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Any other Zumba fans?

Anita Latte

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I'm contemplating taking the Zumba Toning training in November. I'd really like to it. A LOT.


Margaret...I have that Banana song. I don't use it at the moment. That is a song that goes to all instructors that are part of the Zumba Network. I am very familiar with the other songs you posted. I love Shakira in general...I admit, I've never been too sure about the Wepa song...I know a lot of instructors use it and they've talked about it...and it is supposed to be very fun in class...it is just one of those songs that I'm not sure about listening to outside of class...if you KWIM?...since I have to listen to songs over and over again to be able to choreograph them...I hesitated on that one.


Now Fuego is like...a Zumba anthem almost. I believe it is played in every Zumba basic training class. Therefore, most instructors fall in love with that song, if they haven't already...they just love it even more after training.


Mom...what you did makes total sense to me. I've been playing with that song a bit. I just finished choreo to "Pasarela" by Daddy Yankee today. I LOVE it!! And I did that other song Margaret and I were talking about with body rolls in it. Too fun. So excited to have some new stuff.


All I need now is a class to teach. :rolleyes:

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OK...this one just might be my fav of all the Gangnam Style:



Easy. With style. I like it. A lot. The only part that I'm not super crazy about is the rowing segment. I'll have to actually do that to see how it feels, or how I would interpret that move into something more me...I'm all over the rest of this though...

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I must be a crazy person, but I really DO NOT find that Gangham style song all that fascinating.




There are so many songs out there that some people love that I don't get either...of course...I can't think of any at the moment...probably because I block them out...;)...but I totally understand...


btw...I'd love to hear about how the teaching goes on the cruise. Did you arrange to teach before going on the cruise? Do you have dates and times and a location already arranged? How did you do that?

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About Wepa, I have to say that if I had to listen to that outside of class I think I'd shoot myself. I have other "gym music," too, that seems great for the gym but not what I like to listen to as a regular thing.


I think you really have to like something to choreograph to it, because you have to listen to it so much. I always tried not to choreograph to something I really loved, because I knew it would make me sick of it. After years of ballet class I can't stand to listen to Tchaikovsky. If I hear The Nutcracker one more time....

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Awwww...you can't listen to the Nutcracker anymore? So sad. :( I love the Nutcracker...it's just not Christmas without listening to the Nutcracker. Mom and I used to go every year in one way or another...we worked our way up through the various ballet performances around the SF Bay Area until we were going into the city to the Opera House for our special evening.


SO. I AM going to take the Toning training. I just have to plan when I sign up with cash flow.


AND...drumroll...I'm going on what I call the Kisha Crush Tour! Going to visit Mom and Dad for a WEEK in November! Very excited. Going Nov 5 to Nov 11. Should be a great week. Totally looking forward to seeing my parents...haven't seen them since Spring Break?

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I had an interesting Zumba experience this week. A few months ago I had an instructor (Adrienne) who was just 'OK', but convenient (i.e free...part of my regular gym membership). I always felt she was a bit uninspiring - 2 yrs younger than my daughter and kind of chunky, and had less stamina than me as well as more than twice her age. ..OK she had a toddler and I know how hard it is to lose that baby fat (26 yrs later I'm still working at it :eek:). And it really drove me crazy that she didn't have a pre-set playlist, so as she was going through her music she'd stop on one I'd love to dance to...but pass it by for another one.


Anyway, she had the opportunity to help start up a new Zumba club in our area, and as soon as she announced it the gym let her go. I wasn't that interested in following her to her $5 a class gym, while at the same time my favorite instructor was looking for work, so I convinced her to apply. I LOVE Paulina, and never miss one of her classes.


I recently had a credit from Groupon and found that Adrienne's gym had an offer that made the classes approx $1.50 a session. You can't beat that, and I've been looking for additional classes...my cruise is almost 2 weeks away, and I have a dress that I'd feel more comfortable in if I work out every day until then! Between then and now, she did some boot camp program, and is in SO much better shape than before. What a difference her class makes now - SHE has the stamina now, and although most of her songs were the same as what we used to do, the control and toning was there, and I REALLY felt it!:eek:


I'm enjoying all the links that you all are posting

. These are my current favorites:


Que te Pica:


LOVE Don Omar..http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1I0zQawOzqA


This choreography is a bit more belly-dancey than we do, but not by much.


Drop it Low:

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You will love the toning!


Who would you be taking with? I trained with Jani Roberts. I also LOVE Kelly Bullard. Not sure who else trains for toning.


