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Any other Zumba fans?

Anita Latte

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@Anita. So your post gave me something to research! Yeah! You know how funny I think that is, right?!? (BTW: how do you know I didn't sneak kale into your chocolate brownies like those sneaky mothers who sneak kale into their daughter's chocolate brownies? Oh, right. You didn't get a bunch of sweets growing up, did you? You make me laugh.) So, nutritional yeast!



You reminded me of the pureed peas and carrots popsicles I used to make for my children when they were toddlers. They were quite happy with too, until well intentioned relatives taught them there were even better tasting treats. :(

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@burm. Please be sure to tell us how your knee x-ray goes today.


I see that you are sailing out of San Francisco in just a few months! How exciting. Have you been before? If not, Anita and I might be able to give you some very helpful tips on things to see in the SF Bay Area as we lived in Northern California for a number of years. Are you able to spend a few days in vacation before you cruise? Are you going to Alaska? Give us some cruise details as we are also ALL about cruising! We can talk about Napa, Sonoma, Tiburon, Sausalito, Monterey, Carmel. Beautiful area... to visit...

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@burm. Please be sure to tell us how your knee x-ray goes today.


I see that you are sailing out of San Francisco in just a few months! How exciting. Have you been before? If not, Anita and I might be able to give you some very helpful tips on things to see in the SF Bay Area as we lived in Northern California for a number of years. Are you able to spend a few days in vacation before you cruise? Are you going to Alaska? Give us some cruise details as we are also ALL about cruising! We can talk about Napa, Sonoma, Tiburon, Sausalito, Monterey, Carmel. Beautiful area... to visit...



Neither of us has ever been to San Fran before and we are very excited.


I have purchased a City Pass with unlimited cable car and muni and have booked Alcatraz for March 29. That will give us two more full days. Please do pass on any tips. :) We will be staying right in Fisherman's Wharf, so we should be able to get around very nicely by foot and cable/bus.


No we are not going to Alaska. Ports include San Diego, Catalina Island, 2 days in Cabo, and Puerto Vallarta. We were also supposed to go to Mazatlan, which was one of the main reasons for booking this cruise. :(

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Neither of us has ever been to San Fran before and we are very excited.


I have purchased a City Pass with unlimited cable car and muni and have booked Alcatraz for March 29. That will give us two more full days. Please do pass on any tips. :) We will be staying right in Fisherman's Wharf, so we should be able to get around very nicely by foot and cable/bus.


No we are not going to Alaska. Ports include San Diego, Catalina Island, 2 days in Cabo, and Puerto Vallarta. We were also supposed to go to Mazatlan, which was one of the main reasons for booking this cruise. :(


I'm sorry if you don't get to go to Mazatlan.


Tell me a little about your interests. If you are at all interested in maritime history, San Diego provides you with an absolutely fabulous in-water naval history museum; there are several vessels that are amazing to tour and you can take a sightseeing tour of the bay which provides you with the opportunity of seeing the aircraft carrier from open water... quite a sight! The tour of the USS Midway Aircraft Carrier is fantastic, giving you the opportunity of also seeking historic aircraft. It's just a fabulous walk through history and you can stay close to the port of the ship as well.


In Cabo San Lucas, I would highly recommend that you book The Rissalena if you want to have a fantastic catamaran sail. The owner of the boat is Eduardo Padilla and he has an amazing crew. This would be a private excursion as he doesn't offer a sailing through any of the cruise lines so you would need to get a party together from your Roll Call. Such an enjoyable day! He has local food and an unlimited bar, sailing and snorkeling. Of course, you will go to Lover's Beach and the promontories where the Pacific Ocean and the Sea of Cortez meet. Very enjoyable. Since you're in Cabo for 2 days, you might get lucky and be able to board with a hotel excursion on The Rissalena if you don't want to get involved with a booking with your Roll Call, etc.


Is there anything specific that you're hoping to do in any of these ports? (other than Alcatraz... which I've actually never done!)?


