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Any other Zumba fans?

Anita Latte

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My first class...I wasn't expecting many, if any, people to show up for my first class. There was only a one week lead time for registration. I haven't really updated my Zumba page beyond adding the classes, so anyone that looks at it has no indication of me and what I am about that would feed their interest. A few other reasons, but I had low expectations...


I had a class of two. Two ladies that are probably my closest lady friends since moving. It was a nice break in to the teaching side of Zumba...especially when I COMPLETELY forgot what we were supposed to be doing in the first sone...and again, in the SECOND song, when I completely blanked AGAIN...LOL. I was happy I was among friends. ;) And not some Zumba hot shots like myself that decided to try my class and find me seriously lacking in the first two songs...:rolleyes:


After that...it went very well...I at least remembered everything...I was pretty impressed with my ability to be an energetic instructor...the latte before class helped :p ... I did decide to skip Bon Bon when it came up on the playlist...LOL...it was too much to think about doing for me, and judging from the ladies' faces, it would definitely be too much for them!...so I had mercy on us all and moved forward...


It was during La Despedida that I had something of a mental breakthrough in terms of cueing, or leading, the class...and that song went off exceedingly well...it's a simple song, VERY simple choreography...so it SHOULD go very well...but something clicked, and I was able to really feel what it should feel like to be something of a conductor in leading the class...and really conveying to the class what and when the next move would start. So that was a great thing.


I know I need to work on the warm ups. After all is said and done...not sure I like the first song as much as I thought I would? Definitely liked "I Like It"...and thank goodness Mom shared that one of her instructors does the grapevine move to the chorus of that song...it fits so well...so when you completely SPACE the verses and the inbetween...you can really get moving again on the chorus!! LOL.


I'm not disappointed with the class turn out...it is as expected. I just feel the need to convey to the front office that I am okay with the turnout and to keep my class on their schedule. Normally a class wouldn't be taught if there weren't 4 or 5 registered people for it. But the lady had already asked how I felt about that because it might take time to build up a class. I think they will work with me on time and give me a chance. I just want to get that in writing though?


Kasi, I can relate to having a difficult class...I think everyone can...something about the day...water intake...hormones...whatever...it can feel like you are moving in water...that every move is something of an effort...I think it is after classes like that especially that you break through to a new level...you push your body beyond a certain point when you force it to do class when you feel like that...we'll see if something similar happens for you...usually, the day after a class like that, I wake up STARVING...


I think you should definitely treat yourself to a beautiful bright red cocktail dress!


I have seen the red Zumba pants. They are for "Party Hearty" which is the teaming up that Zumba has done with the American Heart Association. Zumba instructors will hold a fundraiser class and donate the proceeds from the class to the American Heart Association. Because of this reason, I do not know if they would sell those outside the US?


They have come out with a new line of Zumbawear. I haven't decided if I really like it yet or not. The shirts say things like "Move Me" and "Inspire Me"...not sure I like the "Me"...I wish it said simply "Move" or "Inspire"...but there is an instrutor tank...I wouldn't mind having a shirt that said Instructor.


AND...I forgot to turn on my HRM AGAIN...so I have no idea what my calorie burn was during my own class...ah well.


So I found out last night that I have had bad form during Pilates for doing ab exercises. Kelly corrected me on one thing last Wednesday. And last night she spent time talking indepth about the proper way to do "imprint"...and I have been doing it WRONG...so I think I have gotten a bit bigger in the hip measurement because I haven't had my stomach as flat as it could be during the actual exercising from having bad form? And so I am making a strong stomach that pooches out a bit? Because it is bulging out a bit during the exercise instead of being nice and flat? *sigh*


I am so tired this afternoon...I lost all that nervous energy after class and I am like a zombie...absolutely brain dead with no energy...I could take a nap while standing up.

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A bright red cocktail dress? My answer would be...




Who is the designer?


Of course I'm still hanging out here. Because I should be doing other things, and this is way more fun.


I just stopped by because I've changed into my Zumba clothes and I needed to get some space between me and my packing list. Do you ever read the Fashion thread on here? There is a lady on the thread, who calls herself a Fashionista, and I got all inspired by her posts and decided that I would make more of an effort in packing this time around. So I've been spending hours and hours going through my closet, trying on all my outfits, even trying on the accessories that would be best... and the shoes. This is just hours and hours of time. Because, of course, you have to write everything down so you can remember what you've decided on.


It's an interesting comparison to the way that I packed the last time. Last time, I was most interested in keeping the luggage weight to an absolute minimum because we were having to transfer bags at some train stations. They give you all of 2 minutes at a stop, if they decide to be generous. I knew that my DH and I wouldn't be able to handle too much; we had to handle 2 bags each. It was quite an effort. Anyway, for the amount of time that we were gone, which was 23 days (this time it's 26 days), I really thought I was doing great by taking 3 jackets, 11 tops, and 5 bottoms. Those were for all the pre-cruise land days and the cruise days... formal attire, pool attire, etc., of course were extra.


So far, by trying to pack for the event... like embarkation day, shore excursion day, eating in the dining room, etc., I'm packing 11 tops and 5 bottoms and 2 jackets. I haven't finished yet, but it'll just be a matter of supplementing with a few extra pants, some long-sleeved tops.. so the bottom line is that the weight will end up being about the same. And the outfits should be way more fashionable and, most important, I won't look the same in every single picture! That's important! This time we won't be catching any trains so that will be better.


Kasi, have you ever flown out of Marco Polo airport in Venice? If you have, would you say it's better to pay the extra money and get a private water taxi to the airport rather than take the cheaper way of getting onto the Alilaguna water bus? In figuring this out, we would have to get to the Alilaguna pier at 8:03am to be dropped off at the dock by 9:00am, and then we'd walk about 15 minutes to the airport ticket counter. It would cost us 26 Euro. OR, we could take a private water taxi and it would be about a 25 minute ride and a 7-minute walk. The cost would be 90 Euro. Is it worth it for the time and the convenience?