I'll be training with Abraham Hernandez. Don't know a thing about him at this point. It appears to be at a conference type place? which is where most of my trainings have been...so it doesn't really matter when I register...the cost is the same no matter what. I guess it could sell out though...


I am very excited for toning...I think it is known how much I love Kisha's style...and the crazy thing is that I have only taken ONE class with her...ONE!! But it was enough...she rocks...she is powerful...she has so much presence...is a bunch of energy and fun...and I just LOVED the way that she conducted her class. And I guess I really loved her because she was the first one to expose me to the real "fitness" aspect of Zumba. My instructor was very hippy...and core oriented...she has a Pilates background...so she merged core work with dance.


Not fitness though. And I never thought that I could have fun doing squats, lunges, and other very fitness like moves...until Kisha. And my eyes were opened and I was like...YES! Anyway...the whole toning aspect is something that I am very excited about...I've been eagerly anticipating the right time for me to take this training. Do you teach toning?


Between then and now, she did some boot camp program, and is in SO much better shape than before. What a difference her class makes now - SHE has the stamina now, and although most of her songs were the same as what we used to do, the control and toning was there, and I REALLY felt it!:eek:


I think Mom can relate to this story. I'll let her tell it. But I will just say that teaching a class has a learning curve...not only with regards to the ability to cue and lead but also with stamina...and it isn't so much that you have to be in such great shape...it's the fact that you are "on" and being watched and basically performing for a group even as you are leading the group...it's surprising what a mental exercise the instructor roll is...and that can express itself in the physical side...because if you aren't used to being in the spotlight for that long in front of people...it can show in your physical performance even more. I often think that many newer instructors need to find other beginners...so that everyone can grow together...or the students need to have a lot of grace and mercy to allow an instructor to grow into the position...


I'm enjoying all the links that you all are posting

. These are my current favorites:


Que te Pica:


This routine is so close to the one that I do...I think everyone does something similar. I love this song...


LOVE Don Omar..http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1I0zQawOzqA


This is a song that I really like...A LOT...and I'm struggling to find a choreo or make a choreo that really captures the song for me.


This choreography is a bit more belly-dancey than we do, but not by much.


So...Kelly (my instructor...I guess, she isn't any longer...but I don't know what else to call her...) did the English version of this song...



And I remember going to a different instructors class that did the original and totally HATING the original...I think people tend to like what they are first exposed to...NOW...when I revisit songs...and think about what is ME v. Kelly...I like the Tarkan version much better...there is good inspiration in the video that you posted...


Drop it Low:


There are so many Drop It Low songs! I knew of this one...but there is also Ester Dean's version (a fav of mine) and also the version from the movie Rio. The video you posted shows how this song could be a nice intro to doing a Samba like move...I recently saw the video following because I checked out this channel's version of Gangnam Style...but this is more my style:



EXCEPT that I would not be so jumpy...I would do straight up reverse lunges without all the bouncy bits...his knee raises aren't done in a strong enough manner for me either (I think I would do something different)...however the body roll and the "crumping"...I am ALL OVER that...I might have to research that song a bit more...I do like it. It's catchy...and predictable...I like that in a Zumba song.


I saw another possible place for classes today. Going to try to talk to the person on Monday. It's a very large martial arts/full gym/indoor running track/after school program facility. It turns out that they used to have Zumba classes there. The instructor taught for 4-5 months...and I get the impression that she still instructs in the area but that the class attendance didn't ever take off. And that makes me go Hmmmmm. There are 3 different class rooms in progressively larger sizes...so there is room for growth within the same facility. I'm just not sure about the flooring...but the fact that there USED to be classes...so I'm going to try to talk to the Master on Monday and see what I can learn...because this is finally a place where I see some possibility.

Edited by Anita Latte
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I like to mark dates.


I didn't really realize this so much about myself before...but I've been analyzing myself like crazy...partly because of this Style Statement book...but also because of this move...this is just such a fabulous opportunity to learn about myself. Does that sound bizarre to ANYONE else? It does to me...what a funny concept...not really knowing yourself...


But it's true. You have to take time to really get to know yourself if you aren't going to just be a knee jerk reactionary your whole life. If you want to live a life of purpose...you must KNOW THYSELF.




I marked the date that I quit drinking soda. April 1. For many, many reasons...I wanted to stop drinking soda. And I did. On the very RARE occasion...I have had a non-cola soda...but by and large...I can say that I eliminated soda from my personal life on April 1, 2007? I think that's the year...honestly...it's been so long...I don't recall the year.


I started my health and fitness journey on September 12, 2010, when I decided to go to Kelly's Zumba class the next night.


