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Any other Zumba fans?

Anita Latte

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Thanks. Most of that stuff I already knew but I was hoping he'd have some magical way to induce sleep. My husband is always complaining that I won't open up the registers in the bedroom because I like it cold, even in the winter. We have a nice down comforter that I won't let him put on the bed because having several thinner layers works better for me because I can push one down or remove if needed. :D


I recommend Christiane Northrup's book "The Wisdom of Menopause." I was having bad insomnia for about a year, I thought I would go crazy. I found the progesterone cream that she recommends very helpful. You can catch her show every now and then on PBS, too. I was desperate because my gyno told me she couldn't help me with HRT until I stopped having my monthly, and I'd like to avoid HRT if possible anyway.


Exercising during perimenopause is such a challenge. If the gym is too hot, I get a hot flash. If I'm not wearing the right clothes, I get a hot flash. If the class is in my 3pm-8pm "danger zone," I get a hot flash. Arrgghh. Fortunately my favorite Zumba classes are at 7pm and 9am.

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Here it is.



We didn't actually do the routine last night, but I got the song. I don't have a facebook account so I can't get in touch with Kisha to request this song in the playlist so I asked one of the ladies to request it for next week. I'll mention it to Kisha before class, as well. Can you hear the squat(s) beat in this song? It is just squat after squat after squat. I can't remember if there's a tie-in movement... but I do know that at the chorus we do squats with the toes pointed forward for (I think) 8 counts, squats with the toes pointed at 45-degrees for 8 counts; and it's the chorus where we do the slow bounce squats where we get to the lowest point in about 4 counts, kwim? Killer was the last time where Kisha had us move to the lowest point in 1 count and then raise up in a slow 4 count pattern. Absolute killer. Quads release a load of lactic acid with this routine and are sore for a few days, for real.


There is a BodyPump class right before our Zumba class now. Those ladies have so much equipment: bar bells, plate weights, step benches... it takes forever for them to clear out of the room. Last night they cut into our time for about 5 minutes! Grrrrr.... After seeing the BodyPump class, there is no way that I think that I'm interested in it! LOL. The instructor for that class has a Jillian body x2: kwim? She has rock hard abs. One of the ladies standing outside the door asked me if I knew that the instructor had 4 kids! I said, "wow. that explains it! I only have 1 kid so I couldn't get abs like that." She looked at me kind of strange and then I had to say, "kidding." so everybody laughed. They looked relieved like they thought I had lost my mind, or something. LOL.


Kisha has pulled a muscle in her left arm. Poor Kisha; she's in some pain. Anyway, she amazed me because she was intense last night with her kickboxing moves, squats, and I don't think I've ever punched so much air! Just full of toning moves. About halfway through class, she actually stopped the music and told people that they shouldn't use weights in her class because it wasn't designed to be a class with weights. She said that the Zumba Toning Class might use the same song(s), but that the moves were designed differently so that you had controlled movement with the weights. And she begged people not to think that they would be OK holding weights and doing her routine. I guess some people had decided to grab some weights from the back of the room!


And, then she said that she was going to pick on someone in the front row. There was a mom/son duo in the front row whom I've never seen before. The son had on a Venice Beach T-shirt (for those who don't know, that's in California). I don't know if they've moved here or were visiting, or something. Anyway, she said that the mom should stop trying to get her son to be on the same foot as everyone else; just let him dance! Live him alone and let him dance! We all do things differently and our body wants to do things differently and our brains don't work the same... so if your body wants to get a-goin' with the right foot and you notice that other people got a-goin' with the left foot... well, it's all good! You just keep a-goin' cause 'goin' is where it's at!


Kisha was on FIRE last night. Loved the class.


Let me know if you need some detail about the Quad Killer Song's routine.


edit: I had to add this! If you asked me how long the song was, I would say at least 6 minutes! Maybe 10! LOL. It's only 3-1/2 minutes! How could that be?!?

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Oh...I can just SEE Kisha in my mind's eye with that song. So her. Yes, I'd like more detail...if you can. The next time you do that song...just try to think of the different segments...and what moves are grouped together. That is a total squat song...I can totally imagine the pace...it does sound like a killer...the song's a bit on the nasty side, isn't it? LOL.