Also, can you give me any tips about the Marco Polo airport? I read a review that made it sound a bit frustrating... like they won't accept a printed boarding pass from the website but make you get a boarding pass from a special machine? And there are only a few such machines at the airport? You can't get into the line for security without a boarding pass, so you have to have a lot of extra time for the two different lines. Just making sure that this review is correct. That sounds a bit "fishy" to me... do you know?


We'll be leaving at 11:30am, USAir, from Venice to Philadelphia. I thought that was a great time to book the flight. Now, I'm wondering if we should have tried for a different time. But, what's done is done... so now I'm just trying to learn as much as possible to make it as easy as possible for us.


Any tips you could give would be great!

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Kasi, have you ever flown out of Marco Polo airport in Venice? If you have, would you say it's better to pay the extra money and get a private water taxi to the airport rather than take the cheaper way of getting onto the Alilaguna water bus? In figuring this out, we would have to get to the Alilaguna pier at 8:03am to be dropped off at the dock by 9:00am, and then we'd walk about 15 minutes to the airport ticket counter. It would cost us 26 Euro. OR, we could take a private water taxi and it would be about a 25 minute ride and a 7-minute walk. The cost would be 90 Euro. Is it worth it for the time and the convenience?


Also, can you give me any tips about the Marco Polo airport? I read a review that made it sound a bit frustrating... like they won't accept a printed boarding pass from the website but make you get a boarding pass from a special machine? And there are only a few such machines at the airport? You can't get into the line for security without a boarding pass, so you have to have a lot of extra time for the two different lines. Just making sure that this review is correct. That sounds a bit "fishy" to me... do you know?


We'll be leaving at 11:30am, USAir, from Venice to Philadelphia. I thought that was a great time to book the flight. Now, I'm wondering if we should have tried for a different time. But, what's done is done... so now I'm just trying to learn as much as possible to make it as easy as possible for us.


Hi Pam,


I´ve flown out of Marco Polo in 2008, and will do so again this June.

Easiest way for my would be a normal auto-taxi.

Why go by boat? The taxi will pick you up at the cruiseship terminal and drop you directly at the airport terminal.

Costs should be about 35 Euro per taxi.

There is a bus from piazzale rom, too, but as you don´t have that much

time to spare it would be cutting it close.


When is RCCL´s airport shuttle running and how much would that be? Might be an alternative...


When I last was at Marco Polo airport you had to get your boarding passes printed at a maschine, however there were enough maschines available.


It´s a small airport so getting around is pretty easy and you will be glad that you won´t be stuck there for a long time. Due to early snow I had to spend a long evening in Marco Polo airport on our last trip and they shut down all stores at about 8 pm and the self-service restaurant at 9 pm, as they have no vending maschines, it´s going to be a long evening without drinks if you are not aware of that...


It´s so great that you are ready to go on such a wonderful long trip, I´d be happy to carry your bags if that meant I could tag along :D For me packing wil be as always, packing way to much, but as I´m only away for a week, that´s not to bad.


As I mentioned yesterday evening, Zumba was pretty intense, and I´m a bit sore today. It´s a good thing my next class is not before tomorrow night, so I have some time to pull my act together.


The next few evenings will be spent at my computer as I´m creating a photo-book for my mum with pictures from dh and my wedding. Mum diesn´t have a photoalbum yet and I like these photobooks that look like a real book and are easy to bring along. It´s Mother´s Day in Germany on May 8th.

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oh, Kasi, that's a wonderful gift idea for your Mom. I've thought about doing those photobooks of our trips. In fact, Anita has volunteered to help with that for us.


We are staying in Venice for 3 nights after our cruise so we won't be at the cruise terminal. So I didn't really even look at the options from there. Our hotel is very near the Rialto vaporetto stop and not that far from San Marco Square; it's the Hotel Splendide if you are familiar. That's why I was asking about the private water taxi option.


I know that there are cheaper options to take, but I think that taking the bus would actually take us quite a bit longer than even the Aliluguna water bus; am I mistaken about that? Remember that, at our age, we can afford to make things a bit easier on ourselves.... but that being said, we hate to spend money unwisely. However, there are times, especially on vacation, when you balance time and convenience and money where the cheapest option just isn't necessarily the best. It's all a matter of balancing priorities... I have a terrible story about how I didn't make the right decision regarding transportation from the Rome airport to our hotel. I dom't want to make the same sort of mistake in getting from our Venice hotel to that airport.


Thank you for clarifying about the boarding pass machines. Things always, always run more smoothly the more information and knowledge you have! I think the reviewer was highly, highly stressed because they were so unfamiliar with the proper procedures and they were cutting their time way too short. Some people do create a lot of problems for themselves (and sometimes include others in their stressful situation that they created!).


Yesterday's Zumba class was kind of weird and interesting. Following Teddy always means a really high calorie burn for me. I thought I was working out pretty hard, but when I checked my HRM I didn't burn as many calories as usual... also my average heart rate was about 15 beats per minute lower... and my peak heart rate was also much, much lower. That's what happens you know.... as we get more fit; we have to work that much harder. As we lose weight, we have to watch what we're eating just that much more. That sounds like Debby Downer talk, but it's not meant to be. Just a realization.


OMG. The hardest Zumba classes that I go to are the ones where I've taken a significant break. Even my instructor had a difficult time coming back to her class after she was out for 2 weeks on her vacation! She had to stop several times... she just stopped and waved her hands around and nodded her head and tried to catch her breath! Wow.


;) You forgot to tell us the designer of the little red cocktail dress.... I'm interested for several reasons; love red and it's a US designer so I'm very curious....

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Oh Pam,

that´s fantastic.

Since you are staying a few additional nights and are in no hurry to get to the terminal, I believe the Aliluguna water bus might be ok, vaporetto and bus wouldn´t be that much cheaper.


So, don´t foreget to buy glass jewelery for Anita and yourself. I absolutely love the Murano designs and even though you can buy them in the USA too, they are never as cheap as in the city where they are produced :) I´ve got a whole collection and am looking for some more...