Today is a good day to mark...September 29, 2012.




Nice ring to it.


Today I renew my commitment to my life long health.


I've been seriously struggling. SERIOUSLY. I know I started talking about it before...but I still don't feel like I have done anything productive toward changing the situation. Until today.


Today...I was thinking about how this whole situation has got to change. I need to get moving again. Going to the two classes last week was not enough. It didn't really feel like change. Maybe because I didn't mark that date?




But today, I was listening to my self talk...and I was talking about the future again...change being on the horizon...next week this and that...and literally moaning and groaning to myself...and then I realized.


Today is the day. NOT NEXT WEEK.


Time to stop planning and start doing.


This was my theme a while back.


Git 'er done!


So in the interest of TODAY...knowing that a Saturday should not pass by with my attending a Zumba class...I literally attended my own class. I got all dressed up in my Zumbawear...I put on my coin skirt...I planned my playlist...I cleared an area in the family room...and I kicked my own you-know-what with a great class.


It was hard. SO HARD. Talking to Mom, I understand...there is no one there to share the pain...to be doing a song that is literally making you feel pushed to the limit...and there is no one to make a face at and share the moment and thus encourage eachother to keep pressing on. It's really hard for me to work out alone. O.M.G.


I feel like such a baby...but it's true. I do LOVE the party!


But I did it.


DH encouraged me afterward. And he said things to me that were in my own mind...that I needed to stop planning...that I needed to get out and start doing...that I needed to go meet people and talk with them...tell them about what I accomplished in Texas...(he spelled it out, but I will refrain)...and get to teaching classes again.




Today is the day.


I tend to be a person that gets all fired up at the beginning of a project...but I have a hard time with follow through. I know it. I've made a lot of progress over the past two years...but I haven't reached my goal. And I am going to finish a project...this project.


I am going to go get myself some water now...

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Anita, I'm so glad you had your 9/29, and gave yourself a good talking-to. Get out there! You can see from some of the posts on this board that there are students out there who need a good, enthusiastic, smart Zumba teacher like you. They are desperately waiting for you to come along and give them a great class and help them plug into their own health and fitness community.


We teachers MAKE that -- community -- just out of ourselves and our skills. It is a wonderful and amazing thing that we can share with people. When I walk out of my classroom, I have a little high from it, and that's just an English class! It's addictive, but in a good way. Imagine all the endorphin-happy people who leave your class and spread that energy around.


That Style Statement book can definitely cause some upheaval. I was a bit amazed at how I could perceive myself as happy yet be so dissatisfied at the same time, and learning how that was manifesting itself was very helpful.


Know Thyself is SO important, but I would add that the next step for me was What Are You Waiting For?

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Just an affirmation on how important diet is to any weight loss plan. And, how being in a lifestyle plan makes the bump in the road manageable...


What is up with this 3500 calorie = 1 lb plus or minus math?!?


Anyway, I went shopping on Saturday on an empty stomach. So bad! All the gurus say that in order to maintain both your diet and the heft in your wallet that you should NEVER go the grocery store on an empty, growly stomach...


as it turns out, the avocados looked so good! And the tomatoes smelled so tomato-y, and it had been ages since I'd had any good guacamole... and, of course, you can't eat guacamole without chips. Chips is one of my trigger foods; everyone knows what that means, right?


So, yeah... guacamole for me! I came home and made a batch of guacamole and DH and I chowed. down! oh. yeah.


Sunday morning.... 2.2 lbs UP. Wow, must be all the salt, right?


So, Sunday, off to Zumba class. Felt so sluggish and so darn "icky," just like my whole system was... well... sluggish... and icky. But I got through class and... guess what?... it was an extended class because there isn't anyone coming into the room after us and the ladies kept asking for one more song! So, we went over by about 6 minutes! That was an intense class and the calorie burn was in excess of 900...


Yesterday, I had a typical eating day. Breakfast was a smoothie. Lunch was a typical sandwich. Dinner was a chicken breast, broccoli, and a small baked sweet potato. Pretty yummy.


This morning weigh in. Did. Not. Budge.


I'm just sharing this only because it's all about not paying attention to the scale as your ultimate measurement. Because, I know that I had this bump up and I know why... a total indulgence meal.... well, snack. And I know that my lifestyle means that I'll get my body back to its comfort weight because I'll just continue to go to Zumba and eat healthy meals (without the indulgence factor). Note: my indulgence was an AVOCADO not even CHEESECAKE! LOL.... just wait for the holidays! (ahem)....