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So I checked the link. Yes. This is the song that Kisha uses.


This is, obvioulsy, one of the "international" songs in the Zumba playlist recommendations. Kisha is a hip-hop type of instructor. She just has a flavor about her that is different from any other instructor that I have. She is a purposeful foot-planting type of instructor with a lot of kickboxing moves, and some movements that I don't do in ANY other classes.


I apologize if there are some "words" in this song that are questionable. I can't understand some of the lyrics honestly. I know that if the words are the least bit offensive that Kisha would be playing a "clean" version.


I hope this song isn't offensive to anyone.


edit: uh. oh. Again, with Anita posting at the same time! So, you obviously can understand the words that I can't! LOL. I know there is something about a booty, but I don't get much more than that. Don't tell me! Ignorance is bliss! LOL.

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Interesting Zumba class today.


Had a few funny moments.


The class started with such a small number of students! This class is highly unusual, for me, in that regard. Most of my classes are absolutely packed with over 100+ in a room. The class on Thursday mornings is lightly attended because, I think, of the time of the offering and the location of the class, itself. This particular gym location is in a strip center instead of being a stand alone building; so, there are a number of reasons that the class is small and it doesn't have anything to do with the quality of the instructor. She's great!


Anyway, I'm one of the older (and I don't mean age as much as I mean having gone to the class since the very first class that Young instructed; as a matter of fact, I think I'm the only person left who regularly comes that started doing classes with Young when she first arrived at the gym).. back to my train of thought... one of the older students in the class. As such, I usually stand in the first few rows... not the absolutely FRONT row because I HATE that feeling! But, today I just couldn't avoid it because the other people wouldn't let me! I got my position in class and expected people to get in front of me, but they just kept piling behind me. They wouldn't go in front! I went to get a drink of water and tried to get behind a person so THEY would be in the front row and they just MOVED. OK. Grin and bear it; I'm going to be in the front row.


So when Young arrived she stood in a position that meant that she was in front of me and I was immediately to her right. So, it was like.... she was RIGHT THERE. And, there I was.


The reason I'm trying to explain this is that I couldn't avoid seeing myself in the mirror today.


I'm not a person who watches herself in the mirror. I just don't. It is distracting to me and I usually get befuddled in some way by looking at myself BECAUSE I'm always puzzled that my body isn't doing what I think it should be doing. KWIM?


Anyway. Today was different. I actually know Young's routines. I actually kept up with her and it was like we were in lock step with each other. Her feet... my feet... moving at the same time AND in the same direction! Her arms... my arms...


I'm just sharing because it really was a wonderful experience for me. Made me feel really good and liberated... because I CAN really do this! I can Zumba. Of course, I've been doing it for almost 2 years.


And, guess what else? I have narrowed my waist and rib cage so much!




Just a good Zumba day for me.

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I'm so glad you had such a great class!


I think it is so motivating to experience a class like you did. You get all pumped up and feel so happy with yourself...it's so satisfying...the kind of class that keeps you coming back, over and over again...


Because you watched that "Hip Hop Abs" that one time and said that you did a lot of those moves in Zumba...I'm sitting here watching it...it's muted...but I'm checking out the moves...and you are SO right...I do just about every move that I've seen so far. There's one kind of lunge and lift that I don't...that would require SO MUCH cueing and instruction...prep and placement...not too practical.


Taking stock of my week and my goals for the week...


I give myself an A for food...seriously...home-cooked meals all week...I need to spend a little time today thinking about this weekend so that it doesn't turn into the typical lazy-kitchen restaurant fest. I realize that the weekday is so structured...the plan is in place...but the weekend is so freewheeling...the lack of planning makes for decisions made while hungry...not good.


I give myself a D for water consumption...What is my problem?!?! I know that I did not calculate how many pitchers worth of water is my daily goal...I need to do that TODAY...