P.S. ... whispering in your ear.... no one says "San Fran"... no one... San Francisco, all the way!

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I can't stand my house right now. The onions are in the oven...OMG OMG...*drool*...


I don't see how this recipe can turn out bad...it's amazing so far:




Going to use bone broth...only chicken and turkey because that's what I have. Smells so good...

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Neither of us has ever been to San Fran before and we are very excited...Please do pass on any tips.


Bring a wind breaker. San Francisco is always windy. ALWAYS. And the buildings just create wind tunnels where the wind speeds up between the buildings. Also...even though it may forecast a moderate temperature...there is a lot of shade in San Francisco because of the buildings and the hills...combine this with the wind...you want wind breaking and layers in your clothing...and wind proof clothing STYLE (think Marilyn Monroe). And it isn't only the hills...there are the rails for the cable cars, the boards of the pier, etc etc that make for uneven surfaces and seriously...I can remember LEANING into the wind between some buildings if the weather wasn't ideal...you want to wear appropriate shoes.


One of the best bay shrimp sandwiches I ever had was from a street vender near the wharf. Yum yum. Fresh shrimp. Fresh sourdough roll. OMG. And there are places to grab soup in a hallowed out sourdough roll...OMG.


I love San Francisco. And Mom is absolutely right...no one calls it San Fran OR Frisco. At least, they never did in the entire time I lived there...and I was born and raised in the Bay Area and lived there for over 18 years. It's been years since I have been back...I've actually been thinking about a trip there with DS because he has never been.


You will have so much fun.

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Or maybe I should say Day One-ish...LOL.


A decided to have a latte...but in keeping with the avoiding dairy...I made it with Coconut Milk, which works for my latte since I like a flavored latte anyway...which means that I had sugar I wasn't supposed to have in addition to the caffeine. :rolleyes:


Otherwise...we were spot on with the program. DH and I talked after lunch...he said that his jaw was starting to hurt (almost) from all the chewing! LOL!! I felt the exact same way. It's been a while since I've eaten so much food that required so much jaw action. Seriously...you don't have to chew many things too much, KWIM? But raw veggies? OMG...I was looking at my yummy salad and I was thinking to myself...am I done yet? :p


Drinking the cran water all day really must be making a difference because I was having to go all day. It's like that though...your body finally decides to let go of some of it's stores when it understands that there is a steady supply coming. I'm hoping today is a bit better in that regard.


DH ended up with one extra serving of fruit because we had a smoothie for dessert. Thx to a conversation with Mom, I used coconut milk in the smoothie in lieu of yogurt...super yummy.


I did my crock pot experiment with the jerk sauce from the Marcus Samuelson book. I browned 6 chicken b/s breasts (moderate sized). I used about 2/3 to 3/4 cup of the jerk sauce to deglaze the pan and heat up the sauce. I poured that over the chicken in the crock pot and cooked it on high for 2 hours. The chicken juices combined with the jerk and it was really, really yummy. The whole family preferred this method to the roasting because the chicken had so much more flavor.


I stir fried daikon radish, zucchini, and orange pepper. I used that as a "base" and put the saucy chicken over the al dente veggies. We also had the onion soup, which was fabulous.


I guess I should point out one other aspect of the program...not supposed to eat sugar (which is why my flavored latte is out of program) and not supposed to eat starchy veggies like potatoes, winter squashes, and peas...sweet corn also, but that's debatable for being classified as a grain.


I'm very pleased with the nutrition that we had yesterday though...that's one thing that I love about this program. It really helps to branch out in the veg department. We ate strawberries, blueberries, spinach, collards, turnip greens, cilantro, parsley, green onions, yellow onions, garlic, red radishes, cucumbers, carrot, celery, green pepper, yellow pepper, broccoli, daikon radish, zucchini, orange pepper and all the nutrients in the spices in the jerk seasoning, the bone broth, and the whey protein. This is a huge improvement for me over what my diet has been, so even though we aren't 100% plan compliant, we are much improved. And this is also why I was thinking that we might ease into the plan.