What are your plans for your stay in Venice?


I just took a look at "my" dress at ebay again, it´s a Suzi Chin by Maggy Boutique dress. I´ll have to take my measurements again to see if it´ll fit.

Today it´s raining, and nature seems to take a deep breath as it´s unusually dry and warm for april in Germany.

I´ll head over to the travel agencies websites and take a look for some cruises starting in september, we now know the available timeslots, so I just have to find a cruise that is apealing in price as well as destinations...

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Today...I had email conversation with one of my friends that came to class yesterday. She said she had so much fun. That she can't move her arms today but she's okay with that. :p


And my other friend, when we were picking up our DSs said that she wanted to come tomorrow if I was still having the class. I wasn't sure if she really enjoyed the class or not...but it seems like she did and wants to continue. So that's very cool. It might be a class of one because a prior commitment will keep the other friend away...but who knows if anyone else will show up? My friend gets to be my guinea pig as I get more comfortable leading the class.


I put together a play list that I am very comfortable with. Should be a good workout. I swear I will turn on my HRM for it. Kelly's class seems to be pegged now at between 650 and 700. And I know why. The breaks inbetween the songs...my heart rate DROPS...Kelly did a formula that I was already planning on doing...the first warm up song is all about attitude and having fun and starting to move the joints...the second song actually gets the heart rate up with simple moves. It was an effective plan...my heart rate was in the high 160s at the end of the second song...but I plummeted down to 121 before the third song began...and so it goes throughout the class...


Here's my song list for tomorrow:


Put It In a Love Song by Alicia Keys feat. Beyonce (Joint Warm Up)

Waka Waka by Shakira (Movement Warm Up and increasing heart rate)

I Like It by Enrique (Serious heart rate warm up & full body movement)

La Despedida by Daddy Yankee (Merengue)

Bon Bon by Pitbull (Reggaeton/5* heart rate song)

Danza Kuduro by Don Omar & Lorenzo (Line Dance breather)

Baila Esta Cumbia by Kumbia Kings feat. Selena (Cumbia)

Muscles by Diana Ross (Toning Arms/Abs)

Salsa by Madera Limpia (Salsa & Reggaeton)

Loca (feat El Cata) by Shakira (Reggaeton/Charleston)

Ven A Cumbiar by El Simbolo (Cumbia/Salsa)

Stand By Me by Prince Royce (Bachata / pre-cool down song)

Hold On by Toby Mac (static stretch cool down)


Kelly also passed along another job opportunity. It is to do a 30 minute session at a Curves location nearby-ish. This would be a nice addition. The pay would cover gas money? But the experience would be great. And the short session would be great. Kelly says it's a great opportunity to try out new choreography, etc. I'm definitely going to call to learn more and see if I would be an acceptable candidate.


I'm signing up for the CPR/AED training that will be in two weekends. I might be able to start after that! Who knows? I would prefer a couple more weeks practicing on my friends before getting to a place where there will DEFINITELY be people. KWIM? LOL.


Kasi, I looked at that designer and those are some very flattering dress styles! Did you get the dress?


Thinking about you too Donna! Hope all is well with you and that working out with your personal trainer is getting results!


Hope everyone is having a great evening.

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Today is my last "get it done" day before we leave tomorrow. We have a very late departure tomorrow... not getting picked up for the ride to the airport until 1:30pm, which seems like forever. We won't land until 11:05pm in Florida. With the time change, we'll be feeling fine but everything will be CLOSED or getting ready to close. We'll be able to grab a hotel shuttle, check in, and probably try to have a cocktail before getting some sleep.


Anyway, today is the official packing day. And my intention is to get a mini-marathon Zumba workout in today. I'm going to class this morning at 9:15am, and I intend to go tonight at 5:30pm! I think this will help me with my nervous energy and hopefully allow me to sleep tonight. I have the most awful time trying to sleep before a travel day. So maybe this will help with all of that.


I'll let everyone know if this turns out to be a good or a bad idea! I know that Anita is exhausted from all of her Zumba workouts. But part of that is her anxiety to make sure that people are getting a good workout and enjoying her class. She's put in many, many hours in doing her choreography for each song as well as her song playlist transitions to give the best cardio workout and also to be challenging enough but not too strenuous... kwim? She's really approaching her responsibilites as an instructor with a business, professional attitude; it's definitely not a "hobby" for her. For me, I just have to go and "play" along with the party being provided to me by the instructor. So I think I'll be fine; we'll see.


I'm a bit anxious about the cruise in the aspect of watching my calories, trying to exercise, and also enjoying myself. It's just so difficult to face the mental chatter when you are surrounded by food... all day long. And they make it as beautiful and as tasty as possible... of course!


Is anyone watching Top Chef Masters? Yesterday, they had the contestants on from the Biggest Loser. The challenge for the chefs was to take the most favorite foods of a particular contestant and reduce the calories of that food in order to allow the contestant to continue to eat their favorite things. OMG. The calorie counts on these foods was impossible! One contestant loves: french toast, eggs, sausage = 940 calories! another loves: bacon burger and fries = 1280 calories! another loves: deep dish pizza = 2880 calories!


Here's my point: in one of the on-camera interviews, a chef says, "we really don't pay much attention to the caloric content of the food that we prepare. Maybe we should." and then you also saw them sitting around, talking while the judges were deliberating. And one of the chefs said, "you can always make potatoes taste good if you put in a pound of butter." And everyone laughed.


But, it's not FUNNY. :mad: When you are a captive person, and you really don't know what you're putting into your mouth, you have to be so disciplined with portion control and simple refusal to eat more. You have to pay attention to how full you're feeling with every bite. And you have to prioritize your plate. This last part is so important.


I know Anita discussed on here the way that thin people eat (eating the best bites first) and the way that fat people eat (saving the best bites for last). It's crucial that you eat like a thin person on these cruises. Absolutely crucial.