But, I think that all this talk about indulgence can't happen if you are on a weight LOSS path. Right now, I'm in maintenance mode. So, I just monitor my calories in/out and use the scale as a tool for keeping me informed.


Just a short chat this morning. Hope everyone had a fabulous weekend!

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So my Monday is going FABULOUS!!


I talked with DH and decided to just go in person to talk to the Master at the martial arts place. Now, it's really limiting to call this place a martial arts place...it is a two story building. Downstairs there is a HUGE room that is open to the floor above...that room is T-shaped with sliding doors (like for a hotel conference room) so that the room itself could be divided into two rooms. There is a separate smaller room downstairs.There are other rooms downstairs...the lobby, restrooms, offices, etc...Upstairs is an indoor track that follows the outside wall of the building (it does overlook the classroom below)...and a full gym...with some open space for stretching, etc.


The Master was available; we talked. We will be meeting again on Wednesday to talk details regarding classes! I'm very excited. We will be shooting for classes to start with the new year. I know from experience that it can be very difficult to start classes during the holidays...but we will try to jump on the New Year's Resolution bandwagon and get classes going January 2013!


Very exciting!


Then I went home...I put together a 13 song 47 minute playlist and Zumba'd myself. I was thinking that would only do 30 minutes like I used to do at Curves...but I was excited to do more songs than that...and so 47 minutes it was. So good. Today...I realized that it just feels so good to move. Bodies really like to move.


SO. A meeting in two days! I have a bunch of thinking and planning to do!


Mom it is totally raining...cloud cover is horrible...we'll have to talk later!


Meanwhile...I figured out that I need to drink between 1.33 and 2 pitchers of water DAILY. O.M.G. That's a lot of water...


So this morning...I filled the pitcher...wrote my goal on the dry erase board section of my fridge calender organizer thing...and I've been drinking water...lots and lots of water.


Here's a funny Mom told me...


You are American when you go into the bathroom. You are American when you come out of the bathroom. What are you IN the bathroom?







Let's just say that I've been VERY European this morning...


EVERYONE should have the goal to be European as a sign of good hydration. It's the new code...

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Zany...I have no knowledge of any Zumba classes on Royal. Happy early birthday! Hope you have a lovely holiday!


I have many things to say...


First...I achieved my water goal today. It was a concentrated effort to drink that much water. And I found for the first time that I wasn't very thirsty while I was eating. There are multiple schools of thought on drinking water with your food...some say it helps you to feel full and that you might eat less if you drink water while you eat...others say that it impedes digestion by watering down bodily fluids necessary to digestion. IDK...but I was sufficiently hydrated that I wasn't super thirsty while I ate for once.


Second...I was indeed European all day long. ALL DAY LONG.


Third...what Mom was talking about. The body wants to be in balance. If you will just do what should be done...that is...give it the water it needs...give it proper nutrition for your activity level...don't overfeed (portion control)...then your body will work it's way to a healthy state. Unbelievably...after all the water I drank today (1.5 pitchers plus more in my hot lemon water and the water I drank while I did Zumba)...after eating oatmeal breakfast, post-workout Greek yogurt, veggies, latte, white chili, hard boiled eggs, fruit, nuts, grilled chicken, and Creole bean and veggie salad...I lost one pound today. :eek:


I just got out of the bath...weighed myself...and indeed...I am actually one pound lighter than I was when I woke up this morning.


I knew I was retaining water...


That's just nuts...to be lighter at night than in the morning. Seriously? I expected it...but I'm still amazed.


So I ask you...have you been in touch with your European side today?


And on to other news...


I have spent the day creating the most colorful Excel file that lists all the Zumba classes that I can find on the internet. Distinguished by whether or not they meet at a place that requires membership v. drop in v. session...and also differentiated by their distance to my proposed location for my own classes...that is under 5 miles away, under 10, under 15...with 15 basically being 30 minutes around here...


And so I will be proposing classes at 9:30 AM on Thursday...there isn't a single class within 5 miles that morning...ONE class within 10...and only two others within 15. I'm going to try to pick up a lot of the students that attend the Tuesday morning class that I already attend. That instructor doesn't have a Thursday morning class...so I will not be in competition with her (yay!)...I didn't want to be...nor in competition with anyone else that I have recently visited.


I will also propose a 9:30 AM Saturday morning class. This was one of my best classes in Texas. This is more popular...and there are already classes offered within 5 miles...two in fact...but they are earlier and later. Within 10 miles, there are two at the same time...BUT...that's still 10 miles. I think there is plenty of market share to go around on Saturday morning.