Mom...were you able to go to Zumba last night? I can't wait to see your shimmy!! WTG Margaret! I'll have to remember that hint because people ask about how to shimmy all the time. It is a bit disconcerting to see all the EXTRA movement during a shimmy...I would just look UP (away from the mirror) and shake it anyway. LOL.


I think seeing a mix of instructors is great fun. Everyone has a slightly different style and musical taste...it keeps it interesting to have the variety.

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@Margaret. Shaking and shimmying my scapula! OMG. This is the instruction that I absolutely needed. As Anita will affirm, I am a very literal person. I am one of those black/white and rarely see the shades of gray people. So, when someone tells me to do a SHOULDER shimmy, I'm going to try to move my shoulders... the minute that I loosened up that area of my chest and also loosened up the muscles in my upper back, by golly the area started shimmying all over the place! Wow. So now I know the body dynamics to achieve that movement... I'll practice. THANK YOU.


Pam, this makes me so happy! I'm glad I was able to help. It is a big conceptual step to go from looking the effects of movement on the surface of the body, to understanding how your anatomy is making it happen. Snaps to you!


To circle back to our discussion about knees, this is partly why it disturbs me so much to see the teachers in the videos that Anita posted who have such poor technique. It shows a lack of understanding of basic anatomy and of some really basic principles of dance and exercise. I am so glad that Anita posted them and pointed out the correct movement and how it looks. Copying how things look is only the first step towards understanding how to make movement, so for new students it's even more critical that they have a really good instructor to model themselves after.


OK, off my soapbox now. :)

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One of the best bay shrimp sandwiches I ever had was from a street vender near the wharf. Yum yum. Fresh shrimp. Fresh sourdough roll. OMG. And there are places to grab soup in a hallowed out sourdough roll...OMG.


I love San Francisco. And Mom is absolutely right...no one calls it San Fran OR Frisco. At least, they never did in the entire time I lived there...and I was born and raised in the Bay Area and lived there for over 18 years. It's been years since I have been back...I've actually been thinking about a trip there with DS because he has never been.


You will have so much fun.



That shrimp sandwich on the street sounds soooo yummy.


I bake all my own sourdough, so I will definitely try some in SF to see how theirs compares. Feeding starter every day is almost like having an extra pet.


My knee felt quite good today so I went to my first zumba class in months. It was wonderful to be back and moving again, even though there are lots of movements that I have to be careful to avoid. What a nice welcome I received, too. Great to see everyone again.


Before class I noticed an older woman in a long black Arabic dress, complete with head scarf. More than a little unusual in a gym, here anyways. Sure enough, she entered our gym and stripped off the gown to reveal black tights and a white tank top. She must have been coming for some time while I was away, because she could really move well.


As my knee is now in a relatively good stage, I am going to hold off on the x-ray for a bit.

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Margaret...your soap box is very common within the Zumba community. There is a never ending debate about whether or not Zumba instructors should be required to have more education before being allowed to teach Zumba. Since Zumba is a license and not a certification, there is no test administered. You just pay the cost, attend the training, and then you are good to go. You have to rely on employers to weed out the good from the bad...but unfortunately, that can be unreliable. There are some exceptions with instructors that DO know what they are doing despite no other formal physical training education and also those that HAVE been certified in different fitness but don't know how to teach or monitor a class. Education or lack thereof is no guarantee in the quality of the instructor. Zumba, as is, is too much of a money maker to start to limit the way it creates instructors. And therefore, there is not likely to be a change in licensing requirements.


It is definitely buyer beware.


Burm...glad you could attend a class. I hope that there aren't any after effects today. It's nice to be recognized and welcomed back. It's one of the things that I personally love about attending class v. working out at home. I love the social aspect of class.

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So...on February 6, I took all my measurements.


And then we hit a MAJOR Fat Tuesday mentality in the house...