So, I've given myself a little pep talk. I'm still going to thoroughly enjoy my cruise. I'm sailing the first leg of my vacation on the Celebrity Solstice in a stateroom category they call Aqua Class. This means that my assigned dining is a specialty restaurant called Blu. Blu is supposed to help with the cruising experience (for spa-oriented people, which I just equate to healthy lifestyle people) by (a) lower sodium content, (b) smaller portions, © emphasis on fresh ingredients. The biggest complaint from Blu diners is the lack of sweetness in the desserts! Yeah! I've already experienced Blu, so I'm really happy to be going back and enjoying the dining there.


I think I'm also a little anxious because I've managed to lose some weight... right before this trip. And I don't think my body has had time to make that weight loss a new set point. So I've got several thoughts that are rolling around and disturbing my emotions....:eek:


But, overall, I'm just :D:D:D:D

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Today's class was AWESOME!!!!! If I say so myself...and I DO! :D


At first, based on what the ladies said on Tuesday, I didn't think anyone's schedule was going to allow for also coming on Thursday, but both ladies came again AND the one lady invited a friend of hers to come...and THEN...one of the ladies that used to come to Kelly's class came!! I was so excited to see her. She was so excited to see ME! Because she loves Kelly and her class but just could get there in the evenings. She saw my daytime class and decided to get it a try...and she was so happy to see that she already knew me and would have a chance at knowing some of the routines, since I would be doing Kelly's!!


Let me tell you ladies...this lady...she is 75 years young...and I mean young...she reminds me SO MUCH of my Great-Grandma Mary...ahh...it's fabulous to have her in class! just fabulous! She is so inspirational to me. She left the class first and after she walked out, I told the ladies her age. Well, first of all they were floored because she doesn't look it at all...and second of all, how she does the class is pretty amazing too. She knows how to modify the class for herself and she does a good job of keeping with it. I LOVE it that I got to see, know what is going on with her, and that she is getting to get her Zumba back because I am doing the daytime class.


So it has been such a feel good day for me on so many levels.


And I wasn't nervous today like I was Tuesday...I told Mom earlier that I was quite impressed with myself. Because I am dragging out old Kelly songs, trying to find things that we haven't done in a while...the first songs that really got me hooked on Zumba, KWIM?...songs I know well...well...it is so interesting to do these songs 7 months later as the instructor...and to absolutely experience the difference in my ability to put more energy into the moves...make bigger moves...maintain the toning song...all of it...WOW...I hate to quote a cigarette advertisement...BUT...


I've come along way Baby!


Moving on...


It was very much like when...on the Biggest Loser...Bob and Jillian will do something like put the contestants through the work out that they did on Day 1...just so the contestants can experience how far they have come...It's such a great psychological boost...when you have been working out for a while, it really does something to lift your spirits to remind yourself about how far you've come.


And here's the deal about the cargo pants...I seriously need to get a belt! They have them on the zumba.com website...OMG...I NEED one...the deal is that the pants are made of no stretch, no give NYLON...which is great...super ightweight...and major bonus...they dry quickly...LOL...BUT...Ms. Anita has a bit of junk in the trunk so to speak...and requires a bit of room in the rear and legs...so I ordered an XL for my size 10/12 USA self...because the L was just too tight in the legs for good movement...well...the swim suit fabric waist gets really loose when it gets damp (I know, gross, but I'm just saying)...and this is NOT GOOD...I need a BELT big time!


Kasi, I know you are wanting cargos...this is just something to think about. I don't know your body type. Just an FYI for when you do decide to invest in a pair.


And I ended up skipping Loca today. Timewise...I needed to...and Salsa actually got our heart rates up enough...and I wanted to do the last 3 songs in that order, so AGAIN, I skipped one song. S'okay.


Hope everyone else is having a great day too!

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Oh well,

you know what´s it like when you wrote a really long post and upon hitting the send button the website is not available and all your thoughts are lost?

That happend last night.



Pam, I wanted to wish you a pleasant journey, with hopefully just the right amount of yummy food, as much exercise as you would like, nice people and wonderful destinations.

I´m awaiting your report once you get home, to fuel my own travel hype...


RCCL has a WOW sail next week, which gives you up to 200 US-Dollar in onbaord credit. Hopefully the cruise DH and I want to go on will be in the portfolio, too, and I hope that both bosses have agreed on the vacation time by then.


I´ve been to Zumba yesterday. I was still struggling, however, looking at Annies feet I noticed that she isn´t really moving faster than me, it just looks way more fluent whenever she moves. As it´s still Easter holidays, it was a trial class with lots of newbies, so the 5 of us that come regullarly all gathered up front, to get the most out of the class without collission with someone who is completely new.

After a one hour Zumba class and lots of sweat, 4 of us stayed behind for Caribbean Bodystyle, it´s a belly bottom legs class, that Annie is initiating. Well, to put it mildly, I won´t be doing any unnecessary moves anytime soon. I´m pretty sore today as Annie knew exactly which moves should be the most efficient, unfortunately these are the ones that also hurt and whatching the others I thought time and again: I´m not a snake, how am I supposed to do THAT?

Well, all in all it went better than expected.

Annie wants to make a regular class out of caribbean bodystyle, so I´ll have to check with my yoga instructor, if it´s possible, to come to class on wednesday instead of Thursday so that I´ll get some time freed up for the Zumba / Bodystyle combo.

And I´m going to drop one of the other Zumba days, as I believe Zumba 5 times a week might be a bit much for a couch potatoe like me.


Well, enjoy your day, because today is FRIDAY :) Have a lovely weekend and I´m looking forward to any report regarding travel, sport or any other topic you´d like to share.

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Kasi! Anyone doing Zumba 5 days a week is NOT a couch potato! Not even a couch tater-tot. Do you know tater tots? :D Girl, you'v got to change your words.... words are powerful... do NOT call yourself a couch potato!


