this thread using my smartphone. Posting anything using that device is no fun at all, so you wón´t get any news from this side of the big pond til wednesday.

Upon pur return I´ll have to plan for some sport activities dzring Annies vacation.


Take care and a lovely weekend for all of you.

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