I give myself a C+ for physical activity...Now, I started off the week horribly sick...I think I was affected by the mildew/filth that I cleaned in the kitchen all weekend. I was OUT on Monday. Tuesday was still some recovery. I went on a hike with the ladies group on Wednesday morning...and I have been very active in the house otherwise...I really focused on what Margaret talked about...having an a more active lifestyle, rather than sedentary...but I haven't had a really good sweat session this week.


Meanwhile...I shed some of that weight gain by simply not drinking beer and eating my homecooked food and tons of veggies everyday. I know I've got some water retention with my cycle this week...so I need to find my body brush...I still haven't really settled the master bathroom...another goal for me today.


To recap (this is more for me than everyone...thanks for putting up with me!), TODAY, I need to:


1. Calculate my daily water requirement in terms that are easy to measure and monitor.


2. Find my body brush.


3. ZUMBA!!!


4. Have a plan for food for the weekend.


Maybe we'll try family Zumba tonight...DH has been wanting me to Zumba him and DS (as he calls it) for a long time...but we just haven't. I think I'll prep for a bit of that tonight...


Meanwhile...I'm on the hunt for new music...I just HAVE to get some new tunes...I'll probably post what I find...

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TGIF!!! Hope everyone is getting geared up for a wonderful weekend...my men are playing an online computer game and I am doing something I haven't done for a long, LONG time...listening to potential Zumba music!!!


Here is what I am finding that I like...


Opinions welcomed! (Also...if anyone would like to verify the rhythm...:o)


Si Te Digo La Verdad by Gocho...pretty sure it's a merengue

Algo Me Gusta De Ti by Wisin Y Yandel feat. Chris Brown and T-Pain...reggaeton/Latin Pop (sounds like a good warm up)

No Piensas En Mi by Cosculluela...reggaeton...(I'm thinking squats and toning moves)

Bebe Bonita by Chino Y Nacho feat Jay Sean (Slow Merengue/Latin Pop)

En el Cielo No Hay Hospital by Juan Luis Guerra...Salsa...the video is totally fun...

by Psy...it's Korean...it's AWESOME...it would be SO FUN in class...I just know it...could be rough to just listen to though...

by Daddy Yankee...reggaeton...serious abs Baby

by Don Omar...OMG...I LOVE Don Omar!!!

by Lucenzo

(Chosen Few Remix) by Fuego feat Pitbull & Omega...Reggaeton!

by Les Jumo feat Mohombi


I think that's enough for now! Enjoy!

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TGIF!!! Hope everyone is getting geared up for a wonderful weekend...my men are playing an online computer game and I am doing something I haven't done for a long, LONG time...listening to potential Zumba music!!!


Here is what I am finding that I like...


Opinions welcomed! (Also...if anyone would like to verify the rhythm...:o)


Si Te Digo La Verdad by Gocho...pretty sure it's a merengue

Algo Me Gusta De Ti by Wisin Y Yandel feat. Chris Brown and T-Pain...reggaeton/Latin Pop (sounds like a good warm up)

No Piensas En Mi by Cosculluela...reggaeton...(I'm thinking squats and toning moves)

Bebe Bonita by Chino Y Nacho feat Jay Sean (Slow Merengue/Latin Pop)

En el Cielo No Hay Hospital by Juan Luis Guerra...Salsa...the video is totally fun...

by Psy...it's Korean...it's AWESOME...it would be SO FUN in class...I just know it...could be rough to just listen to though...

by Daddy Yankee...reggaeton...serious abs Baby

by Don Omar...OMG...I LOVE Don Omar!!!

by Lucenzo

(Chosen Few Remix) by Fuego feat Pitbull & Omega...Reggaeton!

by Les Jumo feat Mohombi


I think that's enough for now! Enjoy!


Thanks, I love all of them, some familiar but I didn't know by name, and others new.


It's really funny, 1/2 hr before you posted this, one of my previous Zumba instructors posted this on FB:

"Seriously can't get enough of the guy in gangnam style! Ahhh be prepared my fellow Zumba instructors, this song will be huge in the class rooms!"


Those last 4 songs are ones we've done recently. And I especially love the Don Omar song...always my favorite.