Your new class sounds awesome. It targets the abdominal muscles? Just doing the power pumps in Zumba is still targeting my abdominal muscles. I would love to be able to do some dance moves that would target because I literally hate to do the crunches and bends that target abs... those are too much like doing EXERCISE!


OK. I promised so I'm revealing. We'll see what happens on the scale when I return... this morning I'm at 143.4 lbs and 20.6% bodyfat. I can't remember when I broke through the 145 lbs barrier; I'm hoping that it was long enough ago that my body's set point has been lowered. Remember that pre-Zumba, for years. I was stuck at 155 lbs, and was amazed at breaking through the 150 lbs barrier. And now.. here I am... I'm still so grateful that Zumba works so well for me.


Yes, I plan to enjoy myself... within reason... which is the essence of our healthy lifestyle attitude, right?


I didn't do Zumba twice yesterday. I had good intentions, and I'm glad that I went in the morning. Young's "old" achilles heel injury was acting up yesterday and she kept changing the music to find a slower song (well, relatively slower) and she was modifying moves to try to adapt her ankle. Totally understood her situation... but it was a bit frustrating, standing there waiting for her to find the "perfect" song. I don't know if she woke up with the problem, and didn't have time to change her playlist? She was also about 3 minutes late to class...


... and... she was substituting for Kristy at the evening class. So, I guess I used that as my "good" reason (excuse, really) for not going again yesterday. Plus, the packing just went on... and on... and on... forever! No matter how organized you try to be, there's just something about packing that takes so much time. I think my DH is meticulous... and I think we need a butler... :D ...


You ladies take care of yourselves while I'm gone! Keep Anita company! The only thing I don't like about going on my vacation is getting out of touch with Anita! We're limited to email exchanges about once a day and that is dependent upon the ship's wifi signal. So.... I'll let Anita know a bit about my days and she can chat with you. Kasi, if there's anything about the Voyager that you'd like to know... just ask Anita and I'll try to find out for you.


Bon Voyage to me!...

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WOW Kasi, somehow I missed that you were trying to do Zumba classes 5 days a week! That is a LOT. I think it would be just fine to do 4 a week, especially with the other classes you have going on. The new one sounds like it was a fun and effective class. Especially if you can feel the results.


With teaching my own classes, now I am up to 4 classes a week. If I could just reign in my eating, then I think I could actually get back on a losing streak. I think that I haven't continued to reduce my eating as my weight went down and I haven't had the calorie deficit that I need to continue to lose.


I know I have been stressed lately. I am currently a victim of the cortisol stealing that we talked about a long while back. Things are happening in the family that were/are causing so much stress. I was so anxious for my first classes. I was anxious about this family trip to Disney, the financial aspect of it. I am anxious about a potential move for my family soon.


So the first classes are over, and I'm feeling more comfortable with idea of leading the class. It is a lot of work, which I expected it to be. And I have rather high standards and expectations for most things that I do, so I put a lot of pressure on myself. Someone on the Zumba forum posted this quote by Ira Glass about doing creative work. It hit home for me big time:


The first couple years that you’re making stuff, what you’re making isn’t so good — it’s not that great. It’s trying to be good, it has ambition to be good, but it’s not quite that good. But your taste, the thing that got you into the game, your taste is still killer and your taste is good enough that you can tell that what you’re making is kind of a disappointment to you. A lot of people never get past that phase and a lot of people at that point quit.


And the thing I would just like say to you with all my heart is that most everybody I know who does interesting creative work, they went through a phase of years where they had really good taste and they could tell what they were making wasn’t as good as they wanted it to be. We knew that it didn’t have the special thing that we wanted it to have and the thing to do is — everybody goes through that. And for you to go through it, if you’re going through it right now, if you’re just getting out of that phase or if you’re just starting off and you’re entering into that phase, you’ve got to know it’s totally normal and the most important possible thing you can do is do a lot of work. Do a huge volume of work.


I love this quote. Because this is the thing I am going through. My class isn't exactly what I want it to be. This stresses me out! LOL. It's so good to have this perspective on the whole thing.


As to the family Disney trip. We are no longer going. It's a bummer. The entire clan is going except our family. BUT it feels really good to make a financially mature decision. Not only that, but I don't think that we were really looking forward to it. We weren't planning on going again this year, but the family influenced us to go. We will just have to make an effort to see the family at a different time.


The other is that DH is in the application process for a different position with a different business unit in his current company. It happens to also be in a different location. It would mean moving to the San Antonio area. This is where DH and I went to school, in San Antonio. I enjoy the city a lot. I love the area of Texas where it is. BUT the whole process of learning about an area, changing schools for DS, etc etc. And this time of uncertainty causes me stress.


I have to learn how to deal with stress better. I really do. I know that this is contributing to my lack of weight loss as well. BIG TIME. Not only on a hormonal level, but also on an eating level. I eat differently when I am under stress. And it's generally not a good thing. High fat comfort food. Ugh. And beer and wine. Ugh.


One thing that always seems to help DH and I get back on track when we have strayed like this is a particular colon cleanse from Blessed Herbs. It is a 5-day fasting cleanse. You actually end up having over 1200 calories in juice with the drink that you have to drink 5 times a day. And the drink is one of these bulk producing drinks that makes you feel very full. So it isn't like you are starving for the 5 days. But you have to do things to prepare your body to be able to do the cleanse. It takes a bit to do this. I think it could be time though. I need some sort of help to get back on track with the food end of the business.


Meanwhile, I need to clean the kitchen, clear out the fridge, and go grocery shopping today. I don't like shopping on the weekends...so crowded, but what can I do?


No Zumba for me on Sundays now. I'm going Monday and Wednesday nights and Tuesday and Thursday mornings.


What will your new schedule be Kasi?


Donna, hope you are doing well!

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Hi Ladies,


Just back from a week away at my folks.


Anita, way to go with your classes, glad they're going well for you! Guessing Pam is away on her cruise now, hope she's having a wonderful time. 12 weeks to go until we head off now so doesn't seem so far away.