I don't even want to share what all we did...but let's just say that I had my fill of wheat...and much much more. And I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that I needed to get us started on this program ASAP...and I'm happy to report that after only 5 days of doing what we have done with our modified but mostly good following of the plan, I've lost all the bloat from our extended Fat Tuesday. *whew*


So it should all be downhill from here!:D I'm feeling really good. I've been dealing a bit of a low grade headache that you can't even really call a headache...which I am going to believe was a "cleansing reaction" resulting from such a drastic change from binging on absolute junk to eating an almost obscene about of fresh produce and mineral rich food.


We actually had sunshine yesterday. It's pretty rare lately. Like I can't remember the last time we did before yesterday. The weather was even decent. I had shared with DH how I was having problems with my motivation...and so he left work early yesterday so that we could spend some good time together and go on a walk in this great park that is in this area for hiking. It was so nice! And BOY could I tell how bad my cardio level is right now.:eek:


I'm trying to just stay positive about the whole thing. I got the kitchen finally totally cleaned on Wednesday and have kept it clean and fallen into something of a routine with our plan. Each day is easier than the previous, which I find to generally be the case whenever you are trying something new.


We keep eating the EXACT same breakfast. And each day, we get better and better at making the poached eggs better and better. They started off totally hard (meaning the yolk) and today I FINALLY had more of an "over medium" style yolk! YAY!


And we keep eating the EXACT same lunch. The only difference has been the seasoning of the chicken and the exact base of our green salad. The base always includes Romaine, Parsley and Cilantro and also one or more of Cabbage, Red Cabbage, Kale, and Spinach. And the topping have always included red radishes (because I didn't run out) and one or more of green onions, yellow squash, zucchini, and cucumber.


Dinner has been similar. Some sort of sauteed (stir-fried) mix of veggies and some sort of protein.


The variety of the veggie mixes has kept this rather unchanging menu interesting. I may branch out in the future...but for now..."same" is working for me and helping me establish the routines that makes it easier and easier to do.


Dinner last night was very good. Romaine Wraps. Think grilled steak taco in a Romaine leaf in lieu of a tortilla. We grilled lean steak with Creole spices. I made the following cabbage based topping:


Combine the following in a small bowl:

2 T apple cider vinegar

1/2 cup no-salt-added chicken broth (I used bone broth!)

1 T fresh ginger, minced

2 garlic cloves, minced

1 jalapeno, minced (optional), which I used, seeded and deveined


Add this dressing and the following to a large saucepan:

3 scallions, sliced

1 medium onion, chopped

1 green pepper, sliced


Saute for 2 to 3 minutes.

Then Add:

1 carrot shredded

6 cups Napa cabbage, thinly sliced (I already had regular cabbage at home and I used that, it was fine)


Cook for an additional 5 minutes.


Remove from heat and toss in:

1 cup cilantro, chopped

2 T olive oil

Juice of 1 lime


I also made the Restaurant Style Salsa that I mentioned before. YUM!!


Even DS will eat a taco on Romaine. He didn't want the cabbage though. He had steak, cheese, avocado and salsa. Not bad. The cabbage sounds odd. It has a tang to it that is not quite sauerkraut. It is somewhat like the idea of cabbage on fish tacos. We really like this dish because it stretches the meat also while still filling you up. It's messy...but oh so tasty.


One of these days, I'll get back in the swing of Zumba. I'm not worried. I've been listening to newly received music and making plans for choreographing some new songs. Projects are good.


Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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AAaargh...I just wrote a post, clicked on a link on the preview to make sure it opened right, and then closed the tab on the browser with my loooong post I just spent 10 minutes typing.


ANYWAY, I was thanking Anita, Anita's mom, and everyone else who has pointing out good form, watching the knees and ankles, preventing injuries, etc. I've been paying close attention to this in both my instructors and participants and see a lot of potential for injury. Luckily most of my instructors are very controlled, and although I've never seen any of them correct anyone else's form, they mostly lead by example. There's one instructor that everyone in our gym LOVES, but I've always avoided her class since I feel she is too high energy, high impact, and everyone always tries to keep up with her even if they are all over the place. I've always modified jumping jacks and anything with both legs off the ground...I don't like bouncing and have always been protective of my ankles and knees. Because I want to be able to do this in many years from now....