Contrary to what is most common here...I'm going to offer sessions...which can be prorated...but you purchase a session. This will enable me to use the computer system of the facility...everyone will get a scan card and be able to check in with that card. SWEET. And I will know that whether or not people show up...there will have been payment for the session. I think this is the way to hit the New Year's crowd.


And that is my anticipated kick off date...the first week of the New Year.


Sometime between Thanksgiving and when school let's out, I will have a free demo class...and marketing will begin as soon as materials can be figured out.


I'm very excited by all this.


I know that...as in most things...it is best to start small...which is why I am going with just these two dates. In the past, this is how my classes grew. My students demanded more...and so I will trust that this is what will happen again. I can focus my efforts on building the best two classes I can and just let what will happen happen.


I have much work to do.




I hope everyone else is doing well...attending classes and feeling good.

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Just a quick update...


This morning I was down another 2.5 pounds...so my water effort yesterday resulted in a 3.5 pound difference.


I DID do a body brushing before my evening bath. I once had a woman doing a spa treatment on me TELL me she could see the water on me. *ewww*


Talk about incentive to keep up the water intake...I filled my pitcher to the top this morning...had my morning ice water...getting ready for lemon water...and going to focus on water again today.


Water, ladies...drink, drink, drink...

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Snaps to Anita!


I am not European. I am not good at hydrating, especially while I'm at work. I compensate in the evenings by drinking a lot then, and then I'm up at 4am because I gotta go. This is an old pattern for me dating back to my dancing days. Can't dance with a belly full of water. I need to work on this... I make inroads but then I backslide as soon as I get busy.


I'm with you on the debate about drinking water while you eat. It's difficult sometimes to know what to do. I usually have one glass with my meal but I'm not on board with the whole drink a glass before you eat to make you feel full thing. I would rather focus on feeling full by eating a proper meal full of veggies.


Pam, I like what you said about indulgence and weight loss. I've been tracking my calories to lose 1# per week, and usually during the week when I'm busy I manage to be under my count for the day. That's good because we tend to go out or have friends over on Saturday, which has a tendency to become my splurge day, so I've banked enough calories during the week to stay on track. The thing is, the last two weekends I had my splurge and then on Sunday I just didn't feel great. Not sick, but not great. I still lose one pound each week, but I don't think I want to splurge any more in the same fashion. Well, maybe a glass of wine! I'm finding that a little goes a long way, and maybe a splurge can be a bite of cake rather than a whole piece. I just don't have a taste for it anymore, and I don't like how I feel afterwards.


Snaps to me because I get to Zumba 3x this week! And I'm ahead of my goal of 1# per week. I'm down ten pounds, and just had to get rid of a pair of work pants because I could drop them without opening the zipper! I went through all my pants yesterday to weed out the biggies. It felt so good!


And, snaps to Pam for being the sweetest mom (except for mine, but she doesn't have Internet so she won't know I said that :)).

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Anita, thanks for your birthday wishes and the info about Zumba on RCCL--I'll post back if I do happen to find that they have it on the Allure next week. And congrats on your weight loss! I usually go to Zumba 4x/week, but I'll only make it 3x this week. Love Zumba! :)

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Does anyone know if they have Zumba on Allure? We are leaving October 7th (My Birthday!) and I would love to do Zumba on board!


I miss you by 1 day and 1 week... my birthday is 1 day before yours and we'll be embarking on the Allure 1 week after you!


I've heard before that there is sometimes either ’real’ Zumba on the Allure (one of the dancers or activity staff is certified) or at least ’Latin style dance class’. However I found a link somewhere to recent Allure Eastern Caribbean Compasses, and can't find any mention of anything close.


I at least will plan on walking the track (love the Oasis class Promenade Deck track), dancing as much as possible, and of course just getting around the Allure is great exercise.


On a cruise I'm right halfway between this being a lifestyle choice and overindulging. As much as possible I look at the Vitality menu for my dinner option, load up on fruits and veggies at the buffet, but a few days into lounging at the pool with a Margarita I tend to lose my resolve. So even though I should lose 5 pounds before I leave, I'm already planning how to lose 10 lbs when I get back. It may sound defeatist, but it's realistic for me.


Sorry I haven't been around to comment much lately. I'm enjoying the flurry of activity here, your successes, the Zumba links, and Anita’s life plan!


Great work ladies!


Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

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I at least will plan on walking the track (love the Oasis class Promenade Deck track), dancing as much as possible, and of course just getting around the Allure is great exercise.