Sorry, I'm no help with picking out which rhythm it is or having any other suggestions.


OMG MOM...it's a Kisha song on a cruiseship with this guy!!! How funny is that?



OKAY...I LOVE this song...what does Kisha do?


Oh, that is SO FUN!!! DH is napping after a week of 12 hr days, and although I'm trying to be quiet with headphones on, I burst out laughing at the tux with the sock! :p

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Interesting Zumba class today.


Had a few funny moments.


The class started with such a small number of students! This class is highly unusual, for me, in that regard. Most of my classes are absolutely packed with over 100+ in a room. The class on Thursday mornings is lightly attended because, I think, of the time of the offering and the location of the class, itself. This particular gym location is in a strip center instead of being a stand alone building; so, there are a number of reasons that the class is small and it doesn't have anything to do with the quality of the instructor. She's great!


Anyway, I'm one of the older (and I don't mean age as much as I mean having gone to the class since the very first class that Young instructed; as a matter of fact, I think I'm the only person left who regularly comes that started doing classes with Young when she first arrived at the gym).. back to my train of thought... one of the older students in the class. As such, I usually stand in the first few rows... not the absolutely FRONT row because I HATE that feeling! But, today I just couldn't avoid it because the other people wouldn't let me! I got my position in class and expected people to get in front of me, but they just kept piling behind me. They wouldn't go in front! I went to get a drink of water and tried to get behind a person so THEY would be in the front row and they just MOVED. OK. Grin and bear it; I'm going to be in the front row.


So when Young arrived she stood in a position that meant that she was in front of me and I was immediately to her right. So, it was like.... she was RIGHT THERE. And, there I was.


The reason I'm trying to explain this is that I couldn't avoid seeing myself in the mirror today.


I'm not a person who watches herself in the mirror. I just don't. It is distracting to me and I usually get befuddled in some way by looking at myself BECAUSE I'm always puzzled that my body isn't doing what I think it should be doing. KWIM?


Anyway. Today was different. I actually know Young's routines. I actually kept up with her and it was like we were in lock step with each other. Her feet... my feet... moving at the same time AND in the same direction! Her arms... my arms...


I'm just sharing because it really was a wonderful experience for me. Made me feel really good and liberated... because I CAN really do this! I can Zumba. Of course, I've been doing it for almost 2 years.


And, guess what else? I have narrowed my waist and rib cage so much!




Just a good Zumba day for me.


That is SUCH a wonderful experience! I love your description of it....perfect.


I'm also a 2nd row person...I probably would be a front row person, but there are a few women in my regular classes that like that front row. I love that 'zone'. I almost always have it in Pauline's class - and no matter how busy or exhausted I am I try to never miss that one.


I've been Zumba-ing for just over 1 year - what a difference in the confidence. Where it used to take several weeks to 'get' a new choreography, now I know the feel of it all well enough to 'wing it' and pick it up quickly so I can enjoy it more.

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by Psy...it's Korean...it's AWESOME...it would be SO FUN in class...I just know it...could be rough to just listen to though...


LOL. Do you remember that Young is Korean? She has a totally FUN routine to this song! Now that I see this video I can get where she got her moves to this song! Awesome. It will be so much easier to follow her now that I've seen this!


OK. The Kisha Merengue song is one of her favs. After watching the sock dude, I can tell you that she does a modification of those moves. Very familiar song. I know that I'll be doing it next Tuesday; I'm sure. I'll get this one into my memory and try to explain. There's a lot of similiarilty in the moves. I do know that she starts out with a merengue march and starts moving arms in a typical merengue fashion and then starts doing a alternate upward movement with the side/side movement and a step out and together type of marching style. Anyway... I will pay particular attention.


Funny about the Korean song, right?!?

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It's really funny, 1/2 hr before you posted this, one of my previous Zumba instructors posted this on FB:

"Seriously can't get enough of the guy in gangnam style! Ahhh be prepared my fellow Zumba instructors, this song will be huge in the class rooms!"


Ok. Here's a funny...


I LOVE the movie "Morning Glory"...seriously...I love that movie...maybe, if people understand me after reading through this thread and all the other things I have posted on this board...they can understand...I LOVE that movie...I totally relate to the main character...