She subbed for my class last Thursday. I still worked up a crazy sweat while doing some pretty dramatic modifying.


Speaking of knees....Burm...how is yours holding up after your Zumba class?


I LOVE San Francisco. I have only been there three times - late 70's to late 80's, but I have never felt so 'at home' anywhere. Such a great mix of beauty, quirkiness, weather, food, arts, people, crazy hills, etc. (Oh yeah...Burm, DEFINITELY wear good walking shoes!


Member123 - did you get your shoes yet, and if so what did you think? I've been wearing my new Ryka Studio D's for almost 2 weeks. The first time I thought they were amazing...comfortable right away, lightweight, well-balanced, etc. Since then I've noticed a bit of tightness in the toe, but I have that on every shoe I can remember. I bought the 9, and I wear an 8.5 in most shoes, so I don't think I need to go bigger - just a bit of breaking in.


FYI, I've been wearing a hip coin skirt to 1 class a week, and besides it being so much fun, just noticed a big change in my midriff. I've lost about 2 lbs this month 'mostly' doing Weight Watchers (have improved but not overcome my nighttime mindless eating), but this morning while getting dressed I even wondered if I would dare wear a 2 piece swimsuit for our cruise in 7 weeks. The Tuesday Zumba teacher started bringing in about 10 scarves, and about 3 of us have our own, and she makes it a lot of fun seeing who can jingle loudest!

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AAaargh...I just wrote a post, clicked on a link on the preview to make sure it opened right, and then closed the tab on the browser with my loooong post I just spent 10 minutes typing.


I've done this. I don't know what web browser you use. I use Google Chrome. When this has happened to me, I've been able to open a new tab and on my new tab page there is a hyperlink that says "recently closed" and actually, I've been able to recover an unposted but typed in response. I don't know if other browsers have that feature somewhere. Maybe look for it? And give that a try in the future? I know that can be so frustrating!


I'm so glad all the posting helped you. That's one reason why I wanted to spend the time doing it...hoping it would be helpful.


WTG on being able to hang with a jumpy, high impact instructor! The more you do, the better you get...the more you can recognize steps and the more you can figure out how YOUR body is going to do those steps...and the safer you are because you are doing purposeful movement...and when you do that purposeful movement, whatever it is...you get your workout. That's just AWESOME. I bet you felt really great after that class...it's the mark of how experienced you are becoming to deal with a situation that is beyond your comfort zone. At least this is the way I read what you wrote...so again. WTG!!


Hip skirts ROCK. I love them. It really helps to get those hips and core moving...and that makes such a HUGE difference in how doing Zumba can make a positive change in your body. Your midriff WILL change with movement...and ALSO just by actively supporting your body for other movement. And I found wearing the same skirt to a good measure of how your midriff changes...as I could see the coins of each side of the skirt slowly get closer and closer to the knot as time passed.


There was a recent discussion on the Zumba forum where the instructors were arguing about whether or not Zumba was REALLY a core exercise. I think the best point made in the discussion was talking about how you HAVE to engage your core in order to effectively move other parts of your body. Back to the shimmy. In order to effectively work your shimmy muscles...you have to engage your core to support your upper body's movement. Otherwise, you look like a loosy goosy shaking mess. There is a lot of movement like that where the core is engaged but not necessarily moving. If you can learn how to engage that core throughout class...you can make more and more changes to that midriff. I think the skirt helps with that also because I would tend to "suck it in" a bit to get the skirt tight enough so that it wouldn't fall down...and then you tend to "suck it in" more throughout class.

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I'm finally feeling ok after having a miserable cold last week. MISERABLE! I went to Zumba yesterday and came home weak as a new puppy, but it felt so good to be back.