I bought my dress for formal night and it looks amazing (even though I say so myself ;)). Still about a size too small but I know I'll get there. I went to the gym every day with my Dad which was hard going but well worth it!! We did a 3 day challenge, following the SW plan and going to the gym. My Dad finds it hard to lose weight but lost 2 and a half pounds in the 3 days (I put on 3 :mad: but know it's muscle).


I did miss my zumba though so back to it tomorrow night, that's my 'fun' exercise :). Kasi, 5 classes a week is amazing!


Sun is shining here and has been for about a week now, everyone is happy when the sun shines lol! The Royal Wedding was fantastic, lots of people had tea parties and BBQs, what a great day!


Anyway, hope you're all well?

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tonight was once again Zumba night. Annie hat another instructor as her guest and Martin did three songs with us. Well, lets say, I´m glad he´s not our regular instructor, otherwise I would quit. He did lot of jump-steps at an incredible speed. it felt as if my ankles were giving way, so I even had to stop at one of the songs.


Apart from that I´m still reorganizing my workout schedule. Annie shifted the Caribbic Bodystyle classes around once more, so my schedule no looks like:

Mo: Zumba + Bodystyle

Tue: Zumba (if not to sore)

Wed: Swimming (starting next week) + at irregular intervals: Bodystyle

Thu: Yoga

Fri: Zumba

Sat: Rest

Sun: Zumba


And yeah, I stil love Zumba. Even though I´m absolutely tired and a little sore tonight.

Well, I´ll be heading to bed early.


Anita, did you get any news from Pam? Is she enjoying her cruise?


Donna, your progress is amazing. Can you post a bit more information on which excercises you do at the gym? It´s great to have you back.


I´m planning a tupperware party at my house and also looking into another vacation. It´s stil up to dh boss to approve his planned vacation...


Anita, it seems you are quite busy. I hope everything works out for you and your family.

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I'm posting a fast post tonight.


Quite a crazy day. I had my own class this morning, but then I got an email from another instructor saying she was having a free class tonight and a wellness lecture. This is the instructor that I was originally thinking that I would go to on Fridays? Way back when, when I was trying to add another day to my week.


So I went to two Zumba classes today! :eek: I feeling surprisingly good.


Mom is having a great time on her cruise. Yesterday, listening to one of the bands, there were some ladies and they were dancing. They spoke no English. These ladies, apparently were having a ball and Mom could recognize that they were dancing salsa...and she decided that she just had to get up and join those ladies in their good time! She said it was so fun until she realized that they were started to copy what she was doing too! And that made her self conscious a little. But it was great fun.


These are the sea days of the cruise. And I hear that the gym is PACKED. Mom is a bit frustrated because she wants to be able to do some Zumba moves and she doesn't have a great place to try to do it.


I'll post more about this day tomorrow. It was very interesting to go to the other class tonight. Commentary on instructors in general. Just some observations.


I'm SO looking forward to a hot bath tonight!!!

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Donna...how fun to get your formal dress!! Even if it is a little small, you still have plenty of time to get into it. Anywhere where we could see a picture of it? I'm sure you will! I'm sure the weight gain is muscle. Especially if you are doing weights or other resistance training. More muscle means better fat lose in the future.


Kasi...some instructors are like that. Mom went to one that she called bouncy girl. The only reason she kept going to her class was because she knew she was leaving within the month. Sometimes it's the style of the instructor and they get drawn to the more jumpy kind of rhythms. I'm looking at trying to add some new rhythms myself and I've noticed that Calypso, Bhangra, and Quebradita are all super bouncy, jumpy things to do. You did the right thing in just taking a break.


WOW! So some days you might try 3 days in a row of Zumba? I have done that on my marathon weekends when we have a makeup class on Saturdays. Usually, I am SO ready for that break on day 4! Doing it every once in a while though...it really felt good actually when I was up for it...like you said...when you aren't too sore.


Last night was so interesting. The instructor is relatively new...licensed in Nov 2010...so it was a good learning experience especially for me to observe not only her but the class' ability to follow her. It was a pretty big class...FREE will attract people every time! LOL...And I recognized all the music in the class.


Kasi! For the first time I did Livin' La Vida Loca in class...that music IS so much fun. Ever seen the Shrek movies? I can't help but think of them when I hear that song. That was definitely a fun song, but the routine wasn't my fav. I have to look at the choreography notes to see if she did her own or followed Zumba's...I have a feeling she did her own.


The most positive thing about last night was the atmosphere...it was at a studio that is basically a one room business...a wall of windows on one side that opens into a courtyard area (feels private)...and she had track lighting with different colored bulbs...so the lighting was very dance club like...a little dim...in a good way...and with all the ladies...everyone was excited...so the atmosphere was definitely the best.


I hate to talk bad about anyone...hopefully, everyone has picked up on that personal trait of mine...but in thinking about the class and thinking about the most negative thing about it...I would say that the instructor was getting her work out in but not really making the extra effort to see that the class could follow what she was doing.


I left the class feeling more confident in where I want to take my class. What I want to work toward as an instructor. My vision I guess. I'm working on the patience to allow myself to grow into that vision.


Funny thing about that...we all have to allow for the time it takes to do something...I think this is what can be so demotivating...in general we can get a bit impatient...we want results NOW...but if we just keep after it...let the time go by...eventually, we get there...IF we keep after it.


On that note, I've been back in the kitchen and I've been feeling better. I'm still feeling tired, but in a better way, I think...I haven't had caffeine since Sunday...and I believe this is having an effect...but I'm not sure what to do about it...I've decided that the flavored lattes I like need to be more of a treat and less of a daily thing...at least while I am trying to get back into losing mode...but the weather...I haven't wanted hot tea...and I'm not very good at making iced tea...so I haven't had caffeine. And I'm feeling a bit tired as the day goes on...


Ah well.


Kelly had canceled classes on Monday night. I will be going to classes tonight. Wondering what to do about the caffeine issue prior to that...:confused:


Have a great night ladies!

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seems as though you are quite busy.