I have found a morning news that I like to listen to that has become part and parcel of my part of the morning routine that occurs at my home on weekdays...


AND I SAW THIS DUDE FEATURED on a news segment...


I was like :confused:


But I'm "friends" with a person on Facebook that has a page dedicated to songs that would be good for Zumba classes...and this song hit that page...so naturally...


I'm all like O.M.G.!!! This. Song. Is. Like. Totally AWESOME. :rolleyes:


And NOW...Mom HAS to share what Young does to this song that is FUN!!! Because I'm a TEACHER...not a choreographer!!! And I need HELP!!!


And I love the fact that you know so many of these songs...


It's going to be such a long road in front of me...I found a dance studio so close to my house...very residential feeling...so great for a daytime class...and I think there is a demand for that in my area...and the studio is only open from 2-9 on weekdays...so if I can get my act together...I think it will be a great opportunity for me to get a nice daytime class going.


I'm pretty nervous about the whole thing though.


I wrote to Kelly. She rented from a dance studio. I'm hoping to get some concrete help from her on how to approach the studio and how to get started. She is a marketing person in the business world so it should be very helpful to hear her take on the whole situation...


Meanwhile...I'm trying to work on the product...


I seriously need to visit Mom and go to some Zumba classes...

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I seriously need to visit Mom and go to some Zumba classes...


YES!!! :D:D:D


YES!!! :D:D


I think that's all the smilies they will let me have.


Sunday: 10:30am Laura

Monday: 10:00am Miri

Tuesday: 5:30pm Kisha

Tuesday: 6:30pm Melanie for Zumba Toning

Wednesday: 5:30pm Brandon OR

at another club: 6:30pm Kisha followed by 7:30pm Brandon for Zumba Toning

Thursday: 9:15am Young

Thursday: 5:30pm Kristy

Friday: 9:30am Melanie

Saturday: 9:30am Stacy


When would we sleep?


That's a LOT of laundry!

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YES!!! :D:D:D


YES!!! :D:D


I think that's all the smilies they will let me have.


Sunday: 10:30am Laura

Monday: 10:00am Miri

Tuesday: 5:30pm Kisha

Tuesday: 6:30pm Melanie for Zumba Toning

Wednesday: 5:30pm Brandon OR

at another club: 6:30pm Kisha followed by 7:30pm Brandon for Zumba Toning

Thursday: 9:15am Young

Thursday: 5:30pm Kristy

Friday: 9:30am Melanie

Saturday: 9:30am Stacy


When would we sleep?


That's a LOT of laundry!


Too funny. Since our son went back to college most of my laundry is Zumba clothes.


Sent from my LePanII using Tapatalk 2

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Today is a blue day. It is our weigh in day and we failed. Well, DH gained 2 pounds and I only lost 1/2. We got some green tea and we haven't fudged on our diet and only missed one day of excersise. Today every muscle in my body is screaming at me that it isn't worth it, to just go back to the way it was. I feel tired and weak and defeated. We have just under five weeks before we leave and oh well, I just need to moan and whine. S orry, I know in my head that there are levels and we may have just reached one but its hard to not get discouraged. And then its hard to not eat my way out of the depression.


Yes, you probibly wonder if that is how I got fat. Yes, when I studied for my Paramedic degree, we lived way out in the high desert and the college and hospital was two hours away. We bought a cabin about 20 minutes from the hospital and I would stay there alone while DH and the kids stayed back to take care of the animals and stuff. And with all the hours of study I found comfort in cream puffs and deserts. We had a friend who worked at a bakery and would provide me with all the baked goods I wanted free. They say you loose either your finances, your marriage or your health when you study to become a paramedic. I lost my health in that I gained 45 pounds. I just have never lost that weight and over the years I had added to it more, including my year of spider bite recovery.


My altimate goal is to get back to pre paramedic weight but that will take at least a year of hard work. Oh well, I feel better just moaning to you guys, please forgive me for indulging my minor trials of loosing only 1/2 pound, at least it was in the right direction.