On a cruise I'm right halfway between this being a lifestyle choice and overindulging. As much as possible I look at the Vitality menu for my dinner option, load up on fruits and veggies at the buffet, but a few days into lounging at the pool with a Margarita I tend to lose my resolve. So even though I should lose 5 pounds before I leave, I'm already planning how to lose 10 lbs when I get back. It may sound defeatist, but it's realistic for me.


Sorry I haven't been around to comment much lately. I'm enjoying the flurry of activity here, your successes, the Zumba links, and Anita’s life plan!


Great work ladies!


Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2


We all have our moments of quiet reflection and just listening to others talk... it's all good. :D


Your comments don't sound the least bit defeatist, and absolutely realistic in their perspective.


I always just shake my head at the people on a cruise who advise to keep any extra pounds at bay by simply walking the stairs instead of taking the elevator. I'm also astonished by the people who go on a cruise and actually lose weight.


You have to look at the cruise in comparison with your daily life, lifestyle. I, of course, am most familiar with me and my DH so bear with me while I use us as my examples.


My DH: as Anita will attest, he is FIT. He's a very unusual person in that he has kept up a very vigorous exercise routine for 16 years! Right now, his routine consists of about 15 (maybe 20) minutes of cardio on an elliptical machine followed by a rigorous strength training session of about 45 minutes, encompassing a full body workout.... 3x a week.. Monday, Wednesday, Friday.


His diet: breakfast is oatmeal enhanced with blueberries, cinnamon, skim milk... splash of orange juice (just enough to swallow a multi-vitamin), and a small banana. Lunch he does indulge in 3 slices of whole grain wheat bread with a peanut butter and blueberry jam spread. Snacks are fruit. Dinner is a lean protein and a few vegetable sides. Except for breakfast and lunch (which he is such a routine person that he eats the same thing just about every day), I control his calorie intake beyond lunch because I'm the menu planner of the house. We do indulge in a few glasses of wine at night.


Me: as you know, I go to Zumba either 4 or 5x a week. I usually burn around 800+ calories a session, so say 4000 to 4500 calories that I burn in a typical week. My diet: breakfast is usually a smoothie (because I'm lazy and don't want to cook my breakfast). Lunch is usually scoops of either egg salad or tuna, maybe a slice of multi grain bread. Dinner and snacks are the same as DH. Wine, same.


On board ship. Wow, how could we possibly maintain this "lifestyle" of diet and exercise on board a cruise ship. It has nothing to do with having resolve; perhaps a bit to do with overindulging. We love the onboard breakfasts. I especially because I don't have to cook! So we usually have made-to-order omelettes. My DH has a sweet tooth... holy cow... he usually has a pastry. Lunch, for me, is usually a composed salad. You'd think that would be "good," but the dressing alone is a huge contrast to the "at home" lunch in its calories. Unless the dessert is extraordinary, I pass; DH usually has a dessert.


Snacks? Well, that would be at one of the loyalty events and would include wine for DH and Cosmos for me! If we're on Celebrity, we have a wonderful assortment of cold and hot appetizers (and they are wonderful). Contrast that to a piece of fruit!


Dinner? And, now we're just out the window. Yes, we have a wonderful meal. Again, I'm in heaven because I neither had to cook or plan! A protein, a vegetable side, usually a fabulously tasty starch, a shrimp cocktail, a salad or a soup, a wonderful piece of bread (and it is wonderful or I wouldn't eat it). A dessert? Absolutely for my DH and maybe for me, depending on whether it's extraordinary.


Exercise? Is it a port day? We will walk and walk and walk. Is it a sea day? My DH will go to the gym and try to do his "normal" routine, which usually isn't possible because of the machine selection. He will try to run on the track, but usually he doesn't get quite the same exercise in there because he's dodging the loungers and the walkers and the ocean gazers. Me? Does talking count as exercise?


I've never taken an "exercise" session on board a ship that remotely resembles my Zumba class. Not if it's labeled "latin dance class," or "Zumba-like." There is so much instruction; there is the element of fun rather than of exercise. Of course, I enjoy it... but it's not a calorie burn.


So, what is the upshot of this conversation? For me? I don't even try to maintain the same level of calorie intake or of exercise... ship to shore.. so to speak.


So, how to equate a lifestyle of health that includes cruising? For me, it's all about in the self talk. So, here is where I would part company with your example above. Do you enjoy eating from the Vitality Menu? If you don't, then when you make that selection, you'll be having the self talk that says something like... "I don't really want this, but I'm being so good... good for me!" Do you want to load up with only fruits and veggies at the buffet? Because, again, if you don't, then you'll end up with the same self-talk.