I feel so lucky to live in NY where there are so many unemployed dancers who become excellent Zumba instructors. I've been taking a Sunday class and the teacher is clearly a Broadway-style dancer, and his stuff is so fun. One of our warm-up songs is Raise Your Glass, and he makes us use all our big muscles and we get hot so quickly. Just what I need at my age!


Judi, I love that video you posted! We have some elderly cousins (mid-80's) who are very active and cruise a lot, and they are our role models. :)


Anita, I've been following your posts during your fat cleanse. I'm not surprised you were headachey, it's a sign that your body is detoxing. This has happened to me several times since I changed my eating habits and started losing weight. I'm going to do a liver cleanse this weekend that my doctor recommended. It doesn't sound pleasant, but I'm hoping it will help with some of my hormone issues.


Here is our salad from this weekend, from the 500 salads book. I love tricolor salad, and this is a nice variation.


Endive and Radicchio with Mandarin Oranges & Seeds:


1 1/3 c torn lettuce leaves

1 small head radicchio, torn

2 heads endive, separated into leaves

2 mandarin oranges divided into segments

1/2 c seedless grapes




4 T favorite vinegar

4 T favorite oil

1/2 t honey

salt and freshly ground pepper

1 T each peanuts, pumpkin seeds, and sunflower seeds


Toss the salad ingredients, mix the dressing and pour, then sprinkle the seeds on top.


I used balsamic vinegar, I think it goes nicely with the fruits. I don't like pumpkin seeds, and peanuts are very caloric, so I just used sunflower seeds and chopped almonds.



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Margaret. You and I. I'm so glad that you're feeling better. I think I'm on the downward slope of this miserable cold that latched onto me. I think I did the perfect storm in that I stressed my body by increasing my exercise program and got exposed to this cold virus at the same time. It is a miserable thing, for sure. Until last night, I couldn't recline at all without having to bolt right up and cough myself senseless. I've been paying attention to the "signs," and know that I don't have an infection so I can rule out bronchitis, etc., but this cold is something else! At least it's moved from my chest into my head and, even though that is not fun, I'm grateful to get the pressure off my chest, for sure.


I know we shouldn't live through other people's doctors, but would you share what the liver cleanse entails and how you think it will help with hormones? I am constantly trying to find information that would assist me with those questions.


I'm so glad that I get a dishwasher today! I'm going to sanitize all the dishes in my kitchen!

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Oh, Pam, I hope you feel better soon. It took me a good 10 days to get over it, and I still have a sniffle or two. I ended up sleeping on the couch where I could prop myself upright as much as possible, and still I had some rough nights there for a while.


The liver flush that I'm going to do this weekend involves several days of prep by drinking apple juice. The malic acid in it is supposed to soften any gallstones or other globs I may have in there. Better bile flow is supposed to aid the intestines in disposing of fat and cholesterol. Then in one day you do a short fast, then an olive oil mixture, then laxatives (yikes) and then a few hours later eat full fat ice cream to stimulate the liver, then laxatives again. I must stress that I am doing this under the guidance of my licensed clinical nutritionist (who worked at NASA, btw) and these are not the full instructions but just a brief overview. It may be great, it may do nothing, but I'm willing to give it a shot. I'll let you know how it goes.


For me, the connection with my hormones is that my liver is sluggish in breaking them down, so for example my THS levels are normal (thyroid stimulating hormone) but that's only because my liver is not breaking down the TSH I'm making, so my thyroid says "Oh, she has plenty" and slows down. So, I'm hoping that this may help my liver to work a bit better and that will in turn help my hormone situation.


I hope your dishwasher came! I can't imagine not having one anymore.

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We had a pedometer challenge recently. I forgot to wear mine, etc etc, so I needed to get 26K over the past two days in order to meet the challenge. To get the job done, I decided to do my latest ZIN volume. Every other month, as a ZIN member, I get a DVD/CD combo. The DVD has two different choreographies for each song on the CD. So I decided that I would do the DVD, both choreos in order to meet the challenge.