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Today is a blue day. It is our weigh in day and we failed. Well, DH gained 2 pounds and I only lost 1/2. We got some green tea and we haven't fudged on our diet and only missed one day of excersise. Today every muscle in my body is screaming at me that it isn't worth it, to just go back to the way it was. I feel tired and weak and defeated. We have just under five weeks before we leave and oh well, I just need to moan and whine. S orry, I know in my head that there are levels and we may have just reached one but its hard to not get discouraged. And then its hard to not eat my way out of the depression.


Yes, you probibly wonder if that is how I got fat. Yes, when I studied for my Paramedic degree, we lived way out in the high desert and the college and hospital was two hours away. We bought a cabin about 20 minutes from the hospital and I would stay there alone while DH and the kids stayed back to take care of the animals and stuff. And with all the hours of study I found comfort in cream puffs and deserts. We had a friend who worked at a bakery and would provide me with all the baked goods I wanted free. They say you loose either your finances, your marriage or your health when you study to become a paramedic. I lost my health in that I gained 45 pounds. I just have never lost that weight and over the years I had added to it more, including my year of spider bite recovery.


My altimate goal is to get back to pre paramedic weight but that will take at least a year of hard work. Oh well, I feel better just moaning to you guys, please forgive me for indulging my minor trials of loosing only 1/2 pound, at least it was in the right direction.


NO, YOU DIDN'T FAIL!!!! You DID lose weight, DH gain is temporary if you guys followed your plan. Please don't let it defeat you. You are doing so well for yourself to be changing up your eating habits and exercising...that is not a short term goal - it should be a life change! And I'm sure as a paramedic you know how much good you will do for yourself to not go back to the 'old way'.


(I shouldn't talk, I'm not losing weight right now - it's my night time eating, but even that is better than before - I'm overindulging in pistachios and yogurt and fruit...just going too far above my calorie needs for losing weight, but I'm holding my own and have 5-10 lbs left to go.)


The scale is weird sometimes - don't take it at face value. As I lost my last 30 lbs there were times I lost weight when I know I didn't track right, times I did everything 'perfectly' and gained 2 lbs, and very often times the scale didn't move but the belt buckle did.


Even though you have the goal of your cruise for your excursion, even if you miss that deadline, if you give up now, then you'll have to start all over. If you keep going, the next time that excursion comes up you won't even have to think about it.

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I didn't mean green tea, I meant we got som green coffeen bean tablets. They seem to help curb the night cravings but apparently they haven't worked quite as good as on the Dr. Oz show.




The recent study that everyone is citing regarding the weight loss related potential of green coffee beans was conducted in India and only involved 16, that is SIXTEEN, participants. They were ALL given a low dose pill, a high dose pill, and a placebo...so somehow, this means that group itself acted as their own control group. They were told to take 1 capsule 30 minutes before each meal with LOTS of water so that they took 3 capsules each day.


FIRST...a study of 16 people...ages 22 to 26...with BMI of only 25 to 30 (only slightly overweight and overweight)...does NOT determine a universal truth. No significant finding can result from such a small sample.


SECOND...the participants lost an average of 17 pounds over 22, 22! weeks...that's an average of only 0.75 pounds per week. Not a huge lose weekly...it just sounds good when you look back on the 22 weeks. And remember the word AVERAGE...which means that one week could be NO weight loss and second week could be half a pound...third week could be one pound...and that would fall in line with the average.


THIRD...am I the ONLY one in the world that wonders if drinking TONS of water 30 minutes before a meal is the thing that really helped for weight loss?


This pill has NOTHING to do with late night cravings. An Italian study in 2006, conducted with mice shows that MAYBE the pill stops the absorption of fat and activating fat metabolism in the liver (which is where fat is metabolized).


Always be careful with any supplement, because the regulations of supplements is very different that what you might expect. Quality...safety...validity of claims...NOT REGULATED...selling items as a "natural" product or "supplement" allows the seller a lot of free reign involving the quality of products used in products, WHAT is used in product...etc.