I think this is very important. Cruising is so special for me; I absolutely love it. Having a healthy lifestyle isn't even an option. For me, it's my life's choice. So how to make the two co-exist?...


Self talk. Which goes something like this: How hungry am I? What is the most tasty food item that is being offered to me right now? Do I want it? Am I full? Does it taste as good as it looked? Do I want to finish it or is the one bite sufficient? Am I hungry? Does that look good? Do I want it?

Am I rested? Do I feel like moving? What options do I have to do right now? Do I want to do that? Do I want to just sit in a lounger and stare at the ocean? Do I want a drink? Have I had water lately? Did I drink a glass of water for every cocktail that I drank? How do I feel?


There is a "thing" in yoga that they call "monkey mind." It's when your self talk takes over and begins to nag at you; it's all the negative comments that you've either heard or you remember or you think about yourself. Don't allow "monkey mind" into your conscious thought, especially when you're in a place of pure enjoyment, relaxation, fun... and, yes... indulgence. Keep your center and do the things that you want to do.. because, ultimately, you'll want to do the things that you want to do... seriously, those things that you want to do will be the things that are "good" ... without having to deprive yourself... without having to set yourself up for ultimate failure by falling off a self-imposed cliff...


Well, these are my thoughts.


Yes, we both gain weight on a cruise. Or not. I tend to think of weight "gain" as pounds that stick or stay around for a while. Maybe, it'll take a few Zumba sessions, etc to eliminate the weight from the scale, but it does go away. So, given that logic... I wouldn't say I "gain" weight if I take a cruise. I think it's the same logic that you have to use about weight "loss." Do you really lose weight if it just comes back? Maybe you just misplaced it for a while? Because a real loss never returns. And a real gain has to stay around. kwim?


OT: I've read about a Prohibition Party on the Allure? Have you read about it? OMG, it sounds like such fun!

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We all have our moments of quiet reflection and just listening to others talk... it's all good. :D


Your comments don't sound the least bit defeatist, and absolutely realistic in their perspective.


I always just shake my head at the people on a cruise who advise to keep any extra pounds at bay by simply walking the stairs instead of taking the elevator. I'm also astonished by the people who go on a cruise and actually lose weight.


You have to look at the cruise in comparison with your daily life, lifestyle. I, of course, am most familiar with me and my DH so bear with me while I use us as my examples.


My DH: as Anita will attest, he is FIT. He's a very unusual person in that he has kept up a very vigorous exercise routine for 16 years! Right now, his routine consists of about 15 (maybe 20) minutes of cardio on an elliptical machine followed by a rigorous strength training session of about 45 minutes, encompassing a full body workout.... 3x a week.. Monday, Wednesday, Friday.


His diet: breakfast is oatmeal enhanced with blueberries, cinnamon, skim milk... splash of orange juice (just enough to swallow a multi-vitamin), and a small banana. Lunch he does indulge in 3 slices of whole grain wheat bread with a peanut butter and blueberry jam spread. Snacks are fruit. Dinner is a lean protein and a few vegetable sides. Except for breakfast and lunch (which he is such a routine person that he eats the same thing just about every day), I control his calorie intake beyond lunch because I'm the menu planner of the house. We do indulge in a few glasses of wine at night.


Me: as you know, I go to Zumba either 4 or 5x a week. I usually burn around 800+ calories a session, so say 4000 to 4500 calories that I burn in a typical week. My diet: breakfast is usually a smoothie (because I'm lazy and don't want to cook my breakfast). Lunch is usually scoops of either egg salad or tuna, maybe a slice of multi grain bread. Dinner and snacks are the same as DH. Wine, same.


On board ship. Wow, how could we possibly maintain this "lifestyle" of diet and exercise on board a cruise ship. It has nothing to do with having resolve; perhaps a bit to do with overindulging. We love the onboard breakfasts. I especially because I don't have to cook! So we usually have made-to-order omelettes. My DH has a sweet tooth... holy cow... he usually has a pastry. Lunch, for me, is usually a composed salad. You'd think that would be "good," but the dressing alone is a huge contrast to the "at home" lunch in its calories. Unless the dessert is extraordinary, I pass; DH usually has a dessert.


Snacks? Well, that would be at one of the loyalty events and would include wine for DH and Cosmos for me! If we're on Celebrity, we have a wonderful assortment of cold and hot appetizers (and they are wonderful). Contrast that to a piece of fruit!