It's the first time that I've actually just tried to follow along the DVD on the first time seeing it. Normally I watch it and then decide if I like the routines. But I have realized with this one that you really need to do a routine to appreciate the routine AND the song...


Because there is a song on this latest release that I can't BELIEVE Zumba is putting out. It is total cheese...it is a song from the 80s...and I have to say...




I think it's one of the BEST covers that Zumba has EVER done. I think that you have to experience it in order to appreciate it. I will tell you that it is a Samba Remix of the song...Zumba has replaced the synthesizer keyboard portion of the song with horns...and it really is fun. It really is.


SO. If you get hit with something that is pretty cheesy 80s...this is straight from Zumba...and I'd love to hear what you think. I don't want to spoil the surprise for anyone...so sorry for the vague discussion. You will know it when you experience it. Again. SAMBA. I have loved doing one of the routines for the past two days...I loved it so much, I did it twice last night to get my steps in.


There are many many good songs on this latest release. I'm trying to note what sticks in DS's head because I think the Zumbathon idea I mentioned before is still in the works...and I'll need to figure out my portion for the event for when it happens.

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Speaking of knees....Burm...how is yours holding up after your Zumba class?


I LOVE San Francisco. I have only been there three times - late 70's to late 80's, but I have never felt so 'at home' anywhere. Such a great mix of beauty, quirkiness, weather, food, arts, people, crazy hills, etc. (Oh yeah...Burm, DEFINITELY wear good walking shoes!



Thank you for asking. The knees held up quite well, mainly because I avoided the movements that would cause me the most trouble (I am getting good at spontaneous free style). Also, there was no merengue that day, which is hardest on my knees with the constant pumping action. (I love merengue :( )


I thought I would start back by going once a week, but we are in the midst of a winter storm today. I hope to make the Friday class. If all goes well, I would like to start adding an extra class every couple of weeks until I get back to my old schedule.

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Because there is a song on this latest release that I can't BELIEVE Zumba is putting out. It is total cheese...it is a song from the 80s...and I have to say...






Ok, this is driving me nuts! Let's start a guessing game....


My first guess is "Wake Me Up Before You Go Go"

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Ok, this is driving me nuts! Let's start a guessing game....


My first guess is "Wake Me Up Before You Go Go"


Nice! I used to love Wham. That Wham song and the new Zumba song were produced in the same year. Both songs are from non-American musicians. That's today's hint...

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Men have never posted here...I doubt many lurk here...if you are a male, you will totally not be interested in this post. It will be TMI...


Ladies...because I have never shied away from sharing useful information...and especially because certain information can be very difficult to come by...I am going to share some very personal, but hopefully helpful information.


IF after using the toilet you pat yourself dry because the actual wiping action would be too painful...

IF you just can't sit normally because it is too painful...

IF it's painful AFTER you urinate...

IF you thought you had a bladder infection but still had all the same symptoms during and following an entire course of antibiotics...

IF in trying to describe your pain to your spouse you use the analogy of a fresh blister newly opened and rubbing SAND into it coming a LITTLE close to the discomfort that you feel...


Then this product MAY be the product for you:


Creme de la Femme


I purchased mine through Amazon.


I can personally attest to instantaneous relief from a single use. I have been uncomfortable with rare bouts of relief for a couple weeks now. The relief has been long enough to rule out other causes. I turn 41 in 25 days. With hindsight, I can say that I have had issues with this for decades. Sudden sharp inexplicable internal pain that would just as quickly go away...unfortunately, it has not gone away. However...the mail came today...and it delivered very welcome and comforting relief. I highly recommend this product.


And for the FULL TMI...after internal and external application...I feel good. Not messy. Not sticky. Not goopy. Just blessedly good. I'm happy to field any questions, but otherwise, I will not report on this product again.


I have also purchased another product that will not show an effect as quickly. I will report on it when I have something to report.


This concludes my TMI report. :o:rolleyes:;):cool:

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