For example...my DH takes Glycosemen Condroiten for joint support. He was advised by his PT to only purchase this supplement in tablet form...not gel caps...because many of the cheap manufacturers of this supplement use a cheap gel to encapsulate the supplement and the gel doesn't actually break down well in digestion...so you don't have the opportunity to absorb much, if any, of the actual supplement. I would imagine that this applies to most supplements...cheap manufacturers using cheap gel to encapsulate a product and therefore, your money is literally going down the toilet.


I'm not trying to rain on the green coffee bean pill parade...I just want to offer some perspective on the expectations of what will actually happen with this SUPPLEMENT to your plan of eating right and getting exercise.


It's hard to not get down and depressed when you can't see the results you want to see but are putting forth the effort. I understand your motivation regarding the scale...with the helicopter excursion in the near future...it IS the measure that needs to change before that excursion...BUT...it isn't the ONLY measure of progress. It is beyond difficult to actually quantify the healthy benefits that result from good eating and exercise...even if you try to measure with a tape...it can be so hard to do on your own and get the tape in the same spot each time. So you have to stay positive in the short run so that when more time has passed and all the cumulative changes in your body have manifested, they are much easier to measure...in whatever way you measure.


So far, you have lost 11.5 pounds in 6 weeks...that is ALMOST 2 pounds a week! You have 5 more weeks...if you continue as you have been...don't get discouraged...don't give up...don't revert to old habits...you are on track to lose another almost 10 pounds! This means that in 11 weeks you will have lost more than 20 pounds! That is WAY better than the average of the study that is being cited for the green coffee bean pill.


Linda...you have a rough history with food. It sounds like it was a comfort for you in sad times...and something about it made you feel better...but you KNOW that the end result of that doesn't feel better. It's kind of liking drinking a bunch of wine and cruising the internet to the wee hours of the morning...it feels good while you are doing it...but it's kind of bummer to sleep past noon and wake up with a bit of a headache the next day...:o:rolleyes::eek:


You need to find a different way to comfort yourself when you are feeling down...


I like to take a bath. A nice, LONG hot bath with a good book. My bathroom is set up such that if I really wanted to have a commercial moment...I could light all the candles and create serious atmosphere...meanwhile...I have product that I love...a bath salt that makes the water feel fabulous...I have my special bath poof...a soap that I only use in the bath...I have the after bath product. I fully indulge myself in the bath. I pamper myself and I'm comforted. I walk around afterward all pink and glowing with super soft, yummy smelling skin.


You find your own way to feel better...but find something that is positive and productive toward your long term goal.


You are absolutely right that it will take a good long year or more to achieve the goal. This is how I began this whole process...and look at me...I'm still a work in progress...lots of progress...but still working on it 2 years later...and feeling really good about myself and how I've been overcoming this very difficult thing. Because it is a difficult thing...if it wasn't difficult...everyone would be fit and healthy...instead...all you have to do is look around...I rarely see people that look fit...even the very few thin people I see don't look fit.


I'm glad that you voiced your disappointment...and moaned and groaned with us...because that is the whole purpose behind having a support group...they do what they can to help you get past the rough spots...


And celebrate with you when you have your successes...


And I would say that you are NOT failing...you are succeeding...


You have made great progress in the past 6 weeks...you have overcome difficulties with your mobility...and you are working steadily to establish better habits.


Keep it up. Don't revert. Remember what you wrote...


I am hoping for 2 pounds a week at 9 weeks that gives me a little wiggle room in case I fudge on the first part of my cruise and enjoy too many deserts.


And to repeat...you have lost 11.5 pounds in 6 weeks...that's 1.91 pounds/week.


You are doing AWESOME.

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I thought about writing and decided not to... and now I'm writing so I guess the end result is that I just feel like talking.




Supplements. They are not medicine. Therefore, they are not regulated by the FDA. In fact, you will find the disclaimer on most of the ads stating something to the effect that the FDA has not substantiated the claim being made by the advertiser. Why? Because they are considered FOOD. Enough said.