I had a day of rest today, just getting a haircut and counting the days to my vacation. We are already at day 24.


And I got some fantastic news today.

DH vacation time was finally approved. So I´m just waiting for the wow dale to be over and my TA to open again in the morning and than I´m going to book our cruise.

It´s gonna be a cruise aboard Mariner ots.


Anita, what kidnd of stateroom did you book? Do you have any tips for me regarding category or location? We are willing to spoil ourselves and invest in a balcony stateroom if the prices don´t go up before tomorrow.


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Yay for vacation time getting approved!!


Mom did all the booking so I am not sure about the details. I know that we have adjoining balcony rooms. We weren't able to be too choosy about where we picked to be on the ship because we were limited in what adjoining rooms were still available. I think we might be a D class? Does that make sense?


Our room has one of those beds that drop down from the ceiling? Not the sofa bed. Does that help narrow down the class?


My parents have been on Mariner before when it sailed down the Mexican Riviera. I'll see if she has any tips.


I need a hair cut. I haven't done anything with my hair for so long. My cycle has been to let it get long, get sick of it long, get it shorter, get annoyed that I can't pull it away from face, so I let it grow out long so that I can pull it back away from my face, then I get so sick of it long...LOL. I'm in the sick of it long phase right now...and have been for about 3 or 4 years, since I have decided I am sick of the routine and want to figure out a hairstyle that will work for me. My problem is that I hate to have my hair in my face...so it's either have it long (and pulled back most often) OR chop it so short it can't get into my face (which I have never done). But the heat is coming and my hair is HOT!

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I know what you mean.

I had my hair at chin to shoulder length for a couple of years. I finally noticed that, just by looking at a picture of me, you could not tell when it was taken. I always had the same haircut. So last november I decided to cut it short, and yeah, I mean short.

It´s now a haircut that needs no longer than 5 to 10 minutes to dry or 2 minutes with the blow-dryer.

I absolutely love the fell and knowing that it´s no hard work to look decent...


As a "normal" balcony stateroom and a D-Stateroom are just 10 euro p.p. apart, I believe we will book the more expensive stateroom. Well, let´s see what my TA says tomorrow. He never let me to a decision I was unhappy about...


It´s getting kinda late. So I´ll better be off to bed.


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One of these days I will have the courage to try a hair cut like that...the only thing that would be funny in the meantime is that DS's hair might end up being longer than mine! LOL. He has longER (not long), shaggy hair...my SIL called it the "Disney cut"...whatever...it was soccer player hair for him back in the day and now it is like Nadal... :)


I must admit to you lovely ladies that I ALMOST hope no-one shows up for class today...I know...it shocking...but I am SOOOO tired. I wonder if there isn't something more going on? Like an iron deficiency or something? Anyone know what would contribute to feeling so fatigued? Besides 4 classes in 2 days? LOL!!! Because this has been going on for a few days now.


Whatever. If anyone shows up it will be someone new because my other 3 are not coming for sure. My expectations are low...but it's okay.


I just need to add songs to my playlist from last week. I've decided to add JaiHo and Loca. I've been needing a more Indian sounding song and I need another more popular song IMO. Off to sync my iPod! More later...

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Hi ladies! Kasi, yay for your holidays, hope you managed to get something booked. It's so great to have goals to aim for isn't it?


Anita, look after yourself and don't wear yourself out, it's not worth it if you end up unable to teach/attend classes because you're ill. Glad the classes are going well though.


My new gym routine consists of the following Kasi:

  • 1000m rowing challenge (started at 6 minutes 54 secs, now at 5 mins 50!!)
  • 10 mins on bike random programme, hills etc
  • 10 mins on running machine - again random hills etc 1 min at 5km, 1 min at 6km alternately
  • 10 mins on cross-trainer - minute forwards/min backwards for 10mins
  • Weights - pull downs for triceps/biceps, adductor, abductor
  • Exercise ball - 40 sit ups, 20 chest presses with 3kg weights
  • Kettle bells - 4kg - 20 squats and tricep/bicep push ups

I absolutely love it because there's lots of small challenges so I can see improvements. I'm going 4 times a week.


I lost another 1lb this week which makes 28 and a half pound in total but I know with the muscle toning, it actually looks/feels much more. I will keep going and see how well I can do for the next 11 weeks!!


This weekend I am off to the lake district in England with 7 friends. We're staying in Centre Parcs (a large holiday camp) in a lodge so should be good fun.


Anyway, I hope you're all doing good and have a lovely weekend :)

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Thanks Donna for posting your workout routine, sounds impressive.


I have very fond memories of the lake district, spent a summer there in scout´s camp when I was 16. Close to Lake Windermere. I have to head back one of these days. DH just knows London, and I want to show hin the wonderful areas of Britain that I´ve already seen.

I absolutely loved the lake District, Blackpool and even Chester, but I also spent 3 fantastic summers at the English Riviera down in Devon.

These memories stay with you forever...


And I´m going to make new memories. Just confirmed our weekend at a spa hotel in France for Whitsun weekend.


Anita, don´t stress yourself, I´m ditching class tonight as I don´t feel up to it. I believe one is seeing changes in my silouette, however if I´m going to over-do it, I won´t have any fun anymore...

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I keep hearing the great things about Zumba and have wanted to try it but thought that since I'm in a wheelchair I wouldn't be able to do it. But I've read that there is a type of Zumba called Zumba Gold that is designed for people who are older or in chairs. I am fine except for my legs and would love to just go to the regular Zumba but I don't know if it would work. Anyone who's done it or Zumba Gold can you tell me about it? Thanks so much.

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I keep hearing the great things about Zumba and have wanted to try it but thought that since I'm in a wheelchair I wouldn't be able to do it. But I've read that there is a type of Zumba called Zumba Gold that is designed for people who are older or in chairs. I am fine except for my legs and would love to just go to the regular Zumba but I don't know if it would work. Anyone who's done it or Zumba Gold can you tell me about it? Thanks so much.