Dinner? And, now we're just out the window. Yes, we have a wonderful meal. Again, I'm in heaven because I neither had to cook or plan! A protein, a vegetable side, usually a fabulously tasty starch, a shrimp cocktail, a salad or a soup, a wonderful piece of bread (and it is wonderful or I wouldn't eat it). A dessert? Absolutely for my DH and maybe for me, depending on whether it's extraordinary.


Exercise? Is it a port day? We will walk and walk and walk. Is it a sea day? My DH will go to the gym and try to do his "normal" routine, which usually isn't possible because of the machine selection. He will try to run on the track, but usually he doesn't get quite the same exercise in there because he's dodging the loungers and the walkers and the ocean gazers. Me? Does talking count as exercise?


I've never taken an "exercise" session on board a ship that remotely resembles my Zumba class. Not if it's labeled "latin dance class," or "Zumba-like." There is so much instruction; there is the element of fun rather than of exercise. Of course, I enjoy it... but it's not a calorie burn.


So, what is the upshot of this conversation? For me? I don't even try to maintain the same level of calorie intake or of exercise... ship to shore.. so to speak.


So, how to equate a lifestyle of health that includes cruising? For me, it's all about in the self talk. So, here is where I would part company with your example above. Do you enjoy eating from the Vitality Menu? If you don't, then when you make that selection, you'll be having the self talk that says something like... "I don't really want this, but I'm being so good... good for me!" Do you want to load up with only fruits and veggies at the buffet? Because, again, if you don't, then you'll end up with the same self-talk.


I think this is very important. Cruising is so special for me; I absolutely love it. Having a healthy lifestyle isn't even an option. For me, it's my life's choice. So how to make the two co-exist?...


Self talk. Which goes something like this: How hungry am I? What is the most tasty food item that is being offered to me right now? Do I want it? Am I full? Does it taste as good as it looked? Do I want to finish it or is the one bite sufficient? Am I hungry? Does that look good? Do I want it?

Am I rested? Do I feel like moving? What options do I have to do right now? Do I want to do that? Do I want to just sit in a lounger and stare at the ocean? Do I want a drink? Have I had water lately? Did I drink a glass of water for every cocktail that I drank? How do I feel?


There is a "thing" in yoga that they call "monkey mind." It's when your self talk takes over and begins to nag at you; it's all the negative comments that you've either heard or you remember or you think about yourself. Don't allow "monkey mind" into your conscious thought, especially when you're in a place of pure enjoyment, relaxation, fun... and, yes... indulgence. Keep your center and do the things that you want to do.. because, ultimately, you'll want to do the things that you want to do... seriously, those things that you want to do will be the things that are "good" ... without having to deprive yourself... without having to set yourself up for ultimate failure by falling off a self-imposed cliff...


Well, these are my thoughts.


Yes, we both gain weight on a cruise. Or not. I tend to think of weight "gain" as pounds that stick or stay around for a while. Maybe, it'll take a few Zumba sessions, etc to eliminate the weight from the scale, but it does go away. So, given that logic... I wouldn't say I "gain" weight if I take a cruise. I think it's the same logic that you have to use about weight "loss." Do you really lose weight if it just comes back? Maybe you just misplaced it for a while? Because a real loss never returns. And a real gain has to stay around. kwim?


OT: I've read about a Prohibition Party on the Allure? Have you read about it? OMG, it sounds like such fun!


I learn so much from everyone on this board. I'd have to say that my daily routine is fairly similar to yours - except that I have a nightime eating 'issue'. I know that it is mostly just bad habit. I'm actually more comfortable with my body image now than ever, though just 1 pt above the healthy BMI for my height. But for my build, you can no longer say I'm overweight visually. So I have some nagging frustration, but it's not too bad cause I'm happy!


I agree with what you say about a cruise. I NEVER order something I wouldn't thoroughly enjoy, but I do try to make it a habit to read the offerings first, pick what I would choose from that list, and then read the main menu with the idea that I will change my choice if I like something more. Invariably between the appetizer, main entree and dessert, it will be some mixture. And with the buffets, I will always sample whatever I want, and savor the small bites of rich foods. After my first few cruises of having to change my clothes and chowing down on Tums after dinner because of overindulging, I prefer to find the balance of enjoying it but not to the point of discomfort. After a dinner at Chops, as much as we heard we had to have the Mississippi Mud Pie, we took it back to the cabin for later. It was so rich we made it last for 3 days, but eat it I did! So, I didn't mean to come across as a martyr, I NEVER suffer!


Oh YES, we are going to the Prohibition Party! As soon as I read about it I started watching the reservations to see when it would become available so we wouldn't miss out. We're meeting 2 other cruise couple friends, and have been planning our costumes for months!

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