Self talk. Now, this is an interesting subject. Some of us seem to live with the angel on the one shoulder and the devil on the other. When the devil begins to speak, you literally must intone the, very effective, "get thee behind me"... because if you don't.. then you'll do the same thing you've always done and suffer the same result. Which, as we all know because it's been done. to. death. if you expect a different result, that expectation equals the definition of insanity.


In order to succeed in a weight loss endeavor. Which... the definition of weight loss success is NOT losing the weight. The definition of SUCCESS is sustaining the weight lost!


So, you simply can't be on a diet. You simply can't be waiting week to week for the scale to show a change in weight.


What you have to do.... what you really have to do... is be a person who (1) eats a healthy diet of varied foods that encompasses the true meaning of nutritional value and is a specific amount of calories and (2) exercises. As a lifestyle. As a way of being YOU. You, the person that you are, exercises as a matter of habit and routine. You, the person that you are, eats for nourishment and eats for pleasure. But QUITS eating without crossing the line of eating for the sake of eating...Doesn't rely on eating for an emotional reason rather than just feeling hungry and satisfying that hunger. Eating for the physical reason of providing fuel to the body that you feel good in....




It's a lifestyle.


I understand that there is the getting started point. And, I understand about interim goals and the reaching of those goals. BUT, you have to ask yourself whether you are starting JUST to reach that interim goal? Is that the only reason that you've embarked on this change? OR, would reaching that interim goal be the BEST MOTIVATOR EVER because it's just something that you're striving for on your way to the ULTIMATE goal of being fit and healthy?


I think that's the question. Because if the answer is that you're just trying to achieve a motivational goal, then you will be pleased if/when it happens but not devastated if it doesn't. If, however, you simply want to reach that interim goal and then get off this merry-go-round, then... well... you will only feel like you're not being successful if you don't see that immediate result.


That's about the best advice/conversation that I can think of. Self talk. Very important. And a clear understanding of exactly what you want to achieve. No judgment. Just your own specific answer to an important question.

Edited by Member123
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Member123, what you said is so true. I do not consider myself to be on a diet. I am eating the way I plan to for the rest of my life. Weight loss is just one of the benefits of eating this way and as you say, maintenance is the most difficult. You cannot put your life on hold while you lose any excess weight. I saw someone post on another board that they had been successful at losing weight on weight watchers but on their upcoming cruise they were going to eat and drink everything they wanted. I thought to myself when reading it that this person did not really learn anything while they were losing their weight. Good choices mixed with a an indulgence here and there is what it's all about.


Sent from my LePanII using Tapatalk 2

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Ok. I'm so totally in love with this stupid song...I can hardly stand it!


I'm looking at YouTube to see what others are doing to the song...there are 3 videos I like...


Master Class in Korea:


This teaching team is having too much fun OMG:


Some of the ladies LOVE some of the moves in this version:



I wonder if Young does anything similar to any of these?


There is also Bradley's version:


Bradley's is getting copied a lot in other videos...IDK...I think I like the others better...but I haven't actually done any of these routines...I wonder Mom if any of these inspired Young? I'm sure she spinned whatever inspired her...as we all do...maybe she is totally creative on her own. You mentioned a body roll...


There is a body roll in this version...I think


This guy is in Malaysia.


I have to say...this is one of my most favorite things about Zumba...the whole international thing...I really enjoy looking at all the videos all over the world...same song...same general idea...I love it.

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11.5 pounds in 6 weeks is fantastic. I understand your frustration though. I am on a track of 1# per week and sometimes it just seems so slow. I feel so different, but I look in the mirror and I want to look better NOW. It can be discouraging.


The head of our Paramedic/EMT program used to have her office next to mine, so we would chat often. We train 100s every year. It is a very high stress, high burnout profession. I hope that as you get healthier you are able to find a substitute for stress relief other than eating (which is a challenge for many of us, but especially for you given your work). It is vital to your long term health and your ability to continue in your field.


I hope you feel the love and support coming from this board. We are all in the same boat, I think, trying to deal with life and our feelings in a new, more productive way, be it hot baths, Zumba, playing with our pets, or painting the living room a new color, rather than grabbing some cookies or eating an enchilada.


There are some days I obsess over pepperoni pizza! :eek:

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