Welcome! I don't know how much of this thread you have read through...I am a recently trained and licensed Zumba instructor. I have not attended a Zumba Gold class so I don't have direct experience there, BUT I can give you some insight into the idea of Zumba in a chair from my research on the Zumba site as an instructor...As an instructor, there is a whole other area on the site for the instructors, including a forum.


SO...Zumba in a chair is totally possible. Zumba prides itself on being accessible to EVERYONE...it is technically called Zumba Fitness...so even though dance rhythms, especially Latin dances, form the basis for the class...the moves have an element of fitness to them that take them beyond club dancing but still keep the spirit of club dancing...hence the slogan, "Ditch the Workout, Join the Party."


There are multiple ways in which you might be able to attend a Zumba class, but I think the key will be finding the right instructor. Zumba instructors are LICENSED not certified, which means that there is no standard and there is no real control on the quality of each class. The burden is really on the instructors to put together their classes. Zumba provides all the tools, but whether or not an instructor takes advantage of this or goes off on their own is entirely the instructor's call. So classes will vary greatly by the instructor.


That said...on the Zumba forum, the idea of Zumba in a chair has been brought up in two contexts. First, the idea that someone who has attended a regular Zumba class has been injured and has now lost mobility in an ankle, knee, leg, whatever...something that has limited their ability to stand and participate...how can the instructor help them in their class because the student wants to still go to Zumba? This is a topic talked about. So SOME Zumba basic instructors have SOME knowledge on how to help someone do Zumba in a chair.


Another scenario is with the Zumba Gold classes and dealing with people who have limited mobility all the time. There is a separate training session for Zumba Gold and I don't know what all is covered in that training. I know that the basis of the training is how to modify Zumba to make it more accessible to those that need Zumba to BE modified. I don't know if chair modification is covered in the class. HOWEVER, this is a topic on the boards, so it is something that instructors may or may not be aware of.


My advice to you would be to look at the classes that you are contemplating, whether they are Zumba Gold or Zumba Basic classes. Look up the instructors on http://www.zumba.com . See if the Zumba Basic instructor also happens to be trained in Zumba Gold. ALSO, see if by chance any of the instructors also happened to be CERTIFIED to teach group fitness. This may be required in some businesses. The instructor would say ACE or AFAA certified. I'm not sure what all in entailed in that certification, but it would be an indication that you are dealing with an instructor that has been TESTED for the ability to teach a group fitness class.


I would contact the instructor(s) directly...there will be a link on the zumba.com site...explain your situation and ask them directly if they know or are willing to find out what to do to incorporate you into their class. I have found that most people that get excited enough about Zumba to want to be able to teach it are really enthused about spreading their love of Zumba and would welcome the challenge of sharing it with you. It just might take some effort on the part of the instructor, they might have to spend some time on the forums...there is an expert on there that addresses this to anyone that asks...a little bit of patience on your part as they figure it all out, and a bit of trial and error. But my thought is that advance notice would be extremely helpful in having your experience in a Zumba class be a positive one.


I encourage you to follow through with your desire to give it a try! Zumba is so much fun...part of it is the music...there is a huge variety in the music that can be and is supposed to be used for Zumba...from popular radio songs to Latin salsas, merengues, etc etc...to African beats...the Indian belly dancing...the idea is that the music is "World Music." Every class is supposed to have 70% international music and 30% local popular music. For my international friends here, they get to have American music be included in their 70% of their class, so their classes have a slightly different feel to it, because the USA is considered "international" for them. LOL. I find that a lot of the music I end up using for class feels like cruiseship music...or vacation music. I love that!


Another part of Zumba IS the class setting...for those that enjoy classes...you may actually see people SMILING while they are dancing...because it doesn't feel so much as hum drum, boring cardio exercise...the energy is great in the class...it can be very uplifting to be a part of a good Zumba group. It's finding the group that fits you that is the key...for ANYONE.


Stick with us...and feel free to ask me any more questions...and please let me know how this goes for you...and if there is anything that I can do to help you. It's gone now...but I think I saw you were in AZ? My parents live in Scottsdale and my Mom has attended many Zumba classes through 24 hour fitness in the area. I think she has gone to maybe even 8 different instructors? I know who her favs are and why and would have a recommendation for you if Scottsdale area 24-hour fitness is accessible to you. If you were to share with me where you are, I wouldn't mind helping you do the research...ask anyone on that knows me through these boards...I'm a researcher!! :cool::D


On another note...I need to get my baby shower gift done! We are having a baby shower for DS's teacher today...I have a signature gift that I always give...I make a hooded baby towel by combining a bath towel and half of a hand towel. They are always so cute! If I have time, I'll take a pic...more later...

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Thank you for the great information. I'd really love to try just a normal Zumba class to see what it is like, and if it's way out of my league (any of the leg stuff would be I guess) I would have to try to find a Zumba Gold class. I checked on the Zumba website and found an instructor who teaches both Zumba and Gold classes at a place I've never heard of called American Sports Academy or something like that. It's somewhat close to me, but I'm nervous about just showing up so I guess I'll try to contact the instructor and see what she says. I live in Goodyear, AZ which is a suburb of Phoenix on the west side of town. My husband works in Scottsdale and that's not so far that I can't drive there if there is a great instructor so i'd love some recommendations. I'd love some help trying to find a place to do this.


I have tried some aerobics in the past but the classes were so leg intensive that I didn't feel like I actually fit in there. And I keep hearing how fun Zumba is, and I work with a lady who is losing weight/toning by doing it and she loves it and looks great. I'm trying to lose weight but really need a good cardio routine that I won't hate. I love music and I love to dance (believe it or not, wheelchairs can do some cool dancing if given the chance) so I think this would be right up my alley. I'd love any help you can give.


Your baby shower gift sounds adorable. Would love to see some pictures.


Thanks again! You guys seem so nice on this board. I look forward to reading more (I'm still trying to catch up on this whole thread) and getting to know you all even better.


-- Barbara

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